Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Bible Authenticity Revealed Page 2 of 5

Wonders LIVE (The Incredible Human Ear – Prof. Andy McIntosh)

4:00 Eyes: how essential and amazingly complex tears are!

8:00 Ears! How amazingly complex ears are!

Ear hairs are 72 times finer than regular hairs. They’re also like springs. When they snap from very loud sounds is when people lose their hearing.

55 fulfilled Old Testament Prophecies about Jesus!

55 Old Testament Prophecies about Jesus

Jesus Film Project


Some scholars believe there are more than 300 prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament. These prophecies are specific enough that the mathematical probability of Jesus fulfilling even a handful of them, let alone all of them, is staggeringly improbable—if not impossible.

Claim: Noah’s Ark ‘buried in Turkish mountains’ and experts say 3D scans will prove Biblical ship’s existence

I first heard about this almost 30 years ago, when I saw Ron Wyatt’s Overview of Discoveries video, and have heard conflicting stories of the validity of this object since. Wyatt found anchor stones that show images indicating eight people survived.

It’s possible that the ERT ground penetrating radar they’re apparently using is superior to what was available to earlier explorers. These guys claim this is for sure a ship, and it’s 50 miles from the nearest body of water.

The timing may be an indication this may be the real thing. Belief in God is at an all-time low, and a significant spiritual revival still needs to happen before this world ends. Proof of Noah’s ark would shock many, and could help spark a great awakening!

Skelly: Exploring the Ashen Remains of Gomorrah in Israel – SULFUR FOUND & BURNED!

32:25 Finds first sulfur ball — brimstone

38:20 BEST PLACE TO START if pressed for time! Ash shown, brimstone burns with blue flame!

The video they were likely watching on their phone as reference, which I first saw almost 30 years ago: (video) Findings Confirming the Bible – Greatest Biblical Archaeology Discoveries of All Time: Red Sea Crossing • Noah’s Ark • Mt. Sinai • Gomorrah • Ark of the Covenant — Ron Wyatt made no money from his adventures

This site can be seen from Masada, from the top of which I saw what looked like some type of ancient city. Skelly shows Masada in this video, which looks smaller than it is, because of his wide angle lens.

This is Skelly’s video from Masada. It looks like the concert venue is at 1:07. Not sure. The concert venue is next to Gomorrah in Skelly’s video below.

Young Earth: Polystrate fossils create an impossible situation for advocates of deep time

About Polystrate Fossils

by  | Oct 5, 2019

Polystrate fossils are fossils which are buried in the sedimentary record cutting through more than one sedimentary layer. The rock layers are called ‘strata’ and the fossil cuts through more than one, hence the name ‘poly’ for many and ‘strate’ for the strata the fossil cuts through. Polystrate fossils are found literally all over the world.

(vid) A Historian Examines the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus | Peter J. Williams

New Book! "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" Thoroughly Revised and Updated

I read Josh’s first two versions about 40 years ago, and was greatly blessed. This is probably outstanding!
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The Synoptic Gospels Presented Side-By-Side — All four gospels in harmony confirm we can trust we’re reading what Jesus really said

Harmony of the gospels — shows consistency in all four texts written by different authors at different times in different locations — led by the Holy Spirit!

(5 min vid) Was Jesus A Real Person?: Did a Historical Christ Exist? – Extra-Biblical Evidence is Conclusive By Itself!

(vid) How Long Were Late Antique Literary Manuscripts In Use? (Craig A. Evans, PhD)

Ample time for them to be copied many times, directly into many manuscripts.


Video starts at 4-minute mark:

John's Gospel May Have Been Last, But It Wasn't Late — Written after the other gospels and prior to 70AD

By J. Warner Wallace
I also believe this gospel was written early; within the lifetime of people who witnessed the events it records. This is important, because the early dating of the Gospels helps to establish their reliability as eyewitness accounts. Here is a very brief summary of the evidence establishing the early dating of the Gospel of John:

(vid) Peter Williams: We Can Trust the Gospels – Facts

Ex-Atheist: "To continue in atheism, I would need to believe nothing produces everything, non-life produces life, randomness produces fine-tuning, chaos produces information, unconsciousness produces consciousness, and non-reason produces reason. I simply didn't have that much faith" – Lee Strobel

“To continue in atheism, I would need to believe that nothing produces everything, non-life produces life, randomness produces fine-tuning, chaos produces information, unconsciousness produces consciousness, and non-reason produces reason. I simply didn’t have that much faith.”
– Lee Strobel writes on Twitter, 12/24/17

The Bible Disproves the Flat Earth Theory

(audio) James Perloff on The Hagmann Report: Destroys Darwinism!!

James Perloff, Author “Tornado In A Junkyard” Will be with us for the last 2 hrs presenting the case for his book “The Case Against Darwinism”


44 Reasons Why Evolution Is Just A Fairy Tale For Adults


Universe Contains 123 Quintillion Stars! That's 123 billion billion. 123 million million million!!! — Hubble Ultra Deep Field

Extrapolating from this Hubble image, scientists have estimated that the universe contains at least 200 BILLION GALAXIES, EACH HAVING an average of 100 BILLION STARS!!!!!!!
Also, our sun is an average sized star.
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According to the Space Telescope Science Institute, the Hubble Ultra Deep Field has an angular size of 11.5 square arcminutes. That means that it would take 12,913,983 Deep Field images to cover the entire sphere of the sky!

Just for fun, let’s calculate roughly how many stars that implies in the observable universe: The ultra deep field image has about 10,000 galaxies in it. If we assume that each galaxy has 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) stars, then the approximate number of stars in the visible universe is absolutely staggering: 123,000,000,000,000,000,000

123 quintillion stars! That’s 123 billion billion. 123 million million million. (source)

The 'Big Bang' Deception: All Explosions Destroy – Cannot Produce Life!

The Big Bang Theory:

“It’s the only explosion which is not destroyed. All explosions destroy. The big bang theory ‘creates life,’ which is ludicrous.” – Dennis Wise (source)

(vid) Science Says Gays Are NOT Born This Way – Homosexuality is a Lifestyle Choice!

The Four Miracles of Atheism – If (1) nothing was able to produce everything, (2) non-life was able to produce life, and (3) chaos was able to produce order the atheistic worldview would still encounter an insurmountable obstacle. (4) No matter how organized, it is impossible for physical material to produce the immaterial realities of human consciousness. Our morality, beliefs, desires and preferences all exist outside of mere physical matter

The Four Miracles of Atheism

Consider the following four miracles which must be accepted by the atheist in spite of scientific evidence to the contrary:

  1. Getting Something from Nothing. There has never been an observed example where something was created from nothing. No person would attempt to build something without materials, and there is no theory outside Big Bang cosmology which reaches this conclusion without ridicule from the scientific community
  2. Getting Life from Non-Life. Even if naturalistic causes could have created the universe, it would still be necessary for non-living material to become living. This is also an unproven (and impossible) feat which must be accepted when denying the existence of God.
  3. Getting Order from Chaos. Personal observation tells us that all things tend towards disorder, not order. Left to themselves buildings crumble, gardens are taken over by weeds, and living material decays. If unguided natural causes produced the universe (from nothing) and produced life (from non-life) these processes would necessarily go against observed scientific principles in order to produce the complexity, beauty, and order that we observe in the world around us.
  4. Getting the Immaterial from Physical Matter. If nothing was able to produce everything, non-life was able to produce life, and chaos was able to produce order the atheistic worldview would still encounter an insurmountable obstacle. No matter how organized, it is impossible for physical material to produce the immaterial realities of human consciousness. Our morality, beliefs, desires and preferences all exist outside of mere physical matter.

Each of these examples go against the natural order and could be labeled as miracles. Naturalistic worldviews such as atheism, evolution, and neo-Darwinism regard this evidence for God with what Dawkins would certainly consider an unscientific approach: each item must be taken on faith. (source)

(vid) Debate: Kent Hovind Creationist vs 3 Evolutionist Professors! – Embry University 2004

Professor R. Luther Reisbig, Associate Professor Reinhold Schlieper, and Professor Jim Strayer all teach at Embry Riddle University. These three professors take on Dr. Hovind in the great debate of “Evolution vs. Creation Science.”

This debate was very well put together, and there is a great question and answer time at the end. This very lively crowd makes this an exciting debate to watch! See for yourself the incredible frustration and anger that comes out at Embry Riddle University when the evolution theory is challenged.

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Kent Hovind Creationist vs 3 Evolutionists Debate Daytona Beach, FL April 17th, 2004.

(video) THE HEAVENS DECLARE: Lunar eclipses render 'Flat Earth Society' a myth — Aristotle: "In eclipses, the outline is always curved, and since it is the interposition of the earth that makes the eclipse, the form of this line will be caused by the form of the earth's surface, which is therefore spherical"

The Lunar Eclipse — Testament to the Spherical Earth, Detriment to the Flat Earth | David Rives

(3 min video) Where did God come from?? Good answer!!

Kent Hovind!
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Where did God come from?? good answer!!

(video) Drone Flying Over the REAL Noah’s Ark

I am also convinced this is the real Noah’s ark, and can’t understand why most people in the world don’t now know. The evidence is overwhelming, and the claims about the Ark landing on Mount Ararat were fabricated. It’s a volcano that didn’t even exist after Noah’s flood. I first saw a film on this in the early ’90s, and have followed the story ever since.

For more on this and other Biblical real-history discoveries, see my Ron Wyatt posts at ONEcanhappen.

The creator of this video said this in a comment:

Around 2010 there was a Japanese team that planted “ark” evidence in the mountains and then “discovered” these things. My tour guide knew locals that were paid to help these “researchers.” It was all about making money. I have video footage of an interview about this topic from the tour guide. I really believe the footage above and multiple findings by Wyatt are the real deal. Listen to his testimony online sometime.

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Main parts to watch:

Good intro: 0:00 – 3:10

Drone footage: 13:30 – end 

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Drone Flying Over the REAL Noah’s Ark

(video) Creation Seminar 1 – The Age of the Earth (FULL) – Kent Hovind

Creation Seminar 1 – The Age of the Earth (FULL) Kent Hovind

(video) Creation Seminar 2 – The Garden of Eden (FULL) – Kent Hovind — If you combine increased air pressure, filtered sunlight and the stronger magnetic field you’d probably get Garden of Eden conditions

For “flat earth” believers, Kent discusses the firmament in Genesis at 26:43, and how the Earth is of course a sphere.

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Kent Hovind, transcribed by Jeff Fenske:

1:20:45 “Dr. Baugh is raising piranha in an aquarium with a stronger magnetic field around it. Just increasing the magnetic field is doing something, because his piranha are four times larger than normal. When he raised fruit flies in a hyperbaric chamber, they lived 10 times longer than normal, just by increasing air pressure.

If you combine the air pressure and the filtered sunlight and the stronger magnetic field you’d probably get Garden of Eden conditions. … Maybe more things have been lost since then.”

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Creation Seminar 2 – The Garden of Eden (FULL) Kent Hovind

(video) Creation Seminar 3 – Dinosaurs and the Bible (FULL) – Kent Hovind

Creation Seminar 3 – Dinosaurs and the Bible (FULL)

(video) Creation Seminar 4 – Lies in the Textbooks (FULL) – Kent Hovind

Creation Seminar 4 – Lies in the Textbooks (FULL)

(video) Creation Seminar 5 – The Dangers of Evolution (FULL) – Kent Hovind

Creation Seminar 5 – The Dangers of Evolution (FULL)

(video) Creation Seminar 6 – The Hovind Theory (FULL) – Kent Hovind

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