Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Tag: salvation

(video) Dan Corner: Eternal Security ‘The Devil’s Lullaby’ — Changing Grace – Zane Hodges, Charles Stanley, Dave Hunt

Powerful and very serious!

America is spreading this false gospel around the world! Many are going to Hell!

: (

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[youtube=]Changing Grace, Pt 1 Zane Hodges, Charles Stanley, Dave Hunt

Dan Corner Dan Corner

Uploaded on Feb 25, 2009…
Once saved always saved? No eternal security.

Addressing eternal security teachers Zane Hodges, Charles Stanley, Dave Hunt. For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord. (Jude 4)


(Video) Dan Corner Interview: The Believer’s Conditional Security

Dan Corner’s 801-page book: “The Believer’s Conditional Security”

(audio) Dan Corner: “If you’re lusting in your heart, you are an adulterer, and you won’t inherit the kingdom”

John Calvin Had Servetus Burned at the Stake for Having Doctrinal Differences — His Ashes Cry Out!

(video) Dan Corner: True Grace Vs False Grace — Charles Stanley’s security in sin: “You cannot out-sin the grace of God” Vs Jesus: “He who endures to the end will be saved”

(audio) Dan Corner: The parable of the sower — “Bringing forth fruit is a salvation issue”

(video) Dan Corner: Prodigal Son — “My son was dead, and is alive again! He was lost, and is found!”

[Beautiful cartoon] The Prodigal Son: Life in the Son can be lonely at times, but it’s still the best life

(video) The Grace Changers: Calvinist Mark Driscoll Exposed — “Mark Driscoll’s popularity is proof that we are in a deep dark church apostacy now!”

What about the thief on the cross? He wasn’t required to do works | ‘Sweaty ministry’ VS “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me…”

Father of Calvinism, Augustine’s Prayer To Mary For His Salvation

The meaning of “Grace” (χαρις) in the Bible: It’s not what you think?

How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many Find the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%!?!!

Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill on ANTINOMIANISM (‘against law’ – “YOU’RE NOT GOING TO PUT ME INTO BONDAGE”): What they fail to realize is that now, under the new covenant, the law is written on our hearts. JESUS BROKE the POWER OF SIN on our lives, so by the Spirit we can LIVE OUT the righteous requirements of the law. “Adultery refers to ADULTERY OF THE HEART and not just the physical act.” “Sin will love you for a season and curse you for eternity.”

Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: Many Challenge the Authority of the Word — “When the Scriptures contradict our feelings and preferences, RATHER THAN crucify our feelings and preferences and BOW DOWN BEFORE GOD and His Word, WE QUESTION GOD’S WORD”

Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today — Overemphasis of Prosperity • Exaggerated View of Grace (grace-changers nullify all divine warnings) • Antinomianism = against rules, so “anything goes” (but “Jesus didn’t set us free to sin; He set us free from sin”) • Gazing Upon Man, not God • Challenging the Authority of the Word (God didn’t really mean what He said) • Rejecting Hell • Universal Reconciliation

[ 9-minute video ] Steve Hill shares his vision: Spiritual Avalanche – The THREAT of FALSE TEACHINGS that could DESTROY MILLIONS — “Satan is Snowing the Saints!”

[ video ] Steve Hill on Sid Roth’s ‘It’s Supernatural’: The Spiritual Avalanche That Could Kill Millions – God’s Warning to All Christians! — “This mountain of snow is all the FALSE TEACHING that is falling on the church right now…”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Tozer on “We Don’t Have To Obey” ‘Heresy’: “The truth is that SALVATION apart from OBEDIENCE is unknown in the sacred Scriptures”

From: A.W. Tozer Facebook

Salvation Apart from Obedience?

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. —Ephesians 2:10

Therefore, I must be frank in my feeling that a notable heresy has come into being throughout our evangelical Christian circles—the widely accepted concept that we humans can choose to accept Christ only because we need Him as Savior and we have the right to postpone our obedience to Him as Lord as long as we want to! …

I think the following is a fair statement of what I was taught in my early Christian experience and it certainly needs a lot of modifying and a great many qualifiers to save us from being in error.

“We are saved by accepting Christ as our Savior; we are sanctified by accepting Christ as our Lord; we may do the first without doing the second!”

The truth is that salvation apart from obedience is unknown in the sacred Scriptures. Peter makes it plain that we are “chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit for obedience” (1 Peter 1:2).

-A.W. Tozer-
“I Call It Heresy”


Kevin Conner on the Believer’s CONDITIONAL Security: “OBEDIENCE IS the very law of SECURITY for all created beings. There can be NO SUCH THING as UNCONDITIONAL security.”

Charles Finney (via Steve Hill): Aim to Be Perfect — “What is Christianity, but supreme love to God and a supreme purpose of heart or disposition to obey God? If there is not this, there is NO CHRISTIANITY AT ALL.”

A.W. Tozer: There is ‘one sure way to escape the delusions of religion’ and be true Christians: “Receive Christ as Lord of our lives and begin to obey Him in everything. Submit to the truth and let it search us. Submit and obey…”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

[video] Nate Pfeil: The Fire — A fiery message of truth

“It’s disgusting that it’s more of a scandal in this church culture
to reprove sin than it is to laugh at it.”

– Nate Pfeil

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[youtube=]Nate Pfeil – The Fire

Uploaded by  on Aug 23, 2011

A fiery message of truth.


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

[Reality-check video] Learn Why Jesus BANNED Heaven From Famous Uganda Pastor!

“Beloved, there is a responsibility to overcome.”

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[youtube=]Learn Why Jesus BANNED Heaven From Famous Uganda Pastor!

Uploaded by on Jan 16, 2012

Renowned Pastor in Uganda with a “successful ministry” in saving many souls, many healed and many delivered was SHOCKED when JESUS told him “if I came today to take my Bride…I WOULD NOT TAKE YOU.” At that moment, he said “ALL HIS THEOLOGIES COULD NOT ACCEPT THAT”, but JESUS is still saying: “I WOULD NOT TAKE YOU.” Will YOU be like HIM when JESUS RETURNS?

Please watch the whole testimony, it will really make you think and hopefully bring you to your KNEES in HUMILITY in DEEP REPENTANCE.

There is so much lies and the spirit of the Anti-Christ floating around videos / FB messages / false grace preaching on the internet and in the churches that SOUNDS GOOD when in fact they are absolutely false. The devil is using these false teachings to MAKE MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS (who think they are ready to see God) to be ABSOLUTELY LEFT BEHIND when all of this happens (which will be ANYTIME NOW). Please examine yourself honestly today, please everyone.



Pastor DIES > goes to HELL because he HADN’T FORGIVEN his wife > AROSE from the dead almost 2 days later > tells story

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

To my homosexual friends: May we all overcome temptation and be ‘ONE’ in Christ! What is the ‘fury fire’ that Piper Perabo talks about? How can it be tamed? What is God’s true perspective in “The Homosexuals Will Arise” prophecy and what does Romans 1 really say?

Ever since I got this prophecy in October of 2001, The Homosexuals Will Arise, I’ve had a soft heart for the homosexuals, those who are caught in this sin. I took off whatever ‘Baptist glasses’ I had. God helped me see more through His eyes what is going on.

The Homosexuals Will Arise

The homosexuals will arise. They have been hurt so badly in their heart. They are not the enemy. They are full of hurt, and are looking for a way out.

You can help if you don’t judge. Don’t criticize; show them the way through your smile. They are not worse than you, just unforgiven. They have a long way to go, but are not weird, as some would say. Do not mock. Lift them up. Give them space to watch.

Pray with them when you get a chance, but until then be slow. Their hearts are brittle, hardened by sin that has often been done unto them, not of their own accord. Have grace and Mercy, not judgment, or pain will come to you both, and alienation from the things of God, the life I can give.

It can happen. Love can start with you. It just takes one. Find it and run, run with arms outstretched, praying as you go, praying in tongues a lot. Don’t hold back. This is a precious gift. Use it now; it is for you to be free, to be built up in the might of My Spirit. Pray often, and do not faint. Do not let the world take control. I have overcome the world. You will too, if you walk in My steps, living a life of love.

God says homosexuals are not weird. They are just caught in a sin that is different, which is also similar to heterosexual lust, which many of the judgmental ‘Christians’ are also stuck in (whether it’s actually doing it with a person or just thinking it. And it is actually worse to do it with someone than just think about it). But both same and opposite-sex lust will put us in the who-doesn’t-go-to-heaven lists. See especially what Galatians 5 says in Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

There is this critical spirit especially in the country western listening, evangelical community that homosexuals are the problem in America — along with al Qaeda. But it’s willfully sinning ‘Christians‘ who are the main problem in America: The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated.

All lusters are going to Hell unless we repent. And we need to get the plank (heterosexual lust, for example) before we can see clearly enough to take the speck (homosexual lust) out of our neighbor’s eye.

How’s that? I think this is actually how we are supposed to read this verse? Who knows what these dear people have gone through, often even at a young age, not of their own accord.

My heart is that we will all be one, truly in Christ, free from all kinds of lusts — and that those of who haven’t succumbed to this same-sex sin will not treat those who have any differently than those who have succumbed to opposite-sex lust.

People look at Romans 1 and put homosexuals in this worst-person category. But lets take another look at Romans 1:

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known of God is revealed in them, for God revealed it to them. 20 For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse. 21 Because, knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, neither gave thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 and traded the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed animals, and creeping things.

24 Therefore God also gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator [worshiping, lusting after the opposite or same-sex and not really worshiping God in Spirit or in truth – editor], who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason, God gave them up to vile passions. For their women changed the natural function into that which is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural function of the woman, burned in their lust toward one another, men doing what is inappropriate with men, and receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error.

28 Even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, malice [desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another — James-3 cursing – editor]; full of envy, murder [“he who hates his brother” — James-3 cursing – editor], strife, deceit, evil habits, secret slanderers, 30 backbiters, hateful to God, insolent [presumptuous and insulting in manner or speech; arrogant — I know pastors who are this way & ‘Christians’ who comment at this website — editor], haughty, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also approve of those who practice them.

I think there are two clear points here unlike what is commonly taught. First, when homosexuality is rampant in a society it says a lot about the morality of the entire society in general. Rampant homosexuality is a key sign of a fallen society.

Secondly, every adjective I underlined i the last paragraph is true of many heterosexual ‘Christians’ whom I know, especially pastors, who are especially prone to James-3 curse those they see as their enemy: Dennis Cramer: “Most ‘Christians’ curse for the purpose of retaliation and vindication … ‘Christian’ leaders are even more vulnerable”

Instead of holding as a standard the scriptures that are in the header at the top of this page — so we will then achieve this standard, the feel-good remedy that is popular in most evangelical churches today is to accept the “I’m okay; you’re okay” once-saved-always-saved, false, eternal security doctrine — so then we all go to heaven anyway, regardless of what the Bible says in so many texts, including Romans 1, above.

Most ‘Christians’ today fit somewhere in the Romans 1:28-32, “worthy of death” list as well as the many scriptures in my Who-Goes study that clearly show who will not go to heaven. Though, is it fair to say that many, if not most ‘Christians’ don’t see themselves in Romans 1 at all, because the teaching in American pulpits has not been really Biblical or Spirit-led.

All lusters are in trouble, period — as well as those who hate others, wish people evil; secret slanderers; have strife, deceit; are unforgiving, unmerciful.

We must repent, having mercy on all people.

Who is going to get the greater judgment: homosexuals or pastors who won’t get right with those they’ve hurt?

The Bible says that spiritual teachers will get a stricter judgment!

I’m trying to put this into perspective so that ‘Christians’ will be more merciful towards homosexuals and that homosexuals will have great hope! The homosexuals will arise!!! FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———-DOM!!!!!!!

Bless you!!! And that has mainly been my heart in why I’ve written this. Personally, I don’t want anyone to think that I wouldn’t accept you just as I would if you had not fallen into this sin.

If therefore the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.

You can be free from homosexual sin just like opposite-sex lusters can be free from heterosexual sin. You don’t have to walk in guilt any longer. And we better not put any guilt on you either for what you did in the past that is now forgiven completely!!! If we do, slap us.

I’ve already tried to address this before, particularly here:

[Lust FREEDOM — “The Poison that Kills the Soul”] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

I was trying to show that both heterosexual and homosexual lust is demon driven — that when people feel a powerful attraction to a person sexually, it’s demon driven. The fact that it’s demon driven is good news because when totally repent, 100% cold turkey, then the lust demons can’t affect us. We can be 100.00% free — no matter what we’ve done.

And we need to have Spirit-filled churches led by Spirit-filled people, which will be our sanctuary.

Some people can overcome without being a part of a great church, but many need the body of Christ to truly be the body of Christ. We can all be ONE, experiencing His glory till death do us part.

The willfully sinning leaders need to get out of the way and encourage those who are supposed to lead, so they can lead us into holiness.

And in the meantime, some of us can just get holy to then help bring in this bigger thing that has been prophesied. Then we’ll have the Third Great Awakening.

Having said all of this, I wanted to include this quote, transcribed by me from this video interview of Piper Perabo, which I don’t recommend most people watch because of some of the images — though I didn’t have a problem with them.

Piper was in a same-sex movie, Lost and Delirious, which she talks about here:

“It didn’t occur to me when I read the script that it would be a controversy. … I feel like we’re past that. I hope that we are. From my eyes we are. You love who you love, you know. And especially when people love so strong. It’s like how can you deny them that kind of…. I mean there is no denying that kind fury fire.”

I’m trying to give homosexuals hope — really big hope that you can be totally, 100% free from homosexual and heterosexual lust.

And heterosexuals can be free from lust too. There really isn’t that much difference. The source of the power (the addiction) is the same.

My contention is that this kind of fury fire that you may have felt is furious because it’s demonic. It may feel really good (a high like a drug — dopamine, actually), like there is no denying it, but the fire part of this lust comes from giving into sinful sexual desire in which lust demons are ready and waiting to take you to Cloud 9 — though you know it’s wrong and you feel guilty all of the time.

And we can be free now, and have right relationships within marriage that aren’t sinful or demon driven. Though there can be demon driven lust inside marriage too.

And some of us are single and don’t like it at all, but it wouldn’t be so bad if real Christianity was happening and we could bask in the glory of God.

It will be so easy to NOT sin when ONE happens. But until then, many of us can live pure and clean anyway. And those of us who do can help ONE to happen!

Power to the peaceful — the power to overcome sin and live together as ONE!

Jeff Fenske
Anchorage, Alaska


Against Masturbation: “Men rob themselves of the very essence and energy that fuel their lives and protect their health”

When Sin Looks Delicious: TAKE THE BLAME for wanting to sin; RESIST Satan; RESOLVE that you will not sin; GIVE THANKS for Jesus’ enabling grace

(video) Seattle Gay Pridefest Turns Violent; Street Preachers Get Attacked — What Would Jesus Do?

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT” — Includes my dream of being in danger of going to hell just for lusting while watching TV

Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: Many Challenge the Authority of the Word Despite its Clarity — “When the Scriptures contradict our feelings and preferences, RATHER THAN crucify our feelings and preferences and BOW DOWN BEFORE GOD and His Word, WE QUESTION GOD’S WORD”

[science] Why is Lust Addictive? — SEX increases dopamine by 200 units (1/6 the height of a METH euphoria)

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated

Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!

A Gift that Will Set Many Free! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls)

[Lust FREEDOM — “The Poison that Kills the Soul”] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

[Lust Freedom!] As Cautiously as Folding Our Own Parachute — “We ought to think out each step with the same kind of rationale and determination that a man uses when he folds his own parachute. Small, careful decisions can save his life. 5 minutes of pleasure earned Esau the loss of a lifetime of blessing and the enmity of God. Is it worth it?”

Joel Osteen: Homosexuals Get Into Heaven [But ‘Christians’ keep in mind that lusting HETEROsexuals WON’T INHERIT the kingdom either. We must all be holy so we can all be ONE!]

Wes Hall: It’s Not Just Porn! “You’re asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life. … I’m not talking about the R-rated movies. I’m talking about the PG-13s … certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled.”

[ video ] David Icke with Alex Jones In-studio First Time!: The Royal Families Illuminati, Pedophilia, Murdering Past

The Homosexual Guild in D.C.: “They’re outing their white, male straights.”

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians — Almost every one of them has some dark secret that they can be blackmailed over if they fail to follow the Washington consensus.

[ video – full unedited ] Former Marine Colonel’s Wife: Sleeping With The Enemy — Kay Griggs Talks About Sexual Perversion Deep Within the Highest Levels of U.S. Military and Government, Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, and Illegal Weapon Deals — “Why are Good People Silent?”

Madonna Fully Aware She’s Promoting Homosexuality

General Motors Psy-Op Ad Castrates Men By Using Feminism

“Reflections And Warnings: An Interview With Aaron Russo” – Entire Film – Aaron explains how the elite created the women’s liberation movement to break up the family and tax working women

Sandusky Part of Illuminati Pedophile Network

[NBC 1989] Call Boys Take Midnight Tour of Reagan/Bush White House

Retired FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: SATANISM & THE CIA — “The CIA is the most evil organization in the history of the world. They’re involved in kidnapping kids, international drug trafficking. They’re assassinating people….” | 50-60,000 human sacrifices per year in America!

Age of consent should be lowered to 13 to stop persecution of old men, says top barrister

[ video ] “Conspiracy of Silence”: The program that many compromised (and now blackmailable) Republicans don’t want you to see. It is the story of a cancer at the heart of America and its continuing cover-up at the highest level!

John DeCamp discusses the Franklin Cover-up: “The biggest monster I’ve ever encountered!”

Ted Gunderson: Many of our congressmen and senators have been blackmailed through children, sex and drugs…”and we don’t have enough people like Kucinich and Ron Paul to stand up.”

Invisible Empire Sneak Peek #4 — Call Boy Rings Exposed. “Many of us believe that our leaders are in fact Christian conservatives with our best interest at heart…” | But WE must have INTEGRITY no matter what.

[Video] Insider: Pedophilia Among America’s Leaders — Including ‘Conservative’ Republican Presidents?

Pedophilia in the White House — Interview with John DeCamp (Nebraska State Senator)

[WordPOWER!] 1 Timothy 4:1 — "The Spirit says expressly that IN LATER TIMES some will FALL AWAY from the faith, paying attention to SEDUCING SPIRITS and DOCTRINES OF DEMONS"

1 Timothy 4

1 But the Spirit says expressly that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 through the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, branded in their own conscience as with a hot iron; 3 forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with thanksgiving. 5 For it is sanctified through the word of God and prayer.

David Anders: "Luther profoundly misread Paul"

“I concluded –
on the basis of hard, cold, unemotional exegesis –
that Luther profoundly misread Paul.”

– David Anders

My friend, Dave and I came to this same conclusion, but so far, he has gone one way and I another — explained in My friend, David Anders on Catholic TV, which also gives the source of this quote.

Jeff Fenske

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The BELIEVERS have OPENED THE GATE TO SIN, which is why this country has deteriorated

This is so true!! My heart leaped when I read this!

Originally from: Revival School (Andrew Strom)

THE RED GATE PROPHECY – Michael Quintana.

I was awakened a few years ago by a disturbing dream I had one morning. The disturbing thing about this dream was that I had no idea where it came from, what it meant, and why I was shown this dream. There was no interpretation given me of what this dream meant which added frustration to my not knowing. The reality, intensity and urgency of this dream left me with many questions that were not immediately answered. The interpretation of this dream was given to me about two years later by God again but this time it was given to me through an extraordinary day vision. This dream had to do with me, California and the country.


It was early 2002 that this disturbing dream came to me while I was asleep one night. I was fast asleep when all of a sudden I woke up in the middle of nowhere in what looked to be the middle of the Central California valley. I recognized the valley because of the mountains east and west of me. I grew up in this Central California valley and I am very familiar with the surroundings. I was not scared but it was odd standing there in the middle of nowhere and not in my bedroom. This may seem odd but I felt wide awake like when I wake up every morning. The only difference was that my senses seemed to be on extra sensitive.

In fact I felt more awake, alert, and alive than when I wake up normally in my bedroom. I woke up into this incredible bright sunny beautiful day with the clearest clean air and a clearest blue sky I ever saw. I was standing on what seemed to be a greener than green oasis. I could clearly see the mountains in front of and behind me. This was just like when I was a child after a rain. I could clearly see the mountains on the east and west side of me. What caught my attention between me on the oasis and the mountains east and west of me were the miles and miles of this rich dark soiled dirt.

I then took notice that I was standing on the north side of this little green grassy oasis which was about two to 4 acres. Right at the edge of this green oasis just north of me was this big brighter than bright red gate. It was just standing on the outer edge of the greener than green oasis.

It was so odd to see this big red gate standing in front of me in the middle of nowhere. Everything looked like it belonged except this red gate. There was no fence or wall attached to this big bright red gate. It was just odd to see it standing there by itself.

I felt happiness and joy to be there in front of this big red gate. All of a sudden, I heard God’s voice out of nowhere. He then gave me very stern instructions. I knew this was God’s voice because I have heard his voice before and I know his voice. He said in a stern voice, “Mike, do not open the red gate”!

Voting for the ‘Lesser of Evils,' Thinking We're Going to Heaven

Therefore, “‘Come out from among them, and be separate,’ says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing. I will receive you. …'”
(2 Cor. 6:17)
To stand on that day —
this isn’t child’s play.

We can vote and stand before God one day,
and not have to stand before God and say:

‘Well, God, I voted for the lesser of two evils.’

And God’s going to look you in the face, folks, and say:
‘But you still voted for evil.’

And you’ll have to admit that you did.

And God doesn’t put up with that, folks—
you voting for the lesser of two evils.

It’s still absolute evil,
Satanic evil

– Jack McLamb

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from
The Officer Jack McLamb Show, 9/19/08

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.”

– Jesus (Mt. 5:9)

Chuck Baldwin: “A Wasted Vote”

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures
Pastor Baldwin: Government Cannot Do Church’s Job

“We Must Be Holy” by J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)

[video] Bill Wiese's 23 Minutes in Hell — What is it like in Hell? — "How bad could it be? You can't breath; you can't eat; you can't sleep… you're tormented. And all this you have to endure for eternity."

Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, and experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony, terrorizing demons, and finally, the strong hand of God lifting him out of the pit.

Wiese’s visit to the devil’s lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory. Since this life-changing ordeal, he has spent the last seven years studying the Scriptures to find answers and has listed more than 150 Bible verses referencing hell.

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“The scripture says in Romans 8:13, ‘if you live after the flesh you will die.’

And Jesus said, ‘if your eye offend thee, pluck it out. It’s better for you to enter into life maimed than enter into hellfire.’ And the word ‘offend’ means ’causes you to sin.’

So if you’re doing something. If you’re into pornography, if you’re just like you said, living with your girlfriend, if you’re living some compromised lifestyle, you don’t want to do that. He said that you’re in danger of hellfire.

So why would you want to take a chance and live like that.”

– Bill Wiese

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]23 Minutes in Hell – Bill Wiese (Newest Version – Dec 2006) More Details

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“How bad could it be? You can’t breath; you can’t eat; you can’t sleep. You burn. You’re tormented. And all this you have to endure for eternity.”

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[book – audio – video] Mary K. Baxter: A Divine Revelation of Hell — “There is greater punishment for those who once preached the gospel and went back into sin, or for those who would not obey the call of God for their lives”
Jesus Mentions Hell and Destruction in 46 Verses! — We don’t need to know Greek to be able to clearly see hell is real and eternal. We better beware and tell others too!
12 New Testament Texts: HELL Is ETERNAL
[EXCELLENT video] Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle: Erasing Hell — “He gets to define what love is, and not us.” “That means my sin is way worse than I could ever even imagine.” | ~”I think this whole concept of ‘how could God do this’ is woven into the fabric of our culture that says ‘how dare my dad tell me what I can and cannot do!’ We’ve lost the idea of authority, and it’s killing our culture.”
[Q&A] Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell: Why ‘ERASING HELL’ was Francis’ most difficult book and how it prompted him to repent for softening Jesus’ warnings — “WE IN AMERICA READ CERTAIN PASSAGES OVER AND OVER TO THE NEGLECT OF OTHERS, we start to believe that Jesus had a friendly tone all the time. … We have tried to block Hell out of our minds. Yet because it’s written about so often in Scripture, I think God does want it on the forefront.”
WHY HELL is INTEGRAL to THE GOSPEL — God declares himself to be compassionate and loving, but he also says, “Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished.” The Psalms declare that “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.” — Why is it that when people think about hell they conclude God must be at fault and not themselves?
[10-minute video] Francis Chan: Erasing Hell — “Do you ever even consider the possibility that maybe the Creator’s sense of justice is actually more developed than yours? And that maybe His love and His mercy are perfect, and that you could be the one that is flawed. … We can’t afford to be wrong on this issue.”
Pastor DIES > goes to HELL because he HADN’T FORGIVEN his wife > AROSE from the dead almost 2 days later > tells story
(video) VET Tells Harrowing Tale of Military Life and NEAR DEATH Experiences — Encountered three demons, including ANGELINA-JOLIE-like, green, sticky LUST DEMON | Awesome ANGEL frees him — Mom praying! | Describes HELL: “HATE, HEAT & HOPELESSNESS”
Bill Wiese’s 23 Minutes in Hell — What is it like in Hell? — “How bad could it be? You can’t breath; you can’t eat; you can’t sleep… you’re tormented. And all this you have to endure for eternity.”
Hell Vision — the man in the vision represents ministers that preach false teachings and doctrines that lead His people astray. Many churches are the gateways to hell. ONLY A FEW could find their way out of the maze!
[music video] Degarmo and Key: Boycott Hell! — “We’ve gotta job to do; We’re runnin’ out of time to do it” — Dana Key 1953 – 2010
Hell Testimony — Kenneth Hagin’s Near Death Experience in 1933!
How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many are Finding the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%?!!
Hell is Real — There were some ministers there with their whole congregations gnashing their teeth on this minister: “You told us you had the truth. We followed you!”
[WordPOWER!] 2 Peter 3: BEWARE, in the LAST DAYS People Will Be WILLINGLY IGNORANT
Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth & Truth-tellers
From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”
Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it WAS PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”
My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”
The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.
Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”
The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “How upside-down the ‘church’ is today.”
Benny Hester: “When God Ran” — God will RUN when we come back to Him!
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?
[WordPower • Psalm 50] God Warns: “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. … Now consider this…lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver” (Hell?)

Kupelian: The Passion of the Christian—Clearly, We're Missing Something BIG

From: WorldNetDaily

And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
– Mark 8:34-37
And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
– Luke 9:23
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
– Matthew 10:38
…viewing “The Passion of the Christ” is powerfully rekindling many believers’ appreciation for what Jesus endured for their sakes.
Question: Will this roaring fire of gratitude for Christ’s suffering and death on the cross also rekindle – or ignite for the first time – a fire in the belly of believers for “taking up the cross” themselves?
What about it? Is it enough to immerse our minds and souls and emotions in the graphic realization of Christ’s immense suffering on our behalf? Or are we going to go the distance, finish the race, and fulfill Jesus’ direct and repeated instruction that each of us “take up his cross daily”? …
But you see, there’s something really wrong with today’s Christianity. Over 80 percent of Americans consider themselves Christians, but our country’s government, laws, culture and institutions, from its education system to it is entertainment industry – are increasingly and overtly hostile to Christianity. Even Christian families all too often are falling apart. Believe it or not, the divorce rate among Christians is higher than that of unbelievers, according to respected Christian pollster George Barna. Clearly, we’re missing something big.
So, can you handle a little tough love? Here it is: Just continually telling each other about Jesus’ death and resurrection is not enough. It’s not what He taught. Jesus didn’t say, “Just talk about me and you’ll be saved.” Rather, He said: “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17) And “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.” (John 15:10) And “… he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:13 KJV)

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[Warning] Men: May we not lust watching the Super Bowl today

Word is out that today’s Super Bowl will have the “sleaziest ads of all time.” It will be almost impossible not to sin unless our guard is up to the max or by avoiding the spectacle completely. And lust is a salvation issue, regardless of what is taught (or what isn’t taught). I’ll explain.
This is serious!

The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force – Jesus (Matthew 11:12b)

It’s not okay to look. That is the Devil’s lie. Nowhere is this in the Bible. Our hearts must be pure.
And the TV won’t give us a warning so we can look away when body parts appear.
If we just willfully lust one time, it lets the lust demons in. And it’s so subtle that most “Christian” men in America probably have given in, and are in danger of losing their salvation. And this is even true of pastors.
I had a dream years ago in which I was told that I was in danger of losing my salvation because of willfully lusting while watching TV. And then I was told a summary of what Jesus said in Matthew 5, which I’ll present in full here.

“You have heard that it was said, a ‘You shall not commit adultery;’ but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. If your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off, and throw it away from you: for it is profitable for you that one of your members should perish, and not your whole body be thrown into Gehenna. (Mt. 5:27-30)

Jesus is saying here that we need to do whatever is necessary to not sin in this way so we won’t be thrown into hell if an airplane engine would fall through the roof. There is no other way to read this or the numerous other warnings in the Bible, which I’ve summarized.
If this means not watching the game, or preemptively looking away or bouncing the eyes every single time, then this is what we have to do. We need to fight to win!!!
We must worship God, not His creation (Rom. 1).
I’ll share a vision I had that may help illustrate what happens.
I saw a lust demon just outside of my body. He couldn’t get in because I hadn’t lusted in my heart. But then I did think just one lustful thought and ah ha! His face burst into a big smile, and he jumped in! For I had given him the right to enter—a “place” (‘topos’ in Greek—not a “foothold” like the NIV erroneously says). This is similar what happens with unforgiveness/anger and a spirit of bitterness in Eph. 4:27. And this is the state of many, if not the vast “Christians” and “pastors” in America today. And many don’t even know that its largely lust demons that are driving them to sin in this way.
If we’re driven, we’re not free. The only way to be safely lust free is to be 100% vigilant, gazing not at the unclean thing at all in this fallen world, in which we’ll stand out as lights in this dry and weary land—full of the joy of the Lord—free!!!
Prov. 4:20-27

My son, attend to my words.
Turn your ear to my sayings.
Let them not depart from your eyes.
Keep them in the midst of your heart.
For they are life to those who find them,
And health to their whole body.
Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it is the wellspring of life.
Put away from yourself a perverse mouth.
Put corrupt lips far from you.
Let your eyes look straight ahead.
Fix your gaze directly before you.

Make the path of your feet level.
Let all of your ways be established.
Don’t turn to the right hand nor to the left.
Remove your foot from evil.

May we be freeeeeeee!
And ONE!
Jeff Fenske : )
Related: Lust: A Discussion Within––BODY (heart?), MIND & SPIRIT

Priest: 10 'Hail Marys' & 10 'Our Fathers' Absolve Hit-Man?

From: 60 Minutes, 1/6/08

John Martorano: The Executioner
Steve Kroft Interviews Triggerman Of Boston’s Notorious Winter Hill Gang

(CBS) There are few men alive today with the underworld credentials of John Martorano, and even fewer who are out of prison and walking the streets. For more than a decade, Martorano was the chief executioner for Boston’s Winter Hill Gang, a loose confederation of Irish and Italian-American gangsters run by James “Whitey” Bulger. …
“You seem cold,” Kroft says. “You killed 20 people and that’s all you have to say about it?”

You still a Catholic?” Kroft asks.
“Sure,” Martorano says.
“I mean, you can burn in hell for killing one person,” Kroft points out.
I don’t believe that,” Martorano says. “At one point, maybe a couple years ago, I sent for a priest and gave him a confession. It was maybe 30 years since my last confession. But I went through the whole scenario with him, and went through my whole life with him, and confessed. And at the end of it, he says, ‘Well, what do you think I should give you for penance?’ I says, ‘Father, you can justifiably crucify me.’ He laughed and says, ‘Nope. Ten Hail Marys, ten Our Fathers, and don’t do it again.’ So I listened to him.”

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[video report] Falling Cow Hits Car (After Church)–Always gotta be ready!

From KING 5, Seattle
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