Category: Doctrines Demystified Page 12 of 26
Also, Kent discusses the firmament in Genesis, and how the Earth is of course a sphere here: (video) Creation Seminar 2 – The Garden of Eden (FULL) – Kent Hovind — If you combine increased air pressure, filtered sunlight and the stronger magnetic field you’d probably get Garden of Eden conditions
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Dr. Kent Hovind with Edrique Visser – Debunking the Flat Earth Model – Part A
Also, Kent discusses the firmament in Genesis, and how the Earth is of course a sphere here: (video) Creation Seminar 2 – The Garden of Eden (FULL) – Kent Hovind — If you combine increased air pressure, filtered sunlight and the stronger magnetic field you’d probably get Garden of Eden conditions
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Dr. Kent Hovind with Edrique Visser – Debunking the Flat Earth Model – Part B
Also, Kent discusses the firmament in Genesis, and how the Earth is of course a sphere here: (video) Creation Seminar 2 – The Garden of Eden (FULL) – Kent Hovind — If you combine increased air pressure, filtered sunlight and the stronger magnetic field you’d probably get Garden of Eden conditions
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Dr. Kent Hovind with Edrique Visser – Debunking the Flat Earth Model – Part C
“For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to *FABLES*” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)
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Burning Down The Shack – Dr. James DeYoung
Over 1 million views!
James’ book: Tornado in a Junkyard: The Relentless Myth of Darwinism
“A simple microscopic one-celled bacterium (R. Coli) contains DNA information units equivalent to 100 million pages of the Encyclopedia Britannica.”
“We’re supposed to believe bacteria became people, but by actual observation, no species of bacteria has even changed to another species of bacteria.” – James Perloff, transcribed by me
Interview starts at 5:00
“What’s wrong with Darwinism scientifically” starts at 18:00
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The Elite Don’t Want You To Know: GOD IS REAL – Here’s the Proof.
My list is a bit different. Currently, I believe the greatest deceptions keeping ‘ONE’ from happening “that the world will know” (John 17) are:
- Once-saved-always-saved / “only believe” / “It’s hard to lose one’s salvation” — “the way can’t really be ‘narrow,’ in which we must abide in Christ to be right with Christ,” having clean consciences
- “Christian” Zionism — Follow Talmudic, anti-Christ Israel to get blessed
- Feminism = rebellion to the way God designed us, and to what He specifically told us. Feminism may largely be responsible for deceptions #1 and #2 being mainstream today, destroying the church and our country, while we demolish others. Paul’s words have been shunned, as society affects the church, instead of the church affecting society. We need to get back to God’s order — life in the Son!
Lower on my list are these false beliefs and practices:
- “Christians” James-3 cursing Christians from the heart (v. 14) is not taught or obeyed. James-3 cursing is a silent epidemic!
- Ignorance of the role demons play in controlling “Christians” and driving sin
- “Overseers don’t need to actually be ‘blameless,'” as Paul clearly stated
- Jesus’ directive and Paul’s practice (Acts 24:16) to reconcile is not obeyed — “People can reconcile in heaven” instead
- Jesus’ greatest two commandments aren’t really commands
- Pre-trib rapture – escapism
- Ephesians 4:11-16 holiness standard no longer taught or practiced
- Truly prophetic people are shunned
- NIV, LB, NASB, ‘The Message,’ etc. are false Bibles based upon corrupted Egyptian manuscripts that have removed Romans 8:1B and many more texts important for sound doctrine
- Worship leaders and musicians who do not worship in Spirit or in truth
- “Christians cannot be under ‘condemnation,’ only ‘conviction'” (false interpretation of Romans 8:1)
- “The fear of God is only reverence”
- “God is only love.” Paul’s Romans 11:22 balance completely ignored, as well as dozens of NT warning verses!
- Immodesty – The Low-Cut Top Epidemic and guys letting themselves look, opening doors to lust demons, instead of BEING FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT as we are ‘ONE’ with each other in Christ “that the world will know!” (John 17)
- Hebrew Roots movement. Paul wrote an entire book of the Bible, Galatians, to warn about the Judaizers, whom he strongly condemned. The word of God is being intentionally ignored, as Galatians is crystal clear.
- Jesus’ and the Holy Spirit’s directives on divorce and remarriage shunned. “Whatever feels good do it.” “The Holy Spirit and New Testament don’t need to be obeyed. “God forgives anything even when people don’t repent.”
“For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to FABLES” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)
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From: Charisma
6 False Teachings Bringing Deceptive Darkness Into the Church
Since that very moment in the Garden of Eden when a single bite shattered the harmony of the world, man has tried to make his own way, be his own master, and set up his own kingdom. It’s nothing new.
Nevertheless, if we want to be faithful followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in this day and age, we must be alert and ready to boldly stand against the spirit of the age that seeks to modify the message of Christ, undermine His power to set us free from sin, repaint Christ’s picture to make Him more acceptable to a wayward generation and rewrite the gospel to remove the offense of the cross.
For the last 2,000 years, the church has been plagued with heresy after heresy seeking to tame the gospel, and today is no different. Here are just a few of the popular beliefs in our current culture that threaten to infiltrate the church:
- Universalism: the belief that all people will be saved or that all ways lead to God and eternal life. Many who subscribe to this theology claim that, for instance, Christians and Muslim worship the same God.
- The Prosperity Gospel: the belief that God’s primary concern is for believers to be healthy and wealthy. If Christians are sick, suffering or poor, it is because of sin or a lack of faith.
- The New Age Movement: a belief system of Eastern influence that emphasizes universal tolerance and doing what feels good (moral relativism). It contends that man is divine and can create his own reality and identity.
- Legalism: the improper use of the law described in Scripture to try to attain or maintain salvation. Legalism also fosters judgment of fellow Christians for not adhering to one’s own ideas of holiness rather than encouraging them to imitate Christ, obeying God’s standards as explicitly outlined in Scripture.
- Hyper-grace: the overreaction to legalism, resulting in abuse of God’s grace. Believers find themselves drawn to the modern hyper-grace movement because they are looking for freedom not just from legalism, but also from God’s standards.
- The Emerging Church: a movement that claims to be Christian but employs culturally sensitive methods to make the gospel more palatable to a postmodern culture. Jesus’ life is treated more as an allegory or narrative rather than a true event. Of particular concern is the inclusive approach to various belief systems, an emphasis on emotions over absolute truth and the notion that there is no hell, judgment or need for forgiveness. The Emerging Church movement also glorifies honesty and confession, but without repentance.
Really important; though, some parts may be confusing. Having prayed in tongues many thousands of hours since 1981, and having studied this in-depth myself, I’d be glad to answer any questions.
I also have a Pray Perfectly in Tongues category here at ONEcanhappen, that has my posts on this important and maligned subject.
Having had thousands of confirmations, I personally believe that the main purpose of praying in tongues is to deal with demons in a way that we don’t have to see what’s actually going on — because if we saw the demons we’re dealing with we’d probably freak!
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Beth @25:50, transcribed by me:
“We have to learn how to trust Him, and know that He’s safe, and that the gift is safe.
The Devil does not want people to have or use any of the gifts of the Spirit, especially tongues, because tongues is that powerful. And that is why there are so many widespread lies and misunderstandings about tongues. Because if the Devil can strip that away from us then we have lost a piece of the armor of God, we have lost a mighty and powerful weapon to defeat the Devil, which is why we’re here. We’re here to partner with Jesus and kick the Devil’s butt!
So of course, he’s going to try and stop that.”
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From: Charisma Magazine
Ex-Witch Breaks Down the Power Speaking and Praying in Tongues Holds
Ex-witch Beth Eckert says one of the key ways to defeat the devil when he launches an attack is to speak and pray in tongues.
However, many Christians today do not believe these are active gifts meant for modern use.
“Recently, I’ve decided to explore more in-depth about what speaking in tongues is versus praying in tongues and what Scripture says about those things, because I’ve seen so much controversy on the topic of speaking in tongues,” Eckert says.
The ex-witch says most of her research comes straight from 1 Corinthians 14, which dictates how and why these gifts should be used.
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Speaking In Tongues & Praying In Tongues: A Biblical Guide
I don’t know about where you live, but where I live many people are VERY spiritual and they talk about god, but because I know Jesus personally I know that when they speak about god they are not speaking about JESUS. When you listen to these people you start to notice that their god is creation, it’s things that are created NOT the Creator.
I know that Jesus is the Son of God, He is the Messiah, He is ALIVE, He speaks to me and He speaks to all those who are His children. ALL those who hear the TRUTH hear the voice of Jesus Christ. They receive His Holy Spirit in their heart, and they are led supernaturally by the power of the Holy Spirit.
People in my area however, they ALSO hear from god. They say they hear from the spirits, they are tapped into the spiritual realm. BUT it is NOT the Holy Spirit they hear. They talk about the spirits of the earth, rocks, trees, they talk about the spirits of animals. They worship the moon, the sun the starts… things like that. They worship the creation and NOT the Creator.
And many Christians are NO DIFFERENT. They worship the creation and NOT the Creator. They worship the things that are made such as the bibles. They worship men, they worship their churches, they worship the buildings, they worship the structure, they worship the denomination. They worship things that are created by the hands of MEN, but they don’t worship the Creator NOR do they know their Maker.
Jesus is the Maker, HE IS GOD IN THE FLESH. HE is IMMANUEL GOD WITH US (Matt 1:23/ Isaiah 7:14)
DO you know Jesus as your LORD and as your GOD, do you worship HIM? Or are you like those in my town who worship the creation and NOT the Creator?
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Worship God NOT Like my Town
Reading from Genesis 35:
“You’ve got a lot of garments that identify with the Canaanite civilization, and a lot of clothes today that identify with the rebel culture. ‘And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods that were in their hands.’ And this part could be very significant in the day, in the effeminate generation that we’ve got. ‘And all their earrings which were in their ears.'”
“Once the household of faith was cleaned up, the terror of God was upon them.”
“Jesus never became a sinner to win the sinners.”
– Kevin Conner
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Should Christian Men Wear Earrings? – Kevin Conner
I just wrote the following comment on Facebook, in response to this key Romans 11 passage that a friend posted — and thought I’d share it here too.
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Romans 11:20 Be not highminded, but fear: 21 for if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. 22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.
The Founder of “ONLY BELIEVE” — a type of OSAS predating Calvin
It’s amazing to me that Martin Luther’s ‘eureka moment’ was when he saw “the just shall live by faith” in Romans 1. He then built his whole theology on the idea of “only believe,” instead of reading further into Paul’s letter to see key verses in Romans 8 and this crystal clear, balancing passage, to let Paul interpret Paul, instead of making up his own gospel that his itching ears so strongly wanted to believe.
Then Luther didn’t like the book of JAMES at all, because James clearly says we must do something, not just believe. (And we’re not going to believe anyway if we’ve been willfully sinning when we see Jesus face to FACE). So Luther declared that the book of James shouldn’t even be scriptural, and JUDE, HEBREWS and REVELATION were subordinate books.
(“The just shall live by faith” is also in Hebrews 10:26-39, which shows what happens to those who willfully sin without repenting. So no wonder why Luther couldn’t fit his theory into Hebrews, one of the “subordinate books.”)
And it’s not because he didn’t read Paul’s entire books. He translated the entire Bible into German.
His bias must have blinded him, so like most modern teachers today, they somehow ignore the dozens of clear texts that completely refute the “once saved always saved” (OSAS) theory, or “only believe” and “it’s hard to lose one’s salvation.”
Luther said he’d give his Ph.D. cap to anyone who could justify Paul and James.
The truth is he couldn’t even justify Paul and Paul, because he ignored key texts like these.
Luther ended up being a mean person, who told Melanchthon: “sin boldly, because God doesn’t forgive a little sin.” And after he died he wanted to come back as a demon to torment the Catholic leaders (see link below).
That’s what crazy, unbiblical theology can do to a person’s life.
Now, the Lutherans still follow his teaching, often calling themselves “Lutherans” instead of “Christians.”
I was raised Lutheran. I’m glad I read the Bible on my own to see what it really said while in high school.
Lutheranism is one of the biggest deceptions, affecting MILLIONS of people!
From what I’ve seen it appears that Martin Luther is more responsible for once-saved-always-saved than John Calvin; though, Luther’s focus was more on “only believe” and infant baptism than Calvin’s TULIP.
For many Lutheran pastors today, infant baptism is all that’s needed — not even belief.
“There is therefore now *no condemnation* to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” – Romans 8:1 in a real Bible
“We know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and HE WHO REMAINS IN LOVE remains IN GOD, and God remains in him. In this, love has been made perfect among us, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, BECAUSE as he is, even so are we in this world.” – 1 John 4:16, 17
Martin Luther’s Subordinate Bible Books: Hebrews, James, Jude & Revelation
Martin Luther Cursed from His Heart Catholic Leaders, ‘Every Day’
I talk about the Talmud a lot because this is the heart of what’s going on, the ‘leaven’ that Jesus warned us about, what the ‘Jews’ still follow today — who pull off the false flags, own TalmudVision (TV) and the establishment media, Wall Street, run education, push porn, LGBTQ and the destruction of America, while we destroy nations which neighbor Talmudic Israel, and who would stand up against their NWO. The Talmud is their source:
Instead of warning the people like Jesus did, the many deceived “Christian” Zionists are aiding and abetting the enemy, helping to bring about the Antichrist.
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Chuck discusses the Talmud at 1:01:50, reading from Barnes Notes on Matthew 15:
Transgress the tradition of the elders – The world “elders” literally means “old men.” Here it means the “ancients,” or their “ancestors.” The “tradition of the elders” meant something handed down from one to another by memory; some precept or custom not commanded in the written law, but which scribes and Pharisees held themselves bound to observe.
They supposed that when Moses was on Mount Sinai two sets of laws were delivered to him: one, they said, was recorded, and is that contained in the Old Testament; the other was handed down from father to son, and kept uncorrupted to their day. They believed that Moses, before he died, delivered this law to Joshua; he to the Judges; they to the prophets; so that it was kept pure until it was recorded in the Talmuds. In these books these pretended laws are now contained. They are exceedingly numerous and very trifling. They are, however, regarded by the Jews as more important than either Moses or the prophets.
“He’s talking about the Mishna, the oral traditions of the fathers, the Pharisees, passed down through the generations until … they were written in the two Talmuds.
If you think the Koran is bad, you should read the two Talmuds. Jesus was referring to the Mishnah, which was the precursor to the Talmud. In other words, the Pharisees were Talmudists. They believed that the writings of the Mishnah were superior to the writings of Moses in the law of God. They still believe that today in the modern state of Israel. …
Benjamin Netanyahu promised that the Talmud would be the official law of the state of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu is a Talmudist. Like I said, if that isn’t registering to you, please get a copy of both Talmuds and read them, if you can stomach what you’re going to read, if you can stomach what you’re going to read, read the two Talmuds. And remember this is the law for Benjamin Netanyahu. This is the law for the Zionists in 2017.
Jesus addressed the Talmud and the Zionists when he addressed the Pharisees. They were the progenitors of the Zionists and the Talmudists of today.”
“All these prophecy zealots on television and radio, they all think it’s a wonderful thing that they’re talking about rebuilding the temple. ‘Preparing the way for Christ!’ That’s what they’re saying. The next one is to come, the Antichrist, a counterfeit christ in a counterfeit temple, in a counterfeit city and a counterfeit nation.
This is not preparing the way for the Messiah and Savior. This is preparing the way for the Antichrist who will deceive the world, and who Jesus said: if it were possible, will deceive the very elect. And I think the elect are already deceived by the mysteries of iniquity that we’ve already looked at. In their hearts, they’re already deceived…! And now they’re talking about the temple.”
“Mystery Babylon, is it Rome, or is it Jerusalem?”
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
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“The Mystery Of Iniquity” – Message by Chuck Baldwin on Feb. 12, 2017
From: Richard Anderson on Facebook
Sin causes instant spiritual BLINDNESS… Sadly, most Christians will make a deal with the Devil to gratify the desires of the flesh; truly believing that Father God will forgive them for their wanted/Planned sin after they’ve enjoyed it for a while….This is a PLAGUE in our modern churches…Sin-Repent. Sin-Repent. Sin-Repent….All PLANNED SIN (((INIQUITY))) NEEDS TO BE MOURNED OVER; REPENTED OF, AND DONE AWAY WITH FOREVER IN ORDER TO BE FORGIVEN!!! This is the Plague that causes Blindness in our churches today!
Let me put it this way: (IF) you accepted me into your home; gave me a place at your table, and I started ((knowingly)) doing the things you hate, in your house…..Then, feeling guilty and ashamed; I asked you for forgiveness and you forgave me, BUT…..I started doing it again, and again, and again…Wouldn’t you KICK ME OUT OF YOUR HOUSE UNTIL I HAD A TRACK-RECORD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS???
Father God will NOT EVER let anyone into Heaven with WANTED-SIN in their hearts….((THE TRUTH!))
From: Richard Anderson on Facebook
I’ve heard it said from some that Christians are not supposed to suffer….??? Well…HONESTLY, (Being a “Christian”) (IS) the hardest occupation on this Earth! Why do I call it an “occupation”??? Ah, because it has NOW become the HARDEST WORK upon this Earth for anyone to accomplish!!!
Once you’ve accepted Christ; you have entered into an agreement, a covenant, with Him; that you are NOW ((NOT YOUR OWN))–BUT HIS! By this agreement, you are (((CALLED AND COMMANDED TO SUFFER))) for Christ’s sake. For the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake; also for the sake of The lost!
(IF) you are a TRUE Born Again Christian, you have now entered into (((A WAR)))… A war not only with Satan and all his demons, but with this World; the lusts, wants, and desires of it which include: Power, riches, glory, and fame.
Also, you have entered into the hardest part of the battlefield which is a CONSTANT battle with your Flesh, your heart, and your mind…..As NOW you are COMMANDED to surrender ALL and DENY YOURSELF; PICK UP THE OBJECT OF YOUR DEATH (((YOUR CROSS))) and FOLLOW WHERE CHRIST LEADS YOU IN TOTAL OBEDIENCE! 🙂
This is HOW a Christians life is to be (IF) they will enter into Heaven! ……………..Acts 14:22
“Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.”
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I do have some good news regarding this. Right now, with the churches being spiritually dead, it’s hard, but when the Holy Spirit responds after we become ‘ONE’ with each other in Christ “that the world will know” (John 17), the Holy Spirit will empower us together, and:
So our focus should be on: “Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL.”
I POSTED this comment on Facebook a few days ago to concisely clarify what the Bible really says about women’s ministry in the church:
1 Timothy 2:12-14: “But I DON’T PERMIT a woman to teach, nor to exercise authority over a man, but to be in quietness. For [because] ADAM WAS FORMED FIRST [given a specific personality to do his tasks. Eve was then designed by God to complement man with complementary (not the same) characteristics — proven now by science], then Eve. Adam WASN’T DECEIVED, but the WOMAN, BEING DECEIVED, has fallen into disobedience….”
A FRIEND RESPONDED by sending me an article by Jack Hayford, entitled “A Woman’s Place in Christ,” which I’ve decided to critique. I currently believe this doctrine is the third most important in keeping real Christianity and the great awakening revival from happening.
“God resists the proud, but [wants to give] grace to the humble.”
May we be ONE with each other in Christ “that the world will know” – Jesus’ prayer in John 17 — as we do it God’s way!
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In”A Woman’s Place in Christ,” Jack starts out saying the Bible says men and women are the same in every way [emphasis mine throughout]:
The Bible says in Galatians 3:28 that because of what Christ has done, there are no longer any differences among us. “There is neither Jew nor Greek” (no ethnic or national difference), “neither slave nor free” (no economic difference), “neither male nor female” (no gender difference), “for [we] are all one in Christ Jesus.” This verse refers to the equality we have in God.
Here, Paul was actually talking about salvation, when the text is shown in context, that abiding-in-Christ men and women are both children of God, “heirs” according to the promise. Paul did not say women and men no longer have God given personality differences (different and complementary strengths and weaknesses), and therefore no difference in roles. Galatians is about salvation. There “neither male nor female” regarding salvation.
26 For you are all children of God, through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to promise.
Jack quotes 1 Timothy 2:8-15. The second paragraph is the clearest text on this subject, because Paul gives two reasons why:
I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works.
Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.
Jack then says:
First, let’s see what the different verses in this passage do not mean.
That the women adorn themselves in modest apparel (v. 9). “All women should dress as crummy as possible to verify their holiness.”
Why does Jack choose the word “crummy?” Modest apparel is the opposite of “hot” and “sexy,” but should not be “crummy.” Who would interpret Paul’s statement this way?
Jack also says this passage does not mean:
Adam was formed first, then Eve (v. 13).“God likes men more than He does women.”
He’s absolutely correct here. God doesn’t like one sex more than the other because they’re gifted differently.
Jack then completely ignores what this important text really does mean.
“Adam was formed first” means: man was designed with unique giftings to be able to perform specific tasks well. God then made women with giftings that complement man’s giftings. Men and women’s personalities are complementary, not the same, contrary to what society is continually telling us.
Science has now proven this; though, the anti-God media tries to bury these truths:
Jack also doesn’t mention what Paul’s reason #2 does mean. He only says that Paul does not mean that “men are smarter than women,” which is of course not true. The issue is deception, not IQ.
Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression (v. 14). “Men are smarter than women.”
Eve was deceived by the Devil to the point of sinning, not because she was less intelligent, but because of a strength in her personality that is particularly beneficial in child bearing: empathy. Women are capable of having lots of empathy, and are often more interested in relationships than with facts, compared to men as a whole. But this can be a weakness in ways too, especially in determining Bible doctrine, which requires objectivity. [And please keep in mind that God only calls some men to be overseers (5-fold leaders – Eph. 4:11-16 – & elders). Many men who are leaders today were not even called by God to be leaders.]
Then Jack says:
We can’t analyze every verse, but we will look at a few of the most important ones.
But Jack, there only are four verses to analyze. What kind of an excuse…? The preceding, modest apparel paragraph isn’t directly related. According to Jack, the verses that say why women should not teach or have authority over men in the church (13 & 14) are not important enough to consider. This is a common way that teachers deceive the people — through omission. I see it often, and I hope it’s not on purpose. The establishment media regularly does the same. Jack only mentions what verses 13 and 14 do not say; though, these are the crucial verses to understand this text.
He does address verse 12:
“Let a woman be silent…”
The first thing we have to understand is that, in this passage, Paul is writing to Timothy to instruct him on how to lead a church. He is giving him counsel on how to deal with relationships within the body.
This is absolutely true, and is an important point. Paul is not talking about discussions outside of the assembly, socially.
Then Jack says Paul can’t possibly be saying what he actually said because Priscilla and Phoebe were recognized teachers; though, the Bible does not say they were “teachers,” “overseers” or elders.”
But we cannot divorce the counsel given here from what we find in other parts of Scripture. Elsewhere Paul mentions women who labored with him in the gospel (Philippians 4:3) and others, such as Priscilla and Phoebe, whom Paul recognizes as teachers and deaconesses (see Acts 18:26; Romans 16:1, 3 and 12). Therefore, he can’t be saying that women are to have no input regarding spiritual matters in the church.
Women can be deacons, because it’s not a spiritual-authority-over-a-man role. And in the next chapter in Timothy, Paul clearly states an overseer or elder must be the “husband of one wife” — a man. If women can be overseers according to God’s plan, then Paul simply would have said “married” instead.
Jack’s reasoning here also falls apart:
..let me begin by addressing verses 11-12: “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” These verses are commonly interpreted to mean that a woman is permitted to teach only other women. In particular, older women may teach younger ones, as Titus 2:4-5 suggests.
…the older women, likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slandering, not given to much wine, teachers of good things-that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, home makers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.
But if this is true, it is true only in the United States. When a woman goes abroad as a missionary, she is both allowed and expected to teach, and not just to teach other women.
Because we have an unbiblical double standard doesn’t negate what Paul said. Witnessing to men here or anywhere is fine, but being an overseer, teaching in the assembly isn’t biblically allowed in the U.S. or outside of the U.S.. We don’t interpret what Paul said based upon our cultural practice.
Jack also says the misunderstanding is “mainly because the word “silence” is mistranslated in verses 11-12;” though, what Paul means is clear, because he says: “I don’t permit a woman to teach….”
As a longtime charismatic, Jack should know that his reasoning is incorrect here, stating:
If you look at 1 Timothy 2:12 in the context of the whole Bible, you will see that Paul couldn’t be prohibiting women from teaching, or even from teaching men. If he were, why would he, in another epistle, give rules for women to follow when they are prophesying? In 1 Corinthians 11:5, he is referring to prophetic utterances given in the midst of an entire congregation, one that includes men. We know prophecy can come by itself, or it can accompany either preaching or teaching.
Prophesying isn’t teaching. It’s a gift of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12:10) in which the person only says what God says through them. If the person prophesying is adding their own thoughts they’re not prophesying; though, this often passes for prophesy (in the few churches which still allow prophesy).
Jack started this article out saying there is no difference at all between women and men. Now he acknowledges:
God did give husbands authority over their wives. … The redemptive process requires that the husband take leadership, and the wife submit (see Ephesians 5:22-24).
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I must say that I’m really disappointed in the way Jack handled this important, 1 Timothy 2 passage that I’ve always viewed as definitive regarding women’s ministry — because Paul gave the two reasons why, which Jack didn’t address.
I’ve always appreciated Jack standing up for the spiritual gifts on Television. His worship song “Majesty” is extraordinary, and he’s always come across as a kind man. But this teaching is dangerously misleading. It seems that people so greatly want to hear what they want to hear that they accept what pastors and the world is telling them without checking the word of God to make sure what they’re being taught is true — which the Bible prophesied:
“For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to FABLES” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)
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SAFEGUARD Suggestion to Minimize False Teaching — Allow Comments
One of the first things I did upon reading Jack’s article was to scroll down and see if there were comments. As usual, there are none. Some ministers do allow comments, but then erase those they disagree with. The establishment media doesn’t like comments too.
I always allow comments, whether they disagree or not, unless there is profanity or serious ill will — or if they are off topic.
We should not be afraid of the truth which will set us free from demonic bondage. The demons will run amuck if we buck God’s order in how he designed men and women. “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.”
Submitting to God’s ways is for our own good — so we can be ONE with each other in Him “that the world will know!” God’s glory will be that great when ONE happens — Jesus’ prayer for us in John 17!
God’s guardrails are for our own good — that we might have LIFE!

God’s commandments are there for our protection, not to confine us. We ignore them to our own peril. February 16, 2014
May we be ONE : )
Quotes by Chuck Baldwin, transcribed by Jeff Fenske:
39:45 “These preachers and these politicians who are influenced by these preachers are associating Israel ‘after the flesh’ with the Israel ‘of God.’ And that is a major, major doctrinal error.”
46:30 “God destroyed the old earthly city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.. That old, fleshly, earthly Jerusalem has absolutely no significance spiritually to the believer today.”
“The temple was destroyed, and thus temple worship was destroyed.” “Since Jesus sacrificed Himself there is no reason, there is no merit, there is no use for animal sacrifices. In fact, to try and sacrifice an animal today would be a blasphemous attack against the blood Jesus shed on Calvary for our sins.” “To try and implement any form of temple worship is to try and negate the work of Jesus on the cross.”
“I’m concerned in my soul as I see the reintroduction of Judaizing believers [whom Paul warned about in Galatians — Chuck mentions – ed.] into the modern church today. They’re trying to put us back under the law.”
55:00 “The current city of Jerusalem in the state of Israel is not the new Jerusalem. … The old Jerusalem is not the new Jerusalem.”
55:50 “Any temple built in the modern, earthly city of Jerusalem would by necessity be a counterfeit temple…, because we are the temple of God.” “Who is the author of all of this counterfeit doctrine? Satan. … This is Christianity 101 to anybody born before May 14, 1948.”
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A Counterfeit Temple; A Counterfeit Israel – Bible Study by Chuck Baldwin on Feb. 1, 2017
This is apparently from the Mormon movie: The Life of Jesus Christ, but it’s exactly what Jesus said in Matthew 19:
16 Behold, one came to him and said, “Good teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” 17He said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but one, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.” 18 He said to him, “Which ones?” Jesus said, “‘You shall not murder.’ ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ ‘You shall not steal.’ ‘You shall not offer false testimony.’ 19 ‘Honor your father and mother.’ And, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'” 20 The young man said to him, “All these things I have observed from my youth. What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 22 But when the young man heard the saying, he went away sad, for he was one who had great possessions.
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Jesus and The Young Rich Man
“Nowhere does it say that Christians are supposed to give their support to a corrupt, murderous, political state.”
The prophesied end-days near-destruction of Israel: “It’s only after this brutal slaughter of the Jews does the Messiah appear to save them from being fully cleansed from the earth.”
“I really don’t like to see Christians getting their religious doctrine, their religious belief from the Israeli ministry of American propaganda, a.k.a. Fox News.”
“It isn’t anti-semitic to call Israel out on its evil deeds. It is calling a wicked nation to repentance.”
– Jake Morphoneos
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
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Israel in History and Prophecy
The early Christians never would have condoned what we’re doing in Jesus’ name.
John Hagee and the others are leading US astray into an unholy alliance.
Jesus warned us of the Talmudic leaven of the Pharisees, who He said were serving their father, the Devil.
We need to follow the HOLY Spirit, not FOX News on TalmudVision (TV).
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Proof that the devil is behind CHRISTIAN ZIONISM
Real history of Cyrus Scofield at 27:20
Scofield Reference Bible at 31:15
God’s words to Abraham in Gen. 12.3, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel
Oxford Press further Zionized the notes
Praying for war instead of peace at 46:45
Christian Zionists enable war
“Blessed are the peacemakers” bothers them
Unbiblical “Christian” Zionism is destroying evangelicalism and the church, the USA, much of the world — and is turning many against following Jesus Christ, Who warned us about the leaven of the Pharisees — their Satanic, Talmudic, power-over-everyone-else, NWO thought.
NUMEROUS related links below.
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Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Biblical View of UN created Israel
(video) Ted Pike: ‘The Other Israel’ — The Talmudic system that seeks our ruin!
Ted Pike’s 346 page Book: Israel Our Duty Our Dilemma by
Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?
Israeli Mossad Motto: “By deception thou shalt do war”
(video) How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ — Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Israeli TV…
(video) Why Jews Push Gay Marriage — To dismantle Christian culture
Poll: American Jews Rate Evangelicals as Low as Muslims
(video) Miko Peled: Myths of 1967 (Israel’s Six Day War)
Israeli soldier: ‘We bombed civilians for entertainment’
40% of Palestinian Children Detained by Israel Are Sexually Abused; Virtually All Are Torture
Israelis Who Cheered On Missile Strikes Threatened to Destroy CNN Reporter’s Car
Israeli General’s Daughter: How Israeli School Textbooks Teach Kids to Hate
(video) ABC Manipulates Truth to Fit Pro-Israel Bias | Weapons of Mass Distraction
(video!) Dead Palestinians Don’t Matter to Mainstream Media
(video) Israel Targeting Civilian with Banned Weapons
(video) 5 Reasons Why Israel is an Apartheid State
Wonderful Israelis Soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza! — “We will not bomb children”
Pentecostals in Palestine – 6 minute trailer
Israel’s & U.S.’ Attrocities: May We No Longer Be Silent
Israel’s Deputy PM admits Iran DIDN’T threaten to wipe Israel out
Articles About Human Trafficking in Israel
Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads
Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building — Ken O’Keefe in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2011
Specifics in how the media sides with Israel against the peace activists
US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias
[media bias exposed!] Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC’s Defense of Israeli Attack
CNN, “The Most Trusted Parrot in News”: How they treat Iran verses how they treat Israel
Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy
Jack Valenti: Point Man who Debased American Morality Through Talmud-driven Hollywood
Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel
Kucinich: WE ACCEPT the Slaughter of the Innocent BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY Slaughtered the Innocent
Kucinich: “U.S. Weapons Being Illegally Used to Kill Children”
One-third of Gaza dead, injured are children
Ron Paul: The Invasion of Gaza and its Implications for America — Blowback!
One Very Brave Palestinian Woman
How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?
(video) Tel Aviv Gay Tourism: Israeli city tries to sell itself to same-sex couples and gay tourists
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sets the record straight on Israel’s aid flotilla massacre
Inhumane Israelis CELEBRATE attack on Turkish Aid Ship – in front of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv
Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees
Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election
Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]
When Billy Graham laughed to minimize Bill Clinton’s adultery
Billy Graham (a Freemason?) Praises the DeMolays – Masonic Youth Group
Why Does Christian Persecution Get Worse In Every Country The U.S. “Liberates?”
(video) 9/11, Israel & the Mossad – Christopher Bollyn with Sean Stone
Book: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, by Christopher Bollyn (Who-did-9/11 book online — free download!) • Paperback at Amazon
(video) Chris Bollyn: Israel behind the 9/11 attacks and post-9/11 wars
(video) “Lucky” Larry Silverstein & His 9/11 Towers – Ken O’Keefe
(video) Rebekah Roth: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad
Israeli Mossad Motto: “By deception thou shalt do war”
(video) Did the Holocaust Really Happen? — Were 6 million Jews gassed and then cremated?
Heresies, like once-saved-always-saved, are perpetuated by these truth gutted translations. For example:
Look what the NIV did to Romans 8:1 — They changed the entire meaning of the verse and leave no requirement or prerequisite to being free from condemnation! [Grace changing teachers now make Romans 8:1A their OSAS theme song, while verses 4-17 still say we must walk according to the Spirit, suffering with Christ to be heirs & children of God having ‘no condemnation’]
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The problem:
The new translations of the Bible have “corrected” the older versions and we find many of our beliefs a little harder to defend. What has happened? They say they have found more reliable, and older manuscripts.
This is definitely worth watching for those who think we don’t have to overcome sin to go to heaven.
The discussion that follows is good too.
Very true and balanced. Most pastors are not teaching the truth.
This is Marc Roy. His Facebook page.
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Quotes I transcribed from this excellent, breath taking video:
“Many, many in the church will be shocked to find themselves in hell one day.”
“If we do repent, righteousness remains. If we don’t repent it does not. … We really do have to repent.”
“There are many who think they are in Christ but they are not. They think they are not in a place of condemnation but they are. And when they die they will find themselves condemned to hell.”
“It’s possible to give more power to sin than to the cross. Was the cross not sufficient to keep us free from sin?” “Those in the false grace movement overstate our sinful nature, our weakness, and understate the power of the cross … to empower us to be free from sin. … The true grace message is a message of power. … I can be free from sin…. …because the cross is that powerful that we can live an overcoming life.”
“We can absolutely obey. And obedience along with repentance, along with relationship is what it takes to be in right standing with Jesus — to be in Christ Jesus — and to have confidence in our position and our eternity.”
“Christian, why would you even want to make excuse for anything less than the standard that God has called us to. … If God is calling us to the high mark, why would we want to teach compromise?” “For us as Christians to simply take casually direct mandates of scripture speaks of a really serious issue.”
“If we are deceived by false theology into thinking we are in Christ while actually living in disobedience we are in trouble.” “We’ve got to get messages of condemnation and hell back into the pulpits again. We’ve gone too far….”
“If we go on sinning DELIBERATELY…” (Hebrews 10:26…). “I’m going to keep on in pornography. I’m going to keep stealing form the IRS…. I’m going to keep lying — those little white lies. I’m going to DELIBERATELY withhold forgiveness from somebody.” That’s a big one.
“The only people that are going to feel fearful and condemned are those that reject the message. You’re actually going to be set free if you receive the message.”
“My belief is ‘once-saved-rarely-saved.’ I believe that the Bible is clear that the road is very narrow.”
Galatians 5: “Jealousy, envy…, small things, personal issues can actually keep us from eternity with Jesus. … But the GOOD NEWS is that YOU CAN BE FREE. …when we walk in the Spirit.”
“The false grace movement would teach that it’s our focus on sin, not the sin itself that puts us in bondage. The reality is that people are becoming affirmed in a sinful state with no fear of the Lord or fear of damnation at all.”
“Repentance is actually a WONDERFUL, JOYFUL, FULFILLING lifestyle to live! …as we RUN RIGHT INTO THE ARMS OF A LOVING DAD!”
FOUR: “A BIBLICAL works message is renounced as LEGALISM. … How far from orthodox Christianity has the church fallen?”
FIVE. Salvation is depicted as easy and/or permanent.
Jesus didn’t die on the cross to make it easy for us to get saved. He died so it would be possible for us to get saved.
The false-grace doctrine teaches that our eternity and our relationship with Jesus is already settled and we can simply relax and enjoy God. Our obedience is in no way joined to our relationship with Jesus our our eternal destiny. (source)
“We need another David Wilkerson/Leonard Ravenhill-type movement where we deal with the hard issues.”
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Five Marks of the False-Grace Movement
“..*Don’t be conceited*, but fear; for if God didn’t spare the natural branches [the Jews], neither will he spare you. See then the GOODNESS and *SEVERITY* of God. Toward those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, IF YOU CONTINUE in his goodness; OTHERWISE YOU WILL ALSO BE CUT OFF.”
– Romans 11:20-22
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While no external power can separate the Christian from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39), we can separate ourselves from Christ by neglecting or refusing to do the things necessary to keep ourselves in the faith. Defection is not something that happens suddenly, it happens gradually, by drifting from the truth (Hebrews 2:1-3) (source)
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