Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Doctrines of Demons? Page 20 of 24

‘Just War’ Doctrine Abandoned in America — U.S. Foreign Policy Now Reverse-Christian

Our hearts must be right so revival can happen.

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From: The Libertarian Review

‘Just War’ Doctrine Abandoned in America

Throughout the last 2000 years, humanity has been violent, many wars have been fought for many reasons, and much of humanity has adhered to Christianity. The very fact that wars occur, even among Christian nations, was a horrible thought, as Christianity is very clear that its adherents were to be peacemakers.

This dreadful dichotomy between the ideals and goals of peace, and the reality and harshness of life and the ‘necessity of war’, has meant that Christian thinkers from very early on had to grapple with the issue. We are commanded that murder is wrong by the Ten Commandments. Yet we also know that we have a responsibility to defend our families, communities have a responsibility to protect the citizens in them and, of course, that governments have an obligation and responsibility to protect and defend their people and enforce justice among the members. The taking of human life is wrong.

Therefore, Christianity worked out the Just War Doctrine, that laid out the various issues related to justice and war, and even though its foundation is Christian in origin, it is such a useful doctrine that any country can use it whether Christian or not, and it is extremely helpful in many areas of human relationships, not the least of which is foreign relations. …

Wikipedia’s entry on the Just War Doctrine is useful for further information.

The Seven Tenets of the Just War Doctrine:

  1. A just war can only be waged as a last resort. All non-violent options must be exhausted before the use of force can be justified.
  2. A war is just only if it is waged by a legitimate authority. Even just causes cannot be served by actions taken by individuals or groups who do not constitute an authority sanctioned by whatever the society and outsiders to the society deem legitimate.
  3. A just war can only be fought to redress a wrong suffered. For example, self-defense against an armed attack is always considered to be a just cause (although the justice of the cause is not sufficient–see point #4). Further, a just war can only be fought with “right” intentions: the only permissible objective of a just war is to redress the injury.
  4. A war can only be just if it is fought with a reasonable chance of success. Deaths and injury incurred in a hopeless cause are not morally justifiable.
  5. The ultimate goal of a just war is to re-establish peace. More specifically, the peace established after the war must be preferable to the peace that would have prevailed if the war had not been fought.
  6. The violence used in the war must be proportional to the injury suffered. States are prohibited from using force not necessary to attain the limited objective of addressing the injury suffered.
  7. The weapons used in war must discriminate between combatants and non-combatants. Civilians are never permissible targets of war, and every effort must be taken to avoid killing civilians. The deaths of civilians are justified only if they are unavoidable victims of a deliberate attack on a military target.

By these principles, that build upon one another, you can begin to see in how many ways our current foreign policy and reasons for war have violated the tenets that Americans, people of western civilization and Christians in general have held for years.

The first thing that is made plain: There is NEVER a justification for PRE-EMPTIVE war. All of America’s friends, allies and even the enemies took note that America had abandoned tradition and history and decided to go to war pre-emptively. That means that ANY COUNTRY, any leader, any provocation of any type could bring war down on their heads without recourse to diplomacy, negotiations, third party interventions. It made America DANGEROUS AND UNPREDICTABLE. It made our enemies step up their preparations for protective and possibly aggressive warfare. It also gave other countries an out and out justification to strike at us without warning, by any means they may choose.

It has put America and Americans in the greatest danger we have EVER been in.

The Just War Doctrine holds human life, and the well being of societies, to be of primary importance, and that the only point to war is to address damage that has been done already to a people and to return everyone to a state of peace as rapidly as possible.

The Constitution of the United States actually embodies the Just War Doctrine, implicitly if not explicitly. …

Entire Article Here


Just War and the Iran Crisis

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”

Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”

Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!

[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’

My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!

Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.

EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.

Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?

[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!

Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

[video] John MacArthur: Joel Osteen is a New Age Religionist

This is worth listening to.

But what hardly any pastors are teaching, including Osteen and MacArthur, is Jesus’ stated goal for us in John 17. Jesus prayed that we’d be ‘ONE,’ that the world would know.

Jesus said He would give us His GLORY to help us and empower us to be ‘ONE’ in Him and with each other, that the world would know.

Pastors should be teaching the absolute necessity for holiness and RECONCILIATION — right relationships with each other and God — actually abiding in Christ — being led by the Holy Spirit, God Himself — resting — filled with the Holy Spirit.

Then the world will know.

I don’t hear hardly any pastors talking about reconciliation — let alone leading by example — apologizing to those whom they’ve hurt — making sure they are right with everyone.

The time is short. Let’s get our act together before it’s too late. The Third Great Awakening is way overdue.

May we be ‘ONE’!

– Jeff

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[youtube=]John MacArthur – Joel Osteen is a New Age Religionist

Uploaded by  on Jan 3, 2011

Before anyone complains no I’ve not turned into a Calvinist but many Calvinist’s are good Christians.

Joel Osteen however is not a good Christian Minister. He is nothing more than a feel-good motivational speaker with a thin veneer of Christianity.

In fact as John MacArthur reveals his message is identical with that of Oprah Winfrey’s New Age message of ‘The Secret’ and the ‘Law Of Attraction’.


Joel Osteen: Homosexuals Get Into Heaven [But ‘Christians’ keep in mind that lusting HETEROsexuals WON’T INHERIT the kingdom either. We must all be holy so we can all be ONE!]

Joel Osteen: Mormons are ‘True Christians’

[4-hour video exposé] Joe Schimmel: They Sold Their Souls to Rock ‘n Roll! — Actual quotes from musicians we know…

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

– Aleister Crowley

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WARNING: This exposé includes intentionally seductive  scenes that rock ‘n roll is famous for — which is why I have never posted this before. Hopefully, the revelation of the demonic influence behind this devlish behavior will help set people free!

Joe Schimmel’s “They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll” exposé is fascinating. I’ve watched the entire 3 hour and 10 hour versions many years ago, when they were VCR videos. This helps us really understand how Satan has used rock and rap to demoralize and spiritually weaken society.

It’s especially interesting to hear the actual quotes from the musicians we know, as well as what some of their lyrics really say.

The first video in this 4-hour version, starts out with the Columbine shooting. It can be started at the 15-minute mark to avoid that, or at the 21-minute mark to get more right into the music exposés. And then you can skip around if it’s not a band you’re interested.

What this doesn’t cover is country music, which I think is just as deceptive — in some ways even more so — because many country musicians hide behind Mom, God and apple pie, and of course, America — while they then push sex and the reverse-Christian wars in the name of God and country. Many listen to country as they drive around town in their big pickup trucks, living the reverse-Christian dream…

Good Fight is Joe’s official site where “They Sold Their Soul…” DVDs can be purchased, the 3-hour and 10-hour versions — and where more band exposés can be seen online. The list of bands scrolls to the left of the video.

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Joe narrates some versions, and is the main man behind these, but this narrator is not Joe[youtube=]They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll Part 1 of 4


Uploaded on Jun 6, 2011

I am not a Christian but value the data in these 4 vids, It is a real eye opener to many. Parts 2 and 3 have been banned from my youtube channel. I may not agree entirely with their solutions but respect their efforts to wake people up to the manipulation of the minds of both young and old alike.

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They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll Part 2 of 4

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[youtube=]They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll Part 3 of 4


Uploaded on Jun 6, 2011

Update: Your video is blocked in 229 countries

[youtube=]They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll Part 4 of 4


Uploaded on Jun 6, 2011

No description available.


(video) Miley Cyrus: Perverted Sex Pusher? — Pastor Joe Schimmel includes many statements – Miley, Billy Ray, Sinead O’Connor…

[ video ] Katy Perry Says She Sold Her Soul to the Devil — “I wanted to be like the Amy Grant of music, but it didn’t work out, so I sold my soul to the Devil”

Nicole Scherzinger: You Have to Sell Your Soul to the Devil

Kanye West: “I Sold my Soul to the Devil”

[ video ] Mark Dice: Kesha Admits She’s a Satanist — “I sold my soul, it’s a dead-end road / But there ain’t no turning back / I keep on dancing with the Devil / Hey-heey-hey”

[ video ] Roger Morneau’s SECRET SOCIETY occult experience: How the SPIRITS SEDUCE AND EMPOWER the ‘elite’ to control society and make big MONEY — SUPERNATURAL GAMBLING* insight — MUSICIANS are spirit energized — TEACHERS OF EVOLUTION receive great capacity and power to induce spiritual blindness so students reject the Creator

(video) They Sold Their Souls: The Beach Boys

(video) They Sold Their Souls: AC/DC — “Hey Satan, paid my dues…. I’m on a highway to hell.” Yeah!

Michael Jackson Exposed: They Sold Their Souls For Rock & Roll

If you sold you soul . . . unsell it! (From my spiritual site ONEcanhappen)

[Video] Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved

Photo: Joe Schimmel at 2004 Radio Liberty Conference — “They Sold their Souls for Rock -N- Roll!”

Robin Williams: The Sad Truth The Media Won’t Tell You — Insidious forces tormented Williams and drove him to suicide — “These voices follow me around pretty much all day and night” (William’s mentor, Jonathan Winters)

[ audio ] Rick Warren: False Unity Deception — “The spirit that is behind the purpose-driven church is being fueled by the spirit of the world.”

“The spirit that is behind the purpose-driven church
is being fueled by the spirit of the world.”

– Warren Smith

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[youtube=]Rick Warren Occult Deception part1of 4

Uploaded by  on Mar 15, 2009

Warren Smith ex-occultist talks about Rick Warrens new age book “Purpose driven Life”

(vid) John Hagee with Benny Hinn: Praying For War in the Name of Jesus — No wonder so many people dislike and loathe ‘Christians’

Over 40,000,000 American Christians are influenced by what we call, “Angry Evangelicalism,” better known as Christian Zionism.

Christian Zionists like John Hagee and Benny Hinn wear a mantle of righteousness but often ignore the teachings of Jesus and invoke their will in the name of Jesus, ignoring declarations of Christ like…“Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God, ” “Love your neighbor as yourself and, even “Love your enemy.”

No wonder so many people dislike and loathe Christians.

Our question to any person calling himself a follower of Christ is: “Who Would Jesus Bomb?”

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Hagee claimed copyright violation to remove all of the video clips of him praying for war, but We Hold These Truths were able to post this version:


John Hagee with Benny Hinn: Praying For War in the Name of Jesus


Uploaded by on Jan 2, 2012

Over 40,000,000 American Christians are influenced by what we call, “Angry Evangelicalism,” better known as Christian Zionism. Christian Zionists like John Hagee and Benny Hinn wear a mantle of righteousness but often ignore the teachings of Jesus and invoke their will in the name of Jesus, ignoring declarations of Christ like…”Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God, ” “Love your neighbor as yourself” and, even “Love your enemy.” No wonder so many people dislike and loathe Christians. This 4 minute video provides a snapshot of the problem and illustrates one way to challenge those Christians who, for example, fervently believe that the modern state of Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and are even willing to go to war against a country like Iran to protect Israel. Our question to any person calling himself a follower of Christ is: “Who Would Jesus Bomb?”

Be sure to visit the WHTT website: and podcast site for thought provoking programs:

Just to prove to you that things have not changed much in over a hundred years, watch the video production of Mark Twain’s “War Prayer” at: The background music for this video is the title track from Rich Siegel’s latest album, “The Way To Peace.”

Rich has held a vigil for We Hold These Truths at a Christian Zionist church in New Jersey (see: ) and continues to work for freedom and justice for Palestinians in Israel. Check out his website:


(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

Gandhi: “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

[video] Creflo Dollar: “Pay Tithes or get SHOT!”

[youtube=]“Pay Tithes or get SHOT!”–Creflo Dollar

Uploaded by on Jan 12, 2010

Prosperity teachers are getting bolder and bolder these days.


The Day that Tithing Ended — To Now Be Led By the Holy Spirit

Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Tithing is Not a Christian Doctrine

Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Where in the Bible Were Tithes Abolished?



Many Pastors Still Teach Old Covenant, Pre-Pentecost Tithing—Not Spirit-Led Giving

Tithing or the Carriage Driver? [From the Let Us Be ONE prophecy]

David Bercot CD teaching: What The Early Christians Believed About Tithing and Fasting? “You might be surprised to know…”

Teaching tithing keeps the little (and the big) children from coming to Jesus where they can have life!

[EXCELLENT video] Francis Chan & Preston Sprinkle: Erasing Hell — “He gets to define what love is, and not us.” “That means my sin is way worse than I could ever even imagine.” | ~”I think this whole concept of ‘how could God do this’ is woven into the fabric of our culture that says ‘how dare my dad tell me what I can and cannot do!’ We’ve lost the idea of authority, and it’s killing our culture.”

Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle are coauthors of: Erasing Hell: What God said about eternity, and the things we made up, which I have read, and highly recommend; however, I was disappointed with one of their points. When Jesus mentions the worm that never dies and the fire that is never quenched, I do believe the worms and the fire is real, not figurative, which Mary Katherine Baxter experienced. She explains how the fires and utter darkness are fully compatible in that realm. It’s a place we don’t want to go, period!

I listened to the audio book a few times through. Francis wrote the final draft, but Preston narrates the text, which to me, isn’t ideal, since I’m used to hearing Francis express his own thoughts. But as you can see here, Preston is a great guy too!

There is one thing he says though…. Not wanting to go to hell is actually a good motivation for serving God and living a life in love, in Christ. Jesus, Himself used the threat of hell as a motivational warning. For example, on lusting:

27 “You have heard that it was said to those of old,  ‘You shall not commit adultery.’  28 But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.

Very important topic and discussion!


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Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“He gets to define what love is,
and not us.”

“We question things like ‘does a loving God torture those in hell?’ But I have another question. Does a fair God just forgive you for all the stuff that you did? Does a fair God let you escape hell? Does a fair God have His own Son come down and die for your sake? It’s weird how we’ll question ‘God, how could you punish anyone,’ but we never ask the question, ‘God, how could you forgive anyone?'”

“His thoughts are WAY BEYOND mine.”

“There’s just a sense of arrogance when I tell God ‘look,
this is right or this is wrong….'”

And Francis’ excellent statement @ 52:25 ends with:

“… And then when you disobey God, Himself, there are consequences to that. But the way that we teach love [to children – editor] has been: oh, you never punish; you never discipline; you never say ‘no.’ Just let them act out. It’s like: no, that’s not what God does. That’s not love.

So I think this whole concept of ‘how could God do this,’ it’s woven into the fabric of our culture that says ‘how dare my dad tell me what I can and cannot do.’ And we’ve lost the idea of authority all together, and it’s killing our families; it’s killing our churches; it’s killing our culture.”

– Francis Chan

Preston Sprinkle adds:

“When I think of hell, it’s made me kind of think of the enormity of our sin.
If God is at all just, and He says that the punishment for sin is hell,
that means my sin is way worse than I could ever even imagine.”

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[youtube=]Francis Chan: Erasing Hell

Crazy Love
Crazy Love

Published on Dec 5, 2014


[Q&A] Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell: Why ‘ERASING HELL’ was Francis’ most difficult book and how it prompted him to repent for softening Jesus’ warnings — “WE IN AMERICA READ CERTAIN PASSAGES OVER AND OVER TO THE NEGLECT OF OTHERS, we start to believe that Jesus had a friendly tone all the time. … We have tried to block Hell out of our minds. Yet because it’s written about so often in Scripture, I think God does want it on the forefront.”

[10-minute video] Francis Chan: Erasing Hell — “Do you ever even consider the possibility that maybe the Creator’s sense of justice is actually more developed than yours? And that maybe His love and His mercy are perfect, and that you could be the one that is flawed. … We can’t afford to be wrong on this issue.”

All of my Hell is Real — Forever Posts (Most recent listed first)

[Pastors are Responsible] “When preachers do not call sin, sin, the people begin to wink at sin!”

From: Andrew Strom

“When preachers do not call sin, sin,
the people begin to wink at sin!”

– Dr. Micheal Useph


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”

After posting this also at ToBeFree, I decided to write this intro there to explain where I’m coming from especially to my non-Christian readers:

I assembled this for my spiritual site ONEcanhappen. This is why we’re going down.

Christians are supposed to be salt (which preserves) and LIGHT, and not warmongers.

Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.”

Yet most evangelical ‘Christians’ haven’t even repented for supporting Bush Wars I & II yet. Now they insist on another. Many even support torture. Talk about reverse-Christianity — following Jack Bauer instead of Jesus Christ!

And many refuse to even look at the slam-dunk evidence as to what really happened on 9/11:

Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

Ron Paul is the only candidate that give us a reprieve from collapse, and most who profess to be followers of Christ, including pastors, won’t even give Ron the time of day. Many ‘Christians’ even pray (what I call James-3 curses at ONEcanhappen) that others reject him too.

This dream explains why:

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated

To me, the solution is clear. We need a permanent Asbury Revival in which the ‘Christians’ publicly confessed their sins so then God’s glory filled the place. And this is what happened to an entire country, and has been prophesied to happen right about now in the U.S.:

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

This is what my ONEcanhappen site is all about, and this is my main hope and vision for us.

God bless!

May we be FREE!


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Ron Paul alone

This is a comment written by Liberty 411 under this article, posted at Daily Paul…: The Real Reasons Republicans Dislike Ron Paul

This is comment #2, a response to comment #1, which is also interesting, mentioning the Scofield Bible, which introduced dispensationalism.

… I have a somewhat different take on the matter.

Most Americans still claim to believe in some sort of God. Most professing conservatives are also professing Christians. Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.

I’m no biblical scholar, but I think Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out in the New Testament. The excuse that Christians somehow misunderstand the teachings of Christ is not in play, His words were too clear on too many subjects.

The problem here is really with Truth. Christ summed it up rather well when He said, “Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness, and would not come into the light for their deeds were evil.”

Evangelical Christian conservatives are neither evangelical, Christian, or conservative [at least when it comes to war – editor]. Not all of course, but generally speaking. I have found many faithful followers of Truth right here in these forums, so I know you’re out there.

Most lovers of Truth, when exposed to the views of someone such as Ron Paul will see the Truth in his arguments and are compelled to embrace them, often passionately.

This is no more evident than in the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value.

If we continue to think of this current struggle on merely an ideological level, we have missed the boat.

It’s not my purpose to alienate any who may hold to a different spiritual world view than my own. Or to impose my views upon them. But rather to point out to those who share my views that this battle is not a battle of ideas as much as it is a battle for Truth itself and all that that implies.


[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time

Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Rick Perry: We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush — If James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul!

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

I just heard these words while sleeping: “Why torture me? Why does the criminal government of America torture me?”

Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation

Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.

Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

Vote For Peace – Ron Paul 2012 — “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus

Sex Ed and the Downfall of American Morality — “Our goal is to be ready as educators and parents to help young people obtain sex satisfaction before marriage. By sanctioning sex before marriage, we will prevent fear and guilt.” The result has been rampant premarital sex among students!

Excellent article! I’d like to clarify just one thing.

Although, no doubt sex ed ranks right up there in the destruction of Biblically based moral values, I disagree that sex ed is the worst factor (Blumenfeld’s first sentence).

I think in the unconstitutional public school system, the main reverse-Christian factor is teaching the religion of evolution as fact without teaching the scientific evidence that disproves it. Here is just one slam-dunk way: The Universe is Young — Evidence from Space, Earth, Biology & History

When taught evolution as fact, many students then see Adam and Eve as just another fable like Santa Claus, in which their parents lied to them.

Which then leads to: “since we’re just animals, then ‘let’s just do it like they do it on The Discovery Channel.'”

Which then leads to the fall of America and the days we are in:

[100+ FREEdom Quotes] The Founding Fathers & Others: LIBERTY REQUIRES VIRTUE — “Without virtue there can be no liberty.” “Where licentiousness begins, liberty ends.” “History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to overcome the moral lapse, OR a progressive deterioration leading to ULTIMATE NATIONAL DISASTER.”

Jeff Fenske

– –

From: The New American

Sex Ed and the Downfall of American Morality

Written by Sam Blumenfeld

Ideas have consequences, and bad ideas have bad consequences. The ideas behind sex education have done more to destroy Biblically based moral values than any other secular force in America.

The first idea to become a battering ram against traditional sexual morality was Sigmund Freud’s dictum that sexual repression causes neurosis. If sexual repression creates dysfunction, then the remedy, of course, is free sexual expression. That was not the cure Freud recommended, but Freud’s ideas so strongly influenced American culture that clothes for women went from the trussed-up, sexually repressed fashions of 1900 to the loose, liberating flapper skirts of the Roaring Twenties — in only 20 years!

Greenwich Village bohemians and intellectuals took to Freud like ducks to water. It provided a scientific justification for their free-love promiscuity and disregard of middle-class Biblical morality.

The second major idea came from socialist Margaret Sanger, free-love advocate, who launched a campaign in 1916 to promote contraception and abortion in order to free women from the burdens of unwanted pregnancy.

Sanger later adopted the views of the eugenicists who promoted the idea that only “the fit” should be encouraged to have children and “the unfit” discouraged from doing so. Sex education became an indispensable part of Sanger’s birth-control movement. As a result, Planned Parenthood, which she founded, became the pioneer advocate of comprehensive sex education in the schools.

In 1953, Planned Parenthood staffer Lena Levine wrote, “[Our goal] is to be ready as educators and parents to help young people obtain sex satisfaction before marriage. By sanctioning sex before marriage, we will prevent fear and guilt … we must be ready to provide young boys and girls with the best contraception measures available so they will have the necessary means to achieve sexual satisfaction without having to risk possible pregnancy.”

The third evil idea came from sexologist Alfred C. Kinsey, head of the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. Kinsey’s famous report, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, published in 1958, preached the idea that human beings are sexual from birth. The data on 317 infants and young boys supposedly provided the scientific source of that idea. This data was obtained from a pedophile who had actually masturbated infants and boys and kept records of his criminal experiments. All of this was exposed years later by Dr. Judith Reisman, who accused Kinsey of complicity in the sexual abuse of young children.

The fourth….

The fifth revolutionary idea came from the Humanist Manifesto II (1973) which challenged the views of traditional religion regarding sexual behavior and proclaimed total sexual freedom among consenting adults as the new moral standard for sexual behavior. …

In 1976, Dr. Kirkendall published A New Bill of Sexual Rights and Responsibilities, signed by 37 leading sexologists and authors. …

Out of this interlocking directorate of humanist sex education organizations came the curriculum of sex education for American schools. And the result has been rampant premarital sex among students….

Entire Article Here

[video] Fear Of God Has Been Lost In The Church — So MANY WON’T COME INTO FREEDOM — “Oh, so MANY people are GOING to go TO HELL through these churches. These PASTORS WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE” – David Wilkerson

“A reverent fear of God which brings freedom. And it’s because many ‘Christians’ do not have that reverent fear of God they don’t come into freedom.”

– Zac Poonen [correct me if I’m wrong. I’m not familiar with this speaker]

* * *

“There’s no fear of God left in the land. This is what the Bible says: ‘Fear the Lord and depart from evil. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil.’ By mercy and truth, iniquity is purged, and by the fear of the Lord men depart from their evil.”

“Oh, so many people are going to go to Hell through these churches. They’re going to go to Hell. These pastors will be held responsible.”

“I’m telling you now what I believe the Holy Spirit is saying, ‘It’s time to get right with God.'”

— David Wilkerson

* * *

[youtube=]Fear Of God Has Been Lost In The Church (Compilation)

Uploaded by on Oct 21, 2011


Julie Meyer’s Dream: The FEAR OF THE LORD is coming ‘into’ His House — I was reminded of Exodus 20:20: “…that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin.” | With great anticipation I began MY JOURNEY. … Not every one was allowed to walk up this Great Mountain. Only those with clean hands and a pure heart. … There are NO SHORT CUTS and there are NO OTHER PATHS. … Finally as we ascended to the very top…

Nicky Cruz: David Wilkerson ‘Never Lost His Heart’ — “I almost killed him then because I really was totally full of hate. That was when he told me that Jesus loved me.”

How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many Find the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%!?!!

[Q&A] Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell: Why ‘ERASING HELL’ was Francis’ most difficult book and how it prompted him to repent for softening Jesus’ warnings — “WE IN AMERICA READ CERTAIN PASSAGES OVER AND OVER TO THE NEGLECT OF OTHERS, we start to believe that Jesus had a friendly tone all the time. … We have tried to block Hell out of our minds. Yet because it’s written about so often in Scripture, I think God does want it on the forefront.”

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?


From: Andrew Strom…


ANDREW’s NOTE: Below is an excellent study of this subject by Jim Pruitt. We already discussed the dangers of the ‘Hebrew Roots’ movement some time ago. I truly don’t mind people calling Jesus “Yeshua” – unless they want to force us all to do it. Paul certainly wrote in Greek, and “Iesous” (or ‘Jesus’) was the word he used. But Yeshua is fine too. However I certainly DO mind when people start telling Gentile Christians to become “Torah Observant” – back under the Old Law. This is deadly deception in my view – directly opposed to the New Testament. But this movement has been growing and we need to be aware of what the Bible clearly teaches on this subject. Jim Pruitt’s study below will help us do that-

-extracts by Jim Pruitt.

Three issues have popped up in other areas within the public arena and it is important to address them before they become defacto doctrine. In the first century some of the Jewish Christians sought to impose these behaviors on Gentile Christians and they were addressed in several places in the New Testament (most notably in Acts 15). They are the doctrinal view that all Christians should worship on Saturday (as opposed to Sunday), should abstain from non-kosher foods, and that the Jewish holidays and festivals should still be observed. Adherence to these behaviors were explicitly commanded by God of the Hebrews in the Old Testament and most were from the book of Leviticus.

However, when Christ came He fulfilled the law (Matthew 5:17-20) and “things which were a mere shadow of what was to come” were no longer applicable.

Here are verses which specifically address the Sabbath and Jewish holidays and festivals:

Colossians 2:16,17 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day–things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.

Romans 14:5 One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind.

John 9:16 Therefore some of the Pharisees were saying, “This man is not from God, because He does not keep the Sabbath ” But others were saying, “How can a man who is a sinner perform such signs?” And there was a division among them.

Mark 2:27 Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.”

If you read these verses without preconception (i.e., without a doctrine that you’re trying to rationalize), then their meaning is perfectly clear and self-explanatory. It’s wrong to consider someone as sinning because they don’t keep the Old Testament definition of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is made for man. If you want to consider every day holy then that’s fine. If you want to pick one day or a series of days as above others to worship God, then that’s fine, too. You won’t find any verses in the New Testament which contradict this.

Here are verses which specifically address food (in addition to Colossians 2:16,17):

Mark 7:18-20 And He said to them, “Are you so lacking in understanding also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?” (Thus He declared all foods clean.) And He was saying, “That which proceeds out of the man, that is what defiles the man.”

1 Timothy 4:3-5 men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer.

Romans 14:14 I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself…

Colossians 2:20-23 If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why, as if you were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as, “Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!” (which all refer to things destined to perish with use)–in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men? These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence.

1 Corinthians 8:8 But food will not commend us to God; we are neither the worse if we do not eat, nor the better if we do eat.

Again, these verses are self-explanatory and you will find nothing in the New Testament which offers any contradictory stance concerning food. Jesus declared all foods clean. The dietary restrictions delineated in Leviticus no longer apply.

How Is It That You Compel The Gentiles To Live like Jews?

In Acts 15, Jewish Christians tried to get the Gentiles to follow their traditions. However, after a heated discussion between those who advocated having them observe Jewish customs and the Apostles (including Paul), they only advised them to keep a minimal set of rules. There was no mention of having them observe the Sabbath, restricting their diet to kosher foods, or observing Jewish holidays. In addition, in all of Paul’s epistles to the Gentiles, there is no mention of it. In fact, I can find no indication in the New Testament or in historical records of the early church of any time where Christian Gentiles were instructed to do so. If it is not mentioned much less commanded in the New Testament, why is it important for us to reinstitute it now?

Looking at these three issues brings to mind Galatians 2 where some Jews had secretly infiltrated the Gentile Christians in order to “spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, in order to bring us into bondage.” When Paul met with the Apostles, Peter began to refuse to sit or speak with the Gentiles (which he would normally and which was against Jewish tradition) because he was trying to keep from offending the Jewish Christians who were present. But Paul wouldn’t let it slide:

Galatians 2:13-16 The rest of the Jews joined him in hypocrisy, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all, “If you, being a Jew, live like the Gentiles and not like the Jews, how is it that you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews? We are Jews by nature and not sinners from among the Gentiles; nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified.”

I find no evidence in the New Testament or in the early church histories where Gentile Christians worshipped on Saturday, ate only kosher foods, or observed Jewish holidays. Scripture clearly indicates that these subjects are a matter of personal choice and that we are not to allow anyone to try and bring us into bondage by saying that God’s Word says otherwise…

Read the Whole Article –

Posted in Uncategorized by Andrew on October 14th, 2011 at 4:21 pm.




[Q&A] Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell: Why ‘ERASING HELL’ was Francis’ most difficult book and how it prompted him to repent for softening Jesus’ warnings — “WE IN AMERICA READ CERTAIN PASSAGES OVER AND OVER TO THE NEGLECT OF OTHERS, we start to believe that Jesus had a friendly tone all the time. … We have tried to block Hell out of our minds. Yet because it’s written about so often in Scripture, I think God does want it on the forefront.”

From: Christianity Today

Q&A: Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell

Why ‘Erasing Hell’ was his most difficult book, how ‘Love Wins’ prompted repentance, and whether ‘Believe in Jesus or you’ll go to hell’ is good news.

Interview by Mark Galli

Erasing Hell: What God Said About Eternity, and the Things We’ve Made Up
by Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle
David C. Cook, July 2010
192 pp., $14.99

Few books have generated as much theological conversation as Rob Bell’s Love Wins—and fewer still have sparked several response books within months of their appearance. Francis Chan, whose books Crazy Love and Forgotten God are still on bestseller lists, is a somewhat surprising addition to the pack with Erasing Hell. (Chan’s coauthor, Preston Sprinkle, is associate professor of biblical studies at Chan’s Eternity Bible College.) Christianity Today senior managing editor Mark Galli is the author of another of the response books, God Wins, and interviewed Chan last week.

In several places in your book, it’s clear that you are conflicted about even addressing this topic.

It’s weird. I’ve never felt a need to really respond to someone else’s writing. And yet reading Love Wins set a lot of things spinning in my mind. Some of it was concern, but some was doubt: Am I sure of what I believe? Let me go back and study. Several times in the middle of the night I couldn’t even sleep. I really believe the Lord wanted me to do this, but there is a wrestling on that point because I thought, “Gosh, that’s just not me. That’s not what I’m comfortable with. I really don’t think I’ll enjoy this at all. I’m not looking forward to all the backlash and everything else.”

The other side was that I was really hoping to discover some things I hadn’t discovered before—or maybe this was an opportunity to soften my stance on hell. I was hoping to find that in Scripture. And so when I didn’t it find it, it made me even more sick to my stomach.


When you say that your study caused you to realize that you had some sins to repent of, what type of things are you talking about?

As I reread the Gospel passages, Jesus’ words are much harsher than I remember. There’s a tone in some of the things that he said that are really difficult to stomach, and he says things in a way that I would not have.

Because we in America read certain passages over and over to the neglect of others, we start to believe that Jesus had a friendly tone all the time. And that there isn’t any wrath or anger or judgment. When you read it all like you are reading it for the first time, you walk away going, “Wow, he was pretty hardcore.”

Here’s what I had to repent of: I had felt the need to soften a lot of Jesus’ statements, because in my arrogance I think, “Okay Jesus, I’m not going to say that like that. Trust me, people will like you more and be more willing to accept you if I say it like this.” Obviously I’ve never said that to God. But that’s the attitude I’ve taken, and it made me sick. Who in the heck do I think I am? To think that I can make God more palatable or attractive if I try and change the tone in which he says some things. I know people say, “Well it’s just cultural this or that.” That’s garbage. People back then had a much deeper reverence for God than we do. Especially the religious community. Yet it’s to those people whom he speaks so harshly.

What in the world would he say to us today? I don’t think it’d be a softer message. I had to come before God and say, “Lord I feel sick.” And I confessed to Mark [Beuving, who edited the book] and Preston [Sprinkle, the coauthor] as we were working on the book, “I confess to you guys, I confess to the church, I know I have backed away from certain things because of my arrogance. I thought I could attract more people to Jesus by hiding certain things about him.” I had to confess my arrogance.


What do you think is the biggest misunderstanding contemporary Christians have about hell?

…the main thing is that we have tried to block [hell] out of our minds. Yet because it’s written about so often in Scripture, I think God does want it on the forefront.


I thought one of Rob Bell’s compelling statements was that sometimes we make the gospel sound like “Believe in Jesus or you’ll go to hell.” Which turns the gospel not into good news but into a threat. Have you thought about how we can talk about this reality without making it sound like a threat or spiritual extortion?

Well, that’s difficult. Because don’t you kind of get that when you read the Scriptures? That’s a struggle I have. When I read the Scriptures, it sure seems threatening. “Don’t fear man who can just kill your body. Fear God who can destroy your body and soul in hell.”

I see God in his love warning me of hell because he wants me to embrace him so badly. And I don’t see that as a bad thing. It’s like warning my kids about not being careful in crossing the street: “Do you understand what will happen?”

Entire Article Here


[EXCELLENT video] Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle: Erasing Hell — “He gets to define what love is, and not us.” “That means my sin is way worse than I could ever even imagine.” | ~”I think this whole concept of ‘how could God do this’ is woven into the fabric of our culture that says ‘how dare my dad tell me what I can and cannot do!’ We’ve lost the idea of authority, and it’s killing our culture.”

[10-minute video] Francis Chan: Erasing Hell — “Do you ever even consider the possibility that maybe the Creator’s sense of justice is actually more developed than yours? And that maybe His love and His mercy are perfect, and that you could be the one that is flawed. … We can’t afford to be wrong on this issue.”

All of my Hell is Real — Forever Posts (Most recent listed first)

D. A. Carson: The Problem of the Canon Within the Canon — A subset of scriptures taught in exclusion of those that would result in true doctrine. “We badly need to listen to one another, especially when we least like what we hear.”

[WordPOWER!] 2 Peter 3: BEWARE, in the LAST DAYS People Will Be WILLINGLY IGNORANT

Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth & Truth-tellers

From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it WAS PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

(1-min video) Leonard Ravenhill: Romans 7 vs 8 — Life before the Son vs Life in the Son — “Romans 7 is a funeral march, Romans 8 is a wedding march … it’s a Spirit dominated life in chapter 8.”

In Romans 7,
the Holy Spirit isn’t mentioned once.

“But 19 times, the Holy Spirit is mentioned,
because it’s a Spirit dominated life in chapter 8.”

– Leonard Ravenhill

* * *

Rom. 7 vs 8 by Leonard Ravenhill

Uploaded by on Dec 16, 2009

The Controversy between Romans Chapter 7 vs Chapter 8. The Results are clear as day light.


Bruce Ware: Christians are wrongly using Romans 7 to justify defeat in their lives!

Paul Furlong: How Romans 7 is unbiblically used to justify sinning

Robert Shank: Erroneous “2 natures of the believer” doctrine — Romans 7 is before Paul’s ‘life in the Son’

THE PATRISTIC INTERPRETATION of ROMANS 7:14-25 — The early church did not understand Romans 7:14-25 to teach the necessity of sin in believers

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

(audio) Dan Corner: “The Romans Road” Isn’t…

[youtube=]The Romans Road Unedited (Conditional Security not Eternal Security) Dan Corner

Uploaded by on May 31, 2011

The popular Romans Road, as most people know it, is really not complete, according to the book of Romans. The added passages from Romans help clarify more on salvation and bring a much more accurate picture to the listener’s minds.


(Video) Dan Corner Interview: The Believer’s Conditional Security

Dan Corner’s 801-page book: “The Believer’s Conditional Security”

(audio) Dan Corner: “If you’re lusting in your heart, you are an adulterer, and you won’t inherit the kingdom”

John Calvin Had Servetus Burned at the Stake for Having Doctrinal Differences — His Ashes Cry Out!

(audio) Dan Corner: The parable of the sower — “Bringing forth fruit is a salvation issue”

(video) The Grace Changers: Calvinist Mark Driscoll Exposed — “Mark Driscoll’s popularity is proof that we are in a deep dark church apostacy now!”

What about the thief on the cross? He wasn’t required to do works | ‘Sweaty ministry’ VS “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me…”

Father of Calvinism, Augustine’s Prayer To Mary For His Salvation

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Jesus-is-God Verses — It’s Right to Worship Jesus!

Most of us have been approached by Jehovah’s Witnesses who try to convince us that Jesus is not God, among other things. Here are just some of the verses that prove otherwise.

It’s interesting that I have yet to meet a JW who discovered these ideas through their own study. They are taught doctrines of demons through The Watchtower magazine — direct from corporate headquarters.

Just like with once-saved-always-saved, the false doctrine of eternal security, Francis Chan’s words again prove true: Francis Chan: Are Your Beliefs Biblical? What would you believe if you had only read the Bible on your own?

People aren’t getting these ideas from their own studies. They’re passing around doctrines of demons, sending many to Hell — which the Jehovah’s Witnesses also don’t believe in.

…lies from Satan. Satan doesn’t want Jesus to be worshiped or obeyed.


– –


Reference Section 2: Verses Showing Jesus is God

Others viewed Jesus as God

1 Timothy 3:16    -Paul Said Jesus was God manifested in the flesh.

“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the nations, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

John 20:28    -Thomas called Jesus God.

  “And Thomas answered, and said unto him, My Lord and my God.”

Colossians 2:8,9    -Paul said Jesus was the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

  “…Christ. For in him dwelleth all of the fullness of the Godhead bodily.”

Titus 2:13    -Paul said Jesus was God.

  “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our savior, Jesus Christ.”


The Bible says Jesus is God

Hebrews 1:8   -God the Father said Jesus was God.

“Unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever; a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom.”

Isaiah 9:6   -Jesus (the Messiah) is called the Mighty God.  

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.”

Matthew 1:23   -Jesus is called Immanuel, which means “God with us.”

“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel, which, being interpreted, is God with us.”


* * *


Some of Many Examples

V. Jesus Christ is Worshiped [without rebuke, unlike angels, which should never be worshiped – ed.]

Rev. 4:9-11; 5:8,12-14; 7:11-12 – both Jesus and the Father are worshiped. The Greek word for worship is “proskuneo” which always means the worship of God.

Matt. 2:2,11 – the magi who came to see the newborn Jesus came to worship Him.

Matt. 8:2 – a leper came to Jesus and worshiped Him without rebuke.

Matt. 14:33 – the apostles who were in the boat worshiped Jesus without rebuke.

Matt. 28:9 – Jesus’ disciples took His feet and worshiped Him without rebuke.

Matt. 28:17 – Jesus’ disciples saw Him and then worshiped Him.

Mark 5:6 – the man with the unclean spirit ran to Jesus and worshiped Him.

Luke 1:11 – Mary accepts Elizabeth’s declaration “the Mother of my Lord” = the Mother of my God (Elizabeth used the word “Adonai” which means “Lord God”).

Luke 24:52 – as Jesus ascended into heaven, the apostles worshiped Him.

John 9:38 – the blind man who was cured by Jesus worshiped Him.

John 20:28 – Jesus accepts Thomas’ statement “My Lord and my God!” Literally, “the Lord of me and the God of me!” (in Greek, “Ho Kurios mou kai ho Theos mou”).


Logos in John 1: JESUS is GOD and Created All Things

Who Says Jesus Christ Is God?

11 New Testament Texts: HELL Is ETERNAL

Jesus Mentions Hell and Destruction in 46 Verses! — We don’t need to know Greek to be able to clearly see hell is real and eternal. We better beware and tell others too! – JWs don’t believe in what Jesus clearly taught about hell

(video) Jehovah Witness’ Founder’s Pyramid Gravesite — Charles Taze Russell’s Watchtower Tomb Revealed!

[book – audio – video] Mary K. Baxter: A Divine Revelation of Hell — “There is greater punishment for those who once preached the gospel and went back into sin, or for those who would not obey the call of God for their lives”

Mary K. Baxter’s Divine Revelation of Hell: We Must Be Right With God — “Lord,” I said, “You mean your servants are here?” “Yes,” said Jesus, “Servants that would not stand for the truth and for holiness. It is better that one never starts than to turn back after beginning to serve Me.”

Mary K. Baxter’s Divine Revelation of Hell: We Must Be Right With God — “Lord,” I said, “You mean your servants are here?” “Yes,” said Jesus, “Servants that would not stand for the truth and for holiness. It is better that one never starts than to turn back after beginning to serve Me.”

[EXCELLENT video] Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle: Erasing Hell — “He gets to define what love is, and not us.” “That means my sin is way worse than I could ever even imagine.” | ~”I think this whole concept of ‘how could God do this’ is woven into the fabric of our culture that says ‘how dare my dad tell me what I can and cannot do!’ We’ve lost the idea of authority, and it’s killing our culture.”

[Q&A] Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell: Why ‘ERASING HELL’ was Francis’ most difficult book and how it prompted him to repent for softening Jesus’ warnings — “WE IN AMERICA READ CERTAIN PASSAGES OVER AND OVER TO THE NEGLECT OF OTHERS, we start to believe that Jesus had a friendly tone all the time. … We have tried to block Hell out of our minds. Yet because it’s written about so often in Scripture, I think God does want it on the forefront.”

WHY HELL is INTEGRAL to THE GOSPEL — God declares himself to be compassionate and loving, but he also says, “Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished.” The Psalms declare that “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.” — Why is it that when people think about hell they conclude God must be at fault and not themselves?

[10-minute video] Francis Chan: Erasing Hell — “Do you ever even consider the possibility that maybe the Creator’s sense of justice is actually more developed than yours? And that maybe His love and His mercy are perfect, and that you could be the one that is flawed. … We can’t afford to be wrong on this issue.”


Pastor DIES > goes to HELL because he HADN’T FORGIVEN his wife > AROSE from the dead almost 2 days later > tells story” href=”” rel=”bookmark”>

Pastor DIES > goes to HELL because he HADN’T FORGIVEN his wife > AROSE from the dead almost 2 days later > tells story

Bill Wiese’s 23 Minutes in Hell — What is it like in Hell? — “How bad could it be? You can’t breath; you can’t eat; you can’t sleep… you’re tormented. And all this you have to endure for eternity.”

Hell Vision — the man in the vision represents ministers that preach false teachings and doctrines that lead His people astray. Many churches are the gateways to hell. ONLY A FEW could find their way out of the maze!

Jesus-is-God Verses — It’s right to worship Jesus!

Francis Chan: Are Your Beliefs Biblical? What would you believe if you had only read the Bible on your own?

“We should test everything we hear, and see if it’s really in this book.”

– Francis Chan

* * *

[youtube=]Francis Chan: Are Your Beliefs Biblical? (Crazy Love Chapter 5)

Uploaded by on Sep 8, 2010

Related blog post:

This clip is an excerpt from chapter 5 of the Crazy Love DVD Study Resource designed for small groups reading Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan.

Purchase the book and DVD here:

My theory on the Nephilim: When God told the Children of Israel to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan (the giants), there was this Genesis-6, demon-contaminated genetic problem again? Israel did not; and then there was intermarriage. This would explain why so many seem to be predisposed towards evil — and they become our leaders — even of churches?!!

This may be the most controversial concept I’ll suggest at this site, but it’s a theory that explains so much, that I must finally share this view that I’ve been considering for about a few decades.

How is it that we can write about issues so clearly, proving them beyond the shadow of a doubt, yet many reject them wholesale, like the very clear doctrine of who really goes to heaven, for example?

No one can refute Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?, and once-saved-always-saved has been soundly refuted by many, yet this great deception is still mainstream in America — which I believe is the number one cause for our Republic’s destruction. When the ‘Christians’ cease being salt and light, thinking they don’t have to truly be in Christ….

Certainly, the demons that affect most ‘Christians’ are a huge factor. I have an entire category called “Demons in Christians,” in which there are almost 60 posts, currently. I show how demons can absolutely be in Christians. Most have many. This is a huge problem, and certainly this is true of non-Christians as well. Demons empower people to commit and then justify their sins. Most people don’t live holy enough to be free.

And James talks about how ‘Christians’ can actually curse people, what I call James-3 curses. ‘Christians’ can actually wish/pray things on others from their hearts. But these are ‘prayers’/curses that demons answer, not God. And these demons can set the course for people’s lives.

But demons in ‘Christians’ doesn’t by itself explain why so many ‘Christians’ just don’t get it, no matter how clearly we put out the truth. And to make things worse, it seems that today’s church leaders are almost universally unable to understand what is really true about key, basic doctrines. They also seem to be among those most apt to James-3 curse God’s people whom they consider are challenges to their power, for example: Dennis Cramer: “Most ‘Christians’ curse for the purpose of retaliation and vindication … ‘Christian’ leaders are even more vulnerable”

I personally have probably been cursed by ‘church’ leaders more than any other group of people. It’s fierce, which I show here.

It seems to me, having been a Christian for more than 35 years, that there is something more going on here. Why are most church leaders not even really Christlike, yet few will fully step down and let those who truly are led by the Spirit lead.

They maintain their position by James-3 cursing those whom they see threaten their position of power. They’ll pray against those who would start legitimate churches in which Jesus Christ would be Head — and they’ll vote Republican no matter what, supporting every reverse-Christian war — totally ignoring Ron Paul, the peacemaker. They don’t seem to understand at all how the second greatest commandment applies to our neighbors overseas too. They just don’t get it, and they’ll hardly ever apologize to anyone they’ve hurt, totally ignoring Paul’s elders’ qualifications that overseers MUST be blameless. They seem to have no fear of God. How can this be?

How can church leaders say one thing and do another? And how can they so readily dismiss clear prophecies given to them by those who have been so careful to accurately hear?

And they’ll even lie to cover up what they’ve done, instead of coming clean so we can become ONE in Christ — so God can move among us as His body. How can they lie, knowing what the Bible so clearly says about what happens to all liars? There is mischief in their hearts (Psalm 28), but on the outside they act like everything is okay, “ha, ha, ha” laughing.

Is it possible that many people have a greater propensity for evil based upon their bloodlines, and therefore they force themselves into these power, limelight positions?

I’ve actually put my Nephilim theory aside for many recent years, because I really don’t want to minimize what any person can do. But I’ve just seen too often some people just don’t act like full people. John Prine put it this way:

Some humans ain’t human
Some people ain’t kind
You open up their hearts
And here’s what you’ll find
A few frozen pizzas
Some ice cubes with hair
A broken Popsicle
You don’t want to go there

Watch him sing it here:

John Prine: “Some Humans Ain’t Human” — Austin City Limits

Biblically, this is how I think it comes down. This is a good background reference from which I’ll quote; though, they don’t go exactly where I do: Notes on the Nephilim: The Giants of Old, which is a collection of seven writings by these seven authors: James Montgomery Boice | Henry Morris | Chuck Missler | Ray C. Stedman | Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum | Rick Lanser | Bob Deffingbaugh, Th.M.

Genesis 6

1 It happened, when men began to multiply on the surface of the ground, and daughters were born to them, 2 that God’s sons [bene elohim*] saw that men’s daughters were beautiful, and they took for themselves wives of all that they chose. 3 Yahweh said, “My Spirit will not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; yet will his days be one hundred twenty years.” 4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when God’s sons came in to men’s daughters. They bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 Yahweh was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart. 7 Yahweh said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the surface of the ground; man, along with animals, creeping things, and birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in Yahweh’s eyes.

9 This is the history of the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless [his human genes weren’t altered by this spirit-sexual invasion, some say] among the people of his time. Noah walked with God. 10 Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

11 The earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 God saw the earth, and saw that it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.

13 God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

* bene elohim, from: Notes on the Nephilim

The phrase “sons of God” (bene elohim) is used only three other times in the Testament, as indicated earlier-in Job 1:6; 2:1; and 38:7. In each case it clearly means spirit beings

The most common interpretation (backed by the Book of Enoch, a non-biblical, but still important work) has been that fallen angles had sex with human women, who bore hybrid offspring who were part demon and part human. And therefore the huge gap between the evil that prevailed in Noah’s day and the righteousness of Noah, himself, whose bloodline was kept pure, from which Jesus was born. I would say all mankind after the flood, but according to Genesis 6, this bizarre union between demons and humans happened again after the flood, which is why God told the Children of Israel to kill all of the giants in the Land of Canaan. Why else would He say that?

Chuck Missler from Notes on the Nephilim

7. Post-Flood Implications

The strange offspring also continued after the flood: “There were Nephilim in the earth in those days, and also after that…” (25) The “Sethite” view fails to meaningfully address the prevailing conditions “also after that.” It offers no insight into the presence of the subsequent “giants” in the land of Canaan.

One of the disturbing aspects of the Old Testament record was God’s instructions, upon entering the land of Canaan, to wipe out every man, woman, and child of certain tribes inhabiting the land. This is difficult to justify without the insight of a “gene pool problem” from the remaining Nephilim, Rephaim, et al., which seems to illuminate the difficulty.

So this is what I think could have actually happened. After the flood, after God wiped out the demon-contaminated gene pool, the Nephilim strange offspring breeding happened again. Caleb reported there were giants. This time, God told the children of Israel to wipe out every man, woman and child, to take care of this gene pool contamination problem. But Israel did not, and eventually even interbred with the Nephilim.

So today, many, if not most people (according to this theory) have some demon in their genetics; though, probably less than the 50% ratio that the original Nephilim had, who were so evil that God decided to wipe them all out in the flood, and then have the children of Israel kill them all, when it happened again (though they did not).

These are the scoundrels, who force their way to most of the top political, corporate and power positions, including church leadership.

They can lie without even hardly feeling guilty. The root of all evil, the love of money often drives them in one way or another — and they’ll James-3 curse those who they see are a threat to their power — those who would lead the country, businesses and churches justly, under God — not just saying they are.

They’ll think that those who aren’t demon-gene contaminated are weird, actually calling for real holiness and real integrity — that we would actually really treat our neighbors (even those overseas) as we would ourselves.

And the minority, who aren’t demon-gene contaminated can more easily see. Many have also been deceived into swimming in the mainstream current that is taking US down, but writings like my own make sense to them. And they, like me are have a hard time realizing why humans, who are supposed to be created in the image of God are not more wise.

I don’t want to name any names, but I can think of a particular talk show host that many Republicans listen to who is clearly not one of us; though, he acts like he’s the gift of God to America. Bush could do know wrong, according to Him: all of the reverse-Christian wars and the Constitution gutting policies — the bankster bailout — and even laughing about torture! And President George W. Bush ran as a Christian. And few were wise enough and Biblical enough to see through the facade that he and so many wear.

Who really is a Christian? Who are the children of God, really? Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

Those of us who can see should stick together and get ONE happening. If we don’t lead who will — the same old same old who are leading US into the pit?

Once ONE happens (John 17), then many will see and follow as God’s glory literally falls, and perhaps many will even get gene transplants, which I’ve thought of as a very real possibility.

Another key thing to learn here. This should help us have more compassion for those of us who are so evil to us without cause. Maybe they really just are predisposed, based upon their altered genetics, to evil, and it really is much harder for them to see.

And as we forgive fully, then their curses have no right to stick onto us — and we can all be free!

It seems that America is going down fast, but the church can rise up, and this can be the greatest adventure of our entire lives — ONE with each other in Christ.

Jesus wants to be the head of the church. All church leaders must be truly submitted to Him, or they can’t even be real Christians, let alone qualified to lead, being ‘blameless,’ Paul said. And “those who are Christ’s have crucified their flesh.”

Many pastors are simply confidence-men (con-men). They can tell a good story — and laugh “ha, ha, ha” — as a substitute for the Holy Spirit moving…. What we need are leaders who can lead us to worship God in Spirit and in truth — those whom God chooses to lead.

Then the end will come, after the Gospel (the real Gospel) is preached around the world. Now we’re mostly spreading a cheap imitation in which God isn’t even involved.

May we be ONE.

Then the world will know.

Jeff Fenske


I touched upon this in 2007: Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’

Could this have been true of John Calvin and Martin Luther, whose misinterpretations of Paul’s teaching on salvation are mainstream today? They were clearly Biblically disqualified to lead, yet many follow their doctrine?

John Calvin Had Servetus Burned at the Stake for Having Doctrinal Differences — His Ashes Cry Out!

The Protestant Reformers Were Frauds: An Anabaptist speaks out on Martin Luther and John Calvin

Martin Luther: Sin Boldly — “No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day”

Luther: Let us BANISH the epistle of James, for it is ‘WORTHLESS’ — written by a non-Christian and can’t be reconciled with Paul

[ video ] Is Pope Francis the LAST POPE? Tom Horn & Cris Putnam on It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth – Tom and Cris also talk about the Nephilim, UFOs, and Catholic research.

Alex Jones: The pre-trib rapture doctrine is a big, sickening, psyop, bringing US into tyranny! “Most of you are a bunch of torture loving, war loving people…”

I brought this over from ToBeFree.

Alex Jones is a talk show host trying to wake up people to tyranny being brought upon US by the globalists. He sees what is going on with ‘Christians’ too, who have been key supporters of globalist candidates like President George W. Bush, who have thrashed our country and the Constitution, just like Obama is doing.

The unbiblical pre-trib rapture doctrine is one of the main psyop ways Satan is able to convince ‘Christians’ that they don’t really have to follow Christ. Thus, America is falling fast, and it won’t be pretty for anyone.

The ‘Christians’ won’t get taken out before things get really bad.

I put ‘Christians’ in quotes, because most really aren’t, biblically. Most ‘Christians’ wouldn’t go even if there was a pre-trib rapture. See: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

* * *

“Most of you [pre-trib-rapture-believing ‘Christians’]
are a bunch of torture loving,
war loving people,
who go along with tyranny,
and then never go out and protest abortion
because the world is ending next week.

It’s a big, sickening, psyop cop out.”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Preview of Today’s Alex Jones Show: Jerome Corsi, Bob Chapman & Demonizing Christians

[youtube=]The Alex Jones Show: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 1/2

Uploaded by on May 20, 2011



Delusional preacher Harold Camping says May 21st to be the Rapture and Judgment Day — Caller asks Camping: “On May 22nd, do they [contributors to Family Radio who believed this hoax] get a refund?”

12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

Dan Corner: What's wrong with today's gospel — Eternal security is false, no matter how popular! Actual audio quotes from big name teachers

[youtube=]What’s wrong with today’s gospel Pt 1 (Eternal Security is false) No once saved always saved

Uploaded by on Mar 28, 2008
Dan Corner exposes and refutes the false gospel and counterfeit grace of eternal security. Hear actual audio quotes from big name teachers and a sound biblical refutation of the devil’s lie of once saved always saved aka eternal security

[Video] Dan Corner Interview: The Believer’s Conditional Security
Dan Corner’s 801-page book: “The Believer’s Conditional Security”
How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many Find the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%!?!!
[Video] Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? (what the Bible really says about who goes to heaven)
(video) Dan Corner: True Grace Vs False Grace — Charles Stanley’s security in sin: “You cannot out-sin the grace of God” Vs Jesus: “He who endures to the end will be saved”
(video) Dan Corner: Prodigal Son — “My son was dead, and is alive again! He was lost, and is found!”
(cartoon) The Prodigal Son
(audio) Dan Corner: “If you’re lusting in your heart, you are an adulterer, and you won’t inherit the kingdom”
John Calvin Had Servetus Burned at the Stake for Having Doctrinal Differences — His Ashes Cry Out!
(audio) Dan Corner: The parable of the sower — “Bringing forth fruit is a salvation issue”
(video) The Grace Changers: Calvinist Mark Driscoll Exposed — “Mark Driscoll’s popularity is proof that we are in a deep dark church apostacy now!”
What about the thief on the cross? He wasn’t required to do works | ‘Sweaty ministry’ VS “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me…”
Father of Calvinism, Augustine’s Prayer To Mary For His Salvation

[Biblically disqualified to lead] Chuck Missler laughs about his intentional lie — Has eternal security seared his conscience? Dan Corner thinks so.

Could it be that once-saved-always-saved
is at least partially searing church leaders’ consciences?

Is this why these grace changers won’t repent,
and won’t get right with those they’ve hurt,
believing their own lie —
a doctrine of demons?

[youtube=]CHUCK MISSLER EXPOSED Eternal Security Conscience Seared Liars

Uploaded by on Aug 26, 2009 Powerful and shocking expose of Chuck Missler, a very popular teacher of our dark day. Check the web site for much more info refuting the false gospel and counterfeit grace message of eternal security.

* * *

This grace changing, false teacher at work,
saying the statement Corner addresses above,
and that the alternative to ES is to be under the law.


[youtube=]Eternal Security


[WordPOWER] Jesus: Where ‘all liars’ go (pastors included) — Revelation 21:8

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?
Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

Lutheran Infant Baptism is Unscriptural and a False Gospel

[youtube=]Lutheran Infant Baptism (Original Sin) Is Unscriptural And A False Gospel

Uploaded by on Jul 1, 2010 Lutherans have a false gospel which is shown through their infant baptism. Do not be deceived by this practice.

Can this one false doctrine be stopping revival? Absolutely!

[youtube=]Form of Godliness – Social Gospel

Uploaded by on Jul 9, 2009 Why No Revival? Why are there no evangelical pentecostal church revival fires? Many want genuine revival but do not see or comprehend the underlying problem.

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

Jeff Fenske: 13 Common Misconceptions About the New Covenant — and 13 Truths including "If you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law"

Grace. It’s now all about grace — we hear over and over and over.
But what does the Bible really say? And what is grace?

There is so much misunderstanding about how the new covenant is different than the old covenant. Much of this is due to the misinterpretation of the word ‘grace,’ and it’s way deeper than that.
Here I’ve compiled a list of the false statements I’ve been hearing from the grace changers (the false teachers of our day), who are teaching these as being the truth — ruining the church.
And this is what is destroying America.
I may add to the list if I think of more. Please comment with your suggestions too.
– Jeff Fenske

* * *

13 Common Misconceptions About the New Covenant

[FALSEHOOD] The requirements in the new covenant are less than in the old.
[THE TRUTH] What did Jesus say in Matthew 5, and what did Paul say in Acts 17?

[WordPOWER!] Jesus Ups the Ante – Matthew 5:21-22: “YOU HAVE HEARD that it was said…, ‘You shall not murder’…. BUT I TELL YOU, that everyone who is ANGRY with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment”

[WordPOWER!] Jesus Ups the Ante – Matthew 5:27-30: “YOU HAVE HEARD that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery;’ BUT I TELL YOU that everyone who GAZES at a woman to LUST after her has committed ADULTERY with her already in his heart. …your whole body to be CAST INTO GEHENNA.”

[WordPOWER!] Acts 17:30-31 God Upped the Ante when He Sent the Holy Spirit — “The times of ignorance therefore God overlooked. But now he commands that all people everywhere should repent…”

[FALSEHOOD] Abiding in Christ doesn’t require us to actually abide in Christ. We’re legally in Christ merely because of what Jesus did — Romans 1a without the 1b (without verses 4 and 12-17 too)
[THE TRUTH] “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”
What did Jesus say in John 15 about abiding — the opposite of the song, “Never Let Go”? Read in Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?
[FALSEHOOD] If born-again ‘Christians’ feel condemnation, it’s really only conviction. Condemnation is a lie from the Devil because: “There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus — Romans 1a without the 1b
[THE TRUTH] “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”
[FALSEHOOD] People in the old covenant were under the law, but we are under “grace” — so they had to obey the law but we don’t have to obey anything (or Anyone).
[THE TRUTH] See: The meaning of “Grace” (χαρις) in the Bible: It’s not what you think?
[FALSEHOOD] The 10 Commandments were replaced by “grace + nothing.” Now we don’t have to do anything.

[THE TRUTH] Jesus superceded the 10 Commandments with the Greatest Two — a greater requirement, not less.
Matthew 22:

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” 37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 A second likewise is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”


Romans 13:

8 Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. 9 For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not give false testimony,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other commandments there are, are all summed up in this saying, namely, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love doesn’t harm a neighbor. Love therefore is the fulfillment of the law.


John 15:1-14

1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the farmer. 2 Every branch in me that doesn’t bear fruit, he takes away. Every branch that bears fruit, he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already pruned clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, and I in you. As the branch can’t bear fruit by itself, unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you, unless you remain in me. 5 I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If a man doesn’t remain in me, he is thrown out as a branch, and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you. 8 “In this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit; and so you will be my disciples. 9 Even as the Father has loved me, I also have loved you. Remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and remain in his love. 11 I have spoken these things to you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be made full. 12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends, if you do whatever I command you.

[FALSEHOOD] Paul rebuked the Galatians for thinking they had to do works.
[THE TRUTH] Paul rebuked the Galatians for thinking they had to do the works of the law. In Galatians 5:13 – 6:10, Paul clearly explains what we now have to do in the new covenant. Read in Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?
[FALSEHOOD] In Romans 7, Paul couldn’t overcome sin as a born-again believer — so if we don’t overcome sin that is normal.

[THE TRUTH] Romans 7 was the struggle that Paul had before he was born-again, before he had the Holy Spirit in him to empower him to overcome as he says we must do in the following chapter to even be called children of God. People don’t read far enough — or just read what they want to read.
[FALSEHOOD] Paul didn’t get right with those he hurt so we don’t have to either.

[THE TRUTH] See: Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.”
[FALSEHOOD] The fear of God isn’t supposed to be fear but just reverence.

[THE TRUTH] Paul said “work out your salvation through fear and trembling. We should fear and tremble in what God will do to us if we don’t work out our own salvation by making sure we abide in Him.
Mt. 10:28 — “Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell.”

And is this merely reverence? Great fear came on the people when Ananias and Sapphira were killed by God. The people didn’t want to be also zapped. And many were added to their number too. Consider also what God said he would do to Jezebel and her children if she didn’t repent (Rev. 1).

[FALSEHOOD] It’s hard to lose one’s salvation.

[THE TRUTH] Read Revelation 3:1-5 in Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? And the church in Sardis actually had a reputation for being alive, unlike almost every church today.
[FALSEHOOD] Once our names are in the Book of Life they can’t be removed.

[THE TRUTH] See how only a few in the church in Sardis would not have their names removed from the Book of Life. Read Revelation 3:1-5 in Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? And the church in Sardis actually had a reputation for being alive, unlike almost every church today.
[FALSEHOOD] We can be lukewarm and still go to heaven.

[THE TRUTH] Revelation 3:15-16 — “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth.
[FALSEHOOD] But Jesus didn’t really mean that. A pastor recently said from the pulpit that he doesn’t believe a Christian can be deceived enough to lose his/her salvation.

[THE TRUTH] Paul said in Galatians 6:7,8 — “Don’t be deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”
In Galatians 5, Paul gave two lists: those who are Christ’s have the fruit of the Spirit, having crucified their flesh.
And then there are those who are bound for Hell.

19 Now the works of the flesh are obvious, which are: adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousies, outbursts of anger, rivalries, divisions, heresies, 21 envyings, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these; of which I forewarn you, even as I also forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.

* * *

Therefore Jesus upped the ante, increased the requirements for us who now have the Holy Spirit in us to help us overcome. And overcome we must:

“Those who are led by the Spirit are the children of God.”


Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.


“Remain in Me….”


“Work out your salvation through fear and trembling.”


“If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”


“He who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”


“Remain in me, and I in you.”


“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”


“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,
who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit

* * *

“The times of ignorance therefore God overlooked.
But now he commands that all people everywhere should repent

[vision] “TEAR DOWN the WALLS”: “Take out the foundation [doctrines of demons: once saved, always saved, etc.]. It is not substantial enough to support the building that I am ready to build on this ground.” “I am looking for a ‘general contractor’ who will build according to the blue print.”

From: John the Baptist TV (Andrew Strom)

“TEAR DOWN the WALLS” – A Vision

-by David Stansell.

I also had a vision in 2003 that spoke of a change in the Church. I saw a red brick building. It was a church building. The roof was rotten, the wood in the walls was rotten. The remedy was to remove all the wood in the building. It needed to be replaced. It could not be repaired…

Well, this meant that the brick walls would have to be torn down as they were not in shape to support themselves without a connection to the wood. In very poor shape.

So I saw the building reduced to the foundation stones. I was ready to see a new building build on this old foundation.

However the Spirit of God spoke. “Take out the foundation. It is not substantial enough to support the building that I am ready to build on this ground.”

The building that God is ready to build (Bride) is to be so much glorious than our present understanding. However, *are* we ready for Him to take down the present building? And take it down all the way to the original dirt? Our human side wants to hold onto something that is recognizable from our past. It then becomes that leaven that brings back all the old junk of the previous life.

Then I heard, “I am looking for a ‘General Contractor’ who will build according to the blue print.” Then I understood that He would only entrust the construction of this building to someone who is fully submitted to do all and not less that all that comes from the throne of Heaven. We are not the architect. It is not our job to design the building.

Shortly after the vision I was in Acts 5. In verse 32, I was over- whelmed with the truth that we do *not* have the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT because we do *not* obey his voice. (Jer 7: 22)…

God is ready for His bride to operate in all the power that Jesus had while He was on this earth (Scriptures say this) when we are ready to relate to God the same way Jesus related to the Father.

As I look at church history, I see that God gave men truth and they used their minds to ADD more truth. And then this new truth brought death to the truth of God. Where are the people who can be obedient only to the simple truths brought by the Holy Spirit?

So Many Layers of Lies

The quote below is also true of the ‘church’ and the vast majority of pastors.

Thus lying is epidemic in America.

If the pastors, who are supposed to be salt and light lie, how can we expect the media, the politicians and everyone else to not lie?



“There’s such a tissue of lies
that how do you even educate people
in how they’re being lied to
when there are so many layers of lies?”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from
The Alex Jones Show 4/14/11


Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

AMERICA LED BY LIARS! Brazen Brzezinski admits outright that the U.S. LIES — What we SAY vs what we DO “as a matter of practice” — Just like the PASTORS — though they won’t yet admit it

Popularity & Lying: The ‘Best’ Liars the Most Popular?

Brandi Chastain: Lying to Win — America’s End-Justifies-the-Means Morality

Lying: What’s politically acceptable vs. what’s Biblically acceptable

[WordPOWER!] James — Demons WITHIN drive ‘Christians’ to curse people. “If you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition IN YOUR HEART” you’re probably a James-3 curser. If so, “don’t lie against the truth.” Instead, be a PEACEMAKER, “for they shall be called children of God.” – Jesus

Select Lying Quotes

[WordPOWER!] Better to Be a Poor Man than a Liar — Getting Treasure by Lying is a Fleeting

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

“My 7 Years Working for The Elijah List” — Ear-tickling messages coddling people into deceptive slumber: Positive-encouraging-words-only philosophy; the misinterpretation of Matt. 7:1-5 (not judging); the misuse of the term 'Grace' …. The end result of prophecy should be God’s people repenting.

* * *

Prophecy Disinfo Central —
The Elijah List Exposed!

I asked to be removed from The Elijah List over a decade ago
after being so disappointed,
seeing fluff-words with no meat —
no serious calls to repentance and righteousness.
I could smell a rat.

Kevin calls this their
“encouraging words only” philosophy —
which is similar to a radio station’s jingle:
“positive-encouragement K-LOVE.”

False prophets are saying
ear-tickling messages that are
coddling people into deceptive slumber.

The Elijah List has been prophecy disinfo central.
Thankfully, Kevin explains what’s going on.

Whereas the prophecies I have on this site
are real prophecies —
quite different.

For example, a prophecy given to me:
“Let Us Be ONE”
The Red Gate Prophecy —
What If I Open It Just a Little Bit?

Also, please see:
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures —
Narrow is the Way |
Who are the Children of God?

Ministries like The Elijah List
are largely responsible for the seriously sick state
of the church
and our nation.

We’re supposed to be light —
not a black hole!

Jeff Fenske
Life in the Son!

* * *


“My 7 Years Working for the Elijah List” –
by Kevin Kleint

In The Beginning

It’s been about 3 years since I ended my employment with the Elijah List.


Let me take a small side road: For the record, I am NOT against manifestations. I’ve been “slain in the Spirit”, had Holy Laughter hit me and even physically reacted to the Holy Spirit. Believe me, when God (the Creator of the Universe) touches dirt (you and I), something is going to move. But if God touches us, there is going to be a change, a transformation, a healing of SOME sort. These people who “manifest” outwardly without becoming more and more like Him are NOT under the influence of the Holy Spirit (it’s another kind of spirit). I’ve known several people like this, who can twitch in the middle of WalMart, but have the personality of a troll. They claim to be so in tune with God, but the fruit of their lives speaks otherwise.

Mammon and the Fear of Man

Occasionally, a contributor would send us a “word” with content that didn’t necessarily jibe with the Elijah List’s “encouraging words only” philosophy. Trying to stick with the “encouragement only” philosophy, Steve would have to write introductions (sometimes 3-4 paragraphs long) to the words and try to “play down” the corrective/repentance-based element of the email. There would usually be an effort to direct people to God’s “softer” side. Occasionally, certain “offending” sentences in the submission would be completely re-worded prior to release. These subtle, and sometimes flagrant, manipulations would usually upset the contributor, especially the more “idealistic” ones.

The last time I checked the Bible, a prophet was told not to regard man’s opinion and give the Word of God…. Undiluted.

It was clear to me that, during this phase, the focus had shifted. Mammon and the Fear of Man had become the “god” of the Elijah List. I say this because, from what I experienced, every effort was made to make more money and to please man. Words were released based upon the popularity of the contributor and the profit to be made from the products they sold — not on the truthfulness or relevance the words held.


Touch NOT His Anointed?

Leadership in the prophetic movement, including the Elijah List, has constructed a cleverly crafted wall of deception that has kept them above accountability and immune from criticism and reproach. This wall of deception revolves around the misinterpretation and the misapplication of Matt. 7:1-5 (not judging) and other verses like it.

As a result, no one is able to say that they (the “prophets”) are doing anything wrong. If someone should mention that they see anything wrong with the behavior or deeds of the “prophets”, they are immediately told that they are not walking in love, and that we should give “grace” to the prophet (more on this later). They’re also told that we shouldn’t judge, because we do not want to be judged in like manner … that we should remove the plank from our own eye, rather than point out someone else’s faults (more on this later). And because we put these leaders on a pedestal (in essence, “idolizing” them), it’s really easy for most people to swallow this reasoning and to ignore the sin.

This dynamic also carries over into the church’s relationships with each other, individually. We’re all afraid to say anything about the sin in each others lives because we don’t want to be perceived as “judgmental” or “mean”. Because of this fear, sin in the Body goes unchecked and actually thrives! Why do you think our divorce, abortion, porn use, and drug abuse statistics are equal to the world? Because there is no purity, no holiness, and no Holy Spirit’s Fire in our congregations! Do you know witches and satanists can actually come into our “houses of worship” and feel comfortable? God have mercy on us!

The following verses are conveniently downplayed and/or ignored by the “prophets” and their followers:

  • 1 Cor. 6:3 “Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?” – This verse allows us to discern/judge issues concerning this life.
  • 1 Cor. 6:5 “I say this to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you, not even one, who will be able to judge between his brethren?” – This verse allows us to judge issues between brethren.
  • 1 Cor.  11:31 “For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged.” – This verse allows us to judge the sin in our own lives.

To Rebuke, or NOT to Rebuke?

Not only does the bible say we are to judge behavior/issues, it also gives us permission to REBUKE!

  • Luke 17:3 “Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him.” – This verse allows us to rebuke our brother/sister who is in sin.
  • 1 Titus 5:20 “Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.” – This verse allows us to rebuke an ELDER who is in sin (read prior scriptures for backup).
  • 2 Timothy 4:2 – “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” – This verse allows us rebuke as a vital part of our preaching!
  • Titus 2:15 –  “Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.” – This verse allows us to rebuke with authority!

Most ministries associated with the Elijah List, the “prophetic” church, and much of the rest of the church, can’t stand it when you bring up these scriptures, because then the possibility of exposed sin creeps its way into their salvation equation. The weirdest thing is, they want to keep the sin hidden, and yet they wonder why they are some of the most battered, bruised and confused people in the church. I experienced it too! During my 7 years at the Elijah List, I had never experienced such defeat, sickness and confusion in my whole life! Whenever one experiences this, they are told that they are just experiencing “spiritual warfare” … that it’s enemy’s fault they are experiencing this trauma. That sounds great to a carnal mind, I mean, after all … who wants to take the blame?


Grace or Licentiousness?

If the Wall of Deception is the misuse of judgment-based scriptures, then the misuse of the term “Grace” is the mortar that holds it together.  Grace is a very nebulous term in prophetic circles and is used to replace “mercy” or “covering sin” in most conversations.  According to Steve Shultz, the Elijah List’s whole philosophy and foundation revolves around this grace.  But when you listen to him preach about grace, usually you walk away with a skewed understanding of it.  The “main idea” being that we should be nice to people because God loves them, and after all, He was nice to you, so you need to do likewise. This isn’t necessarily a wrong idea, but this isn’t “grace”, and it also plays in to the mindset of not judging anyone’s actions, thereby strengthening the Wall of Deception.

Let’s see what the Word says about Grace in Titus 2:11-15:

  • v11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,
  • v12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,
  • v13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,
  • v14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.
  • v15 Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.

So, from the verses above, I know that if you preach a message of Grace, you need to be teaching a few things.

  • Deny ungodliness and worldly lusts
  • Live soberly and righteously in the present age
  • Look for Jesus’ return
  • (from v14) Be aware of His Work on the cross and how he sought a pure and holy people

What’s more, the message is to be preached (spoke, exhort, rebuke) with Authority. You will not find the above concepts taught in most “grace” messages these days. Unfortunately, what you’ll mostly hear about is more along the lines of “mercy” and how God wants to be your buddy. And to a church culture with itching ears, this is wonderful news! Because Jesus is their buddy, they won’t have to live righteously! They won’t have to live soberly! God has “GRACE” for all of those things!

As a result, licentiousness (unrestrained flesh) reigns supreme in our lives.

Accuracy please?

… In Jeremiah 23:21-22, God tells the prophet a vital characteristic of True Prophecy:

I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in My counsel, And had caused My people to hear My words, Then they would have turned them from their evil way And from the evil of their doings.

The end result of all prophecy should be God’s people repenting …. turning their hearts back to God. Nowadays, teachings on “third heaven experiences”, “the glory realm” and “breakthrough” are labeled as prophecy. Do you see how even our definition of prophecy has become “man-centered”?


“Fathers” of the Prophetic Movement

It is not my intention to pick on specific people with this next section. I am using Bob Jones and Paul Cain as examples to show that perversion and error has had a firm foothold from the roots of this movement and is being passed on directly to the “younger” generation of prophets and their followers, who revere the “older” prophets unquestioningly, because they’ve been taught to do so.


Lack of Discernment has a Price

The hard truth is today’s false prophets and their followers boast of great prophetic insights, but actually have little or no discernment at all.

During my 7 years working for the Elijah List (and my 5 years at the Vineyard), I had so many encounters with people influenced by witchcraft (to varying degrees), pornography and the homosexual spirit, and yet NOTHING was said or done about it. As I said before, witches attended these conferences and church services, leaving unconvicted and unsaved. People with homosexual spirits and/or admitted pornography addictions were allowed to give “prophetic words” from the pulpit, unchallenged.

That is sin, people.


Love’s True Definition

The true prophets in the Old and New Testament had it right! They LOVED their nation to the point where they would say what God told them to say, even if it meant becoming the object of ridicule and disdain in the eyes of those whom they loved. Their Love begged people to repent and turn back to God, not to continue in their ways and hope to get the next “third heaven experience”. They had no concern for the number of followers they had, what conferences they were invited to, or the bottom line $$. They didn’t say ear-tickling messages that would coddle people into a deceptive slumber; they left that to the false prophets, who ALWAYS had a “positive and encouraging” thing to say.

It’s because of this Love, that I absolutely must write this. …

Entire Article Here
Gene Bacon: Judgement on the Prophets — FALSE PROPHETS tell the people what they want to hear. TRUE PROPHETS WILL WARN saints to turn from their wicked ways rather than telling them EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY in spite of their sin. There is a CORRUPT TEACHING of EXTREME GRACE that claims that Jesus forgave all our sins, past, present, and future at the cross.

My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God's side. Don't follow the crowd; follow Jesus. "Come out from them and be separate," says God. Be holy. Let's love!

Another war —
another opportunity
to get our hearts right.

“Love your neighbor
as yourself.”

– Jesus

* * *

It is my observation that Satan has duped the American people
(including pastors who can’t biblically be ‘strikers‘)
to support wars that are taking out those governments
who would oppose the Devil’s one-world government,
anti-Christ reign.

The proof is at ToBeFree!

Wake up
and don’t cut your own throat!

“Come out from among them and be separate.”

Be on God’s side,
not Satan’s.

Don’t follow the crowd.
Follow Jesus,

Be led by the HOLY Spirit.

Jeff Fenske

* * *

“Blessed are the (true) peacemakers.
They shall be called children of God.”

Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God.

– Jesus

* * *

Do you want to go to heaven?

* * *

“Those who are led by the Spirit
are the Children of God.”

– Paul

* * *

Not by might,
nor by power,
but by by My Spirit….”

– God


Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.

EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.

Ron ‘Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers’ Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”

Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

[WordPOWER!] 1 Timothy 6 — "Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold of the eternal life to which you were called." "Charge those who are rich in this present world that they not be haughty, nor have their hope set on the uncertainty of riches…"

1 Timothy 6

3 If anyone teaches a different doctrine, and doesn’t consent to sound words, the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness, 4 he is conceited, knowing nothing, but obsessed with arguments, disputes, and word battles, from which come envy, strife, insulting, evil suspicions, 5 constant friction of people of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. Withdraw yourself from such. 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we certainly can’t carry anything out. 8 But having food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 But those who are determined to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful lusts, such as drown men in ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some have been led astray from the faith in their greed, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

11 But you, man of God, flee these things, and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you confessed the good confession in the sight of many witnesses. 13 I command you before God, who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate testified the good confession, 14 that you keep the commandment without spot, blameless, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ; 15 which in its own times he will show, who is the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; 16 who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light; whom no man has seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and eternal power. Amen.

17 Charge those who are rich in this present world that they not be haughty, nor have their hope set on the uncertainty of riches, but on the living God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy; 18 that they do good, that they be rich in good works, that they be ready to distribute, willing to communicate; 19 laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold of eternal life.

20 Timothy, guard that which is committed to you, turning away from the empty chatter and oppositions of the knowledge which is falsely so called; 21 which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.

[WordPOWER!] 1 Timothy 4:1 — "The Spirit says expressly that IN LATER TIMES some will FALL AWAY from the faith, paying attention to SEDUCING SPIRITS and DOCTRINES OF DEMONS"

1 Timothy 4

1 But the Spirit says expressly that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 through the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, branded in their own conscience as with a hot iron; 3 forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with thanksgiving. 5 For it is sanctified through the word of God and prayer.

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