Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Doctrines Demystified Page 16 of 26

Facebook Tithing Discussion — “Give sheep a rest from all those things they do. Don’t put burdens on them. Tithing is not Biblical. Tithing is from another era, before I gave My Son, before I died so you could be free. A new way, a better way has come” – Jesus

Some of us got into a big discussion on tithing. Many pastors now realize what they’ve been teaching really was old covenant law, for a different era, and for the Levites — and they need to be honest with the people so they can have clean consciences and God can move — so ‘ONE’ can happen “that the world will know” (John 17).

Many are digging their heels in, because this is a “love of money is the *root* of all evil,” near-and-dear issue. Paul said “those who are led by the Spirit are the children of God” (Rom. 8:14), but few pastors today are Spirit-led and teaching the people to be led by the Spirit.

Tithing is a ONE can happen issue. Pastors need to come clean, so they will have integrity and God will move again — instead of acting like everything is okay when it is clearly not.

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The Day that Tithing Ended — To Now Be Led By the Holy Spirit

Tithing or the Carriage Driver? [From the Let Us Be ONE prophecy]

[My Dream] Tithing? “No, it’s a Holy Spirit thing!!”

Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Tithing is Not a Christian Doctrine — “Tithing, today, is reaching the levels of a modern scandal”

Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Where in the Bible Were Tithes Abolished?



Russell Kelly, Ph.D.: Reply to Jim Feeney, Ph.D. on Tithing

Many Pastors Still Teach Old Covenant, Pre-Pentecost Tithing—Not Spirit-Led Giving

Creflo Dollar: “Pay Tithes or get SHOT!”

David Bercot CD teaching: What The Early Christians Believed About Tithing and Fasting? “You might be surprised to know…”

Teaching tithing keeps the little (and the big) children from coming to Jesus where they can have life!

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it was PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

All of my Tithing or Spirit-led posts

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

Download your FREE copy of “Hyper-Grace” from Amazon — Limited time offer

From Michael Brown’s Facebook page:

Have you downloaded your FREE copy of Hyper-Grace from Amazon yet? Do it right now, and tell your friends about it. It has climbed all the way up to #37 in all free books on Amazon — which means that many of you have taken advantage of this promotional offer by the publisher and, more importantly, which also means that many more readers will be exposed to the message of the book. So, please tell a friend, and enjoy the offer while it lasts!

I just found and  copied this from pages 205-06:

So, all too often, when hyper-grace followers are reminded of Jesus’ words that, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21), they simply say, “That doesn’t apply to me! I’m under grace.”

When Jesus’ teaching that “everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart” [and verse 29 says: “And if your right eye causes you to offend, pluck it out, and cast it from you: for it is better for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be cast into hell” – editor] (Matt. 5:28) is brought to their attention, they simply respond, “That’s preaching the Law, not grace! That was for the Jews back then. I’m free from sin.”

When shown John 15:6, “If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned,” they answer, “Thank God I’m not under that old performance-based system anymore!”

When exhorted to walk as true disciples because of the Lord’s words in Luke 9:23, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me,” they say, “That is so old. I now enjoy an effortless union with Jesus.”


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

“Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today — Overemphasis of Prosperity • Exaggerated View of Grace (grace-changers nullify all divine warnings) • Antinomianism = against rules, so “anything goes” (but “Jesus didn’t set us free to sin; He set us free from sin”) • Gazing Upon Man, not God • Challenging the Authority of the Word (God didn’t really mean what He said) • Rejecting Hell • Universal Reconciliation

Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill on ANTINOMIANISM (‘against law’ – “YOU’RE NOT GOING TO PUT ME INTO BONDAGE”): What they fail to realize is that now, under the new covenant, the law is written on our hearts. JESUS BROKE the POWER OF SIN on our lives, so by the Spirit we can LIVE OUT the righteous requirements of the law. “Adultery refers to ADULTERY OF THE HEART and not just the physical act.” “Sin will love you for a season and curse you for eternity.”

Corrie Ten Boom on Forgiving: “When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives, along with the command, the love itself”

Even as the angry, vengeful thoughts boiled through me, I saw the sin of them. Jesus Christ had died for this man; was I going to ask for more? Lord, Jesus, I prayed, forgive me and help me to forgive him. I tried to smile, I struggled to raise my hand. I could not. I felt nothing, not the slightest spark of warmth or charity. And so again I breathed a silent prayer. Jesus, I cannot forgive him. Give me Your forgiveness.

As I took his hand the most incredible thing happened. From my shoulder along my arm and through my hand a current seemed to pass from me to him, while into my heart sprang a love for this stranger that almost overwhelmed me.

And so I discovered that it is not on our forgiveness any more than on our goodness that the world’s healing hinges, but on His. When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives, along with the command, the love itself.

– Corrie Ten Boom, The Hiding Place



(video) Corrie Ten Boom interviewed by Kathryn Kuhlman — How she OVERCAME HATRED to FORGIVE her ENEMIES to have JOY in her heart during the worst suffering! — “Hatred is murder in God’s eyes.” “You cannot have compromise with Jesus. You have to surrender all.” “The light of Jesus Christ is stronger than the deepest darkness.”

CORRIE TEN BOOM: PREPARED For The COMING TRIBULATION — “Daddy, I am afraid that I will never be STRONG ENOUGH TO BE A MARTYR for Jesus Christ.” My father said, “OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN KNOWS when you will need the strength…. HE WILL SUPPLY ALL YOU NEED – JUST IN TIME.“

Corrie ten Boom remembered: Katherine Albrecht interviews Pam Moore, Corrie’s caretaker. Corrie would say, today: “Are you ready? Are you at peace with God? Have you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior? Is He your Lord?” “Have you forgiven? Is there anybody you’ve not forgiven. God can help you forgive.”

Richard Wurmbrand (1909 – 2001): TORTURED FOR CHRIST in Atheist Romania — Shows his scars; but THE GLORY!: “We were beaten; we were tortured, but JUST AS SAINT STEPHEN, while they threw stones at him DID NOT SEE his murderers, did not see the stones, but saw heaven open…, so WE DIDN’T SEE anymore the communist torturers. We didn’t see that we are in prison. We were SURROUNDED BY ANGELS. We were with God.”

[6-minute video] Richard Wurmbrand (1909 – 2001): Solitary Confinement & Tortured for Christ for 14 Years — “You wonder why I smile. … I remember it as a glorious time. The bride was in the embraces of the Heavenly Bridegroom. We received His Holy Kiss. We knew His caresses. It has been one of the most beautiful times of my life!”

[full movie] ‘THE ROBE’ (1953) — The GOD of ALL COMFORT! “As the SUFFERINGS of Christ ABOUND to us, OUR COMFORT also ABOUNDS through Christ!!!” (2 Cor. 1)

[9-minute AMAZING video] Arrested in Iran, horrified missionary, Dan Baumann has VISION OF JESUS in jail, Whose love SETS HIM FREE TO LOVE his torturer, who leads others to Christ. Set free in his heart, God gives Dan TOTALLY HONEST words to speak at the trial for 20 minutes. And Dan was released from Iran too! — “God gave me the grace to stand up and speak the truth. And in doing so it brought freedom in my heart. I AM FREE!!!!!!!”

A.W. Tozer: “FAITH, AS PAUL SAW IT, was a living, flaming thing, leading to SURRENDER and OBEDIENCE to the commandments of Christ”

“Faith, as Paul saw it, was a living, flaming thing,
leading to surrender and obedience
to the commandments of Christ.”

– Aiden Wilson Tozer


1 John 4:16,17:

“We know and have BELIEVED the love which God has for us. God is love, and he who remains IN LOVE remains IN GOD, and God remains in him. In this, love has been made PERFECT among us, that we may have BOLDNESS in the day of judgment, because as he is, even SO ARE WE in this world.”


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Knowing the Bible is One Thing | Knowing the Author is Another

“Knowing the Bible is one thing. Knowing the Author is another.”


(video) John Piper: Look at the Kindness and the Severity of God — “Don’t just look at one of these. Look at both if you would stay in the kindness of God” • “What is the function of fear in helping me stay saved?” • “We are made to be safely afraid of Infinite Power”

Really deep and healthy — life-giving!

John even has a theory as to why people like to be scared watching horror movies. Interesting.

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“Don’t just look at one of these.
Look at both if you would stay in the kindness of God.”

“What is the function of fear in helping me stay saved?”

“Just like it says in Philippians 2:12:
‘Work out your salvation through fear and trembling.'”

“We are made to be safely afraid of Infinite Power.”

– John Piper

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

Watch Video Here:

Look at the Kindness and the Severity of God

February 22, 200 by John Piper


12 Verses On God’s Hatred for Evil People — Churches & K-LOVE are out of BALANCE, spoonfeeding only God’s “GOODNESS” side. Paul said we must also consider God’s “SEVERITY” side so we’ll continue in God’s goodness, or we’ll also be cut off!

John Piper: “If we don’t abide, we are not truly his disciples. And the opposite of true disciples is false disciples. That’s what we are if we count on past experiences without ongoing devotion to Jesus”

Do You Honestly Believe That You Are Saved? JUST BECAUSE YOU PRAYED A PRAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — John Piper is in this

(video) This Will Shatter Your View of Predators: How Wolves Change Rivers

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Bonhoeffer on ‘Believing’: “Only he who believes is obedient, and only he who is obedient believes”


Bonhoeffer summarized Luther’s view of the human situation (and his own) in Luther’s famous formula simul justus et peccator (both justified and a sinner). He realized that this dialectical reading of Paul was open to abuses, as evident in the Lutheran church of his day. Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship is an attempt to address these abuses by differentiating between “cheap grace”, the grace that Lutheranism has tended to preach based upon Luther’s doctrine of justification, and “costly grace”, the grace that demands obedience and true discipleship (CD 45-48). According to Bonhoeffer, the Reformation understanding of costly grace turned into cheap grace when “the justification of the sinner in the world degenerated into the justification of sin and the world” (CD 53). The true proclamation of justification, justification of the sinner, is the call to obedient, costly discipleship, not an invitation to passive assent to a doctrine. In fact, justification is costly obedience: “Only he who believes is obedient, and only he who is obedient believes(CD 69). Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945)

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” – Jesus in Mt. 7:21


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Evangelicals, Militarism, and Romans 13 (Preston Sprinkle)

The best article on Romans 13 I’ve seen!

Many links follow article.

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Evangelicals, Militarism, and Romans 13 (Preston Sprinkle)

This post is the 3d in a series of three by Preston Sprinkle, whose information is at the bottom of this post.

In my last post, I showed that the Old Testament actually condemns militarism, even though it sanctions (on some occasions) warfare and violence. But most who defend militarism race past the Old Testament and camp out on Romans 13:1-7, a passage with a checkered, and quite frightful, interpretive history. Adolph Hitler, Robert Mugabe, and other recent “Christian” dictators have celebrated the passage as their divine ticket to execute justice on whomever they deemed to be enemies of the state. Not more than a generation ago, Romans 13 was hailed as the charter for apartheid in South Africa, and as did American Christian leaders during the years of slavery and, nearer at hand, the years of segregation. If the state mandates that blacks can’t drink from the same water fountain as whites, they very well have the divine right to say so.

Most now would see such a view of Romans 13 as going a bit too far. But only a bit. Wayne Grudem, for instance, says that the “sword in the hand of good government is God’s designate weapon to defeat evildoers” (Politics, 407), and goes on to apply this to America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. (I don’t mean to keep singling out Grudem, but his views are recent and, from what I’ve found, representative of much of Evangelical thinking.) In fact, Romans 13; being ubiquitously cited throughout Grudem’s book, is given a near-John 3:16 status: the definitive lens through which Christians should think about war. The assumption, of course, is that America is the good nation and Iraq and Afghanistan are the bad nations. Maybe they are, but who gets to determine who is good and who is bad? Were it flipped around and Romans 13 was used to validated Pakistan’s or Iraq’s invasion of America as punishment for horrific drone strikes killing civilians and children, or wholesale slaughter of women and children in, for instance, southern Kandahar or Haditha, most would see this as a mis-reading of Romans 13.

However, although Romans 13 has been taken to celebrate violence, praise the government, or vindicate Just War Theory (or just warfare in general), the passage actually does none of these. Here’s why.

First, Romans 13 does not speak of Rome’s warfare policy against foreign nations, but of its police and judicial action toward its own citizens. Paul’s phrase “bear the sword” (13:4) refers to police action within a government’s jurisdiction, not warfare outside its territory. Using this text to support, for instance, America’s war in Iraq goes beyond what Paul is actually saying. Waging war against another nation—even in the name of preemptive strike—does not reflect Paul’s point in Romans 13.

Second, the passage does not tell the church to “obey” governing authorities, but “submit to” such authorities. Now, submission sometimes involves obedience, and obedience sometimes involves submission; there’s an overlap in meaning. But it’s important to note that Paul does not use one of the typical Greek words for “obey” here (peitharkein,peithesthai, and upakouein). The difference is that Christians “obey” the law of Christ, receiving their moral marching orders from their King. And in as much as the laws of the state don’t conflict with the law of Christ, they obey. But they do so out of allegiance to God, not out of an uncritical allegiance to the state. Don’t revolt against the government, in other words. Honor it, pray for it, work for its good and pay the taxes that it demands. But always remember you are aliens living in exile in Babylon, Rome—or America. Or in the words of famed NT scholar, C.E.B. Cranfield: Submission to the state means “respecting them, obeying them so far as such obedience does not conflict with God’s laws, and seriously and responsibly disobeying them when it does” (Cranfield, Romans, 662).

Third, Paul’s statement reflects a widespread truth in the Old Testament about God working through secular nations to carry out His will. For instance, the Old Testament calls many political figures “God’s servant,” such as Cyrus king of Persia (Isa 44-45), Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon (Jer 27:643:10), and the ruthlessly wicked nation of Assyria (Isa 10:5), which God calls the “club of my wrath” and the “rod of my anger.” The phrase “God’s servant” doesn’t refer to Rome’s happy service to Israel’s God, but to God’s ability to use Rome as an instrument in His hands. Just because God uses secular (and sometimes quite evil) institutions to carry out His will, does not mean that God approves of everything they do—whether it be Assyria’s sadistic practice of skinning civilians alive, or Rome’s crucifixion of thousands of innocent people in the first century. God can still channel such evil to carry out His will (Gen 50:20Judges 14:4). This doesn’t mean that He approves of the evil itself.

Fourth, the main activity God does through governments is to punish evil and reward good. But what does Paul mean here? Does every government always justly punish evil and reward good? Ya right. Rome was the same government that beheaded John the Baptist, clubbed Paul on several occasions, and crucified an innocent Jew named Jesus. In fact, just a few years after Paul penned Romans 13; Caesar Nero would dip Christians in tar, light them on fire, and set them up as human illumination for his garden. All in the name of keeping peace and executing justice. So Paul doesn’t write Rome a blank check to do whatever it wants to do. Paul’s statement that Rome is “God’s servant for your good” and “an avenger who carries out wrath on the wrongdoer” must mean that God can and does work justice through governments, but not everything governments do can be labeled justice, as a quick glance at the morning paper will verify. Romans 13 does not sanitized all governing activities and it should be read alongside Revelation 13 and 17-18 to get a more comprehensive NT view on government.

The final point is the most significant for the church. If you miss this point, then you won’t understand what Paul is saying to citizens of God’s kingdom in Romans 13. When Paul says that God executes vengeance through Rome, it was to further prohibit, not encourage, Christians from doing so. Compare these two statements, which are only a few verses apart:

 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Rom 12:19)

For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out the wrath of God on the wrongdoer. (Rom 13:4)

Paul makes the claim that God’s wrath and vengeance is carried out through Rome seconds after he commanded the church not to carry out wrath and vengeance. Vengeance is God’s business, not ours. We don’t need to avenge evil, because we believe that God will. And one way that God will avenge is through governing authorities. In terms of Paul’s actual argument, Romans 13 only confirms what he said in Romans 12: Bless those who persecute you, love your enemy, don’t avenge evil, and submit to your governing authorities. Far from encouraging Christians to kill in war, Romans 13underscores the church’s peaceful posture in a violent world.

Romans 13 cannot be used to foster a militaristic spirit among citizens of God’s kingdom.

Dr. Preston Sprinkle is a best selling author and professor of Biblical Studies at Eternity Bible College in Simi Valley, CA. These posts stem from his work on warfare and violence in the Bible, which will be published as Fight: A Christian Case for Non-Violenceby David C. Cook in Aug. 2013. You can visit Preston’s website ( or follow him on Twitter@PrestonSprinkle



(video) Ron Paul Booed by Reverse-Christian Debate Audience for Endorsing the Golden Rule

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time

Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies

[Video] Greg Boyd on ‘Charlie Rose’: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church

Chuck Baldwin: What Does John Hagee Really Want? — “These WARMONGERING EVANGELICALS beat the war drums; they encourage the young men from their churches to go off and fight these ‘holy’ wars; they WORK TIRELESSLY TO ELECT PRO-WAR POLITICIANS…. Then, the politicians … send the US military to invade, bomb, and KILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people, the vast majority of whom are innocent people. … ANIMOSITY against the United States is GROWING EXPONENTIALLY; in an effort to keep our country at war, our ECONOMY is being overburdened and overtaxed TO THE POINT OF NO RETURN; in the name of the “War on Terror,” America is on the verge of becoming a giant POLICE STATE; we are INCITING CHINA AND RUSSIA INTO NUCLEAR WAR; and America’s military VETERANS are KILLING THEMSELVES more frequently than are enemy bullets”

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’

My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!

Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.

EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.

Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?

[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!

Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”

Michael Franti: Everyone Deserves Music — Even Our Worst Enemies

(video) BEST ENCOURAGEMENT Ever! Amazing! Must See! (Francis Chan – Crazy Love)

[youtube=]BEST ENCOURAGEMENT! ever! Ammazing! Must see! (Francis Chan – Creazy Love) TBN interview

Uploaded on Jun 25, 2010

Francis Chan gives a great inspiration. Simply and concisely he bring a great encouragement and breaks down the essentials of faith.

Kenneth Hagin rebuked prosperity preachers before he died for distorting the messsage


Kenneth Hagin’s Forgotten Warning

By J. Lee Grady
Charisma Magazine 

Charismatic Bible teacher Kenneth Hagin Sr. is considered the father of the so-called prosperity gospel. The folksy, self-trained “Dad Hagin” started a grass-roots movement in Oklahoma that produced a Bible college and a crop of famous preachers including Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Savelle, Charles Capps, Jesse DuPlantis, Creflo Dollar and dozens of others—all of whom teach that Christians who give generously should expect financial rewards on this side of heaven.

Hagin taught that God was not glorified by poverty and that preachers do not have to be poor. But before he died in 2003 and left his Rhema Bible Training Center in the hands of his son, Kenneth Hagin Jr., he summoned many of his colleagues to Tulsa to rebuke them for distorting his message. He was not happy that some of his followers were manipulating the Bible to support what he viewed as greed and selfish indulgence.

Those who were close to Hagin Sr. say he was passionate about correcting these abuses before he died. In fact, he wrote a brutally honest book to address his concerns. The Midas Touch was published in 2000, a year after the infamous Tulsa meeting.

Many Word-Faith ministers ignored the book. But in light of the recent controversy over prosperity doctrines, it might be a good idea to dust it off and read it again.

Here are a few of the points Hagin made in The Midas Touch:

1. Financial prosperity is not a sign of God’s blessing. Hagin wrote: “If wealth alone were a sign of spirituality, then drug traffickers and crime bosses would be spiritual giants. Material wealth can be connected to the blessings of God or it can be totally disconnected from the blessings of God.”

2. People should never give in order to get. Hagin was critical of those who “try to make the offering plate some kind of heavenly vending machine.” He denounced those who link giving to getting, especially those who give cars to get new cars or who give suits to get new suits. He wrote: “There is no spiritual formula to sow a Ford and reap a Mercedes.”

3. It is not biblical to “name your seed” in an offering. Hagin was horrified by this practice, which was popularized in faith conferences during the 1980s. Faith preachers sometimes tell donors that when they give in an offering they should claim a specific benefit to get a blessing in return. Hagin rejected this idea and said that focusing on what you are going to receive “corrupts the very attitude of our giving nature.”

4. The “hundredfold return” is not a biblical concept. Hagin did the math and figured out that if this bizarre notion were true, “we would have Christians walking around with not billions or trillions of dollars, but quadrillions of dollars!” He rejected the popular teaching that a believer should claim a specific monetary payback rate.

5. Preachers who claim to have a “debt-breaking” anointing should not be trusted. Hagin was perplexed by ministers who promise “supernatural debt cancellation” to those who give in certain offerings. He wrote in The Midas Touch: “There is not one bit of Scripture I know about that validates such a practice. I’m afraid it is simply a scheme to raise money for the preacher, and ultimately it can turn out to be dangerous and destructive for all involved.”

Entire Article Here


(video) Michael Grenholm: God vs Wealth pt 9 – The Prosperity Gospel — “The PROSPERITY GOSPEL SAYS that Godliness is a means to financial gain, and the BIBLE SAYS that if you think that Godliness is a means to financial gain you have a corrupt mind” • “It glorifies luxury, but it despises simplicity”





Dear Steve,

After listening to the Hagmann program last night (1/12/14), I fell asleep and what happened next I need to share with you. I had a dream that thousands of demons entered my bedroom then jumped on me while I was in bed, devouring my flesh. I was totally paralyzed. I repeatedly shouted out “you must flee in the name of Jesus”. These demons continued to attack me. There was total darkness, no Jesus. It was HORRIFYING. I felt as though I was in the pits of hell and this is where my soul is going if I don’t change my ways. Then I was whisked away and I am standing in front of a large cross. From the center of the cross a bright light was shining. I heard the Lord say to me “Come to the cross. I did not hear nor respond to your cries because you are not abiding in me. Horrific evil is here and more is coming and if you do not abide in me you will be devoured. I will not hear nor respond to your cries if you do not abide in me and you will not be able to fight off this evil in your own strength.” Then I was whisked back to my bed where the demons were devouring me again. I was once again paralyzed. I breathed on them saying “jesus” and they eventually all fled.

I woke up with tears streaming down my face crying out to the Lord.

Here is what is so IRONIC…..I considered myself to be a born-again, saved christian!! Over the past few years, I’ve started to walk in the ways of the world thinking it is okay because I know the Lord loves me; I am a good person; and I am saved. How many other christians are thinking in the same way? How many other christians are not truly saved?

I turned away from JESUS in my walk…..It was a slow and [subtle] turning away…. Convincing myself all along the way that I can walk my walk, give the Lord “courtesy prayer” and everything will be okay. I WAS SO WRONG. Thank you LORD for your warning, as horrifying as it was. Thank you LORD for giving me another chance to make you Lord of my Life.

Thanks so much to you, Pastor Lankford and the Hagmanns for literally saving me from the pits of hell.

May God Bless you all.

Jan 13, 2014


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

(video) Michael Brown Cessationist Call-in Day #2 — “When did the power change? … The ‘last days’ began when Jesus rose from the dead.”

“When did the power change?”

“The ‘last days’ began when Jesus rose from the dead.”

– Michael Brown

* * *

[youtube=]Cessationist Call-in Day #2: Special Webcast

Michael Brown Michael Brown

Published on Dec 9, 2013

Originally Aired November 26, 2013
Dr. Brown welcomes all cessationists to call in to the broadcast to offer their best biblical arguments against the continuation of the New Testament charismatic gifts for today.


Michael Brown on Cessationism: “It [the Bible] no more speaks about those things [tongues, prophecy, miracles & healings] ceasing in this age than it speaks about Jesus ceasing to save people in this age”

(audio) Michael Brown Interviews Defrocked Methodist Pastor Frank Schaefer — Officiated his son’s homosexual wedding

Insightful, polite discussion:

[youtube=]Dr. Brown Interviews Defrocked Methodist Pastor Frank Schaefer

Published on Jan 7, 2014

Originally Aired Jan 7th 2013 Full Show:
Dr. Brown interviews Frank Schaefer, the United Methodist pastor from central Pennsylvania who was defrocked after officiating his son’s gay wedding.


To my homosexual friends: May we all overcome temptation and be ‘ONE’ in Christ! What is the ‘fury fire’ that Piper Perabo talks about? How can it be tamed? What is God’s true perspective in “The Homosexuals Will Arise” prophecy and what does Romans 1 really say?

[Lust FREEDOM — “The Poison that Kills the Soul”] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

[science] Why is Lust Addictive? — SEX increases dopamine by 200 units (1/6 the height of a METH euphoria)

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated

Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!

A Gift that Will Set Many Free! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls)

Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: Many Challenge the Authority of the Word Despite its Clarity — “When the Scriptures contradict our feelings and preferences, RATHER THAN crucify our feelings and preferences and BOW DOWN BEFORE GOD and His Word, WE QUESTION GOD’S WORD”

Joel Osteen: Homosexuals Get Into Heaven [But ‘Christians’ keep in mind that lusting HETEROsexuals WON’T INHERIT the kingdom either. We must all be holy so we can all be ONE!]

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

Wes Hall: It’s Not Just Porn! “You’re asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life. … I’m not talking about the R-rated movies. I’m talking about the PG-13s … certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled.”

[ video ] David Icke with Alex Jones In-studio First Time!: The Royal Families Illuminati, Pedophilia, Murdering Past

The Homosexual Guild in D.C.: “They’re outing their white, male straights.”

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians — Almost every one of them has some dark secret that they can be blackmailed over if they fail to follow the Washington consensus.

[ video – full unedited ] Former Marine Colonel’s Wife: Sleeping With The Enemy — Kay Griggs Talks About Sexual Perversion Deep Within the Highest Levels of U.S. Military and Government, Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, and Illegal Weapon Deals — “Why are Good People Silent?”

Madonna Fully Aware She’s Promoting Homosexuality

General Motors Psy-Op Ad Castrates Men By Using Feminism

“Reflections And Warnings: An Interview With Aaron Russo” – Entire Film – Aaron explains how the elite created the women’s liberation movement to break up the family and tax working women

Sandusky Part of Illuminati Pedophile Network

[NBC 1989] Call Boys Take Midnight Tour of Reagan/Bush White House

Retired FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: SATANISM & THE CIA — “The CIA is the most evil organization in the history of the world. They’re involved in kidnapping kids, international drug trafficking. They’re assassinating people….” | 50-60,000 human sacrifices per year in America!

Age of consent should be lowered to 13 to stop persecution of old men, says top barrister

[ video ] “Conspiracy of Silence”: The program that many compromised (and now blackmailable) Republicans don’t want you to see. It is the story of a cancer at the heart of America and its continuing cover-up at the highest level!

John DeCamp discusses the Franklin Cover-up: “The biggest monster I’ve ever encountered!”

Ted Gunderson: Many of our congressmen and senators have been blackmailed through children, sex and drugs…”and we don’t have enough people like Kucinich and Ron Paul to stand up.”

Invisible Empire Sneak Peek #4 — Call Boy Rings Exposed. “Many of us believe that our leaders are in fact Christian conservatives with our best interest at heart…” | But WE must have INTEGRITY no matter what.

[Video] Insider: Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders — Including ‘Conservative’ Republican Presidents?

Pedophilia in the White House — Interview with John DeCamp (Nebraska State Senator)

Michael Brown on Cessationism: “It [the Bible] no more speaks about those things [tongues, prophecy, miracles & healings] ceasing in this age than it speaks about Jesus ceasing to save people in this age”

I transcribed this from this audio broadcast:

A True Berean Spirit; How to Judge a Move of the Spirit; and Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions

– –

“It no more speaks about those things ceasing in this age than it speaks about Jesus ceasing to save people in this age.”

“It [the Bible] no more speaks about those things [tongues, prophecy, miracles & healings] ceasing in this age than it speaks about Jesus ceasing to save people in this age.”

– Michael Brown, author of Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur’s Strange Fire

(book) Gregory Boyd: Oneness Pentecostals and the Trinity Paperback

Michael Brown recommends:


Oneness Pentecostals and the Trinity Paperback

In this penetrating analysis of Oneness theology and practice, Gregory Boyd reveals the experience of four years of personal involvement in a Oneness church.

Although Oneness Pentecostals’ belief in Christ’s deity establishes some common ground with other Christians, their aggressive denial of the Trinity has nonetheless fostered their indisputably sub-Christian ideas about God’s character, about salvation, and about Christian living.

(video) Michael Brown: Hyper-Grace – What Are You Drinking?

[youtube=]Hyper-Grace: What Are You Drinking?

Published on Jan 2, 2014

Order Now!
Dr. Brown talks about why he wrote the Hyper-Grace book, explaining how the beautiful message of grace is being polluted with a dangerous mixture of error.


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

(video) Steve Hill Shares His SPIRITUAL AVALANCHE Vision — Heresies and false teachings are becoming a threat to millions! Steps we must take to avoid destruction!

[youtube=]Spiritual Avalanche – 8 min Version

Steve Hill Steve Hill

Published on Dec 12, 2013

The latest message from Steve Hill filmed on location in the backcountry of the Utah Mountains.

To Order this message in its entirety or to pick up a copy of Steve’s Latest Book visit

Through a vision, God gave Steve Hill a wake up call for everyone. Heresies and false teachings are becoming a threat to millions! Now he shares this revelation and provides the steps we must take to avoid destruction.

To Order Your Copy Visit Http://

What others are saying:

“This vision shows what we must do to restore life to dying saints. It is time for us to take a stand. If we don’t, we will be eternally ashamed for our cowardly response in the midst of this godless onslaught that threatens the eternity of millions.” Perry Stone, Founder, Voice of Evangelism

“A message deserving our ready welcome as a ‘word’ from the heart of God!” Jack Hayford, Chancellor, The King’s University

“A wake-up call to all pastors and churches to avoid a catastrophic spiritual disaster.” Vinson Synan, Dean emeritus, Regent University

“This heavenly warning will give you the ability to dodge the maze of deception that is flooding the church.” Sid Roth, Host, It’s Supernatural

“Steve Hill is once again calling the nation to tremble and return to the God of our fathers.” Lou Engle, Founder, TheCall

“An urgent warning from a heart of love to wake up and save the lives of people who are hanging in the balance of eternity” Sharon Daugherty, Pastor Victory

“We need more ministers who will share the cutting truths of God’s Word without compromise.” Billy Wilson, Executive Director International Center for Spiritual Renewal

“This could be one of the most important books of the decade.” Dr. Michael L. Brown, PhD and Author

“It is as though God has sovereignly brought Steve back from the jaws of death to once again deliver a solemn warning.” John Kilpatrick, Founder and Senior Pastor, Church of His Presence.

“I urge every believer to read this book, embrace its call, and heed its warning.” Mike Bickle, Founder, IHOP-KC

“Steve’s sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit is phenomenal” Reinhard Bonnke, Evangelist, Christ for all Nations

“God has given a powerful vision to Steve, challenging him to bring the truth of God’s Word back into the body of Christ.” John Arnott, Catch The Fire, Toronto

“This vision will be a catalyst to help bring about the next great awakening!” Cindy Jacobs, Generals International

“Drops the plumb line of God’s Word right in the midst of this apathetic slide and calls our nation and us back to true biblical morality.” Jim Goll, Cofounder, Encounters Network and best-selling author

“Steve Hill’s voice is a trumpet declaring a message of extraordinary urgency.” Daniel Kolenda, Evangelist, Christ for all Nations

“A modern-day prophet with a timely message from God.” David Cerullo, President, Inspiration Ministries

Fueled by his own dramatic deliverance from drugs, alcohol and crime back in 1975, Steve Hill dedicates his life to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. His love for people and his passion for genuine, God-breathed revival have only intensified after years of missionary work, church planting, and evangelistic crusades.

Steve has been powerfully used by the Lord in two of the greatest revivals in the past century: in the Argentine revival and the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida. During these revivals,hundreds of thousands came to Christ and were transformed by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

He and his wife, Jeri, have planted churches in Argentina, Spain, and Russia. They are the founders and senior pastors of Heartland World Ministries Church, a thriving group of believers in the Dallas, Fort Worth area.

Each year, Steve shares the gospel to millions around the world through foreign and domestic crusades, television broadcasts, and various outreaches. Whether ministering in the US or on the foreign field, Steve continues to call the lost to Jesus and challenge believers to go after God.


Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today — Overemphasis of Prosperity • Exaggerated View of Grace (grace-changers nullify all divine warnings) • Antinomianism = against rules, so “anything goes” (but “Jesus didn’t set us free to sin; He set us free from sin”) • Gazing Upon Man, not God • Challenging the Authority of the Word (God didn’t really mean what He said) • Rejecting Hell • Universal Reconciliation

Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill on ANTINOMIANISM (‘against law’ – “YOU’RE NOT GOING TO PUT ME INTO BONDAGE”): What they fail to realize is that now, under the new covenant, the law is written on our hearts. JESUS BROKE the POWER OF SIN on our lives, so by the Spirit we can LIVE OUT the righteous requirements of the law. “Adultery refers to ADULTERY OF THE HEART and not just the physical act.” “Sin will love you for a season and curse you for eternity.”

Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: Many Challenge the Authority of the Word — “When the Scriptures contradict our feelings and preferences, RATHER THAN crucify our feelings and preferences and BOW DOWN BEFORE GOD and His Word, WE QUESTION GOD’S WORD”

[ 9-minute video ] Steve Hill shares his vision: Spiritual Avalanche – The THREAT of FALSE TEACHINGS that could DESTROY MILLIONS — “Satan is Snowing the Saints!”

(3-hour video) Steve Hill Memorial Funeral Brownsville Full Length Pensacola — Jeri Hill, Michael Brown, John Kilpatrick and Worship!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? (my article which no one can disprove)

(video) Homosexuals in Hell — Mary K. Baxter, author of “A Divine Revelation of Hell,” describes a place in hell where she saw homosexuals chained together in a river of fire

Heterosexual and homosexual lust is nothing to mess around with. Both are demon driven. God wants all homosexuals to arise and not go to hell. This prophecy of mine has many links to what I’ve written: (prophecy) The Homosexuals Will Arise — “Show them the way through your smile”

But God is not a wimp. He is holy. Look at what Jesus said about Jezebel in Revelation 2. He will judge sin. Many will end up like this if they don’t repent despite the false ideas perpetuated in these deceptive times.

We need to obey. God is not mocked. We’ll reap what we’ve sown.

– –

[youtube=]Homosexuals in Hell

Published on May 11, 2012

Mary K. Baxter, author of “A Divine Revelation of Hell,” describes a place in hell where she saw homosexuals chained together in a river of fire.


Mary K. Baxter’s Divine Revelation of Hell: We Must Be Right With God — “Lord,” I said, “You mean your servants are here?” “Yes,” said Jesus, “Servants that would not stand for the truth and for holiness. It is better that one never starts than to turn back after beginning to serve Me.”

Jesus Mentions Hell and Destruction in 46 Verses! — We don’t need to know Greek to be able to clearly see hell is real and eternal. We better beware and tell others too!

(video) Wounded Vet Describes Life in Hell: “I KNEW I DESERVED TO BE THERE. … The hopelessness there: I knew that there was nothing I could do, that I was going to be there FOREVER, and I knew that I missed out.”

[EXCELLENT video] Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle: Erasing Hell — “He gets to define what love is, and not us.” “That means my sin is way worse than I could ever even imagine.” | ~”I think this whole concept of ‘how could God do this’ is woven into the fabric of our culture that says ‘how dare my dad tell me what I can and cannot do!’ We’ve lost the idea of authority, and it’s killing our culture.”

[Q&A] Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell: Why ‘ERASING HELL’ was Francis’ most difficult book and how it prompted him to repent for softening Jesus’ warnings — “WE IN AMERICA READ CERTAIN PASSAGES OVER AND OVER TO THE NEGLECT OF OTHERS, we start to believe that Jesus had a friendly tone all the time. … We have tried to block Hell out of our minds. Yet because it’s written about so often in Scripture, I think God does want it on the forefront.”

WHY HELL is INTEGRAL to THE GOSPEL — God declares himself to be compassionate and loving, but he also says, “Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished.” The Psalms declare that “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.” — Why is it that when people think about hell they conclude God must be at fault and not themselves?

[10-minute video] Francis Chan: Erasing Hell — “Do you ever even consider the possibility that maybe the Creator’s sense of justice is actually more developed than yours? And that maybe His love and His mercy are perfect, and that you could be the one that is flawed. … We can’t afford to be wrong on this issue.”

Mary K. Baxter’s Divine Revelation of Hell: We Must Be Right With God — “Lord,” I said, “You mean your servants are here?” “Yes,” said Jesus, “Servants that would not stand for the truth and for holiness. It is better that one never starts than to turn back after beginning to serve Me.”

Jesus Mentions Hell and Destruction in 46 Verses! — We don’t need to know Greek to be able to clearly see hell is real and eternal. We better beware and tell others too!

12 New Testament Texts: HELL Is ETERNAL

Pastor DIES > goes to HELL because he HADN’T FORGIVEN his wife > AROSE from the dead almost 2 days later > tells story

Bill Wiese’s 23 Minutes in Hell — What is it like in Hell? — “How bad could it be? You can’t breath; you can’t eat; you can’t sleep… you’re tormented. And all this you have to endure for eternity.”

Hell Vision — the man in the vision represents ministers that preach false teachings and doctrines that lead His people astray. Many churches are the gateways to hell. ONLY A FEW could find their way out of the maze!

(video) Francis Chan on priorities: Marriage above the kingdom? • HELL, Rob Bell, & God’s ignored wrath side • The desire to be liked vs being willing to be lonely — “If I say what’s popular I’m probably going to be wrong”

[music video] Degarmo and Key: Boycott Hell! — “We’ve gotta job to do; We’re runnin’ out of time to do it” — Dana Key 1953 – 2010

Hell Testimony — Kenneth Hagin’s Near Death Experience in 1933!

How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many are Finding the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%?!!

Hell is Real — There were some ministers there with their whole congregations gnashing their teeth on this minister: “You told us you had the truth. We followed you!”

[WordPOWER!] 2 Peter 3: BEWARE, in the LAST DAYS People Will Be WILLINGLY IGNORANT

Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth & Truth-tellers

From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it WAS PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “How upside-down the ‘church’ is today.”

Benny Hester: “When God Ran” — God will RUN when we come back to Him!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

[WordPower • Psalm 50] God Warns: “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. … Now consider this…lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver” (Hell?)

“The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life” clarified in context — Paul is talking about the old covenant law, not the words of the New Testament


* 2 Corinthians 3:6 (The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life) is allegorized in its interpretation to mean that Scripture is a dead letter and only the Spirit is what is important. So we need to heed new and fresh words from the Spirit [we do need to hear the Holy Spirit directly as well as acknowledging the Holy Spirit’s teaching in the New Testament – editor]. But this is not what the Apostle Paul is saying. Again if we read it in context (before and after the portion that is lifted out to mean something other than the author wrote) we find the true meaning.

2 Corinthians 3:6-8 “who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious?

Paul is making a distinction between the Old Covenant written on stone and the New Covenant that is presented inside us by the Spirit. The old (the law) brought death, because no one could keep its directives, whereas the new brings life through the life-giving Spirit. The letter (the law) killed because no one was able to keep it. It made us guilty, while the New Covenant sets us free from the condemnation of the law [when we obey and overcome through God’s grace, the Holy Spirit now living inside of us – editor]. The law was fulfilled in the only person who could have fulfilled it, the God/man Jesus Christ. Now we have the spirit of God inside us all because of this new covenant that is superior to the old covenant.

(video) Wounded Vet Describes Life in Hell: “I KNEW I DESERVED TO BE THERE. … The hopelessness there: I knew that there was nothing I could do, that I was going to be there FOREVER, and I knew that I missed out.”

Many are questioning God’s justice in sending unrepentant sinners to hell, but once there, the seriousness of our willful, rebellious sinning becomes fully apparent. But then it will be too late.

This is a follow up to:

(video) Vet Tells Harrowing Tale of Military Life and NEAR DEATH Experiences — Encountered three demons, including ANGELINA-JOLIE-like, green, sticky LUST DEMON | Awesome ANGEL frees him — Mom praying! | Describes HELL: “HATE, HEAT & HOPELESSNESS”

Many related links included below.


– –

“I even remembering accepting the hopelessness, because I knew I deserved to be there. … The hopelessness there: I knew that there was nothing I could do, that I was going to be there forever, and I knew that I missed out.”

– Mario Lopez

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

His hell experience begins at 9:30[youtube=]Wounded Vet Finds Truth Through Art and Ministry

TheAlexJonesChannel TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Nov 30, 2013

On The November 29, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News we speak with Artist, Minister, & Veteran; Mario Lopez about faith, family, & service to country.


[EXCELLENT video] Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle: Erasing Hell — “He gets to define what love is, and not us.” “That means my sin is way worse than I could ever even imagine.” | ~”I think this whole concept of ‘how could God do this’ is woven into the fabric of our culture that says ‘how dare my dad tell me what I can and cannot do!’ We’ve lost the idea of authority, and it’s killing our culture.”

[Q&A] Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell: Why ‘ERASING HELL’ was Francis’ most difficult book and how it prompted him to repent for softening Jesus’ warnings — “WE IN AMERICA READ CERTAIN PASSAGES OVER AND OVER TO THE NEGLECT OF OTHERS, we start to believe that Jesus had a friendly tone all the time. … We have tried to block Hell out of our minds. Yet because it’s written about so often in Scripture, I think God does want it on the forefront.”

WHY HELL is INTEGRAL to THE GOSPEL — God declares himself to be compassionate and loving, but he also says, “Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished.” The Psalms declare that “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.” — Why is it that when people think about hell they conclude God must be at fault and not themselves?

[10-minute video] Francis Chan: Erasing Hell — “Do you ever even consider the possibility that maybe the Creator’s sense of justice is actually more developed than yours? And that maybe His love and His mercy are perfect, and that you could be the one that is flawed. … We can’t afford to be wrong on this issue.”

Mary K. Baxter’s Divine Revelation of Hell: We Must Be Right With God — “Lord,” I said, “You mean your servants are here?” “Yes,” said Jesus, “Servants that would not stand for the truth and for holiness. It is better that one never starts than to turn back after beginning to serve Me.”

Jesus Mentions Hell and Destruction in 46 Verses! — We don’t need to know Greek to be able to clearly see hell is real and eternal. We better beware and tell others too!

12 New Testament Texts: HELL Is ETERNAL

Pastor DIES > goes to HELL because he HADN’T FORGIVEN his wife > AROSE from the dead almost 2 days later > tells story

Bill Wiese’s 23 Minutes in Hell — What is it like in Hell? — “How bad could it be? You can’t breath; you can’t eat; you can’t sleep… you’re tormented. And all this you have to endure for eternity.”

Hell Vision — the man in the vision represents ministers that preach false teachings and doctrines that lead His people astray. Many churches are the gateways to hell. ONLY A FEW could find their way out of the maze!

(video) Francis Chan on priorities: Marriage above the kingdom? • HELL, Rob Bell, & God’s ignored wrath side • The desire to be liked vs being willing to be lonely — “If I say what’s popular I’m probably going to be wrong”

[music video] Degarmo and Key: Boycott Hell! — “We’ve gotta job to do; We’re runnin’ out of time to do it” — Dana Key 1953 – 2010

Hell Testimony — Kenneth Hagin’s Near Death Experience in 1933!

How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many are Finding the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%?!!

Hell is Real — There were some ministers there with their whole congregations gnashing their teeth on this minister: “You told us you had the truth. We followed you!”

[WordPOWER!] 2 Peter 3: BEWARE, in the LAST DAYS People Will Be WILLINGLY IGNORANT

Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth & Truth-tellers

From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it WAS PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “How upside-down the ‘church’ is today.”

Benny Hester: “When God Ran” — God will RUN when we come back to Him!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

[WordPower • Psalm 50] God Warns: “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. … Now consider this…lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver” (Hell?)

New Study: The hardwired ‘stark’ difference between male and female brains explains why women rely more on intuition — “It’s quite striking how COMPLEMENTARY the brains of women and men really are.” | God knew what He was doing : )


The hardwired difference between male and female brains could explain why men are ‘better at map reading

And why women are ‘better at remembering a conversation’


A pioneering study has shown for the first time that the brains of men and women are wired up differently which could explain some of the stereotypical differences in male and female behaviour, scientists have said.

Researchers found that many of the connections in a typical male brain run between the front and the back of the same side of the brain, whereas in women the connections are more likely to run from side to side between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. …

Psychological testing has consistently indicated a significant difference between the sexes [though this has been downplayed by educators – editor] in the ability to perform various mental tasks, with men outperforming women in some tests and women outperforming men in others. Now there seems to be a physical explanation, scientists said.

“These maps show us a stark difference – and complementarity – in the architecture of the human brain that helps to provide a potential neural basis as to why men excel at certain tasks, and women at others,” said Ragini Verma, professor of radiology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.…

A special brain-scanning technique called diffusion tensor imaging, which can measure the flow of water along a nerve pathway….

Because the female connections link the left hemisphere, which is associated with logical thinking, with the right, which is linked with intuition, this could help to explain why women tend to do better than men at intuitive tasks, she added.

“Intuition is thinking without thinking. It’s what people call gut feelings. Women tend to be better than men at these kinds of skill which are linked with being good mothers,” Professor Verma said. …

Men tend to outperform women involving spatial tasks and motor skills – such as map reading – while women tend to better in memory tests, such as remembering words and faces, and social cognition tests, which try to measure empathy and “emotional intelligence”. …

“It’s quite striking how complementary the brains of women and men really are,” said Rubin Gur of Pennsylvania University, a co-author of the study.

(video) Francis Chan on priorities: Marriage above the kingdom? • HELL, Rob Bell, & God’s ignored wrath side • The desire to be liked vs being willing to be lonely — “If I say what’s popular I’m probably going to be wrong”

The Q&A is especially good — minute-45!

Perhaps this is the main reason the majority are willing to step outside the box, the prepared cage to see what’s really going on and live in reality.

Transcriptions by me.

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K.P. Yohannan said to Francis:

“God could do great things through you if you are willing to be lonely, if you are willing to be misunderstood. But the moment you’re not willing to stand alone, the moment you’re not willing to be lonely is the moment that you will be of no use to God.”

The desire to be liked…

“Focus on the kingdom, not the family” — and then the family and marriage will work out.

“I want to hear Your voice, because the majority is always going to be wrong.”

“If I say what’s popular I’m probably going to be wrong.”

– Francis Chan

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Q&A starts at minute-45[youtube=]Coffee Talk with Francis Chan

Charles Spurgeon: “Sin and Hell are married unless repentance proclaims the divorce”

“Sin and Hell are married unless repentance proclaims the divorce.”

– Charles Spurgeon


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

(new book) Michael Brown: “Hyper Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message” — The GREAT DECEPTION of the 21st century!



*Special* Pre-Order of Hyper Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message

This week, pre-order a signed, numbered copy of Hyper-Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message, for $30, postage paid. (The book is 304 pages long and will be released January 7th.) (US ONLY)

Book Description:

The great deception of the 21st century

At a time when the church needs an urgent wake-up call and a fresh encounter with Jesus, the hyper-grace message is lulling many to sleep. Claiming to be a new revelation of grace, this teaching is gaining in popularity, but is it true? Or is the glorious truth of grace being polluted by errors, leading to backsliding, compromise, and even the abandonment of faith?

Hyper-Grace looks at the major teachings put forth by many adherents of this “grace reformation” and prayerfully compares those teachings with the Word of God, answering questions such as:

·          How do our sins affect our relationship with God?

·          What is the relevance of the Old Testament to our faith?

·          What does Jesus actually have to say about grace?

 Without watering down the Bible’s true message of grace, Michael Brown gives you the facts, demonstrating the dangers of this seductive message and showing you how to keep from being taken in.


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

[Video] Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved

Why Should We Believe in the Inerrancy of Scripture? — Jesus Believed in Verbal Inspiration; Paul based an argument upon the fact that a particular word is singular and not plural

There are scoffers who are leading people astray to just “do what feels good” — which is basically anarchy, giving demons a right to enter, control, and minimize sin.

The New Testament is particularly important for us, because we live in the new covenant, just like them. We can learn a lot from how they were led by the Holy Spirit and the proclamations they shared from the Holy Spirit, which are mostly still totally applicable today.

Thank God for the Bible and the Holy Spirit — Himself in us — Who gives us eyes to see, and Who is consistent over time!

We can trust His words to us and them. But if we throw out what He said to them, we’re on really shaky ground. Because we need to have a level of holiness so we’re only hearing the Holy Spirit’s one, “still, small voice.”

It’s important to know the written word of God and hear His voice today — and learn from what others are hearing, those are also obeying so they can be free.

A man was challenging the scoffers on Facebook a few hours ago, and included this link. I thought I’d share. This includes links to my other posts on this subject.

“Do what thou wilt” is Satanism, by the way. That’s where the anti-church, anti-Bible scoffers are leading many — to hell.


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From: Answers in Genesis

Why Should We Believe in the Inerrancy of Scripture?

by Brian Edwards

July 5, 2011


“You don’t really believe the Bible is true, do you?”

The shock expressed by those who discover someone who actually believes the Bible to be without error is often quite amusing. Inevitably, their next question takes us right back to Genesis. But what does the Christian mean by “without error,” and why are we so sure?


Jesus Believed in Verbal Inspiration

In John 10:34 Jesus quoted from Psalm 82:6 and based His teaching upon a phrase: “I said, ‘You are gods.’” In other words, Jesus proclaimed that the words of this psalm were the words of God. Similarly, in Matthew 22:31–32 He claimed the words of Exodus 3:6 were given to them by God. In Matthew 22:43–44 our Lord quoted from Psalm 110:1 and pointed out that David wrote these words “in the Spirit,” meaning he was actually writing the words of God.

Paul Believed in Verbal Inspiration

Paul based an argument upon the fact that a particular word in the Old Testament is singular and not plural. Writing to the Galatians, Paul claimed that in God’s promises to Abraham, “He does not say, ‘And to seeds,’ as of many, but as of one, ‘And to your Seed,’ who is Christ” (Galatians 3:16). Paul quoted from Genesis 12:713:15; and 24:7. In each of these verses, our translators used the word “descendants,” but the Hebrew word is singular. The same word is translated “seed” in Genesis 22:18. Paul’s argument here is that God was not primarily referring to Israel as the offspring of Abraham, but to Christ.

What is significant is the way Paul drew attention to the fact that the Hebrew word in Genesis is singular. This demonstrates a belief in verbal inspiration because it mattered to Paul whether God used a singular or plural in these passages of the Old Testament. It is therefore not surprising Paul wrote that one of the advantages of being a Jew was the fact that “they have been entrusted with the very words of God” (Romans 3:2, NIV). Even many critics of the Bible agree that the Scriptures clearly teach a doctrine of verbal inerrancy.

Entire Article Here


The Early Church Fathers and Biblical Authority 100-400 A.D.: “All writers accepted the inspiration and authority of Holy Scripture as self-evident. … There was no temptation to restrict its range to favored passages of the Bible.”

Does the Bible Claim to Be God’s Inerrant Word? — Jesus’ Statements

Does the Bible Claim to Be God’s Inerrant Word? — Peter considered Paul’s writings Scripture; Paul considered his own writings to be the Word of God

Jesus’ statements in ‘Revelation’ support the apostles’ NT church life teaching and also present a balance to the trendy, lovey-dovey view of God. Jesus also added a strict warning to not be altered :: The Bible can be trusted!

The Gospels are New Covenant and Apply To Us Today — Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to lead the disciples into all truth and to REMIND them of what He taught them to do. Then they did it and we can too — unstoppable!

New Testament Canon Compiled by Origen at 250 A.D. — If one is simply asking when these books came to be regarded as Scripture, then we can say that happened at a very early time. But, if one is asking when we see these books, and only these books, occur in some sort of list…

10 Misconceptions About the NT Canon: #4: “Books Were Not Regarded as Scripture Until Around 200 AD”

“I Am a Christian Addicted To Porn” — [Bible Answer] You are not a Christian addicted to porn as you think. Your spiritual identity, as God sees you, is: adulterer. You are NOT a Christian. It is impossible to be an adulterer and a Christian simultaneously.

We can’t be a going-to-heaven Christian if we’re addicted to porn. In Matthew 5, Jesus used two extreme examples to demonstrate that we must do whatever it takes to not lust in our hearts, so we won’t lose our whole bodies in hell.

“Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.” (Gal. 5:24)

Here is Dan Corner saying it like it really is, when most pastors won’t.

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I Am a Christian Addicted To Porn

addicted to porn

[Bible Question] Hi I’ve been addicted toporn for about a year now. I am a Christian struggling with this temptation and I go back and forth worshiping god one day, and then the next doing porn. I’m sick of being tempted and I wish I was not addicted to it. I know what I should be doing and that is building my relationship with God, but I feel like porn just never stops in my life. No one knows that I’m addicted to porn except God, and I want to power through this with God and I know I can do it. I just have to stop. Could you please give me some advice, and some encouragement so that I stop this horrible temptation and get back to what matters most and that’s worshiping God. I don’t. Want to tell anyone about this, and I just want to get it done with.

[Bible AnswerYou are not a Christian addicted to porn as you think. Your spiritual identity, as God sees you, is: adulterer. You are NOT a Christian. It is impossible to be an adulterer and a Christian simultaneously. You are addicted to lust (mental adultery) like a drunkard is addicted to alcohol. Salvation is the cure in both cases (1 Cor. 6:9-11). You need to repent, that is, turn away from your adultery (Mt. 5:28). So, get your magazines, videos, CDs etc. and all other sources of sexual temptation and rip them to pieces. Smash the things that won’t rip, then burn it all so no one else can be hurt by the same demonic material which the devil is using to ensnare you as you travel down the road to hell. To be aware of your true identity will help you realize how vital it is for you to turn 180 degrees the other way and become a faithful follower of the Lord Jesus. After you sincerely and humbly ask God for forgiveness and salvation and repent, you need to wash out your mind. It has become defiled by the images you have allowed to enter in. You have chosen to look at and ponder pictures of immoral women, which are destructive to you. Now you need to similarly chose to saturate your mind with God’s word (spiritual medicine) and ponder what you are reading from Scripture, putting it into practice. Such will enable you to walk holy and clean before God. You will also get spiritual insights by doing that. Read at least 3 to 5 chapters per day. Since TV is a lust generator, stop watching TV. You must guard your SOUL, your most valuable possession. Stop going to places of temptation and if your so-called friends are means of temptation, stay away from them. Read this about spiritual safeguards. This is very serious. It is a matter of life or death! Eternity hangs in the balance. Now that you know what needs to be done, DO IT for your own good. God isn’t going to do it for you! Eternal life can be yours. There is NO eternal security.


Lust: Another Name For Adultery – Dan Corner

The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

[Lust FREEDOM — “The Poison that Kills the Soul”] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

To my homosexual friends: May we all be ‘ONE’ in Christ! What is the ‘fury fire’ that Piper Perabo talks about? How can it be tamed? What is God’s true perspective in “The Homosexuals Will Arise” prophecy and what does Romans 1 really say?

[science] Why is Lust Addictive? — SEX increases dopamine by 200 units (1/6 the height of a METH euphoria)

[ video ] Jessica Rey: The Evolution of the Swimsuit — Can Modesty Make a Comeback?

[FreedomQuote] “Women, the way a man looks at you is out of your control, but what you reveal is up to you.”

I’ve finally shared much of what I know about and what can be done through the TREMENDOUS and mostly misunderstood and underused gift of tongues. A reader thankfully put me over the edge : ) I need to re-write this someday so it’s not written mostly in a comment. But it’s all there.

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated

Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!

A Gift that Will Set Many Free! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls)

Survey of Christian Men on the Subject of Women’s Clothing — Men responded: “This area is the greatest challenge in my life!” • “Men are created in such a way as to be stimulated by sight.” • “Demon influence and demon possession is rampant. Evil triumphs when the church does nothing!” • Many more

[Princeton study] Is it wrong to wear a bikini? — The fully-clothed women were seen as being in control of their own actions, whereas the immodest ones were objects to be acted upon

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Separation from the World — What the Early Christians Believed About Separation from the World. D. Bercot. The Bible exhorts us: “Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” So…

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Modest Dress and Cosmetics — How literally did the early Christians take Peter’s exortation?

Wes Hall: It’s Not Just Porn! “You’re asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life. … I’m not talking about the R-rated movies. I’m talking about the PG-13s … certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled.”

A Nation ‘Bewitched’: Farrah Fawcett — “When the show [Charlie’s Angels] got to be No. 3, I figured it was our acting. When it got to be No. 1, I decided it could only be because none of us wears a bra”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

All of my Lust Freedom! posts [latest appear first, 10 posts per page]

(video) Debate: Who Makes The Final Choice in Salvation, God or Man? — “Scripture says: choose whom you will serve. You’ll be commended for choosing rightly and condemned for choosing wrongly. This is God’s sovereign choice” – Michael Brown | Calvinism is the great cop-out, giving those who aren’t overcoming false comfort in their willful sin

Normally, I listen to the entirety of what I post, but Michael Brown, a former Calvinist so nails it in his introductory statement that I don’t have any reservations of posting this now, and try to listen to the rest when I have more time.

I read the Bible on my own before I heard about Calvinism. Man’s responsibility is so completely consistent throughout that when I heard about Calvinism it seemed like a bad mathematical deductive reading of Scripture. I was blown away that anyone could come up with T.U.L.I.P. out of what is written. This is nuts!:

Total Depravity (also known as Total Inability and Original Sin)
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement (also known as Particular Atonement)
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints (also known as Once Saved Always Saved) (source)

In this debate, Bruce Bennett may actually give away why Calvinism is popular with so many. Calvinism gives those who aren’t overcoming a false sense of comfort in their willful sin. Calvinism is the great cop-out:

“If it comes down to my walk, a lot of people are in trouble — if it’s dependent upon me.” – Bruce Bennett (at the 2-hour 16-minutes mark)

Calvinists celebrate the idea of God’s sovereignty to the point of absurdity, claiming they are giving God more glory, but they’re really demeaning God’s character, His fairness. They believe God alone decides who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. God choses us. We can’t even respond. He does it all. It’s all up to Him. Yuck!

I had a professor in seminary who actually taught us that we think we have a free will, but we really don’t. That’s how sovereign God is. I would say that’s how wrong the theology is, when what is clearly stated in scripture is trumped by hypothetical theory that makes no sense, as Michael Brown fully points out.


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“From Genesis to Revelation, the Scripture says: choose whom you will serve. You’ll be commended for choosing rightly and condemned for choosing wrongly. This is God’s sovereign choice.”

– Michael Brown

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Gets good at minute-30

Who Makes The Final Choice in Salvation, God or Man? Dr. Michael Brown vs. Pastor Bruce Bennett

Published on May 15, 2013

John 3:16 Has Deceived Many!

This famous one verse, John 3:16, shown by itself over and over has DECEIVED MANY into thinking all we have to do is believe. But please read further what Jesus fully said. I also include what Jesus clearly says later in John 15 — which is usually, today, read (and sung) backwards — twisted into “never let go”:

John 3:

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God didn’t send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through him. 18 He who believes in him is not judged. He who doesn’t believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God. 19 This is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does evil hates the light, and doesn’t come to the light, lest his works would be exposed. 21 But HE WHO DOES THE TRUTH comes to the light, that his WORKS may be revealed, that they have been DONE IN GOD.”

John 15:

5 I am the vine. You are the branches. He who REMAINS IN ME, and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 6 IF A MAN DOESN’T REMAIN IN ME, he is THROWN OUT as a branch, and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned.

“Never let go” is a myth.

We must abide “in Him” — “that the world will know” (John 17)!

“Only believe” + “never let go” = DISASTER

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Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Requirements For Eternal Life: “If anyone would come after Me, he must DENY HIMSELF and TAKE UP HIS CROSS daily and FOLLOW ME.”

From: Eternal Life Blog (Dan Corner)

Requirements For Eternal Life

Posted on October 2, 2012 by Dan Corner

This will be a strange teaching for many in our day, because there are so manyfalse teachers, who are wrongly teaching about this issue! The primary passage here to be focused in upon is Luke 9:23, but to better understand the meaning of that verse, the next two verses are also cited:take up your cross

Then he said to them all: “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” (Luke 9:23-25)

The Lord Jesus (and his apostles) spoke the same salvation truth in different ways throughout his teachings. For example, it is found in John 3:16 conveyed in the meaning and present tense form of believe, the necessity to be born again (in John 3:3,5,7) for initial salvation, which begins a brand new life, etc. In Luke 9:23 he taught if we would come after eternal life (Jesus is eternal life in 1 John 1:2), then we must:

  • deny ourselves
  • take up our cross daily and
  • follow Jesus

Clearly Luke 9:24,25 show those are requirements for eternal life and nothing less! So Luke 9:23 is one of the many salvation teachings given by the Lord Jesus. Let’s take a closer look at his requirements.

Must Deny Himself

To deny ourselves to get eternal life, in part, means to crucify the flesh:

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. (Gal 5:24)

That means one will have to repent (turn from evil) to get eternal life in the first place. To deny ourselves also means that we will put God’s will before ours. We must put his word into practice (Luke 8:21). God becomes primary and we take a lesser role. This affects our ambitions, goals and priorities.

Must Take Up His Cross Daily

Back in Jesus’ day, when someone took up his cross he was carrying it to his own execution, as happened with Jesus himself at Calvary. In other words, to go after Jesus and eternal life could be deadly (and was for many over the centuries). We must be willing to die physically, if necessary, to have Jesus! If we disown him, he will disown us (Mt. 10:33; 2 Tim. 2:12). We are to do this daily!

Must Follow Jesus

To follow Jesus means that he is our focus. He is the one we are looking to and obeying over all others. He is the object of our faith and trust for salvation. Jesus described his sheep (the Christians) in John 10:27 as:

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

The next verse (John 10:28) explicitly shows again that following Jesus(continuous tense) is necessary for eternal life. That passage is, unfortunately, often cited as support for the heresy of once saved always saved and twisted to even include backsliders, who are NOT following Jesusanymore!

Entire Article Here


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

(video) Debate: Have the New Testament Charismatic Gifts Ceased? — “There is overwhelming New Testament, explicit evidence for the continuation of the gifts, and no New Testament, explicit evidence against it” – Michael Brown

“There is overwhelming New Testament, explicit evidence for the continuation of the gifts,
and no New Testament, explicit evidence against it.”

– Michael Brown

Transcribed by me

[youtube=]Debate: Have the New Testament Charismatic Gifts Ceased?

Alpha & Omega Ministries

Streamed live on Nov 7, 2013

Michael Brown vs Sam Waldron with James White Moderating

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