Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Real History Page 2 of 8

Footage of Sodom & Gomorrah – Ron Wyatt’s wife tells the story

About 30 years ago, I saw this from on top of Masada, and asked others what this city ruin was. No one knew. It definitely looked like the ruin of a city to me.

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9:10 Gomorrah is below Masada, next to the Dead Sea. Sodom is at the southern end of the Dead Sea.

14:35 Sulfur balls, brimstone that landed on the city — millions that rained down, burning even rock. Tested to be 96% sulfur plus phosphorus.

They even found parts of human skeletons, burnt and gnarled.

31:00 Drone footage from below Masada

34:35 Thermal ionization from the extreme heat — “exceeding 2,000°F” (Ron @ min. 53:40)

41:05 The ziggurat

42:50 The sphynx with Masada behind and above it

54:00 Regarding all of this ash, Ron quotes part of this text from Malachi 4:

“For, behold, the day comes, it burns as a furnace; and all the proud, and all who work wickedness, will be stubble; and the day that comes will burn them up,” says Yahweh of Armies, “that it shall leave them neither root nor branchBut to you who fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings. You will go out, and leap like calves of the stall. You shall tread down the wicked; for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I make,” says Yahweh of Armies.

Ron Wyatt: The Miraculous 1st Trip to Discover Noah’s Ark – Exactly 300 cubits long – Gen. 6:15! | Noah’s wife’s 18 foot grave explained

Ron Wyatt, his sons and wife describe the adventure! Ron has since died.

When Ron Wyatt 1st went to Turkey to search for the boat-shaped object he had seen 17 years earlier in Life Magazine, he had no idea where to look. He didn’t speak the language. All he knew was that it was in the mountains. Then, one simple prayer, as he and his 2 sons entered the area in a taxi, led to incredible discoveries, all connected to Noah and the ark. Ron and his sons, Danny and Ronnie tell the story and some new information is shared, especially at the end. Originally made for Warriors for Christ, it is long, and I thank you for watching and hope you enjoy!- Mary Nell (Mrs. Ron Wyatt) Lee.

Genesis 6:15 says the ark shall be 300 cubits, which is what this artifact is in Egyptian cubits.

Acts 7:22 “And Moses (author of Genesis) was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians….” Was raised as an Egyptian.

This boat artifact is exactly 515 feet long!

40:15 Noah’s wife’s grave explained. She was a giant. Her sarcophagus was 18 feet long. [Elsewhere it’s said she was 15 feet long. Kent Hovind explains why in his creation series.] Gold and jewels in her coffin were sold by the “Christians” for $100 million on the black market in Istanbul.

47:52 screenshot: Noah’s wife’s finger bones next to Ron’s wife’s hand:

Largest Canyons Were Formed by the Receding Flood

Largest Canyons Were Formed by the Receding Flood


Two newly discovered canyons in Greenland and Antarctica have a lot in common with Grand Canyon. Both canyons are as deep as or deeper than Grand Canyon and are at least 60 miles in length. But what’s especially revealing is the fact that they all appear to have formed around the same time.


Jesus Christ – Non-biblical Evidence Of His Existence

Debate: Atheist Claims Jesus is a Hoax – Slippery Philosopher David Skrbina v. Factual Theologian Peter Williamson

MY NOTES – Including transcriptions:

21:35 Skrbina disbelieves the gospel accounts of Jesus and doubts Jesus even existed: “I think he did exist. I think he was a mortal man. I’m not totally sure. I’m kind of on the fence on this one. But for the sake of this debate, let’s say he existed. …”

28:16 Skrbina claims many secular authors would have written about Jesus from Palestine in the 1st century, 2000 years ago.

Wiliamson: We only have one secular author’s work from Palestine on any subject, Josephus, who does write about Jesus:

Ron Wyatt: How the Pyramids Were Built — Joseph/Imhotep Architect of the First Pyramid

Related: (video) Findings Confirming the Bible – Greatest Biblical Archaeology Discoveries of All Time: Red Sea Crossing • Noah’s Ark • Mt. Sinai • Gomorrah • Ark of the Covenant — Ron Wyatt made no money from his adventures

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One of Ron Wyatt’s favorite subjects was ‘how the pyramids were built’. He was especially interested because he knew Imhotep, or Joseph, son of Jacob (Israel) was the builder of the first pyramid. His discovery of how these massive monuments were made was not something he set out of learn. It was an encounter at the tomb of Onias that led him to an amazing discovery.

Ron Wyatt discusses Sodom and Gomorrah Discovery- Some Never Before Seen Footage

Related: (video) Findings Confirming the Bible – Greatest Biblical Archaeology Discoveries of All Time: Red Sea Crossing • Noah’s Ark • Mt. Sinai • Gomorrah • Ark of the Covenant — Ron Wyatt made no money from his adventures

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In 1999, when Ron learned that his cancer had spread and the doctors could do nothing else for him, he sat down and did some interviews at home, discussing his various discoveries. In this video, he discussed his discovery of Sodom and Gomorrah, how he came to believe these were the cities of the plain and the significance.

Alaska Watchman: 2020 exposed a festering disease in America — Christianity was the glue that held the nation together – de Tocqueville

2020 exposed a festering disease in America

This past winter the world began to change before our very eyes as the specter of an unknown global pandemic struck fear into the hearts of men. Lockdowns and closures – unthinkable in modern America – reshaped our lives overnight.


The events of this past year exposed a festering disease which has long-been weakening our body politic to the point that we now struggle to summon the necessary strength to restore our health. Things were not going well before 2020, but much of the country was oblivious.

One hundred and ninety years ago, a French writer sailed across the Atlantic to try and understand this bold new experiment called America. Alexis de Tocqueville wanted to see what sort of people could found and sustain a nation which was unlike any other in the history of the world.

He was not primarily interested in saving souls or defending any one particular church or denomination. But he, like our founding fathers, noted one fundamental reality about this new form of representative democracy. It would collapse, he said, if the people abandoned their Christian faith.

Christianity was the glue that held the nation together – the common set of values that justified the equality of all mankind under God. It provided a moral framework that protected individual liberties, while instilling a sense of moral duty to our fellow man. Without this foundation, Tocqueville predicted that a secular representative democracy would create citizens who were hyper individualist, preoccupied with material gain and willing to trample the Natural moral laws of the universe if they could only secure a tyrannical majority. Might would become right in the absence of a higher authority.

America’s religious institutions have been weakening for several generations now. Church attendance is falling, and many younger Americans know next to nothing about Christianity. We can no longer afford to neglect our churches and our prayers. Our children must be forged in faith and a deep love for God whose commands transcend all state and earthly powers.

Without this we cannot possibly save our souls, let alone the heart of this great nation.


Tertullian: Church Life in 197 AD – “See how they love one another,” they say about us. “They are ready even to die for one another”

Tertullian, writing in 197 AD, talks about what church was like.

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Tertullian, The Apology, Chapter 39

We are a body knit together as such by a common religious profession, by unity of discipline, and by the bond of a common hope. We meet together as an assembly and congregation, that, offering up prayer to God as with united force, we may wrestle with Him in our supplications. This strong exertion God delights in. We pray, too, for the emperors, for their ministers and for all in authority, for the welfare of the world, for the prevalence of peace, for the delay of the final consummation.

We assemble to read our sacred writings, if any peculiarity of the times makes either forewarning or reminiscence needful. However it be in that respect, with the sacred words we nourish our faith, we animate our hope, we make our confidence more steadfast; and no less by inculcations of God’s precepts we confirm good habits.

In the same place also exhortations are made, rebukes and sacred censures are administered. For with a great gravity is the work of judging carried on among us, as befits those who feel assured that they are in the sight of God; and you have the most notable example of judgment to come when anyone has sinned so grievously as to require his severance from us in prayer, in the congregation and in all sacred intercourse. The tried men of our elders preside over us, obtaining that honour not by purchase but by established character.

There is no buying and selling of any sort in the things of God. Though we have our treasure-chest, it is not made up of purchase-money, as of a religion that has its price. [Old covenant tithing not practiced – ed.] On the monthly day, if he likes, each puts in a small donation; but only if it be his pleasure, and only if he be able: for there is no compulsion; all is voluntary. These gifts are, as it were, piety’s deposit fund. For they are not taken thence and spent on feasts, and drinking-bouts, and eating-houses, but to support and bury poor people, to supply the wants of boys and girls destitute of means and parents [homeless – ed.], and of old persons confined now to the house; such, too, as have suffered shipwreck; and if there happen to be any in the mines or banished to the islands or shut up in the prisons, for nothing but their fidelity to the cause of God’s Church, they become the nurslings of their confession.

But it is mainly the deeds of a love so noble that lead many to put a brand upon us. See, they say, how they love one another, for they themselves are animated by mutual hatred. See, they say about us, how they are ready even to die for one another, for they themselves would sooner kill.

(vid) God in Ancient China – Chinese characters and how they relate to the Book of Genesis

(vid) Really Graceful: The Sodom & Gomorrah Story, Discovery, Happening Today!

we discuss the cycle of decadence, decay, and destruction written in the book of Genesis, take a closer look at the story of Lot and the angels who visited him with a warning, show the scientific evidence that supports the existence and abrupt end of these cities, and draw parallels between the cycle established in the Old Testament and the one we’re in today.

12:50 Actual remains of Sodom and Gomorrah shown!

1430 “The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is not a fairy tale. It actually happened, and is recorded in the most read book of all history for a reason, as a warning.”

16:45 “Do you reckon they had a drag queen story hour in Sodom and Gomorrah?”

(vid) THE COMING TEMPLE – Actual Location — ‘Wailing Wall’ not part of Herod’s temple

The Dome on the Rock mosque won’t need to be taken out. I waded through Hezekiah’s tunnel ending at the Gihon Spring, when I visited Israel in the ’80s. And in the ’90s, Mom and I saw the impressive model of 1st century Jerusalem at the Israeli museum shown in this video. Never did I think that the model could have been false. Experts tell why here.

I saw a Chuck Missler presentation of this misnomer a few years ago. This video is really good, because it also clearly shows who will rule from the rebuilt temple. It’s not going to be pretty.

Surprisingly, they give two references to the antichrist ruling from the rebuilt temple, but don’t include the main one: 2 Thess. 2.:

3 DON’T LET ANYONE DECEIVE YOU in any way, for that day will not come until the REBELLION occurs and the MAN OF LAWLESSNESS is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he SETS HIMSELF UP IN GOD’S TEMPLE [the third temple in Jerusalem], PROCLAIMING HIMSELF TO BE GOD.

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21:30 The western wall, or “wailing wall” is not part of Herod’s temple, but the Antonio Fortress, a Roman fort.

The temple was actually by the Gihon Spring.

28:12 The model of Jerusalem at the Israeli Museum shows the Antonio Fortress being much too small, because the temple shouldn’t be there at all.

31:30 Where the original temple once stood: the City of David on the SE ridge of Jerusalem (min.-48)

33 Josephus

34 The rock under the Dome of the Rock was a Christian site.

37 “No stone left” prophesy fulfilled

43 Rebuilding of the Jewish temple will start the 7-year tribulation period where the antichrist will reign from

Mt. 24:15 “When, therefore, you see the abomination of desolation, Daniel 9:2711:3112:11 which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place….

44 Mark of the Beast, 666

(vid) The Extra Biblical Evidence for the Historicity of Jesus Christ

LOADED with historical sources and quotes other than from the Bible itself!


James Perloff with Ben-Nuns: The Attempted Destruction of Christianity

James Perloff with Steven and Jana Ben-Nun, Israeli News Live

19:30 Jesus won’t rule from Jerusalem, like many evangelicals expect

23:30 The millennial reign? Only Revelation 20 mentions it, whereas 2 Pet. 3:10, 2 Th. 1:7-10 and Mt. 24 [parts already fulfilled] indicate the destruction of Earth instead. Revelation is known for being figurative.

32:30 History of Cyrus Scofield

45:35 Why preterism isn’t true

TruNews’ U.S.S. Liberty film update w/ trailer: Matt Skow shot 25 interviews so far! | Rick’s new book “Final Day”

Today on TruNews… We…publish never before seen footage from the upcoming Flowing Streams documentary-series, “Sacrificing Liberty: The True Story of the USS Liberty.”  …

4:25 “It started with these four men [survivors] who came in. Then I just wanted to find out more and more. … I’ve been all over the world with this. I’ve shot 25 interviews. … I’ve travelled everywhere that has something that we want to uncover or a lead that’s brought us.” – Matt Skow

13:55 U.S.S. Liberty film trailer

22:30 Rick’s new book: “Final Day: 10 Characteristics of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”

The Keith Green Story: Your Love Broke Through (1 hour)

Keith Green had a big impact on my life. He was only four years older than me, and actually became a Christian about the same time I did, ’74-75. He died at only age-28. It’s absolutely incredible what he, his wife Melody and their friends were able to in just seven or eight years! Melody says in the film they were in Woodland Hills, a suburb of Los Angeles.

Praise God they were able to attend Ken Gulliksen’s rich, Holy Spirit anointed meetings right away, which was the start of the Vineyard movement. I didn’t find a church I could relate to until 1981, when I moved to Alaska and found Abbott Loop.

I listened to all of Keith’s music, and still have all of their “Last Days Ministries Newsletter” issues.

His legacy was so big, the vision and momentum, that something was seriously lost when he died in 1982. Christianity moved forward for awhile, but then floundered. The Vineyard movement fizzled out in about 1991. [Our church was autocratic, and the founder never did fully repent or reconcile. Anyone who said something was considered anathema. We were like the church of Sardis in Rev. 3:1-6, having a “‘reputation’ for being alive, but….”]

Keith wouldn’t have put up with the world taking over the church like it has. Hardly anyone today seems to have his passion for doing whatever God wants no matter what — “no compromise.”

This story is wonderfully told by Melody, their friends, and the great people who once were Sparrow records, which was later bought out by a secular label. Christian music was wonderful in the ’70s and ’80s! It’s so spiritually dead now. Keith would have never put up with that, and he ended up giving his music away for donations of any amount. He wanted to make sure the world didn’t compromise him through the love of money, and fame too.

I wonder what the world would be like now had Keith not died so early. He showed the impact that one sold-out man for Christ with great friends can do.

Today’s ‘Christian’ radio stations in America like K-LOVE won’t even play even one of his songs. That’s how sad and pathetic ‘Christian’ music has become — deadsville. This needs to radically change. Instead of “no compromise,” their message is “go to sleep;” “Jesus loves you no matter how much you willfully sin and don’t repent or reconcile.” That’s ‘Christian’ music today, and what is preached from most pulpits today too. Churches have almost no holiness, no presence of God, no passion. We have fake churches right now almost everywhere. Keith Green would freak! Imagine how Jesus feels right now with almost everybody doing their own thing, and acting like it’s okay.

Quite a story here! We need to get serious. We need to live no compromised — which is just normal Christianity, the way it’s always supposed to be.


This film was apparently released in 2002. This version is the best quality I could find online, and ends at 1:02:25, where it repeats part of it again, strangely. So it really is only an hour long.

Church Fathers Said You Can Lose Your Salvation! — TERTULLIAN: “Walk so *holily* and with so *entire substantially of faith* to be *confident and secure* in…our own conscience” • “Is not this gift taken away from many?” IRENAEUS: “If we do things displeasing to God we obtain no further forgiveness” COMMODIANUS: “If you seek to live as the Gentiles do the *joys of the world* remove you from the grace of Christ” CYPRIAN: “Faith…and the saving birth do not make alive by *merely being received*. Rather, they must be preserved” • “A baptized person *loses the grace* that he has attained unless he remains innocent” HERMAS: “If you do not guard yourself against [anger] you…lose all hope of salvation”

E. Michael Jones: Hollywood Talmudists used a 'Holocaust' movie to break the decency code — For 31 years there had been no nudity in films, no obscenity, no promotion of homosexuality, no ridicule of the clergy… | Wilhelm Reich, a crucial figure in the history of sexual liberation as a form of political control, found: It's pointless to debate the existence of God with a seminarian. All you have to do is get him involved in illicit sexual activity, and the idea of God will evaporate from his mind | ‘The Talmud’ is a book that was created to keep the Jews away from Jesus Christ

My transcriptions of E. Michael Jones’ words in this audio interview, below:
3:25 “During the 1920s, when Hollywood films became more and more a part of our culture, everyone was upset at the sexualization of the culture they were promoting. … There was a lot of nudity in the films, … promotion of homosexuality…, and also ridicule of the clergy, blasphemy…. … The Catholics stepped up to the plate and created the Legion of Decency [National Legion of Decency]. …
The Jews in Hollywood caved in [to the boycott]. They instituted the production code, and for 31 years there was no nudity in films, no obscenity, no promotion of homosexuality, no ridicule of the clergy….
The Jews sensed their moment of opportunity [in 1965], and they floated a Holocaust film, which had become their sacred cause in the meantime — a huge difference between 1933 and 1965. The Jews now had the upper hand because of the Holocaust. So they floated a Holocaust film called ‘The Pawnbroker,’ which starred Rod Steiger.
The whole point of this is to use the Holocaust as a front, as a way of smuggling in what they’re really interested in, which is bare breasts. So there’s a black prostitute who bares her breasts in the middle of this film. That breaks the code. … They broke whatever restraints were on them. …

The Pawnbroker … was initially rejected because of two scenes in which the actresses Linda Geiser and Thelma Oliver fully expose their breasts; and a sex scene between Oliver and Jaime Sánchez, which it described as “unacceptably sex suggestive and lustful.” (source)

I would say there’s a direct line from breaking the code in ’65 then to the mainstreaming of pornography, which took place in 1973. Three of the top grossing films in 1973 were hard core pornography. The movie theatre was the vehicle for pornography at this time. …
Once they mainstreamed pornography, they used it as a form of control.”
14:00 “..we are a rational creature, and the only thing that allows us to retain our identity is the use of reason. And if we allow passion to override reason, we are no longer rational creatures, and the people who control the stimuli then control us.”
21:00 “‘The Talmud’ is a book that was created to keep the Jews away from Logos, away from the incarnate Logos, Jesus Christ.”
43:30 “Now, with the fall of communism, we’re in a very dangerous period on the verge of WWIII …, nuclear war with Russia. They’re rattling sabers, talking about using nuclear weapons….”
44:40 “He [Wilhelm Reich] is one of the absolutely crucial figures in the history of sexual liberation as a form of political control. He’s right up there with the Marquis de Sade, who was probably the founding father of this whole idea. Wilhelm Reich was a Jew, a communist and a Freudian psychoanalyst, living in Vienna…. He’s trying to convert everyone to communism, but he realized it’s hard to get people enthused about communism. But he realized as well that if he ever talked about sex he always had a big crowd. … He started to develop this whole idea of how sex can be used politically. The book is called ‘The Mass Psychology of Facism.’ It came out in 1933, and basically he said that either you pray or you masturbate, but you don’t do both. So if you spread masturbation you kill prayer. And so he said it’s pointless to debate the existence of God with a seminarian…. All you have to do is get him involved in illicit sexual activity, and the idea of God will evaporate from his mind.”

(VID) Jake: Did God Create Non-Jews to Be Slaves to Jewish Masters? — "I cannot fathom how any follower of Jesus Christ can justify embracing the un-Christlike actions of the very villainous people that Jesus repeatedly fought against. But that's how powerful the mind-control system of the Zionists is. It even takes Christians and turns them against Jesus Christ, while they think they are serving Christ"

38:15 “‘Christian’ Zionism…. I cannot fathom for a second how any follower of Jesus Christ can justify embracing the un-Christlike actions of the very villainous people that Jesus Himself repeatedly and consistently fought against. But that’s how powerful the mind-control system of the Zionists is. It even takes Christians and turns them against Jesus Christ, while they think they are serving Christ.”
– Jake Morphonios, transcribed by me

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The Scofield Bible – The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians

The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians

By Maidhc Ó Cathail

“For a nation to commit the sin of anti-Semitism brings inevitable judgement.”

—The New Scofield Study Bible

Since it was first published in 1909, the Scofield Reference Bible has made uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans. When John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), said that “50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel,” it was the Scofield Bible that he was talking about.
Although the Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is not the traditional Protestant bible but Cyrus I. Scofield’s annotated commentary that is problematic. More than any other factor, it is Scofield’s notes that have induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel.

New Book! "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" Thoroughly Revised and Updated

I read Josh’s first two versions about 40 years ago, and was greatly blessed. This is probably outstanding!
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(5 min vid) Was Jesus A Real Person?: Did a Historical Christ Exist? – Extra-Biblical Evidence is Conclusive By Itself!

(vid) Jake: How the Jewish Rothschild Zionists Created Modern Israel

Best real-history, big picture overview I’ve seen on this vitally important subject!
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(audio) Real-historian James Perloff: Christianity and the Truth Movement

James Perloff is my favorite historian. I currently have 70 posts at ToBeFree: Category: James Perloff – Real-Historian!!!
James summarizes this interview on his site:

May 13. I was Jim Duke’s guest on Jim Duke Perspective. Topics: Christianity and the Truth Movement; the unfolding situation in Syria and the Middle East.

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Quotes: "History repeats itself because nobody listens the first time"

(vid) James Perloff with the Hagmanns, who are WAKING UP!! – The Truth About Syria, *Talmudic* Israel’s Evil Role — “We should certainly not be following an agenda that is set by people who are without question Luciferians”

The early Christians were persecuted by the Talmudists. Today’s ‘Christians’ have been supporting them instead.
Jesus warned: “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees,” their evil Talmudic, power-over-all-others thought.
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41:00 Both Hagmanns are waking up to Talmudic Israel’s evil doings — including being behind our reverse-Christian wars!
30:15 “We should be opposing evil, and we should be trying to fulfill God’s will in our lives. And that means we should be peacemakers here on earth. And we should certainly not be following an agenda that is set by people who are without question Luciferians.” – James Perloff
52:30 “It’s not coincidental. There is definitely a correlation between how well we do and how well we obey God.” – James Perloff

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(vid) Really Graceful Unmasks Zionism in 10 Minutes — "Why do 'Christian' Zionists support this ethnic cleansing?"

“Why do ‘Christian’ Zionists support this ethnic cleansing with their silence?” – Really Graceful

The early Christians never supported evil.
Jesus warned of this Talmudic ‘leaven‘ of the Pharisees. They wanted Jesus to lead them in the racist, world domination plan.
Jesus told them:

“You are of your father the devil, and the lusts [passions] of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44)

Where are the peacemakers Jesus said His children must be?:

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Mt. 5:9)

Really Graceful mentions what Jesus says in Revelation 2:9:

“I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

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(vid) Rick Wiles: Morning Manna: How Will the Christian Zionists' Millennial Kingdom Survive the Fire? — Over the past 50 years, the dominant eschatology of American Protestant Evangelical churches is what I call DPPZism. DPPZ: Dispensational, Premillennial, Pre-Tribulation, Zionism

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Billy Graham, Willing Pawn for Politicians



Billy Graham, George HW Bush, George W Bush
Billy Graham has died. He is being remembered as a friend and confessor to presidents, one who gave them guidance and moral fortification. But just as much, Graham was a willing tool of politicians who used him and his supposed pipeline to divine authority to win over the electorate.
The role of “spiritual leaders” in cynically playing the public is both important and largely ignored.

The problems with Billy Graham: 'Say this one-time prayer' instead of Jesus' narrow way • "Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you!"

Something happened to Billy. His preaching seemed solid in the ’50s, but then he somehow sold out to push the ecumenical movement and the false doctrine of once-saved-always-saved (OSAS), which has produced many ‘Christians’ who do not follow Christ.
Billy turned Christianity into saying a one-time prayer, instead of a lifetime of following and obeying the Holy Spirit, where we walk in “no condemnation,” and have faith to enter when we see Jesus face to Face.
Billy was loved by all, including many corrupt politicians, which is what Jesus warned about: “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets” (Luke 6:26).
Billy even covered for Bill Clinton’s womanizing, laughing as he said it. Even Bill Clinton was comfortable around Billy Graham, who made the road to heaven wide, instead of teaching Jesus’ narrow way.

When Billy Graham laughed to minimize Bill Clinton’s adultery

My other related posts tell more of the story:
(video) Illuminati Infiltration of Christianity – Fritz Springmeier & Timothy Alberino — Billy Graham, Freemasonry, tele-evangelists, ecumenical movement
(video) Billy Graham EXPOSED – Documentary
(vid) Billy Graham Denies Jesus Is The ONLY WAY To The Father
Billy Graham (a Freemason?) Praises the DeMolays – Masonic Youth Group
Walter Veith: Hidden Agendas — The deity worshiped in the shrines of secrecy is not the Deity of the Bible. “There are very, very, very few Rabbis in the world today that are not Kabbalists.”
Billy Graham Recommends Psych Meds for Depression — No mention of getting right with people and God; praying in the Spirit; proper nutrition, etc.
(audio) Fiona Barnett: “Satanic Pedophile Network Exposed” — Billy Graham, Hillsong Church …

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