Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 27 of 100

People become suicidal when they listen to evil spirits instead of the Holy Spirit to be FREE!

Skousen: “People don’t want to face the fact that we’re losing. All of Trump’s successes are just temporary. The deep state is so evil and powerful, a Satanic conspiracy…. You must prepare for the takedown”

(vid) Michael Brown: Demons Can Affect Christians Internally

DISCLAIMER: I Don’t agree with everything Michael says in this video, but this segment on demons is worth watching.

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The idea that a Christian can NOT have a demon can have devastating effects. Many ‘Christians curse people from their hearts every single day! Our church used to teach that demons could not affect Christians in any way internally, and some of the leaders let demons rule their thoughts and actions, which was disastrous! I wrote this to biblically refute this teaching: Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!

If a person believes they’re immune from demons, then if they have a vengeful thought, for example, that they know came from inside of them, in their way of thinking the thought has to be either from God or themselves. It cannot be from demons. So if they have hate and anger, they’re more apt to run with it, justifying it as necessary and let it rip, instead of dealing with it as to what it really is. They think “submit to God, resist the Devil and he’ll flee” doesn’t apply to them.

TruNews’ U.S.S. Liberty film update w/ trailer: Matt Skow shot 25 interviews so far! | Rick’s new book “Final Day”

Today on TruNews… We…publish never before seen footage from the upcoming Flowing Streams documentary-series, “Sacrificing Liberty: The True Story of the USS Liberty.”  …

4:25 “It started with these four men [survivors] who came in. Then I just wanted to find out more and more. … I’ve been all over the world with this. I’ve shot 25 interviews. … I’ve travelled everywhere that has something that we want to uncover or a lead that’s brought us.” – Matt Skow

13:55 U.S.S. Liberty film trailer

22:30 Rick’s new book: “Final Day: 10 Characteristics of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”

Why Are Young People So Unhappy? — Jesus promised to give us JOY!

Lust doesn’t make people happy. Life in the Son does:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts. – Galatians 5:22-24

“..for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” – Romans 14:17.

JESUS: “..Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and remain in his love. I have spoken these things to you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be made full.” – John 15:9-11

JESUS: 1 Father13 ..I come to you, and I say these things in the world, that they may have my joy made full in themselves. 20 Not for these only do I pray, but for those also who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you sent me. 22 The glory which you have given me, I have given to them; that they may be one, even as we are one;23 I in them, and you in me, that they may be perfected into one; that the world may know that you sent me and loved them, even as you loved me. 24 Father, I desire that they also whom you have given me be with me where I am, that they may see my glory, which you have given me, for you loved me before the foundation of the world.  26 ..that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and I in them.” – John 17

(vid) How Pornographers DESTROYED Patriarchy and the West

Quote from the Psychology Today article referenced in this video. Notice the pejorative words the anti-Christian magazine uses to stigmatize those who are still moral, which I put in italics. Even their title is deceptive:6 Ways to Develop Sexual Integrity.”

An interesting effect happens as people watch pornography. They … become more accepting of sexual diversity and less stigmatizing towards homosexuality. They become less religious, and may even experience more crises of faith. Enjoying porn leads to people changing their beliefs about sex and gender, and, in some cases, rejecting the dogmatically rigid sex/gender values they were taught in church.

Thoughts about Michael Brown — says we should stay in the middle

This video below is interesting. I agree with Michael that Biden should not have been allowed communion, because the sin is public. He says for unrepentant private sins, it’s okay to partake though, where the person is going to keep doing it. I’m now thinking that Paul said to “examine oneself” to not take it in an “unworthy manner.” Being hooked on porn and taking communion anyway, how is that biblical, Michael? [Michael is teaching a type of “only believe” hyper grace while saying he opposes it. I’ve been watching every one of his Q&A shows for months.]

How about this instead:

The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “Let no one who is at odds with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned.”

What if we would actually do what Jesus said to do, which should relate to taking communion as well as lifting up our hands in worship?

Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has anything against you; Leave there your gift before the altar, and go your way; *first be reconciled* to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. – Mt. 5:21-24

(vid) Skelly: Electric Scooter Evangelism in Atlanta — “Mercy is available for you today, but you gotta repent — gotta give up your sins. Gotta follow Jesus Christ in holiness. Follow Jesus to life!”

1:08:55 “Mercy is available for you today, but you gotta repent — gotta give up your sins. Gotta follow Jesus Christ in holiness. … Follow Jesus to life!”

(vid) Ben-Nun: Jesus Connected the Mystery of the Nephilim in a Parable

Steven Ben-Nun believes, as do I that because all of the Nephilim were not destroyed by the children of Israel, many people today have Nephilim DNA. Many are our leaders, explaining their psychopathic tendencies, and ease at which they can lie. See my article linked beneath the video.

Steven writes about this video:

In an amazing discovery of the Hebrew Mathew we see where Jesus connected the Dots of the Nephilim in a Parable he gave to his disciples that has been over looked by the English translation.

(vid) Michael Fackerell: The Romans 8:1 (Unabridged) Song

Most modern Bible versions cut off the second part of Romans 8:1, which is in Michael’s song here, and in the more reliable, Syrian, Textus Receptus Greek text that the KJV and some other translations like the NKJV and WEB are based on.

The NIV and most other popular versions rely on the Egyptian manuscripts, which were likely intentionally altered, as my links below the video demonstrate. The shortened version has become the #1 OSAS (“once saved, always saved”) greatest hit: “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus” — which is a complete misinterpretation of what Paul says in four different ways in 8:1-17 (see below).

This song is the unaltered real deal, what the text is really saying:

“There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Michael Fackerell sings this from Australia via Facebook, saying “Another new song with words taken from Romans 8:1”

UPDATE 11/10/19: Michael posted it on YouTube, apparently naming it this time:

Rick Benjamin does teach the false doctrine of “only believe” “once saved, always saved” — “It’s Not Do, It’s Done” instead of “Life in the Son”

Steven Ben-Nun: The Talmud, Nephilim, Rabbi Itzhak Shapira

Rabbi Itzhak Shapira video Steven shows a clip from: the Endtimes showdown: “Israel vs. Edom”

Skelly: Exploring the Ashen Remains of Gomorrah in Israel – SULFUR FOUND & BURNED!

32:25 Finds first sulfur ball — brimstone

38:20 BEST PLACE TO START if pressed for time! Ash shown, brimstone burns with blue flame!

The video they were likely watching on their phone as reference, which I first saw almost 30 years ago: (video) Findings Confirming the Bible – Greatest Biblical Archaeology Discoveries of All Time: Red Sea Crossing • Noah’s Ark • Mt. Sinai • Gomorrah • Ark of the Covenant — Ron Wyatt made no money from his adventures

This site can be seen from Masada, from the top of which I saw what looked like some type of ancient city. Skelly shows Masada in this video, which looks smaller than it is, because of his wide angle lens.

This is Skelly’s video from Masada. It looks like the concert venue is at 1:07. Not sure. The concert venue is next to Gomorrah in Skelly’s video below.

Skelly: “Most people get their theology from songs instead of from the Bible” – HELLsong (Hillsong) Concert Street Preaching

2:10 “Most people these days are getting their theology from songs instead of from the Bible, unfortunately — from pastors, from bumper stickers, from songs — but not from Jesus, not from the word of God.” – Kerrigan Skelly


Boshoff: Men, are you following Jesus, or Jezebel?

The world is being destroyed through satan’s first ploy to destroy mankind, and that is by using the woman to manipulate the man.

(vid) David Anders: Why Joe Biden was Refused Communion

Dave and I attended seminary together during my second time at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. I still consider him a close friend; though, we haven’t communicated much lately. I do differ greatly with some of his Catholic teachings — for example, the Rosary and praying to saints, which is discussed in this video — we think a lot alike regarding who goes to heaven.

I see Dave is an anomaly among Catholic teachers. I’ve never heard any other Catholic teach what he does on salvation. He would likely agree with what I often say: we must actually abide in Christ to be “in Christ.” Whereas most evangelicals believe Luther’s “only believe.” [And most Catholics think they’re good to go with some ‘Hail Marys,’ ‘Our Fathers’ and the sacraments, which I’ve always found a huge deception.]

We must have faith to enter when we die and see Jesus face to Face, which requires a pure heart. See: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

Dave Anders is the only person on TV whom I know of who teaches the truth about who goes to heaven; though, we do differ in some points, especially regarding infant baptism as being the start, which I just posted an article on.

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Watch @ 18:45  Joe Biden refused communion, why?

Michael Brown: Why Not Infant Baptism? All NT examples call for a response then baptism, including the jailer and his household

I took the time to transcribe and post this because I particularly like how Michael explains the jailer and his household in Acts 16, which I’ve heard from little on used as the main argument for infant baptism.

(vid) TruNews: Chuck Baldwin & Rick Wiles Expose Israel Worship – Building a temple for the Antichrist. “Our duty to Satan is one of resistance, not assistance!”

Chuck Baldwin and Rick Wiles, together for the first time in many years tell their stories of how they woke up to the deception of blessing currently Talmudic Israel to get blessed, a misreading of Gen. 12:3.

Chuck and Rick are both heroes in my view — having the courage to admit they were wrong, and now warn the people instead!

(vid) Keith Green on “I’ve Got a Secret” TV Show, Age 11! – 10 years before finding Jesus

Keith was a child prodigy who had just signed a 5-year recording contract as a rock ‘n’ roll singer with DECCA Records.

His first record was “The Way I Used to Be” | side 2: “A Go-Go Getter.”

Melody Green posted this on Facebook, saying:

So worth another watch, Keith at 11 on “I’ve Got A Secret” TV Show. When we met, he always asked me if I noticed his lisp… I tried, but never did. It’s evident here. He must’ve outgrown it, but at first he was very self-conscious about it, with me. He is so cute. So confident. But needed a bit of help answering questions from the celebrity panel. On his way to a life in showbiz, but God had her plans!

Pre-Christian Keith Green’s first record at age-11: “The Way I Used to Be” | side 2: “A Go-Go Getter”

True story. The year was 1965!

Keith found Jesus a decade later. He definitely was a go-getter!

Record details here.

Related: (vid) Keith Green on “I’ve Got a Secret” TV Show, Age 11! – 10 years before finding Jesus

Why Keith Green’s airplane crashed in 1982. Keith was only age-28 (born 1953)

The Keith Green Story: Your Love Broke Through (1 hour)

Keith Green had a big impact on my life. He was only four years older than me, and actually became a Christian about the same time I did, ’74-75. He died at only age-28. It’s absolutely incredible what he, his wife Melody and their friends were able to in just seven or eight years! Melody says in the film they were in Woodland Hills, a suburb of Los Angeles.

Praise God they were able to attend Ken Gulliksen’s rich, Holy Spirit anointed meetings right away, which was the start of the Vineyard movement. I didn’t find a church I could relate to until 1981, when I moved to Alaska and found Abbott Loop.

I listened to all of Keith’s music, and still have all of their “Last Days Ministries Newsletter” issues.

His legacy was so big, the vision and momentum, that something was seriously lost when he died in 1982. Christianity moved forward for awhile, but then floundered. The Vineyard movement fizzled out in about 1991. [Our church was autocratic, and the founder never did fully repent or reconcile. Anyone who said something was considered anathema. We were like the church of Sardis in Rev. 3:1-6, having a “‘reputation’ for being alive, but….”]

Keith wouldn’t have put up with the world taking over the church like it has. Hardly anyone today seems to have his passion for doing whatever God wants no matter what — “no compromise.”

This story is wonderfully told by Melody, their friends, and the great people who once were Sparrow records, which was later bought out by a secular label. Christian music was wonderful in the ’70s and ’80s! It’s so spiritually dead now. Keith would have never put up with that, and he ended up giving his music away for donations of any amount. He wanted to make sure the world didn’t compromise him through the love of money, and fame too.

I wonder what the world would be like now had Keith not died so early. He showed the impact that one sold-out man for Christ with great friends can do.

Today’s ‘Christian’ radio stations in America like K-LOVE won’t even play even one of his songs. That’s how sad and pathetic ‘Christian’ music has become — deadsville. This needs to radically change. Instead of “no compromise,” their message is “go to sleep;” “Jesus loves you no matter how much you willfully sin and don’t repent or reconcile.” That’s ‘Christian’ music today, and what is preached from most pulpits today too. Churches have almost no holiness, no presence of God, no passion. We have fake churches right now almost everywhere. Keith Green would freak! Imagine how Jesus feels right now with almost everybody doing their own thing, and acting like it’s okay.

Quite a story here! We need to get serious. We need to live no compromised — which is just normal Christianity, the way it’s always supposed to be.


This film was apparently released in 2002. This version is the best quality I could find online, and ends at 1:02:25, where it repeats part of it again, strangely. So it really is only an hour long.

Steven & Jana Chat with Adam Green – Jesuit priests have to be Jewish

Steven Ben-Nun @ 139:10: “You have to have a Jewish bloodline to be a Jesuit priest.”

Noahide Laws Debate | Dr. Michael Brown vs. Adam Green

This was a great blessing to see this excellent discussion happen!

Steven Ben-Nun’s (Israeli News Live) wonderful chat comment to Adam before the event:

Israeli News Live ​We stand with you Adam. May Lord help you to recall all facts. You know your stuff well. Will be watching and praying. Judaism needs to be exposed, Chabad needs to be exposed and noahide laws must go!

Keith Green: “Let Jesus take over your whole life … He’s not your Savior unless He’s your Lord … Give Him the whole thing”

This is the place of rest that Jesus and the writer of Hebrews talks about (chapter 4), when we surrender all, walking not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit — surrendered — letting Him lead, and we follow — resting.

Mt. 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Keith Green starting at 5:55: “If you’re here, sitting in front of what they call the ‘boob tube,’ and feel like you’re real empty inside. … Maybe you gave your life to Jesus…, but you haven’t been following Him with your whole heart. Talk to somebody and pray to receive Jesus. And if you once prayed to receive Him, then pray to commit your whole life to Him. … Let Jesus take over your life, and let Him be your Lord. He’s not your Savior unless He’s your Lord. … Call in and get right with Him. Because unless you’ve given Him your whole life He doesn’t want any of it unless you give Him the whole thing.”

(music vid) Keith Green: Asleep in The Light (1978 Live) — “‘Bless me Lord’ you know it’s all I ever hear”

In 1978, I had only been a Christian for about 3 years. Much Christian music was wonderful then, unlike today.

Now, it’s mostly “bless me Lord” or “God loves us no matter what” songs.

Keith tried to warn us.

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Bless me Lord, bless me Lord You know it’s all I ever hear
No one aches, no one hurts no one even sheds one tear
But He cries, He weeps, He bleeds and He cares for your needs
And you just lay back and keep soaking it in

Do you see, do you see all the people sinking down?
Don’t you care, don’t you care are you gonna let them drown?
How can you be so numb not to care if they come?
You close your eyes and pretend the job’s done

Don’t close your eyes, don’t pretend the job’s done

Church Fathers Said You Can Lose Your Salvation! — TERTULLIAN: “Walk so *holily* and with so *entire substantially of faith* to be *confident and secure* in…our own conscience” • “Is not this gift taken away from many?” IRENAEUS: “If we do things displeasing to God we obtain no further forgiveness” COMMODIANUS: “If you seek to live as the Gentiles do the *joys of the world* remove you from the grace of Christ” CYPRIAN: “Faith…and the saving birth do not make alive by *merely being received*. Rather, they must be preserved” • “A baptized person *loses the grace* that he has attained unless he remains innocent” HERMAS: “If you do not guard yourself against [anger] you…lose all hope of salvation”

Pew Survey: Christianity in steep decline – down 12% in 10 years. Young adults and Democrats least religious

TalmudVision Deception Landmark: ‘Ron Reagan’ trends after atheist group runs ad during Democratic primary debate

The ad is not new. It was filmed in 2014, but even into the following year FFRF had trouble getting television networks to play itNewsmax reported in 2015 that while CNN and Comedy Central were willing to show Reagan’s plug, “ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox all have declined to run the ad.” STORY

This ad ran twice during the Democratic debate last night. Ron Reagan, President Ronald Reagan’s son: “not afraid of burning in hell,” he boasts. And separation of church and state isn’t even in the Constitution.

I understand a main reason for the backlash against Christianity, besides TalmudVision’s continual anti-Christian bias. Instead of being salt and light, most ‘Christians’ don’t abide in Christ, what Jesus said is essential to be real Christians. Most do not follow Christ. Many follow TalmudVision: FOX News instead of the HOLY Spirit. Evangelicals are the main supporters of our reverse-Christian wars:

2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion

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