Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Freedom Page 9 of 12

ONEcanhappen 2011 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 79,000 times in 2011. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 3 days for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

[video] Ron Paul senior advisor Doug Wead: Ron Paul leads among evangelical Christians in Iowa!

[youtube=]Choose The Liberty Party Or The Tyranny Party

Uploaded by on Dec 28, 2011
Choose The Liberty Party Or The Tyranny Party Ron Paul 2012


[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights — “I think we should practice A POLICY OF GOOD WILL to other people. What about saying that we don’t do anything to any other country that we don’t have them do to us?

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time

Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

Thanksgiving Family Forum: Ron Paul Highlights — “The time when I made my commitment to Christ”

[So why won’t evangelical ‘Christians’ support Ron Paul? WWJD?] Bill Sardi: What would really happen if Ron Paul were as elected President?

[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”

Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Rick Perry: We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush — If James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul!

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation

Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.

Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

Vote For Peace – Ron Paul 2012 — “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus

Ron Paul Ad – Washington Machine — “The Washington machine is strangling our economy…. One man stands alone — a real plan to cut $1 trillion year one! … Consistent, incorruptible, guided by faith and principle…”

“The Washington machine is strangling our economy…. One man stands alone — a real plan to cut $1 trillion year one! … Consistent, incorruptible, guided by faith and principle…”

[youtube=]Ron Paul Ad – Washington Machine

Uploaded by on Dec 26, 2011


[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights — “I think we should practice A POLICY OF GOOD WILL to other people. What about saying that we don’t do anything to any other country that we don’t have them do to us?

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time

Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

Thanksgiving Family Forum: Ron Paul Highlights — “The time when I made my commitment to Christ”

[So why won’t evangelical ‘Christians’ support Ron Paul? WWJD?] Bill Sardi: What would really happen if Ron Paul were as elected President?

[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”

Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Rick Perry: We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush — If James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul!

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation

Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.

Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

Vote For Peace – Ron Paul 2012 — “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus

[video] Alex Jones breaks down, telling it like it is

Interesting comments and real emotions from a regular guy who is really trying to make a difference.

Transcribed by myself

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“As things get worse and worse,
I get closer and closer to God.”

* * *

“I grieve for where this country is going to go.
This country is going to be destroyed.”

* * *

“It’s unspeakably bad what’s going to happen,
but it’s the law of the universe.

If we stand by and let third-world people be killed….”

– Alex Jones

* * *

[youtube=]Alex’s Emotional Breakdown!

Uploaded by on Dec 23, 2011

Reporting on the Globalist Plans for america and the rest of the world all these years has finally taken it’s toll.

[youtube=]Alex’s Final Thoughts on This Christmas Weekend

Uploaded by on Dec 23, 2011

Alex breaks down the latest news as the mega-banking elite switches into overdrive to implement their world government totalitarian system.

[video] John Paul Jackson: Some things to watch out for in Yoga

The first part is pretty good, but I posted this for what he says about Yoga.

We need to be careful.

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[youtube=]ISD Live with John Paul – The Architect of Your Destiny, and the Root of Yoga

Uploaded by on Dec 9, 2011

In this excerpt from December 2011’s ISD Live with John Paul Jackson, John Paul discusses a comment released on twitter/facebook regarding your destiny and the definition of architect. He also discusses Yoga and whether or not Christians should participate.

John Paul’s ISD Live is a monthly subscription based webinar that features up to date prophetic insights from John Paul, Biblical teaching, live Q&A, and more.
Sign up today at

Steve Quayle’s Hot Headlines – with a Prophecy: My people, you are called to believe in Me and stand on My word alone, but YOU JUDGE ME BY WHAT YOU SEE IN THOSE in the earth who are only human vessels of My nature. Why do you not SEEK ME and KNOW ME for yourselves? Why do YOU INSIST that I AM LIKE THEM when I HAVE CALLED YOU all TO BE LIKE ME? In times coming, above all else, I desire that you would LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

Disclaimer: This is cutting edge info of which all cannot be totally trusted (but that’s absolutely true of the mainstream media too). It’s good to put it in your seed box to see what will sprout.

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Response to Inquiry About Attacks: I was praying and inquiring of the Lord about the many emails and phone calls I received in the last week about Christians attacking other Christians. I myself have also come under attack in the last week. This is what the Lord said about the attacks. The greatest attacks are yet to come, My children. You see an increase in the attacks of others upon you even now, but I tell you that far greater attacks than these are coming and many of you shall not endure. By this method does the enemy cause many to fall, to stumble, and to lose their hold on salvation. more

Top Gov. Lawyers: U.S. Citizens Can Be Military Targets Without Trial: U.S. citizens are legitimate military targets when they take up arms with al-Qaida, top national security lawyers in the Obama administration said Thursday. The lawyers were asked at a national security conference about the CIA killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen and leading al-Qaida figure. He died in a Sept. 30 U.S. drone strike in the mountains of Yemen. The government lawyers, CIA counsel Stephen Preston and Pentagon counsel Jeh Johnson, did not directly address the al-Awlaki case. But they said U.S. citizens do not have immunity when they are at war with the United States. more

Dutch Researcher Created A Super-Influenza Virus With The Potential To Kill Millions: A Dutch researcher has created a virus with the potential to kill half of the planet’s population. Now, researchers and experts in bioterrorism debate whether it is a good idea to publish the virus creation ”recipe”. However, several voices argue that such research should have not happened in the first place. The virus is a strain of avian influenza H5N1 genetically modified to be extremely contagious. It was created by researcher Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands. The work was first presented at a conference dedicated to influenza, that took place in September in Malta. more

Farmegeddon is Here! Action in the food fight is hitting the fan so secure your food supply and be prepared to defend it. The powers that be found a Constitutional breach back in 2008 and they wasted no time making sure that breach could never be restored. Here are two major hiccups that you need to know about whether you get involved in the political arena of the food fight or not: Animal Health Surveillance and Monitoring System hidden under an amendment to the Privacy Act. morego to archives


Dec 2
Barak vs US: We Can’t Wait Until Iran Declares It Has A Nuclear Bomb
New Gun Company Advertisement Compares Obama to Hitler, Stalin
Top Gov. Lawyers: U.S. Citizens Can Be Military Targets Without Trial
The Media’s Blackout Of The National Defense Authorization Act Is Shameful
No Wonder America’s Founders Distrusted Standing Armies
Activist Boasts of Communist Leadership in Occupy Movement – Links to Re-election of Obama
‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Passes Senate 93-7
Stewart Rhodes: Senate Bill Declares War On Americans
Obama’s Dictatorship Is Almost Complete
6 Shocking Revelations About Wall Street’s “Secret Government”
A Hedge Fund Insider Explains Why Retail Investors Should Flee The Stock Market
Obama’s DoJ Strongarms, Sues Business to Impose Sharia: Company Forced to Pay $50,000
Have You Heard About The 16 Trillion Dollar Bailout The Federal Reserve Handed To The Too Big To Fail Banks?
Factories Stalling Worldwide
Make Wall Street Pay For Its Criminal Conduct
Destructive Southern California Winds Produced By Unusual Weather System
100 Mph Winds Buffet Utah, Toppling Trucks, Trees, Power Lines
New Icelandic Volcano Eruption Could Have Global Impact
Farmegeddon is Here!
Response to Inquiry About Attacks
Dutch Researcher Created A Super-Influenza Virus With The Potential To Kill Millions
Digital DNA the New DNA

Dec 1
When Governments Go Rogue
Do Not Be Deceived: S. 1867 Is The Most Dangerous Bill Since The Patriot Act
Obama Admin Seals Records of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Implicated in Fast and Furious
War On Drugs Revealed As Total Hoax
Air Force Academy Adapts To Pagans, Druids, Witches And Wiccans
Outside View: Buck up, America!
Russia Unveils New Radar System To Counter European U.S. Missile Shield
Sprott Calls Silver Producers To Action
Perpetual QE Without the Billboard
Peter Schiff Explains What Today’s Global Fed-Funded Bailout Means For The Future
Gerald Celente – The Lew Rockwell Show
Tracy Lawrence, Notary Public Who Blew The Whistle On Massive Foreclosure Fraud, Found Dead
Brian Stewart: The Powder Keg That Is Syria
White House Insider: There Is A Very Uneasy Peace Between President Obama And The American Military
Mayor Bloomberg: ‘I Have My Own Army’
Russia Considers Blocking NATO Supply Routes
Message From Maurice Sklar – War Soon To Erupt On And Around Israel – prophecy
Is The End Of The World Really Nigh?
Digging Into China’s Nuclear Tunnels
PV Vivekanand: ‘Fourth War’ In The Making
Andromeda Strain: Scientists Tinker With A Deadly Influenza Virus That Could Wipe Out Civilization
Monsanto Spreads Roots Into Modified Produce
EmTech: Get Ready for a New Human Species – SQ NOTE: This arrogant statement is equal to “come let us build a tower to heaven” and the builder of the “Titanic” stating that that even God couldn’t sink her. Heaven is about to move and it will be greater destruction then even the Tower of Babel and The Titanic sinking. The transhumanist, hating God’s creation, and shaking their fist in the face of a Holy God, is about to be countered by his REPLY: “Flee from the Tower and abandon the sinking ship”.
Are Evangelicals A National Security Threat? – SQ NOTE: Christians – bad, Muslims – good. This hate article should cause 10’s of thousands of e-mails
Scripture of the Day

Nov 30
DOJ Ignores Christians and Defends Muslims
Senate Passes Bill Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans … Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture
Past Wasted, Present Lost, The Future?
Black Friday Madness Reveals Animalistic Behavior Of Modern People – flashback
Tens Of Millions Of American Families Are Living On The Edge Of Desperation – And The Economy Is About To Get A Whole Lot Worse
Overruled: Government Invasion of your Parental Rights
Bird Flu: Scientists Develop New Strain Of H5N1, Avian Influenza, That Could Kill Millions
Hyperinflation Warning, Preserve Value with Gold
Cramer: ‘We Are In DEFCON 3, Two Stages Away From A Financial Collapse So Huge It’s Hard To Get Your Mind Around’
Holding the EU Together by Money Printing and Force
Here Comes The Global, US-Funded Liquidity Bail Out
Group Aims to Pursue Lawsuit Over Geo-Engineering Related Illnesses
Radioactive Scare Shuts Down Haymarket Station
Israel, Iran, Armageddon and the Coming War of Gog and Magog
NATO-Gulf Military Officers In Turkey Prepare For Intervention in Syria
Katyusha Fire On Israel Was Syrian Warning. Turkey Ready For Any Scenario
Accelerated Warming: More Evidence Of Destabilization At The Southern Pole
6.0 Magnitude Earthquake Latest In A Convulsion Of Strong Tremors Rattling Dangerous Region of Philippines
End Of The World Speculation After New Mayan Discovery
Busted! Secret App On Millions Of Phones Logs Key Taps
‘UFOs’ Disrupting Search for ‘God Particle’
Vampire, Occult Entertainment Going Too Far? Christian Leaders Urge Action
Twilight Saga: ‘Breaking Dawn’ to Break Down Morals, Website Warns
Yoga Is The Work Of The Devil, Says Vatican’s Chief Exorcist (And He Doesn’t Like Harry Potter Much Either)
Scientists Warned To Consider Ethics Of Research

Nov 29
Iran Prepping al-Qaida for Large-Scale Attacks
Iranian Protesters Storm Uk Compound In Tehran
Israel Preparing Iran Attack?
NATO Supply Stopped Permanently: Malik
Middle East Firestorm: Worsening Crisis May Soon Engulf Region In ‘Unthinkable’ Nightmare
The Russian Bear Is Back, The Soviet Union Is Being Revived And The Cold War Is Not Over
Yes, Americans Will Be Targeted As Terrorists Under the NDAA
Indefinite Domestic Military Detention
Afghan Officials: Fire From Pakistan Led To Attack
Two Possible Outcomes For the European End Game
Gold and Silver Rise/Markets Rebound On Positive Black Friday Results
Paper Money Is Not Wealth
The Future Of Jobs
Moody’s Continues Fanning the Eurozone Debt Crisis Flames
PayPal’s Links to Palantir, a Metasearch Technology Used by Intelligence, Law Enforcement and Military Organizations
Gold May Hit $3,000 If US Devalues Dollar
Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks Undisclosed $13B Profit
Banking System Rotten to the Core
Should the Fed Save Europe From Disaster?
6.4 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Tectonic Plate Boundary Near Papua New Guinea
Pan-American Volcanic Awakening- Ecuador’s Tungurahua Volcano Goes Into Convulsions
Planetary Climate Chaos: Strong Wind Storms Wreak Havoc Across The Globe
Climate Set To Worsen Food Crises – Oxfam
Judge Andrew Napolitano: What if …?
Scripture of the Day

Nov 28
U.S. Declares Cold War With China
Pakistan: 24 Troops Dead in NATO Helicopter Attack
Pakistan Stops NATO Supplies After Deadly Raid
Iran Says 150,000 Missiles Pointed at Israel
S.1867: The Hunting Of America Expands
Hiding Mass Murder Behind “National Security”
Arab Sanctions Find Syria’s 7 Neighbors on Alert. Russian Missiles for Assad
Christians in Imminent Danger Across the World Are Refused Refugee Status While Muslim Refugee Immigration Goes Unimpeded
Jurists Protect the State and Ignore the Constitution
U.S. Federal Judge John Roll Murdered: The Sheriff’s Judge Who Upheld The Constitution And Reversed Congress!
Anger, Fear, Determination Permeate Anti-Shariah Conference At Madison Church
Photos: Iranian Navy Takes Delivery of Coast-to-Sea Missile Systems
Germany Buys Itself First-Class Ticket on Titanic
Woman Pepper Sprays Shoppers To Get Xbox
European Banks Frantically Trying To Dump $7 Trillion Of Crap Assets — But No One Will Buy Them
Prepare for Riots in Euro Collapse, Foreign Office Warns
While Consumers Shop, U.S. Descends Into Planned Financial Implosion That Favors Corporate Elite
Multi-Trillion Bank Bailout Leads to Multi-Billion Bank Profit Bloomberg Finds
No Laws Were Broken
Solid Proof That Weather Modification Projects Are Being Conducted All Over the U.S.
Conception To Birth, Visualized
Boston Dynamics Contracted To Make First ‘Terminator-like’ Hunter-Seeker
Aliens Use Earth As ‘Battleground’
New Series Explores Britain’s Monstrous Past: Human Sacrifice, Cannibalism, Even Zombies
Scripture of the Day

Attn. Christians who vote Republican! Paul Craig Roberts: “We have a Republican party that is a Gestapo party” — Look at what they just did!

Paul Craig Roberts wrote the Kemp-Roth bill and was assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was associate editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and contributing editor of National Review. He is author or co-author of eight books, including The Supply-Side Revolution (Harvard University Press). He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon chair in political economy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and senior research fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He has contributed to numerous scholarly journals and testified before Congress on 30 occasions. He has been awarded the U.S. Treasury’s Meritorious Service Award and the French Legion of Honor. He was a reviewer for the Journal of Political Economy under editor Robert Mundell.

* * *

If you find what Paul says about orchestrated terrorism in the video unbelievable, consider this article (additional links below the video):

Paul Craig Roberts: Fabricating Terror — Why does the FBI orchestrate fake terror plots? “Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?”

* * *

[]Paul Craig Roberts: We have a republican party that is a Gestapo party

Uploaded by on Dec 1, 2011

There is a bill in the Senate that is attempting to keep torture alive as an interrogation technique. The National Defense Authorization Act is being debated in Congress and if passed, American citizens could be detained without a court hearing anywhere in the world. President Obama stated he will veto the bill if it should pass. Is Senate Bill 1867 threatening the US constitution? Paul Craig Roberts, former Reagan administration official and columnist, gives us his take on the proposed bill.

Paul Craig Roberts Links from ToBeFree:

[We’re-going-down reality check video] Paul Craig Roberts: It’s All a Successful Propaganda Venture — “There’s only one candidate for President. That’s Ron Paul. The rest of them are all trying to outdo one another in starting WWIII.” “I don’t think Ron Paul can awaken more than about 20% of the population.”

[ audio ] Paul Craig Roberts on The Alex Jones Show 11/09/11: Military Works for the Globalists — “They’re now trying to create more false intelligence like they did about Sadaam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. They’re pulling the same stunts now with Iran.” “The minute we fell for 9/11 we signed our doom.”

Paul Craig Roberts Reality Check: America Going Into Greece Style Bondage — Why the bailouts won’t work. The truth about the ‘terrorists’ which we must be so AFRAID of, so we must have PORNO scanners so we can’t be free. It really is this simple. How can Americans be so gullible — so easily deceived?!!

Paul Craig Roberts: 9/11 After A Decade, HAVE WE LEARNED Anything? | THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE THE DOLLAR is to greatly reduce the trade deficit and stop the wars. They won’t, so the TRAIN WRECK is coming.

[great guy!] Update from Paul Craig Roberts — “Who is the real butcher? We’ve murdered more people…”

Paul Craig Roberts: Fabricating Terror — Why does the FBI orchestrate fake terror plots? “Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?”

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot — Wouldn’t the FBI’s resources be better spent on detecting and breaking up actual Terrorist plots – if there are any – rather than manufacturing ones?

[video] Love is a Thread (The Justice Conference)

Francis Chan is speaking at this conference.

– –

Watch Here

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Love Is A Thread

by The Justice Conference

In the garment of justice, your love is an irreplaceable thread.
Join us February 24+25 in Portland, Oregon.

[video — Ron Paul actually believes we should do the second greatest commandment] All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights — “I think we should practice A POLICY OF GOOD WILL to other people. What about saying that we don’t do anything to any other country that we don’t have them do to us?

“I think we should practice a policy of good will to other people.

What about saying that we don’t do anything to any other country
that we don’t have them do to us?

Why don’t we mind our own business?”

– Ron Paul

* * *

[youtube=]All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights

Uploaded by on Nov 22, 2011

Airing Date.Nov.22, 2011

All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights.


[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time

Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

Thanksgiving Family Forum: Ron Paul Highlights — “The time when I made my commitment to Christ”

[So why won’t evangelical ‘Christians’ support Ron Paul? WWJD?] Bill Sardi: What would really happen if Ron Paul were as elected President?

[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”

Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Rick Perry: We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush — If James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul!

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation

Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.

Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

Vote For Peace – Ron Paul 2012 — “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus

[video] Thanksgiving Family Forum: Ron Paul Highlights — “The time when I made my commitment to Christ”

So tell me again: why won’t evangelicals, including the pastors support Ron Paul?


_ _

[youtube=]Thanksgiving Family Forum – Ron Paul Highlights

Uploaded by on Nov 19, 2011

Ron Paul Video Playlist


[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time

Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

[So why won’t evangelical ‘Christians’ support Ron Paul? WWJD?] Bill Sardi: What would really happen if Ron Paul were as elected President?

[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”

Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Rick Perry: We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush — If James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul!

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation

Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.

Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

Vote For Peace – Ron Paul 2012 — “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus

Steve Quayle’s Hot Headlines

I post Steve Quayle’s headlines regularly at my other freedom site, ToBeFree. I think this particular post is appropriate for ONEcanhappen too. Steve Quayle is a Christian who is trying to warn people about what is really going on.

I hope you enjoy this.

You know, these are some really incredible times we are living in!

It really is kind of an adventure!

Jeff : )


Disclaimer: This is cutting edge info of which all cannot be totally trusted (but that’s absolutely true of the mainstream media too). It’s good to put it in your seed box to see what will sprout.

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Praise Report From Listener–Power Of God Falls On Him As He Prayed

I just want to take a moment to thank you. I recently started listening to the programs on omega man. Early this morning, I listened to the program 461 where you spoke of many things. Something profound happened toward the end of the program. You started praying and in earnest. I began praying along with you. Something unexplainable happened. I felt a rush that come over me that startled me but then I felt a sense of ease. I continued my prayer along with yours when I started speaking in a different language. I know what I was praying to God but I did not know the words I was saying. Lots of emotions came across somewhat frightening but then peace came. more


Economic Collapse? We’re Soaking In It! A rather unobservant or at the very least “unlucky” man strolls across a faulty bridge; weathered, termite ridden, and over-traveled. He hops and skips and jumps about like a brain damaged orangutan without a care in the world. He does this not only because he is oblivious to the fundamental physics behind the workings of the bridge, and the structural signs of a bridge that is on the verge of collapse, but also because numerous highly paid “experts” on bridges have told him it is absolutely safe to do so. The bridge, of course, crumbles right under his feet, and he falls. more

First Prophecy Of North America Being Split In Two From 38 Years Ago: “And what I say to you I say to all: Watch.” We have a mistaken feeling of security just as those who lived in Jesus’ day had a mistaken sense of security. Less than forty years after Jesus spoke those words the Roman soldiers laid siege to the city of Jerusalem. And as he said, “Not one stone was left upon another.” And the chroniclers of the event stated that blood ran knee-deep in the city. And some of those who heard Jesus’ words that day remembered what he said: “This generation will not pass away before these things come true.” more

Nephilim And Fallen Angels-The Elephant In The Room Mainstream Christianity Won’t Discuss: I’m going to address a topic that many Christians in the mainstream deem as irrelevant; the Nephilim and fallen angels of Genesis 6:1-4. Most dismiss the topic with such statements as, “what does that have to do with righteous living or being a better Christian?” This passage is rarely addressed, and if so swept under the rug. After all, it has nothing to do with helping me in my Christian walk right? …Wrong! more


Nov 14
Government Is Living In A State Of Denial: They Speak, See & Hear Nothing Of A Debt Crisis
Over 50% Of U.S. Homeowners Are Underwater
How the United States Will Become a 3rd World Country
Economic Collapse? We’re Soaking In It!
Congressional Insider Trading Gone Wild
European Debt Crisis: Deathficits
Will Fukushima $10 Trillion Nuclear Catastrophe Bankrupt Japan?
Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar
Eight Lonely Souls
Iran Loses Top Missile Expert In Explosions Sparked By Failed Bid To Fit Nuclear Warhead on Shahab-3
Ref. Hawk’s Alert/Heads Up From St. Louis Cop
Our Brave New World Of Snitches And Surveillance
Massive Crop Failure In Afghanistan Leaves Millions At Risk From Severe Drought
First Prophecy Of North America Being Split In Two From 38 Years Ago
Feds: Mexican Cartel Plotted Attack Against US
Will U.S. Army Be Used to Crush Public Resistance?
Does Iran Want Israel to Attack?
Iran Reels From Twin Blows
Israel Launches New Missile That Can Reach New York And Tokyo
The Genetics of Satan’s Seed and the Mark of the Beast
Nephilim And Fallen Angels-The Elephant In The Room Mainstream Christianity Won’t Discuss
Jack Van Impe: Jesus Is The Only Way To Salvation
Scripture of the Day
World’s Largest Digital Camera Gets Green Light

Nov 11
Outrage: Government Forces Private Citizens to Pour Bleach on Home-Grown Organic Food
Levin: U.S. Has Become A ‘Post-Constitutional Gov’t’ Heading For ‘Utopian Tyranny’
Condo at the End of the World
A Brief History of Transhumanism Pt. 4
ATF Death Watch 112: US AG Launches “Ban Semis” Defense
Young Women Nabbed In Bloody Satanic Sex Ritual
America’s Moral Rot
All Information Points To Martial Law – Soon
Suspicious Activity – Foreigners Securing Food Source
Alert: Devastating Megaquake May Destroy Midwest Soon
Death Of The Euro
Gerald Celente – Alex Jones Show
The Dollar is Toast! The Future is Silver
Bernanke Says That Any Criticism Of The Federal Reserve Is Based On “Misconceptions”
The Implications of Coming “Peak Copper” for America – and the World!
The Banks That Swallowed Europe, Western Civilization Built on Debt
What Do We Want From Wall Street?
Crystal Bridges, Atlantis, Mt. Pennacle, Quartz, 11.11.11 – Is There A Connection?
Egypt Closes Pyramid To Avoid 11/11/11 Rituals
NATO Preps for World War?
China Considers Armed Mekong Patrols
Baxter, Same Company That Unleashed Tainted Avian Flu Vaccines, Recalls 300,000 Flu Vaccines For Serious Adverse Reactions
Controlling An Avatar With Your Brain? Israeli Lab Is Trying
Cellular Operating System Set To Revolutionize Synthetic Biology
Note to God – Rhema Marvanne

Nov 10
The Pentagon’s Secret Plans to Secure Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal
Puffing on Polonium
Real Iran Nuke Threat: Thousands of ‘Loose Geeks’
Seventeen Workers Exposed To Radiation At Idaho Lab
Family of Slain Border Agent Wants Holder To Take Responsibility
FEMA/FCC Takeover Test Fails In Certain Areas, Weird Noises Heard In Others
The Warning Behind the Nationwide Emergency Alert System
The Young And The Broke – 37 Percent Of Young Households Held Zero Or A Negative Net Worth In 2009
Economics of Megachurchianity, Part 4
Monster ‘Snowicane’ Hits Alaska
The Road Not Taken
CIA Continues to Hide Evidence on Vietnam Era MIAs
Ron Paul: Obama Presidency On The Verge Of Being A “Dictatorship”
Be Honest CNBC-You Are Biased Against Ron Paul
The King’s Chapel, And The King’s Court
Obama Sells out Latin America to Reds
Commentary: Grapes of Wrath
Blogger on Cartel Beheading: ‘Cannot Kill Us All’
Up to 400,000 Troops Required In Case of N. Korean Regime Collapse: US Research
In Confronting Iran, Experts Say All Roads Go Through China
Six Lessons I Learned From Bombing Iran
Pentagon Regrowing Soldiers’ Muscles From Pig Cells
US Researchers And Pharmaceutical Companies Conducting Human Experimentation in Africa
Spherical Flying Machine
Occult Followers Looking For Something To Happen on 11/11/11

Nov 9
NOAA Warns of Monster Solar Storm Region Facing Earth for Next Two Weeks
Tokyo Starts Burning Radioactive Waste from Other Areas … Tokyo Governor Tells Residents to “Shut Up” and Stop Complaining
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Employees Tell Citizens Who Protest Against Disaster Debris: “There’s Nothing You Can Do About It, Ha-ha”
More States Accept TSA VIPR Teams at Transportation Hubs
DHS Official “You Would Never Know” If New Street Lights Were Spying On You
SoCal Street Cart Vendors Hurting After ‘Occupy’ Group Splatters Blood, Urine
Obama Hugs An Islamic Supremacist
How the War on Terror Has Militarized the Police
Sovereign Debt is Everybody’s Problem
Barclays Says Italy Is Finished: “Mathematically Beyond Point Of No Return
Deutsche Bank on Europe: ‘It’s Not Inconceivable That We Could Be In Full Crisis Mode By The End Of This Week’
US Mint Gold Coin Data and Research Casts Doubt on ‘Gold Bubble’
The Greatest Truth Never Told 12. The Great Depression Is The Best Case
Alaska Braces For “Epic” Storm; Evacuations Begin
Undersea Volcano Now Just 70 Meters from Surface
El Volcán Emerge Y El Hierro Agoniza
War Of Words Escalate Between Iran And Israel- Iran Theatens To Widen War To Europe If Attacked
German Air Force In Training For Iran Strike
Why Iran’s Top Leaders Believe That The End Of Days Has Come
Shock Finding: More Than 75 Percent Of All ‘Honey’ Sold In Grocery Stores Contains No Honey At All
Praise Report From Listener–Power Of God Falls On Him As He Prayed
The Historical Aspect Of The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
Ice Age Horse Painters Really Did See Spots, Scientists Say
Senate Investigates Counterfeit Parts in Military Equipment
Scripture of the Day

Nov 8
Voices of Destruction
Israel, U.S. to Embark On Largest Joint Exercise In Allies’ History
Report: Sarkozy Calls Netanyahu ‘Liar’
Who Is Behind Government Websites’ Crash?
Barack Obama’s Israel-Bashing Is An Embarrassment For The Leader Of The Free World
Ron Paul on President Obama Taking Executive Orders Too Far
Former Mossad Chief Halevy: Iran Attack ‘Will Impact Region For 100 Years’
Russia Warns Against Israeli Air Strike On Iran
Iran Official: We Have Obtained The S-300 Missile System
Intel Rural Texas Activity/E-mail From Listener
Peter Schiff: Brace for “Abrupt” Dollar Collapse
Hit With Big Withdrawals, Fed Sells Assets, Borrows
These 5 Charts Clearly Show Just How Major – and Depressing – the Current Unemployment Situation REALLY Is
National Debt Burden per Capita-to-Income Index at 50 Year High – and Growing!
6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Seafloor Northeast Of Taiwan
Harmonic Tremor Pulse In Katla Volcano
Nyamuragira Volcano (DRCongo): New Flank Eruption on 6 Nov
2012: Why The Year Could Be One Of The Worst In The Planet’s History
The Venom In Feds’ Vaccinations
H1N1 Pandemic Fatalities Linked With MRSA Co-Infection
Geoengineering: Destroying the Atmosphere – Rosalind Peterson
Chemtrails and Weather Derivatives
Persecuted Christian? Don’t Expect These Pastors To Speak Up
Busted! Two New Fed GPS Trackers Found on SUV

Nov 7
The Municipal Bond Market Is Imploding
The Greatest Truth Never Told 11. The Largest Event In Human History
Gold Up 1 Percent As Europe Debt Worries Linger
Morgan Stanley Says Europe’s Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened
Gold Market Update
Now We Know – The Euro Leaders Have No Plan B
The Collapse of Our Corrupt, Predatory, Pathological Financial System Is Necessary and Positive
A Zombie War Is a Perfect War, Goal to Transfer Wealth
Sheriffs, State Legislators, OWS & The Constitutional Militia
A True Greek Tragedy – Odyssey of the EU
Denial, Delusion and MSM Disinformation
Ex-Radical: “Demonstrations Could Stop Presidential Election”
Predictive Programming For Mass Acceptance of the Antichrist
Massive Fireball: 34 Vehicle Pile-Up on M5 in Horrific Accident- 7 Dead, 51 Injured
The Problem With People Seeing Government as God
U.S. General Ousted After Criticizing Afghan Leaders
Top Muslim Declares All Christians ‘Infidels’
PACWAV11: Tsunami Drill “Real Events During Exercise Play” To Occur?
Potential Impact Zone & Time of Asteroid 2005 YU55 Defined On Google Earth and Government Documents
Oklahoma Can Expect More Aftershocks
Is A Volcanic Eruption Possible At The Salton Sea?
Another Chile Volcano Causes Concerns
In 5 Days the World Could End (As You Know It)
Israel’s Warnings on Iran Get Quiet Nods in Gulf
Scripture of the Day

[video] Ron Paul Wins Values Voter Summit Straw Poll!! (Media Coverage)

[youtube=]Ron Paul Wins Values Voter Summit Straw Poll!! (Media Coverage)

Uploaded by on Oct 9, 2011

Ron Paul Wins Values Voter Summit Straw Poll!! Fox news October 8th

England: Police ban Bible in Salt & Light Coffee House — A customer complained

[youtube=]Police ban Bible in Christian café (Blackpool, England)

Uploaded by on Sep 23, 2011

Lancashire Police have told the owner of a Christian café in Blackpool, England, that he is not allowed to display Bible verses because they breach public order laws. The owner, Jamie Murray, is being defended by The Christian Institute.

[VERY interesting video + I have some ideas about our responsibility so others can see] Charlie Rose: An Hour With Jane Fonda (season 19, episode 160) — Reducing Regrets at age…!! — “I was brought up an atheist” — “You can’t heal until you can forgive.”

I wrote this for ToBeFree, but I think it’s appropriate for this site too.

I don’t know how much longer the video will be available. It looks like they are rotating through on this channel.

It’s sad to see people finally willing to be a Christian only to find sub-Biblical Christianity in the ‘church’ today — therefore, still on their roads to recovery.

“I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.” – U2

We need to really care about how we affect others. Most ‘churches’ should shut their doors until they repent, getting right with everyone they’ve lied to and hurt, so ONE can happen.

This is no joke. People are getting old and dying, and not seeing the light in the church they look to other things — and the pastors still won’t repent.

We need to have an others perspective. When we get right with God and each other and then God shows up this will affect the whole world! Many will then know that Jesus really is the way and the answer, and life, Himself!

Wanting others to be free and go to heaven should be a driving force in ourselves being the real church. “Then the world will know.”

This is the idea I had when I wrote these posts:

Rethinking Matthew 24: “…then the end will come” — after the Pete Townshends “know”?

Paul Newman Has Left Us—Not Having Seen the Revival Come

Gleanings from Gordon Lightfoot’s 43-minute interview. Gordon is Scottish — ‘Braveheart’!! I LOVE his music, but now I know why I never liked his song, “Sundown.” Unfortunately, his seediest song was his biggest hit! But there is a true “Carefree Highway” that we can all travel on together — FOREVER!!!

We are responsible for how we affect others. Getting our act together isn’t just for us. We should love the Jane Fondas and the Pete Townshends and the Gordon Lightfoots and everyone else as much as we love ourselves!

The revival (which is just real Christianity, being right with each other in Christ) should have happened years ago. Paul Newman and so many others have died, not having seen the revival come, when this is really not rocket science — just a matter of obeying.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” If we don’t fear God and get right with everyone now we’re really going to fear God when we die and experience  the horrible 24/7 terror we’ll never be able to escape.

This isn’t just about us; though, that should be enough to motivate us. We should care for everyone…

When revival happens and everyone in the whole world sees the real thing lived in front of their eyes — if they still chose to reject Jesus’ Lordship for their lives, then they clearly knew what they were rejecting.

Now, most people look at ‘Christians’ and see unrepentant warmongerers, haters, lusters, liars (who lie even to other ‘Christians’), who won’t even get right with those they’ve hurt. “Once saved always saved.”

Bologna. God is not mocked. What we sow we will reap (Galatians 6). If we’re not in the going-to-heaven list in Galatians 5, what are we waiting for? Why aren’t people running to God, now that they see the end of America playing itself out before our eyes, because of our own sin.

None of this had to happen. We could be on the road to recovery, instead, the ‘church’ has guaranteed our country’s demise, still not willing to thinking that phony Christian politicians will save the day, as they watch Fox News or listen to Rush Limbaugh spin reality. Or just soothe themselves with the “I’m okay; you’re okay” music that K-LOVE carefully chooses to only play.

We’re going to see GOD, HIMSELF. We have only this one chance!!! Do you get it??!!!

This is it!!

What are you waiting for, you hypocrites who call yourselves Christians and even Christian leaders but don’t really do Christianity.

The sooner ONE happens (Jesus’ prayer for us in John 17), the sooner He will send His glory to help us inspire many. Otherwise, we are culpable in many going to Hell. We have missed our chance.

How in the world can ‘churches’ who used to feel God’s presence during worship now think they are okay when they can’t feel God at all anymore? How in the world?

“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” is a law.

Why is worship so dead?  Because God is resisting the proud, while always ready to give grace to the humble.

And you who are twisting the meaning of grace: you will receive the greater judgment if you don’t repent — for you led many astray, and then you laugh about it.

This is serious. God doesn’t want anyone to perish, but all to come to the knowledge of the truth, but He won’t make anybody follow Him.

If you don’t care enough about yourself to make sure you are going to heaven will you at least care enough for others, so they can see the real thing…?

This isn’t just about us. We need to care for Jane and Pete and Gordon — and Jack and Sally and even Mohammed, for those who watch Fox News to much or even at all. These guys are anti-Christs, reverse-Christians leading people into reverse-Christianity — which I prove at ToBeFree beyond the shadow of a doubt — if anyone cares…

“In the last days, the love of most will grow cold.” Fox News breeds this.

“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” is a law.

“If we draw near to God He will draw near to us,” period. If we can’t hear His voice, can’t feel His presence, not some demonic counterfeit…. Consider the following from ALCC Reinstates Group Prayer? | My Thoughts on the Worship Room Concept | Joyner’s Vision: “One of the Greatest Adventures of All Time!”

The most shocking part of this vision was that this horde was not riding on horses, but on Christians! Most of them were well-dressed, respectable, and had the appearance of being refined and educated. These were Christians who had opened themselves to the powers of darkness to such a degree that the enemy could use them and they would think that they were being used by God. …

Even worse than the vomit from the vultures was a repulsive slime that these demons were urinating and defecating upon the Christians they rode. This slime was the pride, selfish ambition, etc., that was the nature of the division they were a part of. However, this slime made the Christians feel so much better than the condemnation that they easily believed that the demons were messengers of God, and they actually thought this slime was the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

But here is the great part, when ONE happens, Jesus’ heart-cry for us in John 17:

When we reached the level called “The Unity of the Brethren,” none of the enemy’s arrows could reach us.


When we reached the level called “Galatians Two Twenty,” we were above the altitude that the vultures could fly. At this level the sky above almost blinded us with its brightness and beauty. I felt peace like I had never felt it before. …

The “Galatians Two Twenty” level was so wide that there was no longer any danger of falling. … Faith, Hope and Love…were now so large that I knew people far beyond the battle area could see them. Their glory even radiated into the camp of prisoners who were still under a great cloud of vultures. The exhilaration continued to grow in all of us. I felt that being in this army, in this battle, had to be one of the greatest adventures of all time.

Most of ‘Christianity’ today is a sick joke, and it’s the Devil laughing. He’s got most buffaloed.

Are we going to get it right and live in “The Unity of the Brethren,” where none of the enemy’s arrows could reach us, finally??

Remember how the evangelicals enabled Hitler in Nazi Germany. The pastors led the way by what they did and did not preach, and by what they did and did not do.

History doesn’t have to repeat itself. But it already has been, and will continue to unless the people take these warnings to heart, and walk tall, determined to do whatever it takes to be right with people and God for the rest of their lives.

Then we can be a part of one of the greatest adventures of all time!

God has been ready all of this time. He’s waiting for us.

Pastors, why don’t you embrace the body of Christ. Until God shows up (the Holy Spirit’s presence, the glory Jesus said He would give us so we would be ONE) you have failed. Will you admit this and get on your faces and pray.

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

You are not unless you obey.

Most need to step down and let those whom God has called to lead do their job. Get out of the way and stop praying against (James-3 cursing) God’s people, please.

Your salvation is at stake — and so many others!!!

Do you want to feel right before men, women and God? We will if we are.

You may be able to fool some people, but God knows — and a lot of people know too. They watch.

“They’ll know us by our love for one another”
Or they’ll keep looking to other things to satisfy…

It’s up to us. God will do His part when we do ours.

God gives grace [“Grace”…: It’s not what you think?] to the humble!!!

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

May we be ONE!

Then the world will know!

Jeff Fenske

* * *

I was looking for the Vera Farmiga interview and found this.

Very interesting discoveries!

She still hasn’t fully found what she’s looking for, though.

“We need to go all the way to be free!” See the link, below.

Real Christianity is holiness.


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Reducing Regrets
at age…!!

“I was brought up an atheist”

“You can’t heal until you can forgive.”

– Jane Fonda

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Charlie Rose – Full Episodes and Clips streaming online – Hulu

* * *

For a limited time

Watch Here

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To be free we need to be totally right. From my spiritual site, ONEcanhappen:

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

Alex Jones: Steve Jobs Is Nearing The End

Alex isn’t a pastor, but an infowarrior reflecting on this important subject.

Now is the time to repent. We all must be clean.

This is our only chance…

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[youtube=]Steve Jobs Is Nearing The End

Uploaded by on Aug 26, 2011

Steve could do so much good if he would only break with the globalist hive and speak out before he dies.


Is Apple Evil?

[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

Emphasis mine

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Statement of Faith

“I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate.”

-Ron Paul

My faith is a deeply private issue to me, and I don’t speak on it in great detail during my speeches because I want to avoid any appearance of exploiting it for political gain. Let me be very clear here: I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate.

It is God Who gave us life. As He is free, so are those He created in His image. Our rights to life and liberty are inalienable.

I’m running for President of the United States because I believe that our traditions and way of life are under attack from an out-of-control federal government and reckless politicians who show no regard for what our Founders entrusted to our protection.

America became the greatest nation in human history because a dedicated band of Patriots believed their God-given rights were worth fighting for, even if it meant challenging the world’s most powerful nation in what many deemed a “hopeless” cause.

Being free meant so much to our forefathers that they put everything on the line – and thousands sacrificed their lives – to give the promise of liberty to not only their children and grandchildren, but to generations they knew they would never even meet.

Their courage and determination guaranteed they would defy the odds and achieve victory.

In this critical election, you and I must decide if the principles of limited government and personal freedom are worth fighting for once again.

Since I’m asking for your vote and your trust to lead this nation, let me tell you a little bit about my background and beliefs.

My parents raised my four brothers and me on a dairy near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where they set clear examples for each of us about faith, honest living, and individual responsibility. Their Christian values helped inspire two of my brothers to eventually enter the ministry, and provided me with the foundation I needed to practice medicine and one day become a U.S. Representative.

In addition to my time in Congress, I am proud to have delivered over 4,000 babies as a country doctor in Texas. As I trained to practice medicine, I became convinced without a doubt that life begins at the moment of conception. I never performed an abortion, and I never once found an abortion necessary to save the life of the mother. In fact, I successfully helped women struggling with their pregnancies to seek other options, including adoption.

I am running to Restore America Now, and by that I mean that it’s time to protect and promote the basic God-given rights inherent in the promise of America.

We must pass on our heritage of liberty to the next generation – not tens of trillions of dollars in debt and liabilities.

We must stand for life – not allow millions of innocent children to continue to be slaughtered with the government’s approval.

We must follow the Biblical mandate of using honest weights and measures – not printing money out of thin air in almost complete secrecy and then handing it over to oppressive dictators.

We must only send our men and women to fight for our country when the mission is clear, every necessary tool needed to win is provided, and we respect the Constitution by declaring war.

Once war is declared, it must be waged according to Just War principles. We should only fight when it’s in our national security interest, and we should no longer do the corrupt United Nation’s bidding by policing the world.

In Congress, I never vote for any piece of legislation that violates the Constitution’s strict limits on government power. I also do not participate in the congressional pension system.

As President, I give you my word that I will only exercise my authority within the confines of the Constitution, and I will work every day to rein in a runaway federal government by binding it with the chains of that document.

For my stands and beliefs, I am told that my efforts are “hopeless.” Like those who were proud to stand up for what they knew was right to create our nation, however, I firmly believe that now is a better time than ever before to reclaim our liberties. No situation is hopeless for those who receive their strength from their faith, family, and freedom.

And like those Patriots, I have no doubt that liberty will prevail.

I invite you to join me and millions of other Americans in taking our stand to honor our forefathers’ sacrifices and

Restore America Now.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

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Thanksgiving Family Forum: Ron Paul Highlights — “The time when I made my commitment to Christ”

[2007] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

‘Just War’ Doctrine Abandoned in America — U.S. Foreign Policy Now Reverse-Christian

Just War and the Iran Crisis

Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”

[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”

Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time

Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation

Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.

Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

Ron Paul: I hear members of Congress saying “if we could only nuke Iran”

Vote For Peace – Ron Paul 2012 — “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus

[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”

Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!

[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’

My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!

Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.

EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.

Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?

[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!

Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”

Michael Franti: Bomb the World (”Power to the Peaceful!”)

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

Ron Paul defends life on Piers Morgan 8/15/11. And “They print $15 trillion and I’m extreme?”

[youtube=]Ron Paul Interview With Piers Morgan 08\15/2011

Uploaded by on Aug 15, 2011

Airing Date aug.15, 2011

Ron Paul says Democrats also fear him, says ” I would slash into Obama’s civil libertarian view points, he do[es]n’t really follow through on belief in personal liberties”

Iowa Straw Poll: Ron Paul within 1% of 1st! — “Blessed are the peacemakers,” but the media will act like he doesn’t exist…


Iowa Straw Poll: Ron Paul within 1% of 1st!

Submitted by Michael Nystromon Sat, 08/13/2011 – 13:55

C-SPAN will provide extensive live coverage of the Iowa Straw Poll: Live stream at C-SPAN

* * *

Video of Ron Paul’s speech at 1:15pm CT

  1. 28.56% (4823 votes) – Michele Bachmann
  2. 27.65% (4671 votes) – Ron Paul
  3. 13.57% (2293 votes) – Tim Pawlenty
  4. 9.81% (1657 votes) – Rick Santorum
  5. 8.62% (1456 votes) – Herman Cain
  6. 4.25% (718 votes) – Rick Perry (write-in)
  7. 3.36% (567 votes) – Mitt Romney
  8. 2.28% (385 votes) – Newt Gingrich
  9. 0.41% (69 votes) – Jon Huntsman
  10. 0.21% (35 votes) – Thaddeus McCotter

Justin TV Stream

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Share your information, insights & news below.

[video] Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

No one can say God didn’t give us a way out of this mess

[youtube=]Ron Paul Speech at the Iowa Straw Poll – 2011 (08/13/11)

Uploaded by on Aug 13, 2011

Ron Paul Speaking at the Iowa Straw Poll 2011 on – Captured Live on Ustream at


Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Rick Perry: We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush — If James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul!

SELAH — Key ONEcanhappen Posts to Ponder

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

Charisma Editor: An Asbury-like Spiritual Awakening is the “Only Thing That Will Save Us”

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” What if you don’t repent? And what will happen when you do? The Third Great Awakening can start with us!!! We can all be happy — ‘ONE’!

The Achan Factor — Because of one man’s disobedience the entire nation of Israel had to deal with the “Achan factor” among them before they could come under the umbrella of Almighty God’s blessings once again!

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

Benny Hester: “When God Ran” — God will RUN when we come back to Him!

If we build it He will come:
“Let Us Be ONE” (A Prophecy)

Lady Gaga’s “Judas” and the Age of Horus — “Jesus is my virtue, Judas is the demon I cling to”

From: Vigilant Citizen

Gaga, playing Mary Magdalene, is attracted to Judas’ ways. She not only “converts” to his side but also effectively brings Jesus down. This attraction to the “dark side” is summed up in these simple words:

I wanna love you,
But something’s pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue,
Judas is the demon I cling to

Entire Article with Screenshots Here

Ken Duncan: Why I call this photo “Piercing the Darkness” — “It’s like God revealing His glory … There is hope even in the darkest moments!”

Ken Duncan’s prices have become outrageous — out of the reach of most people. But I’ve always greatly appreciated his perspective on photographing to reveal God’s glory, and then print BIG to greatly affect a room!

…which is what I’m trying to do.


3-minute video presentation

* * *

The Print:
Piercing the Darkness
starting at $1900

* * *

“It’s like God revealing His glory.”

Have it BIG as you can get it,
cause you’ll just fall into it.”

“Hopefully what it will convey to you:
there is hope even in the darkest moments.”

– Ken Duncan

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Photographer Patrick Di Fruscia: The World Needs You :) — “Everyday we are bombarded by reasons why we should not do what our heart tells us … words with no foundation brought to you by people with no passion.” “Fear is a transition stage between your so called zone of comfort and your new life!”

Patrick Di Fruscia, an absolutely pioneering and inspiring photographer is French/Canadian — thus the unique grammar.

As usual, emphasis is mine.

jeff : )



The World Needs You 🙂

Patrick Di Fruscia

Everyday we are bombarded by reasons why we should not do what our heart tell us. Reasons like, it will never work, there is no money to be made in that field, it will be very difficult etc. Most of the time we are being told what we should and shouldn’t do by people who have never followed their dreams and passion and are now simply wishing they had done more to make it happen. These are merely words with no foundation brought to you by people with no passion.

You need to believe in everything your heart desire. If you don’t nobody will that’s for sure. You need to make sure that everyday you take a step however small it may be towards your goals. Always stay focus even when times are hard. When fear takes over, don’t worry about it ..this is a transition stage between your so call zone of comfort and your new life..keep pushing harder and don’t let that discourage you. Fear of the unknown is one of our greatest enemy and it has the power to make us believe a hundred fictional reasons why it will never work. Always Stay focus on the end result and visualize your new life

Entire Article with Scrumptious Photo Here

Reality Check

I just expanded the title of this important post on deception and the times we are in:

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it was PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

So we really shouldn’t be surprised when we discover that so much of what we hear in the ‘church’ and in the media isn’t true at all.
And much of this involves James-3 cursing, which hardly anyone is talking about, but I have an entire category on this key factor.
Deception this effective and this universal cannot happen without evil spirits affecting people directly. Most people (including ‘Christians’) are lead by familiar spirits that drive them to believe and do all kinds of stuff.
Let’s be free so ONE can happen!
We may not have much time to even speak freely over the web. The U.S. government is waging psy ops on us. Much of what we’re being told isn’t even true [See what I’ve been reporting on at ToBeFree], but most people (and most ‘Christians’) are buying it.
We must be vigilant to live holy, so we only hear one voice — the voice of the HOLY Spirit who wants to lead us into all truth so we can be ONE!
…then the world will know.
Are you liking the Francis Chan posts?

Jeff : )

Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they're foisting on this country — We haven't been the good guys for a long time. The countries we've invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds' banking cartel.

This is the kind of thing I prove at ToBeFree, if you’re interested. I brought this over, changing the title.
Jesus said: “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.
Where does this leave the ‘Christians’ who have been supporting these truly immoral wars? Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?
We need to come out from them and be separate — and repent from our wicked ways to be holy.
Life in the Son,
Jeff Fenske

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“Take a look at the countries we’ve invaded, like Iraq, like Libya. And what you find with all of these countries: they happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel. They are independent of them. They do not take money from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. They print their own money, like we’re supposed to do under our Constitution.”

We haven’t really been the good guys for a long time. And it’s about time the American people understood that — understood what the politicians and the banksters are doing to this country, and the immorality that they’re foisting on our country through its policies.

And it’s time that our brave young men and women in the armed forces understood that they are not on a humanitarian mission. They’re not being the good guys. They’re working for the bad guys. They’re part of empire.”

“We have to understand that the entire war on terror is phony…, not just because 9/11 was a lie…. But beyond that, the real reasons for Iraq and for Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11. Those wars were planned way in advance before 9/11, planned in detail, pushed for by the PNAC crowd, Wolfowitz and Pearl, Zelikow and Cheney. All of the traitors.”

– Colonel Bob Bowman

* * *

[youtube=]Dr. Bob Bowman: Stop Securing The Empire for Multinational Corporations and Banks 1/2

Uploaded by on Apr 29, 2011

former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat missions, Bob Bowman.
Dr. Bowman campaigned nationwide for the nomination of the Reform Party of the United States of America for the presidency in 2000.

Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.
Ron ‘Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers’ Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”
EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.

Nicky Cruz: David Wilkerson 'Never Lost His Heart' — "I almost killed him then because I really was totally full of hate. That was when he told me that Jesus loved me.”

David Wilkerson
1931 – 2011

From: New American

Teen Challenge Founder David Wilkerson Dies

David Wilkerson, who pastored the 5,000-strong Times Square Church (left) in one of New York City’s seedier red light districts, and who founded the highly successful faith-based Teen Challenge drug treatment and Christian mentoring program, has died at the age of 79. As reported by the Associated Press, Wilkerson was killed April 27 “in a car accident in East Texas, Texas Department of Public Safety spokeswoman Tela Mange said. Wilkerson’s car smashed head-on into a tractor-trailer rig after veering into oncoming traffic on U.S. 175 west of Cuney, about 95 miles southeast of Dallas, Mange said.”

Entire Article Here

Nicky Cruz: David Wilkerson ‘Never Lost His Heart’
Gang leader-turned-evangelist misses his spiritual father.

Nicky Cruz remembers the David Wilkerson he met on the streets of New York in the 1950s—the “skinny preacher” who walked a message of Jesus’ love into gang-owned neighborhoods that police were afraid to enter and faced, without flinching, people most gangs didn’t dare mess with; people like Cruz, who back then led the feared Mau Maus of Brooklyn.

He remembers the forceful pastor who led ministries with worldwide influence like Teen Challenge and Times Square Church, a “straight shooter” who “never danced around anything. He was very straight, and always you said, ‘Wow, Dave, he’s hard.'”

But over the last 15 years, the man who counted Wilkerson as a close friend and spiritual father for half a century says what he gradually came to understand: “All these years … Dave Wilkerson was a teddy bear.”

“Always when I see him and I hug him … I say, ‘I love you.’ Even on the telephone, ‘I love you.’ And Dave is not expressive, [but] whenever we were alone, always he told me ‘I love you, son,'” Cruz told Christianity Today in an interview Thursday.

The last time Cruz saw Wilkerson, some weeks ago, they spoke for three hours. Cruz told him about Thousand Pieces, a film in the works about Cruz’s life, including the encounter with Wilkerson that led to his transformation. Wilkerson related his side of that story in the classic book The Cross and the Switchblade (which later became a film starring Pat Boone as Wilkerson and Erik Estrada as Cruz). The new film’s name comes from something that Wilkerson said to Cruz after the gang leader threatened to kill him: “You could cut me in a thousand pieces and lay them out in the street and every piece would love you.”

“New York in that time was bombarded by gangs, and we were the prime leaders of the gangs,” Cruz said. “Even Frankenstein and Dracula were afraid to walk in that neighborhood. And he’s a skinny preacher! Came from nowhere. There’s no way that a type of guy like this can be so strong to stand [on] his own and to really really really take it.”

“He can take a bullet, he can be killed, but he stood because [he was] obedient to Jesus. Jesus sent him there to bring the message to the gangs. … I almost killed him then because I really was totally full of hate. That was when he told me that Jesus loved me.”

Entire Article Here

Photo: Now is our time to get our act together. Soon it will be too late.

Steve Quayle’s photo of the day:

[video] The Power behind the New World Order *Full Documentary*

Meggido Films Presents:

[youtube=]The Power behind the New World Order *Full Documentary*

Uploaded by on Mar 27, 2011

Greetings brethrens and sisters in Yahushua,

Another very good documentary about the New age and the false messiah.
May Yahuwah protect ye all
Written and Directed By Paul Flynn
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: The Impotent Church and Romans 13 — Not only has there been no "awakening" in the 20th (and now 21st) century, the Church seems to be totally ineffectual—and content to be so.

From: News with Views


By Chuck Baldwin
March 10, 2011

There are over 300,000 evangelical Christian churches in America. That equates to tens of millions of professing Christians and hundreds of thousands of Christian ministers. Think of the church sanctuaries, educational facilities, schools, camps, radio broadcasts, television programs, colleges, seminaries, preschools, youth retreats, etc., that grace America. In some communities there is a church building on just about every corner. In spite of this massive exposure to the modern Church, however, the nation has been left virtually unaffected, uninfluenced, and unimpressed.

In fact, one could make the argument that while America’s churches have experienced unprecedented growth in membership and wealth during the last half-century, the country as a whole has simultaneously nose-dived into corruption, deception, socialism, and even an increasing federal despotism. How can this be? Where is the influence for God, for good, and for liberty from these hundreds of thousands of churches and multiplied millions of professing Christians–not to mention billions of dollars raised and spent by these religious institutions?

For all intents and purposes, the modern American Church is pathetically impotent! Not only has the American Church failed to influence the nation to any significant degree, it has proven itself to be ineffective in influencing its own membership!

Professing Christians today can be some of the most hateful, spiteful, mean-spirited, slanderous, and vindictive people on the planet. And I could give personal testimony as to just how treacherous, disloyal, and cowardly these people can be. I can truly understand why so many unsaved people never darken the door of a church. After all I have seen and experienced inside the Church, I don’t blame them.

How did this happen? It wasn’t always like this. In Colonial America, churches were, without a doubt, the most influential, powerful institution in the country. The Great Awakenings of the 18th and 19th centuries were certainly among the most significant events in early American history–literally changing the course of the nation for decades. But not only has there been no “awakening” in the 20th (and now 21st) century, the Church seems to be totally ineffectual–and content to be so.

Entire Article Here
The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated
Evangelicals, Militarism, and Romans 13 (Preston Sprinkle)

[posted at ToBeFree] My take on Super Bowl XLV — The Soul of America Illustrated

Not-Very-Super Bowl XLV: Christina Aguilara sings wrong lyrics to “Star Spangled Banner;” crowd doesn’t mind as long as they can cheer to their favorite ‘rockets’ and ‘bombs’ line | Black Eyed Peas sex it up and then ask for help from Above??

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