Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Lust Freedom! Page 9 of 10

Live a higher life, way above the fray—perfect, like Me

Lust freedom: "He only earns his freedom and his life who takes them every day by storm."

“He only earns his freedom and his life
who takes them every day by storm.”

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence,
and the violent take it by force.”

– Jesus (Matthew 11:12)

The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! "Let no one who is at odds with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned."

[updated & expanded 7/21/23; originally posted on 12/20/09.]

Is The Didache a blueprint for the way churches should be?

This is one of the writings of “the early Christian fathers” that I especially liked. It’s big on unity!

What if we compare The Didache to what is practiced in today’s ‘churches?’ 

But every Lord’s day gather yourselves together, and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure. But let no one who is at odds with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned.

Is there even one ‘church’ in America that requires reconciliation? How many pastors have fully reconciled so they’re qualified to lead?

The Didache mentions prophets being a common leadership ministry in the late first century church (like Ephesians 4:11). Where are they in today’s churches?

The Didache also has “the way of death” list that is similar to Paul’s “will not inherit the Kingdom” list in Galatians 5.

I also include their 2-day fasting standard to challenge especially myself, again.

Though The Didache didn’t make the canon, the cut to be in the Bible, it clearly deserves a careful look.

Mike Bickle: The most miserable people in the whole earth = TOO MUCH GOD TO ENJOY SIN; TOO MUCH SIN TO ENJOY GOD. WholeHEARTedness: it's the only way we can function right.

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from IHOP’s Passion for Jesus webcast, part 4, 4/9/10, Friday afternoon

“There’s so many believers trying to have just enough God to get into the kingdom, but just enough sin so they can stay in their same social circle.

Too much God to enjoy sin; too much sin to enjoy God.

It’s really true. The most miserable people in the earth are people with false doctrines of grace, where they see grace as permission to keep compromising — instead of grace as God’s forgiveness when we repent, and then empowering us to wholeheartedness.

Wholeheartedness: it’s the only way we can function right. We were made by God to be wholehearted. If we don’t have something to do for we have nothing to live for.

We can’t live half-hearted. We’ll die of boredom. And many are dying spiritually of boredom. They won’t go all the way.”

– Mike Bickle

Most 'Christians' are Demon Driven and Can Be Free!

“…the fear of rejection, the fear, the rejection, the anger, the hatred, the rage, all of that gone.

Because what would use to happen if I would get into a threatening situation I would feel something rise up within me and grip me, and push me to a feared corner. And I was controlled by fear.

And I’m convinced now that when something rises up in a person and grips them, and pushes them in a negative direction, that thing is a demon.

And I have none of that kind of stuff within me any more. There’s nothing that rises up within me, grips me and pushes me. I’m free.”

From: Sid Roth

Sid Roth welcomes Mark Virkler

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Mark Virkler. And we’re going to talk about an area that a lot of people confine to the back rooms. But one-third of the ministry, almost one-third of the ministry that Jesus had was casting evil spirits out of people. There was a freedom that the primitive early church had that is lacking so much today. Now Mark, tell me what your first experience was with deliverance.

MARK: My first experience was with a deacon in our church. He came and he said he had an uncontrollable sin issue. He has fasted, he had prayed, he memorized scripture. Nothing worked. And it was lust, and he would instantly undress every woman who came into the church. He hated himself for it and he could not overcome it. And so he said, “Do you think this could be a demon? And I said, “I don’t know.” ‘Cause I had never cast a demon out of anybody. But I said, “If you want us to pray for you we can.” And so we did. The three elders of the church got together. We prayed for him and within about a half hour to an hour, two or three demons surfaced and we cast them out. I mean, the guy was shaking and there was gruff voice and it said, “I’m not coming out.” And we said, “Yes, you’re coming out.” And we used the name of Jesus. We cast it out. There was sweat pouring off of him. He was shaking. They came out. And I thought, wow, that’s a new experience, because I didn’t even know deacons could have demons. And so I went back to him a week later, six weeks later, a month later, six months later, a year later, two years later, and I asked him the same question: “Is your life different?” And he said yes. He said, “Now it’s like any other sin. I can crucify it when I chose to and I chose to crucify it.” So his compulsion, which was caused by a demon, was broken and he was set free of it through delivered prayer.


SID: So for ten years he would have nothing to do with deliverance until he went to a conference in Australia and all of a sudden he was getting some very usual thoughts.

MARK: Well my life had been getting more mucked up, as I would call it. I picked up some anger and fear, and fear of rejection.

SID: I didn’t know pastors did that. [laugh]

MARK: [laugh] I didn’t either. I thought once I was ordained I’d have no more sin issues. But, you know, I got fired from some jobs and some people wounded me, and so I had wounds in my heart. And some demons said, “We can help you with those wounds.” So they’d magnify them. And here I am starting a 21-day speaking tour in Australia and I’m feeling fear of rejection, rejection, anger, and I’m saying, “God, you know, I’m in no shape to minister.” So I asked a surgeon and his wife, who I had heard did prayer ministry, if she would pray for me. And he said he’d check. And so the next day the two of them got together and they spent three hours praying for me. And in those three hours she was amazing. They got about 20 demons out of me, which really made me feel better. And I was amazed that I had 20 demons and if she could get them out in three hours–

SID: Here’s the bottom line. How was your life different after that?

MARK: Well the fear of rejection, the fear, the rejection, the anger, the hatred, the rage, all of that gone. Because what would use to happen if I would get into a threatening situation I would feel something rise up within me and grip me, and push me to a feared corner. And I was controlled by fear. And I’m convinced now that when something rises up in a person and grips them, and pushes them in a negative direction, that thing is a demon. And I have none of that kind of stuff within me any more. There’s nothing that rises up within me, grips me and pushes me. I’m free.

SID: But when she prayed for you, she showed you seven very supernatural prayers and you’ve been praying this over people ever since. What type of results have you gotten?

MARK: We have gotten tremendous results. As I looked at those seven prayers, which I realize she was detaching the anchors the demons hung on to, and that’s why the demons came out so easily.

SID: And the reason they stayed that one time you failed was because they actually are like attorneys. They have legal rights to stay.

MARK: Yeah. And so she would remove all the legal rights through these first six prayers, and the seventh prayer was to cast the demon out. And at that point it would come out easily without any pressure because it’s no longer attached to something within the individual.

SID: And just out of curiosity, when you would pray for normal deliverance, it would be hours and they would yell and scream, and fight. Do you see much of that now?

MARK: No, no. See that’s over with now because now deliverance is usually maybe two or three minutes.

SID: I like that. Don’t go away. We’ll tell you some of these seven supernatural prayers. Be right back.

Watch the Video

This Week’s Guest

Mark Virkler
February 22-28, 2010

After 20 years of ministry, Mark Virkler finally experienced complete emotional and spiritual transformation. Mark discovered seven supernatural prayers that remove the legal right of the demonic and usher in healing for the spirit, soul, and body.

1942 Minnesota: Bathing beaches prior to the low-cut top epidemic

[youtube=]Traveltalks – 1942 Minnesota: Land Of Plenty

James A. Fitzpatrick’s Traveltalks
The Voice of the Globe

The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

The Spirit of Suicide — Wes Hall: "There are some of you here who wrestle under a spirit of torment, depression and suicidal thoughts. And the Lord wants to set you free! … Some of you have been involved in sin, and the shame of that sin has led you into depression and thoughts of suicide, and that you're never going to make it to God's standard."

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from the IHOPU Student Awakening, 3/5/10
During the IHOPU Awakening, tonight, Robert, an IHOPU student testified how he had wrestled with suicidal thoughts every night even as a born-again Christian, IHOP student. Wes Hall responds:
“He used to want to kill himself all night, every night, and he hasn’t wanted to kill himself once since November [since he got set free at the revival].
Beloved, there are some of you, here, who wrestle under a spirit of torment, depression and suicidal thoughts. And the Lord wants to set you free tonight.
He has done it with Robert. Robert is just one example of many.
Young people, some of you have been involved in sin, and the shame of that sin has led you into depression and thoughts of suicide, and that you’re never going to make it to God’s standard, and so why don’t you kill yourself.
And you’re into cutting, and you just get deeper and deeper and deeper into sin. Or you just live under this spirit of torment and suicide because of how you see yourself in the mirror.
Whatever the reason is, you live under this heavy cloud and this heavy weight, and this spirit of torment day after day after day — some of you it’s been years.
I don’t know if Stephanie is still here. Stephanie was here this week, and she came over from California. And she had been living under a similar thing for 44 years, since she was 6 years old. And in a moment, the Lord set her free. And I tell you, I just observed her, these past few nights, in this cloud of the joy of the Lord.
It really is possible for the Lord to set you free.”
Some of you, the depression is because of certain TV shows you watch late at night. You watch certain movies and certain TV shows and you wonder why you want to kill yourself and why you feel depressed when you wake up in the morning, and it’s because you’ve been feeding yourself  from demonic ideas from those TV shows.
I’m not talking about ‘X’ rated. I’m not talking about ‘R’ rated shows. I’m talking about the run of the mill.”
– Wes Hall, IHOPU provost
I would like to add that for some reason, the IHOP leaders don’t seem to be discussing the importance and the freedom of reconciliation — at least up until this point. Getting right with those that they hurt was the main theme of the Asbury revival Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”
It’s important to be clean so freedom can last forever and ever — and so we can have confidence before God, now, and when we see Him face to face. Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way
Rachael’s Testimony: “I didn’t know it was depression. I tried to always put on this happy face, try to make everyone happy. I was very good at wearing masks. I was very good at being a chameleon. … When that spirit left, I didn’t even know that it was there. …I feel so bright, and I feel like clean before the Lord. I feel like I can love others so purely…”

A Prayer Sung at IHOP (wonderful, yet partly problematic. "There's too much telling God what to do"): "Turn my eyes from worthless things, even the permissible that's not beneficial. Fill me with life."

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from a prayer sung during worship/intercession with Matt Gilman (who is on fire right now, having been touched big-time regarding his prophetic anointing on Saturday night at the IHOPU Awakening) at the IHOP Prayer Room, 2/23/10.

Turn my eyes from worthless things,
even the permissible that’s not beneficial.

Fill me with life.

This concept is wonderful, spending our time only on what’s beneficial, which is why I posted this. But I have this reservation, which I think is significant.
In my opinion, there is too much asking (even telling) God to do things for us that He has already empowered us to do.
I know I’m being picky here, but it’s been something that has concerned me for many years. Why are we putting the this on God? Why are we asking Him to do something He’s already promised He would help us do?
Whose responsibility is it to turn our eyes? Ours or God’s?
God gives us the grace (those of us who are born-again), He will always give us the power of the Holy Spirit so we will be able to turn our own eyes.
He won’t do it for us, but He’ll help us and empower us to do it, by His grace.
And regarding asking/telling God: “Fill me with life.”
He already promised He would respond in this way:
“Draw near to God and He’ll draw near to you.” (James 4)
He will. We don’t have to ask Him to, tell Him to, beg Him to. He will when we draw near to Him in holiness, right with each other — worshiping Him in Spirit and in truth.
It’s automatic. “We don’t have to work it up.” We need to prepare a place for Him.
He will draw near to us when we truly will draw near to Him — worshiping Him in Spirit and in truth
We’re living in the new covenant now. The Holy Spirit is in us 24/7, ready to go.
I would prefer these versions:

Let’s turn our eyes from worthless things,
even the permissible that’s not beneficial.

Thank you for filling us with life.


We turn our eyes from worthless things,
even the permissible that’s not beneficial.

We look to You as the source of life.

How did they do it at the Asbury Revival when God showed up BIG-TIME?

Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”
Let’s get right with each other and then we can worship!!!
Mt. 5:

23 “If therefore you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has anything against you, 24 leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

Wes Hall: "God can deliver us from everything except an unrepentant heart." Let's forgive and be free!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from the IHOPU Student Awakening, 2/17/10

“God can deliver us from everything except an unrepentant heart.

I felt like there’s some in this room tonight,
you need to repent of bitterness.

You’ve allowed a root of bitterness to grow up in you….

Beloved, that bitterness not only defiles your own spirit,
but it defiles many.

The Bible says, the book of Hebrews said:
Do not allow a root of bitterness to grow up
that would defile many
[via James-3 curses – ed.].”

– Wes Hall, IHOP revivalist — good guy!!!

FALSE DOCTRINE: Why won't Christian leaders even mention Hebrews 10:26? An IHOP example — so close and yet so far away — from full REVIVAL :(

I LOVE the IHOPU Student Awakening, but could it be that one hugely false doctrine is keeping this move from becoming the catalyst for the Third Great Awakening — what they are so fervently calling for — what we so desperately need?
It’s God’s heart to come in His manifest presence, but we must be right….

So close and yet so far away from what Hebrews 10:26-39 fully says.
The entire text follows Allen’s quote
My comments in brackets
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from the IHOP Revival, 2/6/10

The president of IHOPU, Allen Hood, mentions Hebrews 10:29 without stating verse 26 at all, coming to the opposite conclusion that the writer of Hebrews did:

“…there’s that willful disobedience where you have grace as licentiousness, that’s caused you to be presumptuous and over-familiar with the wrong view of the love of God, what we call ‘sloppy grace,’ that doesn’t understand the cost of your sin — that causes you to run quickly to God, but you don’t tremble on the inside. You don’t tremble, understanding that your sin took Jesus to the cross.

You don’t understand that every time you enter into willful disobedience [Hebrews 10:26] you trample overfoot the Son of God [Hebrews 10:29], again and again and again. You don’t tremble on the inside. …

You need to know something. If Jesus in His love doesn’t bear the wrath of God for you, the Bible tells us He will dispense it upon you. But He will not ignore unforgiven sin.

And so I notice that we give altar calls and we call people up, and they get rid of their shame and they don’t change the way they dress. We call people up; they get rid of their shame; they receive the love of God again because He’s so kind! He even received you after you trampled Him again. You received the love of God and then you dressed the same way to put out the signals of the old life you used to live. What’s up with that?

You talk the same way. You give the same signals, as if His love wasn’t so holy and precious — the thousandth time He forgave you. Why do you dress the same way? Why do you talk the same way? And yet you really felt His love. Is it because you really don’t tremble anymore when you run to the altar?

And thus you are forgiven tonight but you’re not clean [This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Hebrews 10:26-39 and many other scriptures clearly say], because you have a fortress of darkness of over-familiarity with God [this over-familiarity is mostly because 99+% of church leaders aren’t teaching the full gospel. They’re omitting key texts. In this case, Allen is teaching the truth about Hebrews 10:29 without even mentioning the clear concept in verse 26].

You have a fortress built up in you, but it’s not shame. It’s actually willful disobedience [for which verse 26 says…].”

– Allen Hood, President of IHOPU

Hebrews 10:26-39

26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and a fierceness of fire which will devour the adversaries. 28 A man who disregards Moses’ law [old covenant] dies without compassion on the word of two or three witnesses. 29 How much worse punishment, do you think, will he be judged worthy of, who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and has counted the blood of the covenant with which he was sanctified [new covenant] an unholy thing, and has insulted the Spirit of grace?
30 For we know him who said, “Vengeance belongs to me,” says the Lord, “I will repay.” Again, “The Lord will judge his people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. 32 But remember the former days, in which, after you were enlightened, you endured a great struggle with sufferings; 33 partly, being exposed to both reproaches and oppressions; and partly, becoming partakers with those who were treated so. 34 For you both had compassion on me in my chains, and joyfully accepted the plundering of your possessions, knowing that you have for yourselves a better possession and an enduring one in the heavens.
35 Therefore don’t throw away your boldness, which has a great reward. 36 For you need endurance so that, having done the will of God, you may receive the promise. 37 “In a very little while, He who comes will come, and will not wait. 38 But the righteous will live by faith. [Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11] If he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.” 39 But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the saving of the soul.

False, revival killing, salvation doctrine at IHOP continues from IHOPU president, Allen Hood at the Awakening meetings 🙁
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.” (contains similar, hardly-ever-preached-but-totally-true New Testament scriptures. OSAS is a lie, and it’s deceiving many!!)
Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved
The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy
Here is an example (if you listen to the audio) of how close (and yet so far away) Mike Bickle (head of IHOP) is to the truth about who goes to heaven

All of my Lust Freedom! posts (in reverse-chronological order)

All of my Who Goes to Heaven posts (in reverse-chronological order)
All of my IHOP posts (in reverse-chronological order)

Wes Hall: "Beloved, grace has nothing to do with freedom to sin. … Grace is the power to be free from sin. … Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith."

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from the IHOP Revival, 2/13/10

“Beloved, grace has nothing to do with freedom to sin.

Grace has nothing to do with a fresh start every week so you can continue living the way you lived before.

Grace is the power to be free from sin.
Grace is the power to live clean.
Grace is the power to live holy.

‘What then shall we sin?
By no means!’

Salvation is not about being rescued [from] hell,
it’s about being saved from sin —
to be possessed by God.
Hell was never created for human beings in the first place.
It was for the Devil and his angels.

Beloved, Jesus came to rescue you from sin,
and do you trample on His grace by receiving forgiveness and mercy,
and day after day, you go back like a dog to its vomit?

Where is the evidence of His grace in your life?
It’s not about fire insurance.
It’s about a transformation in the inside.
It’s about being possessed by the Spirit of holiness.

Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith.
Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith.”

– Wes Hall, IHOPU Provost

The meaning of “Grace” (χαρις) in the Bible: It’s not what you think?
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

Corey Russell: Overcoming lust & sexual immorality — "It's not just the overt pornography…but the seeds of toleration that are found in the sitcoms … bit by bit opening our spirits up, growing curiosity in us" "It's completely desensitizing us. It's shutting our prophetic senses. … We can't even hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying."

How do the demons get in?

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“A movie that was ‘R’ 10 years ago is PG-13 today.”

“We’re getting desensitized and we don’t even know it.”

Corey Russell, IHOP teacher

[youtube=]Overcoming lust & sexual immorality, by Corey Russell

You can watch the entire video here:…

My Lust Freedom posts
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way
Who are the Children of God?

[video] Mike Bickle: Making a Purity Covenant so the HOLY Spirit can come … to bless His heart — that we may be ONE!

(15 months before the outpouring)

He’s about to release a Spirit of glory on the church.

But when He releases a Spirit of glory
He’s going to require a greater standard of agreement
with His heart and with His word
… which we call holiness.

Because if His glory comes
and the people are not in agreement with His glory
it is more trouble

because the Lord comes
not only as the God of power
but the God Who is zealous
for purity and love and holiness

“God promised His Son a people
that would love Jesus
in the way that Jesus loved them

— Mike Bickle

(Transcribed by Jeff Fenske)

Purity Covenant, Part 1 (The Call D.C. 8/16/08)

Purity Covenant, Part 2 (The Call D.C. 8/16/08)


[Mike Bickle IHOP 3/08] Making a Purity Covenant: Seven Practical Commitments — The Lord will visit IHOP-KC with an open door of glory in the spirit and a door of ministry to the nations. When Jesus opens a door of glory to release more of His manifest presence then He requires more agreement with His heart (a higher standard of obedience). … This is a promise with a warning of judgment.

Corey Russell's testimony — FREE!

[youtube=]Corey Russell’s testimony

Corey Russell’s testimony. From the Onething conference December 2007, in Kansas City

[Mike Bickle IHOP 3/08] Making a Purity Covenant: Seven Practical Commitments — The Lord will visit IHOP-KC with an open door of glory in the spirit and a door of ministry to the nations. When Jesus opens a door of glory to release more of His manifest presence then He requires more agreement with His heart (a higher standard of obedience). … This is a promise with a warning of judgment.

“We’re going to invite the sword of the Lord into our midst — or the door of glory to be released. That’s what we’re doing as a spiritual family.”

— Mike Bickle, founder of IHOP – 3/30/08

[youtube=]Making a purity covenant, by Mike Bickle

You can watch the entire video here:… Making a purity covenant, by Mike Bickle. From FCF service 3/30/2008



Making a Purity Covenant: Seven Practical Commitments

  1. prophetic word for IHOP-KC (march 23, 2008)
    7 To the…church in Philadelphia write…, “8 I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you…have kept My word…10 You have kept My command to persevere…11 Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. (Rev. 3:7-11)
    1. The Lord will visit IHOP-KC with an open door of glory in the spirit and a door of ministry to the nations. When Jesus opens a door of glory to release more of His manifest presence then He requires more agreement with His heart (a higher standard of obedience). We are at a crossroads as the Lord will open a door of His glory. This is a promise with a warning (of judgment).
    • 51 You shall see heaven open, and the angels…ascending and descending… (Jn. 1:51)
    • 9 How is it that you (Sapphira) agreed together to test the Spirit of the Lord? The feet of those who have buried your husband (Ananias) are at the door, they will carry you out. (Acts 5:9)
    1. An open door to the nations causes the “spiritual DNA” of a ministry to be imparted with its good qualities and its deficiencies. Immorality is like an infection or virus in the spiritual DNA.
  1. Jesus requires that the Church not tolerate immorality
    1. The church of Thyatira was affirmed for growing in love and faith and enduring persecution. Yet, they lacked zeal to take a stand against all allowance of immorality in their spiritual family.
    • 19 I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience (endurance)…20 I have a few things against you, because you allow (tolerate, NIV) that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess…to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality… (Rev. 2:19-20)
    1. Immorality is “all sexual activity” that is outside the marriage covenant whether heterosexual or homosexual in all areas of life including physical, verbal or technological (internet), etc.
    2. Immorality in the Church grieves Jesus’ heart, injuries our heart and family (natural and spiritual) and gives Satan “legal doors of access” into our lives. Immorality causes Jesus to lose part of His inheritance in His people as well as part of their inheritance in Him.
    3. The church of Pergamos was affirmed for holding fast to Jesus’ name in a city so wicked that it was described as the place of Satan’s throne. Yet, they lacked zeal to confront immorality in the ministries of those who held to the doctrine of Balaam. For the story of Balaam see Num. 22-25. Jesus’ correction of a ministry or a person is not rejection but an offer of deliverance.
    • 13 I know…you dwell where Satan’s throne is. You hold fast to My name…14 I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before…Israel to…commit sexual immorality…16 Repent, or I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth. (Rev. 2:13-16)
    1. The sword of Jesus’ mouth refers to His power being released in our life by the command of His mouth. If we receive the sword of His Word it will free us but if we reject it then it will hurt us. He sends His sword as our friend or foe, depending on how we respond.
    2. Judgment begins in God’s house with God’s sword. If we voluntarily judge ourselves with the sword of God’s Word then He need not judge us in a more severe way with His sword.
    • 17 For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God… (1 Pet. 4:17)
    1. The option to reverse God’s judgment is offered to all who repent (Rev. 2:16, 23). Repentance dramatically changes things as it positions us to receive God’s mercy and our full inheritance.
    • 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart— these, O God, You will not despise. (Ps. 51:17)
    1. Jesus promised to make a way of escape for us both as a movement and as individuals.
    • 13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; God is faithful, who
    • will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. (1 Cor. 10:13)
    1. IHOP-KC made a covenant before the Lord on March 24, 2008 to consistently, comprehensively and tenderly resist all forms of immorality in our midst. In this covenant, we asked the Lord to open a door of glory with His sword of deliverance or His sword of judgment (if we refuse Him).
    • 10 It is in my heart (Hezekiah) to make a covenant with the LORD…11 My sons, do not be negligent now, for the LORD has chosen you to stand before Him…15 And they gathered their brethren, sanctified themselves…to cleanse the house of the LORD. (2 Chr. 29:10-15)
    1. The Lord will release bold zeal and clarity of conviction that is filled with the tender mercy of the Bridal paradigm. We seek purity that flows from humility and tenderness not angry holiness. We do not have to choose between zeal for high standards and tender mercy. We can have both.
    • 13 Mercy triumphs over judgment. (Jas 2:13)
    1. The Lord promised to release the “grace of immunity” which includes “amnesty” for our past failures before we made this covenant on March 24. Immunity is the state of being immune to a disease or the condition that permits resistance to disease. Amnesty is a pardon for offenses granted before the trial because of an act of forgiveness for past offenses.
    2. The Lord wants us to have confidence in God that we will not come under His judgment for our past sins as we make this covenant together. Confidence in God is essential to spiritual vitality. He wants us to know the immunity from the “infected thinking” of the accumulated affect of shame (for past failure), fear of rejection (in being exposed), hopelessness (of experiencing a breakthrough), and of giving up on our highest calling. He wants our commitment to be strengthened by confidence as we proceed together. We are to have solidarity as a spiritual family in our unified stand to bring this “Purity Covenant” to the nations knowing the enemy will strike hard in a counterattack against us.
  1. seven personal commitments before the Lord (6 month commitment)
    16 Confess your trespasses to one another…that you may be healed. (Jas 5:16)
    1. Commitment #1: I commit to refuse to participate in conversations that promote or joke about immorality. If I do speak in this way, I will confess to those I was conversing with that I sinned.
    2. Commitment #2: I commit to confess to the same trusted friend (who embraces this covenant) each time I view pornography or have any sexual contact with someone (not my spouse).
    3. Commitment #3: I commit to register with the technology of choice that promotes the wisdom and safety of accountability whether or not I struggle with pornography. Accountability Software: These programs track your internet activity and send an email to the accountability partner that you choose. If you uninstall the software it triggers a report to your partner. See ($2.50 per month); (Free); (free); (free). Web Filtering Software: Programs that block sexual content including pornography, gambling, violence: ($49.95); ($49.95); (For Mac’s); (39.95).
    4. Commitment #4: I commit to hold any confession of my friend’s failure in strict confidentiality. If I do speak it to another then I commit to tell it to the one who confessed their sin to me. The one who breaks confidence should confess also to the one to whom he broke the confidence.
    5. Commitment #5: If I “repeatedly” stumble in immorality, I will show the fruit of repentance by going with my friend to confess to the leadership and then accept the boundaries they give me.
    6. Commitment #6: I commit to share with the leadership if my friend “repeatedly” stumbles in immorality. I will first tell my friend before sharing with a leader to convince him to go with me.
    • 15 If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 If he will not hear, take with you one or two more…17 If he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. (Mt. 18:15-17)
    1. Commitment #7: For leaders: I commit to follow the process of bringing those who ‘continue’ in immorality to the appropriate level of “discipline” instead of offering them “unsanctified mercy”.
    • 20 Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all… (1 Tim 5:20, NAS)
    • 5 Deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. (1 Cor. 5:5)
    1. We will not bring public shame to anyone who repents. We hope to never expose one’s sin publicly. There are many levels of discipline that do not require personal exposure.
    • 8 Above all things have fervent love…for love will cover a multitude of sins. (1 Pet. 4:8)
    • 9 He who covers a transgression seeks love… (Prov. 17:9)

Mike Bickle: Making a Purity Covenant so the HOLY Spirit can come and we won’t get zapped … to bless His heart — that we may be ONE!

Wes Hall: It's Not Just Porn! "You're asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life. … I'm not talking about the R-rated movies. I'm talking about the PG-13s … certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled."

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from IHOP awakening, 1/2/10 PM

Some of you say: ‘God, commission me,’ but there’s pockets of darkness in your lives — secret, hidden sin.

I felt like the Lord gave me two words: lust and perversion — lust and perversion, immoral thinking — agreement with darkness — in areas of lust and pornography and perversion and perverse behavior, talking and lewd talk, immoral talk — filthy jokes — things that you watch, compromise in the things that you watch.

I’m not talking about the R-rated movies. I’m talking about the PG-13s — where you feed your spirit on perversion. I’m talking about certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled by thinking in the ways of the world.

There is no room. There is nothing that darkness has to do with light. And you’re asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life.

The Lord is saying to you now: there is a window to repent. There is grace to repent and turn from that.

What has darkness to do with light? You’re saying, “God, send me as a messenger of light, but there’s a pocket of darkness in your soul.

I’m not talking about great introspection: “Lord, where is it?” I’m talking about those things that the Holy Spirit brings to mind right now. …

You need to confess that as sin before the Lord, right now. I encourage you to confess it before the Lord, right now. Make a determination in your heart to turn from it, right now.”

— Wes Hall, IHOPU provost
(The awakening started in his class)

The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy
All of my Lust Freedom! posts

Shelley Hundley: Set free from sexual abuse / Understanding Jesus as the judge who fights FOR you! — "We can forgive and we can forget because He never will."

“We can forgive and we can forget because He never will.”

— Shelley Hundley

[youtube=]Jesus the Judge/set free from sexual abuse, by Shelley Hundley

From “Fascinate 09” conference. For more info go to

“No One Else Can Love You…” — IHOP 9/19/09

No one else can love You like I love You Lord
For I was made unique in Your heart
I was made to bring You joy

Now I have a purpose
Now I have a destiny
You made me for Your glory
You made me for Your glory

[youtube=]IHOP KC – 24/7/365 PRAYER & WORSHIP | 09/19/09


“No One Else Can Love You…” Song by Laura Hacket and Cory Asbury from IHOP-KC.

Wes Hall: IHOPU Awakening Testimony — "I was leading that first class … We had some SKEPTICS who came in … I WAS ONE of them" — "THAT RIVER that flows from the throne"

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

I tried to get a hold of the worship leader to come and lead us in a worship song, because, you know, when we worship Jesus the flesh kind of dies down. But what happened:

We began worshiping Jesus and His activity intensified!

[youtube=]IHOP Awakening Wes Hall Testimony

The Lord showed up at our classes at IHOPU, and began releasing His joy, began releasing a fresh window of His presence and setting many of our students free from chains of self-hatred and shame, and encountering those who never encountered the love of the Father in a real meaningful way. The love of the Father was a concept, but now it has become a reality.

And we had some skeptics who came in. In fact, I was one of them. I was leading that first class, and things started getting a little bit crazy in the class — and I’m the provost of the university. And I was holding onto this podium and I couldn’t stand up. I was pinned to the floor.

And the class was going crazy. There were some of the most sensible students rolling on the floor, laughing for about an hour and a half.

And I thought, you know what, this has got to be mostly the flesh and a little bit the Holy Spirit.

And so I tried to get a hold of the worship leader to come and lead us in a worship song, because, you know, when we worship Jesus the flesh kind of dies down. But what happened: we began worshiping Jesus and His activity intensified.

I was like, ‘okay, You’re doing something unique here.’ And so the Lord began touching some of us who pride ourselves on being sedate and in our right mind for the gospel.”

Ezekiel 47 speaks of the River that flows from the throne of God. And it says it’s a River of Life, and it’s a river that brings life and it brings healing wherever it goes. The Lord says I’m releasing My Holy Spirit. I’m releasing that River that flows from the throne of God. It starts at the throne of God.

And the Holy Spirit is not a thing. He’s a person. He is God. And He’s pictured as a river, but it doesn’t mean you can scoop Him or do backstroke in Him — because He is God.

But He comes like a river to bring life to the barren areas of our hearts. And He’s come because He wants to flow like a river, not just in us, but through us. But until we encounter the life of the Spirit in our inner man, that River is like damned up. It comes into us but it never flows through us.

And if you study Ezekiel 47, you will see that that river flows from the throne, and it ends up in the sea. And it brings life to the sea. And in the sea is suddenly a multitude of fish.

The Lord says that I want that River of Life to flow in you, to break down every barrier to My love, to break down every barrier to you being who I created you to be.

We have testimony after testimony after testimony of how the Lord has released His life in new ways. In an instant, deliverance from demonic affliction; in an instant, deliverance from years of addiction, same-sex attraction; deliverance in an instant from eating disorders, self-hatred, shame — things that have taken years years of counseling. In an instant, the Holy Spirit has come with His power and set people free and set hearts free.

And sometimes when the Holy Spirit touches us, He reacts in a funny way with our bodies….”

— Wes Hall, Provost of IHOPU


What is Real Revival? (“The more I forgave the more I shook and laughed”)
Wes Hall: Why do people laugh and shake under the power of God? “The Lord has released a revelation of the Father’s love I’ll never forget”
There is A RIVER, the streams of which make the city of God glad! “Drink from THE WELL that will never run dry! Drink from THE WELL that will never run dry! Drink from THE WELL that will never run dry!!!”
IHOP revival leader on God’s provision during martyrdom: “When we’re in the presence of the Lord, martyrdom doesn’t seem like such a bad deal”
My Poem: The Ghost and THE RIVER!

[music video] Seawind: The Devil Is A Liar — "Don't let the Devil do his number on you, child"

“Nobody’s watching you now
You can take what you want …
Don’t be a fool

You’re playing with fire
Cause the Devil is a liar


It’s plain to see
The Devil hates you and hates me

Don’t you believe
he’s a liar?

Seawind’s website

'Revival' Happening at IHOP (International House of Prayer in KC)

This isn’t what I would call ‘ONE’ yet, which may not happen until we get our doctrines right, especially salvation doctrine. But it’s GREAT to see people being set free (though many still aren’t out of the danger zone)!
Many are powerfully and visibly being touched by God — set free from pornography, homosexuality, anger — and healed, emotionally and physically!




A letter from Mike Bickle and Lou Engle concerning the critical hour in which we live.

It is time to encounter God and take action.

We stand at a critical juncture in our nation’s history. It is time to encounter God and to take action. The Holy Spirit is visiting His people with power. At the same time, the powers of darkness are raging against the moral fabric of our nation. The light is getting brighter as the darkness gets darker.

Many of you will have heard of the spiritual awakening at our Bible school. On Wednesday, November 11, the Spirit fell on a class for more than 15 hours. The word spread quickly and over 2,000 people spontaneously gathered in the auditorium from all over Kansas City, as deliverance and physical healings continued to increase. We canceled our classes for the next week so that each one of our 1,000 students and interns could receive from the Spirit in an extended way.

We decided to meet nightly from 6:00pm to midnight because His manifest presence continues to increase. Visitors are pouring in from many places across America to partake of this spiritual awakening.

Entire Article Here
Related: What is Real Revival?

(video) Art Mathias on It’s Supernatural: Spiritual Roots of Disease — Healed Through Forgiving (If there is pain in a memory there is unforgiveness)

“If there is pain in a memory there is unforgiveness.”

“Medical textbooks list over 60 diseases that are caused by anxiety, stress and fear.”

“It’s not a surprise that anger, resentment, bitterness, jealousy and the rejection issues, fears, words, anxieties cause disease. The American Medical Association says that more than 80 percent of all of our diseases are caused by these emotions.”

“There’s one other verse that kept coming up, 2 Timothy 17. It says, “I haven’t given you a spirit of fear.” And I was born again Christian and I said, I can’t have this spirit. But I knew that I was controlled by all those fears….”

Jesus came to heal the broken heart, and the broken heart is all of that pain, all that hurt and the things that have happened to us in life. And his blood will take away, as we truly forgive, all of that pain. And then the fight-flight process will stop and healing manifests.”

The unforgiveness is still there if that emotional pain is still there.”

* * *

Description of video from video no longer posted at YouTube:

After being healed of Environmental Illness, Art Mathias began teaching others how to identify the root causes of sickness and disease. Art has now seen many types of sickness and disease healed including weight gain, cancer, heart problems, diabetes, allergies, asthma, mental illness, and many more!

Watch the video at It’s Supernatural

This Week’s Guest

Art Mathias

November 9-15, 2009

75% of people that apply Art Mathias’ teachings are healed of all types of sickness and disease! After being healed of Environmental Illness, Art Mathias began teaching others how to identify the root causes of sickness and disease. Art has now seen many types of sickness and disease healed including weight gain, cancer, heart problems, diabetes, allergies, asthma, mental illness, and many more! Art is now seeing a 75% success rate in physical healings when people apply the revelation God has given him.

Sid’s 5-part interview of Art for his radio show can be heard here (goes into more depth)
Video Transcript excerpts:

SID: Hello. I’m Sid Roth. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. What happens if you have a terminal disease? You go to the elders of your congregation. They anoint you with oil and you’re not healed. Then you go to the best doctors money can buy and you’re still not healed. Then you go the alternative health route and you’re still not healed. What do you do? My guest says the cause of a high percentage of diseases are toxic emotions. 75 percent of the people that follow his instructions are getting healed, and he says the percentage would be even higher if they would do everything he tells them to do. My guest, Art Mathias, and you found out the hard way.


SID: And in the meantime, his sister develops tumors and she starts studying an area having to do with forgiveness and gets healed, and she sends the tapes to Art. What happened?

ART: Well I was desperate. In that condition I would even listen to something that I thought was about as hokey as it could be that my thoughts and emotions could have anything to do with what was going on in my physical body. But, you know, I was raised in the church and I didn’t think I had to forgive anything. But as I worked through what she taught me about what bitterness was, I learned that I had a lot of resentment and anger, and unforgiveness, which are all parts of bitterness. And so I started to forgive. I didn’t know how to forgive. But I started to work through. I purpose and I choose to forgive. And then there’s one other verse that kept coming up, 2 Timothy 17. It says, “I haven’t given you a spirit of fear.” And I was born again Christian and I said, I can’t have this spirit. But I knew that I was controlled by all those fears of the future, the fear of the pain that I was living in everyday, the fear that I if couldn’t eat anything, what am I gonna do?

Chuck Crismier: The "CONSPIRACY" of COMPROMISE — How the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We know Jesus said “Narrow is the way;” we just really don't quite believe it. The majority SEEM comfortable, but DEEP IN THEIR HEART is this haunting suspicion that something is wrong. It's as if truth doesn't matter anymore

I’ve been trying to understand why people don’t believe what the Bible says about who goes to heaven. Here, Chuck Crismier takes a pretty good shot at it; though, this isn’t the whole story.

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from Chuck Crismier’s Viewpoint, 11/18/09 (audio linked below)

“In reality, the Road to Hell begins at what I call, Compromise Corner. Compromise Corner is at the intersection, really of all the major roads of our lives.  The decisions that we make, the terms that we negotiate at Compromise Corner inevitably lead toward what I call the Multi-lane Expressway to Destruction, even while we still believe that we’re heading in God’s general direction.

All compromise as it relates to God’s truth is compromise. And all compromise on issues of truth is deceptive and very, very seductive. [I would say because it’s actually often demonically empowered from within – ed.]

The great danger is that few travellers on this great Autobahn of Compromise, the ‘wide road,’ as Jesus called it — few travellers realize the seriousness of the seduction that they’re engaged in because they measure themselves and the correctness of their decisions by the overwhelming majority who seem to be headed with clarity and certainty toward the multi-laned expressway to hell [Did Chuck mean ‘heaven’? – ed.].

Now, you think about that. Jesus said, “straight is the gate; narrow is the way; few there be that find it.” But somehow, today, even though we know that. We know that’s what Jesus said; we just really don’t quite believe it. Why is it that we really don’t believe it? Because political correctness and its corollary of religious correctness have convinced us that in reality, the gate is very wide and the road is very broad, because God is such a loving God.

Well, that’s a new form of religious correctness. It’s contrary to what the Bible says. God is not just a loving God, but He is a God of truth and justice and judgment.

So there is this massive religious correctness that actually compels us to believe a half-truth. And it’s the half-truth that opens up the floodgates, the broad gate to Compromise Corner and then to the Road to Hell.

People reason that if popular pastors, para-church leaders and the seeming majority seem comfortable with their direction it must be okay; even though, deep in their heart they have this haunting suspicion that something is wrong.”

It’s as if truth doesn’t matter anymore.


From: Chuck Crismier’s Viewpoint Audio Archives

Date Title Listen Download
11-19-2009 SEX…and the price tag w/ Pam Stenzel Listen Save
11-18-2009 The “CONSPIRACY” of COMPROMISE How the road to hell is paved Listen Save

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

Jim Caviezel ('Jesus') on Holiness: ""When you live in holiness, when you really try to stop sinning, you become braver … a true knight in shining armour"

“When you live in holiness, when you really try to stop sinning, you become braver. You become more courageous, you become a man of your word. You become a man of conviction that you’re not willing to sell out and you’re really a true knight in shining armour.”

— Jim Caviezel


Chuck Crismier with Mike Bickle: An incorrect understanding of Romans 8 closes one's ears to truthers and opens the door to PARALYZED Christian PASSION. 'Worship' then is a game. ~50% of 'Christians' are Heart Adulterers!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from this Chuck Crismier’s Viewpoint interview. (Audio Archives)

Good stuff!

07-30-2009 AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART Keys to restoring your passion for God w/ Mike Bickle Listen Save


Chuck Crismier:

Wouldn’t it be neat if God said: ‘John or Mary or Suzi or whatever your name has to be, you are a man or a woman after My heart.”

“Here’s the reality. [And these figures are probably low – editor]

On any given Sunday morning, 50% or so of the pastors and people in the pulpits and pews of America are either adulterers or fornicators according to biblical standards. Yet they’re jumping and clapping and praising the Lord and preaching.

Do they have true passion toward God or are they playing a game?”

.Mike Bickle:

“No, that’s playing a game.”


Chuck on “paralyzed passion”:

“We’ve got a passion problem with Jesus. We’ve got more passion to restore the American dream than we have to restore the love of our lives.”



People will quote Romans 8 and they’ll say: ‘well there’s no condemnation in them that are in Christ Jesus.’ And so anybody who brings a message of wooing, of warning, of correction, of a call to righteousness, of a call to repentance is said to be bringing a message of condemnation.

So it’s impossible under that kind of thinking to bring people back into righteousness that paves the way for passion.


That’s absolutely right.


And yet if people are receiving the word of correction which comes by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, but when they hear it they reject it, then they necessarily open the door to the condemner of their souls, which is Satan, himself, and they’re going to walk in condemnation, aren’t they?”


“I think the key thought to me is that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ who repent.”


“And who walk according to the Spirit.”


Who are living in agreement with the Holy Spirit….”

Romans 8

1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death. 3 For what the law couldn’t do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God did, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh; 4 that the ordinance of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace; 7 because the mind of the flesh is hostile towards God; for it is not subject to God’s law, neither indeed can it be. 8 Those who are in the flesh can’t please God.

9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if it is so that the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if any man doesn’t have the Spirit of Christ, he is not his. 10 If Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is alive because of righteousness. 11 But if the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.

12 So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. 13 For if you live after the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are children of God. 15 For you didn’t receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God; 17 and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if indeed we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified with him.



If pastors were more focused on letting the beauty of Jesus be seen in them, as the song goes, we wouldn’t have 37% or so of our pastors involved in pornography.”


When our heart is not fascinated with Him, then we end up spiritually bored. And a spiritually bored person is vulnerable to all kinds … to the arrows of darkness striking our hearts.”



“If you look at the church today, if you look at the statistics for the last 25 years in the broader evangelical church of today, you would have to conclude that in fact there is no functional difference between the life and attitudes and behavior and values of professing American Christians and that of their secular counterparts.

Both religious and secular polls have proven that point for at least 20 years.”


25 years is long enough to lose a country.
– Jeff Fenske

(video) Shelley Lubben Former Porn Actress Finds Freedom in Christ — "I had to forgive everybody"

[youtube=]Shelley Lubben Former Porn Actress on 700 Club

Shelley Lubben, a former porn actress, shares the truth about porn on the 700 Club in 2006. To hear more shocking stories of ex porn stars visit her web site at

(video) Ex Porn Star Tells the Hardcore Truth About Porn
Former Porn Actress Shelley Lubben: Porn is Not Glamorous and Destroys Lives — “I used to brag endlessly to fans and pornographers about how I loved making porn movies. I lied 100% of the time to 100% of the people”
(video) Ex Porn Star’s Amazing Story: “For eight years, I battled the Devil for my life with the Word. I’d fall … I fell a little bit less … and I started WALKING TALL, like a CHAMPION!!!”
(video)Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben’s FREEDOM Testimony: The Champion in You!!!
[ video ] Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks at Bakersfield Christian High School — “Do you know that you’re a CHAMPION?!”
Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben on The Howard Stern Show: Porn Stars are Demon Possessed!
Twelve Steps of Sex Addicts Anonymous involves getting right with those who’ve been hurt — so we can BE FREE! | I’m ADDING MORE STEPS.
[Lust “the poison that kills the soul” FREEDOM] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because…
All of my Lust Freedom! posts. We can be free!!!
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way We must be free!!!

Ted Haggard: I'd still rather be the way I am now—broke, a man of disrepute—than have "that HORRIFIC INTERNAL STRUGGLE"

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Trials of Ted Haggard, HBO 2009

“I’d still rather be the way I am now, though,
and broke,
and a man of disrepute,

than the way I was,
and have that horrific internal struggle
that I had.”

– Ted Haggard

Related: Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?” Let’s be free — love!!!

(video) Ex Porn Star's Amazing Story: "For eight years, I battled the Devil for my life with the Word. I'd fall … I fell a little bit less … and I started WALKING TALL, like a CHAMPION!!!"

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Hurt people hurt people.

“Jesus says, ‘come to Me all you who are weary and need rest. Learn from Me. My burden is light.'”

‘Shelley, you can do it. What does My Word say? Try again.’ I’d fall. ‘Get back up and try again, Shelley.’ I’d fall. ‘Get back up and try again.’ I’d fall, again. I fell a little bit less. I’d fall less. And I started walking TALL, like a CHAMPION!”

For those of you who are viewing pornography right now, are you contributing to the destruction of human lives—little girls who always just wanted Dad to love them?

“Confess your sins so you may be healed.”

He’s humbling us for GREATNESS. He wants to conform us into the image of His Son!”

[youtube=]Ex Porn Star’s Amazing Story

Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben shares the truth about porn
and her amazing story in Anaheim California in 2008.

Links to video source:…

“That’s how rebellious I was. My mother … never spanked me. See, I never had any discipline as a child. So by the time I’m a teenager, I’m the teenager from hell. … That’s why I have so much compassion for teenagers nowadays. When they act like that, I’m not mad at them. Where are the parents? Where are the fathers of this world? …

Well, the pimp became my new father. … I just wanted a hug growing up. I just wanted to feel special, and the pimp made me feel very special.”


Her daughter, Tiffany is in the audience.

“How many times God saved this ‘blessed assurance’ [from physical death]? I can’t even tell ya. Probably hundreds. … I used to think I was invincible. I found out later on in recovery it wasn’t me who was invincible. It was Somebody who was saving me—and sustaining me. Because, if it wasn’t for Jesus Christ I’d be in hell right now. I came close to death many, many times.”


For those of you who are viewing pornography right now, are you contributing to the destruction of human lives—little girls who always just wanted Dad to love them?

“They are made for greater things than porn, and so are you.”


When her husband-to-be (also in the audience) reached out to her with real love:
“He was a really nice guy. … I knew how black-hearted I was, and all the trauma. It was intense. It would hurt so bad that when someone got close to me I literally would have physical heart pain. ‘Oh…this guy’s showing me love. … Get out of here, get out of here, you’re bad for me, you’re bad.’ No, because you have that defense…. But the love…. He had Jesus in him.”

“That’s the big question in the sex industry… ‘where’s God?‘”


Shelley went to a church:
“[The pastor] just looked at me out of all the people and just said: ‘Do you know there’s a champion inside of you?’ You have to understand I hated myself, and this guy just spoke life in me!

“…either God’s going to heal me or I’m going to die. And for eight years, I battled the Devil for my life with the Word. … I’m totally healed from all the effects of the sex industry. I had horrible nightmares, constantly…. I stood on that Word until it became reality for me. I said, ‘no, this is what God says about me! … ‘You’re more than a conqueror through Christ! You can do all things through Christ!‘”

Recovery…, ‘I’m no good at it. It’s really hard. I can’t do it.’ And God would say, ‘Shelley, you can do it. What does My Word say? Try again.’ I’d fall. ‘Get back up and try again, Shelley.’ I’d fall. ‘Get back up and try again.’ I’d fall, again. I fell a little bit less. I’d fall less. And I started walking tall, like a CHAMPION!

“Jesus says, ‘come to Me all you who are weary and need rest. Learn from Me. My burden is light.'”


“He’s everything to me. He helps me. He gives me power, boldness, to make me a bold witness — fills me with His Spirit!

“…Daddy needs to keep me humble. … He’s humbling us for greatness. He wants to conform us into the image of His Son.”

I don’t care what sin you’ve done. … The Word says: ‘confess your sins so you may be healed.’ ‘Pray for one another that you may be healed.'”

Christ died to give you freedom. … He’s not here to beat you up. … In Galatians, it says, ‘you who are spiritual, gently restore the one who’s caught up in their trespasses.’ And it better be gentle! The Lord is the ‘Lord of gentleness.'”

(video) Ex Porn Star Tells the Hardcore Truth About Porn
Former Porn Actress Shelley Lubben: Porn is Not Glamorous and Destroys Lives — “I used to brag endlessly to fans and pornographers about how I loved making porn movies. I lied 100% of the time to 100% of the people”
(video)Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben’s FREEDOM Testimony: The Champion in You!!!
(video) Shelley Lubben Former Porn Actress Finds Freedom in Christ — “I had to forgive everybody”
[ video ] Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks at Bakersfield Christian High School — “Do you know that you’re a CHAMPION?!”
Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben on The Howard Stern Show: Porn Stars are Demon Possessed!
Twelve Steps of Sex Addicts Anonymous involves getting right with those who’ve been hurt — so we can BE FREE! | I’m ADDING MORE STEPS.
(video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography
[Lust “the poison that kills the soul” FREEDOM] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because…
All of my Lust Freedom! posts. We can be free!!!
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way We must be free!!!

(video) Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben's FREEDOM Testimony: The Champion in You!!!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“Do you know that there’s a champion in you?”

“It’s [speaking about this in front of all of you] not easy for me to do. But I have such a love for the men, which is a miracle. Cause I used to hate them, and now I absolutely adore all of you. You’re my brothers. I want to see you happy. I want to see you have what me and Garrett have….”


Shelley Lubben gives her remarkable testimony. Visit the myspace: Download a high resolution version of this file at:

They abuse us, and we abuse them back.”

Pastors are getting knocked out left and right because of porn addiction.”

“‘Shelley, I only lift the humble.’ And I know right now there are men in this room who are struggling with pornography. Because stats say 50% of ‘Christian’ men are struggling.”

Husbands, love your wives,
even as Christ also loved the church,
and gave himself for it

Eph. 5:25


(video) Ex Porn Star Tells the Hardcore Truth About Porn

Former Porn Actress Shelley Lubben: Porn is Not Glamorous and Destroys Lives — “I used to brag endlessly to fans and pornographers about how I loved making porn movies. I lied 100% of the time to 100% of the people”
(video) Ex Porn Star’s Amazing Story: “For eight years, I battled the Devil for my life with the Word. I’d fall … I fell a little bit less … and I started WALKING TALL, like a CHAMPION!!!”
(video) Shelley Lubben Former Porn Actress Finds Freedom in Christ — “I had to forgive everybody”
[ video ] Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks at Bakersfield Christian High School — “Do you know that you’re a CHAMPION?!”
Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben on The Howard Stern Show: Porn Stars are Demon Possessed!
Twelve Steps of Sex Addicts Anonymous involves getting right with those who’ve been hurt — so we can BE FREE! | I’m ADDING MORE STEPS.
[Lust “the poison that kills the soul” FREEDOM] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because…
All of my Lust Freedom! posts. We can be free!!!
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way We must be free!!!

(video) Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben tells the hardcore truth about porn in church


Shelley Lubben gives her testimony in Atlanta.

Former Porn Actress Shelley Lubben: Porn is Not Glamorous and Destroys Lives — “I used to brag endlessly to fans and pornographers about how I loved making porn movies. I lied 100% of the time to 100% of the people”
(video) Ex Porn Star’s Amazing Story: “For eight years, I battled the Devil for my life with the Word. I’d fall … I fell a little bit less … and I started WALKING TALL, like a CHAMPION!!!”
(video)Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben’s FREEDOM Testimony: The Champion in You!!!
(video) Shelley Lubben Former Porn Actress Finds Freedom in Christ — “I had to forgive everybody”
Twelve Steps of Sex Addicts Anonymous involves getting right with those who’ve been hurt — so we can BE FREE! | I’m ADDING MORE STEPS.
All of my Lust Freedom! posts. We can be free!!!
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way We must be free!!!

Strand: Most 'Christians' James-3 Curse & Matthew-5 Lust

From: Be Ye Therefore Perfect, Matthew 5:48 — Thirty-eight Sermonettes on The Same Theme: Sin, Salvation and Righteousness, by Richard H. Strand. Available here, or also possibly again here.

If saying “Thou fool!” puts people in danger of hell fire, which Jesus said (Matt. 5:22), what about your other “little” sins?

What about “looking on a woman (or a picture of a woman or man) to lust after her?” (Matt. 5:28) Christ calls that adultery and God made that one of his basic ten “shalt nots.” (See Exodus 20, whole chapter.)

Are you guilty of such things as cursing people or mental adultery after you became a Christian? Most of us are.

We think we cannot help it, but we can if we have been born again.

Related: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

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