ONE Can Happen

Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

(video) Creation Seminar 5 – The Dangers of Evolution (FULL) – Kent Hovind

Creation Seminar 5 – The Dangers of Evolution (FULL)

(video) Creation Seminar 6 – The Hovind Theory (FULL) – Kent Hovind

(video) Creation Seminar 7 – Questions and Answers (Part 1 of 2) – Kent Hovind

Creation Seminar 7 – Questions and Answers (Part 1 of 2)

(video) Creation Seminar 7 – Questions and Answers (Part 2 of 2) – Kent Hovind

Creation Seminar 7 – Questions and Answers (Part 2 of 2)

(video) Dr. Kent Hovind with Edrique Visser – Debunking the Flat Earth Model – Part A

Also, Kent discusses the firmament in Genesis, and how the Earth is of course a sphere here: (video) Creation Seminar 2 – The Garden of Eden (FULL) – Kent Hovind — If you combine increased air pressure, filtered sunlight and the stronger magnetic field you’d probably get Garden of Eden conditions

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Dr. Kent Hovind with Edrique Visser – Debunking the Flat Earth Model – Part A

(video) Dr. Kent Hovind with Edrique Visser – Debunking the Flat Earth Model – Part B

Also, Kent discusses the firmament in Genesis, and how the Earth is of course a sphere here: (video) Creation Seminar 2 – The Garden of Eden (FULL) – Kent Hovind — If you combine increased air pressure, filtered sunlight and the stronger magnetic field you’d probably get Garden of Eden conditions

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Dr. Kent Hovind with Edrique Visser – Debunking the Flat Earth Model – Part B

(video) Dr. Kent Hovind with Edrique Visser – Debunking the Flat Earth Model – Part C

Also, Kent discusses the firmament in Genesis, and how the Earth is of course a sphere here: (video) Creation Seminar 2 – The Garden of Eden (FULL) – Kent Hovind — If you combine increased air pressure, filtered sunlight and the stronger magnetic field you’d probably get Garden of Eden conditions

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Dr. Kent Hovind with Edrique Visser – Debunking the Flat Earth Model – Part C

OSAS in Hell Illustration: “Why Didn’t My Preacher Tell Me About Repentance? I thought I was ‘once saved always saved'”

“Why didn’t my preacher tell me about repentance? I thought I was ‘once saved always saved.'”

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What Does God Say About Lying PRESStitutes, Politicians & PASTORS: “ALL LIARS, their part is in the lake that burns with fire”

“Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

Skousen Psychoanalyzes Trump: I’ve always maintained that Trump is NOT A PLANT within the movement. Like most populists, I think Trump wants too much to be liked and is TRYING TO PLEASE the very establishment he claims to oppose. Sadly, it is also almost IMPOSSIBLE for Donald Trump to ADMIT ERROR once he has signed on to a policy mistake and made it his own. He lacks the verbal control skills to watch his own tongue, let alone follow the script of others • How Trump fell into this NEOCON TRAP: Trump is told by numerous neocon advisors that Iran is the real problem, the “number one terrorist supporting nation,” even though it’s a lie. US and British intelligence, colluding with Israel, are the number one terror sponsors in the world. They created al Qaeda, ISIS and all the Syrian rebels • Because Trump has BOUGHT INTO the idea that Iran is the “bogey man,” anything can be sold to Trump in the Middle East if it can be viewed as hurting Iran, and it can be perceived as fighting the phony war on terror

Many leaders, political and spiritual, have failed by trying to save face — unwilling to admit error — fearing what people think more than what God thinks.

“Christian” Zionists have also given Donald bad advice.

– Editor

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Skousen Psychoanalyzes Trump:

I’ve always maintained that Trump is NOT A PLANT within the movement. Like most populists, I think Trump wants too much to be liked and is TRYING TO PLEASE the very establishment he claims to oppose. Sadly, it is also almost IMPOSSIBLE for Donald Trump to ADMIT ERROR once he has signed on to a policy mistake and made it his own. He lacks the verbal control skills to watch his own tongue, let alone follow the script of others.

How Trump fell into this NEOCON TRAP: Trump is told by numerous neocon advisors that Iran is the real problem, the “number one terrorist supporting nation,” even though it’s a lie. US and British intelligence, colluding with Israel, are the number one terror sponsors in the world. They created al Qaeda, ISIS and all the Syrian rebels.

• Because Trump has BOUGHT INTO the idea that Iran is the “bogey man,” anything can be sold to Trump in the Middle East if it can be viewed as hurting Iran, and it can be perceived as fighting the phony war on terror.

• • •


Skousen: Analysis of Trump’s Latest Compromises — He seems tired of vetting nominees and has rubber stamped a dangerous percentage of neocons and globalists for positions in the highest levels of his administration • Opposition is clearly building against Trumpcare, from all sides. In trying to please everyone, he ends up pleasing no one • Despite campaign promises to stop globalist interventions around the world, the Trump administration is ramping up US military involvement in both Yemen and Syria • How Trump fell into this neocon trap: Trump is told by numerous neocon advisors that Iran is the real problem, the “number one terrorist supporting nation,” even though it’s a lie. US and British intelligence, colluding with Israel, are the number one terror sponsors in the world. They created al Qaeda, ISIS and all the Syrian rebels • Because Trump has bought into the idea that Iran is the “bogey man,” anything can be sold to Trump in the Middle East if it can be viewed as hurting Iran, and it can be perceived as fighting the phony war on terror • Trump has authorized more Special Forces in both Yemen and Syria, which the Syrian government rightly opposes. No nation has the right to invade the territory of another unless threatened directly by that nation


Fear must decrease. Love must increase.

The stronghold of fear and unforgiveness:

I got this word from God for a church founder in Anchorage, 25 years ago, while getting ready to discuss with the then, head pastor what I had recently been shown about why God couldn’t move in our church.

It says a lot about what needs to happen for real Christianity and full revival to occur. And this is also a salvation issue: “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.” (Romans 8:1)

This is also the prophecy that inspired my ’93 4GIVNG and ’95 NOHATE license plate — as I was told: “STRONGHOLD of UNFORGIVENESS”: “STRONGHOLD of UNFORGIVENESS”:

Aug, 9,1990

“Our eyes are full of sawdust. We can’t see clearly to see the kingdom. There is MIGHT and there is POWER and there is GLORY, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to feel his hurt deeply and say kind words of salve that heal their souls.

[___] can do this. This is vital. They are necessary. For he must do this for healing to occur. He is a man of integrity in many ways.

Fear must decrease. Love must increase. He will fight and he will win the battle over the stronghold of fear and unforgiveness, sayeth the Lord.”

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”



(audio) James DeYoung: Burning Down ‘The Shack’: How the ‘Christian’ Best Seller is Deceiving Millions – An illustration of Universal Reconciliation or Universalism. All humanity gets saved in the end! The disastrous way the Trinity is depicted will confuse millions. Yet pastors are recommending “The Shack” and handing the book out to church members

“For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to *FABLES*” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

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Burning Down The Shack – Dr. James DeYoung


“Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”


(video) The Elite Don’t Want You To Know: GOD IS REAL – Here’s the Proof — “We’re supposed to believe bacteria became people, but by actual observation, no species of bacteria has even changed to another species of bacteria” – James Perloff on the SGT Report

Over 1 million views!


James’ book: Tornado in a Junkyard: The Relentless Myth of Darwinism

“A simple microscopic one-celled bacterium (R. Coli) contains DNA information units equivalent to 100 million pages of the Encyclopedia Britannica.”

“We’re supposed to believe bacteria became people, but by actual observation, no species of bacteria has even changed to another species of bacteria.” – James Perloff, transcribed by me

Interview starts at 5:00

“What’s wrong with Darwinism scientifically” starts at 18:00


SGT Report

• • •

The Elite Don’t Want You To Know: GOD IS REAL – Here’s the Proof.

(photos) The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem – Rothschilds-built Israeli Supreme Court Building — First thing you will notice is the PYRAMID with the ALL SEEING EYE, just like the one you will see on the American dollar bill • The larger circle at the bottom of the picture is an INVERTED CROSS DESIGNED TO WALK ON. It is the only religious emblem designed to be trampled on under foot • At the top of the picture is a MOSLEM GRAVESITE, and just out of view to the right is an EGYPTIAN OBELISK • Just out of sight is a god of the Far East • All through the building you will detect HINDU ALTARS • Keep in mind we are talking about the establishment of a form of Government that will usher in the ANTI-CHRIST | Holy men of God will not be the ones to rebuild the Temple, it will be the Illuminati. For God would not send men to that place to perform blood sacrifices. His Son’s blood was the perfect sacrifice…

Historian James Perloff suggested this article, which contains 17 photos.

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The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem


Knowing it could be misunderstood as anti-Semitic. God forbid that I a Jew should ever say or do anything that would be remotely considered as such, but I must admit this report does not come easy for me. The fact still remains that an evil force has been put into place in Jerusalem and has spread throughout Israel, in preparations for the end time and the seat of the anti-Christ. For if we are to believe that the anti-Christ is to have his seat on the Temple Mount, then we must come to grips with some truths not being preached today.


In this report I will use many pictures showing the establishment of the Illuminati and establish proof that there has been a diabolical plot by those we refer to as the New World Order. Showing the architectural design of the New Israeli Supreme Court Building designed and paid for by the Rothchilds reflex the presence of Free Masonry and the Illuminati. I took all but one of the pictures you are about to see so I can assure that what you are seeing is real and in place.

The same families who own and control the Federal Reserve and other major financial institutions have their eyes set on the Temple Mount, and the Holy City of Jerusalem. Just as Scriptures say, the man who will be revealed as the anti-Christ will sit in that place, before the appearance of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach, and many will receive him as their messiah. Just actually how that will come about remains to be seen, but one thing I am convinced of is that Holy men of God will not be the ones to rebuild the Temple, it will be the Illuminati. For God would not send men to that place to perform blood sacrifices. His Son’s blood was the perfect sacrifice; there is no need to shed the blood of dumb animals any longer. Yeshua did a perfect work, and it was finished. But He will return and take control of the New Temple that I feel will be built soon. But before He will return this world will have to get in such bad shape that the anti-Christ can be accepted by most as the savior who can bring peace and order to the world.



The Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem.

The first thing you will notice is the pyramid with the all Seeing Eye just like the one you will see on the American dollar bill, it sits in a circle to the left. We will elaborate on this a little later in this article. The larger circle you see at the bottom of the picture is an inverted-cross designed to walk on. It is the only religious emblem designed to be trampled on under foot. At the top of the picture is a Moslem Gravesite, and just out of view to the right is an Egyptian Obelisk.



To the left just out of sight is a god of the Far East.


And all through the building you will detect Hindu Altars. All of this will make more sense as we go along, keep in mind we are talking about the establishment of a form of Government that will usher in the anti-Christ.


Giving recognition to the Rothschilds, you will notice the Rothschilds emblem at the top. It is the symbol for the founder of the Rothschild Dynasty and his five sons, who established central banks throughout Europe. The Rothschilds made several stipulations with the Israeli Government before the building began, among them were. The Rothschilds would pick the plot of land to build the Supreme Court; they would use their own architects, and no one would ever know how much the building cost. It took them four years to build this structure with many secrets built into it.

Entire Article with 17 Photos

(8 min video) The Miracle of Noah’s Ark with Ron Wyatt’s Son, Ronny (1961-2015) — “For us to get to find all of that, it’s impossible. So it was all a miracle, every bit of it. We didn’t do anything on our own. We prayed about everything and God led us right to it”

Thank you: the entire Wyatt family!!!

“For us to get to find all of that, it’s impossible. So it was all a miracle, every bit of it. We didn’t do anything on our own. We prayed about everything and God led us right to it.”

– Ronny Wyatt (1961-2015)

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from this video

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Ronald Eldon Wyatt, II

Born in Kalamazoo, MI. on November 26, 1961

Departed on July 31, 2015 and resided in Hendersonville, TN.

Ronald Eldon Wyatt, II age 53, passed away July 31, 2015. He is survived by his children, Deric Andrew Rickey, Dustin Jonathan Townsend, Ronald Eldon Wyatt III, and Dillon Arnold Wyatt; brother, Daniel(Cindy) K. Wyatt; sister, Michelle(Dennis) Wyatt Schelles; mother, Loretta Hardin; and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins. A Memorial service will be held at 2pm Sunday, August 9, 2015 at Murfreesboro Seventh-day Adventist Church; 2815 Elam Rd. Murfreesboro, TN.

From:  Kevin Fisher at

Newsletter – June 2016

We failed to mention this in a previous update, but it is with sadness that we report that Ronny Wyatt, son of Ronald Eldon Wyatt or Ron Wyatt, passed away July 31, 2015, from a lengthy illness.    I was able to visit Ronny in the hospital and those of us who were there had a round of prayer for him.   Ronny and Danny were with Ron when Noah’s ark was rediscovered in 1977, then in 1978, finding the Red Sea crossing, and helping with the ark of the covenant excavation.  Previously Ronny and his brother kindly sat down for an interview that we will share in upcoming film projects.

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The Miracle of Noah’s Ark with Ronny Wyatt

(video) Findings Confirming the Bible – Greatest Biblical Archaeology Discoveries of All Time: Red Sea Crossing • Noah’s Ark • Mt. Sinai • Gomorrah • Ark of the Covenant — Ron Wyatt made no money from his adventures

Gomorrah shown at 39:05

Findings Confirming the Bible – complete – The Greatest Biblical Archaeology Discoveries of All Time

RON WYATT’S Family Talks about Ron & the Amazing Discoveries — “The Holy Spirit guided us every step. There is nothing we could have done without Him. We could have never got close to finding any of this without God” – Ronny Wyatt

This was a bit cumbersome study, but there are great gems here! It’s long, takes a while to get interesting, and the Spanish translation is time consuming.

For those new to Ron Wyatt, I recommend watching some of his other videos first.

(video) Ron Wyatt’s sons Danny and Ronny share discovery Testimonies at Gomorrah, Red Sea crossing site & garden tomb

At the beginning, the city of Gomorrah is shown from Masada! I’ve been there, and thought some of the sections down there looked like ancient cities.

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Ron Wyatt’s sons Danny and Ronny share their Testimonies and visit Yisrael

Don’t let ANYTHING get in your way from hearing from Jesus and obeying Him

John 10:3-5:

The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name, and leads them out. Whenever he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. They will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him; for they don’t know the voice of strangers.”

• • •

NEVER Listen to Strangers

(video) Nathanael shares his experience: Why Don’t The Rabbis Believe In Jesus?

Nathanael tells his own experience after asking questions, born and raised a Jew:

Why Don’t The Rabbis Believe In Jesus?

(1 min video) Give Jesus Glory Daily

Really well said in only 1 minute:

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Give Jesus Glory Daly

(video) Ron Wyatt Amazing Discoveries – Mt. Sinai

Ron Wyatt discovered Mt. Sinai in the ’90s. Here is the story, with Mt. Sinai shown at 18:20.

What I don’t understand is how Ron Wyatt’s discoveries have been almost completely ignored by most pastors and Christians. Ron discovered the Red Sea crossing, Noah’s Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, Sodom and Gomorrah, and more.

Ron was also into holiness. He quotes Hebrews 10:26 in one of the videos I’ve seen.

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Ron Wyatt Amazing Discoveries – Mt. Sinai

(image) #1 Problem in America: Once-Saved-Always-Saved Heresy!



“Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”


Ashely Cleveland: ‘Gimme Shelter’ Live! (1997)

Powerful — Heavy — Timely!!!

Ashley’s husband plays the white guitar.

Ooh, a storm is threatening
My very life today
If I don’t get some shelter
I’m going to fade away

War, children, it’s just a shot away
It’s just a shot away

See the fire sweepin’
Our very streets today
Burns like a red coal carpet
Mad bull lost your way

There’s a storm that’s threatening
My very life today
Gimme, gimme shelter
Before I fade away!

It’s just a shot away
It’s just a shot away

(video) View from the Treetops | National Geographic — Tom Hanks: “How do you SCALE A GIANT whose lowest branches can be 200 feet off the ground?” • Steve Sillett: “It MAKES YOU REALIZE there’s something MUCH GREATER than yourself, SO MUCH VASTER than you”

Blurry footage from NatGeo, but it’s Steve Sillett!

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Tom Hanks: “How do you scale a giant whose lowest branches can be 200 feet off the ground?”

Steve Sillett: “If you’re lucky enough to get up into the crowns of one of these trees, it puts your own insignificant existence in perspective. It makes you realize that there’s something much greater than yourself, so much vaster than you.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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View from the Treetops | National Geographic


6 False Teachings Bringing Deceptive Darkness Into the Church | My Own List

My list is a bit different. Currently, I believe the greatest deceptions keeping ‘ONE’ from happening “that the world will know” (John 17) are:

  1. Once-saved-always-saved / “only believe” / “It’s hard to lose one’s salvation” — “the way can’t really be ‘narrow,’ in which we must abide in Christ to be right with Christ,” having clean consciences
  2. “Christian” Zionism — Follow Talmudic, anti-Christ Israel to get blessed
  3. Feminism = rebellion to the way God designed us, and to what He specifically told us. Feminism may largely be responsible for deceptions #1 and #2 being mainstream today, destroying the church and our country, while we demolish others. Paul’s words have been shunned, as society affects the church, instead of the church affecting society. We need to get back to God’s order — life in the Son!

Lower on my list are these false beliefs and practices:

  • “Christians” James-3 cursing Christians from the heart (v. 14) is not taught or obeyed. James-3 cursing is a silent epidemic!
  • Ignorance of the role demons play in controlling “Christians” and driving sin
  • “Overseers don’t need to actually be ‘blameless,'” as Paul clearly stated
  • Jesus’ directive and Paul’s practice (Acts 24:16) to reconcile is not obeyed — “People can reconcile in heaven” instead
  • Jesus’ greatest two commandments aren’t really commands
  • Pre-trib rapture – escapism
  • Ephesians 4:11-16 holiness standard no longer taught or practiced
  • Truly prophetic people are shunned
  • NIV, LB, NASB, ‘The Message,’ etc. are false Bibles based upon corrupted Egyptian manuscripts that have removed Romans 8:1B and many more texts important for sound doctrine
  • Worship leaders and musicians who do not worship in Spirit or in truth
  • “Christians cannot be under ‘condemnation,’ only ‘conviction'” (false interpretation of Romans 8:1)
  • “The fear of God is only reverence”
  • “God is only love.” Paul’s Romans 11:22 balance completely ignored, as well as dozens of NT warning verses!
  • Immodesty – The Low-Cut Top Epidemic  and guys letting themselves look, opening doors to lust demons, instead of BEING FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT as we are ‘ONE’ with each other in Christ “that the world will know!” (John 17)
  • Hebrew Roots movement. Paul wrote an entire book of the Bible, Galatians, to warn about the Judaizers, whom he strongly condemned. The word of God is being intentionally ignored, as Galatians is crystal clear.
  • Jesus’ and the Holy Spirit’s directives on divorce and remarriage shunned. “Whatever feels good do it.” “The Holy Spirit and New Testament don’t need to be obeyed. “God forgives anything even when people don’t repent.”

“For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to FABLES” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

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From: Charisma

6 False Teachings Bringing Deceptive Darkness Into the Church

Since that very moment in the Garden of Eden when a single bite shattered the harmony of the world, man has tried to make his own way, be his own master, and set up his own kingdom. It’s nothing new.

Nevertheless, if we want to be faithful followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in this day and age, we must be alert and ready to boldly stand against the spirit of the age that seeks to modify the message of Christ, undermine His power to set us free from sin, repaint Christ’s picture to make Him more acceptable to a wayward generation and rewrite the gospel to remove the offense of the cross.

For the last 2,000 years, the church has been plagued with heresy after heresy seeking to tame the gospel, and today is no different. Here are just a few of the popular beliefs in our current culture that threaten to infiltrate the church:

  1. Universalism: the belief that all people will be saved or that all ways lead to God and eternal life. Many who subscribe to this theology claim that, for instance, Christians and Muslim worship the same God.
  2. The Prosperity Gospel: the belief that God’s primary concern is for believers to be healthy and wealthy. If Christians are sick, suffering or poor, it is because of sin or a lack of faith.
  3. The New Age Movement: a belief system of Eastern influence that emphasizes universal tolerance and doing what feels good (moral relativism). It contends that man is divine and can create his own reality and identity.
  4. Legalism: the improper use of the law described in Scripture to try to attain or maintain salvation. Legalism also fosters judgment of fellow Christians for not adhering to one’s own ideas of holiness rather than encouraging them to imitate Christ, obeying God’s standards as explicitly outlined in Scripture.
  5. Hyper-grace: the overreaction to legalism, resulting in abuse of God’s grace. Believers find themselves drawn to the modern hyper-grace movement because they are looking for freedom not just from legalism, but also from God’s standards.
  6. The Emerging Church: a movement that claims to be Christian but employs culturally sensitive methods to make the gospel more palatable to a postmodern culture. Jesus’ life is treated more as an allegory or narrative rather than a true event. Of particular concern is the inclusive approach to various belief systems, an emphasis on emotions over absolute truth and the notion that there is no hell, judgment or need for forgiveness. The Emerging Church movement also glorifies honesty and confession, but without repentance.

Entire Article

(video) Giant Ascent: Chris Sharma Free Climbs Huge Redwood

Minute-4: Spectacular, give-God-glory views from above!!!

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Giant Ascent: Chris Sharma Free Climbs Huge Redwood w/ Help of Scientists


(video) Ground to Crown: Climbing the Giant Sequoia — Slingshot or Crossbow • View from the canopy! • Tiny size of a single seed! • M&M-to-mouth toss record

Redwoods can be 150 feet taller than this giant Sequoia!

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7:25 Slingshot or Crossbow

11:00 View from the canopy!

17:57 Tiny size of a single seed!

18:25 M&M-to-mouth toss record!

• • •

Ground to Crown: Climbing the Giant Sequoia

Chuck Baldwin on Trump’s 501c3 Plan: Will removing the Johnson Amendment make a difference? — “PASTORS are much more FEARFUL of tithes and offerings walking out the back door than they are of the IRS walking in the front door” • “I want to see the Johnson Amendment expunged so that these timid and compromising pastors can be exposed for the COWARDS that they are” • “The problem is not the tree; the problem is the cowardice of the man who hides behind it” • “We must obey God rather than man”

Posted by Chuck Baldwin on Facebook, 2/22/17:

President Trump has said he wants to see the infamous Johnson Amendment expunged. Of course, this would take an act of Congress. But for the record, I absolutely agree with Donald Trump on this one.

The Johnson Amendment (introduced by then Senator Lyndon B. Johnson in 1954) is the amendment to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) which requires churches that organize under article 501c3 fall under “non-profit organization” status and, therefore, are restricted by law as to political speech and activity. Failure to comply theoretically threatens their tax-exempt status.

There are MANY components to this issue, which I will have the opportunity to address should Congress begin acting on Mr. Trump’s wishes. Right now, I will merely address one element–the BIGGEST element.

Here is the plain truth: the 501c3 tax code is a tree that most pastors and churches are hiding behind. They use the tax code as justification for not speaking out on the salient issues of the day–as if the government has ANY right to tell or even suggest what they may and may not preach. I guess these men never read the verse of Scripture where the apostle told the powers that be, “We must obey God rather than man.” I guess the never read the stories of Daniel and the three Hebrew children.

Yes, I would very much like to see Trump succeed in leading Congress to repealing the Johnson Amendment, but not for the reason most might think.

I already know what will happen should Congress repeal the Johnson Amendment: the vast majority of pastors and churches that are hiding behind the IRC 501c3 will simply find another tree to hide behind. The problem is not the tree; the problem is the cowardice of the man who hides behind it.

Do away with the Johnson Amendment and no one will even notice. Pastors will go on cowering in timidity, because the truth is: more than the fear of offending the IRS, pastors fear offending a carnal, temperamental, finicky, feeling-on-their-shoulders bunch of babies that comprise a large percentage of almost every church congregation. Pastors are much more fearful of tithes and offerings walking out the back door than they are of the IRS walking in the front door.

I want to see the Johnson Amendment expunged so that these timid and compromising pastors can be exposed for the cowards that they are. Without the Johnson Amendment, they will be forced to find another reason why they refuse to be the spiritual watchmen they are supposed to be, because there is absolutely no doubt that should the Johnson Amendment go away, they will quickly find another tree to hide behind.

Again, the problem is not the tree; the problem is the cowardice of the man who hides behind it.

Pope Removes Penalties for Priests Who Abuse Children

Daily Mail Article: Pope cuts penalties for paedophile priests – including one let off with just a lifetime of prayer for abusing five young boys

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Pope Removes Penalties for Priests Who Abuse Children

(video) All 240 ‘Family Christian Stores’ *House Of Heresy* Closing Down — “This stuff [false doctrine books] will bring you to hell. And the people who are selling this stuff are going to have to give an account for the amount of souls that they sold this stuff too” • “People have a free will, but as a Christian person, you have a responsibility before God to tell them the truth, or the blood will be on your hands”

CT article she refers to: All 240 Family Christian Stores Are Closing

I wrote this comment under the video:

Really good, except, please be careful about praying (or James-3 cursing) that the existing “Christian” bookstores would close. It may be better to pray that real Christians buy them, and then sell SOUND DOCTRINE: real Christian books and real Bibles and gifts (especially plaques that have JESUS’ GREATEST TWO COMMANDMENTS — what we’re supposed to be focused on obeying in the NEW COVENANT — which these “Christian” stores rarely sell. They focus on old covenant gifts instead, and on worshiping modern day, Talmudic Israel).

@11:50, transcribed by me:

“This stuff [false doctrine books] will bring you to hell. And the people who are selling this stuff (that did sell this stuff) are going to have to give an account for the amount of souls that they sold this stuff too, and made available to these people.

Now, I know people have a free will, but as a Christian person, you have a responsibility before God to tell them the truth — or the blood will be on your hands.”

• • •

House Of Heresy- Family Christian Store Closing Down- USA

(video) Ex-Witch Breaks Down the Power of Praying in Tongues to Defeat the Devil! — “We have to learn how to TRUST Him, and know that He’s SAFE, and that the gift is safe • The Devil does not want people to have or use any of the gifts of the Spirit, especially tongues, because tongues is that POWERFUL. And that is why there are so many widespread LIES and misunderstandings about tongues. Because if the Devil can strip that away from us then we have lost a piece of the ARMOR of God, we have lost a mighty and powerful WEAPON to defeat the Devil, which is why we’re here. We’re here to PARTNER with Jesus and KICK the Devil’s butt! • So of course, he’s going to try and stop that” – Beth Eckert

Really important; though, some parts may be confusing. Having prayed in tongues many thousands of hours since 1981, and having studied this in-depth myself, I’d be glad to answer any questions.

I also have a Pray Perfectly in Tongues category here at ONEcanhappen, that has my posts on this important and maligned subject.

Having had thousands of confirmations, I personally believe that the main purpose of praying in tongues is to deal with demons in a way that we don’t have to see what’s actually going on — because if we saw the demons we’re dealing with we’d probably freak!


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Beth @25:50, transcribed by me:

“We have to learn how to trust Him, and know that He’s safe, and that the gift is safe.

The Devil does not want people to have or use any of the gifts of the Spirit, especially tongues, because tongues is that powerful. And that is why there are so many widespread lies and misunderstandings about tongues. Because if the Devil can strip that away from us then we have lost a piece of the armor of God, we have lost a mighty and powerful weapon to defeat the Devil, which is why we’re here. We’re here to partner with Jesus and kick the Devil’s butt!

So of course, he’s going to try and stop that.”

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From: Charisma Magazine

Ex-Witch Breaks Down the Power Speaking and Praying in Tongues Holds

Ex-witch Beth Eckert says one of the key ways to defeat the devil when he launches an attack is to speak and pray in tongues.

However, many Christians today do not believe these are active gifts meant for modern use.

“Recently, I’ve decided to explore more in-depth about what speaking in tongues is versus praying in tongues and what Scripture says about those things, because I’ve seen so much controversy on the topic of speaking in tongues,” Eckert says.

The ex-witch says most of her research comes straight from 1 Corinthians 14, which dictates how and why these gifts should be used.

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Speaking In Tongues & Praying In Tongues: A Biblical Guide

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