Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Year: 2010 Page 4 of 10

"I want to go some place where I can marvel at something"

I don’t know if the movie is worthwhile and wholesome,
but I appreciate what Julia said in the trailer for:


I want to go some place where I can marvel at something.

– Julia Roberts (in character)

Focus on what is marvelous!

Set your sights high!

Be at peace.

Philippians 4:4-8

Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I will say, Rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think about these things. The things which you learned, received, heard, and saw in me: do these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

HeartQuotes: A problem is an opportunity

“A problem is a chance for you to do your best.”

– Duke Ellington

Lavender Version Here

8-year-old Mini Lady Gaga. We are claiming to be wise: let our children be innocent, but when we're adults…

From: Thinking in Christ

The Shock of Seeing Where You’re Going

There is a video on YouTube of an 8 year old girl imitating Lady Gaga in a talent competition. I’m not going to embed it here, because it’s not something you really need to see; you can imagine how bad this is without actually seeing it. What I find interesting about this specific video is the reaction among some of those in the world when they see this video.

You’re overreacting, I told myself. But watching that little child’s half-naked body contort and gyrate and crawl on the floor, her sweet little face disguised as a grown up lady clown – it broke my heart. I admire her bravery and recognize her talent – what a voice! – but her precocious dancing, her outfit, the bizarre enthusiasm of the judges and the audience, her mother watching … it just perfectly encapsulates all my fears about raising a daughter in this world. –Betty Confidential

If you look at the links available on the page the quote above came from, you’ll see the irony immediately. Here we have someone who revels in worldliness, in the animal instinct, and she’s shocked by the sight of an 8 year old girl dressed up as Lady Gaga. She literally cried through the video, her heart broken because of this video.

She’s not the only one saying the pop scene is becoming oversexualized because of its effect on children. Here is a writer discussing Mike Stock, someone who is (apparently) famous in the music industry.

He believes it’s all gone too far: ‘These days you can’t watch modern stars — such as Britney Spears or Lady Gaga — with a two-year-old. ‘Now, 99 per cent of the charts is R&B and 99 per cent of that is pornography.’ … If you dare to challenge the ‘anything goes’ conventions of our society you get dismissed as a prude. … Sleaze and Gaga are two sides of the same coin, which wouldn’t matter if all this took place between consenting adults. … But any eight-year-old can watch this stuff on the TV or computer — and they do. ‘Mothers of young children are worried because you can’t control the TV remote control,’ says Mike Stock. ‘Before children even step into school they have all these images — the pop videos and computer games, such as Grand Theft Auto — confronting them, and the parents can’t control it.’ –Dailymail

But why are they surprised? If the human is essentially a sexual animal, if pleasure —physical and emotional— is to be valued above all other things in the world, why are we shocked by an 8 year old acting out the adult world they are moving in to? …

We somehow want to protect our children from being hyper sexual when they are young, and then, when we’re ready, create hyper sexual adults out of them. We want our children to be children, but we want adults to be animals. What we are finding is there’s no way to bring this result about. If the adult is an animal, then the child is an animal. If the child is not to act like an animal, then the adult shouldn’t, either. What we are seeing, in reality, is just an effect of the way God built the world.

Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the CreatorRomans 1:22-23

We are claiming to be wise; let our children be innocent, but our adults be bad. We believe we can hang on to our humanity in childhood, but once we’ve adults, we can live a life of sexual abandon.

Entire Article Here
The Kinsey Syndrome: With THE FEAR OF THE LORD REMOVED from America, Rockefeller-funded pedophile Ph.Ds. brought in sexual education and pornography. Now “sexual addiction is THE MOUNT WHITNEY OF SIN IN THE CHURCH TODAY!” Satanism has become mainstream: “Do what thou wilt.”
All of my Lust Freedom! posts at ONEcanhappen

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

David Anders: "Luther profoundly misread Paul"

“I concluded –
on the basis of hard, cold, unemotional exegesis –
that Luther profoundly misread Paul.”

– David Anders

My friend, Dave and I came to this same conclusion, but so far, he has gone one way and I another — explained in My friend, David Anders on Catholic TV, which also gives the source of this quote.

Jeff Fenske

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

The Kinsey Syndrome: With THE FEAR OF THE LORD REMOVED from America, Rockefeller-funded pedophile Ph.Ds. brought in sexual education and pornography. Now "sexual addiction is THE MOUNT WHITNEY OF SIN IN THE CHURCH TODAY!" Satanism has become mainstream: "Do what thou wilt."

Transcriptions by Jeff Fenske

“It’s said that the greatest myth about pornography
is that nobody gets hurt

…does an addiction to porn create a kind of shadow person,
someone who ends up leading a double life

• • • •

J. Gator Henry, former Penthouse producer:

“What delivered me, what took me out of that was plain and simple:
nothing but the power of Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit
through the fear of God.”


That fear might be summed up in the Gospel of Luke.
When speaking about children,

Jesus said:

It were better for a man that a millstone
were hanged about his neck,
and he cast into the sea,
than that he should offend one of these little ones

• • • •

“There is a whole issue of denial. …
Pastors need to address it from the pulpit.”

I’m grieved at the lack of moral outrage
that there is lacking today in our culture,
and particularly in the church
in the whole area of sexual perversion.
I believe it is the Mount Whitney.

I think addiction, and particular, sexual addiction is
the Mount Whitney of sin in the church today

If I could use a more effective metaphor,
I really think it’s like an iceberg.
We just barely see the tip of it,
but underneath the surface
there is such deep denial

– Jeff Reinke,
pastor of North Coast Calvary Chapel



As we said in our last newsletter, we have recently released a new documentary (“The Kinsey Syndrome”) that explains why our country has been turned upside down over the last half century.  In part, we reveal that the Post Modern era is not the natural unfolding of social consciousness, but has been intentionally created to destroy America’s Judeo-Christian roots and usher in the social & political philosophy of Antichrist.  With the ultra-left wing Obama poised to enter the White House, some are suggesting that a “post modern coup” is at hand.  Is it merely a coincidence that Barack Obama (who claims to be a “Christian”) happens to support every policy that stands against biblical values?

Yet where did all this begin?  The exact point of origin would be a matter of debate, but it can be said that much was accomplished during the era of FDR, the New Deal, and the sex research of Alfred Kinsey – all of which seemed to work hand in glove.  As a result, “The Kinsey Reports” are listed among the top ten most harmful books of the 19th and 20th centuries, alongside “Mein Kampf” and “The Communist Manifesto.”

Our “Kinsey Syndrome” documentary is 2 hours and 45 minutes long, and covers a vast array of topics, including Kinsey’s links to NAMBLA (the North American Man Boy Love Association), the Nazis, (through a Gestapo pedophile named Von Balluseck), the San Francisco based Church of Satan (co-founded by Kinsey’s close friend, Kenneth Anger), and even famed British occultist, Aleister Crowley (known as “the Great Beast”) whose sex diaries were coveted and eventually obtained by Kinsey.

Perhaps most damaging to women, children and the American family has been the widespread use of pornography in our society.  Especially since the advent of the Internet, millions of men across the country have been desensitized by sexual imagery, and have developed a false perception of reality.  With their addictions to every bizarre fetish imaginable, thousands have destroyed their lives, reputations, marriages, and families because of the warped outlook generated in the mind-altering world of porn.  “The Kinsey Syndrome” began as a documentary intended to confront porn addiction, but the trail of evidence ultimately led to Dr. Judith Reisman who told us, “If you want to understand the porn industry, you need to understand Kinsey.”

2008 marked the 60th anniversary of the publication of “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” (1948) the first part of Kinsey’s sex reports.  The female volume, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female” was released in 1953, the same year Hugh Hefner published the premiere issue of Playboy Magazine.  In fact, Hefner admits that it was Kinsey’s research that inspired him to publish Playboy, and has expressed his belief that he and Kinsey were together responsible for launching the sexual revolution.  What would follow would be not only the alarming increase of adultery, divorce, unwed mothers, teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, but more worryingly, the meteoric rise of sex crimes across the country.

In the Christian community, the problem of pornography is seldom talked about and usually avoided.  Nevertheless, it is perhaps the most destructive element impacting the lives of men, women, and especially children today.

In the 1980’s, Dr. Judith Reisman began publishing her research showing the links between the so-called “soft porn industry” and the increase of violent sex crimes against children.  She conducted a study in a joint effort with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (part of the Department of Justice) and the FBI, to research the images of children found in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler Magazines.  The study revealed that each of the magazines had been publishing an average of 8 to 9 images per issue of underage children in sexual scenarios.  The study spanned every issue of the magazines for a period of 30 years, from 1953 to 1983.  Dr. Reisman showed that children were not only being presented as sexual objects, but that the images depicted increasing levels of violence, even murder, in these grisly images and cartoons that were generated for humor.  The result was a conditioning process that had been affecting the American male mind for some three decades.  Dr. Reisman says, “What the fathers were learning, what the uncles were learning, what their sons were learning, was how to sexually abuse a child and laugh about it.”

In the same way that the Nazis used cartoons to create exaggerated caricatures of the Jewish people, right before they killed them; so Dr. Reisman argues the soft porn industry portrayed children, laying the groundwork for explosive levels of child sexual abuse and child murder in our country.

As we reveal in the film, some 58,200 children are abducted each year by non family members.  Of these, the Justice Dept. reports that at least half of these victims are sexually assaulted.  That means that at least 29,000 children are kidnapped and raped in our country each year.  This same report warns that this number is an “under-estimate,” and that most experts believe the real number to be significantly higher.

If you or someone you know is struggling with a porn addiction, we highly recommend you watch this documentary.  It will inform you as to what the porn industry is truly about, and hopefully shock you into doing something about it.  Please know that we have been careful NOT to show pornographic images in the film.  But we do share the testimony of J. Gator Henry, a former Penthouse producer who used to work alongside celebrities like Ozzie Osbourn and Pamela Anderson.

Henry says he fell into the grip of porn addiction, and reveals how his dark journey led him to be attracted to younger and younger girls.  “When I was a little boy, I didn’t dream about growing up to one day become a child molester and killer,” he says.  But he confesses that at a certain point, he came very close to landing himself in prison.  “But for the grace of God, there go I when I see these guys that get arrested on TV for kidnapping and raping some young girl,” he says. “I know in my bones, because I’ve been there … I know that pornography took them to that place …” Thankfully, Gator Henry was able to overcome his addiction by “the fear of God,” and by coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.


This documentary shows how “The Kinsey Reports” have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles. Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education — training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality. What has been the consequence? And what was Kinsey’s research really based upon?

Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America’s original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine – the “soft” approach to porn – which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. …

[youtube=]The Kinsey Syndrome 1/17

RefuseResistProd | February 25, 2010

The Kinsey Syndrome unfolds the work and influence of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, considered to be “the father of the sexual revolution.” But did Kinsey liberate America from its prudish view of sex? Or help to unleash the horrors of our present society?

American History Films Presents, A Jude 3 Production
Written & Directed by: Christian J. Pinto
Associate Producers: Clark Aliano, Steve Aguilar
Executive Producers: Joseph M. Schimmel, Christian J. Pinto
Package Design: Robbie Destocki, Creative Image Design Group
Running Time: Approx 3 hours
(c) 2008. All rights reserved.
Consumer Release Date: December 2008





“The experts were the rapists.”

“This is the torture of children!”

– Judith Reisman, author:
Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences




The children of table 34

Many of the children abused by Kinsey’s pedophiles
probably had no idea that they were a part of
a government sponsored study

• • • •

“Children aren’t sexual from birth.”

– victim


Nazi/Kinsey tie


Aleister Crowley/Kinsey tie

“Do what thou wilt….”




J. Gator Henry, former Penthouse producer:

“What delivered me, what took me out of that was plain and simple:
nothing but the power of Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit
through the fear of God.”


That fear might be summed up in the Gospel of Luke.
When speaking about children,

Jesus said:

‘It were better for a man that a millstone
were hanged about his neck,
and he cast into the sea,
than that he should offend one of these little ones

• • • •

A sexual predator in the act,
focusing lust spirits, “celestial warmth” on his boy victim,
a form of James-3 cursing, says:

“I as a human being am bathing him
in a certain kind of celestial warmth.”



“There is a whole issue of denial. …
Pastors need to address it from the pulpit.”

I’m grieved at the lack of moral outrage
that there is lacking today in our culture,
and particularly in the church
in the whole area of sexual perversion.
I believe it is the Mount Whitney.

I think addiction, and particular, sexual addiction is
the Mount Whitney of sin in the church today

If I could use a more effective metaphor,
I really think it’s like an iceberg.
We just barely see the tip of it,
but underneath the surface
there is such deep denial

– Jeff Reinke,
pastor of North Coast Calvary Chapel


“Many of the Ph.D.s who teach in our universities
have not only been associated with The Journal of Paedophilia,
but have also served as the board members for pornographic magazines
like Penthouse Forum.

These are the people who have designed
the programs for sex education in America

“When you consider that the Ph.Ds. who have designed these programs
openly support the pedophile philosophy
we can only wonder:
is sex education really intended to protect America’s children
or to condition them

The Kinsey institute continues to lead the way in sex education,
and continues to be funded by the American taxpayer.”


All of my Lust Freedom! posts at ONEcanhappen
All of my Lust Freedom! posts at ToBeFree

The solution is the fear of the Lord. Willfully lusting is a salvation issue — no ifs, ands or buts:
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God
Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved

Give God Glory! How much energy does the Sun produce in a single second?

“It’s an almost unimaginable amount of energy.

If the sun’s power output for a single second could be harnessed,
it would satisfy the World’s energy demands for the next million years!”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:
The Sun (2009), broadcast on the Science Channel

• • • •

So how many suns are in the Universe?

We know from the Hubble Deep Field experiments
that the Universe contains at least 200 billion galaxies!

And these galaxies would contain about 100 billion stars each!

And the Sun is just an average sized star.
Many are enormous in comparison to our Sun!

So 200 billion x 100 billion = ????????????????


How much energy does the Sun produce in a single second?
Total Energy of the Stars in the Universe!
Scientists Find 200 Sextillion More Stars in the Sky — The new estimate is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!
Star Size Comparison HD
Photo: God’s Universe: Our Milky Way–90° Panorama

Louie Giglio: How GREAT Is Our GOD — The Heavens Proclaim the GLORY of GOD!

HeartQuotes: Believe

“Believe that problems do have answers.
Believe that they can be overcome.
Believe that they can be handled.
And finally, believe that you can solve them. ”

– Norman Vincent Peale

Rainbow Version Here

Jesus tells us not to look, but our culture is taking off its clothes everywhere we look. What should we do? | An interesting exercise


Adultery in His Heart (Matthew 5.27–28)

In Matthew 5.27–28, Jesus says, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

If adultery begins in the heart, then a lot of us are adulterers.

But we don’t like to think of ourselves as adulterers. We usually rationalize our lust—what a strong word!—with the phrase, “I was only looking,” as if looking were a morally harmless activity. …

Is it just me, or does is seem like sex is everywhere in our visual media?

Consequently, we find ourselves in a bind: Jesus tells us not to look, but our culture is taking off its clothes everywhere we look. What should we do?

Martin Luther once said that you can’t stop a bird from flying overhead, but you can stop it from building a nest in your hair. In that spirit, I say, turn off the TV. Stop looking at those magazines (Maxim if you’re male, Cosmo if you’re female.) Avoid movies with gratuitous sex and nudity. And—here’s the important part—cultivate intimacy with your spouse.

You see, the main point of Jesus’ teaching isn’t just negative. Sure, he prohibits adultery and lust. But the prohibition is a negative means to a positive end….


An Interesting Exercise
Although I agree with most of what this author says, which is why I’m posting this, he then says this positive end is a satisfying marriage. Though, this may be true, Jesus was specifically talking about something far more important here, the part that the author left out. Jesus was specifically warning about losing our salvation!
Jesus’ entire statement on adultery in Matthew 5 is this (the left out portion is bolded.):

27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery;’ 28 but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. 30 If your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off, and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna.

It’s very common for Bible teachers to leave out key parts of texts. If you know what the Bible really says about who goes to heaven, you’ll recognize this type of censorship being applied to sermons and teachings.
It’s important to read the Bible ourselves to make sure that what we’re being taught is true. And we can do this.
An interesting exercise is to learn especially these scriptures which say who goes to heaven, and then watch what happens when preachers and Bible teachers get near them. Most avoid them like the plague. It’s often predictable….
Hopefully, this will change soon, and the whole gospel will be preached, not just parts.
Hell is a horrendous price — as well as we’re forfeiting the joy of the Lord while we’re on this planet!
We could be on Cloud 9, together — now!!
It’s up to us.
We must be free to be free!
The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy
All of my Lust Freedom! posts at ONEcanhappen
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

HeartQuotes: The fairest blossom which springs from the soul

“Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.”

– Henry Ward Beecher

Rainbow Version Here

My friend, David Anders on Catholic TV

[youtube=]EWTN Live – Protestant Theology – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. with David Anders – 06-23-2010

EWTN | June 24, 2010 | 56 minutes

I got an email from Dave Anders’ wife, Jill, giving me the link to this TV interview of one of my best friends ever. Dave and Jill are really great people!
Dave, Jill and I became good friends while Dave and I were attending seminary at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. I’ve said to them more than once that I wish we could have lived across the street from each other since, instead of being thousands of miles away. My guess is that if we had stayed in close fellowship we’d probably be on the same page now, theologically. But even if this never happens, I know we’ll always be close friends, even if our conflicting faiths try to keep us apart.
Dave is a history buff, going on to get his Ph.D.. He has a lightning quick, nearly photographic memory and can digest a huge amount of material. Whereas, my memory is probably just average, and I’m slow and methodical, covering much less territory, but with a fine-tooth comb. I chew on stuff, thinking it through, making sure. And history was my minor, not my major. Dave and I come to conclusions much differently.
Having been geographically apart for so many years, I’m only now seeing the reasoning he used to come to his decision to leave evangelicalism and become a Catholic. It’s interesting that we’ve both seen the contradictions in evangelical thought, but we used different tools and methods to end up on these way different pages.
I absolutely know that Dave has a pure heart, and he won’t be offended by this critique. But I’m going to challenge him too. We still have time to work this out. I think at the very least, when he sees ONE happen (Jesus’ heart-cry for us in John 17 — what this site is largely about) outside of the Catholic church, he’ll know, just as Jesus said in John 17: “Then the world will know.”
Much of the world sees the serious problems in today’s evangelicalism (which both Dave and I observed), but it’s also obvious to the world that the Catholic church leaders have a severely reverse-Christian reputation, because… You know. At least the Catholics aren’t pushing pro-reverse-Christian wars like the protestants are.
But it’s also clear that the scriptures I present in my header at the top of this site aren’t being realized in either of these religions, currently. To me, if we’re not doing the greatest two commandments then we don’t have real Christianity, the true church — “by their fruits you will know them.” But apparently, for Dave, the true church always exists as the Catholic church, whether there is good fruit or not.
I believe that real Christianity happened for a time in the early church. Like in Acts, when they were all in one accord and the presence of God was so strong that those outside were literally afraid. And there was great respect for the church. “Then the world will know” already happened then, but it was soon falling apart, even in what we read in Jesus’ letters to the churches in Revelation.
Like Dave, I’ve found the early church fathers’ writings to be interesting, but I think we’re looking for different things. In my studies, I’ve been looking for evidence of where God was actively showing up, where there was the presence of God, not just mere mental ascent. Paul said: “don’t be drunk with wine but be filled with the Holy Spirit.” In one of these interviews, Dave talks about not feeling anything and that’s okay. But I believe we’re supposed to be filled with the Spirit, and that this will be a tangible thing.
So unlike Dave, I’m not impressed with Augustine, or the so many church fathers who I think really didn’t really understand and experience real Christianity the way it is supposed to be. Dave thinks Augustine is significant, while I think he didn’t get it. While we both agree that Luther and Calvin didn’t get it. Neither understood Paul.
I still believe in restoration theology: that the church did at one time have it together, and has at times since, while Dave now believes that basically, “the church” never really lost it, because of apostolic succession. “The Church” has always been the church.
We both agree that sola scriptura (the Bible alone) is not a biblical concept; though, I don’t believe that our traditions can be correct if they disagree with the Bible. I believe the Bible can be totally trusted.
Apparently(Dave, correct me if I’m wrong), Dave now believes the Catholic leaders decide what true doctrine is — that tradition is king.
I don’t believe in apostolic succession, or in Popes, or in “Fathers,” or in the continuation of the priesthood into the new covenant. The veil has been rent. Jesus is our only priest. Now we go directly to Him.
As does David, I discount sola scriptura (scripture only), but not because I elevate tradition. Rather, I believe that God gives the people the ability to determine what is right, because He’s given us the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. John said in 1 John 2:26, 27:

These things I have written to you concerning those who would lead you astray. As for you, the anointing which you received from him remains in you, and you don’t need for anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is no lie, and even as it taught you, you will remain in him.

I’m very surprised that Dave is saying hardly anything about the Holy Spirit. But for the Bible writers, the Holy Spirit is a huge factor — God, Himself giving us the ability to understand all things without someone dressed in a robe telling us what to do.
I also believe that true leaders will teach the people how to be led by the Holy Spirit. True leaders will teach the people how to abide in Christ to the degree that we will hear His voice and follow Him.
To me, the Bible and the Holy Spirit should be the emphasis. To Catholics, apparently the church leaders’ doctrines are the emphasis. To evangelicals, what pastors and K-LOVE says seems to be the emphasis; though, some claim sola scriptura. But they clearly have a canon within the Canon, emphasizing their favorite texts while totally ignoring those that disagree with their once-saved, always saved (or “it’s hard to lose one’s salvation) doctrines.
Paul said “follow me as I follow Christ.” Catholic leaders just say “follow us, regardless.” And Dave said he struggled with the bad popes, but then decided that God’s plan was carried out through even them. Huh? Dave? I wonder how many billions of people are in hell because of the Catholic church right now, based upon what the Bible really says about who goes to heaven. People are blindly trusting in biblically disqualified leaders instead of making sure they are abiding in Christ, themselves. This deception is huge!
And for those who have read my writings, you know that I don’t think the evangelicals are doing much better. Many are doing even worse in their once-saved-always-saved (or similar) deception.
Dave considers the sacraments to be much more important than I do. And he believes that the bread and wine in the Eucharist/communion isn’t just representational. I’m open to the idea that the sacraments should mean more than they do to evangelicals. And I don’t know what to think regarding “the real presence” and the other theories about the bread and the wine being Christ’s body and blood or not. Perhaps the Holy Spirit will lead us into what is fully true regarding this, but I still think this is minor when compared to these other things.
I don’t see evidence for baptizing infants in the Bible or in the Didache (an early church fathers’ writing that I think is significant). The person getting baptized believing is mentioned in both cases. I don’t think converts should put it off though, like I did for a few years.
I was surprised to hear that Dave no longer believes in a born-again conversion when one is old enough to commit. Apparently, he believes that Catholic baptism + nothing = salvation. This is close to what the Lutherans still teach; though, it would be a Lutheran baptism. This is a huge deception — very dangerous, especially when there are so many clear texts that say what is required to go to heaven that don’t mention baptism at all.
The Bible teaches personal responsibility, now that we have the Holy Spirit inside of us. The Catholic Church teaches putting full trust in the priests and sacraments. I don’t see it. This is yuck to the max! The Devil must like and support this just as he pushes and enjoys once saved, always saved.
“By their fruits you will know them” indicates that the Catholic Church and the evangelicals aren’t yet fully enough them. What the Bible says the church is supposed to be isn’t happening in either camp. The Devil wants us to sit on our laurels and act like we’ve arrived, when we clearly haven’t.
When ONE happens, “then the world will know.”
Let us be ONE!!!


An earlier interview from: EWTN

20. Program Name: Former Presbyterian
smallspeaker.gif  (241 bytes) Listen Now
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Series Name: The Journey Home
Host: Marcus Grodi with Dr. David Anders
Date Produced: 2/8/2010
Description: Dr. Anders shares with us his experience as a Presbyterian seminarian studying the Church Fathers especially Augustine and what happened to Faith Alone, the Bible Alone among others, on his Journey Home.

David wrote How John Calvin Made me a Catholic, in which he says this in a comment:

I concluded – on the basis of hard, cold, unemotional exegesis – that Luther profoundly misread Paul. From this, I reexamined ecclesiology, and ultimately authority, and concluded that the Catholics had the better arguments.

I have given a broader account of my conversion here:

I have also given an interview that goes into more of the doctrinal basis for my conversion.
It is available online [the Marcus Grodi with Dr. David Anders interview posted above – editor]:

Also, in response to my historical claims about Calvin and Bolsec.
I deliberately left out most of the footnoting I would have included in an academic article.
If you would like more documentation, please examine my dissertation.
It is available at:

Prophets from the ranks of shepherds: John Calvin and the challenge of popular religion (1532–1555)
by Anders, Albert David Ph.D., The University of Iowa, 2002, 712 pages.

My Ph.D.-genius-friend, John Calvin expert: “In all my reading of Calvin, I don’t recall him ever apologizing for a mistake or admitting an error.” | According to Paul, can John Calvin be in heaven?
All of my The Catholic Deception posts
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

My Ph.D.-genius-friend, John Calvin scholar: "In all my reading of Calvin, I don’t recall him ever apologizing for a mistake or admitting an error" | According to Paul, can John Calvin be in heaven?

Dave and I became close friends at seminary. Afterward, he shared with me what he had learned about John Calvin’s character. This is the first time I’ve seen it in writing from him.
If there is anyone who should know, it’s Dave. He’s probably read everything from at least every American library written by or about John Calvin, often even in the original languages. Dave is pure genius, having this amazing memory!
In Birmingham (his home), I went with him to the library one day to drop off and pick up the books he ordered. I watched him exchange about 30 books for the 30 books he was getting. I think he said he did this every week. His Ph.D. thesis blew the professors away. Apparently, it had this bibliography that was almost endless. I’ll have to ask him again about the specifics. He’s not one to toot his own horn.
From: calledtocommunion

How John Calvin Made me a Catholic

Jun 1st, 2010

This is a guest post by Dr. David Anders. David and his wife completed their undergraduate degrees at Wheaton College in 1992. He subsequently earned an M.A. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1995, and a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in 2002, in Reformation history and historical theology.  He was received into the Catholic Church in 2003. He will be on EWTN Live on June 23rd, 7:00 pm Central (8 EST), and may be discussing some of the material from this article.


When I finished seminary, I moved on to Ph.D. studies in Reformation history. My focus was on John Calvin (1509-1564), the French Reformer who made Geneva, Switzerland into a model Protestant city. I chose Calvin not just because of my Presbyterian background, but because most American Protestants have some relationship to him. The English Puritans, the Pilgrim Fathers, Jonathan Edwards and the “Great Awakening” – all drew on Calvin and then strongly influenced American religion. My college and seminary professors portrayed Calvin as a master theologian, our theologian. I thought that if I could master Calvin, I would really know the faith.

Strangely, mastering Calvin didn’t lead me anywhere I expected. To begin with, I decided that I really didn’t like Calvin. I found him proud, judgmental and unyielding.


I already knew that Calvin himself, for all his insistence on unity and authority, had been unable to deliver the goods. His own followers descended into anarchy and individualism.

I realized instead that Calvin was part of the problem. He had insisted on the importance of unity and authority, but had rejected any rational or consistent basis for that authority. He knew that Scripture totally alone, Scripture interpreted by each individual conscience, was a recipe for disaster. But his own claim to authority was perfectly arbitrary. Whenever he was challenged, he simply appealed to his own conscience, or to his subjective experience, but he denied that right to Bolsec and others. As a result, Calvin became proud and censorious, brutal with his enemies, and intolerant of dissent. In all my reading of Calvin, I don’t recall him ever apologizing for a mistake or admitting an error.

Entire Article Here

• • • • •

So can John Calvin be in heaven?

Unlike Calvin, Paul actually did ~”work out his own salvation through fear and trembling.” He made sure he ALWAYS right with everyone and God.

“Herein I also practice *always* having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” (Acts 24:16)

He overcame sin by the power of the Holy Spirit. He once lived in Romans 7 before he became born-again. Then he lived in Christ, not walking according to the flesh, but according to the Holy Spirit:

“There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Consider Paul’s words in Paul in Galatians 5 & 6. In which list do we find John Calvin?

13 For you, brothers, were called for freedom. Only don’t use your freedom for gain to the flesh, but through love be servants to one another. 14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 But if you bite and devour one another, be careful that you don’t consume one another.

16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

19 Now the works of the flesh are obvious, which are: adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousies, outbursts of anger, rivalries, divisions, heresies, 21 envyings, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these; of which I forewarn you, even as I also forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.

25 If we live by the Spirit, let’s also walk by the Spirit. 26 Let’s not become conceited, provoking one another, and envying one another.

1 Brothers, even if a man is caught in some fault, you who are spiritual must restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; looking to yourself so that you also aren’t tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if a man thinks himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let each man test his own work, and then he will take pride in himself and not in his neighbor. 5 For each man will bear his own burden.

6 But let him who is taught in the word share all good things with him who teaches. 7 Don’t be deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

9 Let us not be weary in doing good, for we will reap in due season, if we don’t give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let’s do what is good toward all men, and especially toward those who are of the household of the faith.

John Calvin Didn’t Follow Christ: “If you can burn people at the stake, and drown people in the river, and drive them out of town into a Swiss winter, and say you got that from the Bible, you’re not an exegete. And that’s the kind of man John Calvin was” – Mike Floyd
John Calvin Had Servetus Burned at the Stake — His Ashes Cry Out!
The Protestant Reformers Were Frauds: By their Fruits You Will Know Them — Martin Luther was a false teacher, a racist, a persecutor and a murderer! John Calvin was a false teacher, a deranged tyrant, a persecutor and a murderer!
John Calvin was a Persecutor
Felix Manz (1498-1527) – Drowned by Zwingli for Rebaptizing — Manz wanted to bring together those who were willing to accept Christ, OBEY the Word, and FOLLOW in Jesus’ footsteps, to UNITE with these by baptism
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”
My friend, David Anders on Catholic TV (I don’t recommend Catholicism, but I’m a big fan of Dave)

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

This is an oldie but goody, written by Chuck before I started this blog.
My opinion follows Chuck’s article.

From: News with Views


By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
February 27, 2007

Evangelical Christians are already beginning the process of selecting the Republican presidential candidate whom they can anoint as their successor to George W. Bush. Somehow, evangelicals have this deluded idea that President Bush is one of them. How they came to this delusion both fascinates and escapes me. Bush is anything but one of them. However, most evangelicals believe he is, and today it seems that illusion is greater than reality, anyway. Bush proves that more than anyone I have ever known. But enough about Bush.

The question burning in the minds of evangelicals today is: Which Republican candidate for president will we anoint? There are several possibilities, but apparently Congressman Ron Paul is not one of them.

For example, Jerry Falwell’s widely distributed National Liberty Journal, in its March 2007 edition, had a major section entitled “Campaign 2008-Identifying the Republican Presidential Candidates.” A total of ten Republicans made the Journal’s list. The ten listed were Sen. Sam Brownback, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Sen. Chuck Hagel, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Rep. Duncan Hunter, Sen. John McCain, Gov. George Pataki, Gov. Mitt Romney, and Rep. Tom Tancredo.

However, even though Rep. Ron Paul has also formed a presidential exploratory committee (something Gingrich has not even done yet), his name was conspicuously absent from Falwell’s list. Why is this? Why do evangelicals ignore Ron Paul?

Ron Paul received his Bachelor’s degree from Gettysburg College. He received his MD from Duke University. He began his OB/GYN career in 1968. He was also an Air Force Captain and a member of the Air National Guard.

Ron Paul has served as a conservative congressman from Texas for over 16 years. He currently has a 100% rating from The Conservative Index, which is probably the most relevant and accurate reflection of a congressman’s true conservative record out there.

Furthermore, unlike most Republicans, Paul’s commitment to the life issue is more than rhetoric. For example, during the 2005 congressional session, Rep. Paul introduced H.R. 776, entitled the “Sanctity of Life Act of 2005.”

Had it passed, H.R. 776 would have recognized the personhood of all unborn babies by declaring, “human life shall be deemed to exist from conception.” The bill also recognized the authority of each State to protect the lives of unborn children. In addition, H.R. 776 would have removed abortion from the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, thereby nullifying the Roe v Wade decision, and would have denied funding for abortion providers. In plain language, H.R. 776 would have ended abortion on demand. (It is more than interesting to me that none of the evangelicals’ pet politicians, including George W. Bush, even bothered to support Paul’s pro-life bill.)

In addition, Ron Paul has been the most outspoken defender of constitutional government in the entire congress-bar none. He has often stood virtually alone against federal abuse of power, corruption, and big government.

Currently, Ron Paul is one of only a handful of congressmen that dares speak out against the emerging North American Union, NAFTA superhighway, and the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement, all of which are being promoted by the White House in concert with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Speaking of the CFR, two of the U.S. senators listed as presidential candidates in Jerry Falwell’s Liberty Journal, Chuck Hagel and John McCain, are current members of the CFR.

For his entire political career, Ron Paul has served foursquare upon the principles of constitutional (limited) government, less taxation, right to life, and personal liberty. Ron Paul is a conservative’s conservative, a principled constitutionalist of the finest order. How is it, then, that Jerry Falwell and other evangelicals ignore him?

The answer to the above question is not easy to determine. Maybe today’s evangelicals are more concerned about being accepted by the GOP establishment than they are supporting principled, conservative candidates. After all, Paul’s willingness to openly oppose his own party has caused him to be blacklisted by party loyalists and apologists. Therefore, it might be that our illustrious evangelical leaders are unwilling to be identified with Paul lest they share the same ostracism.

Another reason might be that today’s evangelicals are extremely shallow in their discernment. They seem to love Republican candidates who wear religion on their sleeve. Whether the candidate walks the walk does not seem to matter near as much as whether he talks the talk.

Hence, evangelicals are already warming up to John McCain, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and even to Rudy Giuliani. Falwell’s National Liberty Journal (NLJ) calls Gingrich “a true American statesman.” McCain is called “pro-life.” Already, McCain has spoken for Dr. Falwell at his Liberty University. (Don’t be surprised if Falwell becomes one of McCain’s strongest proponents.) The NLJ quotes Evangelicals for Mitt as saying, “Gov. Romney . . . shares our values.” Of Giuliani, NLJ states, “On issues such as national security, battling terrorism and combating crime, Mr. Giuliani is very popular with conservatives.”

However, the truth is, neither Gingrich, Giuliani, Romney, nor McCain deserves the support of principled conservatives. Each of these men has numerous examples of failure and compromise of essential conservative values.

Another trap evangelicals seem to fall into is the puerile desire to “pick a winner.” Wanting to be sure that they are seen dancing with the last man on the floor, evangelicals are trying to figure out who that man will be so as to be ready to receive their invitation to the dance. And since they don’t expect to see Ron Paul issuing dance invitations, they have already written him off.

However, rather than letting themselves be used as dupes by the GOP machine, if America’s evangelicals would determine to stand on principle by supporting only those candidates who most courageously champion our principles (regardless of their popularity, or lack thereof, with the Republican hierarchy), they might actually be able to bring real change to American politics.

As it is, evangelicals continue to call George W. Bush “one of us,” they continue to drink Kool Aid from the faucet of Republican propaganda, and they continue to ignore Ron Paul.

My opinion:
I agree with what Chuck says above, but would add this.
I think the main reason most evangelicals wouldn’t even consider Ron Paul was that he was and is too biblical.
Clearly, Ron Paul actually believes in actually doing what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Ron Paul wasn’t pro-reverse-Christian-war enough. Ron Paul believes in treating people equally, in loving all of our neighbors as ourselves.
Ron Paul is too pro-life. He’s fully pro-life, not stopping at just standing up to protect the unborn, but Ron Paul believes we also shouldn’t be bombing children and full grown people, regardless of their skin color or their religion. War is a last resort for Ron Paul. Ron Paul isn’t a striker (one of the qualifications for church leadership that Paul states in 1 Tim. 3:3, which alone disqualifies most pastors, those who support the immoral, reverse-Christian wars — willing to treat others differently than they would want to be treated).
Ron Paul is power under, not power-over. Ron Paul is a libertarian (liberty), not desiring to bully others. We shouldn’t be pushing people around, making people do what we’d like them to do. We should stick to the Constitution and not go beyond it.
And he’s not into revenge (ie: evangelicals, their pastors and 9/11).
So it is my opinion that Ron Paul is too biblical for most evangelicals. Ron Paul won’t push their unbiblical, power-over, reverse-Christian agenda.
How can this be? The only possible answer seems to be that most evangelicals have lost their soul, whether born-again or not. Being born-again is just the start. Most evangelicals aren’t abiding in Christ, which Jesus lays out in John 15, where He says to abide in Him we must love one another. Otherwise, we’ll be thrown into the fire and burned. We must bear fruit because we’re connected to the Vine. In this, the Bible is consistent. See: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

God gave us Ron Paul, and the ‘church’ rejected God’s gift to US. So now, ‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”
What we should be focusing on now is getting real Christianity going, because America is going down, having rejected Ron Paul, the peacemaker.
It’s time to get right with God and each other.
Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Richard Dreyfuss (who plays Moses in THE WORD OF PROMISE AUDIO BIBLE) interviewed by Tavis: The dread he feels about America's future, one man owns half of the news media, “If you're against the policy, you're against the troops,” DARKness and LIGHTkeepers!

It’s not often that an interview surprises me in a great way! So I thought I’d share it with all of you.

I’ve been enjoying listening to The Word of Promise audio Bible (Jim Caviezel plays Jesus), so I was curious to find out more about Richard Dreyfuss, who plays Moses. I had no idea how cool he is!

As I watched, my jaw dropped open. I’ve hardly known anything about this man.

A few words about The Word of Promise audio Bible:

I recommend it for a number of reasons. Some of the actors are amazing, and they’re allowed to relax. It’s much easier to get into.

Apparently, most of the narrators in past audio Bibles were forced to speak rapidly so their words could be contained on fewer cassettes or CDs. I think in one case, they even electronically sped up the narrator’s voice. How can one meditate on the words when being force-fed. Listening to the word of God should not be just a mental exercise?

And from what I’ve heard so far, the music seems to add, not distract. It’s not canned music, but a real orchestra and musical score.

My biggest surprise was listening to Revelation, which usually isn’t this gripping, this enjoyable. It’s phenomenal!

It can be purchased as the entire Bible or just the New Testament. And it’s available in MP3 or standard CDs. The Amazon link above is for the entire Bible, which also has some video and audio excerpts.

Very nice!

God bless!

Jeff : )

• • •

Watch, Listen or Read Tavis’ Interview

Richard Dreyfuss

airdate May 7, 2010

Dreyfuss: … I lived a blessed life. I was able to do for 50 years something I adored doing and I was rewarded and praised for it. Then when it ceased to being as intense a love affair and, as the Bible says, for everything there’s a season, when I got older and I stopped being given the highest salaries and the best parts, I also was not allowed to have my opinions heard and that made me quit.

I said to myself what I had promised myself when I was 12. When I was 12, I said, “You’re gonna be an actor and a star. You’re gonna go into politics and then you’re gonna teach history.” So when I was 56, I quit being an actor, meaning I quit developing. I quit trying to raise projects up and all that.

I went to Oxford for four years and I knew Cassandra’s Curse. You know, she had the ability to see the future and no one would believe her. Well, I wrote a piece for the San Diego Tribune and I said, “I have not been able to find the words that you would make you feel the dread I feel about the future of this country.”

I would ask you, when you think about the future of America, do you have a sense of ease and comfort and relaxation or do you sense some unease and something wrong even if you can’t name it?

Tavis: I feel the same thing you feel. …

Dreyfuss: There are two things that’ll make me lose my sense of humor. When someone says, “You have no right to that flag” or when they say… “If you’re against the policy, you’re against the troops.” Those things get me really angry because I’m an American and I love America more than I can possibly tell you. …

Dreyfuss: …patriotism means that people can understand that this country uniquely has an inherent meaning and most countries are just accidents of history.

This country was intended for something and, if we had tried it in Europe, they would have killed us to the last man. It was only the Atlantic Ocean that protected us. But we have a meaning and what is it? It’s that we put the Bill of Rights up on a wall so that everyone could see every time we failed and every time we succeeded and we had the guts and the naivety and arrogance and cockiness to say this is our picture of our moral future.

That is an act unequaled in history, so that we said that’s our goal. We announce it now and every time we failed it, it’s headlines and every time we succeed at it, it’s commonplace. And it’s what makes America completely unique in the story of nations. …

You can’t deny that we are a picture of a country that is like after the Big Bang. Everything is going this way and, when you don’t hold people accountable and when you allow illegal wars and when you can’t define the party principles because the win is more important than the principles, then you know you’re in trouble. …

Tavis: …why are you hopeful?

Dreyfuss: Because I believe, first of all, that individuals make history. I don’t believe that it happens by itself. I believe that America is hard and it takes maintenance and you can’t forget that you’ve got to take your car into the shop every six months and lube it up.

You cannot take for granted the complexity and complement of Republican democracy. Republican democracy actually says that the citizenry is as important as any other sector in the government. So why do we not teach those kids how to run the country? We teach our kids what we want them to know and we don’t teach them what we don’t want them to know, so someone is saying that.

By the way, if all of the news information industry is owned, let’s say, 35 to 55 percent by one guy, that’s a subject for discussion and if his name happens to be Rupert Murdoch, he’s got five passports and one of them is Chinese. So when he was [unintelligible] to the president’s ear, who’s he talking for, and you have a right to ask that. You have an obligation. …

Tavis: Tell me about Lightkeepers. …

Dreyfuss: This is a movie about a guy who has made an oath to keep the light on and that means no matter what, the light never goes off because, if the light goes off, people will die and that’s the oath that all lightkeepers took. That is as clear a metaphor about this country as you can get because the darkness which is the overwhelming history of mankind has come back.

We live in a senseless, Alice in Wonderland world where nothing is logical, where no one is punished, where people who are rewarded are only rewarded because they were born to it and now the Supreme Court has actually, in a way, by saying the corporations are unfettered, giving political contributions, you know what that really is? That’s closing the circle.

We came here to get away from that and now our own Supreme Court has brought it back. A caste and class system that says money is the only counter and, if you don’t have it, you’re out. That is actually bringing history back to where it began at the birth of this country.

WOW! Abortion survivor Gianna Jessen speaks before Aussie Parliament: "My whole intent in living here is just to make God smile."


What an example to all of us she is!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

We have removed our emotions. We are becoming harder. Do you really want that?

How much are you willing to take, and how much are you willing to risk to speak the truth in love and graciousness — and stand up — and at least be willing to be hated?

Or at the end of the day, is it all about you…?”

If abortion is merely about women’s rights, ladies and gentlemen, then what were mine? …my life was being snuffed out in the name of women’s rights.”

“And what arrogance, what absolute arrogancethat the stronger should dominate the weaker, should determine who lives or dies.”

[youtube=]Gianna Jessen Abortion Survivor in Australia Part 1

TellTheTruthTV | September 10, 2008

Part 1 of 2 Gianna Jessen, abortion survivor speaks at Queen’s Hall, Parliament House, Victoria. Australia – on the eve of the debate to decriminalize abortion in Victoria.
Gianna’s visit was sponsored by the Ad Hoc Interfaith Committee.

Some of you might be slightly annoyed that all I keep doing is talking about God and Jesus. But how on earth can I walk about, limping through this world, and not give ALL my heart and mind and soul and strength to the Christ Who gave me LIFE!

So if you think I’m a fool, it’s just another jewel in my crown.

My whole intent in living here is just to make God smile.”

[youtube=]Gianna Jessen Abortion Survivor in Australia Part 2


Abortion Survivor Gianna Jessen on Hannity & Colmes

[Illustration] USA and Israel totally ignore: "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord." Who are we listening to instead?

[OPINION] ‘Christian’ backed Republicans Plot Israel-Iran Apocalypse and the Collapse of the US Economy

Raised Mennonite, Floyd Landis comes clean while exposing Lance Armstrong: “It’s about the truth. It’s about me feeling better for having mislead the public. I would like to take this opportunity to just say that I’m sorry for having lied. I’m glad I don’t have to lie. It was hard to do interviews where I was lying. I didn’t feel good about those.”

From: Revelation 21:7, 8

He who overcomes, I will give him these things. I will be his God, and he will be my son. But for the cowardly, unbelieving, sinners, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

From: cyclingnews…

When asked why he chose to come forward to ABC News Landis said, “It’s about the truth. It’s about me feeling better for having mislead the public. I would like to take this opportunity to just say that I’m sorry for having lied. I’m glad I don’t have to lie. It was hard to do interviews where I was lying. I didn’t feel good about those.”

From: abcnews…

Over the course of a 90-minute interview, Landis described in detail for “Nightline” how he says he and fellow cyclists — his former friends — doped during the Tour de France.


CLICK HERE to watch the full report on Floyd Landis, Lance Armstrong and performance-enhancing drugs in cycling [in three parts: “Did Lance Cheat?” “Under Pressure” and “Continuing Details” – ed.]

“If I’m taking on Lance Armstrong, then that should be evidence enough that there’s a problem with the system, because I’m saying it — a bunch of people did it,” Landis said. “Look. At some point, people have to tell their kids that Santa Claus isn’t real. I hate to be the guy to do it, but it’s just not real.”

We asked Landis: You’re saying Lance Armstrong is a fraud?

“Well, it depends on what your definition of fraud is,” Landis said. “I mean it — look — if he didn’t win the Tour, someone else that was doped would have won the Tour. In every single one of those Tours.”


Nightline: I have to say, Floyd, you say it in such a matter-of-fact way. And yet, this is a man, Lance Armstrong, who has denied up and down for a decade that he’s on anything but his butt … Anything but just hard work.

Landis: I denied it as well.

Nightline: You’re saying Lance Armstrong is a liar.

Landis: Yes, I suppose, if that’s the question, yes.

Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

Exposing The Satanic Empire (parts 4-6): The Vatican's involvement with Bohemian Grove, New World Order and Freemasonry

All eight parts can be seen here:

Exposing The Satanic Empire (Final Edition)

[youtube=]Exposing The Satanic Empire 04/08

A Keith Thompson film (in 8 parts) on the ruling mob’s involvement with Satanic activity.

This film dives into the formation of the Illuminati, how it infiltrated Freemasonry, and the Satanic nature of its aims. It then goes into the Vatican’s involvement with the Bohemian Grove, New World Order elite, And Freemasonry, while exposing how the Vatican is now anti-Christian.

The last segment debunks Zeitgeist-type claims of a Christ conspiracy and exposes the plan to destroy Christianity, making a Luciferian, new-age, one-world religion.

[youtube=]Exposing The Satanic Empire 05/08

[youtube=]Exposing The Satanic Empire 06/08


Exposing The Satanic Empire (Final Edition)

All of my The Catholic Deception posts

Chip Brogden: What is Spiritual Unity? 'One in Him' is the key


What is Spiritual Unity? – Chip Brogden

by Chip Brogden,

“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, – Jhn 17:21 – that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John 17:20,21 ESV).

What constitutes unity?  Is it a church service or a home group?  Is it any gathering of Christians together?  Is it a meeting of like-minded brothers and sisters?

The prayers of Jesus give us remarkable insight into how He sees things.  Remember that He is the Final Authority.  However we may think or feel or see or understand things is beside the point.  God’s goal is for Christ to have the preeminence in all things – not us! In this Kingdom only His opinion matters. This means that our viewpoint must give way to His.  Particularly in the matter of fellowship, Christians are very opinionated.  But what does Truth say?

All pro-war-with-Iran-too 'Christians' should listen: Dr. Stan – Is War With Iran A Set-up? Lies that led US into all of the wars in the last 120 years! "It's really all about bringing about the one-world government." Evangelicals are complicit!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Mom and me
At the Monteith’s


“I would warn you that terrible times lie ahead.
We have no business going into an unnecessary war with Iran.

And when you go back over the history of all the wars
that have taken place in the last 120 years,
every one of them has been contrived,
and in every one of them
they lied
to the public as to why they went to war.”

“There has been a plan since long before the inception of the United States
to use our nation to bring about a world government.”

“Ladies and gentlemen,
all these wars are started and contrived by other people
who have a different agenda,
and it’s really all about bringing about the one-world government
that’s prophesied in the scriptures.
And the average American doesn’t understand.”

“Between 1977 and the year 2008,
every President and/or Vice President of the United States
came from the membership roles of the Trilateral Commission.

And you’re never going to read about that in the newspapers
because of course, they control the newspapers….

And of course,
they are moving us towards a war with Iran, today.”

“Men and women become accomplices to the evils they fail to oppose.”

“If we get involved in another major war,
and it goes for any period of time,
it will bankrupt America.
And we are already bankrupt morally

And I fear that God is going to bring His judgment on this nation,
as He does upon any nation that turns against Him.
And believe me, America has turned against God.

And of course,
this is because of the occult influence in our country.

– Dr. Stanley Monteith

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Archives

Date: 07-10-10
Saturday Broadcast
Dr. Stan – Is War With Iran A Set-up?
Date: 07-09-10

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Newsletters from Radio Liberty (with Footnotes) – Updated
All of my Dr. Stanley Monteith posts at ToBeFree

The Smoke of Satan in the Vatican? Vatican's chief exorcist speaks out

From: New Oxford Review

The Smoke of Satan in the Vatican?

May 2010

Fr. Gabriel Amorth has served as the Vatican’s chief exorcist for the past quarter century. During those twenty-five years, the quietly outspoken priest has raised eyebrows with his sober accounts of brushes with the Devil — a routine occupational hazard for someone who has dealt with over 70,000 cases of demonic possession. But his recent declaration that Satan is alive and well in the heart of the Vatican itself has to rank as his most provocative revelation to date. According to a book of his memoirs recently released in Italy, Fr. Amorth claims to know of the existence of “Satanic sects” in the Vatican where participation reaches all the way to the College of Cardinals. “There are priests, monsignors and also cardinals!” he explained to Vatican journalist Marco Tosatti, who compiled Memoirs of an Exorcist from interviews with the priest. Asked by Tosatti how he knows Vatican clergy are involved, the exorcist answered, “I know from those who have been able to relate it to me because they had a way of knowing directly. And it’s something ‘confessed’ most times by the very demon under obedience during the exorcisms.”

As one might expect, the secular media has had a laugh-a-thon over the seemingly histrionic comments from the 85-year-old priest. Admitting the existence of the Devil is still cause for ridicule and derision by nonbelievers, but at least one other Rome-based exorcist has taken issue with the charges. Fr. José Fortea, a Spaniard and former student of Fr. Amorth’s, came publicly to the Vatican’s defense, arguing that Fr. Amorth had gone well beyond the evidence in making his charges. Demons themselves, he pointed out, are not exactly impeccable sources — after all, the Devil operates by deception and deceit. Fr. Fortea also explained that those seeking help for demonic possession include “innumerable persons” alleging to be the recipients of divine revelation, including “revelations about the infiltration of Satan and the Masons within the dome of the Church.”

Nevertheless, a curious coincidence seemed to want to vindicate Fr. Amorth. Within a month of the release of his shocking charges, one of Pope Benedict XVI’s elite ushers (formally known as a “Papal Gentleman”) was dismissed from his Vatican post for his involvement in a gay-prostitution ring, while an elite Vatican chorister, who allegedly acted as a pimp, was also sacked over the sex scandal.

No, this isn’t direct evidence of Satanism in the bosom of Holy Mother Church, but it certainly makes even the most ardent believer scratch his head. A gay-prostitution ring run out of the Vatican? Really? Well, if we can believe what we read in La Repubblica, it seems so. The Italian newspaper published excerpts of police wiretaps of Angelo Balducci’s phone, and the evidence seems pretty clear. Balducci, the subject of a corruption probe by Italian police when the evidence came to light, served Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI on special occasions, such as when heads of state visited the Vatican. Balducci appears to have a whole heap of evidence piled up against him.

Entire Article Here (with subscription)
Entire Article Here
Malachi Martin — Satan Enthroned in Vatican?
All of my The Catholic Deception posts

HeartQuotes: Anger

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal
with the intent of throwing it at someone else;
you are the one who gets burned. “

– Buddha
Rocky Mountains Version

Curry Blake: John G. Lakes Divine Healing Secrets

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“Get fed up.”
“Until you get fed up, nothing changes.”

“He [Smith Wigglesworth] said to treat cancer like the Devil, himself.”

Look at this sickness not as part of this person,
but as an enemy sent from hell to kill, steal and destroy this person’s life
And whenever you see this, you’ll start to develop a hatred for it.”

“Command, not beg.”

“Speak to the problem, not about the problem.”

“By His stripes they’re healed.”

“It’s what you believe in that counts even more than what you’re saying.”

“Whenever a Christian speaks,
heaven hears and agrees,
hell hears and obeys.”

“In the name of Jesus, cancer, I break your power.
I command you now, leave this person. Leave their body.
We command every cell, every tissue, every organ that’s been affected,
right now to be healed and restored.
Spirit of cancer, I break your power.
Spirit of fear of cancer, I break your power,
and I command you to “go, now!”

“In the name of Jesus, you go and never return.”

“Cancer is a devil.”

“You must see people as oppressed prisoners of war.”

– Curry R. Blake

[googlevideo=]John G. Lakes Divine Healing Secrets

This is a Voice of Healing television broadcast production, produced by John G. Lake Ministries, entitled ‘John G. Lakes Divine Healing Secrets’. This is an introduction to the things that John G. Lake knew that enabled him to see 100,000 confirmed healings.

The SCIENCE of Divine Healing – by John G. Lake: "At one time I submitted myself to a series of EXPERIMENTS. It was not sufficient to know that God healed; I had to know how God healed."


At one time I submitted myself to a series of experiments. It was not sufficient to know that God healed; I had to know how God healed.

I visited one of the great experimental institutions and submitted myself for a series of experiments.

First, an instrument was attached to my head. This instrument had an indicator that would register the vibrations of the brain.

I began to repeat things like the 23rd Psalm to soothe the mind and reduce its vibrations to the lowest point. Then I repeated the 31st Psalm, the 35th chapter of Isaiah, the 91st Psalm, and Paul’s address before Agrippa.

After this, I went into secular literature and recited Tennyson’s “Charge of the Light Brigade” and finally Poe’s “The Raven” as I prayed in my heart that at the psychological moment, God would anoint my soul in the Holy Spirit.

My difficulty was that while reciting, I could not keep the Spirit from coming upon me. When I finished with “The Raven,” those in charge of the experiment said, “You are a phenomenon. You have a wider mental range than any human being we have ever seen.”

In reality, this was not so. It was because the Spirit of God kept coming upon me to such degree that I could feel the moving of the Spirit within me.

I prayed in my heart, “Lord God, if You will only lot the Spirit of God come like the lightnings of God upon my soul for two seconds, I know something is going to happen that these men have never seen before.

As I recited the last lines of the poem, suddenly The Spirit of God struck me in a burst of praise and tongues. The indicator on that instrument bounded to the limit and I haven’t the least idea how much further it would have gone if it had been possible.

The professors said, “We have never seen anything like it!” I replied, “Gentlemen, it is the Holy Ghost.”

In the second experiment, a powerful X-ray machine with microscopic attachments was connected to my head. The purpose was to see, if possible, what the action of the brain cells was.

I proceeded just as in the former experiment. First, I repeated Scriptures that were soothing those calculated to reduce the action of the cortex coils to their lowest possible register. Then I went to Scriptures which conveyed better and richer things until I reached the first chapter of John. As I began to recite this, the fires of God began to burn in my heart.

Suddenly, the Spirit of God came upon me as before, and the man who was behind me touched me. It was a signal to me to keep that poise of soul until one after another could look through the instrument.

Finally, when I let go, the Spirit subsided. The professors said, “Why, man, we cannot understand this, but the cortex cells expanded amazingly.”

I said to them, “Gentlemen, I want you to see one more thing. Go down in your hospital and bring back a man who has inflammation in the bone. Take your instrument and attach it to’ his leg. Leave enough space to get my hand on his leg. You can attach it to both sides.

When the instrument was ready, I put my hand on the man’s shin and prayed like Mother Etter’ prays: no strange prayer, but the cry of my heart to God.

I said, “God, kill the devilish disease by Your power. Let the Spirit move in him; let it live in him.”

Then I asked, “Gentlemen, what is taking place? They replied, “Every cell is responding.”

It is so simple: The life of God comes back into n part that is afflicted; immediately the blood flows; the closed, congested cells respond; and the work is done!

• • • •

Gets good at about the 9 minute mark

The SCIENCE of Divine Healing – by John G. Lake

fotm1 | December 21, 2009

Story time with Doug! A reading from …

John G. Lake, “The Complete Collection of His Life’s Teachings” compiled by Roberts Liardon.

More at


Nightline: Speaking in tongues medical study PROVES Holy Spirit praying

Study: Prayer heals when it’s close-up and personal

How to speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit leads you

How to speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit enables you

I’ve finally shared much of what I know about and what can be done through the TREMENDOUS and mostly misunderstood and underused gift of tongues.

Jim Feeney: Why Speak in Tongues? (Is Speaking in Tongues of God? Is It for Today?)

A Gift that Will Set Many Free! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls)


THE PATRISTIC INTERPRETATION of ROMANS 7:14-25 — The early church did not understand Romans 7:14-25 to teach the necessity of sin in believers

No writer before the fourth century assigned the traditional Calvinistic interpretation to Romans 7:14-25.

The early church did not understand Rom 7:14-25 to teach the necessity of sin in believers.

From: Fundamental Wesleyan Publications


Part 1, The Early Christian Witness to the Arminian Interpretation

Daniel R. Jennings
Date Posted Dec. 4, 2009

For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I (Rom 7:14-15).

Perhaps no other verses have been the subject of such intense debate as the above passage. To the Calvinist this passage represents a never-ending struggle with sin which will inevitably end in failure until the day one dies. For the Arminian it represents the life of spiritual struggle that God wants to deliver mankind from via the experience of regeneration.

While the best way to interpret a passage will always be to allow Scripture to interpret Scripture there is also much to be gained by studying the ways that the early Christians who followed in the footsteps of the Apostles interpreted a passage. It will be the purpose of this article to examine the ancient Christian interpretation of Romans chapter seven. This paper incorporates information from A Dissertation Of The True And Genuine Sense Of The Seventh Chapter Of St. Paul’s Epistle To The Romans by James Arminius, along with new research.

An extensive search of Christian literature up until the fifth century revealed that prior to the fourth century no known Christian writer interpreted Romans seven in a Calvinistic manner. Rather, it was always understood up until that time to be either an unbeliever or, in one case, to describe a Christian who had evil desires that he did not want to have but never evil actions.

Throughout this paper I have focused only on those writers who commented directly upon Romans 7. There is a good amount of indirect testimony to this subject in the form of statements which indicate that various early Christian writers understood the Christian experience to be one that entailed complete victory over sin. These quotes have been left out for brevity sake but if included would add even more weight to the conclusion that no writer before the fourth century assigned the traditional Calvinistic interpretation to this passage.

The earliest existing writer to comment directly upon this passage was Irenaeus of Lyons (120-202) in the second century. In Against Heresies he connected Paul’s statement “that there dwells in my flesh no good thing” as typical of human infirmity which Jesus came to deliver men from [3:20:33]. In commenting upon the parable of the two sons in which one represented the repentant sinners of Jesus’ day, the other the unrepentant Pharisees (Matt 21:28-32) Irenaeus described the Pharisees using Romans 7 [4:36:8].

Clement of Alexandria (c.150-c.220), a North African Christian teacher, in Stromata, a refutation of Gnosticism, indicated his belief that when Paul emphasized the war between the law of God and the law of his mind (Rom 7:22-23) it was only to show that Jesus rescues men from this through salvation [3:76-78].

Tertullian (c.150-240), another North African Christian leader, indicated that the Holy Spirit makes men free from the law of sin and death in our members (Rom 7:23). After this experience of being set free, “Our members, therefore, will no longer be subject to the law of death, because they cease to serve that of sin, from both which they have been set free” [On The Resurrection Of The Flesh, Ch. 46]. Elsewhere he noted his understanding that Paul was referring in Romans 7 to his pre-Christian days as an unbelieving Jew stating that “even if he has affirmed that ‘good dwelleth not in his flesh,’ yet he means according to ‘the law of the letter,’ in which he ‘was’; but according to ‘the law of the Spirit,’ to which he annexes us, he frees us from the ‘infirmity of the flesh'”[On Modesty, Ch. 17].


In analyzing the early Christian understanding of Romans 7 it has become very clear that the early church did not understand this passage to teach the necessity of sin in believers, usually attributing to it the interpretation that it was a man who was striving to please God under the Law of Moses. In fact this interpretation was so prevalent that when discussing this passage around 415AD, Pelagius (c.350-c.420?) could write in his now lost work entitled Inv Defense Of The Freedom Of The Will, which is preserved by Augustine in On The Grace Of Christ And On Original Sin [1:43] that “that which you wish us to understand of the apostle himself, all Church writers assert that he spoke in the person of the sinner, and of one who was still under the law. . . .” Augustine, in his attempt to refute this statement of Pelagius, was unable to offer any church writers who disagreed with Pelagius.

Entire Article Here


Erroneous “2 natures of the believer doctrine”: Rom. 7 before Paul’s ‘life in the Son’ – Shank

Leonard Ravenhill: Romans 7 vs 8 — Life before the Son vs Life in the Son — “Romans 7 is a funeral march, Romans 8 is a wedding march … it’s a Spirit dominated life in chapter 8.”

HeartQuotes: Unique — ONE Body MANY Members (1 Cor. 12) — We Need Each Other To Be Complete!

“It is not our purpose to become each other;
it is to recognize each other,
to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is:
ach the other’s opposite and complement. ”

– Hermann Hesse

Brazilian Beach Version

The chance to prepare for what's coming down the road is rapidly running out. Get yourself mentally prepared for what's coming.

Here are many natural reasons why we need to prepare spiritually now!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“I think time is extremely limited.

I think the chance to prepare
for what’s coming down the road is rapidly running out

So my advice has always been for two years:
Get yourself mentally prepared for what’s coming.

Because you don’t have to be a rocket scientist.
You just have to be wide awake
to see what’s coming down the road

– Charlie



IHOP Guitarist Seth Yates Prophecy: “Time is Running Out”
Stockstill’s Dream: We Have a Window of Time for Repentance
Now is the Time to Get Ready, Full of Me
‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

I’m taking back my personal blog… It’s time to get serious!

This is my official announcement that I’m taking back this blog [my personal blog:]. I kind of loaned it out to my friends at what was NWA Cargo, Anchorage. I’ll leave all of these nostalgic photos up. Everyone is always welcome to visit and copy the photos as long as they’re not used for profit.
I’m going to try to now continue with what I first intended this blog to be.
My original idea was to actually share some of what I was up to personally, partly as an incentive to achieve some of my goals, like being able to forgive everyone from my entire heart, nonstop, fully.

Continue Reading at

"Magnificent Seven Theme" (((Stereo))) — Let's Ride Together In Love Against Witchcraft, Magnificently — Until 'ONE' Happens!

I’ve always loved this song: OVERCOME no matter what!! TOGETHER, we can do it — no matter what happens! They can’t take our soul if we stay together in the LIGHT, fighting darkness!

I saw the movie for maybe the first time a few days ago, as it came out just 3 years after I was born. Seven guys get together to free the poor farmers from the oppressors!

Alone, they couldn’t have done it, but together…!!!!!!!

Awesome! We need to ride again, this time without guns, standing up for what’s right, against the dark side — bringing in the LIGHT!

It’s not too late. ONE can happen, today!

Fight the GOOD fight!

To Be Free : )


Lets Ride


[youtube=]The Magnificent Seven – Elmer Bernstein

Erich Kunzel & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra

Elmer Bernstein wrote the theme songs or other music for more than 200 films and TV shows

[youtube=]Magnificent Seven Theme

U2 — ‘Magnificent’ Live on Letterman!!!!!!! “Till we die, you and I will magnify The Magnificent!”

Daniel Rodes' 2003 prophecy: The Joy of the Lord — "I want you to warn My children that Deuteronomy chapter 28 verses 47 and 48 are about to be fulfilled." "We need to repent of our lack of gratitude and turn to the lord with a heart full of joy and gladness."

source (emphasis mine)

The Joy of the Lord

Important Warning to Christians

Newsletter From: Truth, Light & Life Ministries International
PO Box 70
Mt. Crawford VA  22841 …

Dear Partners and Friends,

Over the years, I have had the privilege of preaching in numerous churches, conventions, minister’s meetings, camp meetings and revival meetings. I have noted that many people were sad and their countenance was fallen. I wondered why they were so downcast. On numerous occasions, I asked them, “Why are you so discouraged? Do you have food and sufficient clothing? Do you have a home to live in? Do you have a bed to sleep in? Then why are you so sad?” Some have responded, ” I really don’t know, I’m just sad.” This has been a puzzle to me for years why people do not rejoice when they are so blessed. Those of you which have heard me preach know that I have often spoken on the importance of joy and rejoicing.

Many have lost their Joy

On Sunday evening, February 2, 2003, the Lord gave me a prophetic message for the church of America. He said that love, joy and peace are the fruit of the Spirit and one cannot operate fluently without the other. He explained that joy is what brings love and peace to their fullness. He said, “Many of My people have lost their joy; therefore, they have lost their love and peace. They try to worship Me, but instead of serving the Lord with gladness, they are trying to serve Me with tears of self pity, fear and anxiety. I have pled with My children for years,” He said, “to rejoice in the Lord. They rejoice for a little while, but are soon back in the valley of despair.” Then He said something that made my heart tremble: “I want you to warn My children that Deuteronomy chapter 28 verses 47 and 48 are about to be fulfilled. If someone does not arise on the scene and appeal to the people that their joy may be restored that they will rejoice over the good things that I have given them, I will have no choice but to turn them over to the enemy as I have promised.”

Deut 28:47-48

Because thou servedst not the LORD thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.”

Notice, He said, “because you didn’t rejoice in the Lord for the abundance.” If we cannot rejoice in the Lord for the abundance now when we have abundance, we will lose it.

Saddest Christians in the world!

I heard the Lord say, “There is no nation in the history of the world that has had such an abundance of food (all kinds of vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.) as the American people have available in their grocery stores and can enjoy the year round. Yet, here is where some of the saddest Christians in the world live.” The Lord said, “My wrath is about to be poured out upon My children and I want you to warn them if they can’t rejoice now, I have no choice but to turn them over into the hands of the enemy.”

I thank God for His mercy that He sent this warning. He said, “This will happen very soon unless My children turn back to Me with rejoicing. (When the Lord says soon, it is not always as quickly as we think.) They are sad all week long and then try to come to church and praise Me, but they are not praising Me from the heart. They are trying to work up some kind of an emotional experience which I cannot accept.”

The Lord reminded me that those who do not express their gratitude and praise to Him now will experience hunger and thirst. They will try to quote Bible verses and claim promises that God will meet all their needs, but they do not qualify for those promises to operate in their life because they did not rejoice over the abundance they had received. The Lord doesn’t expect us to just say, “Thank you,” or, “Lord, I praise you.” He expects us to have a lifestyle of praise and thanksgiving flowing from our hearts and not our head or emotions. Paul said he rejoiced even in difficult circumstances, “I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation” (2Corinthians 7:4). The disciples also rejoiced in the midst of persecution, “And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name” (Acts 5:41). That’s the kind of lifestyle God is looking for. We need to repent of our lack of gratitude and turn to the lord with a heart full of joy and gladness.

Pastor Daniel D. Rodes

Daniel Rodes Prophecy 2/28/09: What Will Happen to Our Little Ones?

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