Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 17 of 100

Dan Fagan: “You have to be willing to be hated” | Jesus: “You will be hated by all men for my name’s sake” “Blessed are you when men hate, exclude and mock you…”

Dan Fagan:

“You have to be willing to be hated.”

“Are you just someone who goes through life and wants to be as popular as can be, and you’ll say whatever you have to say to make sure that you’re liked by the most people? It’s very tempting to be wanted to be liked.”


“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:11-12

“You will be hated by all men for my name’s sake, but he who endures to the end, the same will be saved.” – Mark 13:13

“Blessed are you when men shall hate you, and when they shall exclude and mock you, and throw out your name as evil, for the Son of Man’s sake. Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven, for their fathers did the same thing to the prophets.” – Luke 6:22-23

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The Dan Fagan Show airs weekday mornings between 5:30 and 8 am on Newsradio 650 KENI.

Chuck Baldwin: Millions of Christians Now Filled With Fear After Trump’s Removal

6:10 “Since the removal of Donald Trump from office, Christians by the millions have fallen into a deep state of discouragement, disillusionment and depression. They are filled with fear.”– Chuck Baldwin

Degarmo & Key: The Pledge (1989) – Full Album

The Pledge (1989)

  1. Boycott Hell

  2. Aliens and Strangers

  3. I’m Accepted

  4. Hand in Hand

  5. The Pledge

  6. Life in the New Age

  7. Let’s Get Upset

  8. Who Will

  9. Right on Track

  10. If God is for Us (Who Can Be Against Us)

Next 9 songs will play automatically.

“It’s funny how everybody considers honesty a virtue, yet no one wants to hear the truth”

25 “Prophets” who said Trump would win… and their reactions when he didn’t

Related: Steve Schultz of ‘The Elijah List’ is seen in some of these clips. He’s been deceiving Christians for decades with false prophecies!

“My 7 Years Working for The Elijah List” — Ear-tickling messages coddling people into deceptive slumber: Positive-encouraging-words-only philosophy; the misinterpretation of Matt. 7:1-5 (not judging); the misuse of the term ‘Grace’ …. The end result of prophecy should be God’s people repenting.

“Is It Right: To Judge, To Expose Error & To Name Names? — Those who are faithful in exposing error according to the Bible are now being widely denounced, and are accused of being unloving and unkind

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Out of these 25, only four have so far apologized (Vallotton, Sandford, Johnson and Bolz) while one of them has admitted that Biden won without apologizing (Robertson). Those who have apologized have received thousands of hate mails and in some cases even death threats from Christian Trump supporters.

Time stamps:

0:00 Mark Burns
01:55 Denise Goulet
02:05 Kat Kerr
03:26 Paula White
04:00 Taribo West
04:13 Kevin Zadai
04:26 Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
04:55 The Prophetic Almanac
05:17 Jeff Jansen
05:42 Chris Yoon
09:12 Emily Rose Lewis
10:34 David Ramirez
11:41 Curt Landry
12:03 Pat Robertson
12:53 Kris Vallotton
13:20 Robby Dawkins
13:29 Mark Taylor
14:23 Hank Kunneman
15:41 Kenny Copeland
16:31 Sid Roth
18:11 Marcus Rogers
19:05 Greg Locke
19:21 Evans Abban
19:53 Shawn Bolz
20:25 Loren Sandford
21:36 Jeremiah Johnson

Many ‘Christians’ & salesmen pastors seek man’s approval, not God’s — spiritually running on empty.

“Not everyone who SAYS [or SINGS] to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who DOES the will of my Father who is in heaven.” – Mt. 7:21

“These people draw near to me with their MOUTH, and honor me with their LIPS; but their HEART is far from me.” – Mt. 15:8

Many ‘Christians’ & salesmen pastors seek man’s approval, not God’s — spiritually running on empty.


“Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified


The Great Gift of Tongues: Supernatural Theology with Justin Perry

Tom Littleton: Evangelical Deep State Misleading Christians — Normalizing homosexuality, “social justice,” Islam, contact tracing

Thomas Littleton’s website: thirtypiecesofsilver

Bill Gates funding Rick Warren

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In an interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, prominent Southern Baptist evangelist Thomas Littleton exposes the “Evangelical Deep State” and its nefarious efforts to mislead the Church and corrupt even conservative denominations. Among other concerns, he points to the normalization of homosexuality, the spread of support for “social justice” heresies, the joining together with the Marxist “Black Lives Matter” movement, and more. But people are waking up, he said.

Chuck Carlson: American Christians, Israel and Zionism — Supporting Israel to get blessed is destroying real Christianity – like 16th century indulgences


(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — God’s covenants require OBEDIENCE • “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘ANGRY’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” – Jesus

Filmed in 2004. Chuck tells about his visit to Palestine in 2002.

25:10 “Nobody knows what happens to them [arrested Palestinian terrorists that are never seen again]…, because torture is legal in Israel.”

26:00 MURDER BY PROXY — The ‘Christian’ Zionist mindset: “They must love their brother [Jesus’ command], so they can’t kill them themselves, so they appoint leaders like George W. Bush to kill them for them.”

30:10 The truth about Cyrus Scofield, criminal and supposed author of the Scofield Reference Bible, also called the Scofield Study Bible. Recommended reading: The Incredible Scofield and His Book He stole material from John Nelson Darby.

36:00 The truth about Genesis 12:3 and modern day Israel

39:40 In 1962, Oxford University Press added ‘antisemitism’ to the Scofield Bible [Scofield died in 1921] in a footnote: “For a nation to commit the sin of antisemitism brings inevitable judgment.”

41:00 “It’s destroying Christianity. … It’s the most destructive thing that’s happened since Martin Luther’s time. … The Catholic church had essentially destroyed Christianity by selling in terms of the little promises you can buy from them, eternal salvation through a scroll [indulgences].” — the idea that people, get blessed, are right with God for blessing modern, Talmudic Israel — which amounts to supporting war and whatever they do overtly and covertly.

48:15 Strong evidence that Cyrus Scofield was financed by Samuel Untermeyer, the Lotus Club.

49:50 “If you want to take over a country…, the thing to do is start a movement within the church.”

Chuck Baldwin: BE STRONG! — “I don’t think we are really prepared for the hardship that’s coming”

“I don’t think we are really prepared for the hardship that’s coming. … Have you ever read ‘Fox’s Book of Martyrs?’ … Can you imagine singing ‘Amazing Grace’ while the flames are licking at your feet?”

“You’re going to be hearing a lot of things in the next twelve months: things that are going to sound good, but are lies. How are you going to have the discernment to separate the lies from the truth? Through this book [holds up his Bible].”

Spurgeon: Saved only if obedient to Christ in our hearts

“No man is really saved unless he is in his heart obedient to Christ.” – Charles Spurgeon

“And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him,” – Hebrews 5:9

A lukewarm message may draw many people to your entertainment driven church, but never to the uncompromised Christ

A lukewarm message may draw many people to your entertainment driven church, but never to the uncompromised Christ.

Bill Wiese: Are We Believing Deceptive Lies? – “Anything else should be questioned. The Bible is God’s truth”

Exceptionally wise and pertinent words to overcome during these deceptive last days!


“The deception in these last days is overwhelming.”

“The enemy’s … primary weapon is subtle deception. He comes at us with carefully crafted arguments that stir up our emotions, and he often mixes in a little truth into the lies he promotes, causing us to question our God-given instinct. He comes back again and again until we are offended and angry. He knows that an offended person has compromised judgment.”

“The media has become the most powerful vehicle of lies, evil and confusion of our time. … And if you disagree with them you become ridiculed, hated, slandered.”

“We must stop and question the information being planted in our hearts and minds. We must each investigate the other side of the story.”

Romans 16:18 “By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.” BSB

The Bible says numerous times “take heed that no one deceives you.”

“If we are moved by feelings and feed on lies how are we to discern the truth” as the delusion increases with more serious birth pain events?

We should ask ourselves in humility:
• Have I been siding with evil?
• Do I really want to know the truth?
• Am I offended?
• Has my heart been hardened?
• Has my love gone cold?

“Anything else should be questioned. This [lays his hand on the Bible] is God’s truth.”

[music vid] ‘Blest Are They’

David Haas – ‘Blest Are They’

Blest are they, the poor in spirit
Theirs is the kingdom of God
Blest are they, full of sorrow
They shall be consoled

Rejoice, and be glad!
Blessed are you, holy are you!
Rejoice and be glad!
Yours is the kingdom of God!

Blest are they, the lowly ones
They shall inherit the earth
Blest are they, who hunger and thirst
They shall have their fill

Blest are they, who show mercy
Mercy shall be theirs
Blest are they, the pure of heart
They shall see God!

Blest are they, who seek peace
They are the children of God
Blest are they who suffer in faith
The glory of God is theirs

Blest are you, who suffer hate
All because of me
Rejoice and be glad, yours is the kingdom of God
Shine for all to see

Why I Will ALWAYS Expose “Once Saved Always Saved”

no matter how many Scriptures I brought up, even when I bring the salvational words of Christ Himself, even when I mention passages like John 15 that says that “the branch IN CHRIST that will not bear fruit will be cut off and BURNED”, even then, it will not convince the majority of professing Christians who got deceived by that lie.

It is because they WANT to believe the lie….

Lawrence Reed w/ Tom Woods: Was Jesus a Socialist?

It’s not uncommon to hear it said that Jesus was a socialist and that the early Church practiced socialism. None of this is true, and our guest takes us through all the key claims.

(audio) Was Jesus a Socialist? with Lawrence Reed

(vid) Third Day: ‘Your Love Oh Lord’ LIVE

Your love, oh Lord
Reaches to the heavens
Your faithfulness
Stretches to the skies
Your righteousness is
Like the mighty mountain, yeah
Your justice flows like
The ocean’s tides

I will lift my voice
To worship You, my King
I will find my strength
In the shadow of Your wings

Second video below shows why the abrupt cut-off in this one.

Third video below shows lyrics.

Then shown is the text of Psalm 36.

Rick Renner: Who Were the Nicolaitans? – Rev. 2:6 — ‘Okay to live like the world!’

Jesus in Revelation 2 NKJV:

But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

15 Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

Tolerance, compromise, no absolute truth, separation is ignored, freedom to sin and live like the world.

“More than half of evangelical Christians do not believe in absolute truth.”

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Who were the Nicolaitans mentioned in the book of Revelation? Who are the Nicolaitans today? How do you recognize Nicolaitanism in today’s church?

The Call: ‘I Still Believe’ Live!

One of my favorite songs that I’ve played over and over while driving around town, in my personal favorites of “The Call” CD!

There ISN’T A MASK BIG ENOUGH to protect us from everything. Suit up with the WHOLE armor of God!

There isn’t a mask big enough to protect us from everything going on in the world today. We need to suit up with the whole armor of God.

ONLY JESUS Can Give you Peace — Even During the Tough Times Ahead!

Even during the tough times coming ahead, we can have the peace that is beyond all understanding! George doesn’t say the following, but it’s key!

When our consciences are clear before God and men, when we’re walking not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit we’ll have peace, a fruit of the Spirit.

“Herein I also practice ALWAYS having a CONSCIENCE VOID OF OFFENSE toward God and men” (Acts 24:16).

Peace comes when we fully surrender to the Holy Spirit.

Why Many Can’t Hear the Voice of God

My take:

The majority of people, including truly born-again Christians probably have evil spirits speaking to them, often in the first person, so people think it’s their own thoughts. But they’re not originating these thoughts.  They’re thoughts we hear. They’re demons speaking.

If we ask God a question and get more than one answer, only one voice can be the Holy Spirit. The demons need to be excised.

I discovered this in the early ’80s, having been being born-again in ’74, and haven’t had the problem since.

Not being truly born-again can also be a reason, but may not be the main reason. Many have been truly born-again and experience confusion when trying to hear God’s voice, like I did in the early ’80s, when God showed me what actually was going on.

Alaska Watchman: 2020 exposed a festering disease in America — Christianity was the glue that held the nation together – de Tocqueville

2020 exposed a festering disease in America

This past winter the world began to change before our very eyes as the specter of an unknown global pandemic struck fear into the hearts of men. Lockdowns and closures – unthinkable in modern America – reshaped our lives overnight.


The events of this past year exposed a festering disease which has long-been weakening our body politic to the point that we now struggle to summon the necessary strength to restore our health. Things were not going well before 2020, but much of the country was oblivious.

One hundred and ninety years ago, a French writer sailed across the Atlantic to try and understand this bold new experiment called America. Alexis de Tocqueville wanted to see what sort of people could found and sustain a nation which was unlike any other in the history of the world.

He was not primarily interested in saving souls or defending any one particular church or denomination. But he, like our founding fathers, noted one fundamental reality about this new form of representative democracy. It would collapse, he said, if the people abandoned their Christian faith.

Christianity was the glue that held the nation together – the common set of values that justified the equality of all mankind under God. It provided a moral framework that protected individual liberties, while instilling a sense of moral duty to our fellow man. Without this foundation, Tocqueville predicted that a secular representative democracy would create citizens who were hyper individualist, preoccupied with material gain and willing to trample the Natural moral laws of the universe if they could only secure a tyrannical majority. Might would become right in the absence of a higher authority.

America’s religious institutions have been weakening for several generations now. Church attendance is falling, and many younger Americans know next to nothing about Christianity. We can no longer afford to neglect our churches and our prayers. Our children must be forged in faith and a deep love for God whose commands transcend all state and earthly powers.

Without this we cannot possibly save our souls, let alone the heart of this great nation.



Dana Coverstone: Confessing Our Sins One To Another – “The power of sin is in secrecy” – Being Accountable Being Accountable

5:32:55 “When was the last time we confessed our sins to one another?”

5:33:40 For 30 years, Dana has been accountable to six men, to whom he writes a letter each Sunday, telling them his temptations, frustrations, challenges, relationship with his wife, church situations, etc. — as transparent as he can be. So they pray for him in those areas. He’s accountable to them.

5:36:10 For nine years, every Tuesday night, he and 6-10 guys (some are the same as those above) pray for one another. “That Tuesday night prayer time is a no-miss for me.”

5:38:05 Dana’s serious health problems he’s dealt with and has mostly has overcome!

5:46:55 “The power of sin is in secrecy.”

Dana Coverstone: The Earthquake Dream!

Petra – When will the world see that we need Jesus? / When our hearts are as one / When sister and brother love one another as one

JESUS’ PRAYER in John 17:20-23

“Not for these only do I pray, but for those also who believe in me through their word, that they may ALL be ONE; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be ONE IN US; THAT THE WORLD MAY BELIEVE  that you sent me.

THE GLORY which you have given me, I have GIVEN to them; THAT THEY MAY BE ONE, EVEN AS WE ARE one; I in them, and you in me, that they may be PERFECTED into one; THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW that you sent me, and loved them, even as you loved me.”

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Petra – ‘We Need Jesus’

When will the world see that we need Jesus?
If we open our eyes, we will all realize that He loves us, oh yea
When will the world see that we need Jesus?
When our hearts are as one and believe that He’s the Son of our God


When will the world see that we need Jesus?
When sister and brother love one another as one
When will the world see that we need Jesus?
Will we ever understand Jesus is the Son of man?
We must live in the shadow of His love

Are You a FOLLOWER OF JESUS? A Good Test


1-          Do you know WHO Jesus Christ TRULY is?

2-          Have you ever read the words of Jesus?

3-          Did you read the words of Jesus enough that they popup in your mind depending on your daily circumstances?

4-          Do you take every thought captive to the words of Jesus throughout your day?

5-          If you truly read His words, can you recite 3 verses Jesus said from the top of your head?

6-          Do you APPLY the words of Jesus in your life?

7-          Are you aware of the presence of the Lord throughout your day?

8-          Do you converse with Jesus consistently even if in your mind?

9-          If someone mentions Jesus, does that make you uncomfortable?

10-          Do you feel ashamed to say that you believe in Jesus to other people?

11-          Do you look for opportunities to witness about Jesus to the lost?

12-          Do you have a healthy fear of Jesus Christ, the Holy lamb of God?

13-          Is Jesus REAL in your life and do you EXPERIENCE His reality?

14-          Did you REPENT of your sins and TURN AWAY from them in order to follow Jesus?

15-          Are you grieved and become jealous over Jesus when other professing Christians abuse His grace by living in deliberate sin?

16-          Are you grieved when you see false prophets, teachers and preachers lead the sheep of Christ astray?

17-          Do you care for the sheep of Christ as you care for Jesus Himself?

18-          Do you care about the lost and do you want to bring them to Jesus so that they are saved?

19-          Are you faithful to Jesus? And do you OBEY Him?

20-          Is Jesus Christ your FIRST priority?

21-          Are you guided by the Holy Spirit of Christ?

22-          Are you ready to forsake every hindrance to your relationship with Christ?

23-          Are you ready get rid of bad relationships, bad friends, bad jobs or careers that are preventing you from truly following Jesus?

24-          Is Jesus Christ the center of your life or are you yourself the center with Jesus revolving around you?

25-          Do you go to Jesus because you love Him or just because you want salvation?

26-          Do you TRULY LOVE JESUS AND will you endure with Jesus Christ in Holiness and righteousness until the end of your life?

and may God bless you!

Beware of Mainstream “Church” Lies – Salvation is CONDITIONAL

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