Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Reverse-Christianity Responsible Page 2 of 16

(vid) Scotty Levesque: Discerning The Times — We have passed Sodom and Gomorrah and we're racing towards judgment! • We have to get so much of Jesus in us that whatever is going to come we're going to be ready to stand the test and the time and the storms that are going to rise up!

Scotty Levesque was live. October 20, 2016

MAY 17 2018 PROPHETIC DREAM OF TIDAL WAVE HITTING THE USA! — "Maybe we don't have as much time as we think. Trump was in office in this prophetic dream"

This man is Scotty Levesque. Like Dumitru Duduman and many others, he also had a vision of Russia and China nuking US, he says at minute-15:15.
Russia already has a giant nuclear bomb that can set off a HUGE tidal wave that can destroy some of the east coast, including NYC.
Scotty doesn’t understand the Talmudic factor regarding Israel, but his urgency is sobering, and this dream is very possibly spot on.
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(vid) Talmudist admits on camera: The embassy move is "a huge step towards rebuilding the 3rd Temple" … "We've already started" — Paul warns of this blasphemy in 2 Thess.

The Talmudists, themselves are now admitting that the blasphemous third temple with animal sacrifices is being prepared to be built, from which the Man of Lawlessness will be launched. And this is with full evangelical help.
2 Thess. 2:3-4 warns (not supposed to be marching orders for the ‘Christian’ Zionists to help fulfill):

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Joshua Wander is a dual Israeli citizen who runs for political offices in the U.S.. I transcribed key parts of this short video:

Wander: “We hope that the declarations of both Cyrus and Trump will lead to the rebuilding of the third temple.”

Interviewer: “When is the building?”

Wander: “Very soon. We’ve already started.”

Interviewer: “Do you really consider that the embassy move is one step in the direction of rebuilding the temple?”

Wander: “It’s a huge step. It’s not just ‘a step’…. We believe that this is a huge step in recognition of Jerusalem, of Israel and the rebuilding of our third temple.”

Wander: “There is only one place it can be done in the whole world, and that is the place of the temple mount. That’s why it’s called the temple mount, and of course, that’s where it’s going to be.”

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Israel and Palestine reporter, Noga Tarnopolsky tweeted this video of Joshua Wander on May 17, 2018, writing:

Watch as Josh Wander of the Intnl Cmmtee for Har HaZeitim tells the unparalleled plans are already underway to build the Third Temple. It can stand next to al-Aksa. …

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Exposing False Teachers Isn't 'Unloving' – It is Biblical and Loving

Actually, almost ALL pastors now teach the once-saved-always-saved (OSAS) heresy, which by itself warrants them to be called out — teaching a different gospel than what Paul and the New Testament teaches.
They almost all support all of our reverse-Christian regime-change wars, which makes them a “striker,” one of the disqualifications Paul lists in his overseers qualifications. “Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified
Jesus says we must be “peacemakers” to be called “the children of God” (Mt. 5:9).
Most pastors are in the wrong Galatians-5 list, so they don’t “belong to Christ.”
“Is It Right: To Judge, To Expose Error & To Name Names? — Those who are faithful in exposing error according to the Bible are now being widely denounced, and are accused of being unloving and unkind

(illustration) 'Start Wars' – Talmudic Darth Vader

Their Talmudic, world domination plan that Jesus warned about and ‘Christians’ support: 

Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!

Chuck Baldwin: ‘Christian’ bookstores are packed with tomes unmasking Islam, but not one volume delves into the depravities of Orthodox Judaism — In “Judaism’s Strange Gods,” Christian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament, but the newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees

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Shane Bullis political art:

(vid) Why Christians Should End Their Unholy Love Affair With Talmudic, Reverse-Christian Israel

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — God’s covenants require obedience • “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”
(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of obeying Christ: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” • God’s words to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee…” (Gen. 12:3) does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel
(video) Chuck Baldwin: If You Think the Koran is Bad, You Should Read THE TALMUD, IF YOU CAN STOMACH IT — “Jesus addressed the Talmud and the Zionists when he addressed the Pharisees” • “They believed the writings of the Mishnah were SUPERIOR to the writings of Moses. They still believe that today in the modern state of Israel” • “Benjamin NETANYAHU is a Talmudist” | “All these PROPHESY ZEALOTS on TV and radio, they think it’s wonderful that they’re talking about REBUILDING THE TEMPLE: ‘preparing the way for Christ!’” • “This is PREPARING THE WAY FOR THE ANTICHRIST who will deceive the world”
Johns Hopkins DNA Study: Most Israeli “Jews” not Semitic – originate from Khazaria, not Israel
Poll: American Jews Rate Evangelicals as Low as Muslims
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(vid) Jake: ✡️ Historic – US Embassy Opens in *East* Jerusalem as Talmudists Slaughter Unarmed Palestinians

Murillo: Punishing church members because they want a move of God — You never made Satan smile wider • Stop punishing those wonderful people who are hungry for the Holy Spirit to fall on your church • Catering to the lukewarm

It’s about time! I’ve been maligned by church leaders for telling the truth for decades for this very thing.
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Posted on May 8, 2018 by mariomurilloministries
A growing number of Christians feel their church is doing a lot of things that don’t matter. Even successful programs don’t matter to them. They believe only a move of God can save us now. [It’s actually now even too late for that.]
They believe we have no time to play games. They are frustrated that church is catering to the lukewarm members. Most of all, they feel that they are being punished for wanting a move of God.
I want to direct myself toward leaders who are guilty of correcting members who yearn for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. You’ve got it totally backwards. Those who are hungry for a move of God are the best thing that ever happened to your church.
If you wounded a hungry saint’s heart, it was a spectacular mistake. They, and not the lukewarm, should be setting the tone for your church.
Somewhere, we got the idea—I believe it came from the pit of hell—that exuberant worship, preaching with unction and conviction, fiery prayer meetings, and deliberate soul winning are the “old ways.”
They are not old ways—they are timeless ways. In fact, they transcend time. They are the chosen weapons.
You never made Satan smile wider than when you punished someone in your congregation for wanting a move of God. …
They yearn for the miracle that will stop America’s slide toward oblivion—they wish for an act of the Holy Spirit so real and widespread that it impacts, crime, injustice, addiction, and despair.
You may be punishing people God is stirring. You may be trying to put out a flame that God lit in their heart. …
The first step is to stop punishing those wonderful people who are hungry for the Holy Spirit to fall on your church.
Entire Article

Mario Murillo: Worship leaders dressed like hookers and drunk pastors — Demonic engines drive this agenda. That makes the carnal church and her leaders special villains in the eyes of God • When they—who are supposed to be leading the charge against darkness—instead, help advance the darkness, they are traitors.  But doing it when it helps destroy our freedoms makes it high treason • To our great horror, pastors, instead of purifying themselves for the battle of their life—instead of seeking holy fire to combat the evil—many are gorging on cheap grace, testing the limits of decency, and falling into dangerous addictions

Worship leaders dressed like hookers and drunk pastors
By Mario Murillo
Today, churches have built rogue altars.  Worship leaders prance church stages in stripper outfits.  They see nothing wrong with it.  They even teach that the body is a beautiful thing and if you have bad thoughts, it’s in your mind.  The Bible disagrees.  Proverbs 7: 10 Says, “And there a woman met him, With the attire of a harlot, and a crafty heart.”  The NIV says, “clothes of a prostitute.” The Word is saying if you wear the uniform, there’s got to be a reason.
We have pastors getting drunk with their staff after church.  They began by justifying wine and then moved on to hard liquor.  They justify it with grace teaching from beyond the Bible.
Both acts come from the same wickedness—abandoning the Bible.  The Bible is gone as a standard.  It is no longer regarded as the word of God.
Now, if you ever listened to anything I have ever said then get this: You are watching a moral civil war.  A great army has come against us.  They are not Russians.  They are not Iranian.  They are Americans.
They are a confederation of teachers who want to teach your child how to use sex toys—who want to get them to experiment with gender.  …
The ideas and values that created America are under heavy attack.  It is not just a physical war it is in the spirit world.  Demonic engines drive this agenda.  That makes the carnal church and her leaders special villains in the eyes of God.
Scantily clad women on stage and inebriated ministers are no longer just a matter of hypocrisy and carnality…it is blasphemy.   When they—who are supposed to be leading the charge against darkness—instead, help advance the darkness, they are traitors.  But doing it when it helps destroy our freedoms makes it high treason.
It is left to the Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors and Evangelists to take up the mantle for this hour.  But, to our great horror…instead of purifying themselves for the battle of their life—instead of seeking holy fire to combat the evil—many are gorging on cheap grace, testing the limits of decency, and falling into dangerous addictions.

Paul Craig Roberts: Where is the Shame? — "How can it be that the American people are undisturbed by their government’s 17 years of wars based entirely on blatant lies? How can it be that the American people and the Evangelical churches are unmoved by the millions of innocent peoples in seven countries who have been murdered, maimed, orphaned, and displaced by the profit-driven US military/security complex and by the neoconservative ideology in service to Israel?"

… How can other governments accept the US, UK, and French governments that intentionally lied about a Russian chemical attack on the Skripals and about a Syrian chemical attack on Douma, risking a third world war, and then themselves attacking Syria on the basis of a transparent lie unsupported by any evidence? How exactly do you conduct diplomatic relations with war criminals?
You don’t. You put them on trial. Why aren’t Trump, May, and Macron on trial?
The reason is that the world has been conditioned, like Pavlov’s dogs, to expect and accept the West’s war crimes as ordinary….
Russian indecisiveness combined with the rest of the world’s toleration of ongoing US war crimes suggests that more provocations will be orchestrated, that more lawless attacks will take place, and that eventually a fatal conflict will be brewed. …
How can it be that the American people are undisturbed by their government’s 17 years of wars based entirely on blatant lies? How can it be that the American people and the Evangelical churches are unmoved by the millions of innocent peoples in seven countries who have been murdered, maimed, orphaned, and displaced by the profit-driven US military/security complex and by the neoconservative ideology in service to Israel?
How can it be that the European, Canadian, and Australian governments and the citizens of these countries are not ashamed of their participation in these never-ending crimes? …
Why is the world silent in the face of massive, long-term, ongoing war crimes?
Entire Article

(vid) Fall of Society and The Breakdown of Family Values — With the decline of religion in America were are seeing a decline in birth rates, a rise of Fatherless homes, degeneracy and a breakdown of society of family values

Parents, join the Sex Ed Sit Out movement! — We will not let our kids be helplessly sexualized in their classrooms • We will not accept pornographic material in sex ed • We will not stand by and let activists skew education • We will not let our tax-dollars be spent this way

#SexEdSitOut Petition

What is Sex Ed Sit Out?

Sex Ed Sit Out is a grassroots movement fighting radical, graphic, tax-payer funded, gender-bending sex education. We educate parents about what’s really happening in sex ed and who is making the decisions for their children.

Who is Sex Ed Sit Out?

The Sit Out strategy is our way to make your voice heard. When the parents of our nation unite to exercise their rights, those in power will hear…

  • We will not let our kids be helplessly sexualized in their classrooms.
  • We will not accept pornographic material in sex ed.
  • We will not stand by and let activists skew education
  • We will not let our tax-dollars be spent this way.

Will You Add Your Voice to Countless Others Across the Nation?

Let education decision-makers and government leaders know you are here, you are aware of what’s happening, and you are fighting for the youth of this nation.

Join the #SEXEDSITOUT Movement


Skousen on evangelicals' unconditional support for Israel's Talmudic, globalist, interventionist warmongering: "Most American Christians confuse the biblical support for the restoration of the House of Israel to its homeland (already happened) with continued unconditional support for Israel’s interventionist policies as a globalist puppet"

Modern day, currently Talmudic (the ‘leaven’ that Jesus warned about) Israel is one of the most difficult subjects to understand biblically.
All Christians should agree that the early church never supported evil, nor should we. Stephen was even killed by the Jews for telling them the truth, as Jesus filled Stephen with the Holy Spirit!
Joel just today wrote:

“Sadly, most American Christians confuse the Biblical support for the restoration of the House of Israel to its homeland (already happened) with continued unconditional support for Israel’s interventionist policies as a globalist puppet.”`

– Joel Skousen in World Affairs Brief, April 20, 2018 under “Israel Strikes Iranian Base in Syria”

Also, was this restoration even biblical? God always requires obedience for the children of Israel to return to the land. That didn’t happen this time, nor were most of the conquerors who used terrorism actually Semitic children of Israel. See:

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

Jesus’ command to ‘love our neighbor as ourself’ was never meant to be replaced by “bless [modern day] Israel to be blessed,” a misinterpretation of Genesis 12:3.

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of obeying Christ: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” • God’s words to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee…” (Gen. 12:3) does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel

The false doctrines of ‘Christian’ Zionism and once-saved-always-saved have utterly destroyed the real Christianity in America as we destroy real people in Jesus’ name for Talmudic, still-anti-Christ Israel.

"When we invade a nation, we are not defending our nation. We are killing people who are defending their nation."

Things Jesus Never Said: "Go into all the world and start central banks in all nations, stir up wars and make a ton of money because you're my chosen ones"

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Trump launches unconstitutional, illegal, unjust, immoral war on Syria — Calling Assad a "monster" and an "animal." But Bashar al-Assad is mild-mannered physician married to a British citizen. He is loved and adored by the vast majority of the Syrian people–including Syria's Christians. He often travels openly throughout Syria without fear of being harmed by his own countrymen. Assad has a higher popularity rating among his fellow countrymen than any other national leader on earth

Chuck Baldwin wrote on Facebook hours after Trump bombed Syria for a second time on April 4th, 2018:


At 4 am local time, U.S. U.K., and French jets fired an undetermined number of missiles on so-called “chemical” targets in Syria in supposed retaliation for Syria’s alleged gas attack against the Syrian people. But there is absolutely NO PROOF that the chemical attack came from the Syrian government. Everyone seems to have conveniently forgotten that the U.S. certified that Syria had given up its chemical weapons back in 2014.

Do you know which country has the largest stockpile of chemical weapons? The United States, that’s which one.

Plus, everyone knows that the Islamist terrorists fighting the Assad government are in possession of chemical weapons (no doubt supplied by the United States). And Donald Trump is basing his attack against Syria on the word of the Douma-based terrorists fighting Assad? You call THAT evidence?

Trump said he attacked Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles, but THERE ARE NO CHEMICAL WEAPONS STOCKPILES in Syria. Therefore, the missiles hit key Syrian supply bases and Trump claimed they were chemical stockpiles.

Hmmm. If they had been chemical weapon stockpiles that were bombed, wouldn’t the poisonous gasses be showered all over creation, killing untold numbers of people? If that had happened, who, then, would be guilty of using chemical weapons against innocent civilians? Remember, these missile attacks included Syria’s capital city, Damascus–the country’s most densely populated metropolis.

Beyond that, the missile attacks came just before international inspectors were scheduled to arrive in Syria to investigate the chemical attack. The U.S. missile attack doubtless has now forever destroyed the evidence that the chemicals were used by anti-Assad terrorists, NOT the Syrian government. How convenient.

Defense Secretary Mattis is saying this is a “one time” attack, but Trump is strongly suggesting that more missiles are on the way. After all, most of the missiles were intercepted by Syrian missile defense systems and didn’t reach their intended targets.

Trump has called Assad a “monster” and an “animal.” But Bashar al-Assad is mild-mannered physician, a western-trained eye doctor to be specific. He is married to a British citizen. He is loved and adored by the vast majority of the Syrian people–including Syria’s Christians. He often travels openly throughout Syria without fear of being harmed by his own countrymen. In fact, Assad has a higher popularity rating among his fellow countrymen than any other national leader on earth. This is the man that has ordered several chemical attacks against his own people? BALDERDASH! POPPY-COCK!

This was a U.S. dark ops false flag if there ever was one. And after criticizing Barack Obama for falling for a false flag chemical attack in 2013 that was blamed on Assad, Trump is doing the exact same thing–except this time he is risking war with Russia.

(vid) President Assad Fighting Against Christian Genocide in Syria – US-backed terrorists in Syria have been committed genocide against the Christian community. But President Bashar al Assad and the Syrian Arab Army have made great sacrifices to protect the Christians from being killed

All of our post-9/11 wars have been Talmudic, reverse-Christian, and break God’s heart. What has happened to Christianity in America? Where are the peacemakers?

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they will be called CHILDREN OF GOD.” – Mt. 5:9

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Wilkerson: America Will Be Judged Too — "Noah's generation is gone. Sodom is gone. Ninevah is gone. Babylon is gone. The Grecian Empire is gone. The Roman Empire is gone. The British Empire is gone. And now, the United States' Empire has begun its slide into oblivion, just like all the others. They were all judged and humbled because of their violence, godlessness, homosexuality, and pride"

Why do Americans believe that God will allow America to get away with what the others could not?
We must follow Christ, not TalmudVision and TalmudVision influenced pastors.
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Noah’s generation is gone. Sodom is gone. Ninevah is gone. Babylon is gone. The Grecian Empire is gone. The Roman Empire is gone. The British Empire is gone. And now, the United States’ Empire has begun its slide into oblivion, just like all the others. They were all judged and humbled because of their violence, godlessness, homosexuality, and pride. – David Wilkerson

(vid) Ron Paul: Will Torture Make America Great Again? — Should Gina Haspel & Pompeo be confirmed…or in jail?

Why do most evangelicals support torture?

Torture and the American Conscience: *Most* white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture – Pew Forum Poll

But torture and physical power-over-others is a doctrine of demons which Christians should shun outright!
Jesus said His followers will be peacemakers, not warmongers:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” – Mt. 5:9

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(vid) Ann Coulter w/ Jesse: The Crisis in Masculinity, Black Family, Trump, Jobs, & Women's Vote (TFS EXCERPT)


(vid) Men and Women are Different. Biologically, Anatomically and Physiologically

This protest is nuts!
God designed men and women to be different. To insist otherwise really is “irrational,” and is demonically driven rebellion:

“Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft….” – 1 Sam. 15:23

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Billy Graham, Willing Pawn for Politicians



Billy Graham, George HW Bush, George W Bush
Billy Graham has died. He is being remembered as a friend and confessor to presidents, one who gave them guidance and moral fortification. But just as much, Graham was a willing tool of politicians who used him and his supposed pipeline to divine authority to win over the electorate.
The role of “spiritual leaders” in cynically playing the public is both important and largely ignored.

(vid) Can the TROOPS Even "Support the Troops" After Watching THIS?!? — We must be CLEAN!

Important to understand for us to be clean, blessed peacemakers — “children of God”:

“BLESSED are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called the CHILDREN OF GOD.” – JESUS in Mt. 5:9

The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!
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John Wesley: "What one generation tolerates the next generation will embrace"

Chuck Baldwin: “Donald Trump Is A REAL Man” — G.W. Bush stole the love and respect for world peace out of the hearts of 'Christian' men and Donald Trump is stealing the love and respect for womanhood out of the hearts of 'Christian' men • Were Trump a “REAL man,” he would have publicly repented of his long lascivious lifestyle, begged the women and families that he has irreparably damaged for forgiveness, asked the American people to forgive him, used himself as an example to young men of what NOT to do with their lives, vociferously condemned the playboy lifestyle promoted in Hollywood and on network and cable television, and then would have led a national crusade to give our American ladies the respect, honor, and dignity that they deserve as ladies. Instead, what does he do? He flippantly fluffs it off as “locker room talk” and continues to treat women as nothing but chattel to be used, abused, and (when desired) held up to public ridicule. And now that he is a Republican President, 'Christian' men say, “Donald Trump is a REAL man.” I’m sorry, but that makes me REAL sick!

“Donald Trump Is A REAL Man”
Chuck Baldwin
Published: Thursday, January 25, 2018
Though I am a seasoned Christian pastor (of over 40 years), this national column is not normally pointed specifically at Christians—although I am not timid about taking my fellow pastors to task for the way so many of them refuse to sound the clarion call for liberty. And while there are multiplied thousands of Christian people who faithfully read this column, I dare say that I probably have more non-Christians (even agnostics and atheists) reading my columns (and even watching my Sunday messages) than any other preacher in America. Of course, the reason for this is quite simple: the principles and truths I commonly address transcend a Christian profession—or any religious profession, for that matter.
However, today’s column is pointed directly at Christians. No! It is pointed directly at Christian MEN. I am going to be very straightforward (so, what’s new?) and will paint this column with somewhat of a broad brush—which will NOT apply to ALL Christian men, thank God. Sadly though, this column is going to hit a large percentage of Christian men right between the eyes. But the number of them that will honestly own up to it is probably very small. So, this column is NOT going to be very popular with a large percentage of Christian men. Regardless, it MUST be said, and, frankly, I don’t know anyone else who is willing to say it. So, here goes.
Christian men talk about how much they love and worship God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. However, the words, attitudes, and actions of many of these men prove that their talk is more than cheap: it is downright duplicitous.
What a large percentage of Christian men really love is sports, the Zionist State of Israel, and Republican presidents (and secretly pornography).

"The moment the fear of the Lord is diminished in a society, sin becomes emboldened and pervasive"

“The moment the fear of the Lord is diminished in a society, sin becomes emboldened and pervasive.”
– David Sliker


Theologies based upon doctrines of demons instead of the Word of God produce demonic fruit.
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According to Jack and Diane Ruhl of the National Catholic Reporter, who decided to research this particular topic, since 1950, the Vatican has spent a disgusting $3,994,797,060.10. That’s nearly $4 billion to keep things hush hush. That number may even be a bit conservative, as we cannot know for sure the agreed upon “under the table” amount. 

The figure is based on a three-month investigation of data, which includes a review of over 7,800 articles from LexisNexis Academic and NCR databases and information from Reports from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops were also used. 


Today's Counterfeit Christianity – Preachers have developed 'ear tickling' into a fine art!

Preachers have developed ‘ear tickling’ into a fine art, producing a counterfeit Christianity that is now mainstream!
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“For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to *FABLES*” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

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Mike Bickle's IHOP have destroyed most of their best worship videos online

Destroying history when God moved!
I’ve seen as many as a dozen of my favorite versions of IHOP videos pulled, like this:

“Storm All Around You – Jon…” This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by International House of Prayer.

I had written on Facebook:

Here it is. AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME real-worship song!!! Yeah!!

I can listen to this over and over and over — and already have. God is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So much more amazing than we can imagine!!

From this year’s ONEthing at IHOP

And then IHOP finds the videos and file a copyright claim, so the best, anointed versions are no longer available online anywhere, including IHOP’s YouTube channel, where they mostly just keep the dead stuff. Ughhh!

Two Lines: Care About Real Wars | Care About Star Wars

Reverse-Christian Empire…

What goes around comes around — when America bites the dust.

We can’t ignore God’s principles, and expect things to work out.

“Love your neighbor as yourself” – Jesus


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