Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Doctrines of Demons? Page 16 of 24

(video) Jehovah Witness’ Founder’s Pyramid Gravesite — Charles Taze Russell’s Watchtower Tomb Revealed!

Jittery video, but only 4 minutes. Fascinating exposé!

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[youtube=]Jehovah Witness’s Gravesite of Charles Taze Russell


Uploaded on Aug 15, 2009

This is Charles Taze Russel’s tombstone and memorial. It seems like this 7 foot tall pyramid was put here by the Watchtower. One of the things that I found interesting that I didn’t know was that each side had a “Holy Bible” with names on them. Like they were the book of Life.

Another thing that struck me was that it said “Dead with Christ” and “Risen with Christ”.

God Bless everyone.


Jesus-is-God Verses — It’s right to worship Jesus! – JWs go door to door falsely proclaiming that Jesus is not God

Jesus Mentions Hell and Destruction in 46 Verses! — We don’t need to know Greek to be able to clearly see hell is real and eternal. We better beware and tell others too! – JWs don’t believe in what Jesus clearly taught about hell

12 New Testament Texts: HELL Is ETERNAL

(video) David Pawson: A Burden for Men (Men For God Series pt. 1) — “Satan is destroying male and female” • “Christian men ought to be leading society uphill, rather than following society downhill” • “The church follows the world, only 15 years later” • “The world accepted homosexuality 20 years ago; the church is just now beginning to accept it” • “The church is accepting the spirit of the age, rather than asking the Holy Spirit to be the leader”

“I believe Satan is destroying male and female quite deliberately.”

“We’re living in a funny world, a world in which people don’t want to accept what God has made them. … Most of the [homosexual] men I’ve counseled … have been men who wanted to be looked after, rather than the responsibility of looking after anyone else. … They want to be a woman, and have a man to look after them, rather than face up to the responsibilities of being a man under God.”

“Christian men ought to be leading society uphill, rather than following society downhill. But it seems to me that the church follows the world, only 15 years later. So we get a reputation for being old fashioned and behind the times, because we are reluctant to go down the road. The world accepted homosexuality 20 years ago; the church is just now beginning to accept it. … Christians just slowly follow the world downhill.”

The trend to remove gender from even God in Bibles (1:08:30):

“It is all part of a mood in which the church is accepting the spirit of the age, rather than asking the Holy Spirit to be the leader.”

– David Pawson, transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others? — “First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” What Jesus was condemning was *hypocritical*, self-righteous judgments of others


Question: “What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others?”

Answer: This is an issue that has confused many people. On one hand, we are commanded by the Lord Jesus, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged” (Matthew 7:1). On the other hand, the Bible also exhorts us to beware of evildoers and false prophets and to avoid those who practice all kinds of evil. How are we to discern who these people are if we do not make some kind of judgment about them?

Christians are often accused of “judging” whenever they speak out against a sinful activity. However, that is not the meaning of the Scripture verses that state, “Do not judge.” There is a righteous kind of judgment we are supposed to exercise—with careful discernment [“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” NASB] (John 7:24). When Jesus told us not to judge (Matthew 7:1), He was telling us not to judge hypocriticallyMatthew 7:2-5 declares, “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” What Jesus was condemning here was hypocritical, self-righteous judgments of others.

In Matthew 7:2-5, Jesus warns against judging someone else for his sin when you yourself are sinning even worse. That is the kind of judging Jesus commanded us not to do. If a believer sees another believer sinning, it is his Christian duty to lovingly and respectfully confront the person with his sin (Matthew 18:15-17). This is not judging, but rather pointing out the truth in hope—and with the ultimate goal—of bringing repentance in the other person (James 5:20) and restoration to the fellowship. We are to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). We are to proclaim what God’s Word says about sin2 Timothy 4:2 instructs us, “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage — with great patience and careful instruction.” We are to “judge” sin, but always with the goal of presenting the solution for sin and its consequences—the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6).


When you tell someone ‘do not judge’ you are being hypocritical

Is It Right: To Judge, To Expose Error & To Name Names?

Meekness is Not Weakness — Jesus got angry at the right things at the right times. Meekness is power under control, part of the fruit of the Spirit.

Naming Names? Is that Biblical?: Paul did — Those who teach “any other gospel” are “accursed” of God and to be marked

Greg Laurie: Don’t Judge? — We are to judge, but we are not to condemn. In fact, a better translation of Matthew 7:1 would be: “Do not condemn others, and you will not be condemned.”

Who are You To Judge? | Good Fight Ministries

(video) WHEN “JUDGE NOT” IS NOT BIBLICAL — The mantra “judge not” is grossly misapplied today. As Christians we are told in God’s Word to judge all things spiritually, in righteous judgment, because we have the mind of Christ

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated

The Achan Factor — Because of one man’s disobedience the entire nation of Israel had to deal with the “Achan factor” among them before they could come under the umbrella of Almighty God’s blessings once again!

Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” What if you don’t repent? And what will happen when you do? The Third Great Awakening can start with us!!! We can all be happy — ‘ONE’!

The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “Let no one who is at odds with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned.”

The Sheep Stealers Rob the Sheep—Hypocrites Cannot Lead

Leadership: How it is Supposed to Be

Leaders Who Have Hurt People But Refuse to Repent

Failed Churches — Hate that Destroys the Yoke of Unity

Many Curse Others From Their Hurts Deep Within

Dennis Cramer: “Most ‘Christians’ curse for the purpose of retaliation and vindication … ‘Christian’ leaders are even more vulnerable”

‘Christian’ Leaders James-3 Cursing People Example: Jesse

The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!

Wes Hall to church leaders: “There’s a cry in your heart saying ‘I am not prepared to walk forward another step in dead works and dead religion”

Wes Hall: Many ministers weren’t even called into the ministry. “The reason you’ve gone to seminary is to prove to God…how dedicated you are.” • “Some of you should have been in ministry, and you went into business; and you tried to become the best you could to earn your father’s approval in the natural.”

Francis Frangipane: Beware, It is Easy to Fake Christianity — “The moment we stop obeying God we start faking . . . .” “If our Christianity does not work in this life where we can test it, it is foolhardy to hope it will successfully transport us into eternity . . . if we fail the test, we suffer eternal separation from God.” “Let us re-examine what we have been taught.”

[WordPOWER!] In Psalm 50 God Warns: “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. … Now consider this…lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver” (Hell?)

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

4th Century Origin of MARY WORSHIP — Under Constantine, pagan rituals and idols took on Christian meanings and names. Mary replaced the MOTHER GODDESS / sun god


Roman Catholicism
Founder: Emperor Constantine

The Roman Catholic church, headquartered in Rome, Italy, has its own powerful City-State, the Vatican. The Roman Catholic church unofficially came into being in 312 A.D., at the time of the so-called “miraculous conversion” to Christianity of the Roman Emperor Constantine but he still worshipped the sun god. Although Christianity was not made the official religion of the Roman Empire until the edicts of Theodosius I in 380 and 381 A.D., Constantine, from 312 A.D. until his death in 337, was engaged in the process of simultaneously building pagan temples and Christian churches, and was slowly turning over the reins of his pagan priesthood to the Bishop of Rome. …

Prior to the time of Constantine’s “conversion,” Christians were persecuted not so much for their profession of faith in Christ, but because they would not include pagan deities in their faith as well. Then, with Constantine’s emphasis on making his new-found Christianity palatable to the heathen in the Empire, the “Christianization” of these pagan deities was facilitated. For example, pagan rituals and idols gradually took on Christian meanings and names and were incorporated into “Christian” worship (e.g., “saints” replaced the cult of pagan gods in both worship and as patrons of cities; mother/son statues were renamed Mary and Jesus; etc.), and pagan holidays were reclassified as Christian holy days (e.g., the Roman Lupercalia and the feast of purification of Isis became the Feast of the Nativity; the Saturnalia celebrations were replaced by Christmas celebrations; an ancient festival of the dead was replaced by All Souls Day, rededicated to Christian heroes [now Halloween]; etc.). …

When Rome went from being pagan to Christian under Constantine, they had to find a replacement for the great mother of paganism. It was not until the time of Constantine that anyone began to look at Mary as a goddess. Since Mary was the mother of Jesus Christ, she was the most logical person to replace the pagan mother goddess. The pagans could continue their prayers and devotion to the mother goddess, only they would call her Mary. The pagans worshipped the mother as much or more than her son and this is exactly what the Roman Catholicism does. True Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is to be worshipped – not his mother. The fact remains that Jesus never hinted at the idea of Mary worship nor did any of the apostles. Worshipping the mother goddess along with her child took place centuries before Jesus Christ was ever born in many different parts of the world. In 431 A.D. Mary worship became an official doctrine of the church in at the Council of Ephesus.

Entire Article Here


Dating the FIRST PRAYER TO MARY ‘Sub Tuum Praesidium’ — Despite the eagerness of Roman Catholic apologists to establish that their veneration of Mary has ancient precedent, marian veneration is a merely human tradition, one that begin to flourish in the FOURTH CENTURY

Father of Calvinism, Augustine’s Prayer To Mary For His Salvation

(audio) Ex-witch: Why Many Worship Mary, Not Jesus — Mary is “embracing, loving, forgiving & tolerant.” But if you come to Christ you’re going to have to give yourself up. And when we stand in front of His thrown He will judge us. And people are scared of that. So they would sooner have a pseudo-Jesus

All of my The Catholic Deception articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)

Dating the FIRST PRAYER TO MARY ‘Sub Tuum Praesidium’ — Despite the eagerness of Roman Catholic apologists to establish that their veneration of Mary has ancient precedent, marian veneration is a merely human tradition, one that begin to flourish in the FOURTH CENTURY


Dating the Sub Tuum Praesidium – Is Marian Veneration Apostolic?

Posted on January 9, 2015

Despite the eagerness of Roman Catholic apologists to establish that their veneration of Mary has ancient precedent, marian veneration is a merely human tradition, one that begin to flourish in the fourth century and expanded significantly after the term “Theotokos” was used at the Council of Ephesus to describe Mary as the “God-Bearer,” which she really was in the sense of carrying in her womb one who is both God and man in two distinct natures and one person.

To try to push the date of marian veneration back into the third century, some Roman Catholic apologists (some examples appear below) have appealed to the Sub Tuum Praesidium. That’s an early prayer to Mary. A few scholars have dated this prayer to the mid third century, based on the handwriting. Other scholars have noted that there are two major problems with this idea: (1) the prayer uses the term “Theotokos,” which became popular after the Council of Ephesus (A.D. 431) and wasn’t very popular before then; and (2) the idea of praying to Mary is unknown amongst orthodox Christians in the 3rd century.

Depending on the source, one can find this issue identified in scholarly works that cite this papyrus. For example, The Cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium: Texts and Images, Leslie Brubaker and Mary B. Cunningham editors, “Melkite Syriac Hymns to the Mother of God (9th-11th centuries): Manuscripts, Language and Imagery,” by Nataliaa Smelova (section author), p. 118:

Arguably the earliest and certainly one of the most famous Marian hymns, ‘Υπὁ τἡν σἠν εὐσπλαγχνίαν’ is found in the fourth century (?) papyrus 470 from the John Rylands Library (University of Manchester) as well as in the papyrus P. Vindobon. G 17944, dated to the sixth or seventh century, from the Austrian National Library in Vienna.[fn 3]

[3 C.H. Roberts, Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Papyri in the John Rylands Library, Manchester (4 vols, Manchester, 1911-52), vol. 3 (1938): Theological and Literary texts(nos. 457-551), 46-7, pl. 1; K. Treu and J.M. Diethart, Griechische literarische Papyri Christlichen Inhaltes, Mitteilungen aus der Papyrusssammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, n.s. 2 (Vienna, 1993), 56, pl. 16.]

Similarly, Empress and Handmaid: On Nature and Gender in the Cult of the Virgin Mary, by Sarah Jane Boss, Note 1 at page 41:

1. The prayer is written in Greek on a fragment of Egyptian papyrus which is now in the possession of the John Rylands Library, Manchester. (C.H. Roberts (ed.), Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Papyri in the John Rylands Library, Manchester vol. III, Theological and Literary texts (Nos. 457-551) (1938) no. 470. It is a Greek version of the prayer which occurs in Latin as the Sub tuum praesidium. The papyrus dates from the fourth or fifth century, and may be reconstructed to yield the following translation: ‘Beneath your compassion we take refuge, Mother of God. Do not ignore our supplications in our necessities, but deliver us from danger: alone chaste, alone blessed.’
See Th. Koehler, ‘Maternité spirituelle, maternité mystique’ in Hubert du Manoir (ed.), Maria tom. VI (1961), pp. 571-2, n. 77; Michael O’Carroll,Theotokos: A Theological Encyclopedia of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1982), p. 336.

As you can see from these examples C.H. Roberts’ work is the primary reference. He was a lecturer in papyrology in the University of Oxford and fellow of St. John’s college, and is the one who published this papyrus. The entry for papyrus 470 in his catalog is as follows:

Aquired in 1917. 18 x 9.4 cm. ? Fourth century.
This prayer, written in brown ink on a small sheet of papyrus (the verso is blank), is probably a private copy ; there are no indications that it was intended for liturgical use. The hand, tall, upright, and pointed, with small blobs at the top and bottom of vertical strokes, is of a peculiar type to which I know no exact parallel. The α is of a kind more common in inscriptions than in papyri, and Dr. Bell suggests that the peculiarity of the script might be explained on the ground that it was a model for an engraver.
Mr. Lobel has pointed out to me that the hand resembles somewhat that of the letter of Subatianus Aquila (Schubart, Papyri Graecae Berolinenses, 35; cf. id. Paeleographie, p. 73) with its large and narrow characters; the ο, ι, and to a less extent the ε, are similar in both texts, but the peculiar [hand drawing of character] found in 470 is missing in the other, which on the whole is less decorative. Lobel would be unwilling to place 470 later than the third century. But such individual hands are hard to date, and it is almost incredible that a prayer addressed directly to the Virgin in these terms could be written in the third century. The Virgin was spoken of as Θεοτόκος by Athanasius ; but there is no evidence even for private prayer addressed to her (cf. Greg. Naz. Orat. xxiv. II) before the latter part of the fourth century, and I find it difficult to think that our text was written earlier than that (cf. art. ‘Mary’ in Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).

(Rylands Library Catologue of Greek and Latin Papyri – Entry 470, including the text transcription, a photo of the manuscript, and some notes on the text)


..regardless of whether it is third or fourth century, it is the first such example of prayer to Mary. From this, we can reasonable infer that prayer to Mary is not an apostolic tradition – it is a human tradition that arose centuries after Christ’s resurrection.

Entire Article Here


4th Century Origin of MARY WORSHIP — Under Constantine, pagan rituals and idols took on Christian meanings and names. Mary replaced the MOTHER GODDESS / sun god

(audio) Ex-witch: Why Many Worship Mary, Not Jesus — Mary is “embracing, loving, forgiving & tolerant.” But if you come to Christ you’re going to have to give yourself up. And when we stand in front of His thrown He will judge us. And people are scared of that. So they would sooner have a pseudo-Jesus

Father of Calvinism, Augustine’s Prayer To Mary For His Salvation

(audio) Ex-witch: Why Many Worship Mary, Not Jesus — Mary is “embracing, loving, forgiving & tolerant.” But if you come to Christ you’re going to have to give yourself up. And when we stand in front of His thrown He will judge us. And people are scared of that. So they would sooner have a pseudo-Jesus

All of my The Catholic Deception articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)

(video) Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and Set Up the NWO – Aaron Russo

[youtube=]Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and set up the NWO – Aaron Russo


Uploaded on Jan 14, 2012

Full Interview…
Hollywood producer, filmmaker, activist and truth seeker Aaron Russo reveals some of the REAL reasons for feminism which was funded and pushed by the Rockefellers and the CIA for very nefarious reasons, which includes being part of their central banking worldwide takeover to help set up the New World Order

How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women

The whole movement is really far closer to a terrorist movement than any actual movement for social change, though that did occur and NOT in a good way either!
Feminism is a Terrorist Organization – Erin Pizzey on Feminism…

What Men Know That Women Don’t – A Woman’s Response (excerpt)…

Feminism, Pt 1 – Defining the Feminist Problem (By a woman)…

WHAT MEN KNOW THAT WOMEN DON’T- Feminism, Misandry & A Female Reality Check!…


How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women — The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young

Scientists: WOMEN better at MULTI-TASKING, MEN better at CONCENTRATING on SINGLE Complex TASKS; Women have better connections between the LEFT & RIGHT sides of the brain • Men have better connections between the FRONT & BACK — ‘COMPLEMENTARY’ PROVEN!

Study: The hardwired ‘stark’ difference between male and female brains explains why women are more intuitive — “It’s quite striking how COMPLEMENTARY the brains of women and men really are.” | God knew what He was doing : )

Satanists used “sexual liberation,” to undermine humanity: “we corrupt in order to conquer” — For a woman, sex is an act of self-sacrifice and surrender. By definition, it requires trust, i.e. love and devotion to one man. When she has casual sex, inevitably she is disappointed and feels used. She starts to hate men and falls victim to feminism and lesbianism

Adrian Rogers on MEN and WOMEN: Celebrate the Difference — “God made us different that He might make us ONE.” It’s time to stop trying to be the be the same or resenting each other because of our differences

(video) David Pawson: “Leadership is Male” (in the home and in the church) — “The demand for IDENTITY between the sexes has caused so many problems. …  I’ve found that every woman, deep down in their heart, want to see their men-folk taking responsible leadership”

All of my The Purpose of Feminism articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)

(video) Feminism Designed To Break The Family Up — Super Bowl commercials used to push feminist agenda

Two videos below:

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[youtube=]Feminism Is Designed To Break The Family Up

THElNFOWARRlOR | Published on Feb 2, 2015

Alex Jones breaks down how the Super Bowl commercials are being used to push the feminist agenda.…

More on Katey Perry’s feminist domination, Illuminati Super Bowl performance here,
at MINUTE-10:
[youtube=]Pope Francis Openly Communist

TheAlexJonesChannel | Published on Feb 2, 2015

Alex Jones takes calls and breaks down what he thinks of Pope Francis.


(video) Katy Perry, the Super Bowl and Satan — Under her bright persona lies great darkness!

(video) Katy Perry Super Bowl Illuminati Bisexual Halftime Show Review

All of my The Purpose of Feminism posts at ToBeFree (Latest appear first, 10 posts per page)

Katy Perry Says She Sold Her Soul to the Devil — “I wanted to be like the Amy Grant of music, but it didn’t work out, so I sold my soul to the Devil”

Katy Perry: “I’M NOT CHRISTIAN” — Pop Star Rejects Her Childhood Faith

(video) Katy Perry “Dark Horse” Illuminati Themed Music Video Secrets Revealed

Nicole Scherzinger: You Have to Sell Your Soul to the Devil

(video) Kesha: The Satanic Cult Leader – “I’ll keep dancing with the Devil — Perversion & partying till the end of the world

[ video ] Mark Dice: Kesha Admits She’s a Satanist — “I sold my soul, it’s a dead-end road / But there ain’t no turning back / I keep on dancing with the Devil / Hey-heey-hey”

Kanye West: “I Sold my Soul to the Devil”

[ video ] Roger Morneau’s SECRET SOCIETY occult experience: How the SPIRITS SEDUCE AND EMPOWER the ‘elite’ to control society and make big MONEY — SUPERNATURAL GAMBLING* insight — MUSICIANS are spirit energized — TEACHERS OF EVOLUTION receive great capacity and power to induce spiritual blindness so students reject the Creator

(video) They Sold Their Souls: AC/DC — “Hey Satan, paid my dues…. I’m on a highway to hell.” Yeah!

[4-hour video exposé] Joe Schimmel: They Sold Their Souls to Rock ‘n Roll! — Actual quotes from musicians we know…

Michael Jackson Exposed: They Sold Their Souls For Rock & Roll

(audio) Diane Dimond: Inside the Michael Jackson Case — Be Careful Who You Love (3-14-14)

If you sold you soul . . . unsell it! (From my spiritual site ONEcanhappen)

[Lust “the poison that kills the soul” FREEDOM] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because freedom lies straight ahead!

Going green may make you mean – Ethical consumers less likely to be kind and more likely to steal, study finds — Loving the planet with all their heart absolves them from loving God and their neighbor

Major eye opener for me! Could this be the reasoning of the GREEN RELIGION?:

If they worship the creation (which they’re taught ‘evolved from nothing by chance’) with all their heart, instead of the Creator, then they don’t have to obey Jesus’ second greatest commandment either: “love your neighbor as yourself.”

The Bible says in Romans 1:

..who exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator…. they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, malice; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil habits, secret slanderers, backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful….

The greens consider themselves absolved by excessive love for the planet. So then in Greenville, anything goes. “If it feels good do it.” Which is “do what thou wilt”: the theme of the Satanic Bible.

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From: The Guardian

How going green may make you mean

Ethical consumers less likely to be kind and more likely to steal, study finds

When Al Gore was caught running up huge energy bills at home at the same time as lecturing on the need to save electricity, it turns out that he was only reverting to “green” type.

According to a study, when people feel they have been morally virtuous by saving the planet through their purchases of organic baby food, for example, it leads to the “licensing [of] selfish and morally questionable behaviour”, otherwise known as “moral balancing” or “compensatory ethics”.

Do Green Products Make Us Better People is published in the latest edition of the journal Psychological Science. Its authors, Canadian psychologists Nina Mazar and Chen-Bo Zhong, argue that people who wear what they call the “halo of green consumerism” are less likely to be kind to others, and more likely to cheat and steal. “Virtuous acts can license subsequent asocial and unethical behaviours,” they write. [See footnote].

The pair found that those in their study who bought green products appeared less willing to share with others a set amount of money than those who bought conventional products. When the green consumers were given the chance to boost their money by cheating on a computer game and then given the opportunity to lie about it – in other words, steal – they did, while the conventional consumers did not. Later, in an honour system in which participants were asked to take money from an envelope to pay themselves their spoils, the greens were six times more likely to steal than the conventionals.

Entire Article Here

(video) Will Hagee Have A Rapture? — “If you’re not a Christian, don’t you dare fly with a Christian pilot. He’s going up and you’re going down” – Hagee

“If you’re not a Christian, don’t you dare fly with a Christian pilot.
He’s going up and you’re going down.”
– John Hagee

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[youtube=”If you’re not a Christian, don’t you dare fly with a Christian pilot. He’s going up and you’re going down.” – Hagee]Will Hagee Have A Rapture?

<a href="/channel/UCtBqVgzL_cDv_t9o2hFiXXg" class=" yt-uix-sessionlink spf-link g-hovercard" data-name="" data-ytid="UCtBqVgzL_cDv_t9o2hFiXXg" data-sessionlink="ei=AgLCVN_7Fsq0-AOhooEw">Brother Nathanael</a>


12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture

(vision) Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

(audio) David Pawson: Will Christians Escape by Secret Rapture? — “Let’s get ready for trouble, realizing that when it comes, it’s only for a short while, and then He’s coming back” (Dispensationalism birthed this false doctrine that’s leading so many into false hope)

Why There is No Pre-Trib or Mid-Trib Rapture: Jesus will destroy the Lawless One at the same time he is gathering the saints to meet him in the air

Dave Macpherson, author of “The Rapture Plot”: Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty — John Darby, Edward Irving, Cyrus Scofield, Tim Lahaye, John Walvoord, Jerry Falwell, Chuck Missler, Hal Lindsey, Jack van Impe, Grant Jeffrey …

In-studio with Infowarrior Alex Jones: Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception — “Before the year 1830, EVERY denomination, every type of Christianity taught that the rapture took place AFTER the tribulation, because that’s what the Bible explicitly says.”

[7-minute video sneak peek] The RAPTURE will take place “AFTER THE TRIBULATION” — “Christians, today, are NOT BEING WARNED about the events they will face in the great tribulation. To learn the truth about the rapture, we must look within the pages of the Bible, itself”

Pastor Steven Anderson in Infowars studio: The Truth Left Behind — “The PRE-tribulation rapture is not based on ANY scripture.” The “Left Behind” series was fiction.

The Rapture: History and Influence in America — “Christians trade the message of Revelation as a call of discipleship in a fallen world for escapism.”

Corrie Ten Boom: Prepared for the Coming Tribulation “There are some among us teaching there will be no tribulation, that the Christians will be able to escape all this. These are the false teachers that Jesus was warning us to expect in the latter days.”

Warmongers Unite: Rapture Ready – The Christians United for Israel Tour with ‘Pastor’ John Hagee

John Hagee – Enforce UN Thought Crimes Law

Preemptive-Striker John Hagee Endorses 100-Years-in-Iraq John McCain

John Hagee: “Jesus Did Not Come To Earth To Be the Messiah”

Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

John Hagee: Unrepentant Heretic? — Today, churchgoers stand hand in hand with a Jewish people who would crucify Christ again if He walked their streets.

Alex Jones: The pre-trib rapture doctrine is a big, sickening, psyop, bringing US into tyranny! “Most of you are a bunch of torture loving, war loving people…” — Truthful commentary by a non-pastor

Mike Bickle’s (IHOP) prophetic dream: “What is coming is so much more intense than we imagine.” “We must experience manifestation of His majesty that makes us tremble and His kindness that moves us to repentance and servanthood.” “We will receive angelic assistance and great power…”

After America Went Down Music: Our Demise Theme [Barber: “Adagio for Strings”] / The Demons Rejoice Dance Mix [Dj Tiesto] ||| WWWIII ||| “Once saved always saved” + pre-tribulation rapture + old covenant law tithing + “Support Bush no matter what”/dis the peacemakers and Ron Paul = Doomsday! ||| Where were the Bonhoeffers and therefore the disciples of Christ?!!

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it was PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

The Inadequate Historical Precedent for “Once Saved, Always Saved” — “How could a doctrine this important—if true—remain completely undiscovered for the first 1500 years of Church history? Other important doctrines have been known all through Christian history”


The Inadequate Historical Precedent for “Once Saved, Always Saved”

Steve Witzki

John Jefferson Davis wrote an article titled: “The Perseverance of the Saints: A History of the Doctrine” [Journal of Evangelical Theological Society 34:2 (June 1991)]. Three things make this article of great value. First, it was written by a well-known and highly respected Calvinist theologian. Second, it covers the key people and church groups on the topic. Third, it demonstrates that “once saved, always saved” or unconditional eternal security was not a doctrine that was taught by the ancient church, nor for that manner, by any well-known theologian before John Calvin. This doctrine is, in fact, completely foreign in the history of Christianity.

While the first extensive discussion of the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints is found in Augustine’s Treatise on the Gift of Perseverance, written around A. D. 429, Augustine believed it was possible to experience the justifying grace of God and yet not persevere to the end. Augustine did believe God’s elect would certainly persevere to the end, but he denied that a person could know they were in the elect and he also warned it was possible to be justified but not among the elect. Not until Calvin was unconditional election, permanent regeneration, and certitude of final perseverance all connected.

James Akin, a Catholic theologian, said in a debate with Calvinist theologian James White that no one before Calvin taught that predestination to grace automatically entails predestination to glory.

You can check that out for yourself. I did. I searched multiple books and called half a dozen Calvinist seminaries, talking to their systematic theology and church history professors, and no one could name a person before Calvin who taught this thesis. They all said Calvin was the first. I even called John Jefferson Davis, a scholar who published an article in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society on the history of this doctrine, a man who is himself a Calvinist, but who has researched the history of this doctrine thoroughly, and he said Calvin was the first to teach it.

This poses a problem even for those who claim that they take their teachings exclusively from Scripture, namely, “How could a doctrine this important–if true–remain completely undiscovered for the first 1500 years of Church history and, if Jesus comes back any time soon, for three quearters of all of Church history?”

Other important doctrines have been known all through Christian history. Christians always knew, even when heretics denied it,that Jesus Christ was God. Christians always knew, even when heretics denied it, that Jesus Christ is fully man as well as fully God. And Christians always knew, even when heretics denied it, that they were saved purely by God’s grace.

So when it turns out that Christians never knew that true Christians can never fall away, and then suddenly 1500 years later someone starts claiming it, one has to ask who is conveying the true teaching of the apostles and who is teaching the heresy “Are All True Christians Predestined to Persevere?”

Akin’s remarks are accurate and problematic for Calvinist scholars. Furthermore, the Calvinist does not fare any better when one looks even more deeply into what the early Christians believed about this issue. In 1998, Hendrickson Publishers printed A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs: A Reference Guide to More than 700 Topics Discussed by the Early Church Fathers. Under the topic heading of “Salvation,” we find the question, “Can those who are saved ever be lost?” After several Scriptural passages are quoted [2 Chron 15:2; Ezek 33:12; Matt 10:22; Luke 9:62; 2 Tim 2:12; Heb 10:26; 2 Pet 2:20-21], five pages of quotes are given from the writings of early Christian leaders. These quotes give evidence that the early church did not believe in “once saved, always saved.” They taught that it was possible for a genuine believer to reject God and wind up eternally separated from God in hell [pp. 586-591].

David Bercot, editor of this dictionary, also wrote a provocative book called, Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up? It takes today’s Evangelical Church, both its lifestyle and teaching, and looks at it in the light of early Christian teaching. It is an interesting book that comes from someone who has read through the entire works of the Ante-Nicene Fathers more than once. He writes, 

Since the early Christians believed that our continued faith and obedience are necessary for salvation, it naturally follows that they believed that a “saved” person could still end up being lost. For example, Irenaeus, the pupil of Polycarp, wrote, “Christ will not die again on behalf of those who now commit sin because death shall no more have dominion over Him…. Therefore we should not be puffed up…. But we should beware lest somehow, after [we have come to] the knowledge of Christ, if we do things displeasing to God, we obtain no further forgiveness of sins but rather be shut out from His kingdom” (Heb. 6:4-6) [p. 65].

What the Christian Church historically believed about the security of the believer is not the ultimate test for determining our stance on this issue today, but the lack of historical precedent should serve as a warning. Before John Calvin, the teaching of unconditional eternal security was not a doctrine that was taught by the universal church through the centuries. Therefore, while the Scriptures are the ultimate test for truth on this issue, “once saved, always saved” teachers need to acknowledge that their doctrine is historically an anomaly. Furthermore, the brand of “once saved, always saved” teaching that tells people that they can stop believing and still be on their way to heaven (but with less rewards) is nowhere to be found in historic Christianity prior to the twentieth century.


“For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to *FABLES*” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)


Kevin Conner on the Believer’s CONDITIONAL Security: “OBEDIENCE IS the very law of SECURITY for all created beings. There can be NO SUCH THING as UNCONDITIONAL security.”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

OSAS Arminians—Molinists in Disguise?


OSAS Arminians—Molinists in Disguise?

While reading Dr. Ken Keathley’s chapter titled “Eternal Life,” in his book “Salvation and Sovereignty: A Molinist Approach,” some confusing theological issues (in my mind, at least), started coming together. Things that never quite made sense to me began to make sense. One of those issues concerns “OSAS Arminians,” called “Once-Saved-Always-Saved Arminians.” OSAS Arminians stand out from their fellow Arminians because, unlike the remaining Arminians, OSASers believe in guaranteed perseverance of the saints. In other words, those who believe, the elect, will infallibly persevere. For the Arminian system, however, this is an inconsistency: in the five-point Arminian system, since grace is resistible and election is conditional upon faith, then perseverance is conditional upon the continued endurance in the race of life set before us. In other words, perseverance is conditional in that it is based upon the commitment of the believer. If the believer decides to fall away due to temptation (as did one of the soils in Luke 8), then that person has forfeited their inheritance in Christ (i.e., eternal life). To use biblical terminology, like Esau, they have forfeited their “birthright” to eternal life and “the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven” (Heb. 12:23, NKJV). …

OSASers then, by virtue of their views of perseverance (infallible) and grace (overcoming) could no longer identify themselves as “Arminians,” but as “Molinists.”

Entire Article Here


Kevin Conner on the Believer’s CONDITIONAL Security: “OBEDIENCE IS the very law of SECURITY for all created beings. There can be NO SUCH THING as UNCONDITIONAL security.”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

Rand Paul: Some ‘Christians’ are “Too Eager for War” — “Jesus stood up in a different sort of way … ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ not ‘blessed are the war-makers'”


Rand Paul: Republicans Are “Too Eager for War”

—By David Corn | Fri Jun. 27, 2014

It was only a year ago that Paul described the Republican Party as overly enthusiastic for war. During a little-noticed interview with the Christian Broadcast Network, Paul remarked, “Part of Republicans’ problems—and frankly, to tell you the truth, some in the evangelical Christian movement—I think [they] have appeared too eager for war.” This was a stark assessment of his own party.

Paul went further, noting that these Republicans and evangelicals were not in sync with Jesus:

When people come to me and they’re lobbying for ratcheting up some sort of bellicose policy towards one country, even if it’s a bad country, I tell them that and when I read the New Testament, that when I read about Jesus, I don’t see him involved, he wasn’t really involved with the wars of his days.  And, in fact, people rebuked him for not being [what] they wanted. They wanted somebody to stand up to the Romans. He stood up in a different sort of way, but he didn’t organize coalitions and guerrilla bands and arm them. Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have people who want to defend against evil, bad forces around the world, but I think you need to remember that he was the prince of peace, you know, we’re talking about “blessed are the peacemakers,” not “blessed are the war-makers.”

Entire Article with Video Here


Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion

Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”

Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”

Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’

My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!

Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.

EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.

Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”

Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?

[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!

Michael Franti: Bomb the World (”Power to the Peaceful!”)

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

(video) ROB BELL ON HELL – Part 1 — “There’s not a shred of evidence that you get a second chance after you’re dead…. It’s an evil, evil thing to teach, because it gives people a false hope!” – Joe Schimmel

“There’s not a shred of evidence. There’s not any indication in scripture that you get a second chance after you’re dead and buried…. It’s an evil, evil thing to teach, because it gives people a false hope!”

– Joe Schimmel

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=]Rob Bell on Hell-Part 1

<a href="/channel/UCE1PSKHiQIi4WF9ZTHGJCRg" class=" yt-uix-sessionlink     spf-link  g-hovercard" data-ytid="UCE1PSKHiQIi4WF9ZTHGJCRg" data-name="" data-sessionlink="ei=VTKCVOCCA82y-gPSqoFo">Good Fight Ministries</a>


Jesus Mentions Hell and Destruction in 46 Verses! — We don’t need to know Greek to be able to clearly see hell is real and eternal. We better beware and tell others too!

12 New Testament Texts: HELL Is ETERNAL

[book – audio – video] Mary K. Baxter: A Divine Revelation of Hell — “There is greater punishment for those who once preached the gospel and went back into sin, or for those who would not obey the call of God for their lives”

Mary K. Baxter’s Divine Revelation of Hell: We Must Be Right With God — “Lord,” I said, “You mean your servants are here?” “Yes,” said Jesus, “Servants that would not stand for the truth and for holiness. It is better that one never starts than to turn back after beginning to serve Me.”

[EXCELLENT video] Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle: Erasing Hell — “He gets to define what love is, and not us.” “That means my sin is way worse than I could ever even imagine.” | ~”I think this whole concept of ‘how could God do this’ is woven into the fabric of our culture that says ‘how dare my dad tell me what I can and cannot do!’ We’ve lost the idea of authority, and it’s killing our culture.”

[Q&A] Francis Chan on Rob Bell and Hell: Why ‘ERASING HELL’ was Francis’ most difficult book and how it prompted him to repent for softening Jesus’ warnings — “WE IN AMERICA READ CERTAIN PASSAGES OVER AND OVER TO THE NEGLECT OF OTHERS, we start to believe that Jesus had a friendly tone all the time. … We have tried to block Hell out of our minds. Yet because it’s written about so often in Scripture, I think God does want it on the forefront.”

WHY HELL is INTEGRAL to THE GOSPEL — God declares himself to be compassionate and loving, but he also says, “Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished.” The Psalms declare that “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.” — Why is it that when people think about hell they conclude God must be at fault and not themselves?

[10-minute video] Francis Chan: Erasing Hell — “Do you ever even consider the possibility that maybe the Creator’s sense of justice is actually more developed than yours? And that maybe His love and His mercy are perfect, and that you could be the one that is flawed. … We can’t afford to be wrong on this issue.”

Pastor DIES > goes to HELL because he HADN’T FORGIVEN his wife > AROSE from the dead almost 2 days later > tells story

Bill Wiese’s 23 Minutes in Hell — What is it like in Hell? — “How bad could it be? You can’t breath; you can’t eat; you can’t sleep… you’re tormented. And all this you have to endure for eternity.”

Hell Vision — the man in the vision represents ministers that preach false teachings and doctrines that lead His people astray. Many churches are the gateways to hell. ONLY A FEW could find their way out of the maze!

Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today — Overemphasis of Prosperity • Exaggerated View of Grace (grace-changers nullify all divine warnings) • Antinomianism = against rules, so “anything goes” (but “Jesus didn’t set us free to sin; He set us free from sin”) • Gazing Upon Man, not God • Challenging the Authority of the Word (God didn’t really mean what He said) • Rejecting Hell • Universal Reconciliation

[music video] Degarmo and Key: Boycott Hell! — “We’ve gotta job to do; We’re runnin’ out of time to do it” — Dana Key 1953 – 2010

Hell Testimony — Kenneth Hagin’s Near Death Experience in 1933!

How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many are Finding the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%?!!

Hell is Real — There were some ministers there with their whole congregations gnashing their teeth on this minister: “You told us you had the truth. We followed you!”

[WordPOWER!] 2 Peter 3: BEWARE, in the LAST DAYS People Will Be WILLINGLY IGNORANT

Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth & Truth-tellers

From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it WAS PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “How upside-down the ‘church’ is today.”

Benny Hester: “When God Ran” — God will RUN when we come back to Him!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

[WordPower • Psalm 50] God Warns: “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. … Now consider this…lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver” (Hell?)

Joyner: “If our understanding of the love of God is not first built on a solid foundation of the pure and holy fear of God, our understanding of His love will be perverted into a subtle form of man-centric idealism that is really a form of humanism”

“If our understanding of the love of God is not first built on a solid foundation of the pure and holy fear of God, our understanding of His love will be perverted into a subtle form of man-centric idealism that is really a form of humanism.”

– Rick Joyner



Spiritual Avalanche – Steve Hill: The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today — Overemphasis of Prosperity • Exaggerated View of Grace (grace-changers nullify all divine warnings) • Antinomianism = against rules, so “anything goes” (but “Jesus didn’t set us free to sin; He set us free from sin”) • Gazing Upon Man, not God • Challenging the Authority of the Word (God didn’t really mean what He said) • Rejecting Hell • Universal Reconciliation

(video) Michael Grenholm: God vs Wealth pt 9 – The Prosperity Gospel — “The PROSPERITY GOSPEL SAYS that Godliness is a means to financial gain, and the BIBLE SAYS that if you think that Godliness is a means to financial gain you have a corrupt mind” • “It glorifies luxury, but it despises simplicity”

This is really freeing!

Michael lives in Sweden, and is a Facebook friend.

– –

“The prosperity gospel says that Godliness is a means to financial gain, and the Bible says that if you think that Godliness is a means to financial gain you have a corrupt mind….”

“The greatest danger of the prosperity preaching is that it glorifies luxury, but it despises simplicity.”

– Michael Grenholm

Paul in 1 Tim. 6:

3 If anyone teaches a different doctrine, and doesn’t consent to sound words, the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness, 4 he is conceited, knowing nothing, but obsessed with arguments, disputes, and word battles, from which come envy, strife, insulting, evil suspicions, 5 constant friction of people of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. Withdraw yourself from such.

6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we certainly can’t carry anything out. 8 But having food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 But those who are determined to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful lusts, such as drown men in ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some have been led astray from the faith in their greed, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

* * *

[youtube=]God vs Wealth pt 9: The Prosperity Gospel

Micael Grenholm

Micael Grenholm

The prosperity gospel is a popular teaching in many Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal churches. Even though there are a lot of different views on prosperity, the concept is usually understood as economic blessings that God wants to give all believers. If you have a strong faith in God, you’ll get rich. Godliness is a means to financial gain.

But what does the Bible say? Well, in 1 Tim 6:5, Paul speaks about “people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.” So the prosperity gospel is simply corrupt and untrue.



The “Tithing” Scam Exposed – Kenneth Copeland guilt tripping, instead of teaching people to be led by the Holy Spirit

The love of money gone amuck among preachers: Taking money from the poor by giving them false hope is $$$big$$$ business! Kenneth Copeland – “I am a billionaire.”

The Day that Tithing Ended — To Now Be Led By the Holy Spirit

[My Dream] Tithing? “No, it’s a Holy Spirit thing!!”

Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Tithing is Not a Christian Doctrine

Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Where in the Bible Were Tithes Abolished?



Russell Kelly, Ph.D.: Reply to Jim Feeney, Ph.D. on Tithing

Many Pastors Still Teach Old Covenant, Pre-Pentecost Tithing—Not Spirit-Led Giving

Tithing or the Carriage Driver? [From the Let Us Be ONE prophecy]

Creflo Dollar: “Pay Tithes or get SHOT!”

David Bercot CD teaching: What The Early Christians Believed About Tithing and Fasting? “You might be surprised to know…”

Teaching tithing keeps the little (and the big) children from coming to Jesus where they can have life!

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it was PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

All of my Tithing or Spirit-led posts

Rebuttal of Jack Hayford on Tithing by Russell Earl Kelly

Rebuttal of Jack Hayford
on Tithing
Russell Earl Kelly

* * *


Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Tithing is Not a Christian Doctrine — “Tithing, today, is reaching the levels of a modern scandal”

The Day that Tithing Ended — To Now Be Led By the Holy Spirit

[My Dream] Tithing? “No, it’s a Holy Spirit thing!!”

Many Pastors Still Teach Old Covenant, Pre-Pentecost Tithing—Not Spirit-Led Giving

Tithing or the Carriage Driver?

Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Where in the Bible Were Tithes Abolished?



Russell Kelly, Ph.D.: Reply to Jim Feeney, Ph.D. on Tithing

Tithing or the Carriage Driver? [From the Let Us Be ONE prophecy]

Creflo Dollar: “Pay Tithes or get SHOT!”

David Bercot CD teaching: What The Early Christians Believed About Tithing and Fasting? “You might be surprised to know…”

Teaching tithing keeps the little (and the big) children from coming to Jesus where they can have life!

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it was PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

All of my Tithing or Spirit-led posts

Rebuttal of Rick Warren on Tithing by Russell Earl Kelly

June 17, 2012

* * *


Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Tithing is Not a Christian Doctrine — “Tithing, today, is reaching the levels of a modern scandal”

The Day that Tithing Ended — To Now Be Led By the Holy Spirit

[My Dream] Tithing? “No, it’s a Holy Spirit thing!!”

Many Pastors Still Teach Old Covenant, Pre-Pentecost Tithing—Not Spirit-Led Giving

Tithing or the Carriage Driver?

Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Where in the Bible Were Tithes Abolished?



Russell Kelly, Ph.D.: Reply to Jim Feeney, Ph.D. on Tithing

Tithing or the Carriage Driver? [From the Let Us Be ONE prophecy]

Creflo Dollar: “Pay Tithes or get SHOT!”

David Bercot CD teaching: What The Early Christians Believed About Tithing and Fasting? “You might be surprised to know…”

Teaching tithing keeps the little (and the big) children from coming to Jesus where they can have life!

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it was PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

All of my Tithing or Spirit-led posts

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

This is the film that woke me up to the truth about our unholy alliance with currently Talmudic Israel.

“They were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall,
yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning.
Such a leader was Billy Graham. …”

NOTE: Fox News’ owner, Rupert Murdoch is also Jewish.

• • •



“Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” full-length film by Ted Pike

Ted Pike

Ted Pike

Published on Jul 21, 2013

Documentary by Rev. Ted Pike
Copyright 2003


WHY “CHRISTIAN” ZIONISM IS A CULT by Ted Pike — God’s covenants require obedience • God does have a land contract with the physical, believing Jewish people (Gen. 15:13-21) which will be fulfilled when a remnant of Jews repents at Christ’s coming • Cults do not produce fruits of wisdom, love, righteousness and justice but lead their followers into service of evil. Christian Zionism enables wickedness and makes Christians the servants of wicked men

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of obeying Christ: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” • God’s words to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee…” (Gen. 12:3) does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel

Pastor: Chuck Baldwin’s About-Face on SCRIPTURES RELATING to ISRAEL: “I have come to the studied opinion that the modern state of Israel—the one created on May 14, 1948 by the United Nations—has NOTHING TO DO WITH BIBLICAL ISRAEL of the past OR PROPHETIC ISRAEL OF THE FUTURE [Romans 11]”

Christian Zionism: The 100 Year-Old Duping of American Evangelical Christianity – Christian Zionists turn the discipline of Bible study on its head by allowing the Old Testament to interpret the New Testament. Thus these “Christians,” rather than following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, follow the old covenant • This theological error has led millions of so-called Christians to support war rather than peace, and the merciless killings of millions of people!  • We must follow Christ, not Talmudic, anti-Christ, modern Israel • “Peacemakers will be called children of God” – Jesus

(video) Jews openly brag: ‘Non-Jews Exist Only to Serve Jews’ — When their ‘messiah’ comes (the Antichrist), Jewish rulership over Gentiles will be ‘complete’ (NWO) • Jewish Talmud teaches that Jews are human and non-Jews are animals (without souls)

(audio) James Perloff: “Modern political Israel is an enemy of America and Christianity” — The same forces that funded International Communism also funded Zionism. Modern day Israel is NOT Biblical Israel. “Christians have been deceived by a long-term plan to infiltrate their theology and get them to think that they have to support Zionism”

(9 min video) CALVINISM & ZIONISM by Ted Pike — FALSE, UNCONDITIONAL COVENANTS in which OBEDIENCE is IRREVELANT • “Calvinism, having eliminated the necessity of obedience for those in covenant with God, proclaims God’s blessing on the COUNTERFEIT RETURN of Jews to Palestine” • “Since obedience no longer mattered, what man or nation dare stand against ‘the will of the Almighty God’” • “Calvinism has failed to warn the church against an ANTICHRIST SYSTEM that will destroy Christian civilization”

Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!

Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor

(video) Ted Pike: ‘The Other Israel’ — The Talmudic system that seeks our ruin!

(video) Vile Evil Jewish Talmud — Source of sexual deviance, sick blasphemy of Christ, hatred of Christianity & Christians • “Only Jews are men” • “Christians, as followers of the false prophet, Jesus deserve death” • The Pharisees were unfazed by God’s New Covenant agenda • Through the Talmud, the Pharisees gave the Jews an ethic that encouraged bigotry and isolation — and invited persecution…

Pedophilia ‘Rampant’ In Orthodox Judaism: Ted Pike exposes the Talmud’s most closely guarded secret — “The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent without a break through all the centuries from the Pharisees. It is part of that state of ‘all uncleanness’ that Christ said is intrinsic to Pharisaism (Matt. 23:27)”

(audio) Ted Pike Discusses “Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret” — Balanced, LOVING presentation how Talmudic Jewish thought, the LEAVEN Jesus warned about, is hijacking Christian thought through Hollywood and the MSM

Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?

(video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography

Meet the Jews Who Own Hollywood and the Media — “As a proud Jew,” says Joel Stein, “I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.” — Time magazine, Newsweek, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and many, many more are all owned or run by Jews and operated solely to further the aims of the traitorous, anti-American [and reverse-Christian], ever-growing Zionist World Empire

(video) Sex Slavery Of White Women In Israel — More than 4000 smuggled into Israel every year • 300 brothels in Tel Aviv alone • The religious Jews prefer foreign women because “these women (non-Jews) are not human beings”

Jewish Professor: Jews Push Porn to Destroy Christian Culture – ‘Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American porn industry’  — ~”Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews have become involved in porn? Jewish involvement in porn is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion”

(video) Refuting Jews For Judaism — The rabbis threw out the Old Testament, and replaced it with the Talmud, whose messiah is NOT the Divine Messiah if the Bible. The rabbi’s ‘real thing’ will be the “anti-Christ”

Israeli rabbi: Israeli soldiers can rape Palestinian women — In order not to weaken soldiers’ ability during war, they can do whatever they want, including rape

(video) William Pierce: Talmudic Jewish Domination to Rule the Earth

(History Channel Video) Talmudic Jews’ plan to launch the Antichrist from rebuilt temple in Jerusalem – ‘Brad Meltzer’s Decoded’ “Spear of Destiny”

“WE WILL KILL JESUS; THEN WE WILL RULE THE WORLD” — “The Pharisees have had the SAME GOAL before Jesus was crucified on the cross, and they are still trying to accomplish this task with a New World Order!”


Israeli Mossad Motto: “By deception thou shalt do war”

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East — DISSOLUTION of all existing Arab states: Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan & Libya — USING US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and NATO

(video) The Truth About Israel and Palestine by Stefan Molyneux — “The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle” • “The non-Jew may be killed even if he is a righteous Gentile and not at all guilty” • Conquest of Palestine: “Remaining villagers were then gathered in one place and murdered in cold blood, their bodies abused while a number of the women were raped and then killed” • “You probably don’t know all of this, but trust me, the Arabs do, the people in Palestine do, the Muslims do, deeply!”

(video – Israel’s Real History) Miko Peled: The General’s Son & Return of the General’s Son — Israel’s war crimes & dehumanization must stop. There is a better solution.

(video) Miko Peled: Israeli General’s Son – Geneva 5/14/14 — “Israeli historians have been validating what Palestinians have said all along. It was not the Palestinians that began an assault. The Zionist militia began a massive campaign against an unarmed civilian population that lasted for twelve months with the CLEAR INTENTION of completing the ETHNIC CLEANSING of Palestine.”

(video) “Life In Occupied Palestine,” Anna Baltzer: A wonderfully moving introduction to the plight of the Palestinians, in simple, everyday terms — Checkpoints, settlements, Israeli activism, 1948 War refugees, censorship, the Wall, ongoing annexation of Palestinian land — “It is five times more likely for an ISRAELI SOLDIER to commit SUICIDE than to be killed in a terrorist attack. So when people talk about this occupation as helping the Jewish people, they don’t realize how many Israelis are actually against it, and how IMPORTANT it is FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE AS WELL AS the PALESTINIAN people to end this”

(video) Israeli settlers uproot Palestinians’ OLIVE TREES in occupied West Bank — 8,000 trees, some HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD!

(video) Prof. Tony Martin: Jewish Role in the African Slave Trade — Hamitic myth/’curse of Ham’ originated in the Jewish Talmud, not the Bible!

(video) Does Genesis say to ‘Bless’ modern-day Israel? — Is America being blessed by supporting evil? WWJD? Jesus warned about the Talmudic, antiChrist leaven of the Pharisees, saying they were serving their father, the Devil, and his works they will do

(video) How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ — Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Israeli TV…

(video) Why Jews Push Gay Marriage — To dismantle Christian culture

(video) Multiculturalism in Europe: Who is Behind It? — Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies — “Jewish racists push diversity for every people and nation on earth but their own” • “By dividing a society, they can weaken it and achieve their agenda” • “Divide and conquer!”

Poll: American Jews Rate Evangelicals as Low as Muslims

(video) Alison Weir: History of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict — “Come to Palestine, Americans, and see your tax dollars at work, millions and millions of them, every day, and weep with me for our victims…”

(video) Miko Peled: Myths of 1967 (Israel’s Six Day War)

(video) The Dirty Truth About Israel (birthed through terrorism) — Real history that mainstream & ‘Christian’ media won’t tell US

CLAIM: “There has never been an actual country called Palestine” | FACT: The Arab state, which included Christians, was betrayed by Britain and hijacked by the Jewish Nakba

(video) Israeli School Books’ Racist Representation of Palestinians: Israeli General’s Daughter, Nurit Peled-Elhanan — Priming Israeli children for military service


(video) Inside Israel’s Pro-War Nationalist Camp — WE’RE HUMANS; THEY’RE ANIMALS” — Israeli soldier • “The most moral thing to do is to FLATTEN GAZA into a parking lot” — fmr. ISRAELI *PARLIAMENT* MEMBER • “A Jew is a soul; an Arab is a…”

Israeli soldier: ‘We bombed civilians for entertainment’

(video) Israeli Female Solders Breaking the Silence: Abuse — We had to beat, detain, humiliate and intimidate Palestinians • Whoever isn’t willing to be violent and abusive finds herself socially ostracized

40% of Palestinian Children Detained by Israel Are Sexually Abused; Virtually All Are Torture

Israelis Who Cheered On Missile Strikes Threatened to Destroy CNN Reporter’s Car

(video) Jews’ Racial Hate Rally: “A JEW IS a darling. AN ARAB IS a son of a b—” “May the Israel army win and f— up the Arabs. … Death to the Arabs!”

Bombing Gaza Like ‘Mowing the Lawn’: Israeli hardliners JOKE about the periodic need to decimate each new generation of Palestinians

Jews for Justice: The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict — The root cause is clear. During the 1948 war, 750,000 Palestinians fled in terror or were actively expelled from their ancestral homeland and turned into refugees. The state of Israel then refused to allow them to return and either destroyed their villages entirely or expropriated their land, orchards, houses, businesses and personal possessions for the use of the Jewish population. This was the birth of the state of Israel.

Israeli General’s Daughter: How Israeli School Textbooks Teach Kids to Hate

(video) ABC Manipulates Truth to Fit Pro-Israel Bias | Weapons of Mass Distraction

(video!) Dead Palestinians Don’t Matter to Mainstream Media

(video) Israel Targeting Civilian with Banned Weapons

Henry Makow (an ethnic Jew): “I think the Jewish people have been hoodwinked, just like we’re all being hoodwinked. … Christians are being hoodwinked into pushing the Zionist line, which is really part of the New World Order. … History is being manipulated in order to grind us down and eventually enslave us”

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???

(video) 5 Reasons Why Israel is an Apartheid State

Wonderful Israelis Soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza! — “We will not bomb children”

Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel—Omer Goldman, daughter of a former Mossad chief, tells why she prefers jail to the military draft

Pentecostals in Palestine – 6 minute trailer

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.


[5-minute video] “Israel started this not Hamas” — Actually both sides are responsible, which the MSM carefully covers up

[music video] Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) ‘Song for Gaza’: We shall overcome — End the blockade of Gaza — WWJD?!!

(video) Ray McGovern: Israel/Washington Dehumanize Palestinians — Like blades of grass that have to be mowed periodically — Israeli Children’s textbooks don’t even show pictures of Palestinians

Red Cross on the Gaza blockade: Israel is in clear violation of international humanitarian law | What Would Jesus Do?

Israel admits it will again annihalate civilians, using “disproportional force” if… (with U.S. weaponry, of course)

Netanyahu’s 7 Nuclear Deceptions — 1992: IRAN nuclear “within three to five years” • 1995: “three to five years” • 1996: “time is running out” • 2009: “probably one or two years away” / “has the capability now” • 2012: “within a year” || 2002: IRAQ now operating “centrifuges the size of washing machines”

Israel has so far missed “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” | But so has the US. We give them the weapons, finance their atrocities, and silence our own press. And we lead by example: our regime-change, reverse-Christian wars and numerous covert actions (including assassinations and even torture!). What would Jesus Do? What would “pro-Israel” mean to Jesus? What does Jesus think of evangelicals’ support-Israel-no-matter-what cheer that may soon bring about WWIII, the destruction of America and the one-world antichrist government! Is this being pro-life?

Israel’s & U.S.’ Attrocities: May We No Longer Be Silent

Israel’s Deputy PM admits Iran DIDN’T threaten to wipe Israel out

The Attack on the USS Liberty — Purpose: (1) to hide Israel’s illegal actions in the 6-Day War and (2) to bring America into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty

‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret — Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House

Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty — Israel murders Americans & LBJ/McNamara cover-up!

Israel, the highest rate of prostitution in the world (CNN) | One million visits made by clients every month to brothels in Israel (population 7 million) | “For this we yearned?”

Articles About Human Trafficking in Israel

Sex and Lies in Israel: What would be the media response if the Pope issued an edict saying Catholic girls should sexually seduce enemies of the Church? Certainly such would be on the front pages of every newspaper in Europe and America, but when Jewish religious authorities make such a pronouncement, there is no media coverage at all.

(video) The Shocking Jewish Role in Slavery, I & II: What Jewish Historians Say | The Media Coverup — Unlike Hollywood’s portrayals, slave shipping was mainly a Jewish enterprise, and Jews were 2000% more likely to own slaves than whites!

(HEAVY VIDEO!) Who is Rupert Murdoch – FOX News? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads

Is it illegal for Christians to evangelize in Israel? — Billy Graham has held rallies in over 185 different countries, including Communist, but has never been allowed to hold a Christian evangelistic rally in Israel

Alex Jones on Israel’s attrocities: Because Israel has been given so much unconditional support Israel does what it wants whenever it wants. Governments are corrupt…

Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building — Ken O’Keefe in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2011

Joel Skousen: Media Inflaming Case Against Iran — “The US has long had plans to take down both Iraq and Iran and planted nuclear information in both countries to provide a pretext for an eventual attack” — “Although Iran has a blustering, extremist president the West has taken great pains to make his remarks out to be far worse than they really are”

Specifics in how the media sides with Israel against the peace activists

Calling People ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a ‘Trick’ We Always Use to Discredit Critics, says Former Israeli Minister

US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias

[media bias exposed!] Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC’s Defense of Israeli Attack

CNN, “The Most Trusted Parrot in News”: How they treat Iran verses how they treat Israel

Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy

Jack Valenti: Point Man who Debased American Morality Through Talmud-driven Hollywood

Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel

Secret but not forgotten: Israel’s facility 139 — Where Palestinian, Lebanese, and other Arab prisoners are detained and subjected to torture

Kucinich: WE ACCEPT the Slaughter of the Innocent BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY Slaughtered the Innocent

Kucinich: “U.S. Weapons Being Illegally Used to Kill Children”

Kucinich: UN should investigate Israeli Gaza strikes — “this…is disproportionate indiscriminate mass violence”

One-third of Gaza dead, injured are children

Ron Paul: The Invasion of Gaza and its Implications for America — Blowback!

One Very Brave Palestinian Woman

Devvy Kidd: Bomb Iran now because…uh, what’s the reason? — Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision.

How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?

Charles Lindbergh’s – September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech. Provocateuring for war then just as now — “They planned to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict.” “I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders…”

(video) Netanyahu: “America is Easy to Push Around” – Israeli Prime Minister brags how he deceived Bill Clinton and deliberately destroyed the Oslo agreement between Israel and the Palestinians

Israel: Tel Aviv Shuts Down Entire City For Annual Gay Pride Parade — Benjamin Netanyahu “Proud” and Congratulates!

(video) Tel Aviv Gay Tourism: Israeli city tries to sell itself to same-sex couples and gay tourists

Dr. Stan: Is War With Iran A Set-up? Lies that led US into all of the wars in the last 120 years! “It’s really all about bringing about the one-world government.”

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sets the record straight on Israel’s aid flotilla massacre

Inhumane Israelis CELEBRATE attack on Turkish Aid Ship – in front of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv

[Illustration] USA and Israel totally ignore: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.” Who are we listening to instead?

Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees

John Hagee with Benny Hinn: Praying For War in the Name of Jesus — No wonder so many people dislike and loathe ‘Christians’

Hagee: “Unrepentant Heretic” — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.

Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election

Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

When Billy Graham laughed to minimize Bill Clinton’s adultery

Billy Graham (a Freemason?) Praises the DeMolays – Masonic Youth Group

Walter Veith: Hidden Agendas — The deity worshiped in the shrines of secrecy is not the Deity of the Bible. “There are very, very, very few Rabbis in the world today that are not Kabbalists.”

Why Does Christian Persecution Get Worse In Every Country The U.S. “Liberates?”

(video) Christopher Bollyn – SOLVING 9-11 Ends the War – 28Feb2016 Seattle — “The WAR ON TERROR is a ZIONIST WAR AGENDA to be fought by US” • “Only when we UNDECEIVE OURSELVES and undeceive the people around us will we be LIBERATED from this agenda of war which we are now married to. They intend to take this war agenda to Iran, TO RUSSIA, WHICH WILL DESTROY US” • “Don’t listen to Alex Jones and tremble and say: ‘FEMA knows about me and NSA reads my emails. Forget the fear. THE THING TO BE AFRAID OF IS DOING NOTHING and letting this agenda go forward another day”

(HD Video 2015) Solving 9/11 Christopher Bollyn Live in Dallas TX Feb 12, 2015 — Israeli hardline Zionists named • Powerful Powerpoint presentation!

Book: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, by Christopher Bollyn (Who-did-9/11 book online — free download!) • Paperback at Amazon

(video) Israel & 9/11 – Christopher Bollyn 2.5hr Q&A in L.A. — 9-11 Truth Ends the War • “We are like today’s peace movement”

(video) Chris Bollyn: Israel behind the 9/11 attacks and post-9/11 wars

Sen. Al Franken Admits Being Warned About 9-11 Beforehand — “One of the widely disseminated stories was that no Jews died in the collapse of the Trade Towers because they had received calls telling them not to go to work that day. To tell you the truth, I got the Jew call”

(video) “Lucky” Larry Silverstein & His 9/11 Towers – Ken O’Keefe

(audio) Victor Thorn on the Holocaust — The biggest hoax of the 20th Century! • We’ve been completely bamboozled!

(video) Did the Holocaust Really Happen? — Were 6 million Jews gassed and then cremated?

Jesuit Pretrib Rapture History – To take the heat off the Pope — *Manuel Lacunza* > Edward Irving > Margaret MacDonald > John Nelson Darby > Cyrus Ingerson Scofield — “Stop believing in this Pretribulation Rapture lie and start preparing for what’s coming”


Jesuit Pretrib Rapture
February 20, 2013 by John Little –

That’s right. The originators of the pretribulation rapture theory are none other than the Jesuits. And, I can’t say that I’m too terribly surprised.

[reverse-worship video] “It’s All About Me” — Parody expressing the foolishness of worshipping ourselves

“Bless me, Lord.”

– –

[youtube=]It’s All About Me



(video) Abominable SPINNING SOCKS ‘Worship’ – “We Love You LORDY” — Disco driven, reverse of lifting HOLY HANDS with pure hearts, honoring our HOLY Messiah in Spirit and in Truth!

(video) Bill Cosby responds to Victoria Osteen — Worship reversed — Jesus wept!

[REAL-Worship Video] Revelation Song (Extended Version) led by Kari Jobe

(video) Abominable SPINNING SOCKS ‘Worship’ – “We Love You LORDY” — Disco driven, reverse of lifting HOLY HANDS with pure hearts, honoring our HOLY Messiah in Spirit and in Truth!

Compare to:

[REAL-Worship Video] Revelation Song (Extended Version) led by Kari Jobe

– –

[youtube=]Rick Pino – Spin Me Right Around

Timur Kainazarov

Uploaded on Jan 29, 2011

Kick off your shoes to honor God like Moses did. God told moses to take his shoes off because he was on holy ground. It was a very somber moment for Moses. The fear and trembling of being in the presence of a Holy God. Oh and while you are down their take of your socks, which by the way is the real reason that I am having you take them off, now spin them in the air to the most shallow worship song you will ever hear. At the very end he said – we love you Lordy.

(video) Bill Cosby responds to Victoria Osteen — Worship reversed — Jesus wept!

Compare to my prophecy, below: “Feel My hurt. It is great. My people have vanished from My life. …”

– –

[youtube=]Bill Cosby responds to Victoria Osteen

* * *

Bryant Harris Published on Aug 28, 2014


Jesus’ Heart-Cry: “Let Us Be ONE”

Let Us Be ONE, Part 3 of 33

Let us be one. My cry is out to you to come near. I want My people, please? May we be one. I need you to pray, to fall on your face and not give up. Press in, overcome temptation. Be not afraid to obey. I will give you life, all those who follow. You will not faint. You will grow strong when you give up the ghosts that hold you back, the sins of iniquity.

Feel My hurt. It is great. My people have vanished from My life. I am sad, and you are lonely. There are few that remain close to Me where I can nourish their souls.

In Me there is life. There is no other way. I in you; you in Me, where we belong—together. Let us be one, together in love, where we can pray, enveloping each other in goodness. We can do that. It’s not all one way. I am life. There is no other to follow. We can be friends. I will lead, but I will receive as you repent and draw close to Me. For I love My people. I love to pray. I intercede for the saints to bring them pleasure. We can be one. We can be close, you and I.

There is a place of holiness, where you will always be at My feet, a place of blessing. Let it come. Let it envelop you. Let it take over your pride.

Come, My people. Let us rest. Follow no other. I am your place of security, where power dwells, power to overcome sin, pride and temptation. I have life to give.

You are My friend. Get up and be counted among the sheep. For there is error. Life has ceased for a reason. The church is dirty, a place of filth. It is not My home. How can I dwell among an unclean people who hurt each other, who tell each other stories, who hurt from the heart those that care?

– –


[reverse-worship video] “It’s All About Me” — Parody expressing the foolishness of worshipping ourselves

[5-minute video] Paul Washer: Joel Osteen, it’s just the Truth — Most pastors are cowards, afraid to preach the true gospel, which the people would rather not hear

(video) Joel Osteen’s false grace: ‘Homosexuals Get Into Heaven’ [‘Christians’ keep in mind that lusting HETEROsexuals WON’T INHERIT the kingdom either. We must all be holy so we can all be ONE!]

(audio) Ted Pike Discusses “Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret” — Balanced, LOVING presentation of how Talmudic Jewish thought, the LEAVEN Jesus warned about, is hijacking Christian thought through Hollywood and the media

I haven’t listened to the other programs here yet, but the first with GeorgeAnn Hughes is EXCELLENT!

Ted Pike is the most balanced presenter of this difficult Judaism-today subject whom I’ve so far heard. This is INCREDIBLE, and covers a lot, but starts with the Talmud’s role, first.

Please listen to the whole thing to get the whole picture! The last half contains many important points that we need to know to have a balanced perspective.

For more, see Ted’s video linked below.

From: Ted Pike’s Broadcast Archives page

Talk-Show Host:
Streaming (.ram)*
Download (.mp3)**
GeorgeAnn Hughes – 17 Oct 06
Ted Pike Discusses “Pedophilia: The Talmud’s
Dirty Secret”
Download (1hr, 7.5 MB)
Rick Adams – 6 Oct 06
Ted Pike Discusses “ACLU Top Heavy with

Listen – Part 1
– Part 2

Download -Pt1 (43min, 7.5 MB)
Download – Pt2 (43min, 7.5 MB)
Daryl Smith – 3 Oct 06

Ted Pike Discusses “Judaism and Homosexuality: A Marriage Made in Hell”

Download (1hr, 7 MB)
*To listen to streaming (.ram), download the free RealPlayer at
**(Right-click and select ‘Save Target As’ to download to your computer.)



(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning” (contains many links to my other posts)

(video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography

(History Channel Video) Talmudic Jews’ plan to launch the Antichrist from rebuilt temple in Jerusalem – ‘Brad Meltzer’s Decoded’ “Spear of Destiny”

“WE WILL KILL JESUS; THEN WE WILL RULE THE WORLD” — “The Pharisees have had the SAME GOAL before Jesus was crucified on the cross, and they are still trying to accomplish this task with a New World Order!”

Walter Veith: Hidden Agendas — The deity worshiped in the shrines of secrecy is not the Deity of the Bible. “There are very, very, very few Rabbis in the world today that are not Kabbalists.”

Hagee: “Unrepentant Heretic” — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem

Henry Makow (an ethnic Jew): “I think the Jewish people have been hoodwinked, just like we’re all being hoodwinked. … Christians are being hoodwinked into pushing the Zionist line, which is really part of the New World Order. … History is being manipulated in order to grind us down and eventually enslave us”

Why They Hate US – Gaza Illustrated by Dees • VS • “NOT by might, NOR by power, but BY MY SPIRIT, says the Lord” – “Blessed are the Peacemakers…”

Jesus told the Jewish Pharisee: “Love your neighbor as yourself” — which is the second GREATEST COMMANDment. Jesus then told the Pharisee the Good SAMARITAN story to explain who our neighbor is — every human being we encounter, regardless of race or creed. We’re even supposed to LOVE our Enemies!

Are we like Jesus or the Pharisee?

Only the PEACEMAKERS will be called CHILDREN OF GOD – Jesus in Mt. 5:9.

Jesus stood up to the occult-Talmud-driven, racist Pharisees (who own FOX News). He had eyes to see and a heart to heal, because he didn’t bow down to Satan. Jesus watched a different channel: His FATHER’s WILL News, straight from heaven.


Look at the real history, and the rest of the story, the way Jesus still sees. He stood up to them then. Nothing in them has changed significantly for us to view them any differently than did Jesus. We must do our Father’s will, and not bow down to Satan.

See my links below, for the proof, the real story that our media, the TV preachers, and our pastors aren’t telling us so we can be free from the guilt from supporting evil, which postpones the Jews’ repentance to Christ and their ability to love their fellowman.

We must be like power-under Christ, loving from above — not the power-OVER, bully Pharisees.

Rise and be healed — Life in the Son

We must obey to live in Him, where fruit remains.

Culture shock?

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning” (what really happened in 1948, Talmud, Calvinism, WWJD? — beautifully said!)


“If opposing Israel is ANTI-SEMITISM, then what do you call supporting a state that has been engaged in brutal ethnic cleansing for seven decades? WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU?” – Miko Peled, son of Israeli General Matti Peled

(video – real history) Miko Peled: The General’s Son & Return of the General’s Son — Israel’s war crimes & dehumanization must stop. There is a better solution.

(video) Miko Peled: Israeli General’s Son – Geneva 5/14/14 — “Israeli historians have been validating what Palestinians have said all along. It was not the Palestinians that began an assault. The Zionist militia began a massive campaign against an unarmed civilian population that lasted for twelve months with the CLEAR INTENTION of completing the ETHNIC CLEANSING of Palestine.”

(video) Miko Peled: Myths of 1967 (Israel’s Six Day War)

(video) The Zionist Story – Ethnic cleansing, Colonialism and Apartheid to Produce a Demographically Jewish State

(video) Israeli School Books’ Racist Representation of Palestinians: Israeli General’s Daughter, Nurit Peled-Elhanan — Priming Israeli children for military service

(video) “Life In Occupied Palestine,” Anna Baltzer: A wonderfully moving introduction to the plight of the Palestinians, in simple, everyday terms — Checkpoints, settlements, Israeli activism, 1948 War refugees, censorship, the Wall, ongoing annexation of Palestinian land — “It is five times more likely for an ISRAELI SOLDIER to commit SUICIDE than to be killed in a terrorist attack. So when people talk about this occupation as helping the Jewish people, they don’t realize how many Israelis are actually against it, and how IMPORTANT it is FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE AS WELL AS the PALESTINIAN people to end this”

(video) Israeli settlers uproot Palestinians’ OLIVE TREES in occupied West Bank — 8,000 trees, some HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD!

(video) Alison Weir: History of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict — “Come to Palestine, Americans, and see your tax dollars at work, millions and millions of them, every day, and weep with me for our victims…”

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

Walter Veith: Hidden Agendas — The deity worshiped in the shrines of secrecy is not the Deity of the Bible. “There are very, very, very few Rabbis in the world today that are not Kabbalists.”

CLAIM: “There has never been an actual country called Palestine” | FACT: The Arab state, which included Christians, was betrayed by Britain and hijacked by the Jewish Nakba

Hamas Was Founded by Mossad — Israeli PM Golda Meir saw this as a an opportunity to counterbalance the rise of Arafat’s PLO

(video) Ron Paul: HAMAS ESTABLISHED BY ISRAEL To Counter Yasser Arafat — “”So through Israel we helped establish Hamas. Then we have elections. Then Hamas becomes dominant. So we have to kill them”

Study: American Jews Rate Evangelicals as Low as Muslims


(video) Israeli Soldiers having fun and laughing while bombing houses in Gaza

(video) Inside Israel’s Pro-War Nationalist Camp — WE’RE HUMANS; THEY’RE ANIMALS” — Israeli soldier • “The most moral thing to do is to FLATTEN GAZA into a parking lot” — fmr. ISRAELI *PARLIAMENT* MEMBER • “A Jew is a soul; an Arab is a…”

Israelis Who Cheered On Missile Strikes Threatened to Destroy CNN Reporter’s Car

(video) Jews’ Racial Hate Rally: “A JEW IS a darling. AN ARAB IS a son of a b—” “May the Israel army win and f— up the Arabs. … Death to the Arabs!”

(video) Racial Supremacist Joan Rivers: Palestinian Civilians ‘Deserve To Be Dead’ — “At least the ones that were killed were the ones with very low IQ”

(video) How The Jews Mock Jesus Christ — Seinfeld, Sarah Silverman, Israeli TV…

Bombing Gaza Like ‘Mowing the Lawn’: Israeli hardliners JOKE about the periodic need to decimate each new generation of Palestinians

(video) The Dirty Truth About Israel — Real history that mainstream & ‘Christian’ media won’t tell US

Jews for Justice: The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict — The root cause is clear. During the 1948 war, 750,000 Palestinians fled in terror or were actively expelled from their ancestral homeland and turned into refugees. The state of Israel then refused to allow them to return and either destroyed their villages entirely or expropriated their land, orchards, houses, businesses and personal possessions for the use of the Jewish population. This was the birth of the state of Israel.

Israeli General’s Daughter: How Israeli School Textbooks Teach Kids to Hate

(video) AN ISRAELI SOLDIER’S STORY – Eran Efrati — ~”IF YOU DON’T CARE about Palestinians . . . You guys should know: YOU ARE NEXT in line. The next one who will die from a tear gas canister into his chest will be in Denver, in Oakland. Because the U.S. *police* are TRAINING TOGETHER with our *army*. Our army is training them how to take care of the enemy. . . . But when they come back, YOU ARE THE ENEMY”

(video) ABC Manipulates Truth to Fit Pro-Israel Bias | Weapons of Mass Distraction

(video!) Dead Palestinians Don’t Matter to Mainstream Media

(video) Israel Targeting Civilian with Banned Weapons

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???

(video) 5 Reasons Why Israel is an Apartheid State

Wonderful Israelis Soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza! — “We will not bomb children”

Israel Dropped The “Equivalent Of 6 Nuclear Bombs” On Gaza, including INTERNATIONALLY BANNED Flechette shells saturated with URANIUM, contaminating the soil and water for generations, spreading CANCER

[REAL-HISTORY] WHY THE ROCKETS? — “Israelis! You took our houses, villages, cities, fields and orchards. You pushed us into the desert. You surrounded us with barbed wire…”

Israel’s HANNIBAL DIRECTIVE – Murdering It’s Own Soldiers

Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel—Omer Goldman, daughter of a former Mossad chief, tells why she prefers jail to the military draft

Pentecostals in Palestine – 6 minute trailer

[Photos] Rocket Comparison: Aftermath of Hamas rocket attack on Israel vs AFTERMATH of ISRAELI ROCKET ATTACK ON GAZA!

Micael Grenholm: Blessing Israel = Ignoring Gaza? — WWJD! “What would Jesus do? Would He be silent when people with the “wrong” nationality were dying? Would He bomb Gaza and say “whoops” when an 11-month baby was killed? NO!!He would proclaim peace for the nations, heal the sick, help the poor and bring salvation to the terrorists!”

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.


[5-minute video] “Israel started this not Hamas” — Actually both sides are responsible, which the MSM carefully covers up

[music video] Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) ‘Song for Gaza’: We shall overcome — End the blockade of Gaza — WWJD?!!

(video) Ray McGovern: Israel/Washington Dehumanize Palestinians — Like blades of grass that have to be mowed periodically — Israeli Children’s textbooks don’t even show pictures of Palestinians

Ray McGovern: Willing to risk his life to help Israel be humane to the Palestinians

Red Cross on the Gaza blockade: Israel is in clear violation of international humanitarian law | What Would Jesus Do?

Israel admits it will again annihalate civilians, using “disproportional force” if… (with U.S. weaponry, of course)

Israel has so far missed “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” | But so has the US. We give them the weapons, finance their atrocities, and silence our own press. And we lead by example: our regime-change, reverse-Christian wars and numerous covert actions (including assassinations and even torture!). What would Jesus Do? What would “pro-Israel” mean to Jesus? What does Jesus think of evangelicals’ support-Israel-no-matter-what cheer that may soon bring about WWIII, the destruction of America and the one-world antichrist government! Is this being pro-life?

Israel’s & U.S.’ Attrocities: May We No Longer Be Silent

Israel’s Deputy PM admits Iran DIDN’T threaten to wipe Israel out

The Attack on the USS Liberty — Purpose: (1) to hide Israel’s illegal actions in the 6-Day War and (2) to bring America into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty

‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret — Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House

Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty — Israel murders Americans & LBJ/McNamara cover-up!

Israel, the highest rate of prostitution in the world (CNN) | One million visits made by clients every month to brothels in Israel (population 7 million) | “For this we yearned?”

Articles About Human Trafficking in Israel

Sex and Lies in Israel: What would be the media response if the Pope issued an edict saying Catholic girls should sexually seduce enemies of the Church? Certainly such would be on the front pages of every newspaper in Europe and America, but when Jewish religious authorities make such a pronouncement, there is no media coverage at all.

[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads

Is it illegal for Christians to evangelize in Israel? — Billy Graham has held rallies in over 185 different countries, including Communist, but has never been allowed to hold a Christian evangelistic rally in Israel

Alex Jones on Israel’s attrocities: Because Israel has been given so much unconditional support Israel does what it wants whenever it wants. Governments are corrupt…

Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building — Ken O’Keefe in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2011

Joel Skousen: Media Inflaming Case Against Iran — “The US has long had plans to take down both Iraq and Iran and planted nuclear information in both countries to provide a pretext for an eventual attack” — “Although Iran has a blustering, extremist president the West has taken great pains to make his remarks out to be far worse than they really are”

Specifics in how the media sides with Israel against the peace activists

Calling People ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a ‘Trick’ We Always Use to Discredit Critics, says Former Israeli Minister

US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias

[media bias exposed!] Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC’s Defense of Israeli Attack

CNN, “The Most Trusted Parrot in News”: How they treat Iran verses how they treat Israel

Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy

Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel

Secret but not forgotten: Israel’s facility 139 — Where Palestinian, Lebanese, and other Arab prisoners are detained and subjected to torture

Kucinich: WE ACCEPT the Slaughter of the Innocent BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY Slaughtered the Innocent

Kucinich: “U.S. Weapons Being Illegally Used to Kill Children”

Kucinich: UN should investigate Israeli Gaza strikes — “this…is disproportionate indiscriminate mass violence”

One-third of Gaza dead, injured are children

Ron Paul: The Invasion of Gaza and its Implications for America — Blowback!

One Very Brave Palestinian Woman

Devvy Kidd: Bomb Iran now because…uh, what’s the reason? — Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision.

How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?

Charles Lindbergh’s – September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech. Provocateuring for war then just as now — “They planned to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict.” “I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders…”

Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?

Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord

[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!

Most of Israel’s military leaders are against war on Iran — Netanyahu and Barak are the power-over warmongers

[Haaretz poll] 60% of Israelis are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is pushing to bomb Iran

Dr. Stan: Is War With Iran A Set-up? Lies that led US into all of the wars in the last 120 years! “It’s really all about bringing about the one-world government.”

Peace activist Kenneth O’Keefe defends his Gaza aid flotilla actions to the attack-dog BBC journalist: “If you wanted peace, and you carried out the policies of Israel…. It’s like America saying it wants peace, yet conducting State sponsored terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s a lie. Israel is lying. They don’t want peace…”

Hero US Marine Disarms Israeli Commandos — Kenneth Nichols O’Keefe was later beaten by the Israelis — Look at his face!

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sets the record straight on Israel’s aid flotilla massacre

Inhumane Israelis CELEBRATE attack on Turkish Aid Ship – in front of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv

Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!

[Illustration] USA and Israel totally ignore: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.” Who are we listening to instead?

[OPINION] ‘Christian’ backed Republicans Plot Israel-Iran Apocalypse and the Collapse of the US Economy

Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees

Hagee: “Unrepentant Heretic” — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.

Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election

Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

“For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to *FABLES*” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

“For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to fables.”

– 2 Tim. 4:3-4



[FreedomQuote] “It’s hard to accept the truth when the lies were exactly what you wanted to hear.”

SPIRAL OF SILENCE: People tend to remain silent when they feel that their views are in the minority — Neumann wondered WHY the GERMANS SUPPORTED WRONG POLITICAL OPINIONS that led to national defeat, humiliation and ruin in the 1930s-1940s

“Putting your head in the sand will not save your backside”

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it WAS PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

No Condemnation now so No Condemnation when we meet Jesus face to Face — Hearts pure, smiling so big!!! FREEeeeeeeee———–DOM!!!!!!!

Difference between faith of demons and living faith — “The faith which lets you reject discipleship and submission to God is just like the faith of demons. It won’t save”

“Even the demons believe, and tremble” (James 2:19). Demons believe that Jesus died for the sins of the world. The difference between the faith of demons and living faith that connects you to Jesus and brings you into the KINGdom is this: the faith Jesus looks for involves personal trust, reliance and ultimately always leads to OBEDIENCE to God’s Spirit and God’s Word.

The faith which lets you reject discipleship and submission to God is just like the faith of demons. It won’t save.” 

Michael Fackerell


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

“Some people THINK THEY ARE FOLLOWING Jesus, but the truth is they have invited Jesus to follow them. It’s an INVERTED gospel that is no gospel at all. The REAL gospel has submission and sacrifice”

“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.”

– –

“Some people THINK THEY ARE FOLLOWING Jesus, but the truth is they have invited Jesus to follow them. It’s an INVERTED gospel that is no gospel at all. The REAL gospel has submission and sacrifice.”

– Mark Batterson (link)

All In: You Are One Decision Away From a Totally Different Life – August 24, 2013
by Mark Batterson


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

OSAS Deception


Once Saved Always Saved (OSAS) or Eternal Once saved always saved - True-or-False?
Security is a false doctrine that teaches that a Christian cannot ever lose their salvation and end up in Hell, and that all born again Christians will go to Heaven no matter what. Scripture has much to say on the topic and its important that believers know how to rightly divide that truth on this issue.


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT

(audio) Fmr. Mormon Professor Takes Us Inside Mormonism: “They taught me to use FEELING, instead of my reasoning brain” — “We taught our college students to use their REASONING brains in biology, and in education and sociology. But when it came to faith, you FOLLOW the Mormon prophet BLINDLY, and you rely on your FEELINGS. … I didn’t know that DEMONIC forces could also make you feel those kind of feelings”

“They taught me to use feeling, instead of my reasoning brain. … As I taught at BYU, we taught our college students to use their reasoning brains in biology, and in education and sociology. But when it came to faith, you follow the Mormon prophet blindly, and you rely on your feelings. And the better you feel about something — the more emotional it makes you, the more you cry — they say that’s how the Holy Spirit tells you it’s true. Only, that there were two sources for information. I didn’t know that demonic forces could also make you feel those kind of feelings. And I didn’t know that you needed to test that with the Word of God.”

– Lynne Wilder

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

A Former Mormon Professor Takes Us Inside Mormonism

Michael BrownMichael Brown

Published on Nov 5, 2013

Originally Aired November 5, 2013
Dr. Brown speaks with Dr. Lynne Wilder, formerly a tenured professor at Brigham Young University, author of the book Unveiled Grace. Mormon, ex-Mormons, and all interested believers are invited to listen and call in to the show.


[Mormonism?] Studies Find Utah Leads Nation in Antidepressant Use — To be a good mother and wife, women have to put on this mask of perfection. They are to be constantly smiling…

[Mormonism?] Utah: Online Porn Capital of America?

[Mormonism?] Salt Lake City Leads Nation in Breast Implant Popularity

BEHIND THE VEIL: Never-Before-Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

Sinister Sites – Temple Square, Utah – Occult symbols all over the place!

The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon — The Book of Mormon is 19th century fiction based on the complete lack of historical evidence. Mormonism is based solely on a feeling, the “burning in the bosom” — which makes it a doctrine of demons!

DNA Science Challenges LDS History

Romney Exposed — How did Mitt Romney earn Dick Cheney’s respect and full support? “You have to demonstrate your capacity for evil if you want Dick Cheney’s vote.”

Bill Schoebelen: The Occult Origins of Halloween & Mitt Romney’s Mormon Occultic Agenda

Hyper-PATRIOTISM is a SIN prevalent in America — Jesus’ 2nd Greatest Commandment was a call out of nationalism and into a Kingdom that knows no political or national boundaries — We must repent!

Hyper-patriotism has become a sin for many evangelicals in America. Now, much of the world hates US, and is rejecting Christ because of our refusal to fully walk in the new covenant in which Jesus commanded us to love EVERYONE as much as we love ourselves.

Reverse-Christianity is destroying the church in America, and America, itself.

Few evangelicals, including the pastors, love the Lord our God with all of their hearts, soul, mind and strength, and their neighbors as themselves. We must repent for ‘ONE’ to happen, “that the world will know” (Jesus’ heart-cry prayer for us in John 17).

Many related links to my other posts, below, like: Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?

– –


5 Overlooked Cultural Sins Threatening the Church

What if the biggest threats to the church weren’t the things we thought they were? What if the very foundation of our country’s culture actually resembles the culture of our churches? We may find that we’ve been blind to more subtle and subversive influences that are having a greater impact on the church than the issues that consume us.

Here are just five overlooked cultural norms that are contrary to the Kingdom and are sinful within the Kingdom, unknowingly supported by many of us. …

3. Patriotism

It’s unimaginable to think of Jesus’ followers singing patriotic Roman songs or praying for the success of Rome or adorning themselves in Roman symbols. Jesus’ call was a call out of nationalism and cultural patriotism and into a Kingdom that knows no political or national boundaries. As the Apostle Paul reminded the Galatian churches, “There is no Jew or Greek…” in the Kingdom. Our national and worldly identities have been abandoned for a new eternal Kingdom identity that enjoins us to a greater nation, the Nation of God.

Gratitude and thankfulness for our nation must be tempered by a primary and superior gratitude for the Nation of God. Our citizenship in the Kingdom is infinitely superior to our citizenship in a political and worldly identity.

The flag of any country should never share space with symbols of the Christian faith, especially when the intent is to arouse patriotism. When images of the cross are merged with images of the flag, the church’s identity has been compromised. When churches sing patriotic songs, the church’s identity has been compromised.

Soldiers and military personnel have a great job to perform in protecting the sovereignty of a country and its citizens [when they really are – editor], but these great men and women [only great when they’ve determined to not obey reverse-Christian orders – editor) are the country’s military, not God’s military. We can be thankful for the work they do in defending our security without imposing upon them a task to which they were not called.

Entire Article Here


Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

(video) Greg Boyd on ‘Charlie Rose’: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

(video) Ron Paul Booed by Reverse-Christian Debate Audience for Endorsing the Golden Rule

Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?

(audio/video) Was Jesus Booed In SC? Debate Reaction On The Robert Scott Bell Show 1/17/12 | Ron Paul Booed by ‘Christian’ Conservatives for Endorsing the Golden Rule

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

Chuck Baldwin: What Does John Hagee Really Want? — “These WARMONGERING EVANGELICALS beat the war drums; they encourage the young men from their churches to go off and fight these ‘holy’ wars; they WORK TIRELESSLY TO ELECT PRO-WAR POLITICIANS…. Then, the politicians … send the US military to invade, bomb, and KILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people, the vast majority of whom are innocent people. … ANIMOSITY against the United States is GROWING EXPONENTIALLY; in an effort to keep our country at war, our ECONOMY is being overburdened and overtaxed TO THE POINT OF NO RETURN; in the name of the “War on Terror,” America is on the verge of becoming a giant POLICE STATE; we are INCITING CHINA AND RUSSIA INTO NUCLEAR WAR; and America’s military VETERANS are KILLING THEMSELVES more frequently than are enemy bullets”

Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”

The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”

Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”

Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”

Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’

My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!

Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.

EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.

Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?

[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!

Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”

Michael Franti: Bomb the World (”Power to the Peaceful!”)

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

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