Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

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I'm upping the ante. My $1,500 Challenge is now a $3,000 Challenge!

My $3,000 Challenge!

I will now give $3,000 to anyone who can refute my Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way article.
It’s time, pastors, to either put up or shut up — or Let Us Be ONE — Jesus’ heart-cry for us in John 17 finally realized!!!
Stop teaching the false salvation doctrine that is deceiving the world and destroying this country. You are responsible.

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (Mt. 7:21)

Do you teach what Jesus, John, James and Paul taught?
Or another gospel? God says “You’re in trouble” — unless you repent!
It’s too late to save this country from the serious trouble that is coming — but we can all be ONE in Christ no matter what:
‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTEDNow is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

$3,000 Challenge Details Here

Gleanings from Gordon Lightfoot's 43-minute interview. Gordon is Scottish — 'Braveheart'!! I LOVE his music, but now I know why I never liked his song, "Sundown." Unfortunately, his seediest song was his biggest hit! But there is a true "Carefree Highway" that we can all travel on together — FOREVER!!!

The Gordon Lightfoot album that preceded Sundown, Don Quixote, was and probably always will be my favorite Lightfoot Album. I still listen to it regularly. Though it’s not perfect, it inspires me towards adventure, towards the mountains, towards LIFE!!!

Thank you, Gordon!

I always wondered what happened to Gordon, whose earlier music was such a big influence on my life. He never seemed to recover. Now I know. So many have gone down this road and lost their dreams.

What is this road, what Gordon called on Sundown the “Carefree Highway?” Here we learn that it was hardly care free, and that it was even artificially, even via substance abuse induced a substitute for the real thing?

This is what happens when one accepts the Carefree Highway mindset while still being locked in the Matrix — the downward spiral, the Highway to Hell. See: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way.

And what happens when an entire country accepts the Carefree Highway mindset without really being on it?
And what happens when the ‘church’ accepts the Carefree Highway mindset — once-saved-always-saved — “I’m okay; you’re okay” — “We’re all in Christ — though we’re not Biblically in Christ? We’re on the Highway to Hell.

But there is a true carefree highway — which we can experience now, and will be able to more fully ride on when ONE happens — when we are truly ONE with each other and God — being truly in Christ (John 17). “Then the world will know,” Jesus said.

This is the Carefree Highway. And this is what this site is all about.

May we all ride together!!!

By the way, there are still some songs on Sundown that I’ll always like, like “Seven Island Suite.” And I’ve always loved the album cover, which was inspired me to title this set of photos of myself by this same name:

Click on photo for the full set of larger photos

Jeff Fenske : )

[youtube=]Gordon Lightfoot. A Q TV Exclusive

The man, the legend. Gordon Lightfoot is one of Canada’s and the world’s most gifted and influential songwriters- a songwriter’s songwriter. He sat down with CBC host Jian Ghomeshi for an exclusive interview looking back on his successful career.

My Music Videos at ToBeFree

Worship is Wonderfully Positive at IHOP Right Now — As the world falls the church will arise!

Jaye Thomas is leading worship, right now. You can almost sense the smiles from their hearts : )
This is at the heart of what is right! Though I’d still like to see more real worship and less ~”Do this, Lord.” We don’t have to tell Him what to do. If we draw near to Him, He WILL draw near to us.

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8a)

And God inhabits the praises of His people — not the “bless us, Lord” songs:

“But you are holy, you who inhabit the praises of Israel.” (Psalm 22:3)

When we worship, He will bless us if we’re worshiping in Spirit and in TRUTH – right with God and each other! We will be filled! It’s automatic. He said what He’d do. He will honor His word.
Jaye’s team (Cory’s team, actually) will be worshiping on and off for the first half of tonight’s regularly scheduled Student Awakening meeting. The meetings can be watched online, Wed – Sat, 6 pm – 12 pm (central time), every week.
Archives of the awakening are also available for a few days at the prayer room’s archive player:
There seems to be an extra-specially positive attitude at IHOP in the past week or two, which I’m thinking may be due to the recent teachings on worship that I’ve only gotten a glimpse of, so far, watching Mike Bickle’s podcast and hearing a small portion of the messages he was referring to (webcast), that were taught at IHOP, recently:

The Glory of Christ at the End of the Age-Stephen Venable 5.1.10
Word  Document PDF Document
Worth of Christ and Incessant Worship – Stephen Venable 04.25.10
Word  Document PDF  Document

Go Jaye and team!
Jeff : )
[screenshots] Jaye Thomas leading worship at the IHOP Awakening 3/26/10
Charisma Editor: An Asbury-like Spiritual Awakening is the “Only Thing That Will Save Us”

My response to: have any of you researched about the “reptilian bloodline” or the “illuminati” or the U.F.O. “illusion”…?

A reader wrote this as part of his comment here:

Reptilians just SO HAPPEN to be in a book about HELL…..have any of you researched about the “reptilian bloodline” or the “illuminati” or the U.F.O. “illusion” satan is planning through a government program called ” Project Blue Beam”?

I have studied these issues in depth, and I think there are many reasons to believe that the UFO phenomenon (including the abductions) are at least in part real. I’m not among those who explain it off as being merely demonic.
Have you seen this? NASA Space Shuttle Footage: UFO Missed by Ground Based Energy Pulse Weapon. This is even more amazing when seen on TV, which I have. The YouTube video is so fuzzy in comparison.
And I have a number of posts on this subject at ToBeFree:
A very interesting book on this is: The THREAT: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda, by David Jacobs. And I find Stan Deyo’s interviews interesting.
I also go into the illuminati, secret society thing at ToBeFree, which can be found through the categories or the search engine.
This is the main thing that I think happened regarding the polluting of the bloodline. See the totally bolded paragraph in this: Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’. I think this is a big deal, and explains a lot. But I don’t dwell on it as much as I once did. The ramifications are just so huge, and the subject is just so ugly. It affects all of us. But to totally ignore this is to not fully be a problem solver, a successful revivalist.
For example: why do certain people have such a propensity for evil and their consciences don’t seem to bother them as much as it would us — if we did what they did? And these people often gravitate towards positions of power, including church leadership — or they become professors in seminaries.
“They’re cunning.” And they wouldn’t James-3 curse those who would threaten their power, would they — and James-3 curse those who are supposed to lead?? Nor would they pray (James-3 curse) that people would believe their doctrines of demons??? Of course, they teach a lot of truth too. But their hearts are not right, and it doesn’t seem to bother them as much as those who aren’t born with a compromised bloodline — because the Israelites wouldn’t kill the Nephilim after the flood, as God said to???? Hmmm. So the bloodlines got all compromised.
And I hesitate to say this (but who I’m talking about probably wouldn’t be reading this blog much, except maybe to attack it), but why do certain people not even look fully human? Because….
We think that everyone is like us. But what if they aren’t? And what happens if we let these people that have a higher propensity for evil lead us? We should be leading them.
This is where the church has blown it. The non-pushy people have let the pushy people lead, and we have this mess. And so goes the church, so goes America. We haven’t stood up for what’s right. We let them take us down, while deep down, knowing better, falling into Satan’s trap.
Do you speak in tongues? Everybody can, and really should. How can we fight the unseen enemy otherwise? If so, have you ever directed your prayer language, especially praying for those who curse us? See: I’ve finally shared much of what I know about and what can be done through the TREMENDOUS and mostly misunderstood and underused gift of tongues
Demons don’t curse people (though they carry out the curses), people (or part-people = the nephilim) do. It’s interesting where those who are cursing some of us sometimes are. Check it out. It’s not just demonic; though, some experiences can be.
When Christians learn to speak in tongues and use their gift, it’s amazing how easy it is to sort things out.
I also think it’s likely that some people we actually know personally have been actually abducted, and many are having difficulty coping with their partial memories. From: Chuck Missler: The Return of the Nephilim

“Somewhere between 1 and 3% (various polls agree) of Americans claim that they have had an abduction experience. That’s over 5 million people—or in that neighborhood.”

– Chuck Missler

Regarding the coming UFO illusion, I don’t know; though, I’ve listened to some of the theories. I have L.A. Marzulli’s blog listed at ToBeFree. I don’t see a lot of evidence for it yet, but will keep an open eye for it as a strong possibility. The phoenix lights is also very interesting in this regard.

Having intentionally lied to the public about the Phoenix Lights, saying the mystery had been solved, Arizona governor says what he really thinks: “…it was probably some form of an alien spacecraft”

The Phoenix Lights Documentary Trailer

Phoenix Lights Documentary: In March 1997 a gigantic unidentified flying object flew slowly over the entire city of Phoenix. Approximately 10,000 people witnessed the incident…

For the record, I have never seen a UFO, nor do I have any evidence at all of myself being abducted. I don’t focus on this subject, as my blogs show.

My third "getting right with those we've hurt" dream – 4/23/10

Dear friends,
I had a dream, this morning, in which I was speaking to apparently a fairly well known rock musician who was severely ill and expected to die. I should have grabbed the recorder right away. I did, but I waited a number of minutes (wanting so much just to go back to sleep but knowing I shouldn’t), too long to be able to retain all of the details. But I think I remember the main points.
I haven’t posted the previous “getting right with another” dream, so perhaps I’ll mention those first. In one, I saw this former church leader while he was getting food in what seemed like a wedding reception or something similar. I said right to him: “when are you going to get right with the people you’ve hurt?”
The second dream was of the same man. We were sitting across from each other at a small table in a fairly open room. My right hand was holding his right hand, earnestly, as I asked: “when are you going to get right with the people that you’ve hurt?”
In the dream this morning, I was in the bleacher area of an indoor arena which holds large public events. I was introduced to two people, one of whom was this apparently fairly famous rock musician; though, I didn’t recognize him.
We were laughing about something, and then he and I stood, looking at each other. I said, “you look happy. You look like a real Christian.” And then I said, “if I were you, I’d get right with everybody I’ve hurt.” He said, “Wow,” like this was something he needed to hear.
And that’s it. It’s crucial that we have reconciled with everyone we can. We need to be right with each other so we can be right with God in order to have faith to enter heaven when we see Jesus face to face — so our consciences won’t condemn us. So we can smile BIG!

1 John 2:28 Now, little children, remain in him, that when he appears, we may have boldness, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.
1 John 4:16 We know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and he who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him. 17 In this[,] love has been made perfect among us, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, because as he is, even so are we in this world.

And when we all live this way: ONE can happen — Jesus’ prayer for us in John 17 — that we would be ONE with each other in Christ. Then the world will know.
And when we confess our sins to one another and then ask for prayer from the right-with-God-and-people elders, then we’ll be healed physically too.

James 5: 14 Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the assembly, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, 15 and the prayer of faith will heal him who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 16 Confess your offenses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.

The insistent prayer of a righteous person is powerfully effective.

So by getting right with those this musician has hurt, he’s making his calling and election sure, and he could get physically healed so he wouldn’t prematurely die.
When we’re all right with one another, then the prayers can be offered in faith. Then we’re righteous people.

God bless!

Jeff : )


The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “How upside-down the ‘church’ is today.”

Charisma Editor: An Asbury-like Spiritual Awakening is the “Only Thing That Will Save Us”

“The Perfect Storm” by John Paul Jackson. What to expect in the next 10 years. To overcome, we must be right with each other: “You must have clean hands and not harmed others. And if you have, you must repent so that you can be clean” | My experience at Trinity

Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”

Exalted *Not* Above Each Other—But Above Our Sin—Where We Can Be FREE!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

Jeff Fenske: Update — On being single all of my life; The Third Great Awakening (‘ONE’) can happen in Alaska; etc.

I’ve been dragging my feet on this update, because of the second topic. But first:

Cargo’s Last Stand

(Click on photo to see larger)

I’m finally almost finished with my Cargo’s Last Stand photo project at what is supposed to be my personal blog: I still have a bunch of Red Wall photos to post, and then I’ll be mostly done. I’d like to post more personal updates there if I can figure out how to tell those just interested in seeing the photos how they can access just them.
On all three of my sites, I have categories listed on the top/right of each page. And at, I have a Cargo’s Last Stand category, but I don’t think many people access this feature.
About 300 photos are posted, some taking up to 3 hours to process. Here is a good example: Captain’s View. I’m a stickler on getting the colors right, and so many of these photos have a mixture of natural and artificial lights. And the mercury vapor outside lights, and those in our warehouse paint everything in various shades of yellow. And I’m finally understanding how to compensate for fluorescent lighting. But when there are two types of lighting it’s often a tough compromise.
I realize that most people’s monitors don’t accurately show color, but at least I can try to get the source photos right. And I’m learning a ton about so many aspects of processing photos!
I’m the opposite of a “quick, get ‘er done” person — too precise to work in volume, efficiently — when makes me more suited for fine-art photography (my dream job) and technical analysis, which I do in my Bible studies, etc.
Cargo’s Last Stand has been also wonderful in that it feels really good to see coworkers being blessed! And The Red Wall photos will be the icing on the cake. Only one is up so far (right now on the main page). Lots, lots more to come.

On Being Single All of My Life

This is what I’ve been mainly dragging my feet on. About a month ago, I felt like God was prompting me to share more about this d-i-f-f-i-c-u-l-t subject. There are probably people wondering ‘what’s up?’ I’ve shared some things, but mostly in comments that most will never read. I think this will help people understand more of where I’m coming from.

The History of Reverse-Worship: The Focus is On Us, Not HIM — A Disturbing Trend

From: ONEcanhappen

The History of Reverse-Worship:
The Focus is On Us, Not HIM

By Jeff Fenske

You may have heard this analogy:

First, their was LIFE magazine.


Then, US,

And now we have SELF magazine.

No, it didn’t start with HIM magazine, but this shows a trend in America towards self-centeredness — and this is what has happened to worship in the church.
Isn’t worship blessing God, glorifying Him, magnifying God, the Father and Jesus: “You are worthy; You are holy; We magnify You” — not us?
For the years of my early Christian life, starting in the mid-70s, this was what I saw worship as being. And direct-to-God “You are Worthy” worship songs was what I found worked in Bible school in the early ’80s and other places I led worship.
By ‘worked,’ I mean, when we worshiped God, He was blessed and we were filled with the Holy Spirit in a tangible way. We could feel it.
This wasn’t working as well in the main congregation, which is another story — another factor. God honors people who worship in Spirit and in truth. There was a holiness and a hunger in the students and faculty in Bible school that wasn’t as prevalent in the entire church body, including some of the leaders, unfortunately. Still, the songs sung weren’t “bless me, Lord” songs.
Then came the Vineyard Movement, which I actually have mostly positive feelings about. I appreciated John Wimber’s research into early church history, and his teachings about “Doing the stuff,” doing what Jesus did. He read the Gospels in a whole new way, to find out how Jesus did it. We’re supposed to walk as He walked, right? During this time, I wrote, A Call to Intimacy: The Holy Spirit in John’s Gospel & Epistles. The Bible clearly shows that Jesus was led by the Spirit just as we are to. Jesus was our example that we should follow in His steps. We are even to forgive as He forgave! “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” People are demonized. Our warfare is not against flesh and blood, Paul said. But that’s another subject.
I was also greatly impressed by the Vineyard worship music, before the music died (in the early ’90s). So many great worship songs came from that movement. And I don’t understand why these aren’t still standards. Even at IHOP, rarely do they sing these great songs.
But along with the gold, I saw this tendency start in which this “Holy Spirit, come” theme started appearing, along with the “Bless me, Lord” songs.
What I’ve found is that when we bless God, He blesses us automatically: ~”Draw near to Me and I’ll draw near to you.” James 4:

…it says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 7 Be subject therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Lament, mourn, and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he will exalt you.

Isn’t this how we’re supposed to be filled? It is biblical to be filled with the Spirit. “Don’t be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit.” We should be filled 24/7. It’s a Godly thing to want to be filled, to be soaring in God, experientially. But where does it say we are to tell Him to fill us. “Fill us, Lord!” I hear over and over at the IHOP revival [which I mostly also love very much]. And they sing: “Send your rain.” Do this for us, Lord. We tell You what to do; who is Lord here?
I get so tired of watching the worship during the IHOPU Student Revival, waiting for a worship song that we can all worship God with.
About a week ago, I thought Ryan Kondo was going to lead the group into pure worship, the way he had just done in the IHOP prayer room,  [Screenshots] Ryan Kondo MAXIMUM Worship! The Way I Always Want To LIVE!. He started in the same way, singing the same pure-worship song. But then a singer who is normally not on his team hijacked the song into “fill us, Lord,” and I think it ruined what could have and probably should have happened.
Granted, the people weren’t totally there, ready to worship. There is far too much willful sin that is a salvation issue; though, people are taught it isn’t, even at IHOP. Many were mostly interested in receiving. But that is where worship leaders need to really lead. Real worship leaders go, and then the others follow. It’s easy to go with the flow, staying distant, where people are comfortable, playing “bless me, Lord” songs, or songs about us and God.
And what happened to the intimate ballads from the Vineyard era, like “Isn’t He.” John Wimber wrote that. Why don’t we keep what worked and discard what isn’t really biblical and doesn’t really bless God?
I would like to discard the “bless me” songs. Not long ago, they weren’t even sung at all, in my experience, anyway. Keith Green shows that the concept was there, though, in this song from his album, No Compromise, 1978.

Asleep in the Light

Oh bless me Lord, bless me Lord,
You know it’s all I ever hear
No one aches, no one hurts,
No one even sheds one tear.
But He cries, He weeps, He bleeds,
And He cares for your needs.
And you just lay back
And keep soaking it in

I don’t have any problems with people going to meetings where God is moving in order to get filled with the Spirit. I attended 33 of the 36 meetings that Rodney Howard-Browne held in Anchorage, Alaska. I was touched greatly. I also went to the Toronto blessing twice. If I lived in Kansas, I’d go to some of the IHOP meetings. But this isn’t the revival that is meant to be, yet.
I don’t see any calls for people to get right with those they’ve hurt, which was the hallmark of the Asbury Revival: Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”
And Shelley [a leader at IHOP] got a dream about how Jonathan Edwards is a key to the Third Great Awakening coming, but the IHOP leaders almost totally ignore his theme: Sinners in the hands of a God Who doesn’t have a joyful heart about the state of the church, today. The fact is that most ‘Christians’ aren’t right with God enough to go to heaven: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way, but this doesn’t fit our “we’re saved no matter what” and “God loves us no matter what” theology, that really is from the pit of hell, and is really the number one reason that we’re not seeing full-fledged revival. And it’s the number one reason why people (even most church leaders) aren’t comfortable singing real-worship songs, like I’ve been seeing Jaye Thomas do on the few occasions he’s led in the IHOP prayer room, recently. I would love to see him be allowed to lead worship during an awakening meeting. And I’m hoping that he’ll have the guts to worship no matter what, just like he’s been doing in the prayer room: [Screenshots] IHOP Real-Worship Leader: Jaye Thomas!!!
Where did the “bless me, Lord,” “fill us, Lord” trend actually originate? I think it mainly came from the Vineyard movement.
It’s buried in a box, somewhere, so I can’t quote the reference, but I read in a book that I bought in the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship book store something like this. Apparently, John Wimber taught that they found a prayer in the early church fathers writings, which I think was something like “Come, Holy Spirit” [If anyone knows the exact prayer quote, I’m interested.], and this is mainly what they based the “fill us, Lord” concept on.
I’m very thankful for what God is doing at IHOP. And I greatly appreciate what Mike Bickle and Wes Hall have done to create this great atmosphere in which God is definitely moving. But this is just a drop in the bucket, as Wes so often states. He talks about the River flowing.
Well, what is keeping The River from flowing? I think it’s unbiblical doctrine about who goes to heaven. That’s number one. And that is part of why attendees don’t want to directly worship God in their hearts.
But reverse-worship is also a great problem. And I see it wasting so much time, which we really don’t have right now.
May we get our doctrines right, including what worship really is.
“He is the potter; we are the clay.” He doesn’t obey us; we obey Him. Who is Lord? Worship is about Him, not about us.
We need a vision of how great He really is, how holy He really is. Jaye Thomas recently sung:

There is One seated on the throne, He is God,
seated on the throne, and He is holy

“We join with the four living creatures.
We sing the song that the angels sing.
We want to know what they know.
We want to see what they see when they cry holy, holy, holy!

We sing holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.
We sing holy, holy, holy is the Lamb!

Reverse-Christianity is taking us down. But real Christianity can take us up where we belong — soaring in Him — right with one another — pure and clean — in fear and awe and in love with Him.
We can be ONE with Him when we are ONE with each other, Jesus prayed in John 17. “Then the world will know.”
This “bless me, Lord” stuff….
Let’s worship Him alone. Paul talked about how we’d worship the creation instead of the Creator. This is happening in America, big-time! Look at the emphasis on the human body. Romans 1 isn’t just about homosexuality. It’s not even mainly about homosexuality. It’s about worshiping the creation instead of the Creator. This is our sin.
“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Draw near to Him and He’ll draw near to you.”
It’s guaranteed. He will fill us when we worship Him in Spirit and in truth. We don’t have to ask Him to — or tell Him to [God is so amazingly patient in putting up with all of this, I think. I don’t even hear a ‘please’]. He will just do it. It’s as sure as gravity.
Power to the peaceful.
Which reminds me: when are evangelical Christians going to publicly repent for supporting the reverse-Christian wars? Our hands have to be clean, you all.
“What are we waiting for,” I believe I just heard.
What is Real Revival?

[Screenshots] IHOP Real-Worship Leader: Jaye Thomas!!!

Jaye is absolutely my current favorite IHOP worship leader. But I don’t know why they only let him take the helm recently, and only in the Prayer Room. He has been a singer on Cory’s team.
I say real-worship in my title because much of what is called worship is not. And this has been really frustrating to me. “Bless me” songs are never worship — and can even be worship of self. And songs that are merely about God are also often not real worship.
Real worship is direct-to-God “YOU are AWESOME — “Holy, Holy, Holy…!!” In this God is blessed and we can soar to heights… — doing the greatest commandment!!!
I’ve been repeating over and over the inspirational-to-the-MAX portions of his sessions via this method The Prayer Room at IHOP: How to navigate the Archives player…, and I am so blessed!!!
Thank you, Jaye and IHOP!
Screenshots chosen and processed by myself from a recent real-worship session with Jaye leading Cory’s team. Laura is sitting in Jaye’s seat, and Cory is just playing guitar.





[screenshots] Jaye Thomas leading worship at the IHOP Awakening 3/26/10

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: "There is MIGHT and there is POWER and there is GLORY, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…"

I got this word from God for a church founder in Anchorage, 20 years ago, while getting ready to discuss with the then, head pastor what I had recently been shown about why God couldn’t move in our church. It says a lot about what needs to happen for real Christianity and full revival to occur.
And this is also a salvation issue:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

This is the prophecy that inspired my license plate:

Aug, 9,1990

“Our eyes are full of sawdust. We can’t see clearly to see the kingdom. There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to feel his hurt deeply and say kind words of salve that heal their souls.

[D–––] can do this. This is vital. They are necessary. For he must do this for healing to occur. He is a man of integrity in many ways.

Fear must decrease. Love must increase. He will fight and he will win the battle over the stronghold of fear and unforgiveness, sayeth the Lord.”

Prophetic Vision of Two Rivers — Many MINISTERS BEGIN in the CLEAN river, that only PUBLIC REPENTANCE & HUMILITY can restore • “He wouldn’t endure SOUND DOCTRINE,” utterly convinced he was alive • Highly trained character ASSASSINS stop at nothing to silence those who speak out and challenge carnal practices of the modern church system • Clearest, MOST BEAUTIFUL WATER I’ve ever seen, living and vibrant, where His POWER and ANOINTING was found!!!

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

Effects of the WELSH REVIVAL 1904-05: Whole communities were radically changed FROM DEPRAVITY TO GLORIOUS GOODNESS. The CRIME RATE dropped, often to nothing. THE POLICE had little more to do than supervise the coming and going of the people to the chapel prayer meetings. THE UNDERGROUND MINES echoed with the sounds of PRAYER and HYMNS, instead of nasty jokes and gossip. People who had fallen out BECAME FRIENDS AGAIN!!!!!!!

(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’m free!’”

Rick Joyner: “REPENTANCE includes RESTITUTION for the wrongs that have caused injury to others”

What Does God Say About Lying PRESStitutes, Politicians & Pastors: “ALL LIARS, their part is in the lake that burns with fire”

Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” What if you don’t repent? And what will happen when you do? The Third Great Awakening can start with us!!! We can all be happy — ‘ONE’!

Prophecy: Jesus’ Heart-Cry: “Let Us Be ONE” — Life has ceased for a reason. The church is dirty, a place of filth. It is not My home. How can I dwell among an unclean people who hurt each other, who tell each other stories, who hurt from the heart those that care?

Why Leaders Won’t Repent: “I was HURTING INSIDE, but I was much TOO PROUD TO SHOW IT.” “A leader has to have been broken in order to get himself out of the way and realize that he’s not really in the control he thinks he is.” “My gods were ‘get ahead,’ ‘get power.’ I really enjoyed it. I loved being saluted” – Chuck Colson

The Achan Factor — Because of one man’s disobedience the entire nation of Israel had to deal with the “Achan factor” among them before they could come under the umbrella of Almighty God’s blessings once again!

Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified

How Jezebel Killed One of the Greatest Revivals Ever — Before Azusa Street in 1906, there was the Welsh Revival in 1904

(video) The Azusa Street Revival (1906-15): The biggest move of miracles in the history of America — The fire of God’s glory on the roof! “Even the fingernails grew back!” In 1909, Seymour prophesied the next, even greater revival will come in about 100 years! We’re due!!!

Wes Hall [IHOP] on William Seymour’s *1909 prophecy* of the SHEKINAH GLORY RETURNING to the church *in 100 years*: “Let me tell you about the church in the book of Acts. ..the fear of God was on the community, and…they were highly esteemed” | My theory …

The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “How upside-down the ‘church’ is today.”
The R-Word: ‘Reconciliation’ is Required to Worship in Spirit and in Truth — Why is this key to revival a taboo subject?

“No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible”
Leaders Who Have Hurt People But Refuse to Repent

Hume on Reconciliation: ~”IF YOU’VE MADE A MISTAKE, a blunder, ADMIT IT to yourself, and then GO to the people affected by it, and admit it to them, and TELL THEM YOU’RE SORRY — FULL-HEARTedly and OPENLY. People who do that make an enormous impression. It is the RIGHT, MORAL and SMART thing to do.”

My comment on Francis Frangipane’s post: “Francis, do you remember how you prophesied in Wasilla, Alaska about the REVIVAL happening up here to such a great degree that…” | Paul made sure he was right with everyone, but how many pastors can say that today? | “There is might and there is power and there is GLORY, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right…

(video) A taste of JESUS’ AGONY because His people have HURT SO MANY… – Gary Clark Jr: When My Train Pulls In (Live at Farm Aid 2014)

My Dream of ‘ONE’ Happening at Abbott Loop CC!
Awakening Meetings End at IHOP. Why?

Benny Hester: “When God Ran” — God will RUN when we come back to Him!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”
If we build it He will come:

“Let Us Be ONE” (A Revival Prophecy)

[photo] Abbott Loop Christian Center (Abbott Loop Community Church) — 198


[Screenshots] Ryan Kondo MAXIMUM Worship! The Way I Always Want To LIVE!

Compiled and processed by Jeff Fenske from:  super-hot, IHOP Prayer Room worship, 3/6/09, described here

This is how I want to always live!

You shall love the LORD your God

with all your heart

with all your soul

with all your mind

and with all your strength!


Ryan Kondo/Band fade

Ryan at maximum!

Drummer kickin’ it hard!!

This is awesome — YOU are so awesome, Victory, Freedom Fists!!!


Ryan Kondo (IHOP worship leader): “Business as usual will not do anymore. … The hour is late, the need is great, will you answer My call?”

Abbott Loop has apparently joined the once-saved-always-saved camp — "the doctrine that’s bringing US down into the pit" and keeping us apart. But what does the Bible really say?

[Updated 9/15/14 with additional text and reformatting]

Please also see:

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there isglory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

I have to say that I’m kind of flabbergasted, and for sure, disappointed, but at least it’s out in the open now. And this is partly what has encouraged me to finally, officially launch My $6,000 Challenge! I will give $6,000 to anyone who can refute my Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way article.


I am convinced that once-saved-always-saved (OSAS or eternal security) is The Great Deception and the main reason for the fall of real Christianity and the fall of America. I have written Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?, which no one has been able to refute, and is basically the opposite of what was taught in Anchorage one week ago, in the church that at one time used to be so into holiness.

I attended part of Abbott Loop Community Church‘s Sunday service on 2/28/10. For the first time, ever, I heard from the pulpit once-saved-always-saved taught as fact. It was just a side-note to the message on wisdom, but it’s plain as day. According to Joshua Tanner, a born-again Christian “can have sexual immorality,” “lie and steal,” and Jesus will accept him into heaven. He just doesn’t get his “gift.”

Here is my transcription from the podcast, Call to Character – Wisdom (starting at minute-37), head pastor Joshua Tanner speaking [he was actually joking around quite a bit and impersonating goofy voices, which is part of the reason for the congregation laughing. But this is no laughing matter].
Josh starts out well, saying:

“What they ought to be: you love correction enough to first even look at the Word and say ‘my life’s not in alignment.'”

But then he says:

“Not go: [in a goofy voice] ‘It doesn’t really mean that I can’t have sexual immorality, and I can’t live, you know and lie and steal, and do whatever I want. It doesn’t really mean that. Grace, it’s all covered by the grace of God. I can do whatever I want. I’m going to stand before Jesus and He’s going to love me anyway.’

Yeah, He is going to love you. And He took all judgment on you for all those decisions you’re going to make. But you know what you’re going to do: live a powerish, lame, weak life. You’re going to stand before God and He’s going to go, ‘why? [in a goofy voice] Ohhhh. No gift for you [congregation laughs]. [Josh laughs] Right.

Like, ‘over to the healing leaves. You go to the healing leaves.’ That’s in Revelation. I don’t know what those are, but there’s the healing leaves for the saints.

[goofy voice] ‘Oh sweet Lord. I don’t know why I was so foolish, mmmm. I had all the truth I could ever want. Those healing leaves, healing leaves. Man, these things don’t smell good. Why, Lord?’ [congregation laughing]”

‘Fables’ taught by Mark Drake in Anchorage: Jesus didn’t really mean that we must ‘overcome’ in Revelation 2 & 3 = Steve Hill’s Lie #2, 3 & 5

Is It Right: To Judge, To Expose Error & To Name Names? — Those who are faithful in exposing error according to the Bible are now being widely denounced, and are accused of being unloving and unkind

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT.”

The meaning of “Grace” (χαρις) in the Bible: It’s not what you think?
How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many Find the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%!?!!

Kevin Conner on the Believer’s CONDITIONAL Security: “OBEDIENCE IS the very law of SECURITY for all created beings. There can be NO SUCH THING as UNCONDITIONAL security.”

(Video) Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved — Joe Schimmel (known for They Sold Their Souls for Rock N Roll – demolishes OSAS!)

David Pawson on Paul and James: Paul was defending Gentiles from Jewish *works-of-the-law* legalism; James was defending Jews from Gentile license to sin. • When Paul says ‘works’ he means *works of the law,* but James means *actions*. • “Faith without actions cannot save you.” • FAITH + ACTIONS = SAVING FAITH!

The CHIEF PILLAR of Eternal Security (OSAS) Toppled – John 10:27-29! — “Only those who are hearing and following Christ right now are his sheep

[ Video ] Dan Corner Interview: The Believer’s Conditional Security
The Believer’s Conditional Security : Eternal Security Refuted, by Dan Corner (801 page end-of-story book, but doesn’t cover who then does go to heaven, biblically)

[ Video ] Francis Chan left his 1600 member church to reassess. “There’s a LACK OF PEACE in so many people … WE PRETEND.” “There is this NARROW ROAD … FEW will find it.” “Let’s go back to what THE TRUTH has always been…and has NEVER BEEN POPULAR.”

Why are WORSHIP SERVICES DEAD? God OPPOSES the PROUD, but He longs to give grace to the humble. ” • “THERE IS MIGHT and there is POWER and there is GLORY, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right…”

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

Effects of the WELSH REVIVAL 1904-05: Whole communities were radically changed FROM DEPRAVITY TO GLORIOUS GOODNESS. The CRIME RATE dropped, often to nothing. THE POLICE had little more to do than supervise the coming and going of the people to the chapel prayer meetings. THE UNDERGROUND MINES echoed with the sounds of PRAYER and HYMNS, instead of nasty jokes and gossip. People who had fallen out BECAME FRIENDS AGAIN!!!!!!!

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there isglory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

Rick Joyner: “REPENTANCE includes RESTITUTION for the wrongs that have caused injury to others”

Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” What if you don’t repent? And what will happen when you do? The Third Great Awakening can start with us!!! We can all be happy — ‘ONE’!

(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’m free!’”

The Achan Factor — Because of one man’s disobedience the entire nation of Israel had to deal with the “Achan factor” among them before they could come under the umbrella of Almighty God’s blessings once again!

Wes Hall [IHOP] on William Seymour’s 1909 prophecy of the shekinah glory returning to the church in 100 years: “Let me tell you about the church in the book of Acts. …the fear of God was on the community, and no one dared join them. But they were highly esteemed. Why did no one dare join them?”

The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “How upside-down the ‘church’ is today.”

My Dream of ‘ONE’ Happening at Abbott Loop CC!

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You

My comment on Francis Frangipane’s post: “Francis, do you remember how you prophesied in Wasilla, Alaska about the REVIVAL happening up here to such a great degree that…” | Paul made sure he was right with everyone, but how many pastors can say that today? | “There is might and there is power and there is GLORY, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right…

No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible
Leaders Who Have Hurt People But Refuse to Repent (prophecy)

[WordPower!] In Psalm 50 God Warns: “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. … Now consider this…lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver” (Hell?)

The Azusa Street Revival (1906-15): The biggest move of miracles in the history of America — The fire of God’s glory on the roof! “Even the fingernails grew back!” In 1909, Seymour prophesied the next revival will come in about 100 years! We’re due!!!

Rhydian Roberts: The Prayer — “Let this be our prayer WHEN WE LOSE OUR WAY. Lead us…guide us with your grace to A PLACE WHERE WE’LL BE SAFE (Rhydian Roberts is Welsh, by the way)

Theme for the Third Great Awakening, Rhydian Roberts: Somewhere — “We’ll find a new way of living. We’ll find a way of forgiving – Somehow – Someday – Somewhere!” — ‘ONE’ Will Happen!!!!!!!

[ video – The MOST BEAUTIFUL SONG! ] Benny Hester: “When God Ran

My $6,000 Challenge! I will give $6,000 to anyone who can refute my "Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way" article

My $6,000 Challenge!

I will now [as of 9/8/10] give $6,000 to anyone who can refute my Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? article.

There is no time to be low key about this any more. I am convinced that once-saved-always-saved (OSAS) has all but destroyed the church in America — and America, itself! And many are going to hell having been taught they are going to heaven.

And this is the message that Americans have spread throughout the world! This is so serious — and tragic beyond belief!!

But there is a remedy: sound doctrine returning to the land — which I think will lay the necessary groundwork so the Third Great Awakening can revive the church in America and throughout the world!

I have made this offer before, first $500, then $1,000, in comments in this site. I didn’t want to present it front and center for a number of reasons. The main reason is that I thought I could get deluged with challenges that would take more time than I have to keep up with. I also wanted to be certain that God wanted me to take this step.

I believe I have the go-ahead, and $1,500 [now $3,000 $6,000] is a figure that is more than I would have wanted to venture. I’m pretty much a paycheck to paycheck kind of guy. But it’s also a sum that will make the challenge more worthwhile to take on.

If this study really is faulty, it would be easy for theologians to refute it and collect an easy $1,500 $3,000 $6,000, right? But if this study is truly sound, then why is once-saved-always-saved (and similar: “it’s hard to lose one’s salvation”) taught almost universally throughout America and the world — in seminaries, churches, on radio (including the songs) and TV?

Have millions of Americans been brainwashed into believing a false doctrine that has literally brought America to the brink — and we’re bringing down many nations with us? The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? explains how ‘Christians’ willful sin is destroying America — not the liberals, etc..

I am convinced that once saved, always saved (and similar) is the number one doctrine that is destroying the church in America, and is keeping real Christianity from happening, so that I’m willing to make this offer.

Now, what are the conditions?

• This offer is only to the first person who can successfully refute my article.

• Who is the jury? You are. If someone is successful, it will be evident to all, for I won’t delete any challenges that give me a run for the money. If comments are lengthy, I reserve the right to delete them (with notation), because I can’t overload the comment section of a post with super long comments. However, if the comments are too long, perhaps it would work to post lengthy comments in their own post. We’ll see. If your comments are at all long, will you please post them under this article, not at Who-Goes-To-Heaven…? I’m not sure what my options are if I get tons of comments, especially if they are long. This was one of my hesitations in more boldly presenting this challenge. But so far, no one has taken me up on it, so it’s possible that when people read what these scriptures say, they’ll realize there is no way to refute what is so clearly fact.

Also, please feel free to read the many comments under Who-Goes-To-Heaven… and the related articles, especially:

Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved

Dan Corner Interview: The Believer’s Conditional Security

• I’m personally into the truth, whatever it is. If someone does successfully refute this article, then I will embrace the truth. I don’t think it’s possible to refute this, but we’ll see. I have looked at this from so many angle, and have been led by the Holy Spirit (Whom Jesus said is supposed to lead us into all truth) on a number of occasions to help me. I had a very significant dream about 20 years ago, and this is also a prime example: Let Us Be ONE — a 34-part prophecy.

• Also, I haven’t made a succinct conclusion. I’m not going to say precisely where the line is in who goes to heaven. I present scriptures that are pretty clear in themselves, and together, they present the picture.

• If one, or perhaps a few of my quotations can be shown to not apply to salvation, I would like to know this, but that isn’t refuting the entire article. In order to collect the money, the challenger would have to demonstrate that the gist of this presentation is not on track. You would have to successfully demonstrate that the main idea that I’m presenting here isn’t true regarding who actually goes to heaven, biblically.

• I have never done this kind of thing before and I’m not a legal expert, so if I’m leaving something out here that I shouldn’t have, I reserve the right to be able to correct this error. This is out in the open, so you all will be able to witness the progression of events.

• I should also say that I’ll probably be making small changes to this post and some changes to my Who-Goes-To-Heaven article. But its theme has been basically the same in the more than three years it’s been up. Changes have mainly been in adding additional material.

• It really does appear that no one will be able to refute my article. Please pray about how you can help these truths become mainstream. And I’m open to comments and suggestions. We can no longer be crippled by the doctrine that Martin Luther made popular, based mainly upon Paul’s introductory comments, ignoring the meat of what Jesus, Paul and many other New Testament teachers taught. Luther even knew his doctrine wasn’t biblically cogent: Martin Luther’s Subordinate Bible Books: Hebrews, James, Jude & Revelation.

• If you read Who-Goes-To-Heaven…, you’ll see that I believe that the Bible teaches that liars can’t go to heaven. So I’m especially not going to do anything deceptive here to get out of paying out the $1,500 $3,000 $6,000 to someone who really deserves it. So feel free to contact your pastors, seminary professors, biblical scholars. It’s time to get this issue settled, to crucify once and for all OSAS, eternal security and “It’s hard to lose one’s salvation.”

• Also, I reserve the right to discontinue this offer if I do end up getting swamped with challenges. But if I pull the offer, it won’t be because someone successfully succeeded in challenging me. I have a lot to do besides this. I’m not making any money from my labor at these sites. I’m doing this solely to help get the word out, so real Christianity can finally happen at the group level, and so the percentage of who goes to heaven skyrockets! And ONE can happen so the Pete Townshends know!
We need revival!!!

I would appreciate your prayers. This theology upsets the apple cart, to say the least. Many ‘Christians’ (especially pastors) really do James-3 curse people who challenge their comfort zone. I have an entire category on just this subject, which is really a serious, little-understood epidemic. And those who have taught once saved, always saved (and similar) for years know should be worried about the serious trouble they are in. But the point is to find out now, while we still have time to get real Christianity going, despite what happens to our world as we know it.

The hour is late, the need is great. Business as usual will not do anymore.

God bless! May we all come to the knowledge of the truth. ONE can happen (Jesus’ heart-cry for us in John 17). “Then the world will know.” Now, the world smells a stinky rat.
We can do better. We can be ONE with each other, truly in Him!

Could it be that when the real gospel is preached to the whole world, then the end will come. I think it will become evident that what we’ve spread around the world is largely a false gospel — deceiving many from America.

The world deserves to hear and see the real thing!

We need to get this very important doctrine finally right!

Let’s be ONE!


Jeff Fenske
Anchorage, Alaska


I’m Doubling My Salvation Bible Doctrine Challenge to $6,000!

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

[Photo] Daniel Rodes and Me in Alaska



Myself and Daniel Rodes at Alyeska

Daniel Rodes Prophecy 2/28/09: What Will Happen to Our Little Ones?

Mom with Esther and Daniel Rodes


Mom, Esther and Daniel Rodes at Alyeska

Photo: Joe Schimmel at 2004 Radio Liberty Conference — "They Sold their Souls for Rock -N- Roll!"


Joe Schimmel giving his They Sold Their Souls for Rock -N- Roll presentation
at the Radio Liberty 2004 Conference

This is where Joe and I discussed once-saved-always-saved
and Robert Shank’s books:
Life in the Son and Elect in the Son


[4-hour video exposé] Joe Schimmel: They Sold Their Souls to Rock ‘n Roll! — Actual quotes from musicians we know…

Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved

"Jeff, would I be correct in surmising that you subscribe to Oneness Pentecostalism?" My answer …

Carl, a reader asked:

Jeff, would I be correct in surmising that you subscribe to Oneness Pentecostalism (Apostolic Pentecostalism)?

I thought I’d share this with everyone in a post.
It’s now easy for me to say where I am politically, because of this one man, Ron Paul. I’m close to being a pure libertarian. I pretty much believe what Ron Paul teaches and practices, including how we should treat other nations regarding war. Who would Jesus bomb? “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Where does this leave the mostly warmongering, Republican ‘church?’ Children of God if they’re not peacemakers?
My other freedom site,, demonstrates this.
But regarding a denomination designation, I’m not as easily defined. If we had a right-on-in-doctrine denomination we would have had revival and real Christianity a long time ago, I believe.
I had to look up oneness pentecostalism in Wikipedia  to refresh my memory as to some of their finer points.
I’m definitely not Jesus-only. I believe in one God in three persons. I’m not sure where the Holy Spirit fits in though (I’m not sure anyone does). Jesus and the Father are certainly separate-yet-one. Perhaps the Holy Spirit is a separate person too? I sometimes refer to th Holy Spirit by name.
I don’t believe that Jesus-name baptism is biblical, either; though, the church I attended for years (and likely will again) at least used to teach that. I believe it’s false doctrine.
And I do believe that Jesus has a dress code, but it’s simply this: Jesus’ Dress Code. In this, Jesus says: “Give people space, as long as it’s holy.” I also wrote: The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy. This is serious. Lust is clearly a salvation issue. God’s standard hasn’t changed along with society.
And since I just linked to part of my Let Us Be ONE prophecy, I definitely believe that every Christian can and should hear God’s voice, but most ‘Christians’ have so many demons in them that they can’t tell which voice is God’s: There Should Only Be One Voice.
And some people really are prophets (Eph. 4:11), but today’s Christianity largely shuns, even prays against (James-3 curses) the real ones. Yesterday’s men don’t want to be bothered by tomorrow’s men. “Many don’t even know they are yesterday’s men,” R. T. Kendall. Most pastors are yesterday’s men, way out of touch with God’s will because they think they can function properly without prophetic people’s balancing effect. I’ve led a very lonely life. It’s so frustrating to have the answers and not only get dissed, but James-3 cursed every single day, many times.
I don’t know of even one church that understands the current James-3-cursing epidemic! Many Curse Others From Their Hurts Deep Within and A Gift that Will Set Many Free! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls).
How’s this one: “Blessed Subtractions” = Pastors ‘Praying’ People Out of Their Churches
The only book that I’m aware of written on the subject is written by: Dennis Cramer: “Most ‘Christians’ curse for the purpose of retaliation and vindication … ‘Christian’ leaders are even more vulnerable”.
It’s like friendly fire in the military. But in the church, those who have the information vital for moving the army forward to win the battle get shot at from within the ‘church.’ So forward progress has been almost impossible, especially when it comes to reforming the doctrines of demons, which I think are really exactly that.
And many ‘Christians’ (especially the leaders) have so many demons in them that they don’t even know they’re demon driven. And many churches don’t believe a demon can even be in them.
I do believe very strongly that Jesus wants us all to be ONE with each other in Him, according to John 17. But this is far different than where most Pentecostal churches are today. Most pentecostals probably hardly ever speak in tongues too.
I believe that all Christians can and should speak in tongues. This is the number one way to deal with demons, to build up our faith. And we can pray for others in tongues too. But hardly anyone teaches this; though, I think it’s easily clinically and scientifically verifiable/provable.
I definitely do *NOT* believe a person needs to speak in tongues to be a Christian (contrary to what some pentecostals believe). But I think it would be really hard to be holy without speaking in tongues, though, at least in this severely backslidden church period. Once revival happens, tongues won’t be as crucial as they are now. There will be a lot of real worship, real holiness, and we’ll be one.
Tongues, to me, are Christianity 101. When I became a Christian, I knew somehow that the road would not be easy and that I needed everything I could to make it. So I pursued this gift; though, I ended up needing help in Anchorage to get over the fear of saying something that wasn’t of God. I would have been dead long ago without having AND USING this gift.
From my experience, this is our personal prayer language primarily given to us so we can deal with the demonic without having to know the yukky actualities of what we’re dealing with. I wrote a long comment on this: I’ve finally shared much of what I know about and what can be done through the TREMENDOUS and mostly misunderstood and underused gift of tongues. A reader thankfully put me over the edge : )
But I get along with those who choose not to do this too. But usually, it’s so obvious they could do so much better if they used the gift God is so eager to give them — if we’d only be like little children. I’ve learned not to push, to give people space. I’m learning to be a libertarian spiritually, as well as politically.
I would agree with the oneness pentecostals that holiness follows salvation, rather than causes it. But most pentecostals are mostly into the “it’s hard to lose one’s salvation” brand of OSAS. Most pentecostals really aren’t into real holiness. I believe we must be right with God and people enough (according to what the Bible says: Who-Goes-To-Heaven…/Who are the children of God), so that we have a clear conscience so we will have faith to enter heaven when we meet the Holy Judge face to face (1 John).
Most pentecostal churches are currently spiritually dead; though, maybe they once had a reputation for being alive. And often, even then they were really still in trouble (Rev. 3:1-6).
I only know of one church leader who teaches somewhat closely to what I do regarding salvation, but he’s no longer leading a specific church: Daniel Rodes [the site is buggy though, I just discovered]. And we developed our doctrines independently. He’s amazing! I know him and his wife very well from our visits. We definitely don’t agree on everything, but that doesn’t affect our friendship adversely. Which brings up this doctrine that is so popular in pentecostal churches, as they keep the law in the new covenant church.
I am totally against the old covenant doctrine of tithing. Tithing is reverse-Holy-Spirit-led, and this is part of what kills the revivals. I wrote this: The Day that Tithing Ended — To Now Be Led By the Holy Spirit. And if anyone is still skeptical, this should put this forever bury this false doctrine: Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Tithing is Not a Christian Doctrine.
I suppose I’m somewhat into restorationism — that the early church (before ~100 A.D.) had the real thing happening, and we need to get that back. Although, it’s clear in Rev. 2 and 3 that most of the churches at that point had serious problems.
I consider this time to be a fabulous time to do research to discover what is true doctrinally and experientially. We have so much church history and tools available that we have no excuse. And now we have the end of America to help speed up the process.
I firmly believe that false doctrine is the number one problem in the church, and contrary to popular belief, we need true doctrine will get us back on our feet, jumping for joy!!!
I also LOVE worship with instruments too, including electric guitar, keyboards, drums, etc.. Some pentecostals shun modern instruments as if they’re demonic in themselves. I think the key is that the musicians must be holy to be able to worship in Spirit and in truth. It’s not about us. It’s about Him. Most worship leaders, today, don’t really worship, themselves, while they’re supposedly leading others. And the pastors accept this dead, non-worship because in their sin, many are actually uncomfortable in the presence of God. If God would show up in glory like He did in Acts, I think many pastors would be struck dead. Which is probably the main reason God doesn’t show up in His manifest presence. We must be holy first. Mike Bickle: Making a Purity Covenant so the HOLY Spirit can come and we won’t get zapped … to bless His heart — that we may be ONE!
There will be a day when we’re all holy. I just hope it happens before we totally lose our country. It should have happened many years ago. Then Christians would have voted for Ron Paul and our country would be in good shape.
I believe it’s too late for that now: ‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”
Having said all that, if someone asks me to categorize myself, I usually just say I’m a non-denominational charismatic; though, that doesn’t really say who I am.
And Calvinists call me Arminian, as far as my belief that God sovereignly has decided to give us all free will. And it doesn’t give Him glory to say that He is sovereign dictator of everything. This would make Him an ogre. God wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Jesus died for everyone, but it’s up to us as the Holy Spirit enables us, gives us grace to overcome.
And then, being born-again is just the start of our adventure in God — within His parameters — He who loves us so much!
Jeff Fenske
Chip Brogden: What is Spiritual Unity?

My notes: R. T. Kendall's last 2010 AK conference message — "Total Forgiveness Part 2: Forgiving Yourself"

Let’s forget the past
Paul was in charge of stoning Stephen, governing the whole thing
Forgetting what is behind
When you forgive others you give them a gift they didn’t deserve.
Forgiving ourselves: give yourself a gift that you don’t deserve.
When you forgive yourself you are honoring the blood, honoring Jesus.
It’s what the Devil doesn’t want us to do. The Devil likes us to feel the guilt.
The peace and joy, the absence of the guilt
Will find one’s calling
Will help you to love people, because now you’re preocupied with yourself.
People will want to love you more
What it will do for your own health: emotional and physical
True guilt: when we’ve sinned against God
Pseudo guilt: what God didn’t put there
True guilt doesn’t concern most, worrying what God thinks

Pseudo guilt does, worrying what people think

The sign of spirituality is when we’re concerned about what God thinks
The 3 Rs (dealing with the Devil)
Creation + Environment + the Holy Spirit = the way God made you
You can hold against God whatever happened to you, or…
Romans 8:28 All things work together for good…
But that doesn’t make what we did right
When we wait, He works
When we work, He waits
R. T. told of a story how he had neglected his family for a season in order to do a lot of sermons. And this bothered him for apparently decades. Now, his son does his website, and daughter….
Matthew 1:6 Bathsheba was Solomon’s mother, but that doesn’t make what David did right.
Don’t for one minute justify what is in our past
Realize what the blood does for our sin
And what the blood does for God
Song by Janny Grimes: Stronger Than Before
Broken wings take time to mend
Before they learn to fly again
On the breath of God they’ll soar
They’ll be stronger than before

Don’t look back into the past
What was fire now is ash
Let it all be dead and gone
The time is now for movin’ on

On the breath of God I’ll soar
I’ll be stronger than before.

I give myself a gift that I don’t deserve
The time has come for moving on.
R. T. did not say that we don’t have to get right with those we’ve hurt

My notes: R. T. Kendall’s 4th message at Muldoon A of G: On being tomorrow’s man or woman | Being thankful for everything! | The most neglected teaching on the Holy Spirit: The dove is a very shy, sensitive bird. You can be in a car and someone is driving so slow in front of you and the Dove just flies away. Or “I’m just telling the truth,” but the Dove flies away. Let’s learn to get the Dove to come down and maybe the FIRE will fall!

My notes continue from the live feed of R. T. Kendall’s Tuesday, PM message
Info on conference is in previous posts.

How you may know you are tomorrow’s man or tomorrow’s woman.
Prayer: “May we see more from Your word on this very teaching.”
R. T.’s book on this subject: The Anointing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Yesterday’s Man: King Saul
Today’s Man: [used words to describe rather than mention a person]
Tomorrow’s Man: David
David got anointed, and then Saul got so jealous…. David had to run from Saul for 20 years.
Quoted someone who said: “The worst thing that can happen to a man is to succeed before you’re ready.”
Big mistake to assume that just because you have the anointing you’re ready.
God has done you a great favor by withholding … because you’re not ready yet.
R. T.’s story: It took 22 years for him to realize what God called him to do.
That’s the pain about being tomorrow’s man: waiting, waiting, waiting.
I want to end well.
King Saul went up with a rocket and everyone was in awe of him….
“He was underestimated by the established leadership” — “rejected by….”
God wants the anointing from you without trying to be anyone else.
Joseph had to forgive his brothers totally!
“Mercy” is when He gives you what you don’t deserve. Hb. 4:16. You never outgrow the need for mercy.
David also learned the importance of gratitude — being thankful.
Before you can be used and before your time has come it may be that God wants to teach you gratitude, being thankful.
God loves gratitude, and hates ingratitude. And gratitude needs to be taught.
“I decided I would be grateful and thank God for everything.”
I keep a journal. I go through my journal every day and thank God for everything in every day before.
I thank God for these snow capped mountains [the Chugach!].
Tell Him. He wants to be told.
You need to develop a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
Let God’s time be the arm of providence. David clipped a piece off the hem of Saul’s garment and felt guilty.
I think this is the most neglected teaching of the Holy Spirit.
The dove is a very shy, sensitive bird. The pigeon is a symbol of the counterfeit spirit.
To have the authentic, true, Holy Spirit show up is so wonderful.
You can be in a car and someone is driving so slow in front of us and the Dove just flies away….
The easiest thing is to grieve the Holy Spirit.
R. T. talked about the difference between pigeons and doves. Though, they’re in the same family, one is shy and one isn’t. Pigeons will eat food right from people’s bodies.
One family had a dove living in the eave (or something) of their house. But even if they just slammed the door the dove would fly away. They liked that dove, so they tried to not slam doors so he/she would stay.
His book on this subject: The Sensitivity of the Spirit
He won’t adjust to you. You better adjust to Him, and He won’t bend the rules for anybody.
You develop a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit so when you grieve Him you know….
He wants you to know His ways, and that comes by spending time with Him.
A survey of how much Christian leaders pray: 4 minutes. And you wonder why the church is powerless.
Spirituality: closing the time gap between sin and repentance.
If you can narrow the time gap to few seconds…. The Dove will just come down and stay.
Jesus never grieved the Holy Spirit.
The chief way is by bitterness. Point the finger; hold a grudge.
I’m just telling the truth.” But the Dove flies away.
You can be perfectly right and perfectly wrong.
Either the Dove adjusts to us or we adjust to the Dove.
Let’s learn to get the Dove to come down and maybe the fire will fall.
“The Lord works for those who wait for Him.”
Waiting for you time to come; learning what grieves the Holy Spirit.
An illustration with his wife where he apologized after an argument, and in 45 minutes with the Lord afterward, he had everything for his sermon, the next day; though, he couldn’t get a thing before repenting.
“The Dove was at home with Jesus. I want him to be at home with me.”
I resolve to be a thankful person. Holy Spirit, come and remain. May your Holy Spirit dwell non-stop.
I haven’t spent the time with You. I’m sorry. That’s going to change.
Thank You for Your patience with me.
In Jesus’ name.
Go in peace.
My Notes: R. T. Kendall’s 3rd message at Muldoon Community Assembly: My notes — “The Anointing: Today’s Man”
Watching R. T. Kendall via live webstream: My notes — “The Anointing: Yesterday’s Man”
Awesome R. T. Kendall forgiving message and response at ALCC today!

My Notes: R. T. Kendall's 3rd message at Muldoon Community Assembly: My notes — "The Anointing: Today's Man"

I thought I’d share my notes, again. This time, R. T. is speaking about Today’s Man & the Anointing. This may or may not be close to the actual title. I missed the beginning and part of the middle.
Video tapes (and probably audio) are to available at the church’s site, it was said.
R. T. Kendall is in Anchorage for a conference at Muldoon Community Assembly of God church. He’s speaking all four days (1/31 – 2/3). Here is the schedule: This is where the conference can be watched online, live only:
Yesterday’s man or woman has no sense that they are yesterday’s man. They have no idea they are yesterday’s man.
Today’s man is required to go outside his/her comfort zone
Tomorrow’s man (the wave of the future) is painful because they’re waiting for their time to come and don’t know how long it will be.
Today’s man has to accept the stigma, longing for people to understand.
What is outside your comfort zone today will be in your comfort zone tomorrow.
If you want to be today’s man or woman, you have to go outside your comfort zone.
Arthur Blessit example: “Circumstances don’t change the commitment.”
God told Blessit to carry the cross two days after he knew he found out he had a brain aneurism.
[missed 10 minutes]
[also, R. T. pushed grace + nothing — trusting, alone]
In order to be today’s man and not yesterday’s man, we have to be willing to admit when we’ve gotten it wrong.
The verse that has governed R. T. more than any: John 5:44 …seek the honor that comes from God only.

“How can you believe, who receive glory from one another, and you don’t seek the glory that comes from the only God?”

As long as we are looking over our shoulder’s: “what will people think?”
“If You say it I’ll do it.”
R. T. first thought Rodney Howard-Browne got it wrong (God giving manifestations of laughing). He even told his congregation that this isn’t of God. When he realized his error, he apologized to his whole church and said he got it wrong.
Today’s man allows the people whom God chooses to be used (those who are obviously anointed for a given task), even if it’s someone we normally wouldn’t.
You want the glory of God more than you want to build up your ego.
Will we be blessed if the revival comes to the church across the street?
When we come to the place where we only want what He wants….
Do you realize how little your ego will mean to you in heaven?

My notes: R. T Kendall’s 4th message at Muldoon A of G: On being tomorrow’s man or woman | Being thankful for everything! | The most neglected teaching on the Holy Spirit: The dove is a very shy, sensitive bird. You can be in a car and someone is driving so slow in front of you and the Dove just flies away. Or “I’m just telling the truth,” but the Dove flies away. Let’s learn to get the Dove to come down and maybe the FIRE will fall!

The Prayer Room at IHOP: How to navigate the Archives player to watch different sessions or to pause, repeat, …

UPDATE 4/2: IHOP’s Archives Player Has Disappeared


I thought I’d share what I’ve learned about IHOP’s video archive viewer so people can see different sessions or move around in the same one. Not everyone has the gift of geek.
First, starting only in January of this year, IHOP is now offering to everyone the ability to watch the 24/7 Live webstream for free!
Click on this icon at IHOP’s home page.

To see earlier sessions, or to be able to stop, repeat, or move around in the session, click on one of the Archives players: low, medium or high quality.
When the player opens, we’re watching the Prayer Room live. The slider will be all the way to the right, and the time will be counting upward until it reaches the two-hour mark, at which time it will start over again at 0:00. A new team will already be playing in their 2-hour session.
To go back in time and view earlier sessions, click the Jump Back icon in the lower left that looks something like |< .  To start this session over, click it just once. To navigate to the beginning of the previous session, click it twice. And you can move the slider anywhere in the two hour scale to try to find something you’d like. If this isn’t the session for you, keep going back until you find one.
Clicking on the question mark (on the player) opens a FAQ page that has some helpful info. I always set the player to full volume and usually open it to full screen (which isn’t quite ‘full’).
Incidentally, Matt Gilman is hot, hot, hot right now! He’s just personally really going for it right now! He and his team are awesome! Not just talented musicians, but their hearts are singing to God. “My soul followeth hard after You!”
I see now that this is an intercession session, heartfelt prayer for Haiti.
I also really like Cory Asbury’s team, and Laura Hackett is simply amazing. Justin Rizzo often has string players on his team, which I really like: string bass, cello, viola and/or violin. Sometimes this is so sweet. And there is this guy who plays a stringed instrument in front of him with hammerlike sticks. If anyone knows what that instrument is, I’d like to know. [Thanks to comment #1, below, I can now say it’s a hammered dulcimer.]

If you put your computer to sleep with the player open, or just have the player stopped while the computer is on for a number of hours. Now we can move forward to sessions later than the one we had been viewing by clicking on the Jump Forward >| icon.
Yes, this is where I watch the IHOPU Awakening. It’s so nice to be able to pause the broadcast to watch the rest of the 6-hour meeting another time. Or we can watch something again. This is how I’ve transcribed some of Wes Hall’s remarkable comments.
Though this looks like it could be downloading the music into the player on our computer, apparently it just streams what we’re watching, and then dumps the data as we move on. THis explains why there is always a bit of lag each time we move the slider (and wait for the new data to come).
Every so often, I refresh my browser, and sometimes even restart the computer if the browser bogs down or the player doesn’t work right. It helps to have lots of RAM (memory) installed if you’ll be having a number of programs open at the same time. It’s a good idea to empty the web browser’s cache at least daily.
I would like to thank Mike Bickle for pioneering this amazing endeavor and all of the people involved. There is a DONATE tab “to keep the fire burning.”
It’s all about ONE happening!

Watching R. T. Kendall via live webstream: My notes — "The Anointing: Yesterday's Man"

R. T. Kendall’s second message at Muldoon Community Assembly
R. T. is talking about mainly doing the things that are easy for us to do — what we are designed and anointed, called by God to do.


R. T. is using Saul’s life as an example.
“The Anointing: Yesterday’s Man”
R. T.’s book on this subject: The Anointing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Most people have jobs they shouldn’t have. Many were fine in what they were doing, but then they took the upgrade. They took the upgrade to supervisor or manager because of the prestige, but they aren’t gifted in that….
Many like the prestige of being head pastor, etc.. “The Peter Principle.”
Accept the limits of your anointing. Walk in your grace. Be honest at what you’re good at and not jealous at someone else who has a different gift.
What God calls you to do you will be able to do — and you won’t struggle.”
R. T. says it’s easy for him to publicly speak.
R. T. isn’t excited about not being good at algebra, but he’s found some things he’s good at.
Be content in the way God made you.
We need to hear His voice. As long as we can hear God’s voice we are not yesterday’s man or woman.
How people become yesterday’s man or woman:
• By putting ourselves above the Word.
If you want to become a fool, imagine God showed you something that contradicts the scripture.
We must all submit to scripture.
• When we take ourselves too seriously
They don’t want correction; can’t laugh at themselves, can’t bear criticism.
The greatest freedom is having nothing to prove.
When you live in your anointing…
Yesterdays’ man is consumed with jealousy
• When you can no longer keep your word
Many today are consumed with jealousy. [which is in the Galatians-5 list of those who won’t inherit the kingdom of God (who are not Christ’s), by the way]
Talking about The Lakeland Revival. R. T. could see early on, and spoke out; though, many leaders jumped right in. Some of the leaders still won’t admit they got it wrong.
• Won’t be accountable to anybody
“I’m accountable to God, thank you.”
He talked about a formerly greatly gifted prophet [whom I am quite familiar with] who recently fell badly, and is now yesterday’s man. [That’s sad to hear. I was hoping he was doing better.]

Awesome R. T. Kendall forgiving message and response at ALCC today! | My personal blog | Watch R. T. live online speak at the Holy Spirit Conference in Anchorage 1/31 – 2/3!

UPDATED after hearing R. T.’s message, tonight.
This is a follow-up of: Alaska: R. T. Kendall, author of “Total Forgiveness” (a forgive-others-&-be-free book) will be speaking at Abbott Loop on Sunday
Wow! The R. T. Kendall’s message on forgiving couldn’t have been better at Abbott Loop this morning — seriously! I have never heard anyone ever really speak of how to totally forgive; though, I’ve been researching this for two decades.
R. T. did it in about 45 minutes, using the Joseph example as a back-drop. And the people responded virtually en masse! Art Mathias had laid the foundation, and R. T. Kendall is bringing us toward home plate. We’re not there yet, though.
I’m so excited — floored — dumfounded! We now have the fruitful garden from which the never-ending revival will happen big-time!!! A revival that will simply be real Christianity flourishing in our midst for ever. The never-ending revival!!! I see it!
I took a bunch of pics during the message that I hope to post soon either here, or at my personal blog, or both. I haven’t decided where to post things yet. I do have a personal category here at ONEcanhappen, and my personal blog is so filled with Cargo’s Last Stand and other photos. I guess I’ll just play it all by ear, post by post. I don’t want to unnecessarily alienate people who are visiting to look at photos at by putting a lot of spiritual stuff on there. But on the other hand, the spiritual stuff that is happening now is so cool (and the world is getting so dark) that I think less and less people will be offended. isn’t prominently linked from ToBeFree or ONEcanhappen, because I’ve been out of touch with my webMASTER for quite a while now. He taught me a lot, but he did the linked icons on the right side of the site. I can’t do what he can do.
Anyway, the last thing I wanted to mention here is that I just found out today that R. T. Kendall is up here for a conference at Muldoon Community Assembly of God church, here in Anchorage. It looks like he’ll be speaking all four days, starting in a few minutes. Here is the schedule: And this is where the conference can be watched online (but apparently only as a live stream):

Jeff : )

I just watched R. T. speak his message, tonight, online.
The sound was pretty poor, but I could make out most of the words by cranking up my amp.
It looks like they’ve figured it out now.
Also, there’s no need to login. That’s just for the chat room.
R. T. spoke the same message tonight that he spoke at Abbott Loop this morning — to my delight! And he added one aspect that I didn’t catch this morning: that it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict those who’ve hurt us. It’s not ours. We can just totally let it go, trusting God to do His job — not taking on His job.
The seven points he makes are incredible. I’ll probably be posting more on this teaching in the near future.
I would love to ask R. T. how he came up with these seven points. He mentioned a few personal examples in these messages, but it would be wonderful to hear how he has put together what I have seen no one else achieve.
Praise God!!!!!!! I’ve been so hungry to find forgiving teaching that actually totally works….
: )
My notes: R. T Kendall’s 4th message at Muldoon A of G: On being tomorrow’s man or woman | Being thankful for everything! | The most neglected teaching on the Holy Spirit: The dove is a very shy, sensitive bird. You can be in a car and someone is driving so slow in front of you and the Dove just flies away. Or “I’m just telling the truth,” but the Dove flies away. Let’s learn to get the Dove to come down and maybe the FIRE will fall!

There is A RIVER, the streams of which make the city of God glad! "Drink from THE WELL that will never run dry! Drink from THE WELL that will never run dry! Drink from THE WELL that will never run dry!!!"

I’m encouraged!
A song with The River theme was HOT at the IHOP revival last night! And then they sang “YOU are Good” — my favorite song from John Tesh’s Worship at Red Rocks. (Red Rocks Platinum is still available for $12 — 2 CDs & 1 DVD!)

Lord You are good
And Your mercy endureth forever

You are good, all the time
All the time, You are good

Red Rocks was good, but this last 45 minutes of today’s 6-hour revival was INCREDIBLY, POWERFULLY WONDERFUL!!!!!!! I probably watched it 5 times already (possible for subscribers).
Worship leader was Matt Gilman. Awesome job! All the glory to God!!! Everyone was having so much fun — clean fun! And the lead guitarist— WOW!! I hope The Edge gets to see this. This is how U2 concerts should be — clean, with hearts magnifying God! And…
And Jesus was clearly smiling too; and smiling on — empowering — making this night sooooooo special!!!!!!!
And then the clapping sounded like Riverdance!!!
It would be great if IHOP would put together a best-of DVD set, or post some of this online. If anyone finds key footage somewhere, please let me know.
May God’s people arise!

Drink from THE WELL that will never run dry!
Drink from THE WELL that will never run dry!
Drink from THE WELL that will never run dry!!!

Psalm 46

1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

2 Therefore we won’t be afraid, though the earth changes, though the mountains are shaken into the heart of the seas;

3 though its waters roar and are troubled, though the mountains tremble with their swelling. Selah.

4 There is a river, the streams of which make the city of God glad, the holy place of the tents of the Most High.

5 God is in her midst. She shall not be moved. God will help her at dawn.

6 The nations raged. The kingdoms were moved. He lifted his voice, and the earth melted.

7 Yahweh of Armies is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

Matt Gilman: You are Good medley (onething’08)
John Tesh: You are Good! (Worship at Red Rocks)

Finally — where I stand on Catholicism

I just wrote another long comment, responding to a learned Catholic reader, Paul, who has this website Apostolic Apologetics, finally stating why I believe many of the doctrines in the Catholic Church are not biblical — why I believe the Catholic Church is largely a deception.
Up until this point, I’ve only touched upon this, but Paul put me over the edge, which I think is a good thing.
The dialogue starts here:, if you’re interested. We go into a lot of subjects, and it may not be over yet. Feel free to chime in.
I’ve also decided to add a new category on this subject, which I’m calling “The Catholic Deception • ONE!”, which I’ll retrofit into the few other posts I’ve posted on this subject.
Jeff Fenske

I’ve finally shared much of what I know about and what can be done through the TREMENDOUS and mostly misunderstood and underused gift of tongues. A reader thankfully put me over the edge : )

I finally spilled the beans about what I know about praying in tongues. It started with this very much appreciated comment by Monica, where I lay it out.

I first respond by talking about forgiving to get free, and then share what I’ve learned and refined since the early ’80s about how to get free by praying in tongues, how to pray for others to get free — even how we can know who is cursing us (bullies beware), lying to us, etc..

And it’s all related to this part of the Let Us Be ONE prophecy: A Gift that Will Set Many Free! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls)

Someday, I’ll probably write this up more formally. But this should help many a lot — those who choose to read this cutting edge, freedom producing overview of what tongues is really about and why it’s for everyone!

God bless!

Jeff Fenske : )


(audio) Speaking in Tongues to Drive Out Demons — A Christian’s powerbase! Authority over temptations. “You can win, and win big!!”
Nightline: Speaking in tongues medical study PROVES Holy Spirit praying

How to speak in tongues as the Holy Spirit enables you

How to speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit leads you

Jim Feeney: Why Speak in Tongues? (Is Speaking in Tongues of God? Is It for Today?)

The SCIENCE of Divine Healing – by John G. Lake: “At one time I submitted myself to a series of experiments. It was not sufficient to know that God healed; I had to know how God healed.”

Charisma Editor: An Asbury-like Spiritual Awakening is the "Only Thing That Will Save Us"

All of my Asbury Revival Posts


As was true in other spiritual awakenings in history (such as the
Asbury Revival in Kentucky in 1970), people stood in front of
each other and admitted their sins, no matter how embarrassing

The honesty cut deep into human pride and dealt a fatal blow
against entrenched sin and religious hypocrisy

After hearing more details about the East African Revival while I
was in Uganda last week, I was convinced that this type of
movement is the only thing that will pull the United States out of
its current despair

We must have a spiritual awakening, or we die. Political
engineering, economic policies, government bailouts and stimulus
packages will not save us. No politician, Democrat or Republican,
will reverse our course toward destruction

From: Andrew Strom Revival School

SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: The Only Thing That Will Save Us
– by J. Lee Grady.

We can learn an important lesson from the East African Revival, which transformed a region 80 years ago.

The people of Uganda call it Balokole. In the Luganda language it means “the saved ones,” but the word became synonymous with the East African Revival˜one of the most significant Christian movements in modern history.

This revival had humble beginnings in September 1929, just before America’s Great Depression. Historians trace it to a prayer meeting on Namirembe Hill in Kampala, Uganda, where a missionary to Rwanda, Joe Church, prayed and read the Bible for two days with his friend Simeoni Nsibambi. They felt God had showed them that the African church was powerless because of a lack of personal holiness.

It is impossible to explain exactly what happened after this prayer meeting or how the resulting spiritual fervor spread. When God comes, unusual things happen. Within weeks after the Rev. Church returned to Gahini, Rwanda, Christians gathered to pray and confess their sins openly. A heavy spirit of conviction fell on the people. Whenever they repented for their sins and failures they would weep uncontrollably, ask others to forgive them and pledge to make restitution.

The weeping spread to farmlands and open fields. Unbelievers who visited these gatherings were converted after they witnessed the sincerity of the Christians. Repentance went deep. Husbands publicly apologized for adultery and farmers repented for stealing cows from each other. Eventually, as the revival spread from Rwanda to Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi, even the centuries-old tradition of polygamy (which was still common among professing Christians) was unraveled in some areas.

Balokole changed African Christianity forever. In a 1986 article for Christian History, Michael Harper writes of the revival: “It’s effects have been more lasting than almost any other revival in history, so that today there is hardly a single Protestant leader in East Africa who has not been touched by it in some way.”

I spent the past two weeks ministering in Uganda and Kenya, and everywhere I went I met people who still talk about the East African Revival˜80 years after it began. It breathed resurrection power into dead, traditional churches and triggered aggressive church-planting movements that affected a variety of denominations.

Whether sermons were delivered from pulpits or under trees, six important themes were emphasized in those days: 1) the blood of Jesus; 2) the name of Jesus; 3) the cross of Jesus; 4) the Word of God; 5) the testimony of the saints; and 6) the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Leaders also stressed the message of 1 John 6-7: “If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His son cleanses us from all sin (NASB).” As was true in other spiritual awakenings in history (such as the Asbury Revival in Kentucky in 1970), people stood in front of each other and admitted their sins, no matter how embarrassing. The honesty cut deep into human pride and dealt a fatal blow against entrenched sin and religious hypocrisy.

After hearing more details about the East African Revival while I was in Uganda last week, I was convinced that this type of movement is the only thing that will pull the United States out of its current despair.

We must have a spiritual awakening, or we die. Political engineering, economic policies, government bailouts and stimulus packages will not save us. No politician, Democrat or Republican, will reverse our course toward destruction.

Our only hope is that a backslidden American church˜a church that is as smug, blind and lukewarm as the Laodiceans-˜will “be zealous and repent” (see Rev. 3:19).

What encourages me is that God, not man, initiated all the spiritual awakenings of the past˜including the First Great Awakening, which gave our country its historic Christian identity. Yes, we play our feeble part by praying, and we must storm heaven. Yes, awakenings come in response to our weak attempts to repent, and we must passionately seek a fresh baptism of holiness.

But we cannot manufacture revivals. [I disagree. God has been manufacturing a permanent revival for decades but the church refuses to be Holy Spirit led. God won’t make us repent and get right with those who have been hurt. He won’t make us follow Him. The Holy Spirit has been actively calling us to repent for decades. I know, because I have been one of those whom God has tried to speak through, and the resistance has been shockingly powerfully active and fierce, especially from church leaders. See my ‘Christians’ Cursing People Posts. The James-3 cursing is done mostly in secret (continuing to this day), but I’ve also been accused of being divisive while pleading for unity — Jesus’ heart-cry for us to be ‘ONE’ in Himself (John 17). At one point, I got so frustrated that I wasn’t spirit-led either. I ended up saying too much to those who would listen and had to apologize. The point is that God has wanted real Christianity throughout the church age, and perhaps a real revival 10 or 20 years ago (even just five) would have averted what is soon coming to our once-great nation. But it’s not too late to save ourselves spiritually, and maybe even then to some extent physically – editor, Jeff Fenske] Pentecostal fire comes from heaven alone. It is a sovereign blessing from a God who loves us and desires to rescue us from ourselves. We charismatics have generated a lot of our own sound and fury in the past 30 years, but much of what we have created is a shameful substitute for revival. We must become desperate for the real thing.

Today our movement is mired in the shallow waters of self-centered, carnal Christianity. May God mercifully send us our own version of Balokole. May gut-wrenching repentance and public confession of sin interrupt our trendy worship services. May this holy fire spread until the people of the United States see genuine Christians living the message we preach.

-J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.

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Andrew Strom.

Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”
‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

"The Perfect Storm" by John Paul Jackson. What to expect in the next 10 years. To overcome, we must be right with each other: "You must have clean hands and not harmed others. And if you have, you must repent so that you can be clean" | My experience at Trinity

I know of John Paul Jackson from the Vineyard movement in the late ’80s and early ’90s. I experienced some of it firsthand during the first time I attended Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, an evangelical seminary in Chicago, and where I attended the Evanston Vineyard as well as a truly amazing Vineyard conference. Wow!
Unfortunately, this seemed to greatly anger some key theology and church history professors at the seminary, for many of us students could hardly talk about anything else and it flew in the face of what they were teaching (many of them believed and/or taught that the gifts of the Spirit had seceded, and they never seemed to talk about being Spirit-led, apparently reading Romans 8 (and many Bible and church history texts) through Baptist, etc. glasses).
Wayne Grudem was a noteworthy exception, who was actually part of the Vineyard movement. Thank you, Wayne!!! I remember him praying for me at the conference. And I think he paid a big price for standing up for what is right.
Seminary was one of the meanest places I’ve ever attended. Hate and anger was off the charts; though, the old guard tried to hide it. There is a reason why John and Chris Wimber died soon afterward. See my James-3-cursing posts under the ‘Christians’ Cursing People category. It was hard enough for me, and I was just a student. It was fierce!
This is one of the main reasons I haven’t yet responded to the Joe Schimmel post comments, as I had planned to. Most of the professors were Calvinists, and they mostly believed that God basically chooses who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. And they were of course among the chosen-for-heaven group. And the result of that doctrine, in my opinion made walking the campus sidewalks one of the most uncomfortable experiences in my life, especially when I attended the second time, after the Vineyard fire went out, and many of the professors and students knew where I stood.
The main leader of the movement, John Wimber, was also a professing Calvinist, and yet he desired to be Spirit-led, as was Wayne Grudem. So the belief in Calvinism doesn’t necessarily cause one to disbelieve in the Holy Spirit’s tangible, active functioning in our lives.
But it may be Calvinism that was in part the reason why the Vineyard movement basically ceased. Holiness died as a major theme, and what I call partysville set in. And this seemed to happen concurrent with John Wimber teaching tithing at Anaheim as the $giving$ standard. The old covenant law replaced being led by the Holy Spirit for giving. They had just built a new facility and needed to pay the huge loan.
I visited the new facility in Anaheim Vineyard (the mother ship) shortly after John Wimber taught what apparently was his first tithing-is-the-standard message. I saw it listed a few months back in the cassette tape message list. It was as if the Holy Spirit had left, compared to the presence of God that could be tangibly felt during my previous visit in the warehouse facility. And the Evanston Vineyard appeared to die also during this same period. Sad 🙁
And the music died too. They kept selling worship CDs for years thereafter, but the life was gone. And then Chris Wimber (head of music production) and his father, John suddenly died. That was a sad day for me.
John Wimber actually taught DWJD (Do What Jesus Did), and to a certain extent, many succeeded. Many also learned how to hear God’s voice; though, speaking in tongues was downplayed, which I believe is one of the greatest tools to battle the devil, including the James-3 curses ‘prayed’ our way by the modern-day Pharisees (basically). [See: A Gift that Will Set Many Free! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls). It’s time to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying. He wants us to hear His voice, follow and be free]
I believe John and Chris were James-3 cursed to death. I saw and felt the hate and anger firsthand. I had to pray a lot just to make it myself, and I was just a student [During the second time I attended seminary, after the Vineyard movement had died and the campus was back to ‘normal,’ I had a dream in which I was told I wouldn’t make it if I didn’t pray 1 hour a day. So I took long prayer walks along the Des Plaines River]. Had there been more people praying in tongues, perhaps John and Chris would still be with us today to experience the move of God that John Paul Jackson and many others believe is soon to come.
[By the way, I should add that I also spent some time at Fuller Theological Seminary trying to more fully understand how John Wimber’s signs and wonders class affected the campus. There was a much lighter, less oppressive and more joyous feel there.]
“Without holiness, no one will see God,” but with holiness we will! John Paul Jackson here talks about how we must be right with everyone in order to participate in this coming revival, saying: “you must have clean hands and not [have] harmed others. And if you have, you must repent so that you can be clean.”
This coming move will be awesome, and a combination of increased suffering and sound doctrine (finally) will I believe allow this coming move one that will never stop. Calvinism and tithing were factors that I believe caused the Vineyard revival cistern to no longer hold water. Sound doctrine, on the other hand, will create the groundwork in which God will move among us forevermore — which is why I spend so much effort trying to bring doctrinal balance into what is currently taught in Evangelicaldom today. Doctrine is key, and Jesus’ Greatest Two Commandments should be our main focus, with the Greatest Commandment greatest, but He also requires us to be right with all people, including the Iraqis, we slaughtered, by the way.
Most ‘Christian’ leaders still aren’t talking about this, but there should be repentance for supporting President Bush’s reverse-Christian policies. I believe this is one of the things that is keeping the move of God from happening. John Paul Jackson says that we must have clean hands in this coming move. Well then let’s do it, locally and internationally. God wants to move now, and we need Him now. This is serious. We’re allowing calamity to be needed in order for us to be willing to follow Christ.
Oh well, the main reason I started writing was to share this. I really appreciate John Paul Jackson’s point that what is coming is not the wrath of God, mainly. Rather, it is God withholding His hand of protection because His people are far away, and consequently, no longer salt and light. For example, I was told by God in my Let Us Be ONE prophecy that 9/11, specifically was a result of unforgiveness:

There is fear in My people—a fear that is great. You need not dismay, for I am with you. I am in everything you do, non-stop. I never cease.

Feel My hurt, imagine the pain, when you go your own way. I am in you, waiting. Let’s be one. Let’s do it.

There is another thing: a disaster has struck. People have been hurt, suicide bombings attacking towers. Why?

Do you not know that I lift My hand of protection when My people are far away?

We are one; we need not be far away. There is a way that seems right to a man. Disaster will result unless we forgive.

See the fallen; see them rise up and be refreshed as you give them a kiss, a holy kiss from above, pulling them up, giving them aid when they are down.

Let Me be in control; let Me lead your life. Do not be full of error, wondering this or that, going to and fro, not sure of which direction, being unable to forgive. Forgiveness is the key to repentance.

I forgave. I hung there and gave My life so you can have freedom. I hurt so you can walk in humility and be refreshed. You must take it and run, the precious gift of forgiveness, but not just for yourself, for others. Forgive and be free.

Jesus has wanted to protect us, to help us prosper in every way. But we left the way of loving everyone as much as we love ourselves, and now many non-Christians demonstrate more compassion than born-again ‘Christians.’
It’s not God’s fault; it’s ours. Those God sent to warn us weren’t listened to, and now we’re going to suffer, God told me, but it will also be a time of great joy and ease, spiritually:

“It doesn’t matter what the stock market will do, for holiness will abound and you will be ONE, living together, helping one another through the difficult times ahead.

It’s too late to reverse what’s been done, for My men have been rejected. There was a season.

Now is the time to overcome and get right with all those around, so you can be holy and set apart.

FORGIVENESS will reign from your hearts, and we will be together, embracing for eternity. You in Me and I in you. It should always be this way: resting, relaxed, righteousness ABOUNDINGyour hearts GLAD! …

Your heart will swell with love, and it will be easy to remain in Me when others are on the boat with you.”

Jesus said “now is the time to overcome and get right with all those around.” If we’re ready spiritually, all in Christ, together as ONE (His heart-cry for us in John 17), then we’ll be spiritually ready for what is to come.
It’s too late to reverse what’s coming. We may be able to slow down and even minimize some of the terrible upcoming events, but because of our willful distance from God and His prophetic people, we are now on an irreversible course that we must have clean hands and pure hearts in order to overcome in what is to come.
Some will ride our coattails, but it takes brave mountaineers to be willing to pioneer the move now while the ease of obeying is still not here. It takes being willing to do the right thing, like humbling ourselves to those we’ve hurt and admit we’re wrong. Why wait till we see each other in the grocery store. That may never happen. Our own eternity is at stake (see Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way. It’s so clear), and we can help prepare the way, because “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” The Remedy for James-3 Cursing & Partysville in Today’s Church is James 4.
“When we build it He will come.” What a glorious day that will be. And the revival will last and last this time….
Come on, Anchorage, are you ready?
Jeff Fenske : )

This is Part 1 of the Perfect Storm Prophecy given by John Paul Jackson of Streams Ministries. To download the PDF Document associated with “The Perfect Storm Series” please visit: [specifically here – ed.]

Blog With John Paul Jackson at:


In Part 2 of “The Coming Perfect Storm” John Paul Jackson gives some prophetic insight to those who are intimately following the Lord as they grow closer to the Lord in hearing the voice of the Lord not only for themselves but for other people who need a solution to some of the problems that he has spoken about concerning the coming days ahead. The days ahead will not be easy but those who pray and seek the face of God will find much comfort and direction for their lives and the lives of others.

Sid Roth Interviews John Paul Jackson On the Coming Perfect Storm. “The Woes of 2012! The Woes of 2012!” And Beyond-Asbury, ‘ONE’-Happens, All-Get-Healed REVIVAL!!!!!!!
by John Paul Jackson

[vision] Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!
‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTEDNow is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”
Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”
2012 forecast: Food riots, ghost malls, mob rule, terror. Trends chief [Gerald Celente] says people should brace for ‘the greatest depression.’ “This is the decline of empire America”
“Only the pure in heart can see God, and there is no unforgiveness in a pure heart” – John Paul Jackson
Regarding Tithing:
The Day that Tithing Ended — To Now Be Led By the Holy Spirit
Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.: Tithing is Not a Christian Doctrine
Many Pastors Still Teach Old Covenant, Pre-Pentecost Tithing—Not Spirit-Led Giving
Tithing or the Carriage Driver?
David Bercot CD teaching: What The Early Christians Believed About Tithing and Fasting? “You might be surprised to know…”
Teaching tithing keeps the little (and the big) children from coming to Jesus where they can have life!
All of my Tithing or Spirit-led posts

The Great Lutheran Deception Illustrated! A letter from the Lutheran high school I attended: "All graduates know that their life forever in heaven is secure"

Wow! I’m floored! Here it is laid out before my eyes — why I left the Lutheran church and never gave it a second thought. People, especially Lutherans, have asked me why I didn’t stay in the Lutheran church.
I received this fundraising letter recently from the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran high school that I graduated from in 1975. In About Jeff Fenske, I mention that there came this time in my life when I realized that I didn’t have love in my heart for all people. And I knew there wasn’t anything I could do in myself to get this love going. I had to be infused with this love from God, Himself.
This was the very high school, being surrounded by Lutheran classmates and faculty, even pastors, where I decided to check out every religion until I received from God the ability to love.
In this letter, notice the theme, in Christ alone. See how they use the term in Christ compared with how Paul uses it in Romans 8:

1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death. 3 For what the law couldn’t do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God did, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh; 4 that the ordinance of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

The Lutheran church doesn’t even offer a legitimate start to be in Christ, for conversions are based mainly on infant baptism and confirmation — confirming something that wasn’t legitimate in the first place. Jesus said we “must be born-again.” Then we’re empowered to be able to not “walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit,” which we need to in order to be truly in Christ and heaven-bound, which I explain in detail in Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way.
(transcription mine)

August 2009

Dear Friend of St. Croix Lutheran High School:

Over the course of five decades, many things have changed at St. Croix Lutheran High School, including the location of the school, the size of the student body, the number of course offerings. But one thing has never changed and unites the more than 2,600 alumni. That one thing was summarized in the choice of the graduation anthem sung by the Class of 2009, In Christ Alone. All graduates of St. Croix from 1962 through 2009 know that their life forever in heaven is secure because of what Jesus has done for them. As long as God grants St. Croix its ministry to young people and their families, may we remain steadfast in educating the total student centered on the knowledge that sure hope is through Christ alone. The theme, In Christ Alone, will be the focus of our daily chapel services at school this year.

…as we well know, education comes at a price. … Your gift…is especially important during these challenging economic times. …

[Signed by St. Croix’s president and missions’ director]

This reminds me of our class song they played as we graduated: “When the Saints Go Marching In.” But how many of us were even really Christians?
This also reminds me of a question I asked the pastor who taught our confirmation class in Wisconsin Synod Lutheran grade school in I think eighth grade.
I asked the pastor if other people would go to heaven besides Lutherans. I still remember clearly the circle he drew on the chalk board. And then he put some dots outside of it. He said everyone in the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran church will be saved (those within the circle) and then there will be a few outside (the dots) who will also be saved.
I hadn’t read the Bible myself yet to know the truth. We had only learned the carefully selected texts taught us through Luther’s Catechism and other Lutheran sources. This indoctrination is actually a type of brainwashing or mind-control, especially considering in the millions of prayers (actually James-3 curses) that family and friends ‘pray,’ insisting that parents baptize the babies and the people believe the doctrine from little on. Thus empowered by religious spirits, the people fulfill the desires of their well-meaning-but-indoctrinated-themselves relatives, ‘pastors,’ and acquaintances.
This is why people feel so strongly about their faith even though they can’t biblically defend it.
But who really goes to heaven? According to history, Luther didn’t get it. He never did understand the way, as I show in my Luther Didn’t Get It posts. He even threw out some of the Bible (especially the book of James, but basically Hebrews, Jude and Revelation too) in order to try to make his grace-plus-nothing theory work. But it wouldn’t even work then, for Jesus, Paul and other New Testament teachers also taught that abiding in Christ, walking in Love is required.
It’s important that we read the Bible for ourselves, which I did, and may I present again my compilation of what it so clearly says: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way.
May we be ONE by biblically and legitimately all being in Christ Jesus!
Jeff Fenske : )

Something Good is Going to Happen? Abbott Loop CC Cup — "Jesus is Lord." We MUST Die In Order To Live!!!

Watch this place: Abbott Loop Community Church, it’s now called. This is where I attended Bible school and had many great moments.
I also learned a lot of really hard lessons — “a torture chamber” — but better days ahead.

After attending there yesterday morning, I decided to put together this shot (with mostly Alaska wildflowers) —— for something really good may soon bloom!

I’ve been drinking out of these cups for decades, hoping…

May we be truly ONE in Christ — no messing around.

Those who have been hurt…
what about them?

Will love happen?

Will you humble yourselves
and admit…?

“Then the world will know…”
and see…

Jesus’ heart-cry in John 17 realized

ONEcanhappen when Jesus is Lord!

Life in the Son!


I almost forgot: the cross and the wheat logo on the right cup
The idea comes from what Jesus said in John 12:

24 Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. 25 He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life in this world will keep it to eternal life. 26 If anyone serves me, let him follow me. Where I am, there will my servant also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.

Paul taught (and Frank taught in Bible school) Jesus is The Pattern in Php 2:

1 If there is therefore any exhortation in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any tender mercies and compassion, 2 make my joy full, by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind; 3 doing nothing through rivalry or through conceit, but in humility, each counting others better than himself; 4 each of you not just looking to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others. 5 Have this in your mind, which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, existing in the form of God, didn’t consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, yes, the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also highly exalted him….

12 So then, my beloved, even as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God who works in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure.

14 Do all things without murmurings and disputes, 15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you are seen as lights in the world.

And in my logo at the top of the page is Galatians 5:22-24:

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.

We must die in order to truly live!
Let’s do it! Let’s be million candlepower lights — our flesh crucified — like Him — Christians!
Jeff : )
Abbott Loop CC Cross: We MUST Die In Order To Live!!!
My “Let Us Be ONE” prophecy
The Remedy for James-3 Cursing & Partysville in Today’s Church is James 4
Prophecies for Abbott Loop CC (If you have a word for ALCC)

Sad :( A Pastor-Cursing-People Example Here in Anchorage, Alaska! | The Theology of James-3 Cursing

Wow! I’m so disappointed.

I just got back from a service this morning in which the pastor openly led the people to curse the abortionists during the pre-service prayer. [Actually, I went to Costco instead of sitting through the service. I just can’t stomach this.]

He prayed that they wouldn’t be able to sleep, and that God’s wrath would be on them — among other things. Yikes!

What about the ‘Christians’ who supported all of President Bush’s wars in which we killed many hundreds of thousands of innocent old folk, adults, children and embryos (women carrying children)? And many of these people won’t go to heaven like aborted fetuses will. Over 1 million people (made in God’s likeness) are dead in Iraq alone.

Which is the greater sin?

We did it in the name of Love, and it besmirched His name. I don’t hear any evangelical pastors leading prayers of repentance for that.

First, we take the plank out of our own eye. Then we’ll see clearly how to take the speck out of our neighbor’s eye. – Jesus

This is reverse-Christianity, you all: killing innocent people with bombs and bullets and wishing people dead with our prayers (James-3 curses). It’s God’s job to avenge, not ours. We’re to be examples of Love: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Whatever happened to WWJD — What Would Jesus Do?

This is sick, that ‘Christians’ think they can curse others who are made in Jesus’ likeness.

James 3 totally spells it out:

9 With it [our tongue] we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who are made in the image of God. 10 Out of the same mouth comes forth blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring send out from the same opening fresh and bitter water?

And if we read carefully, the deepest place of origin is not the tongue, but the heart (verse 14). And the source is demonic (verse 15). We need to have clean hearts, literally. Then we’ll have FREEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee————–dom!!!!!!!!!!
The only way I’ll ever possibly pray anything heavy on someone, I let God decide what to pray, by either praying in tongues for them or saying, Father, you deal with them according to what you determine is right.
It’s not for us to specifically pray (James-3 curse) in God’s wrath. James warns us to not do this!

Some will say it’s Biblical because David cursed those who were about to kill him. Well, there is zero support for this in the New Testament, which teaches a new and better way by which we draw near to God, Abba Father, now that we have the Holy Spirit inside of us. [And just because we have the Holy Spirit inside us doesn’t mean we’re going to heaven. See Rev. 3:1-5]

Consider Psalm 50. “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought I was just like you.”

16 But to the wicked God says, “What right do you have to declare my statutes, that you have taken my covenant on your lips,

17 since you hate instruction, and throw my words behind you?

18 When you saw a thief, you consented with him, and have participated with adulterers.

19 “You give your mouth to evil. Your tongue frames deceit.

20 You sit and speak against your brother. You slander your own mother’s son.

21 You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. I will rebuke you, and accuse you in front of your eyes.

22 “Now consider this, you who forget God, lest I tear you into pieces, and there be none to deliver. [Hell – editor]

23 Whoever offers the sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifies me, and prepares his way so that I will show God’s salvation to him.” For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David, when Nathan the prophet came to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.

Worship, not James-3 cursing prepares the way.
May we be holy. May the blood of no one be on our hands. May we be clean, and be right with all mankind.

We are not God. We live according to His rules. He calls the shots. “Those who are led by the Spirit are the sons and daughters of God.” “Those who are Christ’s have crucified their flesh.”

Again: First, we take the plank out of our own eyes. Then we’ll see clearly how to take the speck out of our neighbors’ eyes. The Holy Spirit will give us wisdom how to remove specks from others when we remove our planks, first. And cursing people are huge planks!!

Just think if we actually Biblically were salt and light. That we would be ONE, Jesus prayed. How would this put a dent in abortions? How many thousands of mothers would then be inspired to carry their children to full term — those who now are going into the clinics to terminate their child?

Com’ on people! Let’s love, love, love — and love some more — being c a r e f u l!

The Devil answers the cursing prayers, not God, and then the blood (or their sicknesses) are on our heads. May this never be.

“Don’t be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Our goal is to be like Christ, to be ONE!

The greatest two commandments should be our focus, which means loving even those who would kill babies — which includes those who supported President Bush’s wars and refuse to repent (paragraph 4 above).

And the greatest commandment is to love the Lord, our God with all of our heart… — not cursing others from our hearts.


They’ll know us by our love —
not by our James-3 curses,

Jeff Fenske


My ‘Christians’ Cursing People posts at ONEcanhappen

My People Cursing People posts at ToBeFree

God’s Remedy for James-3 Cursing & Partysville in Today’s Church is James 4

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

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