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Prophecy Disinfo Central —
The Elijah List Exposed!
I asked to be removed from The Elijah List over a decade ago
after being so disappointed,
seeing fluff-words with no meat —
no serious calls to repentance and righteousness.
I could smell a rat.
Kevin calls this their
“encouraging words only” philosophy —
which is similar to a radio station’s jingle:
“positive-encouragement K-LOVE.”
False prophets are saying
ear-tickling messages that are
coddling people into deceptive slumber.
The Elijah List has been prophecy disinfo central.
Thankfully, Kevin explains what’s going on.
Whereas the prophecies I have on this site
are real prophecies —
quite different.
For example, a prophecy given to me:
“Let Us Be ONE”
The Red Gate Prophecy —
What If I Open It Just a Little Bit?
Also, please see:
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures —
Narrow is the Way |
Who are the Children of God?
Ministries like The Elijah List
are largely responsible for the seriously sick state
of the church
and our nation.
We’re supposed to be light —
not a black hole!
Jeff Fenske
Life in the Son!
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From: JohnTheBaptist.tv
“My 7 Years Working for the Elijah List” –
by Kevin Kleint
In The Beginning
It’s been about 3 years since I ended my employment with the Elijah List.
Let me take a small side road: For the record, I am NOT against manifestations. I’ve been “slain in the Spirit”, had Holy Laughter hit me and even physically reacted to the Holy Spirit. Believe me, when God (the Creator of the Universe) touches dirt (you and I), something is going to move. But if God touches us, there is going to be a change, a transformation, a healing of SOME sort. These people who “manifest” outwardly without becoming more and more like Him are NOT under the influence of the Holy Spirit (it’s another kind of spirit). I’ve known several people like this, who can twitch in the middle of WalMart, but have the personality of a troll. They claim to be so in tune with God, but the fruit of their lives speaks otherwise.
Mammon and the Fear of Man
… Occasionally, a contributor would send us a “word” with content that didn’t necessarily jibe with the Elijah List’s “encouraging words only” philosophy. Trying to stick with the “encouragement only” philosophy, Steve would have to write introductions (sometimes 3-4 paragraphs long) to the words and try to “play down” the corrective/repentance-based element of the email. There would usually be an effort to direct people to God’s “softer” side. Occasionally, certain “offending” sentences in the submission would be completely re-worded prior to release. These subtle, and sometimes flagrant, manipulations would usually upset the contributor, especially the more “idealistic” ones.
The last time I checked the Bible, a prophet was told not to regard man’s opinion and give the Word of God…. Undiluted.
It was clear to me that, during this phase, the focus had shifted. Mammon and the Fear of Man had become the “god” of the Elijah List. I say this because, from what I experienced, every effort was made to make more money and to please man. Words were released based upon the popularity of the contributor and the profit to be made from the products they sold — not on the truthfulness or relevance the words held.
Touch NOT His Anointed?
Leadership in the prophetic movement, including the Elijah List, has constructed a cleverly crafted wall of deception that has kept them above accountability and immune from criticism and reproach. This wall of deception revolves around the misinterpretation and the misapplication of Matt. 7:1-5 (not judging) and other verses like it.
As a result, no one is able to say that they (the “prophets”) are doing anything wrong. If someone should mention that they see anything wrong with the behavior or deeds of the “prophets”, they are immediately told that they are not walking in love, and that we should give “grace” to the prophet (more on this later). They’re also told that we shouldn’t judge, because we do not want to be judged in like manner … that we should remove the plank from our own eye, rather than point out someone else’s faults (more on this later). And because we put these leaders on a pedestal (in essence, “idolizing” them), it’s really easy for most people to swallow this reasoning and to ignore the sin.
This dynamic also carries over into the church’s relationships with each other, individually. We’re all afraid to say anything about the sin in each others lives because we don’t want to be perceived as “judgmental” or “mean”. Because of this fear, sin in the Body goes unchecked and actually thrives! Why do you think our divorce, abortion, porn use, and drug abuse statistics are equal to the world? Because there is no purity, no holiness, and no Holy Spirit’s Fire in our congregations! Do you know witches and satanists can actually come into our “houses of worship” and feel comfortable? God have mercy on us!
The following verses are conveniently downplayed and/or ignored by the “prophets” and their followers:
- 1 Cor. 6:3 “Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?” – This verse allows us to discern/judge issues concerning this life.
- 1 Cor. 6:5 “I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his brethren?” – This verse allows us to judge issues between brethren.
- 1 Cor. 11:31 “For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged.” – This verse allows us to judge the sin in our own lives.
To Rebuke, or NOT to Rebuke?
Not only does the bible say we are to judge behavior/issues, it also gives us permission to REBUKE!
- Luke 17:3 “Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him.” – This verse allows us to rebuke our brother/sister who is in sin.
- 1 Titus 5:20 “Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.” – This verse allows us to rebuke an ELDER who is in sin (read prior scriptures for backup).
- 2 Timothy 4:2 – “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” – This verse allows us rebuke as a vital part of our preaching!
- Titus 2:15 – “Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.” – This verse allows us to rebuke with authority!
Most ministries associated with the Elijah List, the “prophetic” church, and much of the rest of the church, can’t stand it when you bring up these scriptures, because then the possibility of exposed sin creeps its way into their salvation equation. The weirdest thing is, they want to keep the sin hidden, and yet they wonder why they are some of the most battered, bruised and confused people in the church. I experienced it too! During my 7 years at the Elijah List, I had never experienced such defeat, sickness and confusion in my whole life! Whenever one experiences this, they are told that they are just experiencing “spiritual warfare” … that it’s enemy’s fault they are experiencing this trauma. That sounds great to a carnal mind, I mean, after all … who wants to take the blame?
Grace or Licentiousness?
If the Wall of Deception is the misuse of judgment-based scriptures, then the misuse of the term “Grace” is the mortar that holds it together. Grace is a very nebulous term in prophetic circles and is used to replace “mercy” or “covering sin” in most conversations. According to Steve Shultz, the Elijah List’s whole philosophy and foundation revolves around this grace. But when you listen to him preach about grace, usually you walk away with a skewed understanding of it. The “main idea” being that we should be nice to people because God loves them, and after all, He was nice to you, so you need to do likewise. This isn’t necessarily a wrong idea, but this isn’t “grace”, and it also plays in to the mindset of not judging anyone’s actions, thereby strengthening the Wall of Deception.
Let’s see what the Word says about Grace in Titus 2:11-15:
- v11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,
- v12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,
- v13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,
- v14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.
- v15 Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.
So, from the verses above, I know that if you preach a message of Grace, you need to be teaching a few things.
- Deny ungodliness and worldly lusts
- Live soberly and righteously in the present age
- Look for Jesus’ return
- (from v14) Be aware of His Work on the cross and how he sought a pure and holy people

What’s more, the message is to be preached (spoke, exhort, rebuke) with Authority. You will not find the above concepts taught in most “grace” messages these days. Unfortunately, what you’ll mostly hear about is more along the lines of “mercy” and how God wants to be your buddy. And to a church culture with itching ears, this is wonderful news! Because Jesus is their buddy, they won’t have to live righteously! They won’t have to live soberly! God has “GRACE” for all of those things!
As a result, licentiousness (unrestrained flesh) reigns supreme in our lives.
Accuracy please?
… In Jeremiah 23:21-22, God tells the prophet a vital characteristic of True Prophecy:
“I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in My counsel, And had caused My people to hear My words, Then they would have turned them from their evil way And from the evil of their doings.“
The end result of all prophecy should be God’s people repenting …. turning their hearts back to God. Nowadays, teachings on “third heaven experiences”, “the glory realm” and “breakthrough” are labeled as prophecy. Do you see how even our definition of prophecy has become “man-centered”?
“Fathers” of the Prophetic Movement
It is not my intention to pick on specific people with this next section. I am using Bob Jones and Paul Cain as examples to show that perversion and error has had a firm foothold from the roots of this movement and is being passed on directly to the “younger” generation of prophets and their followers, who revere the “older” prophets unquestioningly, because they’ve been taught to do so.
Lack of Discernment has a Price
The hard truth is today’s false prophets and their followers boast of great prophetic insights, but actually have little or no discernment at all.
During my 7 years working for the Elijah List (and my 5 years at the Vineyard), I had so many encounters with people influenced by witchcraft (to varying degrees), pornography and the homosexual spirit, and yet NOTHING was said or done about it. As I said before, witches attended these conferences and church services, leaving unconvicted and unsaved. People with homosexual spirits and/or admitted pornography addictions were allowed to give “prophetic words” from the pulpit, unchallenged.
That is sin, people.
Love’s True Definition
The true prophets in the Old and New Testament had it right! They LOVED their nation to the point where they would say what God told them to say, even if it meant becoming the object of ridicule and disdain in the eyes of those whom they loved. Their Love begged people to repent and turn back to God, not to continue in their ways and hope to get the next “third heaven experience”. They had no concern for the number of followers they had, what conferences they were invited to, or the bottom line $$. They didn’t say ear-tickling messages that would coddle people into a deceptive slumber; they left that to the false prophets, who ALWAYS had a “positive and encouraging” thing to say.
It’s because of this Love, that I absolutely must write this. …
Entire Article Here
Gene Bacon: Judgement on the Prophets — FALSE PROPHETS tell the people what they want to hear. TRUE PROPHETS WILL WARN saints to turn from their wicked ways rather than telling them EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY in spite of their sin. There is a CORRUPT TEACHING of EXTREME GRACE that claims that Jesus forgave all our sins, past, present, and future at the cross.