Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Revival Page 10 of 11

Very Heavy Reality Check: 1.78 Per Second!


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This will move you!


Andrew Strom is Leaving Us—Not Having Seen the Revival Come

From: Revival School, Mar 15, 2008

I was originally going to entitle this “God is Sending us Home”, because it is certain that our beloved homeland of New Zealand is our first stop. But as I said a week ago, the call to Africa and the Third World is very strong, and I do not know how much longer God will even have us remain in the West.
We have been pondering and praying over this move home for a long time. We have lived in the USA for over 4 years and we know that God brought us here for a purpose, so we have certainly not been in any hurry to leave. In fact, we thought we would be staying. But on my most recent ministry trip to the Midwest, I finally received a very strong and definite confirmation that we are to return “Down Under”. So, dear friends, we depart in a matter of days. …
I remember just before my first trip to America in 2003, God actually gave me a message while I SLEPT – which had never happened before. It was about the “windows of Revival” which open in America roughly every 50 years – and how disastrous it would be if America “missed her next window”. When I awoke I went and checked the history books – and there it was! – A 50-year cycle of Awakenings in America – going back 250 years. And they were due for the next one right then! How disastrous it would be if they missed it. And so, on my first trips to America, that is just what I preached. -A very serious and urgent warning that I believe came directly from God Himself.
And now here I am five years later, called by God to leave one of the nations in the world that I have loved the most. We came here longing to see America come into her next Awakening, but now we leave wondering what on earth is going to happen. For years we spent our time urging the people to PRAY, exhorting the preachers to return to a piercing message of holiness and Repentance. My friends, has it all been in vain?

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Paul Newman Has Left Us—Not Having Seen the Revival Come
Rethinking Matthew 24: “…then the end will come” — after the Pete Townshends “know”?

Stockstill’s Dream: We Have a Window of Time for Repentance


BATON ROUGE, LA – Louisiana pastor Larry Stockstill had a disturbing dream last week. He saw military trucks and armored vehicles getting in formation for a surprise strike on an American city. Stockstill felt alarmed, but when he tried to warn a pastor in his dream, the man ignored him.
“I knew in my dream that a siege was going to happen the next day,” Stockstill says. “The enemy was being positioned. But no one would listen to me.”
Stockstill, pastor of the 10,000-member Bethany World Prayer Center in Baton Rouge, believes his dream was a prophetic warning about the spiritual condition of our nation. While America teeters near an economic and political precipice, many American church leaders are going on with their business as usual—without realizing that the church is in a state of serious moral crisis.
“I believe we are facing a window of opportunity for repentance,” Stockstill says. “Unless the pastors wake up to avert judgment, there will be judgment on America. If we don’t respond we are going to lose this nation.”

Click for Story
Related: A New World Order (Comin’ to Your Town)

How the Church has Emasculated Men | What is a Man?

But first, what is a man?
I’m just now finishing reading (taking my time as it is so rich!) possibly the greatest book ever written on what a real man is: “The Character of a Man: Reflecting the Image of Jesus,” by Bruce Marchiano—who played Jesus in the wonderful: The Visual Bible: Matthew! I highly recommend this book.
Also, here is God’s perspective on the ‘John Wayne’ mentality, that is part of what is destroying the church and America: Now is the Time to Get Ready, Full of Me.


From: No Apologies

Have you ever wondered why Christian men are so emasculated? Or why most normal red-blooded men find it absolutely impossible to relate to today’s clergy?
You’re not alone.
I use to think the problem was me; that I was old fashioned – at least that’s what I was told.
But then I had an epiphany.

Click for Story

(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — "’Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’M FREE!’"

“..I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” – Paul (Acts 24:16)

• • •

Text transcribed by Jeff Fenske from this video:

A Revival Account: Asbury 1970

Dennis Kinlaw, President of Asbury College (1970) recalls this amazing event.

A format had been developed. It started in that opening chapel. A student would give his witness. He would tell about how God was dealing with him about sin in his life. He’d make his confession. And then he would tell how God had brought forgiveness to him, and restoration. Or how the need of his heart had been met—the spiritual need.
As he would speak, there would be somebody in the audience who would say, ‘that’s like me.’ And then that person would come under conviction and come forward and kneel at the altar.
So a pattern had been developed of testimony, of sharing. Then after the testimony, prayer, and after the prayer, singing and praise and adoration. And then more witnessing, sharing how God had met human need.”
“I suppose I had been there about an hour when a young lady came up…and she walked back and knelt side of the seat where I was sitting, and looked up at me and said:
‘Dr. Kinlaw, may I talk with you?’
I said, ‘why yes.’
She said, ‘I need help…. I’m a liar’ [Dr. Kinlaw breaks up with emotion] Excuse me. Forgive me for a minute.
She said, ‘I lie so much, I don’t even know when I’m lying. I am a liar. Now what do I do?’
Well I sat there for a moment or two, and I had never said this to anybody else, but I looked at her and I said, ‘why don’t you start back to the last person you remember that you lied to. Confess it to that person, and ask him or her to forgive you.’
‘Oh,’ she said, ‘that would kill me.’
I said, ‘no, it would probably cure you.’
Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’
I said, ‘what do you mean, ‘you’re free.?’
She said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’m free’ [Kinlaw raises both hands in the air in the way she probably had]!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — "There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT"

“God is love, and HE WHO REMAINS IN LOVE remains in God, and GOD REMAINS IN HIM. In this, love has been made perfect among us, that we may have BOLDNESS [‘confidence’ – NIV, ESV, NASB…] IN THE DAY of judgment, *because* AS HE IS, even SO ARE WE in this world.” – 1 John 4:16-17

[Non-OSAS Song] John Mellencamp: "Walk Tall"

“Walk Tall”

Written by John Mellencamp

The simple minded
And the uninformed
Can be easily led astray

And those that cannot connect the dots
Hey look the other way
People believe what they want to believe
When it makes no sense at all
So be careful of those killing in Jesus’ name
He don’t believe in killing at all …

Somewhere out in the distance
Is the death of you and me
Even though we don’t think of it much
It’s still out there for us to see
If you treat life like a ballroom fight
You’ll die stinking of gin
No drunkards allowed in heaven
No sinners will get in

Walk tall (keep on walking, keep on talking)
Through this world

Click for Lyrics

Related: Mellencamps Cursed for Questioning the War

Survey: Is American Christianity Turning Charismatic?

From: The Barna Group, January 7, 2008

(Ventura, CA) – Pentecostal or charismatic Christianity is viewed by some Americans as an emotional, theologically suspect form of the Christian faith. It is widely thought to be a very vocal and visible, but numerically small slice of the grand religious pie in the United States. Two new surveys from The Barna Group, however, indicate that things are changing dramatically in the religious landscape. Those surveys – one among a national sample of adults and the other among a national sample of Protestant pastors – show that the number of churches and adherents to Pentecostal perspectives and practices has grown significantly in the past two decades.
Growing Numbers of People
A decade ago, three out of ten adults claimed to be charismatic or Pentecostal Christians. Today, 36% of Americans accept that designation. That corresponds to approximately 80 million adults. (For the Barna survey, this included people who said they were a charismatic or Pentecostal Christian, that they had been “filled with the Holy Spirit” and who said they believe that “the charismatic gifts, such as tongues and healing, are still valid and active today.”)

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A Kindness that I Want to Flow From My Body

Let Us Be ONE, Part 2 of 33
On the night before Jesus sacrificed his life for us, he prayed that those who would follow would be one. His heart still longs to see this fulfilled in our lives – “that the world may know.”

Not for these only do I pray, but for those also who believe in me through their word, that they may all be ONE; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be ONE in us; that the world may believe that you sent me. The glory which you have given me, I have given to them; that they may be ONE, even as we are ONE; I in them, and you in me, that they may be perfected into ONE; that the world may know that you sent me, and loved them, even as you loved me.
(John 17:20-23)

Let Us Be ONE


A Prophecy

as Given to,


Commentary by

Jeff Fenske

A Kindness that I Want to Flow From My Body

There is a kindness that I want to flow from My body. Let it saturate all those around you. Let it flow from your hearts. Let it fill you up. Let the Holy Spirit give you life. Let them be free—hate and anger no longer. Give your life to Me.
Do not hold grudges, My people. Get up and repent. The time is short. I will not hold back much longer the tide that is about to come.
Let it fill you up, this love. Let it come. Let it give you life. Do not worry; I am in charge. Hate and anger no longer. Be My bride. I want you. I have no other. I long for you, to see you strong.
Do not fear, and live in hate no longer. Love your enemies. Let them be your friend, for I am in charge. You need not fear those who hate your soul; I am in charge. I will give you life and plenty. You will be filled up to the max if you obey.
You see the way but you stumble. Get up and pray. I am there, giving life, My hand outstretched. Take it. Let us be ONE. We need to be ONE, My people. Let’s watch and pray. I will lead. Do not fear, for I am with you.
I will give you life if you let Me lead. This is the key.
© 2008 Jeff Fenske [copyright is only so I can retain the rights to publish this someday. Please feel free to copy and distribute, otherwise.]

Let Us Be ONE: Table of Contents

Let that Dirty Thing Go, The Monster That Hides Inside

Let Us Be ONE, Part 19 of 33

Let that Dirty Thing Go, The Monster That Hides Inside
There is a time in the future when darkness will fade, where I will give life to those in the body, and it will be great.
Many will fall, and sit down and relax. They will miss the boat, the barge that sets sail. The victory is in Me, not in earthly things, not in pride, what man made. That will waste away, with you in it unless you pray.
Stay steadfast in your thinking, away from the moment and into My Word. Think ahead, always looking forward, ahead of the pack, so you can stay clean. Always be ready, sober, vigilant. Stand to your feet, My people, and watch Me. Get up and pray. The Holy Ghost will come, and you will be united—all of you who obey. None will be left out that fall on their faces daily—those who seek My face and not the pride that is in their stomach. Let that dirty thing go, the monster that hides inside. Many think it’s them, their thinking, but it is from the Devil. He mocks; he is unclean. He fills My people as long as they give him space. [Eph. 4:27 KJV]
Hold up your hands. Let them be clean. Feel My hurt. I died to give them life, but they refuse to obey. I died so they don’t have to hurt any longer. Watch and pray and life will flow from heaven: drip, and then drop. But then it will gush and flow as you obey, not holding back even an inkling.
Let it all come out, those who disobey. Rupture; let it burst, let it fill your insides no more, those demons that provoke you to wrath, fill your stomach with hate for those who want to give you life. They know what to do, but you see them and look the other way, failing to obey.
Wash your hands, let go of your wrath, and life will come deep inside, where it belongs.
Watch and pray; set aside time to live in Me, all day long, seven days a week, never in doubt that I am in control. This will happen if you let it. See it now. Don’t wait. I am in control. Wait on Me for guidance. Hear a clear Word from the Lord for your heart. Everyday, wake up full of Me. I am deep inside, but there are others. We share this space, and it is yukky. Most don’t obey, so most are unclean, and I hurt.
Get rid of the pride, those things that bother you are not yours to worry about. Long for another channel to watch, a TV program that is different, where you look up and pray, where you see My face in love, in front of you, daily. Look up and pray. You have a higher calling to obey and not feel guilty. Guilt will remain only if you let it by not washing your hands with My love, helping you overcome. See Me in you, My people, giving you life. Let it spring you into obedience.
Wrath will come. It will fill many with unbelief. They don’t think I’m that mean, but I can be. I hate anger. It is distasteful in My sight. I see it and look away—brother hating brother. This can’t be found in My Word as acceptable for you, My people. Trust Me to lead you into love. Then life will come to many who disobey. Anger will cease. We will be one. Watch and obey.
© 2008 Jeff Fenske

Let Us Be ONE: Table of Contents

[video] Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

Dumitru Duduman was a Romanian pastor that smuggled bible into Russia. He was captured and tortured by the electric chair. When he was close to death Gabriel the archangel came to him and ministered to him and by the grace of God he was expelled out of Romania.
When he moved to America Dumitru Duduman received a vision from the Lord and Gabriel showed him all of Californian, Las Vegas, New York, Nevada, and Florida and was told that these cities were as Sodom and Gomorrah and that in one day it would burn. He was told that Revelation 17,18 and Ezekiel 38,39 talks of the Russian invasion of America Mystery Babylon and in one day it will burn. (source)
Related: Hand of Help Ministries
– –

[youtube=]part 1 of 11

David Hogan: Faith to Raise the Dead

Related: Freedom Ministries
Recorded in September 1997 at Brownsville Assembly of God, Bible School.
[youtube=]part 1 of 12

A Preview of What is to Come

Below is a small portion of the prophecy that is supposed to be the basis for a book I’m way overdue in writing. It’s a long story of which I’ll explain more, later. [And now have: Intro: “Let Us Be ONE”]

A few days ago, I was praying a forgiving-others prayer, and was surprised and relieved to hear this:

“Launch out your book the first of the year. It’s okay to let them read it online. Let this be the start.”


On the night before Jesus sacrificed his life for us, he prayed that those who would follow would be one. His heart still longs to see this fulfilled in our lives – “that the world may know.”

Not for these only do I pray, but for those also who believe in me through their word, that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you sent me. The glory which you have given me, I have given to them; that they may be one, even as we are one; I in them, and you in me, that they may be perfected into one; that the world may know that you sent me, and loved them, even as you loved me.
(John 17:20-23)


Let Us Be One

A prophecy given to Jeff Fenske


There is a kindness that I want to flow from My body. Let it saturate all those around you. Let it flow from your hearts. Let it fill you up. Let the Holy Spirit give you life. Let them be free—hate and anger no longer. Give your life to Me.
Do not hold grudges, My people. Get up and repent. The time is short. I will
not hold back much longer the tide that is about to come.
Let it fill you up, this love. Let it come. Let it give you life. Do not
worry. I am in charge. Hate and anger no longer. Be My bride. I want you. I
have no other. I long for you, to see you strong.
Do not fear, and live in hate no longer. Love your enemies. Let them be your
friend, for I am in charge. You need not fear those who hate your soul. I am
in charge. I will give you life and plenty. You will be filled up to the max
if you obey.
You see the way but you stumble. Get up and pray. I am there, giving life,
My hand outstretched. Take it. Let us be one. We need to be one, My people.
Let’s watch and pray. I will lead. Do not fear, for I am with you. I will
give you life if you let Me lead. This is the key.
Let us be one. My cry is out to you to come near. I want My people, please?
May we be one. I need you to pray, to fall on your face and not give up.
Press in, overcome temptation. Be not afraid to obey. I will give you life,
all those who follow. You will not faint. You will grow strong when you give
up the ghosts that hold you back, the sins of iniquity.
Feel My hurt. It is great. My people have vanished from My life. I am sad,
and you are lonely. There are few that remain close to Me where I can
nourish their souls.
In Me there is life. There is no other way. I in you; you in Me, where we
belong—together. Let us be one, together in love, where we can pray,
enveloping each other in goodness. We can do that. It’s not all one way. I
am life. There is no other to follow. We can be friends. I will lead, but I
will receive as you repent and draw close to Me. For I love My people. I
love to pray. I intercede for the saints to bring them pleasure. We can be
one. We can be close, you and I.
There is a place of holiness, where you will always be at My feet, a place
of blessing. Let it come. Let it envelop you. Let it take over your pride.
Come, My people. Let us rest. Follow no other. I am your place of security,
where power dwells, power to overcome sin, pride and temptation. I have life
to give.
You are My friend. Get up and be counted among the sheep. For there is
error. Life has ceased for a reason. The church is dirty, a place of filth.
It is not My home. How can I dwell among an unclean people who hurt each
other, who tell each other stories, who hurt from the heart those that care?

Tell one another the time is now. Get up and pray. Let’s go up to Zion.
Let’s be one. Let’s see the holy city. Let life begin, for we can be one.
I want to see the city set high on a hill for all to see—a sight for sore
eyes. For they will all know the truth, and the truth will set them free.
Let us be exalted, not above each other, but above our sin, where we can be
free. That is the message. Proclaim it. Let others know you care. Let others
know you are free. Let others feel My hurt, and do not fear, because they
are one. This will be the answer—all of us together, with Me in front,
giving life. There is no other way. It doesn’t work by itself. There must be
a catalyst, an igniter, a higher power, something that can create life,
giving you great abundance when you pray.
Stop sinning, and read My Word. Do what it says, daily, for It means
business. I have given you a path to follow, a God who indwells you, and
wants to give you life.
Come to Me. Let us walk together where we can be one, where others can
follow, where divorce is no more, where we will not be severed, where the
canker worm cannot grow. You and I can be one. Let it happen, let us not
grow weary. Let us not give up hope. I never will, but you must be in Me to
see over the mountains, to see the light of day, the victory that lies
We can do it, together. Look up and find Mercy. I am waiting. You are My
friends. There is much potential when you wait on Me for answers, when you
read My Word and obey—from the heart, getting to know each other—feeling
each other’s hurts, deeply—applying salve where needed. The wounds will
boil. Faint not, My people, and come to Me.

The sin in the body is great. The sin in the body is evident to all who
watch from afar. They don’t want to go in and see the yuck. Why should they?
There is plenty, and it will take time to clean up the mess, and many will
see that you are My body. I will be glad. You will be one in Me.
The highway is great. Many travel on it: the way of happiness, but it leads
to destruction. They act like nothing is wrong. The sheep stealers rob the
sheep, unawares. They teach them vain imaginations and lead them astray,
where destruction awaits those who disobey. It is in the Word.
Read Psalm 26. David was a man of integrity. He was in the Holy Ghost,
awaiting for Me to lead him into truth, until he fell. His fall was great,
because he failed to wait on Me. He let lust take over, rule his heart. He
fell so hard the whole nation crumbled, aghast at what they saw, cringing,
because of David’s sin.
It can happen like this. For there is hurt in the body. The hurt is great.
Many hate each other and call it love. Hypocrites cannot rule. They must be
in Me to lead. The sheep are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Faint not, My people. Lean on Me. Come back to where you belong, in My arms.
I will hold you where you will not faint, where the wolves will not devour,
but there must be love. Love conquers all. Love conquers hate, and brings
© Jeff Fenske 2008

Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation




Ron Paul – The Just-War Theory & Peace President




Related: Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time

[video] John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran




Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘a God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace”

Quotations from: Chuck Norris’ WND piece: Would Jesus support war?
When Joseph Farah started WorldNetDaily, I was a big fan – proudly displaying my WorldNetDaily: A Free Press for a Free People bumper sticker on my car. I thought Farah was really pro-freedom.
But then came 9/11, and Afghanistan (yuck!), and Iraq (quadruple yuck!). Farah supported all of the knee-jerk reactions, and wouldn’t print anything contrary to the corporatocracy, pro-war line. And now it seems there is no end in sight.
Chuck Norris continues Farah’s philosophy in this pro-Huckabee, Jesus-is-pro-our-wars article. Norris writes:

That’s another reason I’ve endorsed Mike Huckabee. He’s also the only presidential candidate who publicly values the Second Amendment as much as the First. He reminds Americans that our Second Amendment gun-bearing rights were given not merely as a license to hunt, but a protection against tyranny.

At least Farah, as editor in chief, must know better: the only presidential candidate line patently ignores the champion of the Constitution, 10-term congressman, Ron Paul. WND completely ignores Congressman Ron Paul and his total support of the United States Constitution (no other candidate comes close). And Paul is especially strong on the right to bear arms to protect ourselves even against our own government if it becomes tyrannical.
To justify Huckabee’s pro-preemptive war stance, the famous kick-fighter mentions a specific situation in which God told the Children of Israel to kill every man. Norris is correctly stating that Jesus already has supported war. But then Norris wants us to make the leap that because Jesus supported that war he now supports Bush’s (and Huckabee’s continuation of) The Project for a New American Century’s (PNAC) globalist wars??
God gets a bad rap for that particular kill-them-all mandate, but there is a very important, but little-known, bizarre reason why God righteously commanded the Children of Israel to preemptively kill the giants (the Genesis 6 and-after-that, Nephilim hybrids) in the promised land. Satan’s plan was to occupy Canaan with “his own seed” in advance of Abraham’s seed so they would interbreed and contaminate the human race.
Our totally holy Creator is very serious about the taking of human life. He was then and is now.
George W. Bush and our future President don’t have this same mandate, no matter what W thinks God told him about Iraq. And we must consider that anyone who supports this “kill them over there” philosophy is a murderer in heart. This mentality is polluting “the church,” sickening our nation, and turning the world against us and even Jesus!
Instead of electing another like the President we have, we should be contritely reconsidering our position and support a more Christlike, a more Prince-of-Peacelike international policy. “They’ll know us by our love.”
Norris continues:

(Of course every dagger draper must also wrestle with his caution, “for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword”!)

Will this scripture come true for America? Will America perish by the sword as China and/or Russia take us out? For based upon their own statements, Huckabee would not exercise sufficient caution when it comes to war. Only Ron Paul would. Only Ron Paul would restore our credibility. If we sow peace, we’ll reap peace. If we sow war, we’ll reap war. And we’re no longer the only big boy on the block, China for example.
WND asks:

WWJW [What would Jesus war]?

No question that Jesus Christ has called us to love our neighbors as ourselves, turn our other cheek in sacrifice for another, and pray for our enemies. And so we should. However, he also realizes criminals and terrorists will confront us and calls us to defend and protect our families and borders too.

I agree, but have we really prayed for whom the neocons say are our enemies? Do we really love Iraqi men, women, children and old folks as much as we love American men, women, children and old people? As many as hundreds of thousands of the innocent have died, and their nation is in shambles. Even most of the Christians have fled. And we’re responsible. And incredibly, many “Christians” are willing to do the same thing all over again in Iran. “Pastors” are even drum-beating for this next, preemptive war.
How would we like it if Iraq had been the stronger power and invaded us for the attrocities we really have committed around the world for decades, which included our supplying biological weapons to Sadam Hussein. Bush then played the “weapons of mass destruction” card to justify taking him out, but the real reason was because Sadam was no longer under our thumb and was getting in the way of his daddy’s New World Order’s agenda – which the Bible predicted but in no way supports.
And now Jesus’ name is besmirched because the “Christians” have been Bush’s (and now Huckabee’s) loudest supporters.

“‘Come out from among them,
And be separate
,’ says the Lord,
Touch no unclean thing.
I will receive you. (2Cor. 6:17)

Ron Paul, a sincere Christian who most evangelical leaders won’t support, believes in hands off until necessary: a strong military defense, but only to be used as a last resort and only when our families and borders are truly in peril. This is Jesus’ way. We need to separate ourselves and come out of the Antichrist, beast system.
Norris incorrectly concludes:

The baby born in a manger 2,000 years ago was not only a Savior, but a God of war. But, even more, he is a Prince of Peace who spiritually waged war on our behalves to bring us peace with God and a promise to live forever in heaven.

Jesus isn’t just a Prince of Peace, He is THE Prince of Peace who resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

James 4:1 (WEB) Where do wars and fightings among you come from? Don’t they come from your pleasures that war in your members? 2 You lust, and don’t have. You kill, covet, and can’t obtain. You fight and make war. You don’t have, because you don’t ask. 3 You ask, and don’t receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures. 4 You adulterers and adulteresses [America?], don’t you know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who lives in us yearns jealously”? 6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 7 Be subject therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Lament, mourn, and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he will exalt you.

May the pro-preemptive-war ‘church’ humble themselves and repent to the world for what they’ve done, or we will all pay the consequences. Ron Paul is our chance, our God-given chance to repent. Too many Bush and Huckabee supporting, evangelical ‘churches’ are merely “partysville” – all smiles but no real joy and peace within. The remedy is above in verse 9 & 10, and politically, I believe, in Ron Paul’s “humble” foreign policy.
Chuck Norris ends with this certainly well meaning but very problematic prayer:

Jesus, I accept that you were born with a mission to die. I believe you spiritually waged war on the cross by taking the punishment for me there to pay for my sins. I open the door of my heart right now and invite you in as my Lord and Savior. Take control of my life. Teach me to be your follower. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. In Your name I pray. Amen.

This is problematic, because praying “Jesus…take control of my life” while publicly supporting unnecessary mass killing is like the popular, female, ‘Christian’ singer who sings “Jesus Take the Wheel” before millions while clearly disregarding the Apostle Paul’s mandate that Christian women dress modestly.
We can thank God for forgiving our sins and giving us eternal life, believing the promise to live forever in heaven, like Norris states. But will this promise apply to us if we aren’t truly peacemakers?

According to the Prince of Peace, we can only be children of God if we really are peacemakers:

Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called children of God. (Mt. 5:9)

Jesus doesn’t mess around. He doesn’t just say things and not mean them. Every word of the Bible can be trusted, and we’ll be judge by it.
If we hate we’re in trouble. He wants us pure, like Him. Our goal is too small. And love, peace and joy is just around the corner – that blissful corner that we take to live in Him!
The Bible also says this about who the children of God are:

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are children of God. (Rom. 8:14)

We just can’t do our own thing and think we’re in because positive-encouragement-only “Christian” music and “Christian” preachers say so, telling us what we want to hear. But what does the Bible say? We must be led by the Spirit, Who is the Prince of Peace, not preemptive war.
We should really, seriously pray: Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace, take the wheel. Really.
Quoting Chuck’s prayer, but said differently: Jesus, take control of my life. Teach me to be your follower. Teach us whom you want us to vote for, and teach us how to love the Iraqis, Iranians and even our worst enemy as much as we love ourselves?
Ron Paul is a true peacemaker and child of God. Now is our chance!
Ron Paul 2008!
Power to the people!!!!!!!!!!!!

May we forever be ‘ONE’ in Christ Jesus, THE PRINCE of PEACE – right with Him and right with the nations – having clean hands and a pure heart – peacemakers.
Jeff Fenske : )

Chuck Norris: Would Jesus support war?

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

[music video] Keith Green – Asleep in the Light (Live 1982)

[Music Video] David Crowder Band – O Praise Him!




Total Energy of the Stars in the Universe!

The earth receives an incredible amount of energy from the sun, even though the sun is 93,000,000 miles away. Yet the earth only receives one part in 2 trillion of the sun’s total energy.

And since the sun is only an average star among the 100 trillion billion* stars in the universe, the total energy in all these stars is absolutely beyond human comprehension.

I have read that the number of stars is greater than the number of grains of sand in every beach and desert in the world!

From: A Creationist’s Challenge To Evolutionists


* 100 trillion billion stars = 100 trillion x 1 billion


100,000,000,000,000 x 1,000,000,000




10 to the 23rd power

So the total energy of the stars in the universe

is about the power of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 suns!

Or is even greater than

if all of the grains of sand in the world

would each emit the power of the sun



Give God Glory! How much energy does the Sun produce in a single second?
How much energy does the Sun produce in a single second?
Scientists Find 200 Sextillion More Stars in the Sky — The new estimate is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!
Star Size Comparison HD
Photo: God’s Universe: Our Milky Way–90° Panorama

Louie Giglio: How GREAT Is Our GOD — The Heavens Proclaim the GLORY of GOD!

A Call to Intimacy: The Holy Spirit in John’s Gospel & Epistles, by Jeff Fenske [D. A. Carson – Johannine Theology, 1993]

A Call to Intimacy:

The Holy Spirit in John’s Gospel and Epistles


Jeff Fenske

D. A. Carson— Johannine Theology

Wed, Dec 8, 1993

The disciple whom Jesus loved (1) — John— who had the most intimate relationship with Jesus, who was entrusted with the Revelation of the future, and who it seems was chosen to have the most longevity (John 21:20-23) — this person of seemingly great sensitivity writes the Gospel and an accompanying epistle that provide for us the most intimate call to relationship with Jesus and the Father. And this call to intimacy with God is now possible because the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead has been sent by Jesus and now indwells all true believers, enabling us to have communion with the Father and the Son and with each other. The holy catholic church, the communion of the saints credal terminology illustrates the Christian church as a union of believers under one God, joined together by himself. In John, Jesus calls us to unity with each other with an uncompromised decree which can only result from a very sensitive, intimate communion with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Then the world will know much about the Father and the Son because they have seen God’s love demonstrated by his radiant church.

…that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me (John 17:21-23).

The glue in John that binds us to each other and to God is love, which we receive as a fruit as we position ourselves in him and under his directing guidance. John presents an illustration of us as the branches either connected to or not connected to Jesus, the vine, the only source from which we can bear genuine fruit— the only type of fruit that Jesus considers permanent and true (John 15:1-16). This mystical union between the Creator and his church is a necessity if we are to flourish and grow into complete union, not being a dormant, lifeless thing which is an embarrassment to God. D. George Vanderlip states regarding John 15: 4-6, the vine and the branches:

John is talking of a vital relationship in the literal root meaning of that word. It is a matter of life and death. Jesus is the source and channel of life for the branches, that is, the believers. When the branches “remain” in the vine, life-giving energy flows through the vine to the branches. This guarantees both health and fruit-bearing,. When the branches are separated from the vine, an inevitable result follows: the branches simply wither and dry up. Since no nourishment reaches them, they will bear no fruit. (2)

In order for the church to gain the respect of the world we must abide intimately in Christ so we will have the ability to completely love each other.

Pastor Baldwin: Government Cannot Do Church’s Job

One thing that Christians should come to terms with is the truism that government cannot do the church’s job. Not in any shape, manner, or form. Yet, by the way many Christians and pastors behave these days, one gets the impression that they don’t really understand this truth. Instead, it seems that many Christians and ministers see the government–especially the federal government–as an extension of the church
….many Christians and ministers today have developed the attitude that somehow the federal government is supposed to enforce by law what only the Spirit of God can enforce through grace. Let’s be plain: the federal government cannot do the church’s job….Here is the problem: our pastors have become spiritual pantywaists and our churches have become spiritual playgrounds. Pastors and churches have sold their souls to success-driven “ministry.” We want big attendances, big offerings, big family life centers, big youth departments, big Sunday Schools, and big-name people on our membership rolls. And we will do whatever it takes to achieve it.
And most of the time, in order to accommodate our overwhelming desire to be a “big success,” pastors and churches will soften the message to the point that the average Sunday sermon is little more than a glorified “how-to-get-rich,” or “how-to-be-happy,” or “how-to-avoid-guilt,” ad infinitum, ad nauseum, pep-talk. Words such as “sinner,” “Hell,” “judgment,” “retribution,” and “repentance” have been permanently removed from the vocabulary of the average pastor. The plain, powerful, old-fashioned Gospel has been replaced with sloppy, mushy, offend-no-one sermonettes that could not bring Holy Spirit conviction if one even wanted it–which hardly anyone does.

Click for Article

Video: Otters Holding Hands – Sweet, Sweet, Sweet!!!

 [youtube=]Otters holding hands

Uploaded on Mar 19, 2007

Vancouver Aquarium: two sea otters float around, napping, holding hands. SO CUTE!


Cute – Otters Holding Hands II!

Christian the Lion—How Our Heart Should Be
Video: Lion Hugs Rescuer – So Cool!!!
[Awesome WONDERFUL video!!!] Elephants Shirley and Jenny reunite after a 22-year separation — The bonding was immediate, intense and unforgettable!!!!!!!

Greg Boyd’s Prayer: Teach us to be free, forgiving even our worst enemy

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:

1/7/2007 – The Outsider’s Kingdom, Greg Boyd – sermon length is 48:39 minutes
The Kingdom of God is incredibly different from any kingdom of this world. One of the major ways this is so is in the way that God’s Kingdom includes everyone in its benefits. When it comes to God’s love, no one is left as an outsider!

Audio – 5.70 mb
High-Quality Audio – 22.8 mb

“I pray, Lord God, that you just teach us how to in our thoughts and in our words be humble. Help us, Lord God, to see all others’ sin as a mere dust particle compared to our sin, which is a tree trunk….
Lord God…set them free from the bondage of judgment, the bondage of religion, the bondage of self-righteousness, that false source of life. Set them free from that demonic idol, and liberate them to live in the freedom of the ollie-ollie-in-free kingdom.
And to wish for every person on this planet, including their worst enemy, including our national enemy, to wish for them ‘Father forgive them, they know not what they do.’
And have this desire to see all not receive vengeance, but receive the year of jubilee.
Let it be done. This is your kingdom.
And we give you the praise….”
– Gregory Boyd
Pastor of Woodland Hills church in Minneapolis
Author: “The Myth of a Christian Nation: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church”
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies
[Video] Greg Boyd on ‘Charlie Rose’: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church
Michael Franti: Everyone Deserves Music — Even Our Worst Enemies

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:

4/25/2004 – The Difference Between the Two Kingdoms, Greg Boyd

The kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world are two very separate things. One uses the sword (power over) to influence people; the other uses love (power under). To understand this distinction is much easier than letting it affect the way we live. Greg continued to discuss the differences between these kingdoms and how we are to live within the distinction.

“It’s normal for the kingdom of the world to consider the boys in body-bags on our side more important than the boys in body-bags on their side. But from a kingdom of God perspective, we would consider all body-bags to be equally tragic.
The kingdom of the world is always involved in conflict, because it’s a power-over kingdom, and if you’re getting in the way of my power-over we’ll have to go to war over this. And usually in the kingdom of the world you demonize your enemies to rally up power against them.

But in the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. We’re forbidden to have enemies of flesh and blood. The ones who think that they are our enemies, we are commanded to love them, to serve them, to lay down our life for them

While the kingdom of the world is about conflict, the kingdom of God is about reconciliation.”

– Gregory Boyd
Pastor of Woodland Hills church in Minneapolis
Author: “The Myth of a Christian Nation: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church”


Greg Boyd’s Prayer: Teach us to be free, forgiving even our worst enemy

Video] Greg Boyd on ‘Charlie Rose’: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church

“(HEAVY VIDEO!) Who is Rupert Murdoch – FOX News? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

Pastor Baldwin: Huckabee is Bush on Steroids–a Man Globalists Can Trust

George W. Bush and Karl Rove have made mincemeat out of the Religious Right. They have shown everyone that once you win the support of the Christian Right with rhetoric, you can get by with just about anything. Christians are horrible at holding Republicans accountable. […]
Have you wondered why Mike Huckabee is suddenly getting so much favorable attention from the mainstream media (who themselves are controlled by this gaggle of global elite)? To find the answer as to why a professing pro-life, conservative Christian would suddenly become the darling of the media, look no further than the fact that just a couple of months ago, Mr. Huckabee appeared before the globalist-minded Council on Foreign Relations. (Read his speech here) And when he did, it became abundantly clear that Huckabee was a man globalists could trust.
By the way, as you read Huckabee’s speech, you will find that he is George W. Bush on steroids! This is a man who intends to meddle in the affairs of nations around the world like you can’t believe. Talk about entangling alliances: Huckabee intends for our State, Energy, Housing, Education, Justice, Treasury, and Transportation departments to spend untold billions of tax dollars on just about anything and everything, including schools, medical facilities, roads, sewage treatment, water filtration, electricity, and legal and banking systems in countries all over the globe. And that is exactly the kind of man the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) wants in Washington.
Make no mistake about it: the CFR has dominated every administration, Republican and Democrat, since World War II. They hold sway over most every critical Presidential appointment. Look carefully and one will discover that the Republican President George W. Bush has had as many CFR members in his administration as Democrat President Bill Clinton did in his. The last time I counted, President Bush had nearly 200 members of the CFR in his administration.
Remember that the total number of CFR members is less than 5,000. Can one imagine what people would think if, say, the old Christian Coalition, which at one time numbered in the hundreds of thousands, had nearly 200 members in any one administration? Talk about conjectures of a conspiracy: the media would go ballistic. Yet, each and every administration, regardless of party, continues to fill their ranks with members of the CFR, and with those friendly with the CFR, and no one seems to notice. Do you now understand why nothing changes no matter which party wins the White House?
Now consider the current presidential candidates who are also members of the CFR. These include Christopher Dodd, Bill Richardson, John McCain, and Fred Thompson. Hillary is not a member of the CFR, but her husband, Bill, is. Plus, she has a plethora of advisors who are CFR members. And even though Mike Huckabee is not on this list (neither is George W. Bush), it is obvious that he will carry water for them in much the same way as the current President has done. Barack Obama has spoken at least once for the CFR. John Edwards has appeared before the CFR several times. Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney both wrote for the CFR and have numerous advisors who are CFR members, as do Edwards and Obama.
This also explains why independent-minded candidates such as Ron Paul are forever cast in terms such as “fringe,” or “extremist,” or “nutty.” The same CFR elite that controls the Washington political establishment also controls the New York media and financial establishments. And they hate outsiders! Of course, outsiders are those who do not share the globalist, utopian, New World Order machinations of the CFR. …
Of the Presidential candidates in serious contention, Ron Paul, and Ron Paul alone, stands for change. Ron Paul, alone, would truly obey his oath to the Constitution and would work to restore freedom and liberty to the American people. Ron Paul, alone, would kick the globalist elite out of power in Washington, D.C., and restore this country to constitutional governance.
But, once again, the Christian Right just doesn’t get it. So, they will continue to support establishment, CFR-backed, globalist candidates who will, in turn, continue to do the bidding of the international elite.
One would think that Christians–more than anyone else–would understand the devilish nature of globalism. One would think that their study of the Sacred Text would lead them to resist any attempts at building modern-day Towers of Babel. One would think that Christians would love liberty enough to recognize its enemies. One would think that they would recognize that Washington, D.C., is a far greater threat to their freedom than either Baghdad or Tehran.
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[music video] Barry McGuire – “Eve of Destruction”

Barry McGuire at approximately age-70, belting out his classic, “Eve of Destruction,” with Don & Wendy Francisco–Boston, July 2004.
[Volume is a bit soft until the song starts]




The newer, last verse is especially descriptive of today:
“We can…hate our next door neighbor but don’t forget to say grace.”

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

From: The New York Times, July 22, 2007

There is something homespun about Paul, reminiscent of “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” …
Paul grew up in the western Pennsylvania town of Green Tree. His father, the son of a German immigrant, ran a small dairy company. Sports were big around there — one of the customers on the milk route Paul worked as a teenager was the retired baseball Hall of Famer Honus Wagner — and Paul was a terrific athlete, winning a state track meet in the 220 and excelling at football and baseball. But knee injuries had ended his sports career by the time he went off to Gettysburg College in 1953. After medical school at Duke, Paul joined the Air Force, where he served as a flight surgeon, tending to the ear, nose and throat ailments of pilots, and traveling to Iran, Ethiopia and elsewhere. “I recall doing a lot of physicals on Army warrant officers who wanted to become helicopter pilots and go to Vietnam,” he told me. “They were gung-ho. I’ve often thought about how many of those people never came back.”
Paul is given to mulling things over morally. His family was pious and Lutheran; two of his brothers became ministers. Paul’s five children were baptized in the Episcopal church, but he now attends a Baptist one. He doesn’t travel alone with women and once dressed down an aide for using the expression “red-light district” in front of a female colleague. As a young man, though, he did not protest the Vietnam War, which he now calls “totally unnecessary” and “illegal.” Much later, after the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, he began reading St. Augustine. “I was annoyed by the evangelicals’ being so supportive of pre-emptive war, which seems to contradict everything that I was taught as a Christian,” he recalls. “The religion is based on somebody who’s referred to as the Prince of Peace.”

Click for Story [Requires registration]

MacArthur: The Prostitution of Christianity–”My kingdom is not of this world”


“God’s Warriors”: Fighters For Faith

Aired August 20, 2007 – 21:00 ET
[Larry] KING: Is there a danger in some aspects of fundamental Christianity?
[John] MACARTHUR: No, I don’t think there’s any danger in it. I think there’s a danger in the prostitution of Christianity. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world.”
Jesus said to Peter, “Put away your sword.”
There’s nothing in Christianity that calls for any kind of dominant power, national power, government power, takeover, war, none at all. This is about a personal relationship with god through faith in the lord Jesus Christ.
KING: But so many of the fundamentalist Christians are what might be called political hawks, aren’t they?
MACARTHUR: They are. And that is not, in my judgment, a true representation of biblical Christianity.

Click for Transcript
[Video] Greg Boyd on ‘Charlie Rose’: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church
Does the American flag belong in church? Our allegiance belongs to God, not state power

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