Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

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Two musicians stunned with Jeff Beck’s passing, aware time is ticking for them too

“That’s what makes you lose your breath and your legs weak. We’re only on this earth for a short time, and he was just ahead of us.” – Tim Pierce

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Notice “R.I.P.” in the video’s title. People want to believe “wide is the road to heaven,” which is the opposite of what Jesus clearly taught (Mt. 7:13-23).

“Enter in by the NARROW GATE; for WIDE is the GATE and BROAD is the way that leads to DESTRUCTION, and MANY are those who enter in by it. How NARROW is the GATE, and RESTRICTED is the way that leads to LIFE! FEW are those who find it. … BY THEIR FRUITS YOU WILL KNOW THEM…. A good tree can’t produce evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. 19 EVERY TREE THAT DOESN’T GROW GOOD FRUIT IS CUT DOWN AND THROWN INTO THE FIRE. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them. … Not everyone who *SAYS* to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who *DOES* THE WILL OF MY FATHER who is in heaven.” (Mt. 7:13-21)

Paul predicted this great falling away from truth:

“For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to fables.” – 2 Tim. 4:3-4

Keith Green Crash Investigated – Cessna 414 kills 12

Airplane crash investigation– this one had a huge impact on me as Stevie Ray or Leonard Skynnrd might have on others.  For me, it was the real day the music stopped. Keith Green was a pioneer in “Jesus Music” of the seventies and early eighties.  When a family visiting their Texas ranch went up in the twin engine Cessna 414, Keith took two of his children as well.  It was four adults and eight children in the 7 seat Chancellor.  The plane struggled to get airborne before impacting 30′ high trees, and exploding, killing everyone aboard.

Dan Millican examines this crash, with the purpose of taking what we can from it to be better people and better pilots.

Visit Last Days Ministries for more information on the music and legacy of Keith Green:

Keith Green Crash – New Info on Pilot Don Burmeister

Dan Millican continues his investigation into the Keith Green plane crash that killed twelve, including 8 children on July 28, 1982. In this video, Dan is able to meet with the sister of pilot Don Burmeister to get a lot more new information about the pilot and why he might have decided to fly the plane that hot Texas summer evening.

Alaska Sen. Shelley Hughes: Working WITH legislators WITHOUT holding grudges, PRAYING FOR those who have done questionable things!

Sen. Shelley Hughes @ 9:00 – “Another thing I have employed in my role is to really try to work with everyone in the legislature without holding grudges, even if someone has done something that maybe is questionable, is to really have a good attitude, even when it would be easy to get resentful about things. And my trick for that — I am a person of faith — if somebody has done something wrong, instead of letting that resentment build up, I actually pray for that person. And it really changes my mindset, and keeps my attitude. I think having good relationships has paid off.”

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Must Read Alaska Live with Senator Shelley Hughes talking constitutional convention and much more

(2009) Ron Paul a modern day Joseph? Flees sexual immorality — No Hesitation – FREE – Unblackmailable!

Related: Joel Skousen (2012): 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system

Bruno und Ron Paul

Curtis Sliwa talks to Ron Paul about his encounter with Sacha Baron Cohen character Bruno.

Paul feared losing his own salvation – Ran his race to win! — “I beat my body and bring it into submission lest I myself should be rejected”

“Don’t you know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run like that, that you may win. Every man who strives in the games exercises self-control in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible [crown in heaven]. I therefore run like that, not aimlessly. I fight like that, not beating the air, but I beat my body and bring it into submission, lest by any means, after I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected.” – Paul in 1 Cor. 9:24-27

Paul warned us: “work out your own salvation through fear and trembling….” Biblical, new covenant“fear” has to be much more than just “reverence,” what is commonly taught today, because Paul says to “tremble.” We should fear something serious will happen to us if we don’t work out our own salvation. It’s a big deal!

Former Satanist, High Wizard Zachary King’s Amazing Story!

Witchcraft games, “Bloody Mary” and “Dungeons and Dragons” led Zachary into Satanism, where he climbed to the top as a high wizard. I’ve heard Zachary tell his story many times, which is always fascinating, but always have to give this DISCLAIMER:

His Catholic solution is in some ways wonderful, but he believes in praying to saints and other false things. Mary, Joseph and others in heaven are just people like us. No one will be able to pray to us either if we’re in heaven someday.

I like his statement: “FLEE from the Devil and RUN towards God.”

Zachary says on Facebook:

I have done a lot of interviews over the years. This one is by far one of my favorites! EWTN… did a fantastic job at editing this!

Ron Wyatt: The Miraculous 1st Trip to Discover Noah’s Ark – Exactly 300 cubits long – Gen. 6:15! | Noah’s wife’s 18 foot grave explained

Ron Wyatt, his sons and wife describe the adventure! Ron has since died.

When Ron Wyatt 1st went to Turkey to search for the boat-shaped object he had seen 17 years earlier in Life Magazine, he had no idea where to look. He didn’t speak the language. All he knew was that it was in the mountains. Then, one simple prayer, as he and his 2 sons entered the area in a taxi, led to incredible discoveries, all connected to Noah and the ark. Ron and his sons, Danny and Ronnie tell the story and some new information is shared, especially at the end. Originally made for Warriors for Christ, it is long, and I thank you for watching and hope you enjoy!- Mary Nell (Mrs. Ron Wyatt) Lee.

Genesis 6:15 says the ark shall be 300 cubits, which is what this artifact is in Egyptian cubits.

Acts 7:22 “And Moses (author of Genesis) was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians….” Was raised as an Egyptian.

This boat artifact is exactly 515 feet long!

40:15 Noah’s wife’s grave explained. She was a giant. Her sarcophagus was 18 feet long. [Elsewhere it’s said she was 15 feet long. Kent Hovind explains why in his creation series.] Gold and jewels in her coffin were sold by the “Christians” for $100 million on the black market in Istanbul.

47:52 screenshot: Noah’s wife’s finger bones next to Ron’s wife’s hand:

Bear Woznick Deep Adventure: The 20, 20, 20 Rule!


Dana Key warned about “once saved, always saved” license to sin in 1982

“They’re preaching across the country a kind of salvation that sounds like a fire insurance policy to me, where you sign up. You come down and sign a card, or whatever you do. And then you can go out and live like hell if you want to until Jesus comes, because ‘everything is going to be okay.’ God is going to judge sin. He doesn’t want Christians to live in sin. It’s a mockery.” – Dana Key in 1982

18. Dana’s Message (DeGarmo & Key: Live at the Rainbow Music Hall) [1982]


Francis Chan w/ Preston Sprinkle: An Honest Conversation

Francis’ new book: “Until Unity.” He says if he could rewrite the title, he’d call it “Sacred Unity.”

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In this conversation, we talk about his remarkable encounter with Benny Hinn, his recent thoughts on church unity, how he’s revisited his beliefs about the Eucharist, and we reflect on the pros and cons of being educated at The Master’s College (now University) and Seminary.

Russ Taff’s abusive pastor father jealous of his own son’s talent and anointing — Russ’ struggle to be free revealed in the film ‘I Still Believe’

This heavy, honest film just opened up a new level of understanding to me for what many have gone through.

The abuse showed itself in many ways and was devastating to his mother too, who then also abused Russ and his brothers. But this statement of how Russ’ own pastor father was jealous of Russ’ talent when the Holy Spirit filled him, that’s just sick beyond what I had thought possible.

So I’m doing this post on Russ’ dad giving him the silent treatment because he was jealous of his own son.

Russ then lied about his addiction, living a superficial life for decades until he was emotionally healed.

Thankfully, he married the right lady; 30-day rehab worked, and was prayed for by a special man who expressed the heart of our Heavenly Father!

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Famous Christian musician Russ Taff speaking about his alcoholic, abusive pastor father’s jealousy of his son, Russ:

“When I started really shining he got jealous. That started a dance between he and I until I left home — that when I would do real well and the Holy Spirit would move he would emotionally punish me, where he wouldn’t even acknowledge me for a couple of days.”

– Transcribed from Russ Taff: I Still Believe at minute-12:10

Film’s description:

The award-winning Christian music icon shares his story of freedom from alcoholism and childhood abuse that kept him in a prison of private shame.


Dana Coverstone: Confessing Our Sins One To Another – “The power of sin is in secrecy” – Being Accountable Being Accountable

5:32:55 “When was the last time we confessed our sins to one another?”

5:33:40 For 30 years, Dana has been accountable to six men, to whom he writes a letter each Sunday, telling them his temptations, frustrations, challenges, relationship with his wife, church situations, etc. — as transparent as he can be. So they pray for him in those areas. He’s accountable to them.

5:36:10 For nine years, every Tuesday night, he and 6-10 guys (some are the same as those above) pray for one another. “That Tuesday night prayer time is a no-miss for me.”

5:38:05 Dana’s serious health problems he’s dealt with and has mostly has overcome!

5:46:55 “The power of sin is in secrecy.”

(7 min vid) First Love – A Historic Gathering Of Jesus Music Pioneers, 1997 – Long Trailer

I purchased the DVD/CD boxed set used here, but the video portion (almost 4 hours) can be watched for free at Amazon for those who have a Prime account: Part One & Part Two.

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The late 60’s and early ’70’s were a time of tremendous upheaval in American culture as the hippie generation abandoned the values of their parents, turned to drugs and away from materialism, and went on a search for love and peace. For these young people, “the establishment” which included the church, seemed irrelevant. At times it felt like the very fabric of our nation might tear apart.

It was out of this tumultuous era that young, musical voices began to surface. These newly converted musicians began singing about the new hope they had found through Jesus Christ.

First Love examines the life and music of the people who birthed the sounds of a revolution that swept American culture. It became know as the Jesus Movement. For three historic days, these artists gathered for the first time in a mountain retreat in Southern California and First Love Volumes I & II captures almost 4 hours of each of their incredible live performances and reveals a rare look at the heart and motives of each artist as they describe in intimate detail the drama of their personal transformation.

With performances by [those who influenced me are in bold – editor]:
• Randy Matthews
Barry McGuire
Annie Herring
Chuck Girard
Matthew Ward
• John Fischer
• Andrae Crouch
• Jamie Owens Collins
2nd Chapter of Acts
Terry Clark
Keith Green tribute with Melody Green
Randy Stonehill
• Love Song
• Paul Clark
• Darrell Mansfield
• Honeytree

“We didn’t know very much. We were naive. All we knew was we were blind, now we see. And that was enough.”
– Love Song

Bible teacher David Pawson ascended to be with his Lord and Saviour at 9am on Ascension Day, 21st May 2020

David wrote the best book on who goes to heaven scripturally, and almost no “Christian” bookstores in the USA will carry it (including Anchorage).

Once Saved, Always Saved?: A Study in Perseverance and Inheritance

‘ ‘ from Trump’s podium: “ , …”

at President Trump’s press conference: “ : , and spend time with our families.”

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LIVE: President Trump holding Coronavirus Task Force Press Conference…

(vid) David Pawson – Celebrates his 90th Birthday — Author of “Once Saved, Always Saved?: A Study in Perseverance and Inheritance”

David Pawson has written one of the best books on who goes to heaven: “Once Saved, Always Saved?: A Study in Perseverance and Inheritance”

The majority of Evangelical view is that once someone has accepted Christ as Saviour they are guaranteed salvation. But is it safe to assume that once we are saved, we are saved for always?

David Pawson investigated this through biblical evidence, historical figures such as Augustine, Luther and Wesley, and evangelical assumptions about grace and justification, divine sovereignty and human responsibility. He asks whether something more than being born again is required so that our inheritance is not lost. This book helps us to deicide whether ‘once saved, always saved’ is real assurance or a misleading assumption. The answer will have profound effects on the way we live and disciple others.

“First Love – A Historic Gathering of Jesus Music Pioneers” Trailer HD

Heartwarming, precious video available for free at Amazon Prime or on DVD!

The pioneers gathered!

2-min version here.

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(vid) Chuck Girard ministering in song & wisdom – CA Feb. 2016 — No reason to get puffed up, just “your reasonable service” • Entertainment “worship” • “People don’t want straight truth anymore” and more honesty

49:20 “There’s a scripture that says ‘when you have done all these different things that is such is your reasonable service.’ … When you get to the height of heights, there’s no reason for you to take any credit for it or feel like you did something because that’s just your reasonable service.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. – Rom. 12:1

II 7:50 Most “worship” today is “entertainment worship,” people watching but not worshiping.

11:40 “People don’t want straight truth anymore. They want the ear tickling stuff”

(vid) Robert Lyte: Jesus used Jan Boshoff to reach me and others (finalcall07)

Related: All of my Jan Boshoff posts

Should we be sad for Finalcall07 (Jan Boshoff)?

Related: All of my Jan Boshoff posts

(vid) George: Jan Boshoff (Finalcall07) is No More. Who is going to Labour for Jesus Now?

Related: All of my Jan Boshoff posts

(4 min vid) Testimony of Jan Boshoff (finalcall07) Urgent Call to this World

Related: All of my Jan Boshoff posts

Jan Boshoff’s Last Video: WEDDING CLOTHES

Jan posted this video 2 days before he died.

Related: All of my Jan Boshoff posts

(vid) Jan Boshoff: FOR HIS PURPOSE – 9 days before he died

Related: All of my Jan Boshoff posts

The Evangelicals Who Pray for War With Iran – Pence and Pompeo, who urged Trump to kill Soleimani, ardent proponents of ‘Christian’ Zionism

Note my comment below (in blue), showing how Hagee deceived Trump into thinking he’s helping rebuild the temple for good; though, it will be an abomination where animal sacrifices will burn, and from where the antichrist will rule during the tribulation, giving the order to chop off Christians’ heads.

Hagee told Trump instead that Jesus will rule from the temple, but this can only happen after the end of the tribulation — if there really will be a millennium.

This is reverse-Christianity.

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.” — Jesus in Mt. 5:9

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The Evangelicals Who Pray for War With Iran

Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, who urged Trump to kill Qassem Soleimani, are ardent proponents of Christian Zionism.

Last Friday, a day after Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani and nine others were killed in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq, the Christian Zionist advocacy group Christians United for Israel emailed its millions of supporters to praise President Trump’s move. …

(“First Love” video!) Barry McGuire — “When I left the Christies, I left in search of truth. …to be totally free? I found in Christ the fulfillment, the totality, the singularity of truth”

“First Love – A Historic Gathering of Jesus Music Pioneers”

I found this wonderful gem in which some of my favorite Christian musicians from my early walk with the Lord in the ’70s and ’80s gathered in this cabin in 1997.

[Those who influenced me in bold text]:

• Randy Matthews
Barry McGuire
Annie Herring
Chuck Girard
Matthew Ward
• John Fischer
• Andrae Crouch
• Jamie Owens Collins
2nd Chapter of Acts
Terry Clark
Keith Green tribute with Melody Green
Randy Stonehill
• Love Song
• Paul Clark
• Darrell Mansfield
• Honeytree

One of my favorite albums in those days was “To the Bride,” a two record set of live concerts by Barry McGuire & The 2nd Chapter of Acts, released in 1975, my first year after finding Christ.

Brother Nathanael (raised a Jew): Why I Believe In Jesus Christ


RADICAL! Francis Chan moving to Hong Kong; tells the truth in his last message!

Excellent message about American Christianity verses real Christianity. How theologians have twisted the written word of God!

“Fear” means fear! Lukewarm is gross to God!

27:10 “I’m praying that something I’ve said through the years sticks, and especially this morning, that the Holy Spirit of God would light a fire in some of you to where you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, right now.”

Video also here: Azusa Pacific Morning Chapel: Francis Chan | October 21, 2019

Reinhard Bonnke Death Cause: Evangelist Dies After Throat Cancer Diagnosis & Bone Surgery


We should have the “all healed” revival happening, instead of this stuff going on. Why are so few “Christians” interested in getting real Christianity going, the way it’s always supposed to be: Jesus’ prayer in John 17 and Paul’s standard in Eph. 4:11-16. What’s wrong with us?

No presence of God in churches, no healings, hardly any interest in prayer. Church leaders not getting right with those they hurt. [I’m not saying this was true with Bonnke. But it is true with many I know personally.]


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