Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Doctrines Demystified Page 10 of 26

(vid) Pawson: Lukewarm Laodicea – "HOT or *COLD*" Explained! *High mineral salts* water could only be drunk hot or cold. If lukewarm, it makes one vomit • Because of Laodicea's half-hearted discipleship, Jesus says He is on the verge of spewing the people out of His mouth. Half-hearted discipleship makes Jesus sick!

“You can drink this kind of water when it’s hot, and you can drink it when it’s freezing cold, but you cannot drink it when it’s lukewarm. It acts like an emetic, and it just makes you sick. You just vomit.” – David Pawson

We’ve reached Rev. 3:14-22 which was the last of Jesus’ letters. It was to Laodicea and Jesus used the local geological feature of thermal water with salts to make a point. When it was fresh out of the ground, it was boiling hot and drinkable. When it reached Laodicea it was lukewarm and made you physically sick. That picture is used by Jesus to show how He feels about this church. This church was further away from the ‘throne of Satan’ at Pergamum, than the other churches and so were not troubled with any persecution. It was an insult to Jesus that they really couldn’t care one way or the other about faithful obedience. Well this church was like that. Because of their half hearted discipleship, Jesus said He is on the verge of spewing the church out of His mouth. Half hearted discipleship makes Jesus sick. If a husband or wife felt that way about their other half, divorce would result.

Video is also here.

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Hebrews 10:28-30 states that those who abuse the gift of grace shall receive a punishment worse than death 💀

Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and a fierceness of fire which will devour the adversaries. 28 A man who disregards Moses’ law dies without compassion on the word of two or three witnesses. 29 How much worse punishment, do you think, will he be judged worthy of, who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant with which he was sanctified an unholy thing, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “Vengeance belongs to me,” says the Lord, “I will repay.” Again, “The Lord will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Rick Wiles' Challenge to Christian Zionists: "You are the cause of America's decline" — "replaced the cross with the star of David, took the focus off of God and holiness" • "There's no conviction of sin, no preaching of holiness, nothing about righteousness, nothing about the fear of God" • "'Christian' Zionists created the pre-trib rapture doctrine" • "'Christian' Zionists are in the hands of people who don't believe in Christ"

Crucially important message!!! I transcribed these quotes by Rick:

“The ‘Christian’ Zionists created the pre-trib rapture doctrine.”

“…’Christian’ Zionists. You are the cause of America’s decline. … They took control of the churches in America…. They replaced the cross with the star of David. They took the focus off of God and holiness. They put it all on a piece of land in the middle east, and America has gone to hell.”

“There’s no conviction of sin in this country anymore. … ‘Grace is going to cover it. Don’t worry about it…. You’re saved….’ There’s no preaching of holiness, nothing about righteousness, nothing about the fear of God. All of this has disappeared from ‘Christian’ Television. But there’s going to be a change.”

“The ‘Christian’ Zionists are in the hands of people who don’t believe in Christ.”

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Attributes of God charts leave out half of God's personality! Paul said: "See then the GOODNESS *and SEVERITY* of God. Only seeing God's goodness is a great deception, leading many astray!

I wrote this on Facebook a year ago:
They’re DECEIVING us! I’ve seen these LISTS for 40 years, but have never realized until now that they have not presented the balanced nature of God according to what Paul clearly states in Romans 11, and they’re setting us up for a fall. God’s *goodness* is on this list, but not His *severity*. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If we lose the fear of the Lord we become fools:

Romans 11:20 ..Don’t be conceited, but FEAR; 21 for if God didn’t spare the natural branches [the Jews], neither will he spare you. 22 See then the GOODNESS *and* SEVERITY of God. Toward those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, IF YOU CONTINUE in his goodness; OTHERWISE YOU WILL ALSO BE CUT OFF [like in Mt. 7:19 and John 15:6].

We’re not being warned — so we’ll be holy — living in the Son — together as ‘ONE!’

Dan Corner: Eternal Security Issues And Answers — "This is why there is no revival. People don't think they have to be revived of anything. They think they're going to heaven…"

12:00 “This is why there is no revival. People don’t think they have to be revived of anything. They think they’re going to heaven…”

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Dan Corner: John MacArthur EXPOSES His License-To-Sin OSAS False Teaching

(vid) The Power of Your Intentions (The Rice Experiment) — Why pray for our food to nourish our bodies – AMAZING!

This isn’t specifically a Christian video, but it scientifically shows why it’s important to be openly thankful for our food, and to pray for our food to nourish our bodies.
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(vid) The "OFFICIAL" Calvinism Dictionary | Calvinist Confusion Series | Kerrigan Skelly

Tozer: "If we are not CHANGED BY GRACE, then we are not SAVED by grace"

“If we are not CHANGED BY GRACE, then we are not SAVED by grace.”

– A. W. Tozer

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(vid) Michael Brown on LGBTQ: A Gospel-Centered Approach to Hyper-Sexualized Culture: Part 1, The People | Part 2, The Ideas — 12/29-30/2017 IHOP Onething

EXCELLENT, BALANCED teaching regarding LGBTQ.
But warning: please be careful of Michael, who loves the title “doctor,” what Jesus said not to do. And here he asks people to follow him on social media, but he’s leading many horribly astray on ‘Christian’ Zionism, supporting Talmudic Israel no matter what; though, Jesus warned us of the ‘leaven’ of the Pharisees and whom they were actually serving, and how we must be ‘peacemakers’ to truly be called the children of God, Jesus said in Matthew 5. Michael also blocks those who carefully and lovingly tell the truth about Israel.
But this is really good. Highly recommended. Both parts below:
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I’m speaking at a massive youth conference in KC on reaching the LGBT community with compassion.

We had to turn away lots of young people who were eager to learn how to reach out to the LGBT community with God’s love and truth.

Speaking at the Onething Conference in KC on why we must resist LGBT activism. Again, we had to turn away many hundreds who wanted to get in.

So what's wrong with this video attack on the Word of God:

This video is making the rounds on Facebook. The guy on the left is partially right about context. I wrote this:

My theory on the Nephilim: When God told the Children of Israel to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan (the giants), there was this Genesis-6, demon-contaminated genetic problem again? Israel did not; and then there was intermarriage. This would explain why so many seem to be predisposed towards evil — and they become our leaders — even of churches?!!

At 1:27, that’s probably a mistranslation using definition #2 instead of #1:
I most often use the WEB online, which says:

Yahweh, you have persuaded me, and I was persuaded; you are stronger than I, and have prevailed….

God isn’t some pushover wimp. He always has and always will have two sides to His character: “goodness and severity.” Today’s wimp, “once saved always saved,” ‘Christian’ Zionists pastors only teach one.
Paul teaches the balance in Romans 11:

20 ..Don’t be conceited, but FEAR; 21 for if God didn’t spare the natural branches [the Jews], neither will he spare you. 22 See then the GOODNESS and SEVERITY of God. Toward those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, IF YOU CONTINUE in his goodness; OTHERWISE YOU WILL ALSO BE *CUT OFF [like in Mt. 7:19 and John 15:6].

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(movie) "Marching to Zion" – Rabbis Discuss Anti-Christian Talmudic Judaism

Full Movie Transcript

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“Marching to Zion” Full Movie

Chuck Baldwin: MIT Survey: Okay To Kill 2 Million People In A Preemptive Nuclear Attack — "Warmongering Christian Zionists think they are all going to be “raptured” to heaven before the nuclear Armageddon that they are helping to create incinerates THEM. They are in for a very rude awakening" – Dispensational prophecy teaching & FOX News have turned 'Christians' into cold, callused purveyors of WAR!

Theologian explains how Trump’s Jerusalem move is 'Christian' Zionists' dream come true — praying this destabilizes the Middle East and causes chaos and suffering — helping Satan's, Talmudic NWO will be done

(vid) Chuck Baldwin: The Church and Talmudic Israel

Marc Roy: Woman Pastors?

(vid) Trump's Jerusalem Controversy – Does All of Jerusalem Belong to Israel?

(vid) DUTY To Protect: A Lesson For Those At Soft Targets Like Churches — Van Wyk saved 1,000 lives facing down 4 terrorists spraying the church members with fully automatic fire & grenades

(vid) Be Quicker to Resist the Devil and You’ll Overcome — When temptation comes to you, you immediately have to choose what is right

Many never get free of lust demons. And those who do live free, we need to keep our thoughts pure so we don’t allow the demons in that drive lust.
If one does willfully sin while being free, and the lust demons enter, repent: “resist the Devil and he will flee” — as we determine in our hearts to live lust free — to not give the Devil a place.

We MUST overcome — my article that no one can refute:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT

HOW to overcome:

LUST ‘the poison that kills the soul’ FREEDOM! My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

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My response to Michael Brown's Article: 'Why I Never Drink Alcohol' — *Unbiblical prohibitions* cause people to stumble too

My response to Michael Brown’s Charisma Article: Why I Never Drink Alcohol, 9/19/2017
Teachers who say Christians should never drink alcohol are going beyond what the Bible says, prohibiting something the Bible does not prohibit. The Bible handles the subject differently, giving guidelines on how to be wise about how much to drink. Also, many studies show that drinking alcohol in moderation can be healthy, which relates to what Paul said to Timothy 2000 years ago, and as Michael said in the article: Jesus turned the water into wine.
Michael says:

“The lesson here is that we should put greater emphasis on helping weaker brothers and sisters than on enjoying our liberty.”

Michael derives this from a lesson that was about eating *food sacrificed to idols,* which the apostles concluded in Acts 15:20 was a sin — taboo. Michael then applies this to drinking alcohol, which is not in the Acts-15 list, implying we should be as he is, to not drink any alcohol at all.
The truth is we can also stumble others by calling something a sin that is not a sin, placing burdens on others that the Bible doesn’t place on them.
Paul’s elders’ qualifications:
Additionally, in Paul’s elders’ qualifications in both 1 Timothy and Titus, Paul does not prohibit overseers from drinking alcohol. Instead, he says leaders must not be “given to wine” (KJV) / “addicted to wine” (NASB).

An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate*, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine** or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money. He must be one who manages his own household well….. And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. (1 Tim. 3:2-4, 7 NASB)

appoint elders in every city as I directed you, namely, if any man is above reproach, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, not accused of dissipation or rebellion. For the overseer must be above reproach as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine**, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain, but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled***, holding fast the faithful word…. (Tit. 1:5-9 NASB)

* temperate from HELPS Word-studies:

Cognate: 3524 nēpháleos (an adjective, derived from 3525/nḗphō, “to be sober”) – properly, not intoxicated, free from negative influences (intoxicants); (figuratively) clear-minded; circumspect (“sober”), free from life-dominating influences.

** not addicted to wine (NASB) or given to wine (KJV), from Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:

STRONGS NT 3943: πάροινος

πάροινος, πάροινον, a later Greek word for the earlier παροίνιος (παρά (which see IV. 1) and οἶνος, one who sits long at his wine), given to wine, drunken: 1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7; (others give it the secondary sense, ‘quarrelsome over wine’; hence, brawling, abusive).
***self controlled from HELPS Word-studies

4998 sṓphrōn (from sōos, “sound, safe” and 5424 /phrḗn, “inner outlook” which regulates outward behavior) – properly, safe (sound) because moderated, referring to what is prudent because correctly (divinely) balanced (which is far more than being “the middle of the road”).

4998 /sṓphrōn (“acting in God’s definition of balance“) makes someone genuinely temperate, i.e. well-balanced from God’s perspective. True balance is not “one-size-fits-all” nor is it blandly static. Biblical moderation (4998 /sṓphrōn) describes “a man who does not command himself, but rather is commanded by God‘” (K. Wuest, Word Studies, 2, 46). This root (sōphro-, “soundness”) then reflects living in God-defined balance.

Why isn’t this mentioned anymore?:
Paul says in Galatians 5 that drunkenness will keep a person from inheriting the kingdom, and Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.”
The church needs to know that drunkenness is a salvation issue — a sin by which many are going to hell, including those who have been born-again.
The fear of the Lord is to help us keep from sinning. The fear of the Lord should be taught to help people decide how to treat alcohol.
True Christians are led by the Holy Spirit:

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” (Rom. 8:14).

The Holy Spirit will help us know what the balance is on many things, including alcohol, instead of teaching a prohibition that the Bible does not teach.
What the Bible really says about who goes to heaven needs to be again taught in the church, which I do here:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *NO CONDEMNATION* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”


(3 min video) No Such Thing As Lukewarm Christians | Francis Chan

I wrote these comments:

Jesus spoke to me in a dream that I was in danger of going to hell *merely* for lusting while watching TV. I then did a careful study, and write what the NT really says here, which includes my dream:

“Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

“Not everyone who SAYS to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who DOES the will of my Father who is in heaven.” – Jesus in Mt. 7:21

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Is ‘Replacement Theology’ Biblical? Is God done with the true Jews, replaced now by the church? — The church has replaced Israel as the primary means by which the world is blessed by God’s work; however, it is not biblical to say that God is completely done with Israel and that the Christian church is its complete replacement. Romans 11 says…

From: CARM – Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry

What is replacement theology?

Replacement theology is the teaching that the Christian church has replaced national Israel regarding the plan, purpose, and promises of God.
Therefore, many of the promises that God made to Israel must be spiritualized.  For example, when it speaks of Israel being restored to the land, this really means that the Christian church will be blessed.  Also, covenants made with Israel are fulfilled in the Christian church so, for example,

  1. The Jewish people are no longer God’s chosen people.  Instead, the Christian church now makes up God’s chosen people.
  2. In the New Testament after Pentecost, the term “Israel” refers to the church.
  3. The Mosaic covenant (Exodus 20) is replaced by the new covenant (Luke 22:20).
  4. Actual circumcision is replaced by a circumcision of the heart (Rom. 2:29).

So, in replacement theology, the church has replaced Israel as the primary means by which the world is blessed by God’s work. Though it is true that the church does replace Israel in some areas such as properly representing God on earth, acknowledging the promise of the Messiah, etc., it is not biblical to say that God is completely done with Israel and that the Christian church is its complete replacement.

“For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery, lest you be wise in your own estimation, that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; 26 and thus all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, ‘The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will remove ungodliness from Jacob,’” (Rom. 11:25-26).

Entire Article

(video) Can a Woman be a Pastor? — "Headship and submission did not originate with the fall" – John Piper

17:57 “Headship and submission did not originate with the fall” – John Piper.

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Can a Woman be a Pastor?

Published on Aug 11, 2017

In this video, I answer one of the most debated questions in all of Christianity. Can a woman be a Pastor? Got bible questions you want answers for? Here is a new series to answer them!

for more info –…

Forgiveness is: taking the knife out of your own back and not using it to hurt anyone else no matter how they hurt you

Forgiveness is:

taking the knife out of your own back
and not using it
to hurt anyone else
no matter how
they hurt you.

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(4 min audio) Francis Chan: Paul's Life Makes Sense in Light of Hell – "People are beating him up, spitting on him, stoning him, whipping him… but he wasn't going to stop"

Francis Chan, transcribed by me:

“When I look at Paul’s life, and he goes around telling everyone he can — people are beating him up, spitting on him, stoning him, whipping him, whatever, but he wasn’t going to stop. I look at that, I go: ‘see, but that makes sense.’ Don’t you look at his life and go: ‘in light of hell, his life makes sense.’ Right? And that’s what bugs me. His life makes sense, because if I really believed in a literal hell….”

One person commented:

Chan was talking about Penn of Penn and Teller, I believe. Ive seen where someone from Way of the Master talked to Penn and that was his response, about how much do you hate someone not to tell them about hell.

Paul “always having a conscience void of offense toward God and men(Acts 24:16) also makes sense in light of hell. His conscience needed to be clear for his own salvation, as well as to be qualified to lead others.

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Francis Chan – Jesus warned the world about hell Sermon jam

Published on Feb 4, 2017

(5 min video) Francis Chan on Homosexuality

Francis Chan on Homosexuality

Published on Jun 30, 2015

An excerpt from… Check out the blog post I made for which this excerpt was created.…

Christians Should Not Support The Talmudic State Of Israel — Satan has deceived Christians about who is ‘Israel’ and who is a ‘Jew’ so that Christian Zionists play a major role in supporting Satan's diabolical NWO plan • The name “Israel” has been hijacked by people who aren’t even descendants of Abraham • “Bless Israel, be blessed; curse Israel, be cursed” manipulates God’s Word – False teachers wrongly insert the name “Israel” in place of “you” (Abraham) • What Benjamin Netanyahu (Mileikowsky) really thinks about US: "America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left…. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves"

From: – End Times Deceptions

Christians Should Not Support The Zionist State Of Israel

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you, because many believers have been teaching false doctrine regarding the Jews and Israel.

If you read it based on your current understanding, then your previous programming will cause you to dismiss it as anti-semitic (which you will see, is not possible.)

What you will see is that most of the sources on this page are from Jewish people.
Be sure to read it all the way through, as it reveals who is a true Israelite, who is a true Jew, and who are the promised children of Elohim.

Consider the following facts to see why Christians should NOT support the state of Israel. Rather we should pray for Jews to come to know their Messiah, who has already come and ratified the everlasting covenant with His blood as the Passover Lamb.

Steven Ben-Denoon of Israeli News Live proclaims that top ISIS agents are Israel MOSSAD.
It is a shame to receive such news that Israeli Operatives are Leading ISIS in Mosul. This report comes after the fact that INL had once before reported from sources in the Israeli Military that had first shared this information with us.
Simon Elliot, who is no doubt Israeli MOSSAD, leads ISIS; with the alias Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
MOSSAD Simon Elliot leader of ISIS
Here is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi with John McCain.

Jews Step Forward to denounce the Zionist state of Israel
Rabbinical Torah Jews believe that the Zionist state of Israel is illegitimate in the eyes of God and that it DOES NOT represent true Jews or Judaism.

They believe that the Zionists have illegitimately seized the name “Israel” and have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people!
They believe that contemporary sovereignty over the Holy Land belongs to those who have lived there for centuries, the Palestinians.
In this interview, Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, rabbi of Beis Medrash of Bayswater, explains the motives behind the claims of Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders to represent all Jews. He explains how Zionism, starting from Theodor Herzl, unilaterally arrogated to itself the right to speak in the name of world Jewry. Rabbi Shapiro explains the motives behind this and the danger it poses to the Jewish people.
In this interview, Rabbi Weiss is sharply critical in his remarks of the ideology of Zionism, who wrongly claim to represent Jews.
Rabbi Weiss is sharply critical in his remarks of the ideology of Zionism, who wrongly claim to represent Jews.
“Don’t let the Zionist media fool you. There are hundreds of thousands of fervently anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox Jews throughout the world, and we will never surrender to the Zionist idea…… Even secular Zionism has been a catastrophe for the Jewish people, but religious Zionism, combining two opposites into an unstable mixture, is leading the Jewish people to moral depravity. It is the complete inverse of the Jewish mission to be a light to the nations and bring peace to the world.” – True Torah Jews
You can read more about them at these websites:
True Torah Jews  /  Jews United Against Zionism
The Arab nation never harmed the Jew until the advent of Jewish nationalism. The Zionists are heretics.” Rabbi Amram Blau 1894-1974
Since Torah Jews believe that the state of Israel is illegitimate in the eyes of Elohim, we should not support them either.
DNA studies confirm that 97% of people who call themselves Jews, ARE NOT descendents of Abraham.
In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim (a Jew), a biologist at Hebrew University, published the first extensive study of DNA and the origin of the Jews. Her research found that virtually all the Jews came from Khazar blood.
The newest DNA research science from Dr. Eran Elhaik (a Jew) and his associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, has confirmed that:

The various groups of Jews in the world today DO NOT share a common genetic origin, and their genome is largely Khazar.

In fact, DNA research shows that the Palestinians actually have more Israelite blood than do the Khazar ‘Jews!’

These DNA research results should cause you to question everything you know about modern day Jews and the state of Israel.
Today they’re called Ashkenazi Jews, but they are a Jew by religion, not by blood. Most of them have Turkish-Mongol DNA.

The 1905 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. XI p 533, stated that ‘probably 95% of the persons included in these estimates of Jewish populations are Ashkenazim‘.
The 1973 Jewish Encyclopedia documents that approximately 90% of the world’s so-called Jews are Khazar. A. N. Poliak, Professor of Medieval Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, says that the majority of Eastern European Jews are Khazar and Japhetic in origin, not Semitic.  Immigration statistics indicate approximately 90% of the world’s so-called or self-styled ‘Jews’ living in 42 countries of the world are emigrants of Eastern European Khazar Jews.

Jesus words that Jerusalem will be “trampled by Gentiles” are confirmed, as 97% of the so-called Jews in Israel are Gentiles.
To read a more in-depth study about this, click on Jews Who Are Not Jews.
Since they’re not the descendents of Abraham, then they don’t have a right to
the land or to persecute the Palestinians, who they kicked off of the land.
And Christians should not support them.

Miko Peled, the son of the late Israeli general Mattityahu Peled, proclaims that the Zionist leaders of Israel are not Jewish.
Miko Peled is an Israeli writer and activist and the author of “The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine.”
Mike has proclaimed that, “Israel is a racist criminal state that uses “security” as an excuse to murder innocent Palestinians and assassinate Palestinian political leaders, intellectuals and clergy. This has been going on for over six decades.”
Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament.
In Judaism's Strange Gods: Revised and Expanded Christian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old TestamentIn Judaism’s Strange Gods: Revised and ExpandedChristian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament.
It is the newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees, which arose in Babylon with the commitment of the formally oral traditions of the elders to writing, in the wake of the crucifixion of Israels Messiah and the destruction of the Temple.
Basing his findings on authoritative Judaic sources, Hoffman demonstrates that Judaism is a man-made religion of tradition and superstition, which represents the institutionalized nullification of Biblical law and doctrine.
Quotes from Jews about Zionist Israel

(video) Onward, 'Christian' Zionists — How fringe theology became mainstream — Virtually all televangelists are 'Christian' Zionists who support everything Talmudic Israel does

20:00 “There is virtually nothing that Israel can do that the ‘Christian’ Zionists are not willing to support.” – Irving Wesley Hall
21:30 “Virtually every major televangelist on TBN or other media is a ‘Christian’ Zionist.” – Irving Wesley Hall

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Onward, Christian Zionists

Published on Feb 9, 2009

Christian Zionists believe that in order to fulfill Biblical prophecy, Israel must conquer most of the Middle East. They are a growing force in American politics with ties to many powerful pro-Israel groups in Washington. Once considered a marginal doctrine among evangelicals, the dispensationalist theology of Christian Zionism includes a belief in the rapture, when the faithful are to be lifted up to Heaven while the rest of humanity—including most of the Jews—will perish.

My response to: Nathan Albert – "Embracing Love – My Journey to Hugging a Man in His Underwear" | Talks at Google

I just wrote this comment in response to this Talks at Google video:

“Union with the Divine” requires holiness — “without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Heterosexual lusting is also a sin that will keep us from heaven if we don’t repent. | Jesus stopped the Pharisees from stoning the prostitute, and then he told her: “go and sin no more.” | Many “Christians” are not actual Christians (led by the HOLY Spirit, followers of Christ). HATING ANYONE IS SIN. We must LOVE all. | Here’s the key: This is a spiritual war with unseen but completely real demons. Demons drive homosexuality, and the end result of all unrepentant sin is hell. Homosexuality is a demonically driven sin. We must be free, and can be! “Submit to God; resist the Devil, and he will flee.” FREEDOM!!! I wrote this:

“LUST ‘the poison that kills the soul’ FREEDOM! My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

Related: (prophecy) The Homosexuals Will Arise — “Show them the way through your smile”
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Nathan Albert: “Embracing Love: My Journey to Hugging a Man in His Underwear” | Talks at Google

Published on Jul 13, 2017

Nathan Albert stood with friends along the Chicago Pride Parade route, bearing signs of apology on behalf of Christians who had failed to represent Christ’s love to the LGBTQ community. Little did he know that millions around the world would soon see him captured in an iconic photograph hugging a man in his underwear (photo: Embracing Love is the story behind that photograph, the story of a musical theatre actor turned pastor who shares personal and pastoral stories of the LGBTQ community. He invites readers past the intimidation of controversy for the sake of embracing people with the love of Jesus.
Get the book here:
More information about Nathan at
Moderated by Phillip Knoll.

Godly Order vs. worldly, Talmudic disorder | Christ > Husband > Wife vs. Satan > Wife > Husband

✝️Godly Order vs. worldly, Talmudic order🌎

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. – 1 Corinthians 11:3

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