“If there is pain in a memory there is unforgiveness.”
“Medical textbooks list over 60 diseases that are caused by anxiety, stress and fear.”
“It’s not a surprise that anger, resentment, bitterness, jealousy and the rejection issues, fears, words, anxieties cause disease. The American Medical Association says that more than 80 percent of all of our diseases are caused by these emotions.”
“There’s one other verse that kept coming up, 2 Timothy 17. It says, “I haven’t given you a spirit of fear.” And I was born again Christian and I said, I can’t have this spirit. But I knew that I was controlled by all those fears….”
“Jesus came to heal the broken heart, and the broken heart is all of that pain, all that hurt and the things that have happened to us in life. And his blood will take away, as we truly forgive, all of that pain. And then the fight-flight process will stop and healing manifests.”
“The unforgiveness is still there if that emotional pain is still there.”
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Description of video from video no longer posted at YouTube:
After being healed of Environmental Illness, Art Mathias began teaching others how to identify the root causes of sickness and disease. Art has now seen many types of sickness and disease healed including weight gain, cancer, heart problems, diabetes, allergies, asthma, mental illness, and many more!
Watch the video at It’s Supernatural
Art Mathias
November 9-15, 2009
75% of people that apply Art Mathias’ teachings are healed of all types of sickness and disease! After being healed of Environmental Illness, Art Mathias began teaching others how to identify the root causes of sickness and disease. Art has now seen many types of sickness and disease healed including weight gain, cancer, heart problems, diabetes, allergies, asthma, mental illness, and many more! Art is now seeing a 75% success rate in physical healings when people apply the revelation God has given him.
Sid’s 5-part interview of Art for his radio show can be heard here (goes into more depth)
Video Transcript excerpts:
SID: Hello. I’m Sid Roth. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. What happens if you have a terminal disease? You go to the elders of your congregation. They anoint you with oil and you’re not healed. Then you go to the best doctors money can buy and you’re still not healed. Then you go the alternative health route and you’re still not healed. What do you do? My guest says the cause of a high percentage of diseases are toxic emotions. …75 percent of the people that follow his instructions are getting healed, and he says the percentage would be even higher if they would do everything he tells them to do. My guest, Art Mathias, and you found out the hard way.
SID: And in the meantime, his sister develops tumors and she starts studying an area having to do with forgiveness and gets healed, and she sends the tapes to Art. What happened?
ART: Well I was desperate. In that condition I would even listen to something that I thought was about as hokey as it could be that my thoughts and emotions could have anything to do with what was going on in my physical body. But, you know, I was raised in the church and I didn’t think I had to forgive anything. But as I worked through what she taught me about what bitterness was, I learned that I had a lot of resentment and anger, and unforgiveness, which are all parts of bitterness. And so I started to forgive. I didn’t know how to forgive. But I started to work through. I purpose and I choose to forgive. And then there’s one other verse that kept coming up, 2 Timothy 17. It says, “I haven’t given you a spirit of fear.” And I was born again Christian and I said, I can’t have this spirit. But I knew that I was controlled by all those fears of the future, the fear of the pain that I was living in everyday, the fear that I if couldn’t eat anything, what am I gonna do?