“Therefore watch carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise; redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore don’t be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Don’t be drunken with wine, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; singing, and making melody in your heart to the Lord; giving thanks always concerning all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to God, even the Father; subjecting yourselves to one another in the fear of Christ.” – Ephesians 5:15-21
“Today’s premature national return is a counterfeit and not endorsed by God. It lays the foundation for world dominion by the anti-Christ, not Christ.”
“Yet, Scripture is clear that a minority of repentant Jews at Christ’s second coming will be brought back to Him to occupy the land during the millennium, but only on God’s inflexible terms.”
Mike is missing the necessary ingredients, but has the right goal.
38:10 Jesus’ prayer in John 17…
We need to have clear consciences before God and men to avoid this place, like Paul always made sure he did (Acts 24:16).
The long list of demands from the Government of California is read by #JohnMacArthur during a Grace Community Church service held September 13, 2020, after a Judge ruled that Grace Church, specifically, could only have “services” outdoors (in the 100+ degree heat, with the ashes of nearby wildfires raining down, in a parking lot, that is owned by the State, a lease that the State has recently revoked). These demands are supposed to be related to #COVID19 but ultimately Christians and Constitutionalists know that #ChurchIsEssential
I believe Catholicism is a false religion, a system based on false theology; though, there are some Catholics who are real Christians. They believe their tradition trumps what the Bible actually says; though, Paul said the Bereans were more noble because they checked the scriptures daily to see if what Paul told them was true.
Many billions of Catholics are now in hell who were assured they were going to heaven.
Protestantism isn’t doing much better because of “once saved, always saved” and “only believe,” instead of “abide.”
We must actually abide in Christ to be “in Christ,” having clear consciences and clean hearts — resting in Christ — taking up our crosses and following Him.
Christianity is not a system. It’s a right relationship.
What may be coming this November especially unless some serious praying and repenting happens!
Lord, I’m gonna love You
Yes, I’m gonna love You
Oh, I’m gonna love You Lord
With all that’s in my heart
Lord, I’m gonna trust You
Yes, I’m gonna trust You
How I’m gonna trust You Lord
With all that’s in my soul
Lord I’m gonna thank You
Yes, I’m gonna thank You
How I’m gonna thank You Lord
With every thought of mine
Lord, I’m gonna praise You
Lord, I’m gonna praise You
Yes, I’m gonna praise You Lord
With all my strength and might
Lord I’m gonna follow
Yes, I’m gonna follow
Lord, I’m gonna follow You
With all my strength and might
With all that’s in my heart and all that’s in my soul
Lord, I’m gonna trust You
Lord, I’m gonna love You
Lord, I’m gonna follow, follow You
It’s not that suicide is the unpardonable sin, but that there’s no way to repent afterwards. Murderers will not enter. 1 John 3:15 – Marc Roy
I’ve been praying through much of what comes to mind, myself. Demons drive people to do evil things. Prayer can deal with many of these demons, and God can move many to do what is right instead.
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I totally believe this principle. God gives us visions, dreams and words of knowledge to warn us about what’s coming, in part so we’ll be able to thwart some of these things by what we pray for and even do.
Dana Coverstone has had serious dreams about what is coming soon in America, starting especially in November. Hopefully, some of these things won’t come to pass now, as he saw them in his dreams because so many seriously prayed. And people are getting serious about obeying God too!
13:35 “I think there are things that are not going to happen now because we prayed. … And I think there are things we are now ready for in the next few months that we were not ready for because we prayed.” – Dana Coverstone
I purchased the DVD/CD boxed set used here, but the video portion (almost 4 hours) can be watched for free at Amazon for those who have a Prime account: Part One & Part Two.
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From: explorationfilms.com
The late 60’s and early ’70’s were a time of tremendous upheaval in American culture as the hippie generation abandoned the values of their parents, turned to drugs and away from materialism, and went on a search for love and peace. For these young people, “the establishment” which included the church, seemed irrelevant. At times it felt like the very fabric of our nation might tear apart.
It was out of this tumultuous era that young, musical voices began to surface. These newly converted musicians began singing about the new hope they had found through Jesus Christ.
First Love examines the life and music of the people who birthed the sounds of a revolution that swept American culture. It became know as the Jesus Movement. For three historic days, these artists gathered for the first time in a mountain retreat in Southern California and First Love Volumes I & II captures almost 4 hours of each of their incredible live performances and reveals a rare look at the heart and motives of each artist as they describe in intimate detail the drama of their personal transformation.
With performances by [those who influenced me are in bold – editor]:
• Randy Matthews
• Barry McGuire
• Annie Herring
• Chuck Girard
• Matthew Ward
• John Fischer
• Andrae Crouch
• Jamie Owens Collins
• 2nd Chapter of Acts
• Terry Clark
• Keith Green tribute with Melody Green
• Randy Stonehill
• Love Song
• Paul Clark
• Darrell Mansfield
• Honeytree
“We didn’t know very much. We were naive. All we knew was we were blind, now we see. And that was enough.”
– Love Song
With all the chaos that is going on in the world right now, Pastor Francis Chan expresses his concern for believers as times get harder and harder before Christ’s return. God has given the Church warnings about judgement day, and the things that lie ahead. We can stand before the throne of God at any second. The question is, are our hearts ready for that moment? Are our eyes open to truly knowing God like the scriptures say?
My Notes:
6:10 “What I’m most concerned about here in Hong Kong, when I talk to people is the way people talk about salvation compared to what I read in the Bible. There are so many people who feel safe … ‘I prayed the sinner’s prayer and I asked Jesus to come into my heart.'”
Do you know there is no sinner’s prayer in the Bible? Why do you have this confidence? I prayed that prayer too.”
What 1 John really says about how we know we have eternal life.
Paul: “Herein I also practice ALWAYS having a CONSCIENCE VOID OF OFFENSE toward God and MEN.” – Acts 24:16
“No fruit of the Spirit, you’re gone.”
“Joy is the juice.”
35:15 “You could listen to umpteen sermons on the baptism of the Holy Ghost on Christian TV, radio, what have you, you would never hear them say that the primary purpose is to cleanse your heart from inbred sin. It’s gone from the baptism *with the Holy Ghost*, which relates directly to Luke 3 and the cleansing of the fire, of the burning away of the chaff, which is our carnal nature, and now it’s about speaking in tongues. I’m not against speaking in tongues, but….” – David Corrico
39:40 “When you ignore the cleansing of the heart and just go into experience, it’s real easy to see why things are going so wrong in such a huge way in the Pentecostal world.” – David Corrico
Dana shared this on Sunday, during the three-day prayer meeting.
8 minutes; not heavy; an exhortation to be able to run spiritually!
Jim Caviezel dramatizes this portion of Ronald Reagan’s ‘A Time for Choosing’ speech, making some key changes about pastors accommodating during Covid-19, noted here:
Now let’s set the record straight. There’s no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there’s only one guaranteed way you can have peace — and you can have it in the next second — surrender.
Admittedly, there’s a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning [Christian] liberal friends [our priests, biships and pastors] refuse to face — that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only between fight or surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand — the ultimatum. And what then — when Nikita Khrushchev has [Satanists] told his people [the people of this world] he knows what] our answer will be? He has told them that we’re retreating under the pressure of the [his] Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the [his] final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary, because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because from our side he’s heard voices pleading for “peace at any price” or “better Red than dead,” or as one commentator put it, he’d rather “live on his knees than die on his feet.” And therein lies the road to war, because those voices don’t speak for the rest of us.
You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin — just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard ’round the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn’t die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well it’s a simple answer after all.
You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, “There is a price we will not pay.” “There is a point beyond which they [evil] must not advance.”
“In the words of Reagan, ‘evil is powerless if the good are not afraid.'”
Jim Caviezel, ‘Jesus’ calls pastors “Judases, Pharisees and collaborators” for not standing up to the mayors and governors!
“This is called lukewarmness, and Christ has a special place for them, and they know it.”
One of my favorite kick-demon-butt songs, which I heard on the radio one time only, while visiting Nashville, Tennessee, while renting a blue Eagle Talon. I pulled over to focus on the song, which I then tracked down as DJ Miko’s remix of the famous 4 Non Blondes’ song.
Put on THE WHOLE ARMOR of God, that you may be ABLE TO STAND AGAINST the wiles of the devil. 12 For OUR WRESTLING is NOT AGAINST FLESH and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the SPIRITUAL FORCES OF WICKEDNESS IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES. … Stand therefore … with all prayer and requests, PRAYING AT ALL TIMES IN THE SPIRIT, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the saints…. (Eph. 6:11-18)
Also here
“What would happen if the leaders in the Church actually began to explain the difference between good and evil instead of just pretending evil doesn’t exist, and Grace covers everything?” – Marshall Alan Rowe, 9/5/20
A main reason for the fall of men, now that technology has made it so easy for men to privately lust after women, whom God made so visually attractive. The lust demons then enter, driving lust, and many never get free, being falsely taught by many also-lusting pastors that we don’t have to.
Adultery, fornication and sexual lust have become common in this world. But the BIG ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM is PORNOGRAPHY. People are HUNGRY for it, thirsty for it. They are swallowing it down like water, never satisfied, never able to quench their thirst, ALWAYS CRAVING MORE AND MORE of that deadly poison.
This portal of hell has taken over our homes, it is now abducting our kids, living in their pockets, clinging to them in their mobile phones, readily available for any moment of weakness. It has taken over their minds, infested their innocence, it has made them preys to his demons and victims of the devil. …
Fathers have forsaken their love for their wives and kids. They have exchanged it for their computers, dragged there by their lust and thirst for DIRTY FLESH, opening this portal of evil on their homes. They then wonder why there are bad things happening to their homes, depression, anger, anxiety, unfaithfulness, rebellion and hate, they wonder why they are not able to love and sacrifice for their wives as Christ sacrificed for His Church. They let demons get into their homes not knowing they are RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE.
Even wives are also becoming slaves to this portal of demons, not satisfied with their husbands, lusting silently over other men, cheating in their suggestive and imaginative minds, forever curious, not submitting to their husbands in love.
What only 30 years was unavailable has invaded our countries, societies, homes, all the way down to our minds, spirits and souls. What was destined to be a Holy temple of the Holy Spirit has become a filthy desecrated temple.
Human beings have turned into what the devil wants them to be, OBJECTS, VOID OF THEIR TRUE VALUE. Pure demonic influence has led people to forsake God, to hate Him and His Holiness, to rebel against THE ONE who gave them their life.
You may think it is all cool and nice, but it won’t be cool for you in hell and torment. It won’t be cool when you discover that it was the devil’s portal of evil that was SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF YOU, that IT WAS ALL his TRAP to drag you along with your family and kids down to the very pits of hell. It won’t be VERY COOL down there where the fires of hell will devour you for eternity. It won’t be very cool to live with that regret and remorse, forever and ever and EVER.
You who are addicted to pornography, you are an ignorant victim but you are also ACCOUNTABLE, because you LET YOURSELF be deceived and dragged by what you KNEW deep down WAS WRONG. It is the reason why you have always HIDDEN IT for fear of being EXPOSED by the light of the Holiness of a RIGHTEOUS GOD. But no, you CHOSE to believe the lies of the devil, that we are born this way, that it is ok, that we are only human, that we cannot help it. You have CHOSEN to believe the devil who turned evil into good and good into evil. You have chosen to give your soul to the devil and you have delivered your family into the hands of sexual demons that will destroy them. You have chosen to believe the devil who told you: “DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT, YOU SURELY WILL NOT DIE” …
• A rock came flying out of the sky and landed in a large pond (comet?).
• Violent protests.
• Violent attacks on older conservatives.
• $100 bill burning until 1/3 of it was left. People celebrating the dollar had died.
• Angels guarding the few faithful people praying. Relentless attacks against them, but they didn’t waiver. Saw a narrow gate: narrow is the way.
• The false, puffed up prosperity preachers were exposed. Bit through their tongues.
• Clowns trying to keep people from voting, distracting
Big billboard: “Passover 2021: big things are coming for the world”
White figure appeared, Who said “Do not stop bracing for the storm will not pass until I stop the storm. … Brace, brace, brace yourselves and don’t look back.”
“Make sure you’re right with the Lord, right with Jesus, because our whole world is about to be turned upside down.” “Repent of your sins. Confess those things; become accountable. Get rooted and grounded back in the Word, where you need to be. Be praying like never before, because we’re about to be tested, weighed and measured. And it’s going to be very, very obvious in the next several months who’s really living for the Lord and who isn’t — who’s been faking it the whole time.”
A dream I had on Monday August 10th.