“We must not walk around with bitterness and unforgiveness in our heart. We must forgive others to be forgiven by Jesus also. We must not repay evil with evil but with good. We must love and not hate, bless and not curse. Bitterness and unforgiveness will cause many to end up at the wrong end destination. The wages of sin is death.”
“It is a lonely road, but it is the only road. If you want to have eternal life, if you want to be pleasing to Jesus, you are not allowed to compromise. You must listen to Jesus, get your wisdom from Him. Pray, ask Him. He will guide you.”
– Jan Boshoff from (vid) Do Not Compromise…
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When real Christianity, revival happens, it won’t be so lonely:
… How can other governments accept the US, UK, and French governments that intentionally lied about a Russian chemical attack on the Skripals and about a Syrian chemical attack on Douma, risking a third world war, and then themselves attacking Syria on the basis of a transparent lie unsupported by any evidence? How exactly do you conduct diplomatic relations with war criminals?
You don’t. You put them on trial. Why aren’t Trump, May, and Macron on trial?
The reason is that the world has been conditioned, like Pavlov’s dogs, to expect and accept the West’s war crimes as ordinary….
Russian indecisiveness combined with the rest of the world’s toleration of ongoing US war crimes suggests that more provocations will be orchestrated, that more lawless attacks will take place, and that eventually a fatal conflict will be brewed. …
How can it be that the American people are undisturbed by their government’s 17 years of wars based entirely on blatant lies? How can it be that the American people and the Evangelical churches are unmoved by the millions of innocent peoples in seven countries who have been murdered, maimed, orphaned, and displaced by the profit-driven US military/security complex and by the neoconservative ideology in service to Israel? …
How can it be that the European, Canadian, and Australian governments and the citizens of these countries are not ashamed of their participation in these never-ending crimes? …
Why is the world silent in the face of massive, long-term, ongoing war crimes?
Entire Article
Good, brief overview of Joel’s carefully thought out views.
Related — a word I got in 2008, right after the evangelicals chose the warmongers McCain/Palin instead of the peacemaker Ron Paul:
Dumitru Duduman, Romanian Bible smuggler’s visions:
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“The purpose is not to win, because we’re not going to win.”
– Joel Skousen
Mark 11:25-26
“And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”
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Also, many ‘Christians’ follow the louder, pushy, familiar spirits instead, which confuse and lead astray — being in there because of lack of perfect love, holiness and praying enough in the Holy Spirit.
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“Most Christians don’t hear God’s voice because we’ve already decided we aren’t going to do what He says.”
– A. W. Tozer
Sex Ed Sit Out is a grassroots movement fighting radical, graphic, tax-payer funded, gender-bending sex education. We educate parents about what’s really happening in sex ed and who is making the decisions for their children.
The Sit Out strategy is our way to make your voice heard. When the parents of our nation unite to exercise their rights, those in power will hear…
Let education decision-makers and government leaders know you are here, you are aware of what’s happening, and you are fighting for the youth of this nation.
When coal is dated to 300 million years but has doorknobs embedded into it, you know your dating methods don’t work correctly! – Bible Creation
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Modern day, currently Talmudic (the ‘leaven’ that Jesus warned about) Israel is one of the most difficult subjects to understand biblically.
All Christians should agree that the early church never supported evil, nor should we. Stephen was even killed by the Jews for telling them the truth, as Jesus filled Stephen with the Holy Spirit!
Joel just today wrote:
“Sadly, most American Christians confuse the Biblical support for the restoration of the House of Israel to its homeland (already happened) with continued unconditional support for Israel’s interventionist policies as a globalist puppet.”`
– Joel Skousen in World Affairs Brief, April 20, 2018 under “Israel Strikes Iranian Base in Syria”
Also, was this restoration even biblical? God always requires obedience for the children of Israel to return to the land. That didn’t happen this time, nor were most of the conquerors who used terrorism actually Semitic children of Israel. See:
Jesus’ command to ‘love our neighbor as ourself’ was never meant to be replaced by “bless [modern day] Israel to be blessed,” a misinterpretation of Genesis 12:3.
The false doctrines of ‘Christian’ Zionism and once-saved-always-saved have utterly destroyed the real Christianity in America as we destroy real people in Jesus’ name for Talmudic, still-anti-Christ Israel.
Not everyone’s works of righteousness are as filthy rags to God. Take for example the words of Jesus found in Revelation chapter 3 to the Church of Sardis. Jesus tells them that there are few there that have not defiled their robes. He says that they are worthy because He has found them to be in their clean robes. They have been washed clean. He says that He will not blot their name out of the Lamb’s Book of Life.
If we go with Jesus, if we actually repent of our sins, Jesus cleanses us, He washes our old lifestyle away, and the sins of our past we will leave behind. In John chapter 8 Jesus makes it very clear that those who sin, even if they are Christians, are slaves of sin, and that a slave will not abide in the house forever, but Jesus says a SON will abide forever, therefore if the Son sets you free you are free indeed.
What do you think will happen to those Christians that think that everyone’s acts of righteousness are filthy rags? One day they will stand before God, they will make it into the kingdom and they will think they have made it, they will sit down at the table and exactly as the parable goes in Matthew chapter 22, the angels will be sent out, those Messengers, and they will say “How did you get in here?” And when the Master of the House realizes that there is a man in there called a Christian who made it all the way into the kingdom without the wedding garments, He will say to the servants, “Bind him hand and foot and cast him into outer darkness.” And that man will be left speechless because he thought that everyone in the Kingdom had filthy clothes on just as himself. But those who make it into the kingdom of heaven that are welcome, they make it in with their white garments, they are washed clean and they will be welcome because they are right with the Lord.
Are you right with the Lord today? Or are you like the Christians who quote Isaiah chapter 64 telling everyone that they can’t repent, that everyone will be wicked and any righteousness is filthy before God. These Christians twist the truth, they make the righteousness of God unholy and they call on unholiness righteousness. Make sure that you know Jesus, prepared because He is coming. May the grace of Jesus be with you.
We must be peacemakers to be legitimate children of God:
“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they will be called CHILDREN OF GOD.”
– Jesus in Matthew 5:9
Do you listen to His voice?
Published on Apr 17, 2018
Jesus said:”My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.” If you have accepted Jesus and you listen to Him, He will teach and guide you.
Jesus called me. One night many years ago, I woke up and I clearly heard these words:”Go into all the world an make disciples of all nations. Go where I send you. Take their hand and put it in My hand and I will guide them.”
Jesus guides my footsteps and He warns me of danger. Years ago I used to preach at a church in the townships on Sundays. It was a very dangerous area. One Sunday morning I woke up at 4 in the morning. I had just dreamed that I was in the township on my way to the church and had been shot. Jesus was telling me not to go. The very next day Christian missionaries were shot and killed in the same area.
In the corporate work situation, Jesus guided me, gave me wisdom in business decisions. In the home, Jesus guided me in the discipline and bringing up of my children. In my marriage, my relationship with my wife, Jesus guides me. In all things, I seek His guidance and approval.
Jesus speaks to all His children but many do not listen. They follow their own mind and they follow the advice of other people.
We cannot please Jesus and bear fruit for His kingdom if we do not listen to Him and obey Him.
That is why many Christians will end up in hell. They are stubborn and disobedient. they follow after their own ways and the ways of the world, and they ignore Jesus when He speaks to them.
Without Jesus, we can do nothing. If we want to enter His kingdom, we have to listen to Him and obey Him. If we stray from Jesus we will perish.
Seek Jesus with all your heart. Live your life to please Him. Pray, wait on Him. Listen and obey when He speaks to you and He will guide you all the way, until the end.
May Jesus bless you.
“Watching pornography will lead to Hellfire. Don’t get caught in this trap of the Devil. Lust is the same as adultery of the heart. God calls it a sin and in order to get lust out of your life, you will need to take drastic measures, but it will be worth it in the end!”
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“When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection.”
– A. W. Tozer
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“Christian liberty is freedom from sin, not freedom to sin.”
– A. W. Tozer
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“So many people think they can play with sin and not be affected by it. Don’t deceive yourself! Sin blinds your eyes, hardens your heart and deafens your ears!”
Spiritual death happens one compromise at a time…
Don’t play with sin.
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Outstanding! The best 3-minute summary of who goes to heaven that I’ve so far seen!
Transcript beneath video.
Paul made sure he was blameless & RECONCILED with one another, having a CLEAR CONSCIENCE, running his race to win:
“Herein I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” (Acts 24:16)
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Never put off saying: “I love you,” “I’m sorry,” “Thank You,” “I forgive you.” Tomorrow isn’t promised; say them today.
Chuck Baldwin wrote on Facebook hours after Trump bombed Syria for a second time on April 4th, 2018:
At 4 am local time, U.S. U.K., and French jets fired an undetermined number of missiles on so-called “chemical” targets in Syria in supposed retaliation for Syria’s alleged gas attack against the Syrian people. But there is absolutely NO PROOF that the chemical attack came from the Syrian government. Everyone seems to have conveniently forgotten that the U.S. certified that Syria had given up its chemical weapons back in 2014.
Do you know which country has the largest stockpile of chemical weapons? The United States, that’s which one.
Plus, everyone knows that the Islamist terrorists fighting the Assad government are in possession of chemical weapons (no doubt supplied by the United States). And Donald Trump is basing his attack against Syria on the word of the Douma-based terrorists fighting Assad? You call THAT evidence?
Trump said he attacked Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles, but THERE ARE NO CHEMICAL WEAPONS STOCKPILES in Syria. Therefore, the missiles hit key Syrian supply bases and Trump claimed they were chemical stockpiles.
Hmmm. If they had been chemical weapon stockpiles that were bombed, wouldn’t the poisonous gasses be showered all over creation, killing untold numbers of people? If that had happened, who, then, would be guilty of using chemical weapons against innocent civilians? Remember, these missile attacks included Syria’s capital city, Damascus–the country’s most densely populated metropolis.
Beyond that, the missile attacks came just before international inspectors were scheduled to arrive in Syria to investigate the chemical attack. The U.S. missile attack doubtless has now forever destroyed the evidence that the chemicals were used by anti-Assad terrorists, NOT the Syrian government. How convenient.
Defense Secretary Mattis is saying this is a “one time” attack, but Trump is strongly suggesting that more missiles are on the way. After all, most of the missiles were intercepted by Syrian missile defense systems and didn’t reach their intended targets.
Trump has called Assad a “monster” and an “animal.” But Bashar al-Assad is mild-mannered physician, a western-trained eye doctor to be specific. He is married to a British citizen. He is loved and adored by the vast majority of the Syrian people–including Syria’s Christians. He often travels openly throughout Syria without fear of being harmed by his own countrymen. In fact, Assad has a higher popularity rating among his fellow countrymen than any other national leader on earth. This is the man that has ordered several chemical attacks against his own people? BALDERDASH! POPPY-COCK!
This was a U.S. dark ops false flag if there ever was one. And after criticizing Barack Obama for falling for a false flag chemical attack in 2013 that was blamed on Assad, Trump is doing the exact same thing–except this time he is risking war with Russia.
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