[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED5SoVZNS48]Spiritual Avalanche – 8 min Version
Steve Hill
Published on Dec 12, 2013
The latest message from Steve Hill filmed on location in the backcountry of the Utah Mountains.
To Order this message in its entirety or to pick up a copy of Steve’s Latest Book visit www.stevehill.org
Through a vision, God gave Steve Hill a wake up call for everyone. Heresies and false teachings are becoming a threat to millions! Now he shares this revelation and provides the steps we must take to avoid destruction.
To Order Your Copy Visit Http://www.stevehill.org
What others are saying:
“This vision shows what we must do to restore life to dying saints. It is time for us to take a stand. If we don’t, we will be eternally ashamed for our cowardly response in the midst of this godless onslaught that threatens the eternity of millions.” Perry Stone, Founder, Voice of Evangelism
“A message deserving our ready welcome as a ‘word’ from the heart of God!” Jack Hayford, Chancellor, The King’s University
“A wake-up call to all pastors and churches to avoid a catastrophic spiritual disaster.” Vinson Synan, Dean emeritus, Regent University
“This heavenly warning will give you the ability to dodge the maze of deception that is flooding the church.” Sid Roth, Host, It’s Supernatural
“Steve Hill is once again calling the nation to tremble and return to the God of our fathers.” Lou Engle, Founder, TheCall
“An urgent warning from a heart of love to wake up and save the lives of people who are hanging in the balance of eternity” Sharon Daugherty, Pastor Victory
“We need more ministers who will share the cutting truths of God’s Word without compromise.” Billy Wilson, Executive Director International Center for Spiritual Renewal
“This could be one of the most important books of the decade.” Dr. Michael L. Brown, PhD and Author
“It is as though God has sovereignly brought Steve back from the jaws of death to once again deliver a solemn warning.” John Kilpatrick, Founder and Senior Pastor, Church of His Presence.
“I urge every believer to read this book, embrace its call, and heed its warning.” Mike Bickle, Founder, IHOP-KC
“Steve’s sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit is phenomenal” Reinhard Bonnke, Evangelist, Christ for all Nations
“God has given a powerful vision to Steve, challenging him to bring the truth of God’s Word back into the body of Christ.” John Arnott, Catch The Fire, Toronto
“This vision will be a catalyst to help bring about the next great awakening!” Cindy Jacobs, Generals International
“Drops the plumb line of God’s Word right in the midst of this apathetic slide and calls our nation and us back to true biblical morality.” Jim Goll, Cofounder, Encounters Network and best-selling author
“Steve Hill’s voice is a trumpet declaring a message of extraordinary urgency.” Daniel Kolenda, Evangelist, Christ for all Nations
“A modern-day prophet with a timely message from God.” David Cerullo, President, Inspiration Ministries
Fueled by his own dramatic deliverance from drugs, alcohol and crime back in 1975, Steve Hill dedicates his life to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. His love for people and his passion for genuine, God-breathed revival have only intensified after years of missionary work, church planting, and evangelistic crusades.
Steve has been powerfully used by the Lord in two of the greatest revivals in the past century: in the Argentine revival and the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida. During these revivals,hundreds of thousands came to Christ and were transformed by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
He and his wife, Jeri, have planted churches in Argentina, Spain, and Russia. They are the founders and senior pastors of Heartland World Ministries Church, a thriving group of believers in the Dallas, Fort Worth area.
Each year, Steve shares the gospel to millions around the world through foreign and domestic crusades, television broadcasts, and various outreaches. Whether ministering in the US or on the foreign field, Steve continues to call the lost to Jesus and challenge believers to go after God.
Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today — Overemphasis of Prosperity • Exaggerated View of Grace (grace-changers nullify all divine warnings) • Antinomianism = against rules, so “anything goes” (but “Jesus didn’t set us free to sin; He set us free from sin”) • Gazing Upon Man, not God • Challenging the Authority of the Word (God didn’t really mean what He said) • Rejecting Hell • Universal Reconciliation
Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill on ANTINOMIANISM (‘against law’ – “YOU’RE NOT GOING TO PUT ME INTO BONDAGE”): What they fail to realize is that now, under the new covenant, the law is written on our hearts. JESUS BROKE the POWER OF SIN on our lives, so by the Spirit we can LIVE OUT the righteous requirements of the law. “Adultery refers to ADULTERY OF THE HEART and not just the physical act.” “Sin will love you for a season and curse you for eternity.”
Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: Many Challenge the Authority of the Word — “When the Scriptures contradict our feelings and preferences, RATHER THAN crucify our feelings and preferences and BOW DOWN BEFORE GOD and His Word, WE QUESTION GOD’S WORD”
[ 9-minute video ] Steve Hill shares his vision: Spiritual Avalanche – The THREAT of FALSE TEACHINGS that could DESTROY MILLIONS — “Satan is Snowing the Saints!”
(3-hour video) Steve Hill Memorial Funeral Brownsville Full Length Pensacola — Jeri Hill, Michael Brown, John Kilpatrick and Worship!
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? (my article which no one can disprove)