Many more testimonies can be seen at the IHOPU Student Awakenening page. Scroll down through the listings to the right of the video player.
Category: Healing
“If there is pain in a memory there is unforgiveness.”
“Medical textbooks list over 60 diseases that are caused by anxiety, stress and fear.”
“It’s not a surprise that anger, resentment, bitterness, jealousy and the rejection issues, fears, words, anxieties cause disease. The American Medical Association says that more than 80 percent of all of our diseases are caused by these emotions.”
“There’s one other verse that kept coming up, 2 Timothy 17. It says, “I haven’t given you a spirit of fear.” And I was born again Christian and I said, I can’t have this spirit. But I knew that I was controlled by all those fears….”
“Jesus came to heal the broken heart, and the broken heart is all of that pain, all that hurt and the things that have happened to us in life. And his blood will take away, as we truly forgive, all of that pain. And then the fight-flight process will stop and healing manifests.”
“The unforgiveness is still there if that emotional pain is still there.”
* * *
Description of video from video no longer posted at YouTube:
After being healed of Environmental Illness, Art Mathias began teaching others how to identify the root causes of sickness and disease. Art has now seen many types of sickness and disease healed including weight gain, cancer, heart problems, diabetes, allergies, asthma, mental illness, and many more!
Watch the video at It’s Supernatural
Art Mathias
November 9-15, 2009
75% of people that apply Art Mathias’ teachings are healed of all types of sickness and disease! After being healed of Environmental Illness, Art Mathias began teaching others how to identify the root causes of sickness and disease. Art has now seen many types of sickness and disease healed including weight gain, cancer, heart problems, diabetes, allergies, asthma, mental illness, and many more! Art is now seeing a 75% success rate in physical healings when people apply the revelation God has given him.
Sid’s 5-part interview of Art for his radio show can be heard here (goes into more depth)
Video Transcript excerpts:
SID: Hello. I’m Sid Roth. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. What happens if you have a terminal disease? You go to the elders of your congregation. They anoint you with oil and you’re not healed. Then you go to the best doctors money can buy and you’re still not healed. Then you go the alternative health route and you’re still not healed. What do you do? My guest says the cause of a high percentage of diseases are toxic emotions. …75 percent of the people that follow his instructions are getting healed, and he says the percentage would be even higher if they would do everything he tells them to do. My guest, Art Mathias, and you found out the hard way.
SID: And in the meantime, his sister develops tumors and she starts studying an area having to do with forgiveness and gets healed, and she sends the tapes to Art. What happened?
ART: Well I was desperate. In that condition I would even listen to something that I thought was about as hokey as it could be that my thoughts and emotions could have anything to do with what was going on in my physical body. But, you know, I was raised in the church and I didn’t think I had to forgive anything. But as I worked through what she taught me about what bitterness was, I learned that I had a lot of resentment and anger, and unforgiveness, which are all parts of bitterness. And so I started to forgive. I didn’t know how to forgive. But I started to work through. I purpose and I choose to forgive. And then there’s one other verse that kept coming up, 2 Timothy 17. It says, “I haven’t given you a spirit of fear.” And I was born again Christian and I said, I can’t have this spirit. But I knew that I was controlled by all those fears of the future, the fear of the pain that I was living in everyday, the fear that I if couldn’t eat anything, what am I gonna do?
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
“[Drugs are] not going to take the demons away. You’re trying to do something that only Jesus Christ can do. … You cannot drug your body into good health. It’s impossible. … You’re dealing with demonic problems, and you’re doing it through mind altering drugs, or pharmakeia. How does that make sense from a Biblical standpoint?”
“Do you know how many people in the churches are on these type of drugs, and they think nothing of it? And their pastor says nothing about it?”
“The spirit of drug induced control is rebellion against God’s plan.””60% of the population is taking at least one pharmaceutical drug every day … and it’s all by design.”
“It’s built on the backs of people who are sick, diseased and dying. It’s not about getting them better. It’s about getting them addicted to these medicines and controlling them.
Heart disease example of the fallacy of medicine:
“They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”
“Lecithin helps to clean out the arteries. It helps to defat the liver and the fat or the plaquing of the arteries.”
“The medical solution is to put them on meds until they have the heart attack. Sweep the symptoms under the rug, and then we’ll do the surgery. We’ll make thousands and thousands of dollars. And we’ll look like we’re really smart because we’re surgeons. And we can go in there and put a stint in. … You haven’t done anything to fix the problem. You’ve got hundreds of miles of blood vessels in your body, and they’re plaqued up too.”
“These elderly people that are on 15-20 meds, laying there in vegetative states in retirement homes, or wherever they’re being taken care of, they see things, they hear voices. It’s no wonder.”
[youtube=]Dr. Scott Johnson – Pharmaceuticals As Pharmakeia/Sorcery –
Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry 1/26
Scott’s Homepage –…
Scott’s Forum –…
21st September 2008
Pharmakeia: Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry.
Pharmakeia is a form of the Greek root word from which we get our English words: Pharmacy, Pharmacist, and Pharmaceutical. In the Bible, pharmakeia carried with it the idea of sorcery, occultism, and black magic. It is in this sense that Paul used the term in Galatians 5.20 as the word ‘witchcraft’. In Rev. 9:21 & 18:23 it is translated ‘sorceries’.
Do you find it rather disturbing that approximately 60% of the population is taking at least one pharmaceutical drug every day? Some are taking up to fifteen and twenty! We are told that we are living during a time of the greatest medical breakthroughs in the history of the world yet, over one hundred million Americans suffer from various health problems. Why has such a large majority of the world become dependent on pharmaceutical drugs?
[Portions of transcript below]
God has given proven prophet John Paul Jackson insight into the future of America. This week John Paul shares what God has shown him of a coming “Perfect Storm” capable of bringing unpredictable calamity to the United States through the elements of war, politics, economics, religion and geophysical issues. Hear John Paul discuss these future events and how you can prepare for the coming Perfect Storm.
Select excerpts from the It’s Supernatural transcript, (available here as pdf file):
SID ROTH: Now you saw some specific dates. What were they?
JOHN PAUL JACKSON: I saw the year 2010 was going to be very difficult, especially as you get further into 2010. I saw the year, I kept hearing an angel saying in a deep loud voice, “The woes of 2012. The woes of 2012. The woes of 2012.” I don’t know what those woes are, Sid. The angel did not tell me about those woes. But there was more emphasis on those woes than almost anything else that I was given.
JOHN PAUL: Some of the things I saw that were going to be coming or were quite shaking. And one of them was the issue of drought and the issue of water becoming very, very expensive, and at some point in the future, there will be cities that water from tap, right from your kitchen faucet will be more expensive than oil is. So it’s not like talking about going to the store and buying a gallon of water. We’re talking about water that’s normally fairly inexpensive becoming very expensive. In fact, some of the things that I saw was there would be various cities in the United States that would have to evacuate thousands of people because there wasn’t enough water in the reservoirs and in the aquifers that they get the water from, to get water to all the people.
SID: What about food?
JOHN PAUL: I saw a blight coming to hybrid seeds, and that would bring a type of famine to the United States. So the hybrid seeds that have been propagated by various large, huge corporations [Monsanto – editor], supposedly resistant to all kinds of things, there’s something in the DNA structure of how they propagated everything, and it will actually allow for a blight to come. Some of the seeds won’t break the ground. Some of the seeds will break the ground but never bear fruit, and so you’ll end up seeing maybe green out in the fields. There will be enough rain for them in certain areas, but they won’t come to seed. So there won’t be the corn that will be normally in the ear. There won’t be the wheat that is normally in the head of wheat. So that creates a major food shortage.
SID: Will that increase crime?
JOHN PAUL: Which would increase crime. Right.
SID: What did you see?
JOHN PAUL: Well crime, I saw crime increasing for several reasons. One, economically because there’s so many people unemployed. We’re at double-digit unemployment. And I’ve been talking about as high as over 12 percent unemployment before it’s all said and done. And that was way before, you know, at that time it was 4.5 percent, I believe, when I started talking about. But I also saw unemployment because of the economic decisions that are going to be made. I also saw the food shortages further harming the unemployed because food will be so expensive they couldn’t afford to get it. And so then, you end up seeing people actually robbing food trucks that would carry food to grocery stores. And when they would come and there would have to be armed guards riding the food trucks in order to keep the food truck waylaid or hijacked.
SID: It sounds to me like there’s going to be a great deal of fear going on.
JOHN PAUL: Yeah. One of the plans of the enemy–There’s going to be fear because of just God saying, “I’m God, you’re not,” and one of return of the fear of God to the church, first and foremost, and then to the nation. But one of the plans of the enemies is going to try to capitalize on that fear. So you have enemies of the United States that are going to be doing issues. Both China as well as the Islamic community are doing things to the United States. They’re going to begin to generate fear. And so they’re going to be doing things with the school systems. They’re going to be doing things with malls, shopping malls. There will be explosions in shopping malls that will make people afraid to go to high-traffic areas like malls would be.
SID: As a matter of fact, you saw a lot of malls closing down.
JOHN PAUL: I did. I saw a lot of malls closing down, and interestingly enough, because of the storms that happen in some of the cities, the malls were actually used as housing for the people who didn’t have homes.
SID: Hmm. And then you saw a migration of people out of the big cities.
JOHN PAUL: I did. I saw a migration of people out of big cities because of the fear that was there. There was fear of what would happen in the school systems. There was fear of what was going to be happening in just high-traffic volume areas.
SID: And with all this devastation that you see–
SID: You saw the glory of God invading Planet Earth.
SID: Tell me what you saw.
JOHN PAUL: Well the Bible talks about a time of Jacob’s trouble, a time of incredible hardships, incredible difficulties. But a lot of people don’t look at what the Lord said about the Jacob generation. The generation that’s going to see that trouble, is also going to see His glory. For in Psalms 24, it talks about the glory of God that’s going to come in. Who is this king of glory? That is the chapter that asks that incredible question. And it talks about what is going to happen. “He who ascends to the mountain the Lord with clean hands and a pure heart has not lifted up his soul to vanity.” These type of people are going to see incredible things of God. And what I saw, was I saw the glory of God invading His church again. I saw the glory of God invading homes again. I saw the glory of God invading places of worship.
SID: Get specific.
JOHN PAUL: The glory of God, what I saw was like it was thick, it was honey-like, it was like you see on the road. On a hot day, you look down the road and you’ll see a shimmering on the highway. Well this happened in the churches that I saw and the places where the Lord came down. There was a shimmering like a cylinder, a large cylinder, and varying sizes of cylinders of this shimmering, honey-colored, amberesque-colored light. But it was very thick. It was thicker than what you thought. When you got into it, you found it very difficult to move, not because you were paralyzed, but because of the thickness of the presence of the Lord. And whoever entered, Sid, anybody who walked into that glory was healed. Anybody. Anybody.
SID: Oh I love it. Let’s have it on this show.
JOHN PAUL: Amen. And I watched people; I watched mothers and fathers cry out for their children in that cylinder of glory, in the glory of God. I watched them cry out. And before they were done praying, the children ran into the sanctuary, ran into the place of worship, ran into the home declaring that they had been touched by God, and they were giving their life to Yeshua, and giving their life to the Messiah who they had now seen.
SID: You saw multiplication of food. Explain.
JOHN PAUL: I saw multiplication of food. I saw where there’s no food on tables, people, this Jacob generation would close their eyes and pray, and they would hold hands in unity, and while they were praying, food would be put into the pots that were the table. They took the lids off the pots, and there was the food, and they delivered and dished out the food to the people who were praying there. And this didn’t happen at one location. It was multiple, multiple locations. God is drawing us back to a purity of relationship with Him through Jesus.
SID: Speaking of purity, you saw in the Church no absolutes. What did you mean?
JOHN PAUL: Well I saw a growing time where the Church failed to realize the absolutes of God. They began to diminish the Word. And so there was no absolute way to get to God. And then there became no absolute one God. So then, it ended up being more of a polytheistic view of God or many types of God. And each one of us have our God…
SID: You saw horrible immorality in the church.
JOHN PAUL: I saw horrible, horrible immorality in the church. It was going to be–
SID: Some of the things you talk about here, it’s difficult to even express.
JOHN PAUL: It is. It is so vile. It is so ugly.
SID: But there’s got to be a separation of God’s people, of Jacob’s generation.
SID: And everyone else.
JOHN PAUL: It’s a Malachi 3 passage. It says, “And there’s a clear distinction between those who know God and those who don’t know their God.” And that’s what we’re going to begin to see, Sid. We’re going to see a clear separation, a clear distinction. We’re going to see leaders arise in the midst of turmoil. We’re going to see people with ideas that meet the needs of people in the midst the turmoil. We’re going to see people with innovations that meet and facilitate the delivery systems, and systemization of things. And these will be the believers that God shows his secrets to.
SID: Supernatural wisdom.
JOHN PAUL: Supernatural wisdom. Exactly.
SID: It’s the Issachar.
JOHN PAUL: Here’s a verse that’s very important. It’s found in Psalms 25:14. “The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him.” Now what is the secret of the Lord? It’s anything that God hasn’t revealed. Meaning, how do you do this? What is the secret to DNA? What is the secret to this particular type of healing process? What is the secret to various things? And you’re going to have people being given secrets from the Lord, because He’s going to keep his covenant with them.
“The Perfect Storm” by John Paul Jackson. What to expect in the next 10 years. To overcome, we must be right with each other: “You must have clean hands and not harmed others. And if you have, you must repent so that you can be clean” | My experience at Trinity
Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”
‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”
Globalist Insider Tells Lindsey Williams: “Within TWO YEARS you will not recognize America. … You will be so poor you will not be able to rebel”
2012 forecast: Food riots, ghost malls, mob rule, terror. Trends chief [Gerald Celente] says people should brace for ‘the greatest depression.’ “This is the decline of empire America”
Sid Roth: GOING to a CHURCH might be a BIG PLACEBO — "This is ETERNAL LIFE: that you might KNOW HIM"
Adapted from: Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural pdf transcript
“You know very few ‘Christians’ have intimacy with God — very few. Most ‘Christians’ are just plain religious.
And I don’t want to get into theology, but I am not even sure whether…just being religious, just going to church has much to do with going to heaven. I think it might be a big placebo. …
‘This is eternal life: that you might know Him‘ — ‘know Him.'”
– Sid Roth
Watch Video with Guest, Bobby Conner
“My guest Bobby Conner prayed for a baby with half
a face missing. Before his eyes the face materialized.
That’s normal. I wish the whole world were normal.”
Related: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way
From: Charisma Magazine
The Cross: The Arthur Blessitt Story
For almost 40 years Arthur Blessitt has walked around the world carrying a cross and sharing the love of Christ. Matt Crouch, CEO of Gener8Xion Entertainment, has known Blessitt for many years and realized last year that it was time to tell his story. The result is the documentary The Cross: The Arthur Blessitt Story, which opens March 27 in theaters nationwide.
With footage from years of traveling, including images of him and Billy Graham together in Ireland, the film chronicles Blessitt’s journey around the world. The Mississippi-born evangelist has traveled to 315 countries and walked more than 38,000 miles. He began his ministry on Sunset Strip in Los Angeles and became known as the “Sunset Strip Minister.” Because he loved the people he met on the Strip, he was reluctant to leave when he sensed God calling him to walk around the world carrying a wooden cross. But God reminded him that Sunset Strip stretches around the world.
Blessitt was ready to obey. Two weeks before he was to leave Los Angeles, however, doctors discovered he had a brain aneurysm. He explains in the film that circumstances don’t change the call of God. Facing possible death, Blessitt decided he would rather die while in God’s will than to live out of it. He left on schedule—Christmas Day 1969.
Moviegoers will be inspired by Blessitt’s passion and commitment to not only answer God’s call but also to persevere even in the midst of incredible danger. Blessitt says he learned along the way to see hardships and difficulties not as stumbling blocks but as stepping stones. “The safest place to be is in the will of God,” he says onscreen.
Blessitt has traveled through 52 war zones, been beaten and also arrested 24 times. His first arrest was in Jackson, Miss., for holding a black man’s hand while witnessing to him. Blessitt remained undeterred and has seen many miracles as God protected him, kept him alive and brought him through. Throughout his lengthy mission, he’s had the opportunity to minister to countless people. That now includes millions more who, in watching The Cross, will undoubtedly be inspired by the lessons he’s learned and the relationship he developed with the Lord-both conveyed powerfully onscreen in this 90-minute documentary. Ultimately, Blessitt says, it’s all about loving God and people.
It was Crouch, as the movie’s director and narrator, who best summed up this film: “It’s not about the cross carrier; it’s about what the cross did to the cross carrier.”
To read more about The Cross: The Arthur Blessit Story, click here.
Arthur Blessitt’s autobiography released earlier this year. Click here to purchase The Cross (Authentic Publishing).
Quotes from John Mark Ministries
Luther knew his illnesses weren’t natural, but demonically caused:
“Our bodies are always exposed to Satan. The maladies I suffer are not natural, but Devil’s spells.”
Martin Luther said this about doctors who treat demonically caused illnesses as though they are natural:
“Idiots, the lame, the blind, the dumb, are men in whom the devils have established themselves: and all the physicians who heal these infirmities, as though they proceeded from natural causes, are ignorant blockheads….”
The Devil, an expert reverse-physician:
“The Devil, it is true, is not exactly a doctor who has taken degrees, but he is very learned, very expert for all that. He has not been carrying on his business during thousands of years for nothing….”
“If there is pain in a memory there is bitterness.”
– Art Mathias
From: Wellspring Ministries, Anchorage, Alaska
If there is any emotional pain in a situation or memory, then we know that some degree of bitterness is present. Only His precepts of forgiveness and repentance can remove the anger, resentment, shame or guilt in our memories. Our book Biblical Foundations of Freedom leads the reader through a process of recognizing and dealing with anger, resentment, jealousy and envy, rejection, fear and the occult.
Medical science and psychology demonstrate in thousands of clinical trials the way in which negative emotions affect our health. In His Own Image explains how our brain/nervous system, endocrine (hormones) system and immune systems are affected by many different negative emotions. This is a fascinating study that will open your eyes to the causes of most of our diseases.
As people come before the Lord in repentance and forgiveness, destroying the lies of Satan, and gaining victory through choosing to live according to God’s will in their lives, most emotional and physical diseases are healed and bodies return to peace and proper function. This restoration and healing is true Biblical freedom.
[youtube=]Nick Vujicic — Life Without Limbs
[youtube=]Greg Laurie and Nick Vujicic
“Sin, fear and guilt are gonna hold you back
more than having no arms and legs.”
“My circumstance doesn’t need to change for me to be happy.
You can’t argue with this smile, this joy in my eyes.
It’s real.”
“Sometimes I still pray for arms and legs.
But do you know what’s awesome?
If I don’t get the miracle,
I know that I am already a miracle for somebody else.”
I wrote this, based upon a personal story and a dream I had in which I saw Jesus’ face. I remember the GREAT love in His eyes!
– –
April ‘89
———-In my twenties, there was a time
———–when my roommates lived with a ghost—
———–thin, pale, sluggish. Eye sockets coal—
———-two black holes— sucked joy from both men.
———I cried up to God, out at them.
——–Physicians could not remedy.
——-Each minute struggled on, on, on….
—–One day, desperate for response,
—-I sought our Maker with complete
—abandon, singing praises to
—heaven, guitar in hand— full out.
Yet nothing; I heard, saw nothing,
and returned to my dark bedroom.
Asleep, I saw a face; a face?
Whose face?? This smile— big, full, beaming
.great hope into my shattered self.
—It was Christ, looking straight at me!
—.It was like a river flowing—
—.–over rock, over rock, life flowed,
—–.—never ceasing, an endless flow,
——.—-always pouring up and over,
——- .——across, through to the heart— myself
———- -.——resting there— filling up to pour out—forward,
————–. — ——to let LIFE flow, from this stream of God Himself.
“We have two choices:
continue to blame the world for our stress
or take responsibility for own reactions
and deliberately change our emotional climate.”
-Doc Childre and Howard Martin,
HeartMath Solution
Click for the Illuminated Version
Excerpted from: pdf transcript of Sid Roth It’s Supernatural! — April 28-May 4, 2008
Sid: …my guest, Steven Brooks, wakes up one evening, and not, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 angels are in a circle around him! … Why were they there? What was there purpose?
Steven: Well they came to talk to me, they said “we want to talk with you about the spirit of Holiness.” And for 30 minutes, they did most of the talking, I was allowed to ask a few questions, but for 30 minutes, they told me how important it is to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord with Holiness. That an individual has a responsibility to do there part,
Sid: Is Holiness the way you dress? Is Holiness, an external thing? What were they telling you?
Steven: Sure, that is a good question, because when they talked with me, there wasn’t a trace of what we would call legalism, or you can’t do this or you can’t do that. Because in our heart we know the Holy Spirit will lead us to do things, that are pleasing to the Lord. But there is an element of doing things, there are certain things that you don’t want to put into your ears. There are certain things that you don’t want your eyes to see. You want to maintain purity as much as possible, because that also will attract the angels. An impure thought life, the angels pick up on that, In the spirit realm, they are able to see, what we are emanating, what’s radiating out of us,
Sid: I have to ask you a question. What happens if someone watches TV, that is very violent, are we talking about something like that, or are we talking about something much deeper?
Steven: Yes, No those types of things bring a type of spiritual defilement, and the person may think, that doesn’t affect me, but in the spirit realm, those things are very easily distinguished. Angels can tell what a person is emanating, If you’re emanating the love of God, and that purity, they want to be around you. But if a person puts all kinds of garbage and filth inside of there mind, and inside of there thinking, evil spirits are able to tell what a person is emanating and they will be attracted to that. Impure thoughts, they will gather around that. Thoughts of self-centeredness, depression, that draws them. So there’s ways that we need to live, that are holy and pleasing to the Lord, to please the Lord, and to create and atmosphere that’s conducive to the Holy Spirit.
Sid: Now man looks at someone on television someone that has a meeting with 10,000, 100,000 people in attendance, but I think God’s measurement is different then man’s.
Steven: It can be completely different, the way the Lord measures success. It’s really being obedient to the Lord and doing what he told you to do, whatever that might be, that’s where the reward is at, that’s where the anointing is at.
Sid: Hello Sid Roth here, with Steven Brooks, and Steven had a visitation from Jesus. Jesus described to him the next, the greatest, move of the God’s Spirit in history for healing and miracles that’s about ready to happen. Steven, what did He tell you?
Steven: Well, the interesting thing, Sid, is that the Lord said “I want to talk with you about the coming healing revival,” and I was very interested in that. And so, He began to share some things with me, and one of the things I want to share is that it’s America’s turn.
Sid: I hear so much bad stuff about America, it’s good to hear some good about America.
Steven: Well praise the Lord, there’s some great things coming. The Lord has provoked the American church to jealousy. We’ve heard about the great miracles, even the creative miracles, in South America, in Africa, and different parts of the world, but we’ve only seen little tidbits of that here in America. But that is coming to America. These great creative miracles are coming to America, and a healing revival is going to hit a level that will surpass anything that’s ever happened in church history. It’s going to be very powerful.
Sid: Give me some specifics He told you of the types of healings.
Steven: The Lord gave me several specific examples. He said one thing that will happen in these meetings, they’ll run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He said they’ll run around the clock. It’ll just be a total outpouring of His Spirit. He said one thing that’ll take place is that people that have suffered sever burns, even third degree burns which can even be fatal, they’ll be brought into the meeting and laid out in the meeting, He said they’ll be completely healed and receive brand new skin. …
Sid: What did He tell you about brain damage?
Steven: He told me even children that have Down’s syndrome, or people that have suffered mental retardation, they’ll come into the meetings. The Lord told me this, He said they will sit under that glory and sit in that glory that will be in those meetings, and He said in two weeks they’ll be completely healed; their mind will be completely restored to them.
So we shouldn’t fret or give up if healing doesn’t take place immediately. The key is to maintain an atmosphere of holiness—where we are one with Christ and one with each other, 24/7—and then bask in the glory of God, which will be there because: “Draw near to God, and He’ll draw near to you” (James 4).
The angels and God, the HOLY Spirit will draw near to us—as we are in Christ together—Jesus’ heart-cry for us in John 17!!!
And for right now, individually, It’s very exciting to me that not only does God draw near to us when we draw near to Him, but the angels do too. It’s not just a God thing; angels are involved also. Our own homes can be environments of healing—living in LOVE!
And especially when we get together, our own personal holinesses will become a group holiness, which will bring about the setting in which phenomenal miracles will take place—to the glory of God!
“Then the world will know….” (John 17)!
Praise God!
Jeff Fenske : )
Transcript pdf
Watch the Video
Let Us Be ONE, Part 13 of 33
A Gift that Will Set Many Free!
There is another day, a day that will happen if you let it.
I want you to be free, free from anxiety. A death warrant is out for your souls. It will get you if you let it. You must pray.
Many die from unknown causes. They are weak from attacks from the Devil who never gives up—curse after curse—toward My people. Many have given in, unable to walk.
Tongues, I’ve given you the gift of tongues from My heart to you. It is a gift that will set many free if you use it regularly. It is for you to walk holy, set free in forgiveness while you pray.
The two work together. One attacks the Devil, while you release those who have hurt you deeply, wounded your soul.
Pray for them. You can focus; you don’t have to pray in general all the time. I will give you the gift of life as you pray.
This is how it works. Believe in your heart you are praying for one another; though, it will come from the Holy Ghost, the words you emit that I give you to speak. Focus on these people, and pray until your tongues cease. I will tell you who to pray for, but this isn’t necessary. You can pray for anyone that way.
Believe in your heart; direct your tongues. I will fill your mouth as you speak and set people free. I will pray perfectly, as you obey, giving your life to others through prayer.
Amazing things will result! Your heart will be glad!
Watch Me do it. Prove My point. Try it now. Focus on someone who needs prayer. Believe in your heart you are praying for them as you speak words from above that fill your mouth. Pray it out, and watch them change, for I will release them from anger and all kinds of oppressions as you pray. You will see it, and it will amaze your intelligence. Many will be set free. Do it now. This is an important point.
And as you pray, forgive, release them from all kinds of cares and bondages. The two work hand in hand. You forgive and I pray through your words that I give you.
This is freedom! Set them free. Do it now; why wait when you can have the chance to move mountains, have an impact on society that many will see and feel. Your heart will be glad. Many will walk holy.
Pray for your elders. Many are not in the ministry to give life. Many are sucking you dry. They need to give up the ghost of unforgiveness and get on the bandwagon of love.
The seal of approval, you all want it. You can have it now. Why wait? You can be in Me as we speak. You can know for sure that you are sons of God, that I am in you and you are in Me. You will feel it. Your heart will be glad, and you will pray.
I will take you to heights unknown. Miracles will take place all around you as you obey. Many will be glad that you took the step of faith to lead. When all looked hopeless, you got up from your seat and prayed.
Pray. Let your heart be glad, and don’t give up. Pray until your tongues stop. This is an amazing gift that has much power to change.
Anyone can pray in tongues. It is a gift for all who obey, all who call on Me for Mercy.
Drink deeply, and let it give you life, freeing you, while you relax and find peace in a home here on earth.
We are together. Let us pray.
© 2008 Jeff Fenske
Let Us Be ONE: Table of Contents
Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!
WordPOWER: Repay No One Evil for Evil — Don’t Curse — Give Place to God’s Wrath
Martin Luther Cursed from His Heart Catholic Leaders, ‘Every Day’
[WordPOWER!] Romans 12: Repay No One Evil for Evil — Don’t Curse — Give Place to God’s Wrath
Nightline: Speaking in tongues medical study PROVES Holy Spirit praying
How to speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit leads you
How to speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit enables you
Jim Feeney: Why Speak in Tongues? (Is Speaking in Tongues of God? Is It for Today?)
Let Us Be ONE, Part 27 of 33
Glad and Happy, Giving Everybody Light
I love My people. I love to see you glad and happy, giving everybody light.
A flicker there, and then it’s out. That is basically what is happening in most, because sin reigns.
Once you learn to live in Me you can give life to many. They will judge, but they’ll see your heart, that you are holy, like Me. Hold them in high esteem, the ones who judge and are critical. They are watching, and are not far off.
My hurt is deep. Let it move you into a life more holy. Care about Me.
I am not like you. I can’t sin, but I can hurt. Think about it, please, as you go about your daily chores, I am inside. There are many things you can do.
There is a Spirit inside compelling you to righteousness. That’s Me. What can we do?
What can we not do when you pray, believing in your heart that I will accomplish what you ask.
© 2008 Jeff Fenske
Let Us Be ONE: Table of Contents
Let Us Be ONE, Part 28 of 33
Many Curse Others From Their Hurts Deep Within (James 3)
But there is a dangerous way to pray. It is cursing. Many curse others from their hurts deep within. This is not right. There is a way that seems right to a man….
There is much hurt in My body. Much of it is self-inflicted. It comes from deep within, where there is sin. Hate and anger breed impatience. This hurt destroys My body, giving death to many members.
Hate no more. Let there be life. Don’t curse. Be full of love. Let respect overrule impatience. Render evil not for evil. Love. Love must be strong, not weak. Hold each other no matter what. Never give up.
Don’t curse your brother. Tell him you’re sorry. See him repent if he did you harm too.
© 2008 Jeff Fenske
Let Us Be ONE: Table of Contents
(prophesy) A Gift that Will Set Many Free! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls) — “I’ve given you the gift of tongues from My heart to you”
[WordPOWER!] James – Demons WITHIN drive ‘Christians’ to curse people. “If you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition IN YOUR HEART” you’re probably a James-3 curser. If so, “don’t lie against the truth.” Instead, be a PEACEMAKER, “for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus
Dennis Cramer: “Most ‘Christians’ curse for the purpose of retaliation and vindication … ‘Christian’ leaders are even more vulnerable”
Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!
Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified
The Remedy for James-3 Cursing & Partysville in Today’s Church is James 4
I’ve finally shared much of what I know about and what can be done through the TREMENDOUS and mostly misunderstood and underused gift of tongues.
“Breaking Christian Curses: Finding Freedom from Destructive Prayers” by Dennis Cramer
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT” (Can James-3 cursers go to heaven?)
WordPOWER: Repay No One Evil for Evil — Don’t Curse — Give Place to God’s Wrath
‘Pastor’: You can pray AGAINST people too. “It’s well worth it!” – Vs – God: “Bless and don’t curse;” “This wisdom is…DEMONIC;” “Overcome evil with good,” “that you may be children of your Father”
Martin Luther Cursed from His Heart Catholic Leaders, ‘Every Day’
[WordPOWER!] David in Psalm 38: “…neither is there any HEALTH in my bones because of my sin. … Those who SEEK MY HURT…meditate deceits ALL DAY LONG. … Those who HATE ME WITHOUT REASON…render evil for good…BECAUSE I FOLLOW WHAT IS GOOD.” — Check your HEART. Are you one of the James-3 cursers?
[WordPOWER!] Romans 12: Repay No One Evil for Evil — Don’t Curse — Give Place to God’s Wrath
Holiness Will Excise Darkness — Many will follow and run from iniquity when you are holy, when your sights are set on Me, up, where they belong.
Nightline: Speaking in tongues medical study PROVES Holy Spirit praying
How to speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit leads you
How to speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit enables you
Jim Feeney: Why Speak in Tongues? (Is Speaking in Tongues of God? Is It for Today?)
The SCIENCE of Divine Healing – by John G. Lake: “At one time I submitted myself to a series of experiments. It was not sufficient to know that God healed; I had to know how God healed.”