Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 29 of 100

(VID) Brittany: Women Are Losing Their Femininity — "Feminism is essentially like 'we love women; we fight for women, but by the way, women, everything that you naturally are, just throw that out as if it was a basket of rotten apples, and go and usurp the male role (in general what comes naturally to them), and then you'll be special, then you'll be something to be admired and aspired to'" • "Feminists despise everything a truly masculine man is while wanting to become it"

“Feminism is essentially like ‘we love women; we fight for women, but by the way, women, everything that you naturally are, just throw that out as if it was a basket of rotten apples, and go and usurp the male role (at least in general what comes naturally to them), and then you’ll be special, then you’ll be something to be admired and aspired to.'”

– Brittany Pettibone, transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“In the process of doing this, these feminists despise everything a truly masculine man is while becoming it. … To me, it seems very hypocritical of  them to kind of pull this thing where ‘Oh, we hate everything that you are but we want to become it.’

– Nicole, transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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(VID) Rick Wiles' TruNews: When Will Christian Zionists Denounce Talmudic Israel’s Embrace of Homosexuality? – "Many waved rainbow flags with the occult star of David in the center"

“Many waved rainbow flags with the occult star of David in the center.”

– Rick Wiles

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(VID) Jesse Lee Peterson w/ Lana from Red Ice: How Should White People Respond to Anti-White Attacks? – "See evil, speak up, but don't hate, or evil will overtake you and control you"

Lana is not yet a Christian. Excellent discussion!
I transcribed at minute 17:00:

“You should discern, but not be angry. You should see evil, but not be angry at what you see because evil will overtake you and it will control you. Discern it without the anger. So see evil, speak up, but don’t hate.” – Jesse Lee Peterson

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Can Christians Fall From God’s Grace and Be Lost? — "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man *fail of the grace of God*; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled" – Heb. 12:14-15 • Satan prefers that we'd be complacent and unconcerned about being lost

Not one verse says we cannot lose our salvation, while there are many dozens that prove we can, such as:

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled….” – Hebrews 12:14-15

This is just a small sampling from

(VID) Rick Wiles' TruNews: 30 Pieces of Silver – Will Israel Reward Christian Zionists With Stolen Palestinian Homes? — Why pre-trib rapture was invented • Why 'Christian Zionism' isn't Christian • Aerial Sheron and Menachem Begin were hard core, violent, murderous terrorists • "The 'Christians' in America have lined up and got married to them" • "'Christian Zionists' like John Hagee are going to pay a horrible price on the day of judgment" • South Africa to legalize stealing white farmers' land without compensation • "Taking somebody's land, based on race is wrong, immoral" • "'Christian Zionists' don't care. They say the Jews who reject Christ are entitled by race to steal the land from the Palestinian Christians. How is that different from what they're doing in South Africa?" • "This is against the great commission" • Mike Huckabee in an illegal Israeli settlement: "If President Trump could be here today, he'd be a happy man, happy because he's a builder. … He's building a NEW WORLD ORDER" • "I wonder if the Israeli Zionists are paying off the 'Christian Zionists' in America with land and houses stolen from the American people" • Headline from Israeli National News: 'WILL HUCKABEE PURCHASE A HOME IN A SETTLEMENT?'

Many important topics are covered in this broadcast from a true Christian perspective.
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Notes and transcriptions by Jeff Fenske. Words of Rick Wiles unless noted:
44:30 “They had to invent the pre-trib rapture to justify to Christians the establishment of the state of Israel. … Why? Because the Christians have to leave in a rapture so the Zionists can rule the world from Jerusalem.”
45:10 “There is no such thing as ‘Christian Zionists.’ You can either be a Christian or a Zionist. You can’t be a ‘Christian Zionist.’ … They both contradict each other. Christianity contradicts Zionism. Zionism contradicts Christianity. … True Zionism… [was to buy back the land peacefully]. The revolutionaries, the Kabbalists, the hard core Zionists said ‘we’re not waiting. We’re going in with guns. We’re going to take it.’ That was people like Menachem Begin and Aerial Sheron. Aerial Sheron and Menachem Begin were hard core, violent, murderous terrorists. … They killed Arab children, Arab women. They raised, burned down Arab communities and villages. They were terrorists. … The ‘Christians’ in America have lined up and got married to them. And now, every Arab, every Palestinian, everybody in the Middle East, if you say “evangelical Christian,” you’re a Zionist, and you hate Arabs.
Folks, this is against the great commission. … You’re supposed to go into all the world. We’re to love all people. We’re not to show favoritism. We’re not supposed to take sides in nations, joining this group against that group. The Christians ought to be in the Middle East saying to the Palestinians and the Israeli Jews, ‘put down your arms; forgive each other; make peace with each other. This is the way of our master, Jesus Christ.’
But the ‘Christian Zionists,’ like John Hagee…, they’re nothing but paid puppeteers for the warmongers in Israel and the U.S. deep state that want bloody wars, wars of conquest. And these people are going to pay a horrible price on the day of judgment. … These people in America, in the churches that are using God’s holy church to evangelize for war, you’re an evangelist for war. You’re going to answer for it someday, on the day of judgment, and you’re going to regret that you sold out the gospel for 30 pieces of silver.”
1:00:00 South Africa: government confiscation of white-owned farmland. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s racist proclamation, South Africa will amend the constitution to legalize stealing white farmers’ land without compensation:

“..expropriation without compensation in the public interest.” “The ANC will through the parliamentary process, finalize a proposed amendment to the constitution that outlines more clearly the conditions under which expropriation of land without compensation can be affected.”

Co-host: “This man is calmly talking about taking land from one individual and giving it to another based on race.”
Taking somebody’s land, based on race is wrong, is immoral.”
1:09:00 “Nobody cares. These ‘Christian Zionists’ don’t care. They don’t care that many of these Palestinians are Christians. … These ‘Christian Zionists’ say that the Jews who don’t accept Jesus Christ — in fact, they reject Him — they are entitled by race to steal the land from the Palestinian Christians. How is that different from what they’re doing in South Africa?”
1:17:10 Mike Huckabee: “I think that if President Trump could be here today, he’d be a happy man, happy because he’s a builder. … But we are discovering that as president he’s also a builder. He’s building a New World Order…. I can’t tell you how proud I have been of the president as it relates to the land of Israel. … What’s being built here is a bridge to peace.”
1:21:40 “I wonder if the Israeli Zionists are paying off the ‘Christian Zionists’ in America with land and houses stolen from the American people. … The headline [from Israeli National News, a website] said: “WILL HUCKABEE PURCHASE A HOME IN A SETTLEMENT?”

Will Huckabee purchase a home in a ‘settlement?’

Prominent Republican, Trump confidant Mike Huckabee visits Judea community, affirming US support for construction in Judea and Samaria.

Governor Mike Huckabee, a prominent Republican and close confidant to the Trump White House, visited a building site in the Tamar neighborhood of the Judea town of Efrat [Israeli settlement in the West Bank – editor] today, offering support for continued growth of communities across Judea and Samaria. Speaking beneath a large banner reading “Build Israel Great Again”, Huckabee said that he knows the US President is similarly supportive of construction. “President Trump is naturally a builder and he would be proud to see what is going on here in Efrat.”

The Governor, known to be a staunchly supportive figure of Israel’s right to self-determination and the Jewish State’s legal presence in Judea and Samaria pointed to the construction workers around him as evidence that these communities promote rather than impede peace, “The greatest path to peace is by empowering people via economic growth and that is exactly what we are seeing each. Every single day some 1,300 Palestinian workers come into this area to build homes and are given the means to provide for their families as a result.” …

Assisting construction crews to build a supporting wall around a new home in the community, Huckabee said with a smile, “This area is so great- perhaps now’s the time to purchase a vacation home.” VIDEO

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Pre-trib rapture is a demonic deception designed to keep Christians off-guard. No church ever taught it prior to the 1800s. The rapture happens at the second coming, after the tribulation

The pre-trib rapture is a demonic deception designed to keep Christians off-guard during the last days. No church ever taught it prior to the 1800s. The rapture happens at the second coming, after the tribulation.

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Tozer: "The vague and tenuous hope that God is TOO KIND to punish the ungodly has become a deadly OPIATE for the CONSCIENCE of others"

Once-saved-always-saved pastors present a deadly opiate.
Many “Christians” are now ignoring their consciences, believing false teachers instead.

Romans 11:20 ..Don’t be conceited, but FEAR; 21 for if God didn’t spare the natural branches [the Jews], neither will he spare you. 22 See then the GOODNESS *and* SEVERITY of God. Toward those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, IF YOU CONTINUE in his goodness; OTHERWISE YOU WILL ALSO BE CUT OFF [like in Mt. 7:19 and John 15:6].

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“The vague and tenuous hope that God is too kind to punish the ungodly has become a deadly opiate for the conscience of others.”

– A. W. Tozer

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When Christians willfully lust, demons have a right to enter, creating the addiction from which we MUST be free!

Lust demons are real. I had a vision that shows how these lust demons work:

“LUST ‘the poison that kills the soul’ FREEDOM! My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — When we realize demons drive lust we can be free!

Willfully lusting without repenting will keep us from going to heaven:

“Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

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"You must be willing to do something you have never done before to get to where you have never been before"

“You must be willing to do something you have never done before to get to where you have never been before.”

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(VID) Are You Going To Heaven? John Piper’s 15-Point Test

Full text of Piper’s points: Are You Going To Heaven? John Piper’s 15-Point Test
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These 15 points from John Piper are good.
The problem with John Piper’s Calvinistic teaching is that he believes all born-again Christians will walk this way or they weren’t truly born-again. See:

(VID) John Piper falsely teaches a type of OSAS: ‘a born-again Christian cannot lose his or her salvation’ – Calvin’s perseverance of the saints

The truth: God has sovereignly chosen to give us free will. Those who are born-again don’t have to obey. God will always enable us to, but we must decide to walk according to the Spirit or according to the flesh. Romans 8:

13 For if you live after the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are children of God.

The main thing is to maintain a clean conscience before God and men so we’ll have faith to enter when we see Jesus face to Face, like Paul did:

“..I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men” (Acts 24:16).

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If we REALLY want the Holy Spirit in our midst, we must allow Him to be the leader

“If we REALLY want the Holy Spirit in our midst, we must allow Him to be the leader.”

– Rick Joyner

(VID) The Arrest of Bill Whatcott! Police Headquarters, Calgary! – Passed out a homosexual-truth pamphlet


UPDATE: June 22nd, 2018

Mr. Bill Whatcott, a Christian activist from Alberta, has been charged by Toronto Police with “public incitement of hatred”. He surrendered peaceably June 22nd in Calgary after police had taken the unusual step of issuing a Canada-wide warrant for his arrest.

The charges against Mr. Whatcott are based on a complaint filed in 2016 related to his presence at the 2016 Gay Pride parade in Toronto. At the parade, he and several friends handed out Gospel literature with warnings about the spiritual and physical dangers of practising homosexuality.

Mr. Whatcott’s courageous group was able to distribute over 3,000 pieces of literature by disguising themselves as “gay zombies” and marching in the parade. They risked their necks and endured the hideous sights of this celebration of debauchery in order to reach men and women with life-saving, soul-saving truth.

You can view the literature Mr. Whatcott handed out, as well as photos from the parade, at the following links. WARNING: This content is very disturbing and graphic! View Tract – View Photos from Event.

Two pro-LGBT individuals tried to sue Mr. Whatcott shortly after the parade, claiming $104 million in damages for defamation against the LGBT community. However, the judge threw out the lawsuit.

It is extremely alarming that the police have now chosen to intervene and label Mr. Whatcott’s actions as a “hate crime”. This appears to be a case of real anti-Christian persecution, trampling to death our freedom of religion and freedom of speech in Canada.

Mr. Whatcott did not commit a hate crime. He did not call on people to “hate” anyone. Rather, out of love, he issued a daring Gospel call on LGBT folks to turn from their sins, repent, and be saved.

At the bottom of his literature to LGBT individuals, he wrote: “we also want to let you know there is a God who loves you, and who is real, and who has made a way for you to come to Him.” …

Rainbow – A Promise of God, Not a Symbol of Pride

E. Michael Jones: Hollywood Talmudists used a 'Holocaust' movie to break the decency code — For 31 years there had been no nudity in films, no obscenity, no promotion of homosexuality, no ridicule of the clergy… | Wilhelm Reich, a crucial figure in the history of sexual liberation as a form of political control, found: It's pointless to debate the existence of God with a seminarian. All you have to do is get him involved in illicit sexual activity, and the idea of God will evaporate from his mind | ‘The Talmud’ is a book that was created to keep the Jews away from Jesus Christ

My transcriptions of E. Michael Jones’ words in this audio interview, below:
3:25 “During the 1920s, when Hollywood films became more and more a part of our culture, everyone was upset at the sexualization of the culture they were promoting. … There was a lot of nudity in the films, … promotion of homosexuality…, and also ridicule of the clergy, blasphemy…. … The Catholics stepped up to the plate and created the Legion of Decency [National Legion of Decency]. …
The Jews in Hollywood caved in [to the boycott]. They instituted the production code, and for 31 years there was no nudity in films, no obscenity, no promotion of homosexuality, no ridicule of the clergy….
The Jews sensed their moment of opportunity [in 1965], and they floated a Holocaust film, which had become their sacred cause in the meantime — a huge difference between 1933 and 1965. The Jews now had the upper hand because of the Holocaust. So they floated a Holocaust film called ‘The Pawnbroker,’ which starred Rod Steiger.
The whole point of this is to use the Holocaust as a front, as a way of smuggling in what they’re really interested in, which is bare breasts. So there’s a black prostitute who bares her breasts in the middle of this film. That breaks the code. … They broke whatever restraints were on them. …

The Pawnbroker … was initially rejected because of two scenes in which the actresses Linda Geiser and Thelma Oliver fully expose their breasts; and a sex scene between Oliver and Jaime Sánchez, which it described as “unacceptably sex suggestive and lustful.” (source)

I would say there’s a direct line from breaking the code in ’65 then to the mainstreaming of pornography, which took place in 1973. Three of the top grossing films in 1973 were hard core pornography. The movie theatre was the vehicle for pornography at this time. …
Once they mainstreamed pornography, they used it as a form of control.”
14:00 “..we are a rational creature, and the only thing that allows us to retain our identity is the use of reason. And if we allow passion to override reason, we are no longer rational creatures, and the people who control the stimuli then control us.”
21:00 “‘The Talmud’ is a book that was created to keep the Jews away from Logos, away from the incarnate Logos, Jesus Christ.”
43:30 “Now, with the fall of communism, we’re in a very dangerous period on the verge of WWIII …, nuclear war with Russia. They’re rattling sabers, talking about using nuclear weapons….”
44:40 “He [Wilhelm Reich] is one of the absolutely crucial figures in the history of sexual liberation as a form of political control. He’s right up there with the Marquis de Sade, who was probably the founding father of this whole idea. Wilhelm Reich was a Jew, a communist and a Freudian psychoanalyst, living in Vienna…. He’s trying to convert everyone to communism, but he realized it’s hard to get people enthused about communism. But he realized as well that if he ever talked about sex he always had a big crowd. … He started to develop this whole idea of how sex can be used politically. The book is called ‘The Mass Psychology of Facism.’ It came out in 1933, and basically he said that either you pray or you masturbate, but you don’t do both. So if you spread masturbation you kill prayer. And so he said it’s pointless to debate the existence of God with a seminarian…. All you have to do is get him involved in illicit sexual activity, and the idea of God will evaporate from his mind.”

"Sometimes faith will make you look stupid until it starts to rain" – Noah

‘ONE’ with each other in Christ WILL HAPPEN “that the world will know!”

– Jesus’ heart-cry prayer for us in John 17

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"Blessed are the Peacemakers" – not warmongers 'blessing' Talmudic Israel to get blessed

Jesus said the PEACEMAKERS will be BLESSED — not ‘Christian’ Zionist warmongers, who are “blessing Israel to get blessed,” a mistranslation of Genesis 12:3, which is about blessing Abraham, not modern day, Talmudic, currently-anti-Christ Israel where most of the ‘Jews’ aren’t even Semitic!

(VID) Jake: 🐕 WAG THE DOG – 👱🏼 Trump Threatens Iran 👳🏼 with TOTAL DESTRUCTION 💥 — Under heavy pressure from multiple scandals

My take:
War with Iran will be another, horribly immoral, reverse-Christian action that destroys Americans’ morality, and for which God will judge US for, because we refused to love our neighbors as ourselves, the evangelicals following Talmudic FOX News instead of the HOLY Spirit.
Many evangelicals haven’t yet repented for supporting the previous, clearly reverse-Christian, deceptive, regime-change wars in which millions have been killed, injured and displaced.
Many evangelicals are currently heartless in their devotion to Talmudic, anti-Christ Israel.
Jesus and the early Christians never would have supported evil. Jesus warned about the “leaven of the Pharisees,” their Talmudic, power-over-others, NWO thought.
Frighteningly, we will reap what we sow. God is not mocked (Galatians 6). “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

Netanyahu’s 7 Nuclear Deceptions — 1992: *IRAN* nuclear “within three to five years” • 1995: “three to five years” • 1996: “time is running out” • 2009: “probably one or two years away” / “has the capability now” • 2012: “within a year” || 2002: *IRAQ* now operating “centrifuges the size of washing machines”

(Caught On Video) Netanyahu: “America is Easy to Push Around” – Israeli Prime Minister brags how he deceived Bill Clinton and deliberately destroyed the Oslo agreement between Israel and the Palestinians

EVANGELICALS’ LEGACY: Biggest WARMONGERS! – 2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War

(music video) Avalon: 'How Great Thou Art'

Interesting arrangement of my dad’s favorite hymn, which I sung at his memorial service.
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The Marriage Triangle

I first saw this at a Bill Gothard seminar in Minneapolis in the ’70s.
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Jeremiah, God's Prophet: "Everyone of them Curses Me"

Jeremiah 15:10

Woe is me, my mother, that you have borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth! I have not lent, neither have men lent to me; yet everyone of them curses me.

With this TalmudVision…

We are nothing without love

David Pawson: "MOST PASTORS admit to me they ARE COMPROMISED AND KNOW IT, but the fear of losing members…"

“He [Martin Luther] swept away relics, pilgrimages, purgatory, indulgences, five of the seven sacraments, and he was willing to bring the sole test of scripture to all of these areas, and was bold enough to deal with them.

That kind of courage is desperately needed in the church today, desperately. But I find there are few voices that are willing to tell it as it is. Most pastors admit to me freely they are compromised and know it, but the fear of losing members when your church is already shrinking is a kind of syndrome that is difficult to resist.”

– David Pawson @ 11:35 in “Completing Luther’s Reformation, Part 1 of 4,” transcribed by me

David is author of Once Saved, Always Saved?: A Study in Perseverance and Inheritance and Leadership is Male: What Does the Bible Say?

Are You Going To Heaven? John Piper's 15-Point Test

These 15 points are good.
The problem with John Piper’s Calvinistic teaching is that he believes all born-again Christians will walk this way or they weren’t truly born-again. See:

(VID) John Piper falsely teaches a type of OSAS: ‘a born-again Christian cannot lose his or her salvation’ – Calvin’s perseverance of the saints

The truth: God has sovereignly chosen to give us free will. Those who are born-again don’t have to obey. God will always enable us to, but we must decide to walk according to the Spirit or according to the flesh. Romans 8:

13 For if you live after the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are children of God.

The main thing is to maintain a clean conscience before God and men so we’ll have faith to enter when we see Jesus face to Face, like Paul did:

“..I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men” (Acts 24:16).

(VID) John Piper falsely teaches a type of OSAS: 'a born-again Christian cannot lose his or her salvation' – Calvin's perseverance of the saints

Host: “Can a born-again Christian lose his or her salvation?

John Piper:

“The answer to that question biblically is a resounding, clear, emphatic, joyful, glorious no. … The life that is imparted in the new birth is precisely eternal life.”

“Perseverance in faith is the evidence that we’ve been made part of Christ. And when that perseverance doesn’t hold, then we were never in.”

“It’s assurance rooted in our confidence in an absolutely sovereign, covenant keeping God….”

This is erroneous because God sovereignly states His covenants are conditional. The new covenant is conditional upon us abiding in Christ, which dozens of New Testament scriptures say. See:

“Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

Only those who overcome, who didn’t defile their clothes will not have their names removed from the Book of Life (Rev. 3:1-6):

He who overcomes will be arrayed in white garments, and I will in no way blot his name out of the book of life…” (Rev. 3:5).

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(VID) "Religion That Sends You To Hell!" by Paul Washer

(Meme) 'Becomes Christian, Doesn't Read Galatians'

Paul’s letter to the Galatians refutes the deceptive Hebrew roots movement.
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(VID) Jake: Did God Create Non-Jews to Be Slaves to Jewish Masters? — "I cannot fathom how any follower of Jesus Christ can justify embracing the un-Christlike actions of the very villainous people that Jesus repeatedly fought against. But that's how powerful the mind-control system of the Zionists is. It even takes Christians and turns them against Jesus Christ, while they think they are serving Christ"

38:15 “‘Christian’ Zionism…. I cannot fathom for a second how any follower of Jesus Christ can justify embracing the un-Christlike actions of the very villainous people that Jesus Himself repeatedly and consistently fought against. But that’s how powerful the mind-control system of the Zionists is. It even takes Christians and turns them against Jesus Christ, while they think they are serving Christ.”
– Jake Morphonios, transcribed by me

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(VID) Exposing Talmudic Judaism: What Jews Actually Believe About Jesus

Part 1 of:

(Full Movie) “Marching to Zion” – Rabbis Discuss Anti-Christian Talmudic Judaism

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Martin Luther’s Letter Saying "these Jews are not Jews, but devils incarnate who curse our Lord" on Auction for $300,000

“..the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”

– Jesus in Rev. 2:9

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Martin Luther’s Letter Calling Jews ‘Devils Incarnate Who Curse our Lord’ on Auction for $300,000

A letter written nearly 500 years ago by Martin Luther in which he refers to Jews as “devils incarnate” during a tirade against a former ally is up for auction by RR Auction in Boston. According to the auction house, it is an extensive, excptionally well-preserved letter, on both sides of the same page, to Georg Buchholzer, Provost of St. Nikolai in Berlin, regarding the latter’s dispute with the Brandenburgian court preacher and Luther’s student Johann Agricola from Eisleben (a.k.a. “Magister Eisleben”) about the treatment of the local Jews. …

Buchholzer at one point wrote to Luther asking for his interpretation of Biblical verses on which Agricola justified his pro-Jewish views. In his answer, Luther insisted that Buchholzer was right to preach against the Jews and should continue to do so, ignoring Agricola, the habitual liar.

“For these Jews are not Jews, but devils incarnate who curse our Lord, who abuse His mother as a whore and Him as Hebel Vorik and a bastard, this is known for certain. And anyone who is capable of eating or drinking or associating with such a foul mouth is a Christian as much as the devil is a saint… You may show this letter to whomever you wish.”

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